12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 12, 1949 ' vfy.-v - Entire Blood Change Louil Castellanos, 26, army veteran, gets a new supply of blood in an unusual try to reduce leuke mia. His normal 8 to 10 pints will be entirely new after an expected 30 or more pints are passed through him. His father, F. G. Castellanos, watches Nurse Mary Crooks and Dr. Francisco Sanchez. (AP Wlrephoto) Spruce Budworm Threatens Heavy Oregon Forest Loss Dallas, May 12 A new threat to Oregon's forests, potentially greater than fire, was voiced in a talk by Lynn Cronemiller, assistant state forester, at a dinner meeting in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. The menace the spruce budworm brings a different type of challenge to protection efforts' of such organizations as Keep Oregon Green and the entire population of the state. Contrary to Its name, the spruce budworm is no respecter of other kinds of trees and is fond of Douglas fir, Cronemiller said. In an area from Oakridge to Crawfordsville, 130,000 acres of timber has been attack d by the Insects, and forestry officials plan to wage war on them beginning on May 23, dur ing the insects' two-weeks feed ing period. Fifteen airplanes and three helicopters will cover the area with DDT spray. An infestation In the Mount Hood Natonal forest is causing concern in the city of Portland. An area of 100,000 acres is un der attack by the budworm, and left unchecked, they could sweep the entire forest region. This poses a definite threat to the Bull Run watershed, and should it become necessary to spray with DDT near the reser voir, trouble might result to the city's water supply, Croneciller stated. . v Failure of congress to appro priate funds to combat the bud worm in the national forest by the time of the insects' feeding period means a year's delay in the plan to control them, the as sistant state forester declared. Although the appropriation may be forthcoming by June of this year, the damage will have been done with the feeding period passed. In three years, the bud worms kill a tree. The pestiferous budworm multiplies amazingly fast. Re cently an 18-inch branch which had been infested was cut and placed in an incubator m Hood River. Within a week, 750 bud worms had hatched and at the latest count the number had grown to 1.100. Cronemiller suggests that everyone concerned with the 7 WANT JOFTIsO fj "I WHITER US HANDS? Rain Dropt actually "bki" your hands, guards their imoothnesi with gentlt pro mmiok, tacn tune yow yie it problem contact congressmen to impress them with the urgency of the situation and the need for appropriations to wipe out the new threat to state of Oregon forests. Ham and Eggs For a Penny Los Angeles. May 12 (U.B Two price-warring drugstores served breakfasts for a penny apiece today. The war began a week ago when one durg store opened across a busy street intersection from the other in the Westches ter district. Price cuts on some SO items followed, hitting the one-cent breakfast bottom yes terday. Store Managers Tom Carpen tor and T. Z. Mays kept shut tling back and forth across the street, checking each other's prices and cutting their own. Both said they were backed "to the limit" by the chains which own their stores. Parochial School Pupils Are Heard Stayton A program was giv en at the school gymnasium re- cently by instrumental students of St. Mary's parochial school, attended by parents and friends. Partlclpfttlnf were Marion Sllberntgel. senior; Shirley Ann Klnti. Junior: Cferol O'Connor, Doneve, Ferit, freihmen; Kith leen Fery; Doris Ltmbrecht, Shirley Schotthoefer, Lyllt Mae Kline, Marlon Povar, Lola O'Connor, Marilyn Nokelby, Ard Himmir, Sharon Meyerhofer, Joanna Albui, Carol Frank, Lanlta Boe dlKhcimer, Mary E. Fery, Nancy Nlelson, Linda Van Handel. Rita Beltel, Allan Dotler. Robert Andersen, Marjorla O'Cotv nor, Joan Shaw and Janet Clark. The choral number, "My Own United stales," was sung by the music class. The areiorlan Ava Maria was sung a capella. "That Wonderful Mother of Mine" was sung by the low Intermediate students of the school, Marcella Mlnten, Harry Pietrok, Harold Pletrok. Oary Spanlol, Margaret Blschoff, Katharine Klrach, Terrenes Frost, Shirley Welter, Leroy Folts, Donald Murphy, Arlelne Bye and Dale Rubel. Taking part In the Irish Lilt were Lanlta Boedlahelmer. Marcella Mlnten. Sharon Meyerhoefer, Joanne Albus, and Carol Frank. Effective Irish costumes were used. Lylla Mae Kline was accompanist. Children who were prevented BLENDED WHISKEY 3.35 mld StQelgfSgl WNtlSty, Pv"gagnf JsSa g ssf Mtt SfShl Mevtral SpMtt ffafevaaa a ar from taking part In the April program, because of illness, will play their musical numbers at the next Mother's club meeting, May 20, at the school. They are Marcella Parrish, Maralee Frost, Darla Darby and Rose Marie Freres. At that time the first and second grade students will entertain their mothers with choral verse, vocal and rhythm orchestra numbers. Santiam Grangers Oppose Fast Time Lyons Santiam Valley grange met at the grange hall and voted to oppose daylight saving time. Giles Wagner was elected gatekeeper to replace Glen Rogers. June Hampton at Pomona was elected to replace Leala May White. At the lec turer's hour the Camp Fire girls of Mchama furnished the enter tainment, with songs, dances, baton drill and negro skit. At the close of the meeting refresh ments were served. The next meeting a strawberry feed will be held. CORNS GO FAST Kniov aukk relief and speedily remove aching corns wiu uun, cuanion- ids Dr. ScboU'e Zn pads. Coat but triflt. E Preliminaries Start For Lebanon Building Lebanon Workmen felled a massive maple Friday and be gan ground leveling operations preparatory to erection of a new business building on North Main street which will house a dress shop, a restaurant and a jewelry store. The new building will be located between the J. C. Penney store and Standley's service station. Den-Herder's excavators are in charge of preparation for construction. Closing Youth Rail Scheduled at Amity Amity The last Youth Rally for the season will be held at the grade school gymnasium, Saturday night at 8 o'clock Eingspiration, choruses, duet, instrumental numbers, talent from Multnomah School of the Bible, with Richard Patty, master of ceremonies, are sche duled numbers on the program.'' The speaker is Rev. Arthur Hoenisch of Dallas, an out standing youth leader of this region. ei Especially on eggs, you need the full strength and flavor of quit ity Pepper. Try Schilling Pepper for zcttful, appetising goodness. Schilling V Chicken Casserole T. -i.--.i;rMofoooito' . . I. A nr ..,edcrol. A" h spingu up. 7" ;htunalMuce """ ,d Budd.- - 4 , i ,p. mi., m ".rmUk, irring o,. - .7.:...,, .od boils. "'-'.. .ickeoto y -,. orssniwa I M... n. CUP u ,Wn. sad boils. Add 2 cut ce ihickeni a no dd I W- chMM, UI atrium l'tngCofFee omDl.m.. . 7 ' "fvin. el.r,... j,'". " of yo, woaderA.1 "oc" nd it. sonin. - . " oo'rolliel perftctio. . ''-,0rnifofm 2. S7lAnr fary6ocy tea M'Xs Srvs Gffee Tfjtmawt.nrta Mm Men bfavvattflTMrminidV THanfl. anirtiii bi chirk hiiw t KrunblirW f.n. I. t..kig mtw ri4 itt b.iltht.r, hiw gnw Hi cMckt, Thll tin, tt NtrM M.gh U ..ir lM4tBf yt mn fMaih f b (. for Ih m.llMC klcki. Oit. mt thick. M SMrt wtk TtlUl. XtuBklM. I SoW htvlly kf TOUR TRIAH61E DEAIIR U. S. 60VERNMENT INSPECTED Pork Shoulder 77 Jfjf J roasts InlMllJIJin 5 2 lb. Market c . u . u 150 N.Com'I St. Center Cut, No Shank The Best in Bacon U. 5. Gov t inspected Meats IWIFT'S SLICED sssawvifcu nvwi BACON " nn mi m SAUSAGE )(Q C Made from U.S. Gov't Tr LlO-V lb Inspected Meats Avty Leon Sugar-Curtd Lb. " HOT WEATHER SPECIAL Vi lb. Assorted Luncheon Meat : H5C Visit Our Cheese and Delicatessen Dept. Swift's Ready to Eat PICNICS Swell for Picnici and Sandwiches U. S. Government Inspected STEER SEEF ROAST Any Siia Cut to Order The Best in Poultry Rhode kland Rtd FRYERS Dressed and Drawn V 1 AVING 01 ENTER Stores SALEM WEST SALEM Vi Mile North of At Foot of Bridge Underpass Specials for Friday, Saturday and Sunday SUGAR Pura Cone. 25. '2.19 ICE CREAM All Flavors . . . .Quart 35c or 3 for 99c PEACHES yrup No. IH can Q tor 99C JELL0 Limit Fiva , , , . . eoch 5c PORK AND BEANS BEER (Eastern Goebel) 24 U-oi. bottles Cardan Q No. 2i IVC $2.49 24 12-ox. cam $2.98 VEGETABLES NEW SPUDS Hf ' 29c LEMONS Dozen 39c RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS lunch 5c We Have Plenty of FRESH STRAWBERRIES at the Lowest Prices Meat Department OLD FASHIONED FRANKFURTERS SSt 41c Made at Mon Ark MON ARK RING BOLOGNA 39c MON ARK MEAT CO.'t . French Souse Loaf Delicious Lunch Moat BEEF ROAST Grade "A" laaf 37c 43c HAMBURGER Mada Frash Daily , at Mai Ark MAN ARK'S OWN CHICKEN LOAF Delicious Limed Maat 39c 37c Our self-serve counters serve you all hours. For special cuts sec our butchers back of serve cases. Two Money Saving Markets Home Owned Independent aving (Renter Stores Vi Mile North Of tha Underpass At tha Foot al Tha Iridic SALEM WEST SALEM