10 TnpHal Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 12, 1949 IAC Employer Rates Same Brooks Mrs. Katie Sturgis and Mr, and Mrs. Ray Smythe of Port land were guests on Mother's Day of Mrs. Sturgis' son and The state industrial accident commission announced today it daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs would keep its present employ er contribution rates in effect during the year beginning next Francis Sturgis at Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kepley aUiJfi and two children, and Mr. Kep ley's mother all of Oregon City Lake Westphal Dee Whltlock Authorized Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Service Rep. July 1. The commission said it would were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Conn in have reduced the rates, except for the fact that the recent leg islature booster accident benefits 23 per cent. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Long went to Portland for Mother's COMPLETE $S 4C OVERHAUL e Day and were gu-sU at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jones, jr. The commission said industri Free Pickup and Delivery (Parts Extra) WE GIVE PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE. CALL US AND SEE. al accidents have dropped 11 per cent in the past seven years, Mrs. Minnie Stolk, Mrs. Mar garet Jones and son Harrison went to Forest Grove Sunday despite the fact that employ where the were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don ment is 45 per cent greater. Behrends, 4 J f es Bill Voiselle of th Dnvu drew a $900 fine in 1945 as a Giant When h tncot hnma run ball to Johnny Hopp, then wun me cardinals. Carving for Commons Workmen hand-carve oaken benches for the new British House of Commons, in London, which will replace the chamber destroyed by bombs. A Diver Demonstrates ioe Ann Uisun, oi oamanu. wnu., shows one of the figures that won the diving championships in the annual AAU women's title meet at Daytona Beach. Fla. 'The Red Shoe' Reaches Perfection Level in Films Art in motion pictures at perfection level might best describe the breath-taking production of "The Red Shoes," which 'will open in Salem next Sunday, May 15, in a roadshow presenta tion at the State theater. "The most beautiful thing I ever saw" were the exact words of four persons in succession as they left the special preview shown Wednesday afternoon The film was awarded three of the "oscars" of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences recently for best production in color, best musical score and best art direction and for this writ er's money should have won all the other "oscars" possible to be stow upon it. It Is the first picture ever to present a full-length ballet In its entirety and all exteriors were filmed on actual locales London, Paris, Monte Carlo. Nice, Cannes, the Maritime Alps and with that list of locales all done in technicolor, you can know the result an extravagan ra meriting all the "supers" you can attach to it. In addition to the gorgeous colors, elaborate settings and many striking effects, there Is beautiful music, a show in It self aside from the picture. Theme of the ballet shown in the picture is "The Red Shoes," based on a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen the little red shoes that never gred tired. Even though the dancer was exhausted and wanted to go home, the little red shoes danc ed on, taking the dancer through a multitude of scenes that allow the technicolor screen presenta tion of the ballet every oppor tunity for color and beauty. Even around the theme is the drama within the company pre senting the ballet, the story of a girl who wanted to become a great dancer, the stern taskmas ter who pointed out the sacrific es, the composer with whom the girl falls In live and marries the final choice between career and marriage and the tragedy with the little red shoes a part of the dramatic conclusion. Overshadowing the movie's story, however, is the magnifi cent presentation of the ballet. Many outstanding names In theater, music and the ballet are in the cast. Moira Shearer, 22 year old prima ballerina of the Covent Garden Opera ballet, makes her film debut as the dancer In "The Red Shoes." Mar Itis Goring of stage and film name has the role of the com poser while Anton Walbrook, who has had a distinguished stage carreer, has the role of the Impresario. Many other dancers of ballet fame appear in the show. The roadshow presentation in Salem, starting Sunday, w 1 11 show twice daily, at 2:30 and 8:30 o'clock, all seats reserved with an extra matinee on Sun day at 5:30 p. m. Hubbard The William Bateys have mov ed to a trailer park while he is seeking employment. Miss Carmen Cochran was honor guest for a birthday party at her home on the occasion of her sixth birthday. Present were Toni C. Painter, Marilyn Dominick, Susan Stauffer, Judy Ann Stewart and Nancy Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Welch were hosts to the following guests .u, uiu.ii-r Sunday: Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Cable of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shcpard of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Welch of Corvallis, Mrs. Ruth Mulkey and son, Bobby, of Hillsboro, Mrs. J. A. Evans of Woodburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans of Hubbard. Dayton Guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. Earle Coburn were their son, Cpl. Robert E. Co- burn and Cpl. John Miller of Ft. Lewis, Wash., who were here on a three day pass. Mrs. Claretta Donaldson, mother of Mrs. Coburn, returned here for an indefinite stay. She had been visiting a daughter, Mrs. Rosalie Andrus at Monmouth, for the past to months. Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Willson that a great-grandson has been born to their granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Vanberger, of Klamath Falls, May 1. He has been named Wayne Amos. David and Garry, small sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Willson, had their tonsils removed Fri day in McMinnville. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson were her sister Mrs. George Orndorff and a niece, Mrs. Harold Studley and two children of Portland. Pvt Neil B. Trammell, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Trammell is here on a two weeks fur lough. He is stationed at Ft. Story, Va., and this is the first time he has been home since he enlisted. He will leave May 17. WORKS OVERNIGHT TO HELP HEAL PIMPLES 'RASHES When externally cauwd . . .Cutkrura Soap and Ointment promptly relieve, help nature heal. Contain valuable Kientirtc medical injtredt nts. Sattafacnan guaranteed or money back. Buy today 1 iwt. mi n, new i wRovto mm nws YOU. 00t MOfaJlNo'ttABfT.' Yea I Krllogi's Improved i0 Bran Flakes art crlspcr, tastier! Supply whole-grain TlUmlns. minerals, and extra bulk. Many dltta need this to help prevent coniUpa. tlon. Delicious way to encourage "good morning" habits. Let the whole family enjoy Kelloiw'i Bran Flake ... In the while, red and green package. Gooc?yxyes Mad thm gamfat Kfogg way JQf9 MOTHER KNOWS BEST I TALKING- IT OVER. AT HOME) Jhavewu usep this -Z3ZTHI If w1 C Iv. I new fleischmann's ' x!Ct5SsL W- mopes M L-ZrVil vtitJl Tr I A SUPPLY HANDY Prl' K-M ,Tu UAnB I M whenever v M WSa 1 -" jr h i "i ALL yOU POtS SPRINKLE ON TOP Of LUKEWARM WATER. LET STAMP 10 MINUTES THEN STIR WELL I SO. ..Get 3 packages at a time. Keep H ready to ine whenever yon want It. 3 times as many women '"k'FUISCHMAHIlS YEAST The practice of tatoolng de creased among primitive peoples with the advent of clothing, but is still practiced by civilized peoples. tllUUIIT! miltl LIIIM I'AIIKI t MM IIIPHIOi SALEM OB.00N CITY Journal Want Ads Pav toys to Sfofi at Erickson's Ask your neighbor where you can find the best food values and dependable quality and pleasant shopping condi tions all in one store. Chances are she'll name us . . . chances are she's been a good customer of ours for years. Our business has grown that way one woman telling another. And we want to keep it that way, by treating our customers with such consideration that they'll want to sing our praises. If you haven't visited as recently be sure and come this week. PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MAY 13-14-15 OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS, 9 TO 8 '.M. Morrell's Deviled !4 lite At" Meat, 3 cans DC 25c Van Camp's Vj size can Yellow Tail White Star V sire can tf Grated Tuna uVC White Star H else can af Tuna p0 43t Nalley's Tang Quart Salad Dressing JuC Champion, Nalley's Qt. m m Salad Dressing Hji Pint 23 c Green Spot Cut Green A A Beans 3 No. t . OVC No. I cans No. 2 cans Pel-La-Co Sweet Potatoes 2 ,.. No. IH Squat Cans Festival Brand No. X can Sliced Beets Larsen's 25c 10c uarsen s A A Veg-AII,2cans29c 29t 3 Sisters No. I can Whole Kernel, Golden Corn, 2 cans Mission Cream Style ffc m Corn 2 tall .,. IbC Rosedale Brand B.-,. Bartlett rears n0. jo? can Yosemite No. 2M can 25j losemue no. ty, can A A Peaches lit Yellow Cling halves, In heavy syrup Sprlngdell Sliced ' a a Peaches lit Freestone, in Heavy Syrup I.ihby's Crushed No. 1 ean A A Pineapple Lit Mission Setts- No. I can AA Grpfrt., 2 ens. 2VC KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE FOOD 21b. loaf 79c SHORTENING ; . 83c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE K- 22c Morrell't Spiced LuT,cheo" Mai SALMON r?sr k- 39c HOMONYM r- 10c SAUERKRAUT-.. 10c PORK & BEANS?:;:; 10c TOMATO JUICE 23c SOUP c,mpb'M Tomte Qq PEACHES t.:" 13c APRICOTS a.L? o,'unp-i,d2 ean, 25c LJ A ki Shank and ....Lb. 45c II AlYl Butt end Lb. 49 e Swift's, Armour s, Morrell't, Cascade. BEEF ARMOUR'S IRANDED Sirloin Steok, Lb 35 e Rib Steak, Lb., 53c Chuck Roasts, Lb., 49 c BACON SLICED Hormel's end slices 1 lb. 35c; 3 lbs. $1.00 Valley Packing Co., Standord brand, sliced, .lb. 49c SALMON lr.:00K 49c Sliced, lb. 55 c Assorted Luncheon Meats, lb. 49c Large Frankfurters . . Lb. 39c CHICKEN FRYERS . Each 1.49 STEWING HENS . . Each 1.69 FRYER RABBITS ... lb. 69c NUCOAil 57c Mission Macaroni Dinner A quick dinner A O C for four JL pkg. Kraft Dinners Four delight- A fill servings. . .Mm pkg. ZC Wesson Oil ti. 59c ph. 31c Sunshine 1 lb. box Crackers Ktispr ..ZjC Sunshine Fkt;. sj m Shred. Wheat 15c Kelt iff'! New 8 oi. pkf. fk Rice Krispies lit Peppermints Deluxe A A Mint Pillows .1 29C NALLEYS POTATO CHIPS 23c 39c PARTY PAK Beverages 2 Fresh and Crisp Large site packara Giant sis. package Quart Bottle AQ Plus for J7C Deposit 200 Count Avalon Facial Tissues Newer, softer, A JF stronger.... W boxes A. 3 C Diamond f Wax Paper RoII19C Cello Pk. .. ft. Paper Plates lUC ( os. Cold sj g Drink Cups lOf STRAWBERRIES 2 boxes 39c ASPARAGUS ireen Spesrs Bujr Now for Canning 19c 30 2.79 RADISHES OR GREEN ONIONS 2 - 9c ONION SETS 2,25e NEW POTATOES 10.-. 33c CELERY HEARTS Mary's Brand. Cello wrapped . , 19c C Cki O r-L. n 3060 Portland Road 3720 last Star Street