i mender, are C. J. Towe, Jake 1 Kaufman, Roy Davenport, Ed Martin, Orville Frank. Mavo Robison, Wesley GroRan, Arth ur Cottenberg, Oscar Edlund. Clarence Gaub, C. E. Hiainoot- ham, Robert Allen. Lewis Hall, George Towe, Gladwin Hamre, Duane Bradley, Earl Hartman. T. P. Heidenstrom and Hanj Olson. The Pet Parade commutes In cludes F. M. Powell, chairman, with eight assistants from the post and five from the auxi liary as vilunteer solicitors of the local public for awards for entrants, announced the data ofl the parade, the 18th annual af-j fair, to be Friday, May 27, start ing at 1:30 p.m. from the cit park for the through-town trek Justin L. Dyrud will lead his school band for the inarch. A) Adams is the be theatre host free of charge to all marchers in the parade, Saturday 1 p.m Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Wednesday, May 11, 1949 9 AS PURB AS MONEY CAN BUY Nominated President Tru man nominated Gordon Dean (above) as a member of the Atomic Energy commission. Dean is professor of law at the University of Southern California and a practicing at torney. (AP Wirephoto) Silverton Sets Crawfish Feed Silverton At the regular , meeting of Delbert Reeves post No. 7, American Legion, C. E Higinbotham, commander, the members were told by the chairman, Fred Evans, of the Friday, May 13, band uniform benefit dance to be at the ar mory. Local orchestra members will furnish the music for danc ing, and an intermission brief band concert directed by Justin L. Dyrud, head of the school music department. Roy Davenport reported the junior baseball project was com ing along fine and the players were beginning to make a good showing in their workouts. Wesley Grogan, chairman, re ported progress on plans for the annual Memorial day program George Manolis, general chair man of the crawfish feed, as sisted by Al Pearson, announced the date of the feed to be the evening of June 4, to be held at the armory. Assisting the co chairman, named by the com- BE SURE TO DISCOVER THE NEW AMAZING ONE-UNIT 0 SMALIER-YET AMAZINGLY POWERFUL! AND NO BUTTON NEED SHOW IN THE IARI JAMES N.TAFT& ASSOC. 118 Oregon Bid. Ph. 24491 IRIS FLOWER SHOW AT WHITE'S SEED STORE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 13-14 Come in and See These Beautiful Blooms It's New - Lawn Groom Does Three Big Jobs Kills Weeds - Fertilizes Lawn -Controls Insects 5 LB. PKG 1.64 10 LB. PKG 2.86 D. A. WHITE & SONS 265 Stat We Deliver Phone 22478 NEED A ioo f.f00 ., 1 100t.'100(k"o.. Auto or Personal COMMERCIAL CREDIT FLAJ IB(Bna.gaBlNCOnPOI(ATDiBiBiBiBiBM 460 N. Church St Fa. S-416S You bake your Jiest when you liake with (Crown i m Try the Flour Supreme jj h for every baking purpose StjSSSaj FREE y f) It) wheel alignment check battery check headlight test '4$, '47, '49 CAR OWHtRS Great Tire Buys! Famous U S'Royil Air Rides, ether mil-known brand. AO Ins than IS mOet. . SPECIAl-25 OFFI WALTER H. Z0SEL CO. rui with the Class of '49 ! For the day of days . . . importantly styled clothes designed to draw loud applauds from this year's young graduates ... as well as their fond parents. Penney's is headquarters for graduation fashions (plus all the "extras") that make this day memorable . . . forever! Graduation Suits Sharkskins Gabardines Stripes Tick Weaves BLUES - GREYS - TANS - BROWNS Hi) 5 1 Y ilr ft 1 l iwi rf c nnlir I SUPERB HAND TAILORING SEE COLLAR The trim Town CUd eoUar Una la designed W bug your neck naturally. Careful hand shaping and skilled band needlework mold k to fit neatly ayitboatf riding up or bunching SEE SHOULDERS Every one it hand aot and baited to gxv yon a Jeasual, easy fit that leti jam m-o-et The annr boles are taped to bold their eomfortable shape. The hand worked sleeve fall into a clean, simple; roll that denote excellent quality.. SEE LAPELS ."The careful hand tailoring that goes' fate every Town Clad suit readies a high in tho broad, draping lapels. They're band taped along the. frefl and interlined to bold those trim tines! SEE HYMO FRONT This is the resilient prshrunk hair canvas body1 Of the suit jacket. It forms a aprinry frame that) holds the clean, est lanes of your Town Clad a leeg as the ssrit lasts. Rows and revs of stitching, end reinforcing pre-shrunk feh, prevent bulge sy puAers 4 SEE FABRIC t we oaVj carefully malchrd U-lJ'5 oooem J wmd wonted bbriot TW ajMUty wmAf lamad m noro expemiv M-iM. Roixxly eW iosialt aa fBch mmfonoij high qvalhy is fabrici ami MfUnkir, Tint's bj injTm CM k 4. Ptnfte boy almytL TOWNCRAFT SHIRTS One of Penney's Famous Suptr-Voluti! 298 Ask any man who's worn one he'll tell you, you tmn't beat Towncraft whites for downright good looks, for comfort and for wear! Close woven combed cotton broadcloth. Sanforized', mercerized. N on-wilt Nu-craft collars. Now's the time to save! 'Shrinkage will not exceed 1. ! TOWNCRAFT TIES PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR STILL IN FULL PROGRESS! PENNEY! ANNIVERSARY 100 ALL WOOL WORSTED SUITS - MEN'S SUIT EVENT - O Singlt and Doubl Breasted O Sharkskins Ticks Stripes O Brokan Pottarni Menl There's still time to take advantage of this out standing suit event! But hurry! Nothing but the best in 100 All Wool Worsted Fabrics. Smart lines, hand tall ored at all key points. Features you seldom get at the SPECIAL LOW PENNEY PRICE. AU are values worth much more. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR Smart, New Patterns at the Same Low Price 49 Come in and take a look at the brilliant new selection of Towncraft ties! Sensational new panel prints, stripes, flo rals, figures! Acetate rayon satins, Jacquards. foulards! And colors to match your new shirts! Don't miss these Penney values! ",,l"?f:"? MEN'S TOWNCRAFT RAYON SPORT SHIRTS A Low Price for Smart, Dusty Tones 398 Smart sport shirts, made for plonty of practical wear! Comfortable ribbed rayon broadcloth. Pick stitched col lar, long sleeves, flap pockets, swing back! Mellow dusty tones are In style all year 'round Blue, tan, brown, green, gray. S. M L. Chemeketa & High Salem, Ore. SALEM, OREGON