t Capital Jownal, Balem, Oregon, Wednesday. May 11. 1949 f I f A--- Kuiauuiuui Zones Adujsted Polls to Head Legion Post Kenneth M. Potti was elect ed commander of Salem post No. 136, American Legion, at the meeting of the post Monday night He succeeds Homer Smith, Jr. Other officers elected were first vice commander, Wayne C. Perdue; second vice comman der, Bert A. Walker; adjutant, Ralph Atwood; service officer, Peery T. Buren; Judge advocate, Charles A. Jens; finance officer, Bill Letterman; quartermaster, Don Castello: sergeant at arms, Pick Irwin; chaplain, Rev. Louis A. White; and historian, Allison D. Fromann. Members of executive com mittee elected were Carlton Greider, Bob Green, Boyd A Babbitt, Glenn Harbaugh and Earl Adlers. Installation of the new officers will be May 23 with Kingwood post, West Sa lem, in charge. During the business meeting plans for the new building were discussed but definite details of the project plans will not be available until the May 23 meet ing. Two awards were received by the post, one from the National Commander James F. O'Nell for outst a n d i n g Americanization projects and a department cita tion for merit In connection with the Beaver Boys' State program. District Commander Walter Wood presented the district cita tlon. Because of the nearness of the state convention date the post decided to continue holding two meetings a month this summer Instead of the usual one meeting At the meeting the Court of Honor for Boy Scout troop IB of Kingwood Heights, sponsored by the post, was held. Thirty-five awards were made including first and second class medals and merit badges and service tars. St Paul's Catholic Groups Will Meet Silverton The monthly meeting of Saint Monica's Altar society of St. Paul's Catholic parish will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Scharback. This is the last meeting until fall. Assist ing Mrs. Scharback will be Mrs. Oiler Hall, Mrs. Raymond FIs-1 her and Mrs. Hugo Boehmer. The men of the Holy Name society and the Young People's club will entertain Jointly on Friday evening, honoring all mothers in the parish. This is an annual event. There will be short program, lunch and numerous prizes. Religious Movie Offered Scotts Mills A religious pic ture will be shown at the Scotts Mills Church of Christ Friday night at 7:45 o clock Shetland Ponies Born Near Salem A. W. Smlther, local Invest ment broker, who operates Crystal Springs ranch on the Vita Springs road south of Sa lem, reports birth of two Shet land ponies at his ranch, the only Shetland pony farm in the area. One of the new arrivals is a stallion and the other a filly. Smlther has IS Shetland pony mares at the place and one stal lion, Sliver King's Top Row, who Is of the King Lalrgo strain, King Lairgo being his grand- sire and was winner of 890 first prizes in various shows, con sidered one of the greatest Shet land pony studs of all time. Smlther considers his Shet land pony hobby one of the moat Interesting possible. "Why mey even eat less than a dog,' be said. Army Show to Open Portland, May 11 (P) The army and the air force will open n ouiaoor exniblt of equipment here tomorrow The gear will be spread over nve diocks of Holladay park on the last Side. Dallas Zones of the Polk county rural school district have been adjusted by the dis trict boundary board following the consolidation of the Mon mouth, Independence, Parker and Valley View districts. The consolidation formed a district of the first class and automatically removed It from the rural district. Five zones comprise the ru ral school district and have been adjusted to include the following; Zone 1 Bellaion (Polk county pert), oall Creek, Sheridan (Polk county pert). Orcherde. Bethel, Polk Station, Perry dale, Rlekreall, Upper Salt Creek. Amity (Polk county part) and McCoy. Zone S Zena, Kola, Oak Oroya. Bruah College, Sprtnc Valley, Popcorn, Lincoln, Oreenwood. Hopewell (Polk county part) and Mountain View. Zona I Pedee, Alrlle, Ward (Polk county part), Wlldwood, Buena Vleta, Suver, Mc- tlmmonde Valley and Valuta. Sont 4 Orchard View. Bridgeport, An tloch, MUUetoe. Oakdale, Outnrle. Black Rock, Liberty, Palla City and Oakhurat. Zona a Fern, Oooeeneck. Oold Creek Buell, Orend Ronde, Wlllamlna (Pol), county pert) and Pioneer. Three members of the rural school district board will b elected on June 20 at the annuali election. One each will be cho sen from zones 2, 3 and 4. Nominations are made by pe tltion, signed by not less than 25 voters in the zone and pre sented to the county school su perintendent SO days prior to the election. Vitamin B-l Routes Flees Los Angeles, May 11 UP) Is Fido a fleabag? Vitamin B-l is the answer. So says Dr. C. J Lunsford of the University of! California, in a report today to the California Medical associa tion convention. The doctor said B-l, given either by lnjec tion or mouth, repelled fleas in from six to 22 hours. Thursday, Friday, Saturday... Last Three Days -J -.- v ? MM T am MM m !i I WM Mm IV MW V it JT 'f- 87 1 lltMII HHeiH m-M "a.-- W 4. I. a ttft Extra-Thrifty Ford V-8 Rebuilt ENGINE Down 14.00 Month Few coal mines are more thanl fgl Xi& aa?la- 3000 feet deeP- I Z -a5rV 1 I HIRAM ir "eQ New-car performance at a rock-bottom price! Completely A I VaJsneT' xTdr rebuilt Ford V-8 assembly: materials and workmanship J ; "ALitn . ynjgf equal to or better than original equipment; reconditioned I ji? parts completely cleaned ond inspected. Thrill to new Ji ALLSTATE REBUILT ENGINE irftOtV W' i$ 'W prie! SINCE I85 1 $.0 for MERCURY '39-'48 j7 ALLSTATE REBUILT ENGINE 1FZ.00 1 B X riHT for CHEVROLET '33-'36 j0 1 ll 1 fLAnTrE,E.BM.LTENGINE 17A50 ALLSTATE REBUILT ENGINE ,,O00 A I j I for DODGE 34-48 14 . for PLYMOUTH '33-'39 163 I I An old engine from your cor regardless of condition. rl 7 V 1 Ste,T,re nSOTg Cros.RIm rTI Exhaust I'pF Allstate "7 i "Uv, k FSD v l7'1"' Sk I Aluminum polnled f GUamlng chroma- Jh'' lora,W oon-glora "t?J( Vi ! alaalbarral IVl ln. t ' jST l J aorbon iteel, 13- g . 4 plot with red I' M Vi 'i door-anlga mirror CW-H mmye Kb.otv.;s Scis.o Jack S Aths Bright Spot Light Intffllfn Wllrft Double plaid patterned fiber Reg. 5.98. 5,88 Heavy Gouga Treated Sleel Chrome Plated Brass SheJI 1I"IW" ,v t0 . j tll..f covers, tailored for snug, n0w J Chevrolet 068 . Cemied frM"? 8mooth , Duble,: '"S1 Btroni. pressed stee jack with reg. 4.59 A Reg. 13.95, now Q27 " " aeama. Styles for all models. Dall tfcGst bearings lifts 2000 6M-in. Head Lamp lllanDuo loilllt ' , FREE INSTALLATION pounds easily from 5 to 14 V Cut power loeiw wllh Ihh deoandob $poh obioch 20O0ft. owoy) Ml S60 X -It) 'IIIH I ll I llll "I" Coupe $5.75 inches. Extra long telescoping Alhlol. muffler. Added enter, ogoiaat a ravolutio. 1 hood pistol grip control, CWPW DAt V uilNOIS S-Door Sedan 59.50 handle. dono.ria goaaa. Kg roWel boHI-la total, rwrlch. S ft rodrr 71.95 ftrd Easy Wl Terms Made by Hirirrj Walker & Sons Inc., Peoria, HI. 86 proof. Blended whiskey. The straight whiskies In this product are 4 years or more old. 50 straight whiskey. 70 grain neutral spirits. SENSATIONAL 2 for I OFFER CONTINUED CGQOi One -Wheel Trailer-Reg. now. Deluxe, Streamlined Hauls 500-lb. load easily. Drives and parks handily, pull without whin at hiah speeds no side sway. Easy to hook on. Natural color. fe Station wagon styling. See it today at Sears! OTHER GROUPS S U IT. nd TOPCOAT .rh 5950 SUIT.nil TOPCOAT Both $7950 or . . . You Ms Have Two Suits for On Prlee Both Garments of Equal Value! TWO MFN, TWO I.ADIFS, OR A MAN AND A LADY MAY SHARE ONE ORDER! We have opened with a tremen dous stock of brand-new materl als. In this huge stock you will find every new shade, pattern and fabric. Stripes, checks, plaids, herringbones, sharkskins - tweeds, twists, serges, worsteds. These woolens are from some of the finest mills in the country. LONDON GUARANTEE Goes With Every Garment Every garment Is hand cut to your individual measurements. You will receive high-grade workmanship, fine grade of lin ing and trimmings and a perfect fit. You receive free alterations and repairs for the life of your London suit, YOU MUST BE SATISFIED OR NO SALE! How Can You Lose? Sturdy Top Rack Extra Strong For Big Loads 135 New Low Price. . Enjoy mar ipac IniteU your cor wMi this Hghrwsjitjhi, xtra-itrong baikvr (VpagrHltrack. Holds 400lbs.25-lb.wi Allstate Battery Guaranteed 12 Full Months With Old Battery , . 74 Our (owMt prletd AtUtot battoryl 39 plat BO ampsr hour capacity. Safety on-ipiU vents. Install yort today! LONDON TADLOtlS Get Out of tht Dork Into the Light with Allstate Sealed Beam Conversion Kits Fords, 1935, '36 Replace your cor't old, inefficitnt headlights with All state sealed beam lights the modern, safer way to drive at night. Complete with all needed adapters. 1935 Chevrolet Adapter Unit 4.89 1934, '35, '36 Buick Headlight Conversion Kit. . . .4.89 New Silvertone Economy Underdash Car Radio 189 Rich-toned Reception Has performance features found only in sets selling at much higher prices built-in 4 -in. speaker; built-in termi nal strip and switch for rear-seat speaker; built-in noise eliminator; automatic volume compensator. Worm gear tuning. Fits all cars. Exceptional value at price. 129 N. Commercial (2 Doors North of Pioneer Trust) cl&ai SEARS 484 State St. Phone 3-9191