Tuition Scholarships Are Given by OSC Mothers Clubs At the annual meeting for the Oregon State college Mothers' clubi of the state last week-end on the college campus, the scholar ship chairman, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, Salem, announced that the clubs will give six $127.30 tuition scholarships to the following men and women, for use next school year: Wilbur Allen Morgan, Hubbard, alternate, Robert Cort- right, CorvaUls; Charles ' W. Dane, Bloomington, Ind., alter nate, Andrew M. Nygaard, As toria; John F. Conrad, Enter prise, alternate, William Dane Wright, Grants Pass; Ruth Elis abeth Belsey, Portland; Esther Barnham; Barbara Breitmayer. These scholarships were award ed for scholarship, character and the need of financial assist ance. The scholarship chairman also announced that an emergency fund if $600 given by the Moth ers club from the scholarship pool, to be divided equally be tween the dean of men and the dean of women, each receiving $100 at the beginning of each term, to be given In grants or loans to worthy students in need of financial aid. Mrs. Emmons also announced Club at Amity Plans Final Meet Amity The Friendly Neigh bors club held its May meeting at the R. W. Konzelman home west of Amity, Mrs. Oliver Kosta presiding. Plans were made for the June meeting, which will be the last one for the club year, and will .begin with a 1 o'clock luncheon ' at the home of Mrs. Florence Turley. The families are In vited and the meal is no-host Mrs. Konzelman and Mrs. Loop will be In charge of the pro gram. Articles for the Civic club project were brought and ap praised at $25 and with the ad dition of home made candy, the club is ready to set up a booth for the sale of material. Mrs Turley and Mrs. Lambert pro vided Interesting games. Mrs Van K. Lawson, and Mrs. Ted Lehman received prizes, also Mrs. Claire Glover. Announce ment was made that Miss Bev erly Lawson will graduate from nurses training, Emanuel Hospi tal, Portland, June 20 at the Westminister Presbyterian church. The hostess served re freshments. Mrs. Ralph Konzel man and Mrs. Ted Lehman of McMinnville were guests. Guests from Arkansas Mrs. Ruth Hiltibrand Honored with Shower Monmouth Mrs. Ruth Hilti brand was honored at a shower with Mrs. Frances Grund, Mrs, Zella Roth and Mrs. Clara Jen. sen. hostesses. Each guest was asked to bring her baby picture and the eve ning was spent guessing. Mrs Clara Van Loan won first prize and Mrs. Lela Overs and Mrs. Ilia Price tied for second. Those present or sending gifts were: Mrs. Olive Gentle, Mrs. Lela Overs, Mrs. H. Morlan, Miss Nelle Link, Mrs. H. Van Loan, Mrs. D. Price, Mrs. Lilly Boothby, Mrs. E. Ebbert, Mrs. Hattie Schewitzer, Mrs. C. C. Powell, Mrs. Starlie Powell, Mrs. Naomi Fresh, Mrs. L. Bris bane, Mrs. Ruth Tompkins, Mrs. Lora Johnson, Mrs. June Frank lin, Mrs. J. Marr, Mrs. A. La- Rock, all of Monmouth; Mrs. Ardelle Butler, Mrs. M. Butler, Mrs. Vi Swope, Miss Hazel Hughes, Mrs. J. Rogers, Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. C. Fratzke, Mrs. Dorothy Kletzing, all of Inde pendence; Mrs. Myrtle Tilton, Forest Grove. The honored guest, Mrs. Hiltibrand and the hostesses. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Anyone Can Take Good Pictures With tht WHITll,nn (KodetLens) Kodak Duaflex that Roseburg local unit was giv ing a $190 scholarship to a high school senior for use at Oregon State college next school year. ine Mothers club passed a resolution to support the Ore gon State College foundation through publicity and financial gifts, annually, if possible; and also recommended that the local units make financial gifts and that members and friends send gifts of money and make be quests of money and property, etc., to the Oregon State College lounaation. Mrs. Raymond Kinser. me morials committee chairman, and recently elected trustee of the Oregon State College foun dation for two years, reported tne following names of persons to be honored by the Mothers' club by a $1 each contribution to the foundation: Dr. S. M. Zel !er, Oregon State college teach er, Corvallis Sterling Heater and Al Newman, Grants Pass, high school football players; Dr. Dan V. Poling: Elmer William son, Albany; Sinclair Wilson, member first graduating class in scnool of forestry. 1910: Mrs. Kathryn Hill, mother of Mrs. Douglas McKay; George K. Aik en, state budget director of Ore gon; also, $2.50 in honor of Lieorge Geisendorfer. Cascadia friend of OSC, given throush uregon state College Mothers' club by Mrs. R. N. Peffer, Cor-vallis. This year the Oreeon State College Mothers' club is contrib uting $1845.50 to the benefit of Oregon State college students from generous donations from the local units, life memberships in ine club, $1 each, throueh tuition scholarships, grants from emergency fund set up to be expended through the dean of men and the dean of women. philanthropic aid to the Little Beaver play school at Adair Vil lage, and Oregon State College foundation. The membership chairman. Mrs. Dale Miller, reported that the membership of the State Mothers' club had reached 3687. Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson. Salem. is president of the state group for the coming year. Henrys Are Honored Guests Smart Home Zena Pink rhododendrons and tulips were arranged about the rooms of the J. P. Smart country home when Mr. and Mrs. Smart entertained with a farewell dinner In honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henry with old friends as additional guests. me w. w. Henrys have sold their Zena farm and are mov ing to their home at Keizer next month. Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. frank Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Henry and the boats, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smart Tells Engagement An nouncement was made re cently of the engagement of Miss Paula Walter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Walter of Woodburn, to Roger Moen, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Moen of Woodburn. The wedding is to be a June one. (Jesten-Miller studio photo) Brooks Sewing Club Is Entertained Brooks The Brooks Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. Harry Bosch with Mrs. A. H. Jensen, president, presiding over the business meeting. Mrs. Quellin Hadley read the scrip ture lesson. The birthday of Mrs. A. P. Sidebottom was hon ored with a gift from her secret pal. Mrs. Evelyn Jones, chairman of the program committee, had the following Mother's day pro gram: reading, Mrs. Harry Bosch; reading, Mrs. A. M. Dun lavy. A game, "Pass the Package," was enjoyed by all, Mrs. Elmer Conn winning the prize. Refreshments were served to Mrs. George Lemery, Mrs. James E. Sayre, Mrs. Cyril Wal ker and Bonita Kay, Mrs. Quel lin Hadley, Mrs. Roy Reed, Mrs. J. J. Lesher, Mrs. Elmer Conn, Mrs. Willard Ramp, Mrs. Virgil Loomis, Mrs. Britt Aspinwall, Mrs. A. P. Sidebottom, Mrs. Arthur Jensen and Clarence, Mrs. Ambrose Jones, Caroline, Robert and Richard, Mrs. Willa Vinyard, Mrs. A. M. Dunlavy and the hostess Mrs. Bosch. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Britt Aspin wall. Officers Elected New officers were elected at the meeting of the Marion-Polk Medical Society auxiliary last evening at the home of Mrs. Wil liam Lldbeck. Mrs. Horace Miller is to serve as president, succeeding Mrs. Willard J. Stone in the office. Others elected at the meeting are: Mrs. Maynard Shiffer, president-elect; Mrs. Robert E. Jo seph, secretary; Mrs. Horace Mc Gee, treasurer. Thirty-nine attended the gath ering last evening, a no-host sup oer. It was the final one until 'all for the group. Hostesses with Irs. Lidbeck were Mrs R. Lee -Vood, Mrs. B. L. Trelsted. Mrs. Roscoe Wilson, Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Mrs. Willard Thompson, Mrs. J. O. Matthis, Mrs. Wilmer Smith. Missionary Council Guest Bacon Home Brooks The Woman's Mis sionary council met at the home of Mrs. George Bacon. Letters were read from foreign Mission aries. A short talk was given by Mrs. Betty Burton, about expert erfces in China. The devotion services was led by Mrs. Faith Stacey a recently returned Mis sionary from Shanghai, China. Refreshments were served to Miss Dormalee Bunn, Miss Eve-! lyn Austin, Miss Mary Goffrier, Mrs. Faith Stacey, Mrs. Laura Goffrier, Mrs. Betty Burton Mrs. Esther Wymore, Mrs. Willa Vinyard, Mrs. Helen McGee, Mrs. Lester Davis, Mrs. Cora Otto, Mrs. Maude Timm, Mrs. Edward Edmond, Mrs. A. H. Jensen and the hostess, Mrs Bacon. The next meeting will be at the parsonage, May 11, with Misses Bunn and Miss Austin as hostesses. Of interest will be a shower for a missionary couple from Oregon. iScablMl ITCHS AdrtrtlwBeat CScablta) hi hlrhfy Ma ui MB. Ut f If ..1 Itiml It una I. lb Itflta ar.ll hih IB mm la ardlnar a-. SOEA kills Im Iteb mltm Blnail tailant 17. Oal tart a IXSOKA treatatat to raaalrti. Al rr Ntarttt FRED METBB Drat Stetlaa Mali Oram Glvta Pranat AttaatlM. liPj JM5LA Stop in and let us show you this inex pensive, reflex-type camera. Has big re flex finder and flash shutter; takes full color pictures. Only $13.50, including Federal Tax. s La Your Safety May Depend on Good Vision Dr. B. E. Boring Optometrists or. Sam Rnchw Make sure that you avoid accidents by checking your eye sight. Blurry, fuzzy vision can be easily corrected and you'll step along with greater comfort and confidence. Come and find out HI Court AT BORING OITICAL DIGNIFIED CREDIT Pbons S-f Sot $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4H teal Estate Loans Fanr o City Personal AV Autr Loans State Finance Co. US S. Blfh St. 821 "I h Is tzA ' 1 I ft - f ' .r' . 1 KlP , ' " ' : t - r ' I ! V - 1, - i f Dayton Bride-elect The en gagement of Miss Irene Valek, Haunhtpr of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Valek of Dayton, to Charles Jackson, son oi .Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jackson, also of Dayton. No date is set for the wedding. (Ledbetter stu dio, McMinnville) Ash fords Entertain Lincoln Entertaining with a family reunion recently were the W. H. Ashfords of Lincoln on the Willamette. The family includes Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Dye (Vivian Ashford) and Linda Lee and Ward James, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ashford and Sarah Ann, Jason and Genevieve Ashford, students at O.S.C., and Grace Ashford of Willamette univers ity. Additional guests were Mrs. J. D. Feller, mother of Mrs. Ashford and Frank Ashford, W. H. Ashford's brother, and Lou ise Anderson of O S C. Mrs. Nelson Gets Cake Falls City me Loyal Wom en's class met at the home oi Mrs. E. La Duke. Business was in charge of Mrs. Howard Gram ling. Mrs. Richard led the de votions and read a Mother's day poem written by Mrs. Hope Junior Guild Is Entertained Twenty-three attended the luncheon meeting for the Junior guild cf St. Pauls Episcopal church, Tuesday, at the parish hall. Five guests were Mrs. Wal ter Worral, Mrs. V. S. Mumau, Mrs. W. N. Sparrow, Mrs. John Tyler, Mrs. Jean Quickenden. The luncheon tables wert gay with May baskets filled with varied spring flowers. A birth day cake was presented to honor Mrs. W. H. Lytle and Miss Vir ginia Nowlen, both of whom have anniversaries In May. The Rev. George H. Swift, rector of the church, came to the meeting to talk about the plans for the reception to be given June 14 when the Rt. Rev. Ben jamin D. Dagwell, bishop of Oregon, will be here for confir mation, the occasion also hon oring Rev. Mr. Swift on the oc casion of his 20th anniversary in the St. Paul parish. Mrs. Carl Hanson, member of the guild and on the Salem pub lie library staff, gave a review of several books on church work. Next meeting of the guild will be June 7 at the home of Mrs. Homer Goulet. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, May 11, 1949 UNIVERSITY OF Oregon, Eu-1 gene (Special) Selected a new member of Delta Phi Alpha, German honorary on the Univer sity of Oregon campus is Miss Virginia Huston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Huston, 2515 N. River Road, Salem. Miss Huston is a sophomore majoring in liberal arts, Honor Mrs. Ackerman At Mt. Angel Shower Mt. Angel Mrs. Ben Ack erman was honored at a shower at the home of Mrs. Val Eberle. with the Mesdames Joseph Brinkman of Brooks, Al Saal- feld, Mrs. Joseph Ficker, Mel chior Uselman and Francis Schmidt assisting on the host ess group. A late supper was served following games at Bin go and Bridge. Mrs. J. J. Pen ner was high at bridge and the other awards went to Mrs. Ben Ackerman, Mrs. T. Drysdale. Mrs. Pat DeJardin, Miss Lor etta Rehler and Mrs. William Bean. Letterman. Refreshments were served and Mrs. Bob Nelson was honored with a birthday cake, gifts and cardo. The next meeting will be at the church. Those present were Mrs. E. LaDuke, Mrs. Nel son, Mrs. Gramling, Mrs. Letter- man, Mrs. Cora McCoy and Mrs. Paul. WOMEN WANTED FOr beauty training. Ex cellent opportunities are al ways open to the skilled beautician. Clashes are now forming at Saiem's oldest and most advarced beauty school. Call or write for our new low rates. Oregon School of Beouty Culrur 230 N Liberty Ph. S6800 NEW LOCATION 1144 Center 8U Ealem. Oregon Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Mtara-lralt)1sUt Brta! Svrrlallit raaaa Office .40, Km i I Un Mentr t Free Park tn Spar ath AcrM ttrttt Iran Bar! N w "Saper Maratt ilm wv a V FREE SERVICE Ladies Be Ready for The busy canning Rush Bring in Your Pressure Conner Guages for a thorough check over Tt GEORGE E. Allen 236 N. COMMERCIAL ST. SA1IM. OIIOOM First aid for the tired figure Do you realize how much human energy is actually saved by food posture -by erect sitting, standing and walking? For the problem figure, a Camp Support does a lot more than first aid. By encouraging better posture, It works on the basic causes of strain, fatigue and backache puts you on the high road to better body mechanics for better health. And all the energy you don't waste helps you to feel fit and look fit. Let our trained fitter help you to choose the correct support for your Individual needs. Capital Drug Store State ond Liberty "On the Corner" Camp Surgical Sappw FMd M Ymr DocMr'l rtMrlplloa SHIFTS (GAJLdDMJE IF H& IE IE ave Dr. Pepper 1 Uotfle and gi Barrj'i Flavors J FOR VALUABLE GIFTS Set tht List of Gifts At Your Beverage Dealer By 155 North Liberty Phone 3-3191 CLEARANCE Misses' and Women's Spring Suits, Coats and Toppers at GREAT SAVINGS! MISSES' AND WOMEN'S WORSTED GABARDINE COATS MISSES' AND WOMEN'S WORSTED GABARDINE SUITS MISSES' AND WOMEN'S ALL WOOL COVERT COATS MISSES' ALL WOOL BROADCLOTH, COVERT AND TWEED TOPPERS MISSES' ALL WOOL COVERT AND TWEED TOPPERS 27 $17 $15 12 MISSES' ALL WOOL TWEED AND RAYON-WOOL GABARDINE SUITS 11 GIRLS' (7 to 14) ALL WOOL COVERT AND SUEDE COATS $8 DR. PEPPER BOTTLING CO. 1095 N. llUrty 8ai.m, Or CQmmtaOAL SECOND FLOOR