0 Capital Women Edited ay MARIAN LOWRT FISCHER 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, May 11, 1949 Nominations In Auxiliary Nominations of officer! took place at the meeting of Ameri can Legion auxiliary, No. 138, Tuesday evening. Nominations will be held open until elections on May 24. Names submitted by the no minating committee include the following: Mrs. Bert A. Walker, presi dent: Mrs. Sam Harbison and Mrs. Theodore Ullakko, first vice president; Mrs. Kenneth Schomaker and Mrs. Carroll Robinson, second vice president; Mrs. Homer Lyon, Jr., record ing secretary; Mrs. Ira L, Goff, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Edward Klippe r t , treasurer; Mrs. Effie Tyler and Mrs. Abra ham C. Friesen, chaplain; Mrs. Joseph DiFilippi, historian; Mrs. E. Jack Simkins, sergeant at arms; Mrs. Harlan Judd, Mrs. Elvin E. Thomas and Mrs. Fre derick Rowe, executive commit tee; Mrs. Carroll Robinson, Mrs. Dow Lovell, convention dele gates; Mrs. L. Leslie Beard, Mrs. E. Jack Simkins, Mrs. Carlton Roth, alternate convention dele gates. At the meeting plans were made for the poppy sale to be conducted May 27 and 28. Com munity service hours to date for the year were reported at 404. WOODBURN Annual elec tion of officers .will be held by Woodburn Auxiliary of the American Legion at the regu lar meeting Wednesday, May II at 8 p.m. at the Legion building. The refreshments com mittee for the evening includes Mrs. H. S. LeFebvre, Mrs. La Vern LeFebvre, Mrs. Gertie Johnson and Mrs. J. W. Rich ards. . Toastmistresses Meet Thursday Salem Toastmistresses club will meet at Nohlgren's restau rant Thursday evening for the last in a series of three special discussion meetings. This one to be a panel discussion with Miss Brenda Glass as moderator. The previous meetings in the series were a round table on the traffic grid plan and a grouo discussion on "Mental Health" led by Dr. Horace Miller, psychiatrist on the Oregon State hospital staff. ' Poinsettia Club Guest Falls City The Poinsettia club met at the home of Mrs. Harvey Marr. Those attending were Mrs. Christine Lehnert, Mrs. Bill Powers and daughter, Mrs. Lillian Kltchin, Mrs. John Gil bert, Mrs. Chester Embree, Mrs. Alma Freer, Mrs. Jack Man, Mildred Wray, Mrs. Ira Wilson. Invited guests were Mrs. Billy Shepherd and Mrs. Clifford Peeves. The June meeting will be with Mrs. Lillian Kitchen. Salem Boys Tapped By Class Honorary University of Oregon, Eugene (Special) Four Salem boys were tapped for membership into Skull and Dagger, sophomore men's service honorary, at the annual Junior Prom which was held Saturday evening, as a part of the Junior Week-end festivi- j ties on the University of Oregon campus. Tapped were Lowell Aplet, son of Mrs. A. J. Aplet, SO Childs ave.; Larry Meiser, son of Mrs. Bertha D. Meiser, Route 8; Donald Pickett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Pickett, 845 Marion street; and Beldon Ow ens, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Owens. 1893 Saginaw street. All freshmen, Aplet is major ing in architecture, Meiser is majoring in liberal arts, Pickett in business administration, and Owen in law. Mother-Daughter Banquet Monday The Ladies Missionary society of the Kingwood Bible school sponsored a mother and daugh ter banquet Monday evening at the church, ISO attending. Sev eral gifts were presented, in cluding: One to Mrs. John Beier as the oldest mother present; one to Mrs. Clarence Harder as the youngest mother there; and the third to Mrs Peter D. Loewen for having the most daughters present five daughters were with her. The program for the evening followed: Doxology, Mrs. Clif ford Schmidt at the piano; Mrs. Herman Boese, toastmistress; community singing, led by Mrs. C. P. Rempel; vocal trio by Salem Academy girls' trio Misses Dorothy Rohn, Pat Skaggs and Nancy Miller, Miss Wava Darby at the piano; wel come, Mrs. Robert Friesen; re sponse, Mrs. Lucy Lichty; reci tation. Miss Sherryl Boese; violin solo, Mrs. Elbert Faden recht, Mrs. Schmidt accompany ing; talk by Miss Beth Aebisch er, worker in child welfare with the welfare commission, whose topic was "The Ideal Mother"; numbers by vocal trio; prayer, Mrs. A. A. Leowen. Fete Seniors At the meeting of the board for Salem branch, American As sociation of University Women last evening at the home of Mrs. Ervin Potter, plans were made to entertain Willamette senior women at a meeting on Friday, May 27. The event will be in Baxter hall on the Willamette campus. Board members will be hostess es. Among program features will be a panel of international student to be presented by Dr. Charles Schleicher of the poli tical science department of Uni versity of Oregon. A social hour will follow the program. Mothers in ' Hi-Y Elect Mri. Daniel Schulze is the new preiident for the Hi-Y Mothers club, elections having been held at the meeting yesterday after noon. Mrs. Lloyd Hughes is to be the new vice president and Mrs. J. Edgar Reay the secretary-treasurer. Retiring officers were Mrs. Es till L. Brunk, president; Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, vice president; Mrs. Wolcott Buren, secretary treasurer. Twenty-five attended the meeting. Roth Holtz, the new boys work secretary at the YM CA, talked to the group. Plans were made to take charge of the no-host dinner for all Hi-Y members and parents the evening of May 18 on the occasion of the spring induction for the boys. Initiation Held By VFW Auxiliary Mrs. Charles Rum ley was ini tiated at the meeting of Marion auxiliary Veterans of Foreign Wars. Monday evening. An in vitation was received from the department hospital chairman of Roseburg, Mrs. Dorothy Teeter, to visit the Veterans hospital in Rose burg hospital day May IS. It was announced that Mrs. Joe Hornnefer has signed up 13 new members for Marion Post for the national golden jubilee year. The auxiliary will attend the Presbyterian church May 29 and take part In the Memorial day parade. The home fund chair man, Mrs. Lena Osborn, re ported her committee had serv ed a dinner for the Marion County tuberculosis association and the money will be used for the Oregon cottage fund. Mrs. Clarence Forbis reported several flags have been present ed to schools. Mrs. LeRoy Simp son stated the essay prize will be presented May 31 at 12:45 at the Salem senior high school. A tea for the war mothers and gold star mothers will be held at the home of Mrs. Rus sell Mudd, 1690 S. Winter St., May 19 between 2 and 5 with Mrs. Clarence Forbis as chair man. Mrs. Marvin Miller announc ed poppy day will be May 27 and 28 Marion auxiliary will join Meadowlark auxiliary for headquarters in the basement of Elf Strom's store. Delegates to department con vention elected were Mrs. Mel Clemens, Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs. Joe Hornnefer, Mrs. Doug las Parkes, Mrs. James Brail, Mrs. LeRoy Simpson, Mrs. Bob DeLapp, Mrs. James Hartley. DELTA GAMMA Mothers club met Monday afternoon at the chapter house and chose the following new officers: Mrs Lestle Sparks, president; Mrs. O. B. Long, vice president; Mrs. L. M. Case, secretary-treasurer. Invitation was received to meet with the Portland mothers on May 10 for a luncheon at Ireland's. The Monday meeting was the last of the year for the local group which will resume meetings In the fall. LOOK J&HO WRINGER! F - - i 8 ... tt " ' HOGG'S save you $20.00 with a new lowe r-thon-ever prict on the famous EASY SPINDRIER Regular $169.95 NOW ONLY $ 4995 PUa TOUI MDR NOW JOMUICKrt PlltVfRY Originally $169.91. Buying fameui-name weiher needn't stagger your budget Ye tare 120.00 an this leiy-Spindrler. Use our payment plan, say $15.00 dawn. WnH yew lalndriar la teasing ff weekly laundry shores, pay $6.39 for the next 24 sum mm l AST iff ACTIO TOP AY I I viuiNimTiiuriuuiMiirniHciiioMirniisiiii I SALEM OREGON CITY J ' 5 "r w j; v n l Recent Weddinf Mrs. Horace Hugh Mounts, the former Zella Alaska Zink, was wed here April 10 in the First Con gregational church. (McEwan studio picture.) MRS. FRANKIE DUGGER, the former Dorothea Barza, who was married on Easter Sunday, was honored with a miscellan eous shower at her home at 393 Tryon avenue, Friday night. Those present were Mrs. Do ra Hudson, Mrs. Rita Jones, Mrs. Elivera Beard, Mrs. Eliza beth Williams, Mrs. Ruby Schantz, Mrs. Bob Blanchette, Mrs. Thelma Crum, Mrs. Laura Strode, Miss Gaylee Klein, Miss Dorothy Winter; out of town guests were Mrs. Nellie Weeks, Mrs. Elizabeth Bates, Betty Bur ton and children, Dee-Dee and Rodney from Portland. Tea on Saturday Phi Delta Theta Mothers' club is planning a tea for Saturday afternon at the fraternity chap ter quarters in Baxter hall. The group will meet at 4 o'clock. WOODBURN Married April 11 at the bride's home in Sheridan were Miss Donna Harris, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Iloff Harris of Sheridan to Benny Miller. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Miller of Woodburn, with the Rev. Mr. Davenport officiating. Attend ants were Miss Jonnie Bell Haenny, aunt of the bride, and Robert Harris, her brother. A reception followed the cere mony. After a trip to California the couple will be at home at 531 N. High street, Salem. SPIRITUALIST Sunflower club is to meet Thursday at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Irv ing Zeller, 219S South Summer street. Gamma Phi Beta Alumnae Meet Gamma Phi Beta alumae gathered for their last meeting of the season last evening, a buffet supper being given at the home of Mrs. Frank H. Spears with Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs. George Beane and Mrs. F. C. Angle as co-hostesses. Plans were discussed for the two summer camps maintained by Gamma Phi Betas nationally for underprivileged children, one in Colorado, the other in British Columbia. Because Salem is so far removed from bpth camps the local alumnae voted to assist a local cause by voting a sum for a girl to go on one of the Salem YWCA tours this summer. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Douglas Drager, Mrs. Rich ard C. Nelson, Mrs. Walter Barsch, Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. Paul R. Hendricks, Mrs. Alton Brannon, Mrs. John Moritz, Mrs. Lyman Steed, Miss Martha Taber, Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Mrs. F. C. Angle, Mrs. George Beane, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs, Ivan Merchant, Mrs. Garlan Simpson, Mrs, C. C. Higgins, Mrs. Ernest Hobbs, Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, Mrs. Hollis W. Huntington, Miss Mar garet Simms, Miss Harriet Hus ton. MRS. W. L. PHILLIPS, ., is to entertain for her bridge club, Thursday, inviting the group for luncheon and cards. Mrs. E. J. Scellars i to be an addi tional guest. Party Honors Miss Nagunst Honoring Miss Florence Na- gulavwho is leaving May 18 for Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. I. M. Baltes and Mrs. Ted Daum were hostesses Monday evening at the North 20th street home of the former for a party. A gift was presented by the group attending to Miss Na gunst. Guests included nurses and aides on the day shift at the second south unit, Salem Mem orial hospital. Invited were Miss Nagunst, Mrs. Dale Creswell. Mrs. John Leahy, Mrs. Floyd Phlug, Jr., Mrs. Jennie Pierce, Miss Ellen Neufelt, Mrs. John Archer and the hostesses. VISITORS at the M. M. Magee home, Monday, were Mr. and Mrs. John Wright and chil dren, David, Margaret and Pat rick, of Hollister, California. Mrs. Wright, the former Helen Parsons, at one time a resident here. The Wrights were en route to their home in Califor nia from North Dakota where they visited with Mr. Wright's ..I.I! ' iciaiivtrs. VISITORS here for a brief time last week were Staff Ser geant and Mrs. Otto Bauer and little daughter, Kathy. They visited with local friends and were en route to the east coast Sergeant Bauer, who is the marines, to be stationed in North Carolina. Mrs. Bauer will be remembered as the former Barbara Cassell of Salem. Buffet Supper For Police Group Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom are to be hosts Fri day evening at a buffet supper for members of the city police department. The guests are invited be tween 8 and 8 o'clock. Clyde A. Warren, chief of police, and Mrs. Warren, will assist the Elf- stroms in greeting the group. Spring Flower Show Given by Club The Friendly Neighbors Gar den Club members held their spring flower show at the home of Mrs. E. L. Gray. Mrs. Virgil Sexton was guest speaker and judge of the show. Members receiving awards were: Dining-room First, Mrs. William Coon; Second, Mrs. R. H. Parks; Third, Mrs. Glen Ivie. Buffet First, Mrs. W. J. Hall; Second, Mrs. William Co on; Third, Mrs. E. L. Gray. Driftwood Mrs. William Co on, sweepstake. Coffee table First, Mrs. R. H. Parks; Second, Mrs. Letty Genre; Third, Mrs. William Gardner, Miniature First, Mrs. Eric Butler; Second, Mrs. William Sanders; Third, Mrs. W. J. Hall. Corsage- First, Mrs. W. J. Hall; Second, Mrs. W. J. Hall; Third, Mrs William Coon. Mrs. John Lindon was special guest for the evening. The next meeting will be May 19 with Mrs. Carl Gustafson as host and will feature election of officers. Rebekah Meeting Monday Evening Salem Rebekah lodge. No. t. met Monday evening at the IOOF temple with visitors from Oceanlake present. Plans are being made for a rummage sale to be held June 3 and 4, over Greenbaum's. The resolution committee for Mrs. Elva Estet will include Mrs. Elsie Papenfus, Mrs. Pearl Swanson, and Mrs. Sadie Henderson. The refreshments committea for May 23 will include Misa Lora Callison, Mrs. R. L. Apple- gate, Mrs. George Naderman, Mrs. Rufw Callison, Mrs. Glen Adams, Mrs. John Groves, Mrs. Clyde Bancroft, Mrs. Fred Bar ker, Mrs. W. J. Beard, Mrs. Al bert Beckman, Mrs. Roy Brem mer, Mrs. V. A. Cochran, Mrs. Richard Carlson, Mrs. Frank Conover, Mrs. Barker Cornforth, Mrs. Joe Cunningham, Mrs. George Edwards, Mrs. Gustavo Erikson, Mrs. Wendell Ewing, and Mrs. Gladys Case. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cladek will be in charge of the program for that evening. The Three Links club will meet Friday at 2 p.m. at the IOOF temple. Willamette encampment, No. 2, invites all Odd Fellows, Re bekahs, families and friends to a no-host supper, dancing and cards, Friday at 8:30 p.m. at tha IOOF temple. Next Monday evening there will be a program and those at tending are asked to bring sand wiches for two. Exciting Offer ENRICHED CREME SHAMPOO COMB In today for this amazing hair-beauty bargain! The new, salon safe, salon-smart im proved Richard Hudnut Home Permanent, featur ing tha same wonderful wava process found gen tlest and beat for waving thousands of heads in tha Richard Hudnut Fifth Avenue Salon . . . and ... a bottle of Richard Hudnut Enriched Crem Shampoo, containing real egg, to make your hair shining clean, ready for a smoother, easier-to-set pin curl , . . both for tha price of tha Home Permanent alonel Limited time only! Thi Richard Hudnut Hemt Ptrmtmtnt plus Richard Hudnut Enriched Cnmi Shanye . , . for only 2.7 flui taxi Capital Drug Store ttatt A Liberty "On tha Corner" 14th Anniversary Storevide Sale Re9. 39 95 Reg. 69.95 COATS $19 $39 Re9. 49.95 Reg. 79.95 $29 $49 Rag. 39.95 Reg. 69.95 SUITS $19 $39 Reg. 49.95 Reg. 79.95 $29 $49 FORMALS $10 $15 $19 One group Val. to 22.95 One Group Val. to 29.95 One Group Val. to 19.95 DRESSES Better Dresses tor Casual and Afternoon Wear. Famous Lrbels. Sizef 9 to 15, 10 to 2m. CIA 1 Group 3 I U Reg. 29.95 CIO 1 Group P I J Reg 34.95 Others up to 49.95 1 Group Reg. 19.95 1 Group Reg. 24.95 $15 $19 WEDDING GOWNS One Group $1 C Vol. fo S9.9S I One Group Val, ACCESSORIES GLOVES! Fownes Nationally Advertised Gloves Reg. up to 1.50 HANKIES! Reg. 1.25 Acme Mother's Day Gift PURSES! One Group Fine Leather Purses Leather lined. VaL to 15.00 (Plus tax) JEWELRY! Earring - Pins - Bracelets -Necklaces. Val. to 10 00 (plus tax) FAMOUS BRANDS HOSIERY Beg. 1.95 69c 85c 500 100 99c LINGERIE SLIPS! Reg. 6.98 Famous rand GOWNS! Blua Swan Reg. 4.98 . BRASSIERES! Reg. up to 2.50 BLUE SWAN PANTIES! Rag. 1.25 50c Reg. 1.50 75c Limit 6 to Customer 45 only. j Reg. 6.00 . I 21 only. I Reg. 8.00 . 14 only. Reg. 11.00 C ATA LIN A SWEATER SPECIALS 3.99 4.99 6 99 16 only. Reg. 13.00 1 1 Only Cashmeres Reg. 17 00 888 1288 14TH ANNIVERSARY "DOLLAR S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R For I Slips Reg. 2.95 Bed Jackets Reg. 1.51 Play Suits Reg. 7.91 Shorts Reg. 7.9 Brassieres Rer. 2.50 For X Slacks Reg. 0.98 Blouses Reg. to 7.91 Shorts Reg. to 1.91 Play Suits Reg. S.S Slips Reg. to 7.91 SO For 3 Slacks Reg. 7.9S Blouses Reg. to t.ii Dresses Reg. to 19.95 Oantner Swim Suits Reg. 1.91 $4 For. Blouses Val. to 10.95 Play Suits Val. to 10.91 Slacks Keg. 1.91 Gantner Swim Suits Reg. 1.91 For. . TT Dresses Val. to 24.75 Play Suits Val. to 14.91 Pedal Pushers Reg. 14.91 Blouses Val. to 10.91 Gantner Swim Suits Reg. 10.9R For...$6 Gantner Swim Suits Reg. 12.91 Blouses Pure Silk Val. to 14.91 Dresses Val. to 24.95 Play Suits Val. to 10.98 ON SALE IN THE DOWNSTAIRS DEPARTMENT MILLINERY BETTER HATS DRASTICALLY REDUCED AN lelet final Na credits, refunds ar exchange oup $Q 69.95 2.99 2.49 1.00 Ceun at Liberty 1