ti Capital Jonnial, galem, Ore Wedneao'ar, May 11, 1949 JEANNE CRAIN KNOWS Tough to Raise Babies? Try Bringing Up a Lion Hollywood u.H The way to bring up two babies, Jeanne Crain reports, ii to keep a lion around the house for a while. Child-raising is a cinch after that. Sounds a little dangerous, maybe. But mama Crain insists it's solved all her problems. "She broke us In on baby care," she says. "We mixed her a formula and gave her a bottle every four hours. We also found out all about vitamins and cod-liver oil and cutting teeth. "So, when Paul Jr., and then Michael came along, it was a breeze. We were used to hear ing a baby cry at S a. m." The only difference, Miss Crain's neighbors will tell you, is that the baby lion's "cry" sounds like a death call straight from Tanganyika. Shah-Shah, her name was, and she was a gift from Miss Crain's husband, Paul Brink man, who seems to be a lot braver than most movie hus bands. For almost a year this play ful 200-pound critter ruled the roost at their fancy hill-top mansion. Then she took to hid ing in the bushes nights and Jumping out at the neighbors. "She wasn't a bit dangerous," Miss Crain said. "Oh, now and then she'd bat a chair to splint ers. But she never bit anyone." Just the same, the neighbors didn't warm up to the idea. May be they didn't realize the Brink mans were cutting their parental teeth on Shah-Shah. Anyhow, they called the cops. They pointed out that Miss Crain's household pet had "play fully" kicked the sides out of her cage. She also tackled people, they said. "But she was sporting about it," Miss Crain protested. "She always backed up and waited patiently for them to get up off the floor so she could do It again." "They got a citation out against me," Miss Crain said. "Something about keeping a dangerous beast In a residential area, so we gave ahan-anah to i zoo. "People," she added sadly, 'discriminate against lions. They're filled with old prejudices." Last week Shah-Shah had a birthday and Miss Crain took time off from 20th Century- Fox's "Pinky" to take her a Millworkers Back on Job Eugene, May II Wl Three woodworking plants involved in a wage dispute with AFL mill men have resumed operations here. The 50 union men were among 1000 idled throughout the state since April 25. A spokesman for union local 2009 said the men went back under the expired contract scale of $1.77 an hour and would seek a new agreement while working. The union claimed the workers had been locked out by employers after Portland plants were picketed. In Portland, James M. Scud der, representative for the Woodworking ' Employers asso ciation, said the Eugene union had pulled out of the state-wide negotiations involving about 40 plants. He said the union had asked a 17 '4 cent an hour wage boost. Employers refused this. birthday cake meal mash with two candles on it. And not a single neighbor showed up for the party. ROOFING Now ti the time to order that new roof before the busy summer seoson. Expert workmanship with the highest quality moterial. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 Yes... Drive to M. K. N. Today and SAVE! On Carpeting By Aleaender-Smitb audita Firth Hightstown Mafe fw&m 1 On Linoleum.. By Armstrong Pabco Sloan Nairn ...And All Other Home Furnishings! We Give S&H Green Stamps! M. K.N. Furniture 1425 Idgewater Street In West Salem Plion. I-S4SI On laltm-Dallai Highway Aon. 1-441! When picket, appeared at the Cassldy Fixture works in Port' land, all the Oregon mills closed their doors. Keirsey Commander Sfayfon Legion Post Stayton Elected commander of the Stayton post American Legion at its meeting in the Le gion hall was Chester A. Keir sey, Sr., of West Stayton. Assisting during he coming year will be Ralph Rychard, senior rice commander; William Fair, Junior vice commander; E. G. Kreitzer (re-elected), adjut ant; Ken Hanson, finance offi cer, all of Stayton; Harry Riih- el. West Stayton, chaplain; Bob Lucas, sergeant-at-arms; George Cole, historian, both Stayton; Frank Senz, Scio route, Harry Humphreys, Stayton, Eugene Ditter, Sublimity, Fred Dick man, West Stayton, and Chet Smith, Mehama, executive committee. Leon Jordon reported on the junior Legion baseball program, and Keirsey reported on the progress made in redecorating the Legion hall. Delegates elected to the state convention were Keirsey, Fair and Humphreys; alternates. Ry chard, Sim Etzel and Joe Pieser. Construction Firm Has Branch Office Stayton The Yoder-Martin Construction company, builders and engineers, with head office Corvallis, opened a Stay-. ton office the first of the month in the office of the Kingwell agency and T. C. Martin's In surance agency In the new Star theatre building. Max B. Yoder and J. M. Mar tin are partners in the firm which is equipped with power tools to speed construction with sacrifice of effic i e n c y or eco nomy, conforming to FHA, lo cal and state requirements. An office at Mill City is also main tained by the construction company. Forty seven thousand United States firms had group life in surance plans for employes by the end of 1947, compared with IB firms In GALL lumiui i Mr, I Ke ftIM far s lai bMltbv bite fa with rutarkahla lmr niMfr cut) to lack f sv mt itMarkbl rwulta avf cine which ba uuiina flow of BMlthr bite. trie k.oo it coata ia mi i AUU5IM (caution, hm oni Thursday, Friday, Saturday ... Last Three Days! I mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimMtmimmiinmmM Mlt - sjpsaaaaaaaa -mm mi Modern bathroom beauty now costs less! Sensational savings during this sale! Homart 3-pc. ensemble Regular 78.95 Tub Regular 23.95 Lavatory Regular 39.95 Toilet W88 ll.M Dowa lt.eo Month You Save 15.00 on Complete Ensemble Shop at Sears and Save! This modern, practical, snow-white beauty works magic in your bathroom! That low sale pric. does wonders for your budget, too. Full 3-ft. recess style tub hat grooved hand grip and wide, comfortabl. ledge seat. Vitreous china lavatory hat deep, roomy basin and handy shelf back. Quick, quiet-action toilet in vitreous china. See matching ensemble today. Pedestal Lavatory Newly Design Homart Quality Vitreous AAAS China D-shaped basin fits against wall! Anti-drip back, bead ing. Chrome plated mixing faucet, aerator, pop-up waste. Bath Fixtures Complete Set Q95 Reg. 18.9S, now. . ' 1 Sets Only Includes holder, grab rail, glass, brush holder, soap holder, robe hook, towel bar, and brackets. ...J Medicine Chest Baked-on White Enomel finish 279 .. StoriT "!3Vl-l.wicobln.tlKn 2 f Ion ilMKm, f.H door bunpwi, pm ;'rj Deck-Type Stainless steel frame Faucet Reg. T.5 2" Chorme plated brass mix ing faucet blends hot, cold water to desired tempera lure. Plastic handles. Savel Homart Oil Burner Installed for as low as Homart Automatic 0 1 1 Burner designed to fit any furnace or boiler. First payment due Oct. 1 Let Sears give you a free estimate en your complete plumbing and heating requirements. Complete chest of tools loaned free with each complete plumbing installation. Homart Underground Sprinkler Systems Make Beautiful Lawns Sears will draw plans for . complete underground sprinkling system, showing all details, without obligation. Use our loan.r tools free of charge t. Install your water system SAVES WATER SAVES TIME Water When and Where You Want It Now priced within reach of every home owner K". MOT I I I I I ) i " j' ? fZZz I I ni ' .11.. .. St? T ' ' ' Kitchen Ensemble for Convenience, Beauty .... 19788 Us SIMS Easy Payment Plan SEARS CABINETS INCLUDED. RES. 209.1 7 PIECES Zt.t Dowa ll.M Month Here's compact beauty for your kitchen, priced for tavingt of Sears? En semble includes gleaming white 42-in. sink, two 21-in. wall cabinet!, two 24-in. wall cabinets, two 24-in. bat. cabinets. Hav. th. complete outfit nd modernise your kitchen now! 484 State Street Phone 3-9191 STORE HOIRS: l:M a.m. to Mt p.m. allf Ml a.m. to Mt p.m. Frl-day r