IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE USED Moon ST. ash Ambassador Sedan, R&H, real clean Ford Club Coupe, a Buick Sedan, a good car From $75.00 to $250.00 Several Older Cars that run good. PICKUPS AND TRUCKS 1942 Dodge Truck, Brownlipe transmission 1935 International Truck, real good 1939 International Pickup, a good one ANDERSON'S USED CARS Trades Bank Finance AUTOMOBILES 19l DODGE Bio. Bt at 7 I. 20tft ti ler i p.m. all JI:!S FORD convertible, tood tlrea A mo tor, nrw too. Radio & li.ater. See ! Route 4. Boi IS on 8. 23nd St. otf of MiMlon. am 1036 FORD 3 dr. Ph. 36438. ql!4 RECAP TIRE In popular alr.M. 0.00-16. only 16 95 txchnme. or 11.45 outrlihl on tour tart Montiomar Ward Co.. Salem qli- t'SKD TRACTOR TIRF.A, popular !, t5.00 and up. Montaomerr Ward At Co.. Salem. 1U- NEW MOWING MACHINES Both front tnd rear mounted, to be ised on Ferauaon - Ford - tnd Ford rertiuoo. Immediate delivery. ALSO 1 Dempster 7 ft. grain. drill. 2-way Llnde man plow, eulttvatora, buck acre per, ttc. Set us for your firming need. BIRD & ZYSSET FERGUSON TRAILER SALES tV SERVICE 111 Wallace M. Weat balern Ph. 1-6666 1B41 CHF.V. 3 dr. aedan In Rood condi tion. 1948 Hint) Torque motor, very aood rubber. Low mileage on new motor. Ph. 3-0936. 1114 19M CPJEV. Sedan. Maater 1176. Rt. 6 Box 434A Garden Rd QlM 19M FORDplrkup. Very food ahapa ma- ehanlcallT. New motor, rark, aood tlrea. Plrat 9306 raeh takea It. Willamette Valley Roof Co. 30 Lana Ave. Ph. 39604. .lit- 394 BUICK 4 door. RAH. Kood tlrea. mo tor, new paint. Will accept trada Ac tarma. 979S. See at 13lh Bt. Paint Shop S to 5:30; at 834 N. Front St. after 5:30. qll4 41 CHEVROLET 5-pau. coupe WOO. Spec ial deluxe Radio tJeheater. Ph. 211 09. 0.114' PREMIUM QUALITY Three of our finest cars '48 Buick Roadmaster Sedan $2499 '47 Buick Roadmaster Sedan 2199 '40 Buick Roadmaater Sedan 1999 Low Price Specials '40 Buick Super Coup .$925 '40 Ford Sedan 095 38 Ford Tudor 429 '40 Ford Coupe 727 '40 Packard 120 Sedan 795 OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center all' FOR BALE: 1936 Plymouth 3-door. New paint, brake. Mechanically food. Muat ee to appreciate. 1395. 1007 B. ISth. Hill Tlttl PACKARD. Radio heater. Excep tionally clean. IMS. 45 S. Comni'l. 0113 M CIIEV. Clean. RAH. Priced to tail. Wl 8. lJih after I p.m. H" Eisner Motors to Buy IftU NAKH AmbiAnador 4-dr. aedan. Low mlleaia MBS Ph. aMJl. gill 4a WILLYS W. D. Pickup Truck 140.00 or trade tood lata car. R. R. Rick. Stayton Phone Blut U4R. Ql Tit CHRYSLER Roral 4 dr. Ph. 1-7910 cr 290 8. 13th 1325.00. ! fat-a nrw rar hu come, our present car muat to. If a 1939 Old b puw. club coupe. Hew tlrea. new radio, heater, tood motor, tood paint tnd uphoUtery turnuehout. 1485 Madison. PhOne 3-0431 before . Eventnta. 2003 Painrounda RuBd Apt. 4. Phone 2-2513. QUi Tola Mrtrl RV Station Waton. Wood body in perfect ahapa IISJO. Sea at 3MS Portland Rd. t" IHIR PONTIAC Deluxe Station Waton P.' 1-407 exel. condition. )113 Teia mrv. 2 T. truck for aale. reaon ible. 4M B;iler Ave. qM2 40 DODGE BUS. CPE. $1155 In fine ahape. Out a. Com'l. put VUta Ukt.. left to 70 Ratelift Dr. PS. 1101 111 "hm modkl A. 1171. 410 Hickman Road Kenert. Jiil W 4.NTED Clean uaed cara. Bob llarr. 2140 b. Coml WW "covhlTlOH. tatf model 4-door Su per Buirk for aale at big eeving Ph. 3-5J55. qlll' PONTIACS 47 Sdn. cpe $1595 '48 Sdn cpe 2195 '41 Spt. cpe 995 '40 Pontiac 2 dr 595 37 Pontiac Sdn 495 47 Ford D L. apt. cpe. 1445 Herrall-Owen8 Co. N. Liberty Ph I4U1 Tht Tim It'a HUDAOR1 Srvic Salea Pert Home of Oood L'e Car SHROCK MOTOR CO. Church Chmekeu at. Pb. 1-110! e lift) PI.TMOtTH deluxe 4-door sedan with im motor A it. moo. lilt a. Sum mer. Call tfter 4 30 qui , Eisner Motors Fine Cars (AUTOMOBILES rieed at book or lower, Up to 21 y We finance through the bank. CAR LOTS ALBANY, OR I. HIOHWAY PHONE iU-R Sedan, 0. D., low mileage dandy AUTOMOBILES If You Are Looking for a First Class Used Car That You Can ' Absolutely Depend on Come in and See What We Have to Offer You THESE CARS ARE THOROUGHLY CONDITIONED Carry Our Guarantee 1S47 Frazer Manhattan 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1947 Ford 4-door Sedan 1947 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan 1942 Oldsmobile (6) 5-pass. 1941 Oldsmobile (6) 5-paji. 1941 Buick 5-passenger sedan 1942 Hudson tudor sedan 1941 DeSoto Sedan 1940 Pontiac (6) sedan 1940 Plymouth tudor 1940 Ford Sedan 1941 Nash S-passenger coupe 1939 Ford Deluxe tudor 1939 Ford Deluxe coupe 1939 Nash 4-door sedan Some Cheapies 1942 Willys Americar Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Standard cpe. 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1929 Ford A Coupe SEE JOE SPURLOCK Teague Motor Company 152 Com L Phone 2-4173 qll4 ru rime ira irjDaoNi Bemoe B.e ean Soma rl Oood Oaa Oara aauuxim MOTOR OO. Otanna OhanaMU aHa p .itt ZEEB'S USED CARS OT . KLL TRAD1 TERM! Ill ralnreundj Noa4 Phona t-1454 Eisner Motors to Sell MOTORCYCLED SCOOTERS HOMEMADE motor aeooter 931 or trad rn. j7u;a. qa.14' INDIAN World! moat modern aotorevdo CU8HMAN SCOOTERS WHIZ ZEB BIKES Oenuln parta. acrt tow atari model Sh rock's Motorcycle Sales vpen OTtrp avaniat tin i, HMdty throutl Prlday H0f Portland Rod - Pk. t-14tl BOATS onablo. Jnat Ilka new. Ph. 1-11 3. qqll4 I H P. Ol'TBOARD motor k boat 110.00 Ph3-3gai- qqlll' TRAILERS 149 LINCOLN houM traUer. Sleepj 4. 2401 N Com'l. t H7 COZT COACH trailer houaq. Elaetrle oratea. moo. 471 Madronft Art.. Salem Helthti. in? NEW KARRIALL TRAILERS l-WHEEL UTILITT TRAILERS redured from 1210 to I1M BOREBTEELI BALES Ac aERVICI 370 M. CHURCH WW 41 ALJOA 10 ft. houAe trailer. Sleep I AIao a wheel trailer. M Potd Bt tl 14 41 VAGABOND hM. trailer. 34 ft. 11300. Jenea. Howard a Trailer Park. tlU 'SO BUICK and 4 monthi old SPtrttw Royal Matulon trailer for aale. 131 Lana Avenue t!14' FINANCIAL $ CASH $ $25 to $500 rDRNITtlRI. LIVESTOCK IQUIPUENT LOANS UP TO 1100 Car Man. up to 1100 Coma to or pbona Hollywood Finance Co. 1HI Patrtrounda Road Acroej atreet from kank No Parking proktema Phone lion-Lie. N MM-iMl Plord Renbon, Met i OINERAL nilANOI CORP. LOAMS LM B-111 and M-tM and ROT R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS HI B Commtrcit Bi Tal l-fll f PRIVATE MONET Special ratej and tertna on lartei lOcne ISni and ahoft tint ptraienta ROT N SIUUONfl 131 aV h Comma rtlal St Phono t-tlll 4 real estate loans personal loans car loans state finance co. B Hit1 St Lie 8-211 M-JT1 1311 SEE UI POR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR INTEREST I to 40 Tear and Na Commiaeiot. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 144 Stat Bt Phono MM1 r AUTO LOAN8 WILLAMETTE rRmtT CO ill a Chureh Parklnt k Plenty PTi t Lie No M-at S-114 f Journal Want Ads Pay FINANCIAL PAKU AND CTTT LOANS ad 1 TOt' R OWN TERMS of repayment within raaaon. Caah tor Real Eaiau Coniracu tnd Seropd Morteates CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 101 Pioneer Trim Blda Ph S-T1AT r DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES All makoa vmo maehlnea lold. rented repaired Rood tftt Court Phone 1-41T3 APPLIANCE EE R VICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aarvlee Pree wtlmatea. Ti ede-ina accepted on ew appliance. Vitice'n Elaetrle. Phone 1-0231 157 8 Liberty Bt. o AT-UR DOOR ORINDINft '4nmowtr aharpenlnt and repalrlns Destera, Ph 3M13 o AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makea of Auto Radloa Morrow Radio Co.. 153 8. Liberty Ph l-4iS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlni aervice day phone t-tllt. Nlgnt 1-1104 333 Center 0 RI'ILDING, CARPENTRT Oon't put off aprlnc repalrlna, rebuild Inf. Poi q ilck. expert aervlea, suaran teed aatKfartlon. fh 2-4150. olio BtlLDINO CONTRACTORq Bulldlni a w home? Let BullWan Taylor home Builder build 11 for you Ph. 1-4479 or 3-7579. 0131 RUILDINO OP COL'RTS or homcj or builder of courU at 13th-Rural. Laoor plua S!. Satlafaetloo fuar. Ph 20SS5 Frame or mamry conat ruction, reatden Ual. commercial houaea relied. foundation. Alt Broa itlke Panek. 375 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-5101. Brake U Wheel alimlng apeelalUU O130' BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 20537. Bulldozlns levellni, road bids., clear- lna teeth for bruah. Virgil Hunker, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. 0134' CAAH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA oaah railater Al make aold. ranted, re paired Roan 456 Court Ph 2-8771 o C HIM NET SWEEP Furnace chimney vacuum cleaned. Enaley. 771 8. 3 lot ph. 3-7170. ol30 CEMENT WORRS "An ounce of prevention la worth a pound of cure." For expert auaranteed satisfaction new or repslr of founda tion, eldewalke. driveway. caU 2-4S30 olll DRESSMAK1NO Drewmaklni. Alt Shop, fur work, aew Inc Open May 1. rma 11-17. 100 Btate Ph. 3-7004. Ol 30 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vinee' Electric for electrical wlrlnt contracting, repairing 151 S. Liberty Ph 3-9239 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach Moth, Exterminator Service Ph. 1-3050 Let Cross. 1SSS Pearl. oi;W Braithaupt'i for flower Dial 1-1171 o HOUSE MO VINO HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS ). R Watktne Co products Free de lvery 1717 Center Ph 1-sm e' INSULATION ABC, INSULATION CO BLOWN ROCK WOOL 1131 BROADWAY. PH. 3-3741 LAND AC A FT NURSERT P A. Doerfler Bona. Ornamental. 110 N Lancaster Dr. at 4 cor Ph. i-iaaa. o- LAWN aprlnkllni ajatema Pb 24137 LAWNMOWERS Sharpening, guaranteed aervice. New power and hand mower Call Harry W. Scott. 147 So. Com1 1 Bt 0129 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN mower made to eut perfect tl 11 Ph 3-1407 . one At you: door lawnmower aharpenlnt Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 16133 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 1-4001. MUSIC LESSONS StaniAh and Hawaiian Oultar, Mando lin. BanJo. etc. 1522 Court St. Pb. 3-7569 ol3ft NURSES'. REGISTRY OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Dejik ehalra. file and flllnl supplier aafee, duplicator and aupplie. desk lamp typewriter atand. brief eaea Pierce Wire Recorder. Roan. 431 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 1-6072. PAPFRHANGING Elfitrom'a art equipped to do your painting Phona 1-2491 PAINTINO AND PAPERHANOINO PatntlDR And paperhanging. Free -mate. Ph. 3-0513. 3S7 Shipping. ol31' Call 22601 for your Painting A Paper hanging. Attractive rate. alio PAPERHANOINO Jerry Johtuon. Ph. 3-3723. PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Hutcheon Paint Store Phone t-6617 0 PI.ASTF.RINO Patching. Repairing. Ph. 3-1101. Fisher 244 8 Com'l. Ph. 1-3019. PRUNING. SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 1-1201. L W Caudle Ph 1-7900 RADIATOR REM IB. Cleaned, repaired 3 O Balr Son Ph 11191 By Drlve-ln Tneatre Since 1917 Oil!' RADIO REPAIRING John- Ran. Shot Reaonab1e rates Pft 1.1410 t0 Court Bt Expert radio and appliance aervice 0111 Ray Moor M7tTport1anV RdPh. 3-9431 4ND t tlRAVKL Oardn Boll, eruahed rock Shnrel and dragline eteavatlng Walling Band Oravej Co Hi one 1-1141 Vallev Band e Oravel Co Silt, sand f II din rieavatinc MB abCnel eau Tree tor scoop ft true He for dirt tnovini Ph office JtOIJ. rea 111M .a.W. York's Be Shop HI Edftwater Ph t-Ttll ! .rWEB1 SEPTIC TASKS Beet rie Botft-Bfvrter Eiclua've Patent Baser 'harp Steel Cutting B:sd Clean Bewera et Drain Septte Tanif Oieened Rot Ph l-ell. et !- SEPTIC TASK! K P Hame!. Septic Tanki Cleaned rectrie machine service on seer and drain Ilnaa Guaranteed n-k 1141 Itn t . West Selrm Ph Mil olll U.te'a ft'Ptie Be-fire Tanka cWinM Bn0 Rootef eWvlrw na .a-were I0" fta Bt, w. BeJem. Pa. t4a, l-Mi: B1M Wheat Shows Upward Trend Chicago, May 11 W1 Wheat advanced today, the Mav con tract going up more that a cent at times to its best price since the market broke on April 28 Smaller- gains were made by new crop contracts. The advance in wheat was more than matched by a sharp upturn in rye, which ran up for gains of about 5 cents at times. Buying was based on an agriculture department forecast for a crop of 21.S52.000 bushels, down from both last year and the ten year average. Wheat closed La to I cent higher, May $2.234 -$2.24. corn was V lower to higher. May $ 1.34-$1 34'a, oats were un changed to 'i higher. May 68 'a 67, rye was 5 to SVa higher, May $1.32, soybeans were m to 2 cents higher. May $2.31-2.31 V and lard was 7 to 20 cents a hundred pounds higher, May $11.90. Salem Markets Completed from reports t talem deal ers fee tit gttldanea ei Capital Journal Readers. (Revised dally). Retail Feed- Price Rag Mash 90.IB. Rabbit Pelleta 14 40 Dalrr Feed 14.00. Ponltrvt h'tvlna once Grade A coio ed hen 31c; grade A Leghorn hens, 27 cent Grade A colored fryers, three pound and up, 20o. Grade A eld rooatar 16 -enU fga Buying Prices Extra large AA. 40c; lane AA. 48c; lane A, 46c: medium AA. 45c: medium A, 41 -44c; pullet, 21-IOC. Wkelesal Price tag whoieaale pricaj t 1 cant above these price above Grade A generally quoted at 53c; me-d'-ims 4B. Belleefat Premium. 6Se. No. 1, lie: No. 1, II lc (bUTin price). Butter Wholesale grade A. 66e; re tail 71c. STOCKS QUOTATIONS Br tne Amii I American Can , Am Pon U , An Tel Tel Anaconda . ... Bendia AflaMoa ...... aetn Steal Boeing Airplane Calif Pack lna Canadian Pacific Cue J 1 Caterplkar Ohryaler .... ....... ... Com with 4) ton Con 7uitee ... Continental Can Crown elleroach Curtlaa Wrlgnt Douela . Ircraft .... , . . Oupont da Nm General rfee'rlc Oeneral louda Oenaral Mtitora Oood rear Tire tnt Harveatar (nt Paper Kennoeott Llbby McN ft L Long Bell 'A" . ... Montgomery Ward Nub Kelvlnator , Nat Dairy NT Central Northern aelf1 Pat Am fun Paa Ou ll rie Pae Tal ft rel , Penney i O ... Radio Corp , Karen I tr ........... Rarentar Pfd Nsynold Metal , Rlahfleld efeway Rtore ...... . tari Rneburk ....... .i teithern Parlflr ttaadard OU Cv Itetleeaker Co'? twufclne Mlnlu TreaMAcrtce Pa lew Paelft Uaieei OU On rjalsed Alftnes 0 S Steel , Tamer dree Pie Weelwvrth .100 . I7H . 41 S ll'i 90s DIRECTORY TRANSFER ft STORAGE '.oral ft Dlitance Traruftr. atoraae Burner oil, eoal ft briquet Truck to Portland dally Acrnt for Bekln House hold good moved to anywhere In D 8 Ot Canada. Lermer Tranafer ft Storage Ph 2-3131 " o TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Roral. Under wood portable All make iwd machine R'paira and rent Roen. 4H court. VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blind made to order oi reflnuhed. Relnholdt ft Lewi. 1-1611 WATCH ft CLOCR. REPAIRING Watche for sale, open evea Pb. 38.129 320 Evergreen E. P. Grda. 0114 WELL DRILLING J. A. Sneed ft Sons, welt -drilling. 2S05 nrooia bi., naiem, rn. s-dbuv. oijj WEATHERP.TRIPP1NG WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaner Window!, wall ft woodwork cleaned Floor cleaned, axed and polished Ph 1-1317 14. Court Lanadoo, CulbcrUon and Mather WINDOW SHADES W tunable, Roller Uade to order 1 Day Del Relnholdt ft Lewi Ph 11611. WOOD ft SAWDUST Weat Saltt Fuel Co. Ph 2-4011. wbODSAWINO A'klnt A Crrxti. Ph. 3474 or 3171. o124 LODGES -sft Multnomah Chapter No. R AM. convocation Mark and Put Masters. Refresh ment. 7:50 pm. Thursday evening. May 12, ISO. 1U a pwrfieiiirNoTwTTrev 7 AM. MM. Decree FYiday. May 13. 7 p m. 114 .efCl OO roffTe?al vtolt of U Orand MwteT Mar 11 Flrtr rlMrrre 117 LEGAL SOTICE-TO CREDITORS rtOTICB HKRRRT IB OfVES that bv an ,ror of the Circuit Co-irt of the Btate of Oreion fax the County ot Marlon, In Probate, duly mad and entered on the nlp'h dsv ftt Ms. 1H. I have been d1v pnolntMt aa eaecitni of the la" fl I'd tostement and aatat of RRI.LE OOLDN TTinNlTR. de-esjed. and thst I have been dulv qualtrid ax such eiec utor. All pereorut having riaima aaainat said ea'ate hereby are required to pre. sent them, with proper votit-hera, to ma st 114 Pioneer Trust Rulldlne. Balem. 'Jreeon. erithin alt months af'er the date it he first publication of ttita nt" Dated snd f rt publlhd the eleventh day of Mar, Ittl DAHTEI, J FRV Rveetitor aforeeid. Attorney for Pjtor. May Ik, II, M m4 JvtM I 1 . ,;y- En Route to Shrine Tommy Burke. S-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Burke of Carbondale, Pa., adjusts leash on pup, Susan, just before take-off from La Guardia field, New York for Portugal where he will visit shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. Tommy is suffering from a progressive muscular ailment which, his faher says, doctors have been unable to cure. Burke, an accountant, and his wife, accom panied the youngster on the flight. Burke said "We have heard about the shrine and we have great faith In it." (AP Wirephoto) MARKET QUOTATIONS al I.I vest Market (By Valley Packing Company Wooled lamb 110.00 to 122 00 s,i. ing iamb 6 to 1.1 lb 123 00 to I2.S.0U Spring lamb. to .00 lb. 122.00 to 114.00 Tearlmg. under 120 lb, iio.oo to iivdu yearling, over 120 lb. 111.00 to 117 00 gwe ... 12.00 to 110.00 Cutter cow .. 110.00 to 115.00 Fat dairy cow us oo to sie.oo Dairy heifers HS.OO to 1 1800 Bull ... 17 00 to 121.00 Calve, good H00-4MI lb.) 120.00 to 12.100 Veal (10-300 ID good.. JJ)w o sjuwi (jr price paid within c or port ind price for each type. Top, 170-231 At Portland Eaittide Market Spinach sold for 7ft cent to $1 00 an orange brx on the Portland Eastalde Farmers Wholesale Produce Market to day. Apparatus was 14.00. to 14.2S a 30-pound pyramid. Letture brought l J 00 to 13.71 a iour- doten head crate. Better! I Tentative, eu eject tat Immi dlaie change Premium quality maiimum 3b to l percent acidity delivered in Portland 61-fl4c lb., firm quality SO -flic b.. second quality A7-60c. Valley route ind country points te lese ihar first Ruller Wholesale POB oulb aubes to r.holeflle; AA. 93 acore. 61 -62c. K. 92 core M-61'jc; B. 00 score. 58c lb.: C, 19 score. 17c lb. Above price are strict- nominal Cbeese Belling price to Portland whole tale Oregon 1 fifties, 384 4SWC Oregon ft loai aib-OO'n; triplet ve let man lnslea Eggs (Te Wholesaler! A grade large M-Sl'tc; A medium, 51-51 He; grade B, iarBe, 471-50Ic. tut Purchased from fanner Curren receipts. ftl'VOCo doa.; buyers l-vc be low wholesale Quotations on traded basis tor east nennery eggs Portland Dairy Market Bolter price to retailer- orade AA print 66r: A A carton 67c; A print, 66c: A carton, 67r: B prim. 6Jc. Eggs PrM to retailer- AA large 56c. certified A large, aflc: A large. 54-ftS?; AA medium. 54c: certified A. medium, 540) A medium, Me; carton 2c additional Cheese Price to mailer: Portlnnn Oregon stnelea 40-soi.o Oregon loaf, t ib 4I4.I2 Vac i trlpiau lSta lea than aln- flai roeltry Live ctilehena No 1 aoailty POB planta. No. 1 broiler under I'-k lbs 37-28e IB.; frvera 2 4 to l lb., 21-loc lb; roRier 4 lb, and ever, 30-3le lb.: fowl, Leghorn under 4 lb.. 34-35c: over 4 lbs, 2-27e; colored fowl, all wrlghta. 30 lie; roosters, all weights, 18-20e. tabblle Averaae lo erowera lot nve white, fryers white. 4-1 lb 17.31c lb. 5-f lb., h-ilt lb i colored 21-25e old or heavy doe. 11-lie ard fryer te outcnera '7 0r. eld near-, ene. 15-sae Tar key tw- (Prices quoted are not t the producer on a dressed weight Oaalai - 0 S trade A young torn 51 13 lb ; Ne 1 young hens, nominally ene Dressed terkeya te retailer. Uiade A voung nena 70-Tie New for iy dreae ed A grade ycitnt tome M-iia Pert land Mlseellaneoee Cateara Bark Dry 30e lb. green 70 lb Weel Valley eoarae and medium trade 4 lb Mnhalr 28c lb. on 12-month growth. Hides Calve Joe tb , according to weight Kip. 18o lb., beef 11-11a lb., bull 5-6e lb country buyer pay la le. Nut Qoetatlnna Walnaia Franquettaa first quality fum do. 34 7c, large. 33 7c. medium 27 3c, see ond quality Jumbos. 30 3c large 21 3c, medium. 26 ao: baby 13 2c. ofl shel first quality large, it To, medluiti if le: see on d quality large 17 2c: medium SO 7s; habv 22 2e. Filberts - Jumbo. 30 0 t large, lie medium. 16c: small, 13e Quotation above supplied by north est Nut Ornwera Qiiotatlor are on the satis of 100-lb bag purchase fob plant. Farllantf Oraln Portland. Ora., Mar 11 ijp Ho futur.a qimtad. Ca.h ibid : Soft whit 3.33: aoft whit, (no rrxi 3.33; whlta club 3.33; am rrd 3 31. Hard r.d wlnt.r: Ordinary 3.31; 10 prrr.nt 3 33; 11 parent 3.31; 13 percent 3 30. . Hard whlta Baart: Ordinary 3.31: 10 prr.nt 3 31. Today a rar rerelpta; wheat 00; Bar ter 3; flour 10. eorn .: mllllee 18. Chleaco Llveeteeh j Chic iff., Mkv 11 '-Pi MlBDAi Salable hova l.ftOo, fairly active, atadr to strong ; esrlr bul later very "lew and barely Mesdv: vme late bide ? rente lower; not eAtebl.jt.hea mi now, bidding 3ft ene low er: top la i for one load, fsrlr eslea grmd and choice 110-JSO Iha lit J-ll 1. 310 M4 lb n W-IIM. few 140-400 lb ll IS IS 3ft Its! able rattle 11000: salable reive 100. fairly active, beef steera atearlr te 31 ! cents lower, other rl of rattle moallyi teadr: top 3171 for load choice 1.31 lb fed steers; four loads 1 3M-1.JV3 lb al 17 M, bulk eood and choice steers and resrllnta 3 ftO-J. W. few lose)' 3 71-17 1; in loiirt choice to prime l lll lb beevea i 3a M: medium to low -tood ateera 31 V- . 31 7': load hiah-cholce l.Olt lb heitera : Ifl 7S; mMt sood to low-choice heifers 34 00-IS M. fw good beef eowa 30 Ob it 00, common and medium cows 17.71 1 M). cannera and cutters IS 00-11 IV tew heetv cutters 17 V): medium and good e'uag hulU 30S0-JJOO: bulk common to vealers 3n 00-34 00. lop M VI choice "00 lb yearling atetra 1 o. alab aheep Mt. old-crop woold and ahorn lamba eirona to 31 cnw hither; top nonUturui SO 00, ahorn It M; ahorn tM t M-ll 00: full 'edy. Portland Mveeteeb I Portland, ore.. May II bjp -i.ivervi: Cattle salable 100, reives 3D: represen tative riasses aheni: few steers and low grade aha atock steady; small lot tot) good 1000 lb led steers 31 M; odd heed rommon hellers 10 10 lo 30 M; common dairy type rows I W: odd head rennera 13 H to 14 V); sheila 11 M or lower, odd had common lightweight sausage bulls I a 00; vealers quo' sole nominally steady, good and rhoire salable It on to 13 00 Hog salable 1N0; choice butcher farce lumsMe iteady at 30 7: sows io nnebairtedi assail m 2 Schools to Be Enlarged The Salem school hoard Tues day night authorized the dis trict's architects to prepare plans and specifications for the addi tions and betterments proposed for Englewood and McKinley buildings. Bids will be opened for the two projects June 7. Or iginal estimates of the cost were $100,000 for each building. Six class rooms will be added at each building while plans for McKinley call for the inclusion of a multi-purpose room there. Kitchens and cafeterias will be provided at both places. Howard Miller, member of the Newberg high school staff for the last 12 years, was elected to the position of vocal instructor at Salem senior high. He will replace Miss Lena Belle Tartar whose resignation becomes ef fective at the close of the spring term. Miller, a graduate of Wil lamette university, has taken graduate work at the Univer sity of Oregon and the Univer sity of Idaho. T. K. Pierson was named to the position of director of shops, trades and industries with ex panded duties and responsibili ties. Three resignations were ac cepted: Bickie Helterllne, sen lor high; Mildred E. Randolph. Englewood and Elva Hughes, Leslie. Polling places for the six per cent limitation election May 20 and the regular June 20 elec tion will be established at the administration building. 460 Worth High street; central school building. West Salem: C & K Lumber company office. East Salem and Leslie junior high for south Salem. North Bend Votes Bonds North Bend, May 11 A $235,000 bond issue to complete North Bend's sewage system and construct a disposal plant was approved by the margin of a single vote in a special election yesterday. flood ftt lb. nutf h.ra 3D M: food and rholea aowa IS 00-17.4)0: flood and eholra as lb. l.ora 21. an. Sh.ap aalahla 100; arant atipplr mn.l lr ahnrn lamba: na aarlv arllon: market quotabla at.ady: flood and rholr. oo)d laTiba aalahl. 13 an to 14 K0: flood and rholr. ahorn lamba quotabla 33 00 3.1 00. HHtBJVaWgBJRnqBststsBBtB"" ,n. '" ,'.'' P X. VT V,.-4 $ ...I i ftenalnr Byrd Rrpllea Sen. Harry Byrd (D-Va .) (abovB) Mid fn Washinfitnn that If Preildent Truman wants to purie him from the aerate. "I'll be around when the ptirin atarta." Sen. Byrd poses with a copy of nil atatement after Preildent Truman was quoted as saying1 there are ton many flyrda In eongresa, The lenator ii the only Byrd In connresa. (AP Wuaphoto) Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Slocks Advance Irregularly New York, May 11 UP) A brief flurry of buying gave the stock market a lift today but there was no follow-through to the demand. Turnover was at the rate of around 800.000 shares for the full session. Motive power for the short lived rally developed in the steel group, recently under pres sure because of prospects of a reduction in production sched ules in the industry later this year. Higher prices were paid for U.S. Steel, Bethlehem and Republic. Also higher a good part of the day were Chrysler, Stude baker, U S. Rubber, Sears Roe buck. Woolworth. American Cyanamid (at a 1840 high). Western Union, Great Northern preferred, and preferred and Standard Oil (N.J.). American Telephone lost around h point before levelling off at about the lowest price since 1943. U. S. Aid Declined By Curry County Brookings, May 11 IIP) Uncle Sam can keep his high priced hospitals. Curry county wants no part of federal financial aid for its building. Voters approved a $50,000 levy to finance a 20-bed hos pital. Then someone thought of asking Uncle Sam for a like amount. But authorities in Washing ton, D. C, figured it should cost $180,000 and the county would have to kick In $100,000. The whole sum didn't include equip ment, either. It looked to coun ty officials as though the final total would be nearer $235,000. They said "no." Directors of the hospital as sociation are planning to raise $50,000 to match the county levy and start working on their own blueprints. Rainbow Girls Elect Officers New officers were named at the meetina of Chadwick assem oly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Tuesday evening as follows: Miss Gladys Boock, worthy ad viser; Miss Marilyn Power, as sociate adviser; Miss Dorothy Pederson. charity; Miss Shirley Jones, hope; Miss Norma Ham ilton, faith. Appointive officers will be named later. Installation will take place May 24, members of the DcMolay Order for Boys to conduct the crowning ceremony for the new worthy adviser. A district meeting for Sa lem and the other seven assem blies in this district is slated for May 22. Initiation was held last evening for Misses Joyce Randall, Frances Mathews, Ar dyth Garber and Karen Ras mussen. Annual spring dance for the group is Friday of this week, tickets to be on sale at the door at the dance place, Glenwood ballroom. Timber Bids Asked Portland, May 11 iAi Nearly 10,000.000 board feet of timber from 17 western Oregon tracts will he offered for sale by seal ed bids here May 31 by the bureau of land management. Most of It lies on Oregon & Cal ifornia land. Worshippers of Apollo hailed him for many achievements, among them for destroying mice. WeJnenday, May 11, H44 M Taxes Cut for School District Turner, May 11 Reduction of the tax levy from 50.1 to 34 5 mills was authorized Tuesday night by the budget committee and school board of Turner Aumsville district No. 5. The ' reduction was made possible by a $45,000 surplus In the 1948 48 budget with an additional $1500 saved In tuition fees when provision for more students was made at Turner. The appropri ation of $11,000 for the purchase of the Turner-Aumsville high school building site is also miss-. ing from the new budget. Amount to be raised this year is $88,700 as compared with $129,995 last year which was a record high. The new budget includes $20,000 and interest for an approved bond Issue to build a new plant between the two communities. Dissolution of the Turner Aumsville district will be decid ed at an election May 18 with a favorable vote creating a $100,. 000 district within the district and would also result in the sale of the site of the proposed new school building valued at $15,- -000. Albany Vandalism Wave Investigated Albany. Ore., May 11 Broken store windows, over turned cars and two false alarmi marked a vandalism wave un der investigation here today. Police Chief James Byerlej said 14 cases of property de struction were reported yester day with damage estimated at several thousand dollars. Beer bottles were throwi through store windows and sev eral parked cars were moved into traffic lanes. DEATHS Cberteo CfcerehtH Char lee Churehlfl. late reelrfent of Reaeburl, at a loeal hospital alar U. Survived by n daughter. Mrs. Amy Kruao of Roeeburf. Announrement of services later by the Mowell-Edwarda chapel. Matthew Lee Matthew Lee. In this city. Mar T. a e ate of M rears. Survived br brother. Joe Lee of End lent t. N.T. An nouncement of aervlcea later br Howell Cdvarda ehapal. Joseph L. Prance Joseph L. Pranfte. late resident of 1141 Maple avenue, near Stayton. May 1 at the ana oi ei years, nurvivea by widow. Ber tha Pragne, Salem; sons, Clarence. Rob ert and Conrad, all of Salem, and Lee Prange, San Pranelsflo; brothera, the Rev. Frances Prante. Tacomn, the Rev. John Pranie. Spokane, and Oeorge Pranga, , Portland; sisters, Sister M. Bontfae , Prange, Roy. Ore., and Mrs. Mary Be hot t, Spokane, and tlx grandchildren. Memor ial services will be held Monday at 8 p.m., in the Howell-Edwards chapel tinder tha eiupleea of K nights of Col umbo. Reci tation of roearr will be held Wednesday ' Mar 11 at I p.m. In the Howell -Ed werda chapel. Solemn raeulem blah maaa wltl be held at St. Vincent de Paul's chureh Thursday. Mar 13. at lo a.m. Interment at Belcreet Memorial park. n Baby Stephen Dwlghl Watt Baby Stephen Dwliht Wyatt. Infant eon of Mr. and Mra. Oordon Wyatt of Adall Vlllaie, at a local hospital. Tueeday, May 10. Surviving aUo are a brother, Oordon Wyatt. and a alater, Vlckl Dlanne Wyatt, both of Adair Village, and grand paranu. Mr. and Mrs. Dwnht Wyatt nnd Mra. Beulah Brans, all of Salem. OBITUARY John Lean Creasman Dallaa Punaral aervlcea for John Lee Grossman. 41. who wee crushed to deatk by a lo neer Valaeta Monday, will bi held from the Hankie and Bollman funern home Thuraday at 3 o'clock. Rev. Car Ufer officiating and Burial In the veteran Plot at the Shelton, Wuh., cemetery. Hi waa born at Bhelton. Jan. 30. 1900, ana we a veteran of both world war and a member of the VPW at Bhelton. He mar ried Blanche Chapman in Dallas In June 1941 afier livint here a year and moved ti Fall C:ty In January of tnt year. Be side hi widow ha 1 survived by twi son. Delbert and Lynn Croesman, both Seattle; atepdaughter. Anita Chapman Pall City, and a atep-aon, William Me Callam. Cams Valley, also four etatefl ind two brothera. William Rvan Aurora Funeral service for Willien Ryan, 73. who died flaturday at Weitleki after a long illness, were held here Tues day with burial In Buttevllle cemetery He was born near Donald Sept. 31, 1111 and spent most of his life In that com munlty aa farmer and merchant, mor ing to Wesllake lens than a year ago 4e married Mra. I.-a belle Orutze if Msrth, 1944. who survives with a daugh tar, Laota Miller and sister, Mra. Ell label h Psrrott. both of Portland; all one grandchild. W. A. King Independence- Remains of W. A. King drowned in Ihe Willamette river her April I and recovered late Monday af ternoon near flalem. will he forwards to Modeslo, Calif., for final rites by tht Smith mortuary. To BOY and GIRLS with PIMPLY SKIN They're all riving aboiil it the Rrsmol tv to relieve externally cauvd pimplel tnm Ihe crowd! ah twice a day with tesinolVwip Thnipplv soothing, med kated Ratnnl Ointment, leaving it on ovtt mght. Witch your tWm improve! SPILES I s.nii.i tmmm miMosiHoioti (ICTAI AND COION HlMfNTJ STOMACH OIIOIDftl trnrlaal WHlMrl NmHsI OpwittM M.n. Ihrawflll F.I. 10 t. I p.m.,.i,Man., M.,.nlll Writ, aa call fa. rKCI datrr.nttv. book hat The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Veer H I. Cara. I. Bantl4a ... .ran. A. T.I..A.N. IAt 111 Panlana 14, Or. V V A seeder, eaedlcellv-sewod W HeaHusH tnt pets reel reswHa