12 Capital Journal, Salem, CIjUOIFUD ADVERTISING. ! tin . . 16 Per Lin I Mmu 40 POT Lin time 60 par LIdi I month 13.04) Outside f ! 16 Pr Un pf day. Mln. Oo i I time mm 80 8 time mln 1 1 JO. No Refund RE AD CRMla LacaJ New Cat Oalyi Pr UM To PUc an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES 4 BDRM. 17000. 071 Benat. W. Salem. aim MUST SELL by Mar 13, a beautiful home on 890 RatclUf dr. Lara landscaped tot. Bui by door. Rani tnd refrig. in ludMl at a price that la light. Open afternoons. Ph. !. alU ALL MODERN lane house with fruit it with seven city loU. Can uiumi O.I. loan and pay Ilka rrnt. Will take reas onable price. Lola will blp pay off loan. Phone 1-6264. 114 BY OWNER, beautiful B rm, house amonit fine new home in Rosedale add. 1068 ft. floor apace. Plus basement to unf. upstair, for reduced price. Pb. 3-6193 alia $6250 . 1 bedroom older home with 3 lota, near Richmond school. Bell the loU to out the coat of your homing. $10,950 Beautiful home, only S block! from armor high. Large living room, dining room, handy kitchen, oil furnace, 3 nice hedroomt, fireplace, hdw. lloora. large lot. This la loud. , Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 360 X. High St. Phono 3-4129 ana BOATING, SWIMMING, FISHING And" riuht In your own bark yard We all dream of a place like that. Why not have It. A 3 bedroom, modern. Blistered home. Fireplace, lots ol shrub, nice lawn for parties, etc. Yea, a boat goes with It, ao all you have to brink with you ta your swim suit or fishing gear. Only 3't milea from 8a lem. 8ea Wambcrg Tuesday at, Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 f. Capitol Ph. 38i!fl all3 Today's Best Buys $1000 DOWN 1 bdrm. home. Dart hardwood floors Paved street, very close to bus. Owner very anilous to sell. Reduced to 15600. G. I. SPECIAL Almost new 3 bedroom home Inside city. Electric heat, attached garage. Lawn shrubs. Owner leaving atate. Total prlca 66000. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of MiilLlpI Listing Bureau 303 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-78J0, 3 -4MB Eves. 3-0473 - 3-3566 all2 i-BR. HOME, V acre. Full basement, hardwood floors, sawdust furnace. Bus by door. Call 2-6640 or 3-0666. a!14' FOR RALE by owner: House on N. 18th. 4 oedroonu and sewing room. Dlnlna room, Basrment. Call 2-0646. a FAIRM0UNT HILL I IS, MM). PHA. term, for this beautiful 3 bedrm. home. Hwd. flra. throuanout, dining rm to nook, spacious back yard, landscaped, a flasMone patio. CALL HARVEY HUFF Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St Phone 3-9371. Eve. 3-B441. allS' OWNER will accept late model car aj part down payment on this new a bedroom home with bath, living room, combination dining room and kitchen, nook, automatic oil floor furnace, at tached garage. Lot la 00' X 133'. Priced at 18250. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 381 Chemeketa St Ph. 3-1646, 3-4896 Eve. 3-6686, 3-766V 2-4336 allS BY OWNER 63750 equity will handle Borne bal. Lovely 6 rm. home. Over looking Salem. Hardwood floors nice fireplace, elec, heat, attractive kitchen Attached garage with utility. Fenced In yd. Shrub to flower. Ph. 35056. all) BY OWNER Equity In lovely 3 -bed room nnmi wiin view. Furn. or Unfurn. Bal. PHA 856 per mo. Klnc aire closets, pe can floor, auto. heat. Consider large house trailer. South Com'l. to Liberty Rd. to Salem Heights Ave. to 3350 Wln ola Ave. a!14 A HONEY ipvirt-p H A Terms for thla nice clean 3 bd. rm. home. Elect, heat, Hwd. firs V. blinds, celled basement 3 yra old. Call Harvev Hurf Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt Ph. 3-6371. Eves. 3-B441 allS" $1000 DOWN Wilt bu this nice 3 BR home with LARGE I.n, PR and Kltch. Rath. Flre Plre, Full tumnl with oil furnace, cor ner lot in city. Full price I87.MI. Call Kenny H.lt Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa Bt Ph. 3-6371. Eves. 3-1770 1I3' SIMM. New 2 Rerlronm home with atlarhed garaae. Located close tn Salem Heights School lot 6(1x311. tl!W0 down. CM I, O V HUME WITH STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 13 High St., Phone 3-4121 Eves. 3-5306 a 1 14 LEO N. CTULDS, INC." REALTORS SUBURBAN HOME room plaslerrd hoiise ment furnace: Isree 11 v i aee Chicken hoiiAe: Cliv aireel. Price only 18800 ' ACRFf Completed bedroom hnme les than furnace Oaraae. Paved 87850. furntnhed 2 yer old Oi: road. Price mi arrtr. farm: A hnvAenberrie. tilt nfn tfl. MtuwheirW- 3 7-rm. hoiiAe, Price LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS Phone 2-t7 3-4MO or 3-Rim am "NEW RANCH STYLE lane ltvint with fireplace and pic ture windows, t;nit rm and well planned kitchen 3 amvl site hdrms . ami plentv of elects. 3 cir ate. Pmd eorner lot close to Fnelenod school Price I1000 on PHA term t'ai Ron Clearv Walter Musgravp, R'ltVs, 1311 Fdee water Ph. 3-9106 Eve. J-aan al 16 BY OWNER: View home, Candalarn Hehtit. New, I BR, lee, l.R, IH kitchen noog dole, ear, auto, oil furn. lae lot. 345 Alice A'e Turn West at Dair Queen, Pb 2-4408 U3 1 BR. 1 fir , I lots. dble. gar. frutt rm . mail mbln. fruit to nut trees, shrubs flowers, aarden. Pwed at., bus by door 3 blk to school toono JJj Lee St alia 4 RM. ltorE. by owner. 1 vra otd.'uiiIHT rm has water heater. Venetian blinds Hdwd floors. 3435 LUIngslone Ae. all BY OWNER. 3 rm new hauae. Call at 6to N. 17th or Ph. 34816 a1)4 Sell It Bv itie owner of Ihi er neat house at 425 Soulh 3)rd Street 1st floor iv Ine room ith fi rep, ace: d:nine room kitchen, tile dra.n. nook bedioom lath; then there are to bedrooms up stairs; th basement has one built -In room; furnace. Hash burner, laundry lra. llie lenced ard is very nice and nas run pnrt and outdoor ftrertace Priced at tEJMI Salem Realty Co. tea it org 146 N Huh t Phono 1-7680 tr. pmoaieo 6006 I-4UI till Ore, Wednesday, May 11, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES TOR IAU BY OWNER PH. 3-612 Two bedroom house, Just finished. Hard. wood door and floor furnace. el 14 $500 DOWN! 140 par month. I bedroom home on good lot in fair neighborhood. Prtca only 14.000. Bee It todarl No. 31. $1,000 DOWN! I 19 of Acre with modern t bedroom home eloje In north, Full price 66.160. No. 263 -A. Reimann Real Estate Ph. 1-6203 aoi Bo. High St Sun Eve 3-1731, 1-6341, 1-2346, 3-3905 112 SMALL HOUSE on big corner lot. Inquire at loo a. nth. ail' TODAY'S BUY This lovely 3 bedroom home located at 1336 Pranklin la selling today at the act ual FHA appraised value of 89000 Thia home can be bought for 13000 down, balance at 1ST per month. This home has a nice living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Is plastered and has all hardwood lloora. Basement, furnace, dble. garage, nice shrubs and trees. For appointment call John H. Hansen 1003 Pairs-rounds Road Phone 3-7616 or 3-4623 ell3 LOOKINO FOR A HOME? FURNISHED HOME. Ready to move tn Nice furniture, clean, close In. Base ment, garage. Only 65760. 61250 Down. HERE'S A buy year old 3 bdrm. North. 67 BOO. Term. L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate worm oi oreynound Bus Depot Ph. 3-7642 Res. 2-0126, 3-6646 all3 MOVE RIGHT IN This new 3 bdrm. home la complete to the last detail. Oak floors through- out. Auto, oil heat. Perfect kitchen. Large attached garage. 61x128 foot lot. 68400. F If A. Mtg. SPACIOUS GRACIOUS 1046 No. Winter 3 Bedrooms. Li v. Rm.. Din. Rm., Den. fine kitchen with nook. Two baths, auto, oil furnace, double garage. Every thing for fine living. 613.760. E. A. MrGLAUKLIN Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 328 No. Commercial St. Phones 2-5211 2-6056 2-3203 Low Priced Homes IO. I: THREE BEDROOMS with full basement, cltv. paved street, bus, sewer and water. 66500. NO. t: TWO BEIlHOOMfC with full bane. ment and very good oil fur. A real buy iO. I: TWO BEDROOMS, north, fire place, full dry basement, large lot 67000. ALL EXCLUSIVE WITH BOURNE Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol ph. 38316 el 14' Cheap Move In and complete. Plumbing A wiring roughed in 3 bedrma. A. good soil. Full price 13050. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 045 S Commercial Phone 3-4590 Eve. Ph. Dent 2-3088 Reeve 3-B5.I6 all4' LOOKINO FOR A HOME? 1430 N. Liberty Bt. 4 bdrm., plus rental unit. Double garage. A buy for home or rentals. 1033 Highland Ave. 4 bdrm.. large lot Only 37800. Drive by 1840 Orant St. -3 bdrm. home. Only 18050. Best downtown buy in Salem. House with five aptmts., fur. All for 111, 600 Terms. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate North of Greyhound Bus Depot Ph. 3-7642. Res. 2-0126. 3-8848. a!13- $750 DOWN yr old 3 bdrm. hone east with liv lug rm., dining rm.. ige. kitchen, util lly rm.. fruit rm. Approx 1100 ft. fir anace. acre Price 18350 160 per mo. (JULBATH LAND CO 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-4653. Eves. 3-1405 alii FOR SALE LOTS 310 DOWN' will buy ou a lot with water, elec trkity. filbert trees and view. Excellent bus service, near school. Balance 815 per month Reimann for Real Estate Ph. 3-B30I 201 South High St 3,76.00 CHOICE building lot in Oak Lottie Addition. All improvements. quire lino S. 14th or Ph. 1-7630. aall7 K RIG WOOD Heights wooded view tract ft frontage on paved drive. Call 2-4518 after 6 aall6' 5.10.00 BI'YK a good lot In southeast Sa lem, we auo have 3 lots in went sa lem at reasonable prices to terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor Office Ph. 3-3803 Evei. 3-3147 or 3-8816 aalll VIFW LOT. 50(1 blk . Vuta Ave WOOD ED LOTS. trirte). c blk.. itcltff Dr. Re- 3 4384. FOR SALE FARMS Owner Leaving Munt aell 36 acres of Willamette Val lev'a finest bean and sweet corn land. Irrigation ditch 6 rm hue. Oood barn Fenced Near Aumsville. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 646 S Commercial Phone 3-45BO Eve. Ph. Dent 3-3068 -Reeve 3-661 bll4 "looking" for a rfrry 'farm? 17 acre. 7 Ac. straw berries and do they look nice 6't Ac boy sen be rri eft that are a sight to see 3 Ac young nu: tree. A-lractor, 3 berirm. home that h In a class bv tlelf This ll one of the hett In Lake Labloh Pint. Just think all the work Is done. The next move is to pick. Last year's gross, over 314.- 000 L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate so ACHKS Some vrv good bottom land on this Place Seiera! acre of blackcaps. Mod em nil hununt dner that Via ekcep t on ill income posMbiliue nider type 4 bedroom home Onlv 11? 000 IIOWKLL PRA1KIK1 It acre.v crnns tn Some verv giod bot tom soil With Irnesiion tights 4 bed room home with basement , Step runt in for 1 1.1 000 , Reimann Real Estate Ph 3-630.1 lot Snath Huh St Sun A lie 3-1716. 3-8J41, 3-336. 3-5fl bl 11- " 30 AcreTSouth- Nice cron Berries Grain A pasture 86866. Equipped Plenty of Bldg' ('. W. Reeve, Realtor 645 S Commercial Phone 3-450 Eve. Ph. Dent 3-3086 Reeve 3-85M b!14 202 ACRES of Wtl slit loam one of (lie best farms loc In Wil Vallev north east of Sa lem Tlis vr rrop should gross er toope Can be had Wit'iout erf or xnch earetlent bniMints Ph 3-880 ED LIK1NHEAL. REM. ESTATE 446 N. 14th Si MIS t ACRE BARGAIN New home, all new furniture, chicken nouse. brooder noue, garage, well. 3' mile from town ont leaving A real bargain for 84760 Call tor Mr 1 eavens. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member or Multir-le I Uilng Bureau 3016 Portland R (1 Ph. 3-7830. 1-4566. -, 3 6403. 3 J58 6 ICRI. t bdrm. houe, b rt , f irnsce. lartf barn. 6 row. 3 Irene: . equip 685O0 buys everything, and thats bu I ('has. Hudkins & Son REALTOR 366 K. High St. " uJJ IFOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS LA ROE HOUSE 14660 I bedrooms la all, lull bath, aerate. Will consider trad for small suburban plae. CUTE HOUR IN WESTT BALEM Driva by 151 Piedmont Bt , It's a cute 3 bedroom home with a lame living room and attractive fireplace, haa fall-to-wall carpeting, tne upstair can bt finished, nice totting with lot of ah rub and tree 17300. ATTRACTIVE HOME ON "D STREET Pull basement and furnace, unfinished upstairs, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, lot la 66x176. plenty of room and good location for aeveral rentals on rear of lot a ood deal for 66760. ACRES MODERN HOME NEAR KE1ZER Oood t bedroom home with part basement and double garaie. located about 1 mil Weat of Keller, also haa good barn and chicken house, walnuts, fruit and berriaa, good subdivision possibilities. Bee Henry A OOOD ARM SPECIAL 10 acre with good remodeled home. Hi tits, water and bath, 18x32 barn and poultry house. All under cultivation. If you are looking for a good productive lit tit farm thia la It for only 67500. 30 ACRE FARM IN THE MIDDLE OROVE DISTRICT A dandy 30 acre farm, all under cultivation, level Willamette silt toil, fenced, haa large house, barn and small poultry house. 4 A. In clover, 1 A. In oau and vetca. Price la right at 112,000. LEE RUDY OHMART & CALABA 4T7 Court St. Eve. Ph. 3-6053 - 3-5996 - OUR BEST BUYS WILL SELL OR TRADE for 8a! era home, beautiful 10 acres, fruit, nutj, good black soil, 3 bdrms., clean modern home, 11 v. rm, fireplace. D rm.. Kit. Basement to furnace. What have youT call Ray Davis. 66200 ONLY 1 ONLY 8176 down, new 3 bed rm home with unfinished attic, liv. rm. fireplace, hd floors, oil furnace very good, first check get H. Call Ray Davis. 86.560 CLEAN AS A HOUNDS TOOTH 3 bdrm . lg liv. rm., fireplace, hdwd. floors, bsmt . furnace, fine location Call Ray Davis. 17650 Cute 2 bdrm. home on North Liberty, attached aaraie, nice back yard, Onlv 4 yrs old. Call Ivan finer. 88100 keizer DI5T 6 rm home with stairs to attic, hwd floor, nice lawn to garden, lg. lot, term. Call Ivan Blver. . 18750 NICE 6 rm. home, full bsmt. awdut furnace, garage, nice yard, good location. Call Ivan Siver. 110.500 GOOD SOLID PRE WAR HOME on N 20th St., 3 lg bed rm to child rm with built In bunk, dining rm. Ilreplace. hwd floor, bunt. sawdust furnac, lovely back yd to garden Pot, near high school to En tie wood grade school. Call Oeo. Walter 18500-NEW SUBURBAN Very attractive 2 bdrm. on S acre, 1 yr. old, near school to bus, 81600 will handle. Call Geo. Walter. GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR Eve, phone: Riy Davis 3-8856 - FOR SALE FARMS BY OWNER 20 acre. 6 acre Beaverdam 16 room house, barn, or trade for Salem hiii.e 17000 Ph 1-8683 b13 FOR SALE ACREAGE 817(ib. 1 ACRES "cherries! apples, walnuta, 6 miles from town on Skyline Road. Rte. 0 Box 708, Mr. Campbell. bbl!4 FR ACT IO N A L ia c re73 .3 x 1280. 5. Frant- aae on State St . East Pen-Four Corners. Call evenings. 4015 State St. Ph. 2-4332 bbl12 II AC. 3. S Ac. prunes, apples to cherries. Oood spring. Priced nalit. Ph. 2-6752. bblH HERE 18 a good 3 bdrm. home to 1 acre of good land on Lancaster Dr. The.se owners really want to sell and we will be glad to tell you about this place. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capital St. Office Pb. 2-3862. Eves. 3-2147 or 2-8836 bbll2 66300. t Acre. Close to 4 Corners. Has 3 bedroom neal attractive home. This Place in extra nice condition. 7400. 1 Ache et on bus line. Has 0 yr, old plastered 3 Bedroom home with attached garage, Barn, chicken house, lots of shrubs, fruit and nut trees. Oar den space. CALL O. V HUME WITH STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 163 B. High St.. Phone 3-4131, Eves. 2-5206 bbll4 SUBURBAN, modern, 3 bedroom home. An acre of land on bus line. Phone 2-7034. bhlis REAL ESTATE $1695 Furnished or unfurnished I nns. Elec. Paved rd. nr. Balem. 710 ac. Trees. Shrubs. Ch. hsr. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 37113 C 113 FREE BOOR LET on western land bar gains. Pacific Lands, Hollywood 38. Calif. clI2 George W. Hubbs 1543 N. Capitol Ph. 33031 FOUR NEW apt. units, all equip, with electric stove to refrig . electric heat, completely Insulated, beautiful view to nice shrubs, very good income property. This Place also has a 4 bd rm hse, gar. kitchen, hse and family orchard on 1 acre of around. Immediate pos. Will lake late model car as part pay, 3t ACRES only 1 mile from city ren ter. 2 bd rm home, basement A; dble gar. bjs bv door, 16x28 chicken hse. 10x16 brooder hse. Complete family or chard, all trees bearing. Also a va riety of berries Most completely In sulated. Will take late model car. YRS. OLD home. 4 bd rm, either furn or unfurn. L rm. D rm. K. Venetian blinds, etc., cooking A water heat elec. Highland district. This home can be bought with a small down payment. 37733 C113" FOR VOI R SAVINGS Investment buy a first mortgage on real estate, Salem to vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts 6500 to several thousand dou lars. net investor 5. We make all col led loim for you if desired STATE FINANCE CO.. 133 8 High. c Vtll.n 6 Ui It late built court north 50 per month. This court condition. Would take In Income in best home. CALL O V. HUME WITH STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 133 S Hiah St., Phone 3-4131, Evas. 3-5206 , C114 $3000 DOWN 5 ACRES L R D. R kitchen. 3 B R . Oil heat Insulated. Ha 1 rm. house renting for 125 00 I shop 1 chicken coop I brood er house Double garage. All kinds fruit and nuta A very nice place. Call Len tit ion. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Pn. 3-8271 Ee. 3-3683 C11S 113 DOWN Why pay rent when you can own this new 2 br. hm with stairway to a't.c Nice Urm. dining space, kitchen hdd. firs, fireplace, full price 16500 gMiw iery good small home, lvrm . bdrm.. kitchen, bath. lare lot. near u. OMERS REAL ESTATE 400 N. 13th ph. 3-5091 C113" FREE BOOK! FT "on weateVn land"bar aains Pacific Land. Hollywood 36 Calif rio4 rROItN CRFER building lot. Treea. c-eek 4 miiaa U. S. bank. 11680. Ph eii5 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT HOmV1vTTHNCOME Family needs 2 bdrm living carters plus I or 3 apt, to rent Call Allen C Jones or Mabel A Needham. Realtors. 141 State St , Rm. 4, up,talr. Ph. 3-6201 eal!2 WB NEED YO'R-LISTINO Out loan loan dpt can close your deal Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 356 N Jt fh SI. Ph 1-4136 caU3 WB ARE In need at good house 'to tell ta or near Salem If you wiafe ta list your pronertf for late aee fiRArU NHORUT RlOV Eg 41 TORS I34 S Liberty St.-P?ione2-147l ca NOTICE It your property"") for sale rent pt exchange, list It w.th We have an anl of casb knTfra TATB tTNNCB CO. RKAI.TORS l B Rith St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ROOM hse nice yard, full basemeni I ard. full auto hea I tide for larger house 40 n Uth Ph 1-4813 Journal Want AdYPay . 1 I IFOR SALE HOUSES Fhona 1-4115-6 3-3032 3-3770 - 3-3636 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ELEC. CONTRACTING to Service. Com plete line. Major appl. Modern bids. With at tract ne living quarters. Low rent. No competition, Musi j.ell this month at inv. approx, 64250. Hubbard Ore. Ph. 4511. cdllT FOUNTAIN SERVICE GROCERY Excellent location doing good business. Larue volume Ice Cream and Sundries A real opportunity Call Leo Orton SERVICE STATION & GARAGE Good equipment Excellent location. Call Len Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 3-9271 Eves. 2-3B83 cdll3' TIRE COMPANY Including pickup es tablished over two ears. Good buy for right party. Reply Capitol Journal Box 440. cdllS MT. JEFFERSON CAFE. See B. B. Blan. FOR RENT or lease: building suitable for store, office or shop in West Sale: rectly serais from new bank, phone -8018. cdin homendTncome 5 furnished apartments, pass. Income) 1200 month. 1 acre good soil, pavin Owner gone, says sell at 16500 with J 2 000 down. 875 month. 18 ROOM APT. HOUSE 4 epam.ienti furnished, 4 acts plumb ing. 99E and Business rone. Here you can have a home, business and rentals, price 112,000 with liberal terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Commercial ONLY $12,000 Down town restaurant. Good business Low overhead. Worth much more than asking price R. E. MEREDITH. R.L.T. or B. M. MASON 176 S Com'l. Ph. 3-8841. CdllS DO YOU want to get In business for your- sell? I have Mobile as Service Station business for sale at wholesale price. In Dallas. Ore. Contact Frank Dooliltlt. Distributor. Oencral Petroleum Pro. Ph 1-4619 Salem. cd!14 THINK THIS OVER For 662.0O0.iM I can sell you a well estab. business that is and will continue to make owner over tlOOO mo. Neu Plus a beautiful home, no there Is no catchi. This will psy a 15000 yr. salary for mgr. plus 18.000 yr. net on Invest. Phone 3(i680. ED. LUKINBEAL. REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. cdllS GROCERY 87500 buys aro. stock, fixtures to equip ment, has package beer In good busy disl. Cail Harvey Huff Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt Ph. 3-0371. Etea. 3-9441 Cdll3- MAN TO SERVICE ve nd im m a "r TiTne route, (Nationally advertised product i I rours weekly. Can make up to 150 a week. 1725 investment secured by stock Rnx 109 Capital .Fourna! cd!!2 FURNITURE FOR ' SALE SAVE $50 I-ovely modern 5 piece Mr. to Mrs. bdrm. sune In beautiful walnut or slearned walnut plus very fine national ly adv. guaranteed Innersprinc mattress and maiching box sprina. Bdrm. suite hi the popular I1, in. plank top and recessed drawer pulls, and consist of 2 Mr. and Mrs chests. 30x44 In. plate mirror, full sire bed and nlsht stand Finest of con.t. and fully guaranteed. This la a sensational value at only Hfi9 Ml. 17 doan, 110 93 per mo. Free delivery, H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 aFirground Rd Ph. 3-3797. dll4 RMS. ol furniture practically newal ued over 82200. will sell for 61.000 cash ll?0 Rroartwav Celt af'er 6 pm dtt? WANTED FURNITURE HH.IIKT PRICESpald Phone "blennat Woodry Auction Market PD 3-3110. da II E N House hoi ds Ph Tss 1 1 da AUCTIONS FI RNITI RE AICTION TONIGHT 7 pm Lane fludtell Auction Sales Yard, lo cated I'm nrles East of Fairgrounds on Slh erton Rd Ph 3-6098 ddl 12 FOR JALE LIVESTOCK" J COWS, calves, hay. tarmmachlnerynif ter 3 p. m except Baturdav aid Sun day Martin Rose Cottages, 1 mile norrh of Brooks on 99E el!2" LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED a) LICENsrnllveatock "buyer E C. McCandiah. 1137 S. 18 Ph. 3-6147 eal27 PETS c-Hoir rAVv. n. i nn. ism ch, FUEL B EST 8A1JCM FIT EL CO Biock, planer to slab wood aaw d ist Ph. 14031. ee -MBWOOn. 3ioad lor " I3o""oO "iload 112 00. Anderson Bros.. Ph 3-6734. e!3j TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh eut lawdust. Prompt delivery. Pit 37443. We give S H Green Stamp Green 16 In mill wood ee GOOD SLAB, dry or green Oreen edelng is 50 a load Double load 116 06 Oood elesn sawdust. Oregon Fuel C Ph l-i:S eelJl CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR lHMel end Stove Oils PRFH CUT SAWDUST ft? Slab Wood Phone I-644 rr" Trwsn PRODUCE sp,w,0US for set, lie Tb. Bring con-amere. 0org Aabera a Orand lalaaal. mul FOR SALE HOUSES CANDALARIA HEIGHTS SALEM'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL AREA New. well-built, three bdrm. home. dble. garage, fireplace, hdad llrs. Inside utility. The beat In an oil -forced air furnace. Call Peter H. Geuer. CLOSE IN NORTH A fine 3 bdrm. home with liv. rm., dm. rm.. hdwd. firs, fireplace, full bsmt., nice yard, dote to all school. Reduced to 16.500. Call Roy Ferris. BUSINESS LOTS SOX 130 ft. N. Coml St. .10 60 x 124 ft. B 13th St Corner Lot 500 50x140 ft B 12th St. 700 42 X 100 ft. "S. 12th St. Corner Lot 1.0,500 125 x 110 ft. Corner Lot. Mam St., good service am. site Call Richard E. Grabenhorat GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Evening and Roy rem - 2-8010 Peter Oeiser 3-9963 Earl West - 3-1232 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS all popular varieties. In cluding Leghorns, Hampshire. Par mrnWrs. Auatra-Whlte and others Phona 3-2861 or writ today for Lee' Baby Chick Chats containing free poul try Information Lee Hatchery P. O. Box 725, 8a!em. Oreron f HELP WANTED MALE WANTED: Reliable married man with good car. Prefer man ex p. worklna with wholesale trade but ambition more im portant. Salary, car expense and com mission. See Mr. Ruhi, 433 Ferry St. nfler noon. gall3 WANTED young single man to work In mailing room. Permanent position (o right man. Set Circulation Manager Capital Journal. talis FXP. SERVICE gta. attendant. Permanent position. Abo attendant for Sat. and Sun. Box 434. Capital Journal. gall2 YIFN TO LEARN heating and air condi tion ;ng sal" to engineering with a firm who ha had the combined experience In the heating field. Above average earning with opportunity for advanci ment. For personal Interview write Box No. 473, Capital Journal, statin1 qualifications. salli ft R ACE installer. Experienced man ith car and tools. Good opportunity for right man. Non-union shop. Wn'e Box No. 500, Capital Journal, statins experience. gaI12- HELP WANTED FEMALE INSOLATION MECHANICS needed at once. Builder Insulating Co. See Mr. Stevens 980 3. Com l. Ph. 2-6622. gbll4- WOMAN or Olrl general housework, stay night. 695 N. Liberty call mornlmrs. gbI16- NEAT, attractive girls over 18 for ful: time usherettes. Apply In person Orand Theatre. gbll3" WOMAN or Girl for general housework. Stay nights. No washings. Ph. 3-8938 after 6 p.m gbtl3' WAITRESS wantecT Muatbe 2lT afTthe Y Cafe on Dallaa Highway. Call In person. gbll2 iiot'SEKKEPER wanted. Call 3-S6M7Mus"t have reference. gblU OFFICE assistant to answer phone and type. Experience preferred but not necessary. Write Box No. 442. Capital Journai. stating experience and qual ifications gblia EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for an ex perienced bookkeeper. Permanent posi- Appiy in person. See Mrs. Pickett, 355 OFFICE AND CI.ER1CAI POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 3-1488 gf WANTED SALESMAN SALESMEN We have several openings in our sales force for men between 24-25. Our work Is noi seasonal nor part time. Those selected will be given training and Immediate help. Last week BP. earned 1148.00 Last week E H. earned 165 00 Last week R. P. earned 107.60 The above listed are all new men. Our experienced men earned more. Come and spend l'i hours of your time. Tnls I a really amazing deal. See Mr. Carnine at Marion Hotel, Display Room No. 1 at It a.m. or 7 p.m. Friday, May 13, 1S49. ggll4 MAN to sell farm machinery and Irriga tion equipment. alo some work in parts department. Thia Is an excelleent Job for mln party. Write Capital Journal Box 439. 1113 NEW SALES oraanitation is being farmed by an established compan opening a new office in Salem. Op portunity for sales manager position for man who qualifies on the Job. For appointment write Box No 436, Capital Journal, statmg qualifications and ex perience. Applications confidential. g112 VETERANS: Easy to start a business of yout own from vour home. Full ot part timi. Aae no handicap. Car needed Write Rawteiah'a, Dept. ORE-165-218I. Oakland. Calif. ttUn WANTED POSITIONS WOMAN DESIRES position as housekerp. er or companion. Good cook; experi enced: no heavy work. Write Box 70 Woooburn. hi 14 WANT TO MOW lawns for 25c. Wash cars 3.tc.754 B. 13trt alter 3:30 p.m. hll2 EXP. INSURANCE stenogTapher will ac cept any stenographer position. Avail able Immediately. Ph. 36422. h!14 TREE SPRAYING. White "washing," 1764! Market. PU. 34922. hi 16 WANT to build new home for someone Pit. 2-7729 hllS 1ST CLASS Housework by the hour. (Not Saturday! Phone 2-8708. hi 13 by the hour. hll2 n.ASTERINO, PATCHWORK and chim ney building Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates hllS CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 3-?093 hl35 HOl'SEPAINTINCi Phone 3-0163. hi 14 CARPENTER work Build, remodel re pair. Lane small Job. Ph. 3-2348 hi 14 LAWN CUTTING. Phone 2-8403. hl34 LAWN START to flnUh. Light tractor on rubber to dorer. 36127. hill hi 14 I -,v r ; SHINGLINO and gen. bom repair. Ph. 3-3334 or 3-6752. hill s. HAND FINISHED drapes made to order to our home. Your material. Ph. 8-36.11 , h.ni" tV V. Tfcin,JL d i.-m? bem "T ' the hour 70c. Phone 3-1717. h!13 WILL PROVIDE excellent nome or da care for mall child. Ph. 3-6193. hi 39 TU.g PHONE C.I.SAKEN34hrer". lre. Former phone op Ph 2-6073. h!24 L4VARS NI RSFRY for tafantsT" bred' re . nurse in char. Ph. 23201 . h 1 3 7 CHILD CARE lngo horn. Ph. 25102" tl'TO P4INTINO lust a shad better by Ray Eiter Call Bhrock Motor Co 3-6141 h NEW LA" MS Pruning Rototitlin, Landscaping, tree ork Ricnard Rover. Ph 1-6116 hlW POE'S raimragrapnin. typing service. prompt service, auallty work, lower rice 669 N 16th Ph. 3-3843 nl38 t TMINT WORK. Side wails, drivewa. oatio floors ete Pa 2-4630. hll2 I FT I S do your cement work NOW Drrve- ays sidewalks, pat os. e;c Pn 3-44!3 CHILD CARE. Pb. 39636. hlli 1164 Shlpptfe' S1J6 (FOR SALE HOUSES Phong 3-2471 Sunday Call WANTED POSITIONS Painting & Decorating Chaplin. 20 r. expr. Ph. 3-7332. hi 16 ROTOTILLER work. 1146 Hood St. 2-0594. hi 16 PLOWING es Discing. Ph. 31160 33328. bin INTERIOR painting. Exp. Pa. 3-6796. M13 BABY SITTING. PH 20580. LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototilllng. New lawn, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 3-8110. ri 133' FOR RENT ROOMS PLEASANT SLEEPING rm. for gentleman IOjO Norway. Ph. 2-4547, jkl!7 SLEEPING ROOM for employed person' 3270 Lee street. Ph. 3-5409. Jkll4 RM BREAKFAST privilege for middle saed empl. woman. 3 blk from post ailice. Write box No. 410. Capital Jour nal. Jkll4 SLEEPING R3I. Close Miiokinu. 310 Leslie. ? R.MS, for the price of one. Bitting rm A- bdrm. Private bath. Employed ladv Garase. Plr 34562. Jkll2' ATTRACTIVE rm.. private home. Gentle man. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 36368. jkU2 SLEEPING RMS., dble. Single. Alio lighthskg. rma. 790 N. Church. Ph. 3-4335J Jkll3 ROOM FOR 'RENT. 130 McNary, West Salem. Jklia FTRNISHED ROOM with or without gar ase. Close to bu. 660 Sprue. Ph. 20348 Jklte ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 3-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS t RM. FI'RN. apt. 15. wk. Elderly gentle man preferred. 1290 Oak. Ph. 3-5276. Jp114 X RM. lutht housekeeping 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 38706. JP1IV LARGE t room furnished, private bath and entrance. Ph. 3-6714 after 4 p.m Jpll4- 3 RM, FI'RN. Apt. Adults only. Ph. 2-5372. IUJ5 Center St. JplU' MODERN, LARGE turn. Ant. close In, quiet, private home, garage to yard. Tel. 3-4316 for appointment. Jpll4 FI'RN. APT. Adults. 770 S. Com'l. Jpll' I pl"BX pt Ior 1 or 7 Cl"n 1,8ht- 780 N Church. Ph. 29201. JPU2 FI'RN. 2 rm i round fir. D.vLsion. apt, hot A No pet or cold water, children. 449 Jpl 14 t RM. partly furn. ant. $20. 815 S. 22nd. JP114 FIRNISIIED apartment. Downstown. Phone 2-4469. Eve. 3-8353. jpll3 NEARLY furn. 3 rm. duplex apt. Priv cnt. prlv. bath, nice yard. Bu In from Of house. Ph. 2-6539. Jpll6 MODERN 1 bdrm. furn apt., elec. range v reirig . private Datn, launarjr in burnt. Adults. Close in. South. Ph. 37487. Jpll-' t B003I furnLilied apt. with private toilet to shower. Business lady preferred. Pll2 MODERN 1 bdrm. apt . private bath, ga rage. South. Ph.37487. Jpll2 MODERN 2 bdrm. unfurn! apt 7" heat, laundry In burnt., private bath to ga rage. Close in. South. Ph. 37487. Jpiia- 1 RM. furn,. upxtairt. neat clean, am pie storage. 1376 N. Commercial. JP133 t'NFl'RN, 1 bdrm. Apt. in very attractive court. Liv. rm., kitchen to bath. Equip. with ref.tg. At range. Auto. laundry. Cnlt 907 8 13th. iolH . FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN 3 bdrm. he. 673 per month. Adults. E ut le wood Dtst. Electric heat. Ph. 3-3845. JmlU FOR RENT: 3 bedroom modern home. Va cant. 170 a mo. 2 mos. rent required. EDW A. DYCK. REALTOR 328 N. Comm'l. St. Ph. 3-3211, 3-6056 ' 2-3203 Jhll2' HOi'SE. rm. l57call 2.452! Jmll3 3-ROOM unfurnished. aU electric house. Inquire 1173 Sixth St., West Salem. jmll iff 3 bdrm. suburban home 170 m OMER S REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th Ph. 3-3001 1ml 13 COM P. FI'RN 6 rm. flat to aub-let June 5 Sept. . Elect. W. heater, stove, refrig , to w. mach. ar. floor, central loc.. children accepted, ref. required. 160 mo. Write box 436 Capital Journal jmllS WEST Salem 1 la, rm. hs. newly dec. wood -ante, n & c water. w blk. bus. Ph. 2-2885 Jrrrll2 M'R l. Duplex for rent or lease. Phone 2-8213. Jmll3 MODERN 2 bdrm. hotne380J 'Thorndaie Rd. Oaner will sell or rent. Jmll6 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS apt. Close In. 333 month. JU2 BUSINESS rental, good location north for beauty shop and barber shop, of fices, or misc. rentals. Reasonable rent. Joe L. Bournea, 1140 N. Capitol. Ph 3-8216 J114- FOR RENT: Office rooms In Oregon Build- it. See Janitor or Phone 34114. J112 Trailer Space 116 Mo. includes alt modern conveni ences Rlgnt across street on S. side of Paul us Cannery. Telephone 2868 s Wm. Roth Trailer Park, 1740 Oxford 1114 TRAILER SPACE. Camp Joy Motel. J1S4 DRIVE truck car Pb 3-1103 TltTf F and ears. Smlltv'a Clipper 8-r- vie Ph 3-9600. Cor. Center Church t ' GROUND FLOOR room, suitable for of- (ic or stores STATE FINANCE CO . 3fiai i POWER TOOL rental tor borne to dustria- use Bowser Bros Pb 3-3646 TRAILERS. 12 06 per day Howser Bros 606 Edsewater St. West Salem ) BUSINESS RM for rent GOOPUTP' pTnos H LjBtlff. . Stiff FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgomery W a rd - TO DO a good lob rent a good Moor send er W ell verylhing t complete the Job HOWSFR RPJOS-Ph 3-3646 WANTED TO RENT YOUNG M D. and family es re 3 or 3 bedroom unfurnUhed house. Ph. 36661 J1I7 A RELIABLE high caliber peTmanently employed family man desires rental of a l wo or three bedroom home, north Will sign lease up to a year. 86 to 856 per month older tvpe of home pre ferred Call Joe L Bourne at 3-82:6 or Bv, I-T31Y. at at al 11 40 M, Capitol talU i WANTED TO RENT 1 BDRM. AFT. or small nous unfurn. By elderly couple. Ph. 3-3260. PROFESSIONAL MAN to wife desire 2 or 3 bdrm. bouse. North preferred. Fn. j-dk )all3 YWCA Secretary and wife dejlre rental of unfurn Is ned notue or apt. 3 bdrm. gar.Phone Mr. HoHi3-6111. Jall3 VET to Wife desire furn. bouse, pre ferrablv with ootlon to buy. 37463 eve. iatl3 DESPERATELY house. N. E. 3-6673. brdm. unfurn preferred. Ph Jail!' 1 BEDROOM house la Wast Salem. Phone 3-6777 JallJ t BEDROOM house or apartment, fur nished or unfurnished. State employed. Will leas. Phone 4-2171 Ext. 480. 6 a m. to 5 p rn. or 2-6440 after 6 p.m. Iall3 PERMANENT employee Capital Journal need 3 bedroom unfurnished house June 1. 3 children. Consider rent with opt:o to buy. Phone 3-5486. 112' WANTED TO RENT: Permanent reli able tenant urgently need 3 bdrm. part ly furnisned home. North preferred. Sa lem references. Boa 367, Capital Journal JattS' ROOM AND BOARD WILL BOARD small children day, o month. Ph. 3-6363. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Lady's bill fold. Black to red Mothers' day gift. Valuable papers, money. Reward. 646 Jackson St., Salem Dorothy Laschlnger. km LOST Man' gold knife. Initial W E M at Silver Creek Fall. Sunday. Call 3-6704. Reward kll5 MISCELLANEOUS ES SPRINGER, men batter 464 Court ml 30 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State to Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 nV HAVE VOCE SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified 8:nter represen- ta" e Ph 3-3613 for free pick up and delivery service on al makes or ma chine Pre- estimate Riven before work Is started Singer Sewing Machlna Co 130 N Coml m" BUILDING MATERIAL NEW PLYWOOD, all thicknesses. Special prices on Insulation. 16" by 32' ceiling tile, electric water heaters, and wall board for bathroom, kitchen or utility room. C. O. Long. Phone 3-6821. 1 mile N. of Keiier. mall3 NEW I PANEL DOORS 34". 36". 28', 30 ", 32" and 36" Widths. Brick, glass and panel entrance doors. Good supply used doors, toilets and basins. Check our prices. C O. Long. Phona 3-5821. I mile N. of Keicer. mailt FIREPLACE MATERIAL . Superior heat form to Bennett -Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry material. Phone 25641. Pl'MILITE WEST SALEM m112 FRENCH WINDOWS with frame. 3310 Silver ion Rd., Ph. 33326. rnalU xt Jt'M.oo per 1000 new and used pipe New to used bathroom fixtures. Used doors to windows. Madson Wrecking Co. 1230 Howard. mallfi WILL PAY cash for used easy chair, end table, floor lamp, writing desk. Write Capital Journal, Box 437. malll 2 and Better Shiplap, $45 M While It lasts. West S.iem Saw Mill Free delivery. Ph. 3-9593. 1050 WhIIbcc Road. mall4 NEW SHIPMENT piast board aUc V 6c so. ft Rock lathe 41 tq It 81.75 MONTGOMERY WARD 8 4, LEM ma NEW -in F.rtex. 4x8 sheets. Sc so. ft Asbestos siding. S10 iq. New grade A doors at low prices. New oak flooring. standard width and thickness, random lenath S130 per M. Ph. 2-5821. C. Long. 1 mile north of Keizer. nal FLOORING. Ph. 39702 ma RE-ROOF NOW One. two or three years to pay. For free estimates phone 3-7177. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. jnal2 if. I'M A LOCK - ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing 8e vour dealer or dlst. Call 3-6401. maUS RED CEDAR shingles No 1. 39 30. No 2. 85.50. No. 3. 83 SO. We del Philip Bros, Rt. 1, Box lit. Ph. 68P23. ma t'SED LUMBER. Rt. 0. Box 373T Out Center Bt. to Fruit alnd church. S mi N Biaiio SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards giv you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesman tor free estimate Phone 8-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD es CO. SALEM. OREGON ma TILLAMOOK CED4.R SHINGLE. W de liver. No. 1. 19.00. No. 3, 83.00. Ted Muller, Ph. 3-1196. malK ALUMINUM ROOPINO t ft width la tb following lengths: 6 II 74 r 3 32 10 3 60 ir 346 Ask about Installation gervtce MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON NURSERY STOCK BLOOMING Rhododendrons 36 to 110, Ar.alea Mollis 32. Oeraniumt 83 60 dog. Blooming Puschlas 35c each. Pansier., Dwarf Dahlias 61 dot. Tuberous Be gonias ,15r each. Evening Customerg In vited. Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. mbllS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 8 FT. PHILCO refrigerator. Used 3 months. Rt. 3 Box 113. Ph. 3-1119. nll4 M GALLONS of outside white paint 8.1.25 per gallon In a . gallon palls. 1126 Norway St. B124 VICTROLA and records, fin condition 625. Haiel Apt. 3261 Hate) Av. nllft 10 CANDY BAR machines. Call morning 607 N. Capitol. Apt. 6. nl32 A.B. ELECTRIC range. Apt. shape. Cheap. Ph. 3-4707. 3 FT. G. E. refrig. 736 S. 13th. nils SCHWAB LUMBER CO. WALLACE ROAD At cost: Plywood, insulating tile, and doors A'jto. I common and f and better dim ension and boards. Ne 4 common 3x4' and 1x8 ahlplap. H6 cedar siding. Aluminum roofing. Truck and truck haul Ph 2-8611. nlll TAR PS At your war surplus store: 16-or. waterproof. Orommeta, 5x7 (3 15 6x6 4 33 7x6 147 Oil 8 16 All o.her sire.. In stock. CASCADr MERC. CO Corner Fairground Rd., Church St nlll TRW-I.-CEF. baby butty exrt condition M-kea a car bed. Pn. 3-6933 1414 N Winter nlll' MATERNITY Dresses alt 16 11100 Ph 3-3543. nl ll- OO TOl want to get ta business for your self l have Mobilgas Service Station bislne.se for sale at wholesale price tn Dallas. Or. Contact F;ank Dooilttl Distribute. General Petroleum Pro Ph. 3-4416 Solera n!14 46 INC6I Electric Simplex Ironer very utile used. 1739 00. See at Santiam Laundritt. Ph. 3301, Saeet Hem. Ore. alia A M TTREsa Baraaia. Bonn filled wiat- tre. Francis eover. Full or tw:n sift 115 We tne green stem a Sa le l Boca fu. Co- U1 Bx Coxa 1. BUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FEES KIBE Cooker Part for all popular makes. Montgomery Ward Servlee Depu, In Farm Store, Trade and High Bu. , nll Trade in your old washer on a new young machine Liberal allowance, Salem Home Furn. Co., 137 So. Com'l. BUS ATTRACTIVE 5 yr. old Palomino mar. Reakuered PHA. Distinctive parade type. tUr. William J. Mannlon. R No. 3 Bx 817. 6 mile from Balem on Soul A River RSj Ph. 316TL P113 LIVE RED rStYEEB for your locker or picnic. 33c a Jb. N. on 691 to Hood tiew. l' ml. rtRt. 3, Box 302. alia FLAT TOP propankv rang. ComP, tank. Ph. 3-9840. WESTERN FIELD 22 Val. targgt FIRE ENGINE. C03 Flra 6 ting u Lin ers, pyrene for tefill 83 60 gaVPluaib 1ns fixture, kitcan sink. aoTrVPJPa and fitting, caulking lead 35 lb, "y, to , Oalv pipe, bed aid oak tg bte 14 00. Tolleu, toilet tank, lava tones, bath tuba. ELECTRIC Apt. ls ranges, washer, elec water heater, house and outside wire, service entranea conduit, meter bases. Elec. Bakery Oven, steam kettles, hand winch, spud neater. Carrier refrigeration unit, ateam or hot water furnace. 1947 O M O. m Ton 16" Bed. 1x20' dock trailer 10 ton; BUNK BEDS AND MATTRESSES. Com aouth on 12th to large HOVT SIGN, turn east one block. Tel. 37916. TBI 14 T CUBIC FT. refrigerator, A-l condition, electric stove. Ph. 2-9954. 483 University upstairs. nl 13 APT. ELECTRIC Stove, lea box, twin beds, dining table and 4 ehalr. 119 So. latlr. pll3 Trr.' FENCE Posts" S In. by tn. 45a apiece, also hop poles. Writ to James Hartman, Rockaway. Or. 113 PEPSI-COLA cooler, used 30 day. Ph. 2-3336 or 2-3166. nllS I.OVE SEAT. 676.00. Ph. 3396L ! OIL rirculttor heater, tubing to barrel. ISO. 00. Norge apt. sire range. 8.1300. Roat A- motor. 1175. 1176 Chemeketa. Ph 23837 nll2 BINOCC LAR Imported, 8 power. Pine quality, juubi sen. box jd. capita: Journal, nil: CLOSING out balance of plumbing storl at Wholesale, uasn aaiea oniy. no de liveries. No pipe sales only No returns. Buy here now and save W A. Bkewir Co.. 1390 Madison. Ph. 3-4600. n SAVE 3c gal on gas! Broadway'g Super service, ess n uocrty. oua STEEL CLOTHESLINE peat 113 pair up. Railings In stock to order 1145 M. Lib erty. nl25 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Gibson and Montaa Appliance at Gevurti. noN'T WAX your floors Use Piastl-Kat. the cellophane ilka finish tor wood or linoleum .,.YFAT-R APPLIANe CO nlll CEDAR posts, yew wood posts, shlnglea. tele, and elec. poles. Phillips Bros, Rt. 6. Box 118 Ph 68F22. n CSED Electric Refrigerator Y PATER APPLIANCE CO. B117 USED TIRE BALK Due to he t remndou. ale ol our Riv erside Air Cushion Tires, we have ac cumulated a large stock of unusuaila good trade-in tires price 81 to 66 MONTGOMERY WARD TIRE STORE 8.E. Corner. Trad and High BRUSHES. 1746 Grant. 14 CU. FT. CHEST freezer. New 1330 00. Ph. 3-4284. n t'SED Electric Ranges, water heaters Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. Bll7 ELECTRIC Sewing Marhlne Y EATER APPLIANCE CO RAVE 3c gal on gaa! Rroadway'e Btipet Service. 898 N. Liberty. n!3S' NEW BERG TYPS RIVEB BOTTOM T 'OF SOIL Hlph quality, attractive price Al kinds: Pit run. gravel: sand; mil crush; concrete pipe to tit; re-infora-kng steel OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1403 N Front St. Ph 1-3417 nil! BALEM SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer to Basement Equipment Rental 18 Bt yds 13 00 per nr. 10 B yds 9 60 per to. D-7 Cat to Dorer 10 50 per nr, D-6 Cat to Dozer . 8.40 per nr. D-4 Cat Dorer 7.00 par br. Phone Days 3-9408 i Eves 3-826 or 2-4406 Salem Oregon n GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock. Shovel drag-lln excavating. WALL INCT SAND At GRAVEL CO. Ph. 3-9349. WALLINO BAND to GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveway cement, ready mix concrete, tardea and. Bulldoring drainage nnd ditching. V-yd. shovel and drag Una. Pb. 3-9349. SPpAY GUNS AND COMPRESSORS You can get the beat in spray paint ing accessories at Wards) Sturdy and eff'clent spray guns, compressor, pre ir tanks ete Spray tuna foe a little as 38 83 MONTGOMERY WARD to CO. SALEM. OREGON ' PLATROCFt For patios, rock walls, walk rrf..a and all rock const. We del. and tell hen r at pit. See or call for prices. Phtllipi Bros. Rt. 6. Box 116. Ph. 68F22. n FERTILIZER. Cow. hone or chicken ms nur delivered In Salem. WeU rottvd el fresh. 86.00 per cubic yard del Alai manure by sack 11.00 per sack at plact or will del. flv sack order. Phillip Bros.. Rt. 6. Box lis, Salem. Ph. 63F23. "PECIAL Rug values, all wool chenille In rose. blue, green, tan and gray. Rever sible, serviceable, 9x12 136.65: 8x11 87 65. We give green savin stamp. Salem Horn Furn. Co., 137 Bo. Com'l. BI13- WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. af ter complete aerv'c facilities for ad Montgomery Ward appliance. Just call 33191 TARPAULINS Sturdy canvas. io os befor treating. Yster and mildew rmCatant MetaJ rommets 1 I I 6 t t r iu 8 ir lo t! 1 H 13 71 MONTOOMFRY WARD to CO, SALEM. OREGON a MILK pasteuriser for the horn. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 4FWINO MACHINE, nf make or eond W. 171. 1910 M. 18th nal30 Davenport. Pb 3- W4VTED furniture to flu repair Li ' ruin -rTiniimng to T X-TOOl, UsFOFURNI T U F Phone 9-6I8S PERSONAL 4.LCOBOLILS Anonymoua. Box 734. 3-3334. PISS AUTOMOBILES NEW CAR AGENCY Automobile Dealer win sell eomp!eto garage buslneu showing a nice profit. All modern equipment to well estab lished community. Largest customer following in area. Wtl sell at Inventory and prefer to sell on term at reason able interest. The building is owned by Dealer and will give lone te-m les. Owner have other more demanding in terest Writ Capital Journal Box 441. 0111 NFW HOLMES Power Wrecker mounted on Stude. 2 ton truck. Used less than 16 000 miles. Full price 12500 00 Term Av a liable. Write Capital Journal B.n , alii 1 V-g MOTOR romplete. 665 00 Ph. 36106 between U 1 pn. 1M with nllT Cal. targgt rlfit" with Mossburg scope. Ulso peen aunt. 3310 BU verton Rd. Ph. 3326. nlU tt i rn n . . noyi ac. aupius (Continued on Poge 23) i