j ZL- .anrrr" Students Join Sigma Lambda Approximately 50 students, about evenly divided between the junior and senior classes, became members of Sigma Lambda chapter of the Nation al Honor society Tuesday night " in the auditorium of Salem sen ior high before several hundred spectators. Each year a certain percentage of Juniors and sen iors are selected for the honor because of their outstanding scholastic achievements, service, school activities, leadership and character. Many others were eligible but only a certain per centage can be taken in during each induction. The others will probably be inducted next fall or the following spring. The induction ceremony was in charge of Lloyd Olson, presi dent of the chapter; Dorothy Go vig, secretary; Phil Johnson, Martha Durham, Charles Aus tin, Lorraine Welling and Joyce Edgell. The program included a brief address by William H. Kidwell, director of special education, Sa lem schools; and a French horn solo by Mary Swigart with piano accompaniment by Virginia Ben ner. Those inducted were: Junior.: Tom Angle. Don Bennett. Margaret Bown. Mary Campbell. Betty Cooley, Pebble DeSart, Nancy Doughton, Carrol Fleaher, Janet oalser, Ann Olb bena. Marilyn Hall. Bob Hamblln, Edna Merit Kill. Wayne Mercer. Joan Marie Miller, Dorothy Pederaon, Susan Perry. Mary Polalei. Lajune Rahti. Merlin Schulae. Blcharo Scott. Michael caven ner, Don TeBelle, Ellia VonEechen, Patla Wllllama. Lou Ann Wolf. Senlora: Lola Archibald. Mavia BJorke, Don Buell. Jim Cooke, Ann Caraon. Joan DeWltt, Darlene Engdahl, Joyce Polsom. Walter Prieien, Jean Hunter, Paul Jew ell. Dick Louchan, Marjorle MacOregor. Eliiabeth Morley, Allle Lou Ohllng, De ryl Peteri, Bather Perkina, Catherine Per aon. Aleda Rehm, Tom Scheldel. Barbara ftenter, Roger Smith, charlena Webber. Linn Clubbers Are Showing at Albany Albany, May 11 Linn coun ty 4-H club members In clothing, cooking; forestry, health, wood working, art and hobbies, child care and homemaking projects will exhibit their work at the Linn County Spring 4-H club fair, May 12 to 14 in the Al bany senior high school gymna sium. A full schedule of events is planned for the three day fair. On Thursday, May 12 from 9 a m. until 3 p.m. exhibits will be received and entered at the high school Also on May 12 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. demonstrations and dollar dinner contest will be held at the Portland Gas & Coke company. These demon strations are open to the public. On Friday, cake baking and bread baking demonstrations will be held in the kitchen of the Portland Gas & Coke com pany from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m Also during this time all exhib its will be judged at the high school. From 5 to 9:30 p.m. the exhibits at the high school will be open to the public. Saturday will find the exhibits open to the public from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. At 8 p.m. the style re vue will be presented in the high school auditorium. Silverton Patients registered at the Sll verton hospital this week are the re-entrance for special treatment of L, O. Hadley, prominent rancher of the Sil verton Hills; John Zahler for major surgery; and George Thomas for treatment for a fractured left leg, sustained when logging. Spending Sunday with their mother and father In Salem, the Ed Conklins, were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conklin of Silverton, Mr. tutd Mrs. Jim Conklin and Jimmy and Murry D., of Salem. The group drove to Corvallis during the afternoon and had upper at the home of another ,son, Mr. and Mrs. Murry Con klin and daughters Ardith and Lola. Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Kirk and Rita and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirk and Joyce and Janice of Sweet Home were Mother's Day dinner guests of the George Kirks In Silverton. The Vilas Kirks also visited briefly at the Silverton home of Mrs. Kirk's parents, the Earl Conklins, Sun day evening. Students of Salem High were inducted into Sigma Lambda chapter of the National Honor society during an impressive candle light ceremony Tuesday night. The honored students were selected from the junior and senior classes. VIRGINIA MAYO GRATEFUL Screen Beauty Described As Proof of God's Being London VP) A London minister agreed with the sultan of Morocco that Hollywood Film Star Virginia Mayo is "the most striking proof of God's existence." Slain Pretty Dana Weaver. 16, (above), Jefferson high school student in Roanoke, Va was found beaten to death in the Roanoke Christ Episco pal church. (AP Wirephoto) Youth Held for Girl's Murder Roanoke, Va May 11 W) Lee Scott, 16-year-old Eagle Scout and church choir member, today faces a charge of murder for the church slaying of Dana Marie Weaver, 16-year-old schoolmate. Detective Capt. Frank H Webb, in an unprecedented press conference last night, an nounced simply that Scott had been charged in a warrant sign ed by Police Judge S. R. Price. 'That is all that I can give you at this time," Webb said. He added that the case was "one of the worst since I have been in the department." Webb, however, did tell re porters that Scott had directed police to an alley where a cot fee sack missing -from the church was found. He said Scott also told them where they could find his clothing, which police later found darkly stained. They believed the stains are blood. A broken pop bottle was found in the coffee sack. Dana Marie's body was found Monday morning by the janitor of Christ Episcopal church in the church kitchen. There were signs of a desperate struggle by the girl. Her fingernails were broken and two pop bottles, one of them smashed, were on the floor. Police said the girl apparent ly had been clubbed to death with a bottle. She had gone to the church Sunday evening to join a young people's group, unaware that the group was on a picnic. Scott sang in the choir of the church where the murder took place and was said to have a perfect attendance record. Australia, which has a land area comparable to that of the United States, has a population of about 7,000,000 people. Your car, new or old, will run better with this finer premium gasoline ' Rev. A. J. Long, of South wark Unitarian church, wrote in his church magazine: "The sultan of Morocco told Virginia Mayo, a beautiful Am erican film star, that she was for him the most striking proof of God's existence. 'Why not? 'The beauty of woman is a revelation of God to man." Rev. Mr. Long, 29, is a bach elor. In Hollywood Miss Mayo, wife of Actor Michael O'Shea, said, "I must say they are both very complimentary. 'It seems to me there are ma ny other ways for proving God's existence, but it is most compli mentary." She added, "I am ve ry grateful to the minister for his comment." miss Mayo said that some time ago she received a letter from the sultan of Morocco, whom she has never met per sonally. "I had to have it translated at the studio and it was a beau tiful letter . . . beautifully writ ten, she said. Albany Line Worker Injured at Talbot Albany, May 11 Russell G Sanderlin. 25. of 615 E. First street, was injured Tuesday when he fell from a power pole near Talbot after touching a hot wire with his hand. Brought to the Albany Gen eral hospital by the city ambu lance, Sanderlin was given plas ma and later was reported rest ing comfortably but in pain. According to his foreman Marvin Smith, the crew with which Sanderlin was working, is engaged in cutting out old wires and cutting in heavier wires and circuits along the Talbot-Buena Vista line. COMMISSIONEB'S COURT The following It tht official publictUon of the record of flalmi befort tht Marlon Count CommUitonf ri' Court for February term for 1B49. with the amount allowed, bills continued, etc., according to tht record! In the office of tht County Clerk. Public Employee! Retirement Byatem Retirement 4.2S7.3B: Ladd St Bush Baici Br. U. 8. Nat'l Bank of Portland With holdlnt 3.720 74; State Induitrlal Acc. Comm. Ins. 880. S3. County Aiofiior-C. A. Lewis, Deputy, 308.30; Ray Llrk, De puty, 174.73; J. L. Blegmund. Deputy, 87.08: Grace N. Baback. Deputy. 159 78; Ida M. Baillle. Deputy. HT.SS; May Hoi torf, Deputy, 154.90; Helen Snyder, Depu ty. 133.31 : Leone Henderson, Deputy, 113.95: Oordon E. Tower, Draftsman, aao.oo.Clreuit court A. A. Ricnard Sec. for Court, 308.80: R. B. Hug ties. Denurr. no. 80. County clerk m. Hemic sek, Deputy, 130.33; P. Crosby. Deputy. 175.50: R Howard. Deputy, 188 00: Dora Barrett, Deputy, 160.48; Vernon Windsor. ueputy, mo. en; neien 1j. Muiney, jjrpuiy, 174.30; W M. Olfford. Deoutr. 150.08: R. J. Stanton. Deputy. 48.80: H. T. Kiel- hege. Deputy, 133,04; Donna Brown, Deputy, 70 80, County Court Comm.' M. Reinlrsek, Clerk, 45O0: D. L. Brown, Stenoi., 80.00. Court House Edw. Brain- er. Janitor 158.85; W. A. Orttton, Janitor 153.50; Wm. Moriartr. do 14J.79: Edwin Sooth, do 147.50; Ruth Hutchin. elev Oper. 71.80: M. E. LIndaer. do 78.40. Dls trlet AtUrner Oordon Moore, deputy Dlat. Attr. 333.55; DorU M. Albln. aecre tary 143 50. District Court Gloria Rob-In-on, deputy clerk 63.87: G!udua Brown. 1o 155 45 District Constable Olorls Rob In ion, deputy clerk 80 00. Health Depart smrH (00 V W WaHf AimlafW Oil Company ment W. J. Stone, Co. Health Officer 67 65; P. R. Coleman. Co. Sanitarian J53.77; W. B. Qulnn, do 343.10; I. G. Lermon do 348.33: Lawrence U. Cheney, do 348.10: Batty Cooper, do 353.40; Ber nlco Yeary. Co. P.H.N. 336.31: Merwyn Darby, do 1M.74; Joan Schneider, do 101.36; Helen Steyaert, do 188.17: Eleanore Swedenbun, do 104.30: Htlen Wensearti. do 305.55; Jane Domkowaki, do 305.30; iyn u. senraoer, do JOo.jt: Erna Bers- tcher. do 181.80; Leslie L. Stone, clinic nurse 324.34: PrancU Relerson. Health Educator 355.55; Vera Wood, Clerk-Steno l 183.60; Jean M. Wrltht, Co. P.H.N 197.35: Helen Waillach. Clerk-Steno I 150.90; Alice Bersmann, Clerk-Typist I 136.30; Odeua Melby, Clrrk-Typist 1 144.80; Shirley Iverson. Clerk-Typist I 136 03; Jo Ann Wallace, Extra 16.33. Breltenbnth Justice Court Edison Vlck ers JuMlce of Peace 89.10; J. C. Fowler. Constable 34.75 Mt, Ansel Justice Court N. M Lauby. Justice of Pesce 9.90; P. Burner, Constable 9.90. Jefferson Jus lice Court E E. Howell, Justice of Peace 131.55; Geo. P. Armstrong. Con liable 14.85. Silverton Juitire Court All O. Nelson, Justice of Peace 139.38: P. N. Burch. Clerk 49.30: E. J. Jackson. Con stable 74.35. Juvenile Department Nona Whit, Probation Officer 217.63; D. J. Jep- Aon, Assistant 205.18; L. M. Johnston. Steno. 147.70. Sherlff-Taa Ramona Ev- ans. Extra 47.70: Violette West, do 16.C8: E-iyn Mennls, do 7.87; Dorts L. Scott, dc 9.84. Recorders Office Adella Dickman. Deputy 163.60: Virginia Orltton, do 163,13; Pauline Burokrr. Clerk 150.90; Bs- mona Evans, do 98.93: Irene Johnson, dn 71 34: France Mattson. Deputy 77.16: Bonnie Wilson. Clerk 34.83. Res. A Elec tion Gladya White, Deputy 86.45. School Superintendents J. P. Hmlntton. Deputy 199 .65. School Superintendent Vivians 8. Hoenli, Supervisor 300.00; Marguerite R Burton. Supervisor 214.00: Christine V. Morley, secretary 143.35. Sheriff Leral Johnson, Deputy 303.20: B. R. Smith. Deputy 303.60; Wm. DeVall. Deputy 303.30: 'otin Harver, Deputy 303.98; Murel Wood. Deputy 198.50: Edgar Oeo. Scott, Deputy 80.45- Laurence Wright. Deputy 198.40: 01-n Conklin. Deputy 17B.20.Sherlff Tax H. P. Domogalla, Deputy 376.20: Howard T Eyan. Cashleer 199.41; Violette West. Bookkp. Mach. Oper. 181.68;' C. Hem- ma nr. Deputy 163.26: Lydla MatUon. puty 170. 90. Survey or 'a Office A. D. Graham, Surveyor 385.40: Nella 81mm., Secretary 146.80.Treaturer Audry H ?qlng. Deputy 143. 04. Veterans Service i Ian Kllpueit. oecretary 62.34: H. C Saaifetd, Service Officer 266.80. Dog Con- rol Fund Ervln A. Ward, Dog Control Enforc Officer 194.11: A. J. Stanton. Clerk 100.00 County Property H. Wm Thtelsen Land Agent 108.06. Engineer's Office H. 8. Swart, Co. Engineer 830.25: A M. Presnall, Secretary 146.69; Ploy C. Mudd. Bailiff 70c; Alice Bull lie. Reg. St Viection 14.35. Woodburn Justice Court T C. Gorman, Justice of Peace 183.15: vy O. Miller, Constable 40.50; Mary V. Gorman, Justice Clerk 34.65; Mfellan- eeua J, P. Aspinwall, Labor 314.26; Del-;-ert J Balr. Labor 215.63; J. A. Burns. Labor 136.58: Wm. H. Ficke, .Labor 77.08: Harry H Lawrence, Labor 344.40; H. A. Martin. Labor 313.30; H. L. Martin, Labor 188.19, Edward Schmitt. Labor 193.90: Frank Woelke, Labor 341.69 Binegar, Labor 200.67; Henry Bower, Labor 178.66; Lawrence Bower, Labor 156.34: Wm P. Croker, Labor 194.69; Or vllle T. Dunlian, Labor 207.92; 8. K. Ely, Lnbor 202.69; Harvey Glrod. Labor 203.08: Roy Hatfield, Labor 1SS.30; Harold K. Keoolnrer Lattor 205.33; John. A Kin ney, Labor 311.77; R. W. Kinney, Labor 116.28; R. O. Kirk, Labor 208.40; Barney Kropp, Labor 24.53; Laurel Lamb, Lamb 99.10: Floyd Lauber. Labor 200.14: E. A. Lawrence., Laoor 312.30; W. R. Masaey, labor 144.32; John J. McAllister, Labor 193 69: Ralph McAllister, Labor 170.87; D. P. Bcharf. Labor 327.09; Auauat Smith. Labor 141.37 Robert Smith. Lnbor 301.69: L. Spencer. Labor. 1R9.83; Earl D Jtandley, Labor 181.65: Lloyd B, Taylor Labor ansa; Raymond thus, iaoor 184 64: Hugh Webb. Labor 324.37: Lee A a ells. Labor 87.35; Tony Woeelke. Labor 19184: Theo Kuentl. Lnbor 253.91: wm R. Brenner, Labor 311.94: Menno Dalke, Ltbor 201.16; Lloyd Jarman. Labor 199.36; Tom Ritchey. Labor 200.70; Jos. Robl, Labor 209.24; W. Shelleey, Labor 303.70: Gene Shilling, Labor 197.40: Arthur J Tackmler, Labor 30a. 90: T. E. Toneson, Labor 155.74: L W. Webber, Labor 192.74; W. O. Williamson. Labor 173.18: J. C Curnutt, Labor 193.41; J. Anderson Jr., Labor 185.9?; E. J. Coover, Labor 153.47; S. Downes, Labor 178.79: Axel John "on, Labor 198.19; J, R. Patten. Labor 167 48: H. J. Peterson. Labor 185.93; C. Ross. Labor 173.13: A B. Rostad, abor 110.48; Wm. Schueller, Labor 178.79: M. J. McCormlck, Labor 193.39; David u-iBola, Labor 159.46; Vlrtll R. Pahey, Labor 169.07, P. H. Hosteller. Labor 163 30: Harold E. Lenhardt. Labor 100.45; i. M. Martin, Labor 180.48; Wm. Naftzger. . aibor 194.53: Cecil R. Royston, Labor 180 30; Delbert C. Ahellito. Labor 181.81; E. .) Richards. Lnbor 323.97; Arthur Blackburn. Labor 310.95: Ollbert Brost , Labor 318 54: A. A. Richards, Labor 200.47; Chas. Tucker. Labor 216 26. E. H. Busby, Labor 197.42, O. A. Coblne, Labor 199.48; Tom Bowden. Labor 322.10; George Prauendlener, Labor 322.96; Ploy C. Mudd, Bailiff 4.30: R. Howard. Deputy 7.77; Ger trude K. Labdell. Bailiff 33 60: M. Rernlc sek. Extra 52.57.Stavtfln Just Ire Court W H. Bell, Jiwtfee ot Petce 123.15; Henry Smith, Constable 10.80; Leon a Peterson, dieno 9.70; John W. Hanna. Labor 18.90; Ruth Hutch Ins Elev Oper. 8 36; William strewn, Labor 19 50: Gordon E Tower. T. B. 4 69: Addre.MOgraph-Mnltli raph, Sups 10 93; Golden Pheasant, Mraia 46.20, A C. GraiR. Poat muter, Postage 13.00; The Gregg publishing CO., Sups 65 SO; A. 0 Grate, Postmaster, Postage 89 00. Krtps St Loni Printers, Sups 39 53; Ls. ton W. Howell, Misc. 14 30: Blake Mof fat eVTowne, Sups 73.70: Graber Brothers Rep 4 60; Lovlnter Disinfectant Co., Sups 4M; Nelson Bros. Plumbing, Reps 583; 'Vlt Elevator O . flues 8 SO: Vlbbert flee-( .rtc. Rep 5 33; Roen Typewriter Exchange. Exp 1100. E. O. Stadter Jr.. Post air 4.50; Sybil C. Catlln St Hrank Spears (t it 100 00- Moort Business Forms, Sups ".69; Abrams it Skinner. Bond 2iOO. Earl Adams. T. E. 302 06: Ut. Angel News, i-.dv. 2 90; John Bchmid. Sal 100.00: A. S. Aloe Co., Mrd Sups 22 16; Architectur al Record. O Sups 13.00: Byproducts, Med Sups 33 33: Capital City Laundry & (raner. O Sups 16.03; Capital Drug .It ore, Med Sups JS 40, Dr. M. K. cromers Med Serv. 41.66; Charles H. Derihic. Child Ouildance 347 30; Dr. Lucll'e Fort ner. Med Serv. 30.00: Dr. John R. Oold smtth. Med Serv. 10.00: A. C. Gragg. Postmaster, Postage 35 00; Hendrle Medi cal Laboratory, lab. 133 00. Dr. Robert E Joseph. Med Serv. 48.00; Perry' Drug Store. Med Sups 33.30. Qulsenberry'a ..-rmacy. Med Sups 15 60; Red Cross Pharmacy, Med Sups 4.50; Salem Mason ic Temple, Rent 190.00; Salem Medical laboratory, Mis. 51.50; School DUt. No. . O Sups 1.13: Shaw Surgical Co., Med Sups 319.80; W. J. Stone, O Sups 16 t3; Titke Water A-iaoc Oil Co. Trans 73.60: Valley Motor Co., Trans 166.18: John W Hanrahan. Pees 334.26; Fred W. Lange. ees 385.25 A. W. Simmons, Fee 520. 5; Charle E. Bochsler, Indemnity 8.00 Frank P. Ditchen Indemnity of Diseased Cattle 34.00: Harry T. Feldman oi 8.rn, Richard L, Freeberg do 8 00; Sam S. Mil er do 7.50; Arnold L. Steflen do 8.00; Dr. Charles S. Campbell Eaam b.Wn . lohn Goldsmith do, aa.w: ur, nirm Harvey do 500; Dr. Roscoa C. Wilson, do 10 00; Dr. Paul Wolfe do, 10.00: Sanl ary Service Co . Sani. Serv. 3.40; Den r v.Hina Rnard of Prisoners, 421.89; Aif o. Nelson. Misc. 79.65; Silverton ppeal Tribune. Sups 1395; Homeseek- im-v Rntui so no: Emery J. Jack son T, E. 16. B0: W. H. Bell. Rent 30.00; Oeo. H. Bell. Bond 23 00; Edw. J. Belt Bond 23.00. T. C. Gorman, Rent 15 00; W. C. Miller T. E. 10.58: Mr. Mary Hal- orsen. Hospital oo.uu; ur. . Shlffer. Hospital 6.00; Boys uiris Aid Boclety uouri vonmiHi . -v uv.' Catholic Chanties, do 50.00; Children Farm Home, do JO.ou; uregon r Society do 15.00; J. H. Turnldte. M w.w. H A. Judd Sups 50.00; Salem Friends Church. Polling Place 5.00: H. L. &XM Furniture Co tiec. euw. "'"''r' P-rkina. Bobcat l.ao: AKnes i.. own.. I e. 9 30: Marguerite R. Burton, do 160- Vivian S. Hoenlg, ao 0.u. ueparv ment of Agriculture. Sealer 65.33: W. L Anderson. Trans, im; numr Shop Mlw. 3.13: City of saiem, kboio 10 17- General Petroleum Corp., Trans. i 97; National Cash Register Co.. O Sups. 10.95- Pltney-Bowea inc., rwnit ""' A. D. Graham. T. E. 12.55; H. C. Saal- feid T E. 18.30; Ervln a ware. . r.. 65 53- A C Gragg. Postmaster, Postage 30 00- O O. Becker. Killed Chickens 9 00; Edward Oath Bros.. Killed Turkeys iMM; John Jeffrey. Killed Ewea 30.00; Almon Winn, Killed Ewe 30.00; Bancroft- Whitney Co., Law book lishing Co.. do 24.00; Ames narawarr At Furniture co.. mp. Drainage & Metal Prod Mlsc 3 822.53 Dr Roscoe C. Wilson. Med. Serv. 3.00. F. W. Andrews. Herd Inspector, 13.30. Rallou Si Wright, Keps., low. Baughn Motor Sales RepVo Bear Pine St Tank Corp.. Repe.. 3.459.52; Bear- ing Masler Sales, Misc.. 8.94; '"" Lumber uo., wiac. Reps.. 76.93; Capital Auto Parts, Hep.. 29 43- Capital City Bindery. Sups.. 37.25; Capital Journal. Adv.. 78.30; Monroe S. Cheek, Trans., 82.59; City Water Dept.. Water, 36.73; Clyde Equipment Co., Reps.. 77 62- Colyear Motor Sales Co., Reps., 7 84; Commercial Book Store. Sups.. 11.40: Commercial Band A Gravel. Oravel. 1.745.15; cooae biwu 32.93;Doollttle Master Service Station, Misc., 100.00; Har.el Downing uooumu. Tax Refund, 81.39; Engineer Sand Gravel Co.. Gravel. 899.30; Ray L. Farm er Hardware Co.. Reps.. 3.39; Firestone Stores, Misc.. w. " 31.09; Free'! Garage, Reps., 1.00; J. K. run Rnr to 3: A. C. Haas St Co., Wteps.. Ml; Haloid Company. Sups., 35.04; J, E. Haaeitine v-o., ...., H Hoyt. Oravel, 2.681.36; Hubers Garage, Rep., 2.25: Interstate Tractor St Equip.. Reps., 58.48; Jenkins St Hardware, Reps., jonnson oiewrr w """ 28.38; Ira Jorgensen, Reps., 86.30. . a. Judd Petty Cash, Misc., 17.73; Kay Type writer Co.. Exp.. 17 00; Keiaer Sand St Gravel Co.. Gravel, 42.25; C. J. Lewis, Reps.. 17.02: James H. Maden Co., Reps., o in- Mirinn Electric Co.. Reps.. 2.82; A. B. MrLauchlan. Reps., lB.m: uougias McKay Chevrolet Co.. Reps.. 67.02; Moun tain States Power Co.. L St P. 39.05: Need hams Book Btore, Sups., 332.76; North west Industrial Laundry. Reps., 4 35; Oregon Gravel Co.. Gravel 1.091.17; Ore gon Physicians Service, Sal. Ded 355.40; Pacific Building. Rent. 243.50; Pacific Tele St Tele. Co.. Tele.. 317.18; Peek Brothers. Misc.. 375.15; Phlllppl Tire Ser vice, Reps., 3.50; Portland General Elec tric, LAP. 197.75; A. M. Presnall, Post age, 1.00; Quonset Oarage, Reps., 10.30; Remington Rand Inc., Sups. St Equip., 964.38; Richfield Oil Cop., Dlesle. 313.63; John J. Roberts St Co., GM, 100.35; Rosteln A Adolph. Bond, 887.50; Saffron Supply Co., Tire Chains, 7.13; Salem Auto Parts. Reps., 14.98; Salem Blue Print Co., Sups.. 10.26; Balem Boat House, Reps., 1.40; Salem Concrete Pipe St Prod., i)raln. 32.56; Salem Insurance Agents Assoc., Ins.. 324.96; Salem Memorial Hospital, Hosp., 153.70; Salem Navigation Co., Sups., 3.90; Salem Steel St Supply, Reps., 175.30; Salem Tent A Awning, Heps., 37.40; Shell Oil Co., Diesel, 40.63; Oeorge Sherman, Graven, 375.00; H. A. Simmons, Trans., 152.47; Simmons Carbon Co.. Sups., 51.23; Homer H. Smith Insurance Co., Bond, 71.00; Snap-On Tools Corp., Misc.. 11.30; Bouthern Pacific Co., Rent. 8.00; The Spa, Meals, 32.18; Stan Baker Motors, Rrp., 3.14; Standard Oil Co. of California, Diesel, 92.94; Statesman Publishing Co., Adv., 369.65; Stone Feed Store, Reps.. .97; T-xrs C , Oil '.ih. 63.00: Tl' Water Assoc. Oil Co., Gasoline, 1,314.35; Truck Hales St Service, Reps.. 1.36; Union Oil Company of Calif., Diesel, 35.35; Unruh- 5 doctors prove this plan breaks the laxative habit If you take laxative regularly here' how proved you may break the laiattve habit. And Eighty-three per cent of the caeea tasted did it in -tl you. Stop taking whatever you now take. In Itead; Every night for one week take 2 Carter's Pilla. Second week one each night. Third week one every other night. Then nothing! Every day: drink eight glaawee of water; eet definite time for regularity. Five New York doctors proved tht plaa can break the laxative habit. Hv tm a, Uawtive, btfc ttie, U.titl habitT Because Carter's Pilla "unblock" the lower digeative tract and front then on let it make use of Its own natural powera. Further Carter' Pilla contain no habit, forming drugs. Break tha laxative habit . . . with Carter's Pills . , . and be regular naturally. When worry, overeating, overwork make you irregular temporarily take Carter' Pill temporarily. And never get the laxative hehtt. (iet Carter's Pills at any drugstore for S3 today. You'll be grateful the reat of your life. I I KnaoB Printing Co.. flupi , 130 00; Valley Concrete Co . Misc. 4800: Valley Motor Reps.. 59.17; Valley Welding Supply, Reps.. 26 95: Walling Band St Oravel Co., Gravel, 903.00; Western Union Telegraph, Tele.. 8.76; C. W. Wlckman, Treasurer. Amo. Duet, 30.00; Willamette Valley Tram- t, Mine. 3 40; Woodbury Company, Misc., 73 86; Wynkoop-Blalr Printing Co., t:p.v, 68 63: Denver Young, Misc. Sups., 35 50; Zellerbach Paper Co., Sups., 58 62; Walter H. Zosel Co., Trans., 103.88; Abrams Skinner Inc.. Bond, 137.80. PROCEEDINGS February 1, 1948 Final hearing on In demnity claim of Prank P. Ditchen: Feb. indemnity claim of Edward M. Shan non, final hearing set for 3-15-49. Feb. 3. Copy of Resolution by State Hwy, Comm. ordering reduced load limits on certain Hignwayt; Fole line oermlt. Portland General Electric Co. Feb. 4, Indemnity claims of Albert E. Mantle, Werner R. H fin shorn, final hearings aet for 3-28-49: Pole line permit, Portland General Elec tric Co.: Petition of F. K. Fulu n ai t establish a county road In Rd. Dist. No. 66, postponed Indefinitely. Feb. 6, Finan cial statement or "Oregon Chest"; Pole line permit, Portland Oeneral Electrlr Feb. 7. Request for cancellation of inieresi on taxes paid by A. N. Bush on life estate. Feb. 8. Beer license. Marlon , Alderman: Resolution by Budget com f(te t hold saecttt mtetlna Contract with Ralph Boria (m uAt M Upstairs Clothes Shop Is the PRESENT RETAIL PRICES These greatest of all clothing values since 1940 are simply amazing. Our old and new customers alike are grabbing up these wonderful buys. SUPER QUALITY SUITS, SPORT COATS, SLACKS, SUIT GOODS PANTS, and FUR FELT HATS now selling at these great money-saving prices while the stock lasts. JOE'S BIG REOPENING SALE! 1 00 WOOL 1 00 WOOL 1 00 WOOL $35 SUITS $40 SUITS .$45 SUITS New Sport Styles D. B. Chalk Stripes Hard Finished Worsteds m $2750 3250 Following are Suits with 1 and 2 Pairs of Ponts 100 WOOL 100 WOOL 100 WOOL $50 SUITS $60 SUITS SUITS Hard Finished Worsted. Hard Fibbed Worsteds Mo,t ExptnsW. Fabrfc. $3750 $4150 4950 To 62.50 . SLACKS & $25 to $27.50 Joe's Reopening SU"TS SP0RTCA" GIFT SPECIAL Fin'est Quality JO'S SPECIAL , . Hand Tailoring n rj-. Efc! Jo.'. Price, Reopening Price h With everv purchase for a .AJ 150 J Limited Time Only 6 to 16 195 ' o Surprise Worth Much More ' Secret Store Hours 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 J1'S Mi UPSTAIRS CLOTHES SHOP Cntta Tmifnol Cn1m At-a WaJnaerlfiif Tm 11 iaso Ot ""'"' w., real property. Feb. 9, Final hearings on1 Indemnity claims of Arnold L. Steffen, Sam 8. Miller; Minutes of Courthouse commtsMon meeting: Copy of ARrrement and Bupp. agreement. City of Salem and A. N. Bush; Hearing on cancellation of Interest on unpaid taxes of A. N. Bush life estate property, taken under advise ment, rtb. io. Budget committee en dorses senate bills 105 and 106: Pole line permit, Portland Oeneral Electric Co.: Order to remove uneitabllhed part of County road 950 erroneously shown on road map, surveyor also to file descrip tion. Feb. 11. Indemnity claim of J. Gordon Jones, final hearing 3-28-49. Feb. 14. Indemnity claim of Karl H. Dettwyler. and Frank J. Peters, final hearing net for 3-38-49; Order designating newspaper for tax foreclosure list; U. S. Engineers survey and exploration permit. Detroit Dam. Feb. 13, Final hearings on In demnity claims of J, R. Si rut ford and Son, Mrs. John Hampotn, Edward M. Shannon; Indemnity claim of Adam O. Lapln, final hearing set for 3-2B-4S; An nual financial report of Children's Farm Home, W.C.T.U. Feb. 18. Plat of "Warren Court Addition" approved; Bond of Rudie Willi elm Warehouse Co. on equipment to haul transformers, etc.; Indemnity claim of Turner Memorial Home, final hearlnu 7-38-49; Order for cfrrk to give notice ot BIG (0 Talk of the Town! Joe bought- hundreds of the Finest Qual ity, expertly tailored, smartly styled new spring and summer Suits, Sport Coats, Slacks, Suit Goods m Pants, and fine Fur Felt Hats -25- 40 Below Lost Spring's Wholesale Pricei And now Joe passes these great savings along to you. 25 TO 40 BELOW Above Morris Optical w ,L Marlon Co. on stockpile 738a. Feb. IT. Indemnity claim of David C. Ramseyer Jr., final hearing set for 2-38-49; Petition of Ray C. Thomas et al for construction of aquaducts etc. to correct flood menace at Hoyt and 13th Sis. Feb. 18. Indemnity claim of Frank Begun, final hearing set tor J-8-4U. reo. ta, indemnity claims of Fred A. Denhem and Roy L. Purmwsy. final hearings set for March 9; Refund of deposit in RE: pipe line permit for H. E. Toellt. Feb. 21, Indemnity claim of William C. Forcler. final hearing 3-9-49. Feb. 23, Indemnity claim of Floyd F. Bates, Albert J. Vachter, Frank T. Wilcox, final hearing set for 3-9-49; Transfer order. Feb. 24. Beer license, Evelyn O'Kelly. Feb. 35. Permit to move a combine, W. M. Maurer; Feb. 36. Pipe line permit, Portland Gaa and Coka Co.; Order to remove unestabllshed part i County road 950 from County road map. Feb. 28, Final hearings on indemnity claims of Albert E. Mantle. Werner R. Henishorn, J, Gordon Jones. Karl H. Dettwyler, Frank J. Peters, Adam O. Lapln. Turner Memorial Home, David C. Ramseyer Jr.; Plat of "Walnut Lane Ad dition'' and "Kelzer Heights Second Ad dition" approved ; Order for refund of taxes on .41 arret In Sec. 3, 7-3-W: Pip line permit near Detroit Dam to United Slate: Pole line permit, Portland Gen- SALE ELSEWHERE P.M. Daily State STREET Look for the Flashing Neon Sign "Save $10" Co.