tO Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, May 11, 1949 Vnnsecret room tehudtke tiKplaceJ ror with voiip iistfmim I I SO-AU.0ue PLANS TOTPSP EUACTLV'NOV HIM WB Nf EDLSS.EHTHErV CAN DbKX RADIO PROGRAMS Peddler of Drea By PEGGY DERN RABBIT LEAPS INTO THE -0F HIM AND Trl ms HUNTERS GAME BAO'-HOW I SCHVETKA OBLIGING OF HIM' S WOMAN AT ONI ALL PROGRAMS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME TIMt S HE IS STIU. THAT IS OF NO HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN AN ENEMY f I T AUVE, COUNTESS IMPORTANCE, BORIS LIQUIDATED BEFORE V CRUNCH I 1 --r r- HE MUSI DIE BtfORE WHERE ARE YOU 1 I E II: f-id-. mopwno f mjvM M I r(n czh? J i i I I 1' I s JTW - r-T-'V v.- I W y. " .VMU I- orct-1 I 'fWH r-'- I I P- I 1l .V Chapter 7 A stout, white-haired man came swiftly Iron, the driveway of the beautiful white villa and approached them almost at a run. "What are you doing here?" he thundered. Garret, i stared at him, puzzled and angry. "We are narked on a public street, while the children play on a public beach," he said in a lone deceptive ly mild. The stout man looked as thouijl. threatened wltii apoplexy. "A public beach? This beach is privaie. You will kindly get raga muffins off of It immediately! Am' get these gypsy vans away before J call the police and have you all af rested." "Arrested!" Oarrett was puzzled, his anger deepening. "What are you talking atroutt' wo are aoing harm ' "There's a law against trailers In Palm Beach they are not permit ted." the man shouted furiously ''And Madame's small son Is on the beach with his nurse. Therefore, you will get those ragamuffins oft it at once do vou hear?" "I think they do, Williams." said a soft, mellow voice behind the Irate man. Im quite sure that every body in both the Palm Beaches hears you. What seems to be the trouble ?" The man's manner altered ab turdly. He turned swiftly to a slim young woman In the briefest of white sharkskin shorts and a white bra, her bare feet In strapped white sandals. Her dark head was bare 6iie was the loveliest, the mast ex- ouisite thing that the wide-eyed Fe licity, Oarrett or Jason had ever seen. r "Begging your pardon. Miss Su san, said tne stout man apologet ically, "these people have parked in front of your house, and their chil dren are on the beach." :: MI can see all that. Williams." said the girl, smiling faintly at Felicity And Garrett, i m so sorry but there IS some sort of law against trailers and house-cars In Palm Beach. I'm afraid you WILL have to go. But I would like to apologize for my butler's unpardonable Inso lence." ' Felicity said through her teeth. "I'm sorry. We didn't understand. s)f course. We'll eo at once." Felicity came up the dune, herd ing the children before her. Wlde tyed, puzzled, the children stared Jit the lovely woman in her brief White garb, and Denny piped re sentfully, "What's the matter, Fliss? We wasnt hurtin her old ocean. We was Just looking at it." Felicity lifted him into the coupe Itrhere Cornelia already sat. She looked swiftly about her, saw Ellen limbing Into Garrett's car with s?aaon and asked anxiously, "Where's Tippy?" "In the back with Oarrett In Garrett's car. I mean." said Cornelia responsibility. "She's got a lapful at shells and things. I saw her get ting In his car as we came up the dune." "I'm sorry said the girl on the tfdewalk, and smiled at Felicity. .. "It's all right. You probably didn't make the law," said Fe licity politely. r "l didn't and, between the two Btf us, I think It's a pretty silly one," trreed the girl. " 'Mrs. Fleming I" pro tea ted the but ter before he could control himself. Felicity let in the clutch and the jar went rolling away, followed by Oarrett in his car, Felicity was thoughtful as she drove. There had been something bout that girl in her scanty white Sarb that had been vaguely fami ar. The proud tilt of the lovely head, the oval face and then the butler's shocked "Mrs. Fleming!" And he had first said "Miss Susan." Sha knew the girl then, of course, usan Fleming, one of the five rich-1 at girls In the world who, at twenty-four was getting her third divorce while gossip whispered that tier fourth husband had already been nominated, Susan Fleming and her affairs had filled the newspa pers of her native country ever since her birth. No girl as rich and oclally prominent as Susan Flem ing could hope to escape the news papers. Two of her husbands had heen foreigners, with ancient and honorable titles; one had been an American who had lasted two years as her husband, and who was the father of the year-old son who was known in the newspapers as "the million dollar baby," because his adoring grandfather had put that amount In trust for him when he was ten minutes old. i Felicity felt a little of her re sentment fading as she drove back to the bridge. The butler had be haved as though they were all riff raff. But Susan Fleming had been sweet and gracious. She had even looked, Felicity thought, a little un happy; though, at the second thought, she laughed that Idea to, scorn. Susan Fleming, lovely, en- ormously rich and the mother of I an adorable year-old infant, sur rounded by admirers, friends and looking lonely and unhappy and a a ntue irignteneay innt was crazy Felicity told herself sternly, (To Be Continued) Farm Is Improved Unionvale Mrs. Victor Gelg- er received as a Mother's day gift from her husband a new electrically heated water tank. Geiger is installing an irrigation system and electric pump for irrigating 10 acres of crop, con' sisting of strawberries, alfalfa and clover. A cement reservoir fed by a spring on his farm is the source of water supply. 3062 SIZES 12-42 Sun-Bark Pinafore The xharmt mldrlH does lU-glvea this aun-back pinafore the new week-walstrd ef fect you're i&oklnK for this season. And for that added touch, crisp armhole ruffles to keep you cool and unruffled. No. S06J Is cut In sizes 13. 14. 16. 18. 30. 36. 38. 40. and 43. Size 18. 4'i yds. 35-ln. Send JSC tot PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number The SUMMER FASHION BOOK is Just off the press, presenting the best In Summer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity that spells Rood style and easy sewing and with special attention to the use oi cottons. Over 150 nattern designs for all ages and occasions Send now for your copy, price Jusl 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 552 Mission Street San Francisco 9, Calif. X . -Ufa ,f I r u r.ivir i y- !, KZ788 PATTKRN No. RHM Sew-Kasy Blouse This sew-easy embroidery etched blouse Is des tined for a plsce of honor in anv feminine wardrobe. II requires Just one yard of material tor site 14 and is embroidered in simple stitches. Pattern Envelope No. R37A8 con tains tissue pattern for blouse. hot- Iron transfer for embroidery, color cnart ana slltcn illustrations, spe cify else 14, 16 or Is when order ing. To obtain this pattern send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and sons num. bet to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nsi ftis Mission street San Fran cuco 3, Call! .. ; I I I iii 7 i i 1 1 nrH n iVrjSV-rl n i n i i mmf" O" rmril U M I CC Wirt MB OUT TrltY WtriT OM INTO I HURRYw T Jk M .TO TEI.L US-BUT IT OVfT j WiCKS AGAJN-HE 1 I WERE ALMOST TO I CJGeWHflT I ABOVE-QUICK N0W-N080DV I WHWT1JE- XlZ O "I p . MEAN ANVTHINQ- UPAHEAOOPUS I I TH PLACE NOW- FUNNY SHOES LJ CAN SEE US CLOSE IN A LET'S GET W -"j J THERE SOMEWHERE1- J fWr U TO TW uwir ueop. ill wcinp V .. A : A MISS y VOU WERE A DEARTo HELP ToOrrT KNOW f VOU KiCM I WELL .WHEN! SCU fHTIl , I ROSETTAlJ ME FIMO THAT ICWEU H0USEJ MUCH ABOUT ENOUSWl POT IT THAT AWAY T I'M SLAD ROSETTm STONE OeJ AMBROSE. .AND 1 HATE TO 1 FURNITURe,fArJD BESIDES) 1 6UESS MEBBEI ) IS u FINALLY FOLWD A ihckhuncj inKViie tJN ou AOAIN OUI KOilt talKI J OUR SO J CAM1 KbhUbE: . ... . m " HOOSe.UOPPIM,MB.FOTTS( I DO NEED VOOR ADVICE . "-v. i-r-ll? SMART AND jl j-L- ffl-fl JI V ' E STREET CARS AW WTk IN SELECTING MV r V Tl ' THRIFTY, V 7 I rfisSB ajij BOSSES FOR 1 LUEEKsYff feFORNlTORE ) ' L REALLY NECO B F&faflMi fj SURE PUT A HOLE IN fcffi. 7f3Kagv MXlJ . '. .BANKAccoWigrj: tlmttm c- fewtei? XWrTT pAmfT IT WERE CXI1TE A (-rT AFVECK-TED siTI ??-THET U,'g?tefm fffl SajSf BUT, TH' BATTLt, WIVY BUT, AH VJUN.V- PAPPY AlJmA0Y VI RATI5PUI I IN "I ., -I V X - M E 3 S HUUSC ram 11 r y . I k-i vn1 k tire wa' rnMrv- J.iVa rut rr ljtit Aeons II lOMmuni 'Ay'irTrifTdPl I I s-uiratr" Er tiTil I J IVtA 1 IN THIS DAMP CELLAR-FCTH' YZgLHOOMH .-HS FO" J , STRUGGLE DCWnMT I If aTshAIOKJ' 1 I DOO-PLAV-SHUN O' YOKUM'S JTf ANOTHER MIGHT 'OR I THAR IN TH' ClURff tS- r fr tf IIITT" r. ...... ,. .r,vc JrcnTTUrl..,u., V. U vmmiwt&XJ M IT'S THREE AMI 60TTA pouR A M WHOLE STORV 66EMS I PRETTV G.RL iN D H TWENTY 0N TO BED.' - U WHEN ARE VOU r,N'Srt, ""KTS '71 TO 86 fc ETCHES 1 THREE! SHES OuD ENOUGH , T fsrT X WRITING TE THE FINISH' THE of THE vuLAlN! kll TO TAKE CARE V "rMALLSET, BOSS. THAT'S A LOX OUT 'TMESE, BOSS. RlWSn AKIND OF SHAME,TOT MMTO 6ENO TWfT IPSA BOS' ... .4600Plpe'eENP"SBIL1- BEEN WITH THAT COLT FOR HE'S POIN6 A FINE JOB OUT THERS TOBRlNS TUB 60OP FOR RVST ARE VOU AUSET TO STARTi PONT THINK MISS BLAKEU HOURS. LEAMN'TOAT UTTLE f ONTHECOLT.-VMAJTA .SAP0LE HORSES BACV.WHy V AN0THE COLTTOC R FOR THE RANCH.TEX? YOU ) MINP. BV TWE WAV, I HORSEBEHHP ISTAKW'A sXXL MINUTE --N0TeFND TWB COLT OUT ' ,. KNOW I'M SENDING B1L 0UINN VWANT TO 9HOW VOU LOT O JOV OUT OF THE L IZZ: j witu rr t S J I I I I I tV-l,i s Oh Oh V a::Sf?V EP, THERE'S A eOAT ( HEREiHEi $W -VL ' ' n IN THE FIELD, SUT IF HE ) , V COMES! J f " changes vou, . Oors "ti- i XI ' ! mmw Mms wl rsi U itAL J C 3COJ -STS VV X-f' "-2-f rj I DETECTED CURTNESS ANO C JlT)'r-J i V) J iX'? L, ( 7 1 Will L I ' 1 A LACK OF ENTHUSIASM OVER. J V TNn JSJI I AW ARRIVAL FOR. EXAMPLEy' I LPLrN l-A-- I I . , - II V TRUNK VISITOR. . I ) V I MWOTM'M JUHMtTHIN0MAl I" TOM! DARIIN6! ''S NO NlNfVlTl I'l A f!w WNUTH AGO IS0NI ) IS WP' ANVTHIN(jW80N07:"i'-, """ J f "lL w I WMtTHINO :: '' " ' A 'PA wm VmwM lm dm imsumm- mm i rmywm. WEONfSDAY P.M. KSLM mbq 'KGW K0C0 KOIN ,g 5:M Iim'MI Bln4( K M ! U CftUla HitoUkl M rckt(l RM CrMbr Ctavl HaalUr -tt T Mil tlwtr rUr 4pI r 641 r.abrUI Htftllar DaTfr't Tinn CindU Ltfbt and Cvvntr Flf :1ft Ntw Daffr't Tsvara 8IWM CalT Mir :M Mlc Cl Nwt C.IiibW! rutin U MmiIc Banal Cl flrt ! Calumbla fulin 7: Ltbm Mvrrar Mulul" Salroa Lti W Frtl UoIIvwmS :tft Lrna Hirrar Musical RalrM LaHar Hall :M tltca Bl Cariala TIsm Taa Band v Columbia rMtnn M Cltt Kit Cartala Tlaa raaBand v Calumbla fJra 8:M Wbal'a lb Nam Hapsar Clab Battbatl - LawrU Tbaaac :U af That angt Nrw of tb Warld Bandiland Smltb Sbw :M Varlflp 8 haw Oraat OlldrnUava Daiaut Dap Dr. - Cbrlitlaa w :4B Varlaly It haw Grtat Glldarlaat Baichall pr. CbrUilaa 9ft New Gtarca Haorad Basaball FIa StarBI :1ft David Ion ft bow Starts paga Final Bastball faa and ai41j :M Family Tbaatra Mr. Dlilrlal Bawball Saani Tawna :4ft Family Thalra Allornty Baieball Nlibt Edtlar :0 Fulton I, twit. Jr flam Hayaa Baseball Screnada lll:lft Ntwi Rknd Waiaa Stmt Roundup Yon at tha World Mutual Nawiroal mtr Hackrlt Track I4M Ono Krapa Orch. J 1 " :4ft Mutaal Nawaratl Frairam Frtrlawi Track UP nana Brapa Orch. n:00 John Steele. , Track MM ' '" ; IA Advent aror Traek I4M :So Muele Track 140 :4B Lanny Bon Track I4t Too Slfa Oft 8 Im Off Slf Off Bllent THURSDAY 6 AM. TO 4:45 P.M. New Breakfast Gang Braakfaal Gang Tap fradet Barsala Cauater Victor tlndlahr Aana at Ftaneai Mnile Nortbwcit Newo Kato Imlth Paatar't Cat' Ctaarllo 8 pi ok Ncwa Beanl Walker Wlloa OrcanalHIaa Walla Serenade Ladles First Ladies First Queen far u Day Qaeoa for a Day Top Trades New North west News Bob Eberly Show Hmlc Jobasow Family Tell Nclthbora Bias Bin is Aaalnst tha Storm Against th Blorm Hollywood Mel. Rellrwood Mel. I Happy Gang Happy Gang Songs of Times News l Fnltoa Own. Ji Hemtagway Passing Parada , News Farm Ttm Farm Tlmo Too Old Songs News Fred Waring Fred Waring Bid era at Sag Sam Haras Tommy Dorsoy Tommy Dorsoy Jack Berth News NY Honsymooa NT Honeymoon Pa a America Vlnstat Lopot School Broadcast School Broadcast Robert MeCori Brighter Day Ick Doable or Nothing Double or Nothing News Light of World Lire Beautlfal Ma Perklas Pepper Toaag Happiness Backstage Wife fttella Dallas Lorensa Jo nee Wldder Brown A Girl Marries Portia Faces Ufa Jast Plain Bill Front Pago Fsrroll Bead of Life Lora Lawtoa Aunt Mary Lore A Loara Woman's Secret Today's Children More Oat of Life News Toi Bitter News Sport Top D Mora lag News Hartn of Baal Haven of Boat Western Melodies Western Melodies Cbareb la Wild. Vocal Varieties Mails Wllhont Wards Coffee Cub Northwest Report Rhapsody In Rhythm Glass Wai Glass Wai Glios Wat Glass Wag Everybody's Ideaa Organ Moods News Ted Data Presents Hollywood Muslo Hollywood Muslo Listen to Lelbert All Tlmo Favorites Records off Shelf Records off Shelf Records off Shelf Records off Shelf Caphart Concert Capetaart Concert Popchart Concert 2aprhart Concert Womoa's Paga 'hllosopber jSpotllto an Maslo tpotllta aa Muslo KOIN Kleek News News Fred Beck Coasamor News Art Bator Robert Q. Lowla Robert Q. Lewio Feature Story Newa Grand Slam Rosemary Wendy Wama Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Oar Gal Sunday Big Sister Ma Perkins Yaani Dr. Malaao. Guiding Light News Com i a Got II Noraa Drake Makes Ton Tisk tnd Mrs. Burton Perry Mass a Pat O'Brloa Skaw Newspaper af Air Hint Huat Hint Hunt Winner Taka Ail Newspaper af Air Herb Shrlner Tunefully Tears Meet tha Nissan Meet tha Mlssaa Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthar Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Newa Too Utile Show Club IS Ed. E. Marrow DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, UM: KOAC, 550 Wednesday P. M 3:M. Keeping " Crockeri 11:15, Dorothy E ligation! Up With Snorts! 8:15, Homt Edl.lI: Harthwostaraara. VClAr Wtt On tha On. rXVAVV.. Boati Sifts, SftS Sparta Clubi :M, Tho Nowsi Molodlost CbomUtiTi ' 1:45, Gaesl Start 1:SS, Farmers' On Ion j 1:1ft, Farm Hoart t:sw, TJ. B. Marina Band! S:1S, Oraat Songs i S:M, Vets' Newst S:4S, Newsi t:M, Maslct t:S, Meditations) 1:M, Sign Off. KEX I lion; S:M. Cballecio of Taken ( ;00, Hi slo Festival! :. Maslo Tlmri 7:M, Lono Ranger: 7:M, Amateur Hoart S:0f, Groacha Mam t:00. Klebrield Beportar; 1 9:15. Intermedial :, Concert Hoari Memo to Tomorrow: 11 :M. Eitra Hoari 1X:00. Sign Off. Thursday A.M. McCall Nows; d:lft, Tims Tempos i d:S0 Robert's Almanac i :4S, Time Tempos! 1:0, Mrrt and Marco t 1:15, MaHIn Aaron kvi 1:S0 Easy Acest 1:45, Zeko Man ners; 8:0. Breakfast Clubi 8:00, Nowsi 415, Stars of Today; 8:50, Kay Kyaer's College; 10:00, Ted Mai one i 10:15, Galen Drake: 10:M, My True Story ill :M. Betty i,rockcri 11:15, Newsi II :I0, Baukbaga diking! 11:45, Dorothy Kllgallon. KOAC Than A.M. IttM H. :, far Wm II :M, Or.,.n BehMl ! tb. Alri B.lh 11:00, Ntwti 1X:I5. Fart. Boon 1:00, Id. '.a C.wbsri 8.b.ri i th. Aln 1:4ft, Mel.d L.n.1 X:00, H.m. Garden Hour; t:S0. Hem.rir tiU, Or.a.n a.bool .r tb. Alri t:aa, Long Lost Articles Returned to Hubbard Hubbard All the tire tubes, I wheels and tools that were taken from the Levi Miller, Ben Miller and John Strawn cars during the meeting of the PTA at the school gym April IS, have been returned to the owners by the parties that took them. Partial credit is given to th articles about the stolen articles ' that apparently bothered the culprits and eventually led to thir identity. ACROSS L Soak 4. City In lows t. Stono fruit 12. Poem 11, Suto ta Braill 14. Floated 1 15. In behalf 0 1. Formally proper IT. Black IS. Exchange SO. Girl studenti eolloa. IS. Splko of com to tho audlenca St. Kind of bird 32. Frlghtaa S3. Arlxona Indian Si. Uasculino nickname) SI. Taunt ST. Color t. Gives tha moan Inf of 41. Amount of mod let n a 41. Inland In tb Aegean 44. Cow fish 4C. Log i slat a M. Turkish rtgi ment IS. English river 65, Coal product ST. Look after IS. Silkworm It. Temporary grant CO. Mctal-boarlnsj roe Ira 1 t po ulp? aEllE V I III 3 IcopaUs e Ally E RA civem tPN iTTl A T AkRICBg g C T3 C A RfaBjj AIPP DO IT We)FjfflAJCT "l HfcjaBMsaj gp tR A Nfll AlTl AC R AT R Eg L TTaI P EjE NUpO ST I LIT 11. Clu st r or wool nbr DOWN L Not hard S. Scant 1 r i3 wk s i4 v pf r F7" I" I" l" w " if 8T M 3 T f 5" WB Solution of Yoittrday't Puzzl L Part of Con gtantinoplt 4. Coma Into view I. Dp face . Scandinavian navigator I. Group of Pa cific Island I. Prophecy I. Tonnfg shot 10. Ancient Roman rock tl. Employees 11. Ori (Tin of a word 11. English let tor IS. Decay !S. Aurora St. City In Penn- aylvanla ST. Places IS. Provirled with hoea ft. Outdoor cama 10. Oanua of tha honeybaa SI. Uarry 11. Low haont ss. Seir to. Domona 4S. Ona of tho Muse 41. Finished 4T. Irrpttan tun disk 41. Palnataklntf 49. Stumble 10. Evrvbo5y 11. Conaolattoa II. Collection of fact 14. Kumbar 4P Nowifeoiures ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Ahtrn MAY BE JUST MV IV6lr4ATICi NEPHEW, BUT DURING THE INTROOUCTtON TO WR1 PUFFLt I DETECTED CURTNESS AND A LACK OF ENTHUSIASM OVER. MV ARRrvAL njK EAMPtfc, ASKING IF I'AA A TR.UNK SITOR. TOSH. UNCL6 NAOLrHSAMSr"! TOU SAW HCAV ELATED AND SURPRISED SHE J WAS AT MEETING MX!, 1 VvwEN SHE DROPPED THE Pt ATTER. ' " rW COUSW ruATMORE fS OUT Of TOWN. ANDNOU CAN OCCuVY UlS ROOM POR.rOJR WEEK END visrr 51" KNOWS 1X6 'WCEK-CNO' VISIT n j I -1