Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 11, 1949, Page 19, Image 19

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    , Doughton for
More Economy
Washington. May 11 iJPt
Rep. Dougb'on (D-NC) head of
the tax-wrling house ways and
Chemical World Foreseen
By, Harvard Professor
tUir.trd BcUae Writtrt
vi. n i o .hAmiABi umr it nf tvninai ti nam inn bdi
wt . i?oum cau'inri.T, ,"nd ,uar ,h,t come ,rom trt" ' ,or""n b Harvard uni
' "
favors f"m.ovnmenecono
mies th"01? !" Inct
Truman S?r?T V18
ent Truman .
hlv to come lo the Wnite Houe
:ussion of the
d other matters.
no mtrnaj '
in JisOW et
frt,- Mineral
t x Jituatfon
committee has made
: to frame a tax bill
ha with tka nracidfinl'i Tan.
.,.., ... 4 am nnn nnA
in new taxea.
Doughton said he hopes it
will "not be necessary" to im
pose new taxes because they
"might effect business adverse
ly." In response to questions, he
aaid he thought the president
knew how he felt. But he did
not say what Mr. Truman had
told him.
Bend Rejects D.S.T.
Bend, May 11 P Bend resi
dents do not want daylight sav
ing time.
Mayor T. D. Sexton said an ad
visory vote yesterday was 668
no and 517 yes. The election
was set up by the city manage
ment commission
versitv Drofessor,
Dr. Eugene G. Rochow, a chemist, also believes that the world's
population may grow to 15 billions of persons and that through
chemistry the United States "
alone could support one billion
In receiving a tl.OOO award
from the north Jersey section of
the American Chemical society
for his research in commercial
izing sand, Dr. Rochow further
said the human beings in the
future may be living in earthen
ware houses, built on the spot
by excavating earth and fusing
it into bricks and slabs.
Because of the steadily in
creasing population, man will
have to forget meat and eggs on
the menu. The animals that
produce such items, he said,
consume too much food that
man will need. He also predict
ed the cellulose from trees, a
highly efficient type of plant,
would be converted into edible
sugars and synthetic clothes as
"Man's present eating habits
will have to be radically altered
before many generations," he
said. "It took five acres of
Prepare for Blockade End Railroad man decks a loco
motive in Berlin with a sign which is painted the Ameri
can and British flags, as the engine is prepared for opera
tion with the end of the Berlin blockade. Other workmen in
the Gruenwald railroad yard put the finishing touches on the
engine. (Acme Telephoto)
arable land per person to feed
the United Stain in 1847, and
on this basis, even if every bit
of land in the country except
deserts, swamps and rocky areas
were cultivated, only some 308
million people could be sup
ported." So the answer, according to
Dr. Richow, is the development
of chemical and synthetic food
which he believes is sure to
"Meat and eggs as sources of
proteins seem certain to vanish
from the human diet," he said.
"Plant proteins and fish can be
used for a time, but ultimately
proteins probably will have to
be provided through synthesis
of their building blocks, the
amino acids."
He said that in time, man
may have to "let yeast or other
microorganisms make satisfac
tory amino acids for us from
simple fixed nitrogren" that is
nitrogen taken from the air.
Amino acids are the building
blocks of the human body. They
form the human tissue. They
already have been made syn
thetically and scientists now
are seeking to determine just
how many of each variety that
a human being needs.
f"-"' ""' l II iiiinawai ' U'M n.m nmti
nui ii i'.' irnmr"' "
Stayfon Volunteer
Firemen Get Rest
Stavton A month's vacation
from fires has been the experi
ence of the Stayton fire depart
ment during the month of April
when not a singie call was made.)
such was the report made to the!
city council. j
However, the department has
already made one run in May.i
CapiUI Journal, Siem. Ore., Wednesday, May H. 1949 It
Isince the firemen were called i
jto the eid enures building at
; Kingston shortiy after noon
i Wednesday when a faulty flue
set fire to the roof.
The council voted to send two
men to the Oregon Fire Chief's
convention at Bend, May 13, 13,
and 14, with expenses paid. It
was indicated Chief Marc Lan
don and Assistant Chief Ken
Hanson would probably attend
the sessions.
They'll Be Midshipmen These three Salem high school
boys have been awarded navy scholarships to enter colleges
of their own choice and receive the same training that is given
at the naval academy at Annapolis. From left, Dick Fithr,
Michael Kaye and Jim Cooke. Fuhr and Kaye will attend
Stanford and Cooke probably Oregon State or Southern California.
Jordon Entertains Commission Studies
Oregon State Court Question of Funds
Dayton Weekly Sold
To Newberg Editor
Dayton The Dayton Tribune
was sold last week by Logan
White, publisher, to Jack Samp
ler .publisher of the Chehalem
Valley News of Newberg. W
A. Hemmelgarn, Jr., news edi
tor, is business manager, and
Richard Shipley will be added
to the mechanical department
Sampler hat had 14 years of
experience in newspaper work.
He is a veteran of four years
service in World War II. hav
ing spent two years in the Eu
ropean theater of operation as
combat intelligence officer
with the 442nd troop carrier
Mrs, Marie Sampler, wife of
the new owner, will join the
firm as bookkeeper. She also
is a veteran of the past war,
having served three years in
the Woman's Army corps In Ft.
Riley, Kansas, and Ft. Benning.
Ga. They are both members of
the Baptist church.
I Attractive Patterns fei ?r& Iffm i-J 1 LJ -rSp
i Every Room in the House! JSQSRTgiS I 1 I
nil', . 4?S ! I 1r I i,IW (
Jordon The Oregon State
Court of the Catholic order of
Foresters met at Our Lady of
Lourdes Court No. 1752 in Jor-
State officers attending were
Joseph J. Wavra, state chief ran
ger, Mt. Angel; Francis J. Herb,
state vice chief ranger. Forest
Grove; Larry G, Beyer, state
secretary, Portland; A I v t n
Kirsh, state treasurer, Silverton;
state trustees, E. A. Kerber, of
Stayton; Sylvester L. Silberna-
gel, Scio; Joseph F. Wolff, Port
land; Wm. L. Biem, Mt Angel.
The fifth trustee, Michael Ben
edict of Sublimity was unable
to attend because of illness.
Following the business meet
ing supper was served by the:
ladies of the parish to about ?0J
What method will be used to
keep the Salem long-range plan
ning commission in action after
its supporting funds are exhaust
ed about next February is a
question that has been put into
the hands of a special committee
of the commission.
On the committee are George
Putnam, W. M. Hamilton, W. W.
Chadwick, J. L. Franzen, Robert
L. Elfstrom and Hedda Swart.
The commission is operating
on funds solicited for a three
year period. One suggestion is
that another solicitation be
made. Another is that a mer
ger be made of the long-range
commission and the city plan
ning and zoning commission with
engineering staff financed by the
t Wi8 tdjttst mm for fritter ttftty
f Rmov wbei inpct Hajpg ud inw
Adjurt ail bnfcw
Add fluid to mutar nma iliU
lbricat brk znehamxm
Only 2,70
2 Or mil rwendition ttsm at tew Mat
Heplaca braka linings
RpUoe eyliadara, U nasMnqr
Inspect brake drums; nmnjftcm, X rqy)rd
Onia and rapiaoa brake laid
Adjust brskec, iaciudti ameggncy brsk
Repack wharf baanaa
Uplcos rwir wbeo! craw svtainaes
Fn additmad ad justsient within 30 day
Only 29,50
and HERE'S
fi yvt r 4K ng
O PWt. kgaMtMlt S
v $T wtam) ttm mi is Sfel
v ntaM t mm EMf He g
4$ Mty atlsMWaf.
Worner Motor Co.
"Your LiBceln-Mertary Dealer
430 No. Csmmcrsiol Dial 2-24S7
am u
tsJVeasewg Mis
taste !
Muai MMsaa MM Un, an m. 1. 1
IHHiirMtt; irrHnitaakrKia;ir.
Stop now. .Shop now for
festinghouse S&etifoZfctfed
Hera is your opportunity to gat exactly the Wall
paper patterns you need to give your ham a "new
look"l Make your selection from large sample rolls
which show exactly hew the wallpaper will look
when hung in your home. Our wide variety features
modern, traditional and period styles United Style
MiDum ana aion selections Dor
othy leibes Weaves and attrac
tive, long-lasting budget paper.
39c to $4.50 per single roll.
fr kem arinf advk.
i 1 wwl
SUN-PROOF House Paint Lasts Longer
Because It's Fume-Proof!
Pittsburgh's new SUN-PROOF House Paint produces a
film of unusual whiteness that really stays white! It's rume
prool! Coal smoke or industrial fumes will not darken or dis
color it. Before you paint come in and ask us about this great
advancement in house paint Gallon $611
Cm i to mt tt.y. "COlOt DYNAMICS for ti
254 N. Com'!
Dial 3-3636
4- v y A- t
tan bah in any rack position!
SEE IT! SEE ill SEE 111
The big Wetinghou
gives you perfect baking
remiiU anywhere in it
spacious M iracle Oven . . .
See this Best Looking
design that brings a New
look to your kitchen . , ,
Try this Bttl Cooking
performance for real
nwaitim satisfaction!
! as a bushel of potatma
Ms eight loaves of
ad, 30-pound turkey I
mealtime capacity
more ihtngs ptr
ffettlg done in less
time! Single nd
Two Oven modei.
Kour, speedy fuiU
size Westinjfhouse
Core Units! New,
bonus working
space between
units permits the use of four 10-inch
utensils at one time without crowding!
Kew, super-aized
broiHng element
cooks the outer edges
of food to the same
tantalizing perfection
as the center . , ,
Smokeless broiling
that's imiM-kifi!
Zonet No mors
reaching over hot
utensils ... Tei-A-CJIsnee
Switches for
every type of surface cooking, Sin?!
Dial Control for easier oven meals.
You can ba f.Vstinghouse
TUN! M TtO MALONf , . , Ivtry Doy, Monday Arowgh Friday . . , ABC Nerwork