tj H 4 Mtu m. i -lit r. r. nmitm n m lioMli.i i m in mrofi 1 now they sufler for GI's rive Hollywood, Calif., chorus girla, among a part of 20 making a five-week tour of air force bases overseas, display vaccinations they received in prepara tion for their trip. They are headed for Newfoundland, England, France, Italy, Greece and North Africa and are wearing new high visibility swimsuits so boys in the back row can see them better. Left to right: Betty Jane Howarth, Claudette Thornton, Wanda Smith, Rosale Calvert, Arne Ross. (AP Wirephoto) New Highway Market Rising at Woodburn Aurora Opening of a second JH-Way Market, twice as .large as the one at Carby, is in the offing for Woodburn, with J. M. Harp and John Vigus, found ers of the Canby food store, as owners. Now under construction ad joining the new bank building at the US 9BE-Sllverton highway junction at Woodburn is the $55, 000 building owned by the Can- by business men. Opening of the store is planned for some time in June, with a $25,000 stock of merchandise. Six contractors are busy on the food store at the present time. Modern refrigeration for produce and meat is to be in stalled together with a walk-in cooler with special compart ments for dairy products, meats, vegetables and bottled goods. Parking areas are being pro vided on all four sides of the building, which will contain 6, 000 square feet of floor space. Vigus will be manager of the Woodburn store, with Harp serv ing as manager of the Canby store. The English word tatoo comes from the Tahltlan word tatau, meaning mark. Half Million Dollar Budget Given Albany Albany Voters of Albany scnool district No. 5 will be ask ed to approve a tax levy of $237,655.52 in excess of the le gal 6 percent increase limita tion at the school election of June 20, it was stated after the amount to be voted had been de finitely determined by the board after it had approved the budget at a special meeting. The new budget calls for to tal expenditures of $571,290 exclusive of building costs, off set by $219,600 in estimated re ceipts, leaving $351,690 to be raised by taxation but an addi tional $26,000 has been added to cover estimated tax delinquen cies, which brings the total levy to $377,690. The board can levy but $140, 034.48 without approval of majority of the voters. The proposed levy includes both operation costs and debt service, which totals $25,175. The district's total debt is re corded as $699,000. Milk Prices May Drop Portland, May 11 WP) Dairy industry leaders believe retail milk prices here may drop one cent a quart from the present 20 V4 cent minimum after the milk board hearing May 23. Boss Haaue No Longer rthe Law' Jersey City, N. J., May 11 Ifi Frank Hague no longer is "the law" in Jersey City. One of the last' of the big city political bosses, Hague lost con trol of the city commission yes terday as fusion forces smashed to victory in the municipal election. The fusionists were led by John V. Kenny, one time trust ed Hague lieutenant who was ousted as a ward leader by the democratic chieftain last year. Kenny had termed the election "a rebellion against the most corrupt political machine in the history of the United States Hagues' only comment on the outcome of the election was a 12 word statement Issued this morning. "The people wanted it that way," he said, "so it's all right with me." The stunning victory set off a series of wild celebrations and dancing in the streets through out this city of 301,000 persons. Lawrence Allen Test Official Dairy herd Improvement test ing gained impetus in Marion county in April with the addi tion of Lawrence Allen as the third supervisor. The expansion will make testing service available to near ly every dairyman who wishes to keep production records on his herd, says Ben A. Newell county extension agent. Leonard Chinn, who super vises testing in the central part of the county, reports the April average butterfat for his herds at 316 pounds per cow. Among the high cows were Judy, Tootsy and Ruby from Buford Brown's herd at Gervals, with 83.5, 71.4 and 70.3 pounds of fat respectively for the 30 day period. George Kruse of Mt. j Angel had a Holstein make 80.6 pounds of fat and Floyd Bates,! Salem; and Duda Brothers, Mt. 1 Angel, each had 72 pound cows. Three hundred five dayi records of five hundred pounds of fat were reported for Dutches, a registered Jersey, 5 years old, in the Floyd Bates herd at 551.3 pounds; Iris, a seven year old Jersey in Phillips and Torvend herd of Silverton at 513.4 pounds; and Darling, a 4 year old, registered Guernsey at W. H. Brandt's at Silverton with 504.7 pounds. Ancient Saxons practiced a form of tatooing to identify the bridle nf mpn Alain in hnttlf. J Scoutmaster Robert Wagers and most of the committeemen at tended the circus. Auburn cub 108 had 13 members in parade1 with Cub Master Donald Jacobe marching with them and den mothers and parents attended the circus. Swegle cub pack 109 took part for the first time In any scout activity, as they have only been organized for a few months. Marching with the boys in parade was Cub Master Clif ford Yost and den mothers, Mrs. John Harger and Mrs. Earl Huckstepp attended the circus with the boys, and arranged for the transportation. Boys taking part for the first time were Billie Shull, Donald Kufner, Clifford Yost, Jr., James Bryan, Thomas Se Rine, Jimmy Huckstep, Jerry Gilman, Roger Swemke, Larry Jayne, Arthur Lewis, Charles Jayne, John Har ger, Ronald Bernardy, Gerald Jansen, Fred Fetch, Gerald Fetch and Wayne Terry. Scout masters, den mothers and the boys appreciated the sponsor ship of. the Lions club which made It all a worth while eve ning. Several items of business were considered at the meeting of the Associated clubs of Middle Grove at the school house. At the April meeting of Middle Grove Community club members voted to discontinue the club for the next year and to join with the Associated clubs, and at East Salem Scout Groups Take Part in Big Circus East Salem, May 11 All Boy Scout and Cub packs of East Sa lem took part in the parade and circus in Salem. Middle Grove Scout troop were awarded three special honors as they were given a first for uniforms; a first for chariot races and a second as Scout sweepstakes. Assistant Scout Master Hubert Aspinwall marched with them in the parade and Friday night's meeting they will be made for the presentation were accepted. Arrangements of the new play, "M'liss." by the Salem Civic Players at the school house with a jitney supper to be served the same evening. New kitchen supplies will be bought by the club. Two extension meetings for East Salem units will be held this week. Lansing neighbors will meet Thursday at 10:30 a.m for the demonstration "Broiled Dinners" at the home of Mrs. I. G. Lermon on Sunnyview ave nue with Mrs. Lermon and Mrs. Zina Sharpnack presenting the demonstration. Those attending will bring food for a covered dish dinner and articles for a white elephant sale for the bene fit of Azela House fund. East Salem unit will meet Friday morning at the Portland Gas and Coke kitchen in Salem for the demonstration "Broiled Din ners." Project leaders will pre pare a luncheon as the demon stration. Business meeting in the afternoon. Swegle Road Garden club will meet Thursday night at 7:30 for the regular May meeting in the home of Mrs. Ross Bales. Bank Official Admits Thefts Seattle, May 11 P A 56-year-old bank cashier with a fondness for horse racing and trap shooting confessed last night, the federal bureau of in vestigation said, to misappro priating $34,994 65. , J. B. Wilcox, FBI special agent in charge, reported Ross Ellsworth Worley of Bolhell ad mitted taking the money over a 20 year period from the Bothell State bank. Worley was charged with vio lation of the federal reserve act, specifically foi making false en tries in the accounts of the bank Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, May 11, 1919 IS Arraigned before U. S. Com missioner John Burns, he was released on $2,000 cash bond. Worley said he spent the mon ey on horse racing and to fur ther his interest in trap shooting. Soften Up Hard Stinging Callouses Don't ait uvi yourtlf from another day of bummi foot torturt. Ct lea-Mint NOW I Join tha million ot happy poop I who walk In root fmh comfort thank to this frosty white) medtratad balm. Knjov fta mating cooiin toothing action. Cat lea -Mint today at all druggiaU. CASH TALKS and you save at Woodrow's when you pay CASH for Willard Batteries Seiber ling tires "with full rono hazard guarantee " Nason paints, auto glass and un painted furniture R. D. Woodrow Co. 450 Center St Phone 22476 MICROTONE HEARING AID DEALER WANTED TO SERVE CUSTOMERS IN THIS TERRITORY Htrt Ix a rar opportunity to crrv humanity while rarnlni a aubatanttal lncon . Sell Mlcrotone hearing aid. uppl batttrlfj and repatri to hun lirl of grateful customer In your area the year around! MAKE GOOD DO GOOD There' tr about IS 000.000 htrd-of-hetnni person In the V. B. today many In your own vicinity who need and want your ervlcei. We train you! Exclusive Franchise to Responsible Party 'Only! Wrtl. r Hhena BEacap Its NOW! MICROTONE of OREGON Spplia far ThaHar4-f -Hearing tm Corbel! Bide. fart land 4, Ore. mm;: ABOUT YOUR BATHROOM HAVE YOU CRIED? OR IS THAT ROOM YOUR, -.IS . irV.A.klO COIUMIIA KIWIIIII, INC. TACOMA, WASHINGTON KAILES SALE Women's Coals and Suits CONTINUES AT DRASTIC REDUCTIONS We are continuing our special Coat and Suit Sale for the women of Balem who have not had the opportunity to take advantage of Uie tremendous SAVINGS now offered In this Sale. DON'T WAIT1 Come Down! SEE FOR YOUR SELF. You'll agree these are the finest values offered anywhere. vSr Women's COATS and SUITS Finest Quality materials in newest styles and colors. AH expertly tailored, now reduced to 4495 VZV Women's SUITS Shortie COATS Fin quality tweeds and gabardine in this group reduced to SPECIAL GROUP Women' SHORTIE COATS 34W 2495 Broken sizes, but real valuei in this group now Othen New 16.15 AfS I ONLY fff TAIL MANUFACTUail of 14011 APPARCL 320 Court St Phone 2 0512 STOMI AISO IN PORTLAND ALBANY EUGENE Are You One of Those Wives? 2300 STORES ANNOUNCE SENSATIONAL TIRE POLICY WESTERNS NOW BUY OLD TIRES JlEEpf FEEZE HOME FREEZER IS THE ANSWER . TO YOUR PROBLEM Deluxe Model C-10, 10 cubic feet, holds more than 350 pounds assorted, perishable foods. $424.95 delivered. Other inodels for any size purse uny size family. A small down pay ment. Easy terms. Are you one of those wives whose husband is a perennial sportsman . . . one of those wives whose husband comes back from a fishing trip loaded down with fish that you either give away, or throw away, after you have eaten as much as you can stand? If so, a simple solution to your problem is to have him get you i DEEPFREEZE home freezer. RMMm ne. i uonn FREEZER As Low as 129.50 FJameYourOtvn Price! S for ieftty I for Untr Mlleet Now Everyone Can Afford MULTI-GRIP TIRES with COLD RUBBER No Cash Necessary! H your trade-in allow ance amounts to 25 of the total purchase price, your old fires ore your down payment and you can pay the balance In imall monthly paymenti. No need la risk fhe fiVot of your family any fongerf Trode Now for MULTI GRIP Tirei with COLD RUBBER. They're lofir, wear longer, are more comfortable. Give in your osfrmafo on your old lirei . we're ready to buy them . . . N O W I Don't deloy. You'll be amaied at the low MULTI-GRIP prices, too. When You Travel There's always a Western Auto Supply Com pony Store near you. In the Mid West . . . Gamble Stores. In the Rockies and the West . . . Western Stores. In Canada . . MocLtodi. They're all ready to serve you with a smile. itt's Trade Tires At Your Own Price! FREE Installation! TIME PAYMENTSI All MUITI-Ollr tlrtl Ar Anil, bit On Owr Thf iffy torment rim. Ai l I 25 ft W..k, r-anbl Ift Monthly Inilollmtftti, Pvtl Stf of 4 o Tovr Cor. 1 m . teloit e ,w""rt B JS t o .'"o IS No Reasonable Offer Rejected! The Wisfs oldest and largest CmWSS Ji J tO SuDoliei N. W. Corner Court & Commercial If Retailers of Auto Supplies Ph. 37177 Old Tires Used As Down Payment In one of the most ex citing announcements ever made In the tire industry, all Western Auto Stores have just revealed that they are embarking on a phenom enal tire buying and trad ing program. Included are plans to let customers use their old tires as down pay ments, make their own es timate for trade-in allow ance and trade in any old tire with unused mileage. No Cash Needed At Western's In conjunction with their "New Tire Policy", officials have also announctd that there is no need for a cus tomer to have cash when he buys tires at one of their stores. Customers may use their old tires on a trade-in which will serve as a down payment. It Is thought that this "New Tire Policy" will set a precedent for tha entire tire Industry. Customers Name Own Price At Western's Another part of this sen sational "New Tire Policy" enables customers to make theic own estimates on the value of their old tires. It has been revealed that the stores will allow cus tomers to take an Estimate Blank, fill it out themselves and present it to any of these stores where they wish to trade for new MULTI-GRIP Tires. These Estimate Blanks to be used by the customer are being mailed, placed in parked cars or are avail able at the stores. They may then be returned in person or by mail. 157 South Liberty Phone 3-9239