Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 11, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal. Salem,
Barbara Zumwalt, above,
and Robert H. Jones, senior
member of The Clarion of
Salem high school, have been
awarded certificates of recog
nition for their outsanding
work on the school paper.
The awards are made by the
University of Oregon chap
ters of Theta Sigma Phi and
Sigma Delta Chi, women's and
men't national journalism fra
ternities. Selection was based
on names submitted by the
high school newspaper advis
ers. Special training sessions
will be held for all honored
students enrolling in the uni
versity in the fall. The ses
sions will be conducted by
the two journalism fraterni
ties. Jones is the Capital Jour
nal's correspondent at the high
Card Party Draws
28 Tables At Play
Mt.- Angel Twenty - eight
tables at cards for the St. Ann's
sponsored card party was In play
at the auditorium with supper
following In the dining hall.
The next party will be held
May 18, to which all are invited.
High score winners were
Gerald loller and Mrs. Emll
Bochsler at bridge; Mrs Joseph
Bell and George Fischer in
"500"; Joseph Faulhaber and Ed
Hoffer at pinochle.
Other winners were Mrs.
Joseph Sprauer, Joseph Piati,
and Alfred Fisher. At beano
were Mrs. G. D. Ebner, Vincent
Duman, Mrs. Albert Uhing, Mrs.
Henry Zollner, Mrs. Tony Hof
fman, Pauline Saalfeld, Tony
Kraemer, and Mrs. M. A. Rigler.
Mrs. Emll Wolf was chairman ef
the hostess committee.
L Jll iA..:
"N. .SIV arm tMV,
w&m y II
; IVi.Ul vI I'll
Mi wan 'Jk lY I .. ,M nafl
Ort., Wednesday, May 11, 1949
Sfayfon Seeks
Parking Limit
Slayton The new ordinance
regulating parking on Third
street from Florence to High
streets, was given its initial
reading by the city council. As
written, the ordinance would
limit parking to one hour be
tween 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., Sun
days and legal holidays except
ed. Asking removal of the yellow
stripe on the curb In front of
his place of business, was Joe
Spaniol, owner of the Bon Ton
cafe, who protested presence of
the restricted curb for the sec
ond time. After much discus
sion, the street committee was
instructed to take care of the
matter and report at the next
meeting. The space had been
marked off for the marshal's car
and loading zone.
Present also, was President
Fred Camp of the Stayton
Chamber of Commerce, report
ing that he had received an esti
mate for a three-inch topping
for the tennis court for $541. He
asked if the city might bear
half the expense, making pro
vision in Its new budget, if the
chamber would finance the rest.!
Successful bidder on rock for
widening and improvement of
West. Locust street was the San
tiam Gravel company. Street
Superintendent John Nightin
gale reported it will cost be
tween $8000 and $7000 to put
city streets back in condition
after the severe winter.
condition of street name
signs was also discussed and
Nightingale was . instructed to
make a check of the number
needed and materials required
reporting to the budget com
ittee meeting. Marshal Ernest
V. Miller asked that the 10-min-ute
signs near the bank and
post office be changed to bear
the time 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Discussion of a building code
for Stayton was held and will
be brought up at the next reg
ular meeting. It was also de
cided to investigate a retirement
plan for city employes.
Water mains have been ex
tended to the hill north on First
street to supply water to the
new home which Roy Philippi
is building, and also on West
Ida street to furnish water to
the Marc Landon home.
Marshal Miller asked for time
for vacation as soon as school Is
out. The council voted to rec
ommend to the budget commit
tee an increase of $45 a month
in the salary of the street super
intendent. A letter was read from the
Chamber of Commerce, asking
permission to hold one or two
street dances on a block on the
downtown street. The dances
would benefit the Boy Scout
building fund. Tht chamber
If It's MONEY You're After!
C. Ray Allen
(The"Yes Man")
FOR LOANS 2.1 to $500 on Auto
up to $300 nn furniture Salary faiii bill. . . four budf.t
wlUi ft PtHonftl Loan n lenur l.rnu Mitll.r
Leans Aula Furniture Salary. Yoa Chess the Amount
N4 . . . You ChooM Your Own Payments , . . V, Is H Month
to Repay
If e.ak Looo WIN bl Ml.,
Phone I MM
t Js?T
California Alumni Organise Above Is a group of charter
members of the Western Oregon chapter. University of Cali
fornia Alumni, organized here Friday night with 50 mem
bers. Names of those in the picture may be found in the ac
companying story. The girls in costume are entertainers
from the Paul Armstrong School of the Dance.
California Alumni Organize
Here, 50 Charter Members
A western Oregon chapter of Alumni of the University of
California was organized Friday night at Mayflower hall with 50
charter members. (
Officers elected were; President, Ivan Martin; vice president,
David Duniway; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. George Martin; exe
cutive board, E. E. Woodson
Dr. George Martin and Charles
Charter members are:
John Bmltn. Lronora fttrrr. Ur. Wil
liam Scandltnx, Mrj. J. H. Callahan. Ar
irmiia D. Wilcox. Ur. and Mr. Gale J.
Jamrj, Mra. Burton C. Selbrrt, David
C. Duniway, Dr. and Mra. Qrorra
Ma tin. Prank C. Bll, Dr. Wlllard J.
Stonr, Perry O. DLP. Mra. C. A. Rat
cltff, Ur. and Ura. Arthur flpraiu. Mr.
and Ura. Edgar Woodson, L. A. (Tarn'
McArthur, Ur. and Mr. Tboma W.
Churchill, Warntr B. Brown. Ivan liar
tn. Ura. Cteorae Otrllnaer, Mr. Wallace
Rppd. Ura. Randall Mill. Robert T.
Smith. Ura. John Honn, Mr. and Uri.
William MarArthur. Mm. Charlta Hui-
Iru. Mr. and Mra. Clifford Samurla, Ur.
and Mr. Charle U. Power. Ur. and
Mra. Millard ftiraurl, Captain Harry
Brard. Ethel Qulnn, Mr. and Ura. Clif
ton Miller, Ur. and Ura. George A. Wll
llama. Mr and Mr. George A. Williams.
Mr. and Ura. Robert MorrUon, Roaalind
Wulften. Ura. Pred Plock, Ronald I.
Thomaj, Commander and Ura. H. O.
Among messages of greeting
received and read at the meet
ing were those from Dorothy
McCulIough Lee, L. A. (Tarn)
McArthur, Mrs. George Ger-
linger of Portland and from
Robert Sibley, general manager
of the alumni of the University
of California and member of
the executive board of the As
sociated Alumni of American
also asked permission to build
a Boy Scout hut at the city park.
The application of w. W. Les-
sard for a package beer license
for the Co Id. spot Market was re
jected by motion of the council.
roar proMoM OM, or MM ta.
11 State St. S 1JI M-HS
Enjoy the whiskey
You'll sing the prolteief
Old Sunny Irook brand I It s
jreot whiskey with msllew,
mmiilnrmmtl itAfk Hull rirk
Kentucky toite. For deep-down
noyment rusiit up a drink on
the Sunny Irook tide"!
lOO-: "Ot
IVflV lOUll
While the activities of the
local chapter will be largely
social, yet through the parent
alumni of California cooperat
ing with the alumni of all Am
erican colleges and the alumni
of other countries the western
Oregon group hopes to have a
part with all universities In a
program of better understand
ing, good will and peace among
the nations.
A short program including
vocal numbers by Miss Grace
Ashford accompanied by Arthur
Dimond, and dance numbers by
Mary Lou Anderson, Patricia
Whelan, Mary Jane Wait and
Mary Kay Brown accompanied
by Grace Brown, all of the
Paul Armstrong School of Danc
ing preceded an address by Dr.
Beatrice Young of the Pacific
university faculty.
After the organization had
been perfected, a moving pic
ture of campus activities was
shown and Robert Smith of
Portland as song and yell lead
er led the group in campus yells
and songs. -
You can afford a
dream kitchen-Wow
1t' A oi.omor day when you get your new while
enameled steel kitchen! This beauty has A" twin
bowl Kilchenaider cahinet sink with the famous
Mullinaider electric garbage disposer. It can be yours!
Why delay? You can afford that lovely white-enameled
steel Youngstown Kitchen now
And what a beauty! Super storage space and generous
work surfaces to speed every kitchen chore! Food
preparation and dishwahing are essier-a breer.e,
thanks to the Kitrhrnaidrr cabinet sink. Anil the
Mullinaider electric garbage disposer ends garbage
Let ni show you your new kitchen in miniature. No
costly remodeling; easy terms. See us today!
U .Tnf ,Vi,v ri. I
Educator Weds
Former Secretary
Chicago, May 11 W) Robert
Maynard Hutchins, chancellor
of the University of Chicago,
went honeymooning today with
his bride, formerly his secretary.
Hutchins, 50, and his bride.
Mrs. Vesta Sutton Orlick. were
married yesterday in a surprise
ceremony. The candlelight cere
mony was performed by Hut-
chins' father. Dr. William J.
Hutchins. formerly president of
Berea college In Kentucky.
Both the bride and Hutchins
have been divorced. Hutchins
and the former Maude Phelps
McVeigh were divorced last year
after 27 years of marriage. They
had two daughters.
Tiny Mongrel Dog
Saves 4-Year Boy
Gillespie, Pa., May 11 W A
little mongrel dog was the toast
of his neighborhood today for
performing the greatest heroism
of its kind saving his master.
The dog. Chubby, jumped in
to the fray when he saw his
master, Jackie Strickler, 4, be
ing mauled by a larger dog
Chubby fought the dog until fa
mily members rescued the child.
Jackie is in fair condition at
hospital where attaches said one
ear was torn off and a facial
nerve paralyzed. The boy's
grandmother said the large dog
suddenly attacked the boy while
the two were playing in the
alld your kitchen
around a Kitrhenaider
Mullinaider Combina
tion. This 4ft" twin-howl
model Inns of 10 mode!)
has sliding-removable
drainhoardof arfd-resi't-ing
porcelain enamel and
laufidry-aV'p (U") sec
ond bowl..
Doctors7 Fund
Is Earmarked
The sum of f 110,000 pledged'
some time ago by the Marion- All, excellent rating. Both
Polk County Medical society in groups are directed by Joe M.
the hospital program will be for! Barr. He announces that the
the benefit both of Salem Gen-jtrjp probably will be made by
eral and Salem Memorial hos- regular school bus, and will
pitals. it is announced by -the J
campaign management.
The money will go to the de-1
partments of diagnosis and!
treatment In both hospitals. In
these departments, occupying
all .of one wing floor in each
hospital, will be diagnostic la
borat o r 1 e s , x-ray equipment,
physiotherapy, and waiting
A committee of the doctors is
now calling on the members of
the society for their subscrlp-:
tlons, and the first one, of $2000
has been turned in. j
On the committee are Drs. M.
K. Crothers, C. A. Downs, Carl
W. Emmons, A. T. King, F. .
Howard Kurtz, Marian Follis
Mayo, Harold O. Schneider,
James L. Sears, W. N. Thomp
son. B. L. Trelstad and Charles
D. Wood. !
Turner Club Awards
Lead to Scholarships i
Turner Announcement of
awards received by 4-H club
members at the annual spring
show at Silverton. Prize win-:
ners who received $10 cash
awards were Marion Schallian.
9, camp cookery and Gladys
Richies, Sewing 1-A but she is
under summer school age.
Scholarship awards will be
made by local club leaders from
the list of prize winners.
Otbtr vlnnara In Bewinc 1-A wtrc
Pat Campbell. Alice Grave. Connie
Thome and Rita Phlllipa. all first; Nat
alie Hatfield and Lorene McTlnaret, ate
onda and Roberta Campbell third. -Sewing
I-B wlnnera were Marilyn Pearion,
flnt and Carolvn Hyatt, Roberta Thome.
Chrtatlna Smith. Mildred Uudsett and
Tuilla Jones, seronda.
In sewing tl first places were won bv
Pats; Oravta. Jackie Squires and Bon
nie Bmlth with Wllma Anderson a aer-
. Pat Hsnnlea took a third In sawing
Amity Music Groups
Leaving for Klamath
Amity A group of 50 Amity
high school musicians will head
south Friday to compete in the
state music contest in Klamath
Falls. Amity was one of two
schools out of six contestants
in the regional contest at Hills-
Works wonders
with itfzL
Prove it with your own
favorite recipe or with these)
1 VB ttH4 Kite Km
Craft Hm
S hp. bafcUf awwdr
1 tap. IMffe
Sift dry ingredient) into a bowl. Cut in shortening
with a fork or paitry blender until the mixture resem
ble coanw corn menl. Combine milk and tgg and
lightly atir into the flour misture. Turn on to lightly
floured lurfaca, knead gently 8 to 10 timea. Roll out
to a rectangle H inch thick. Brush with melted
butter or margarine. Cut into 14 itrirw, then each
atrip into 2 length. Put 6 piece together and place
on end in greased muffin pane. Bake in a hot oven
(4M)F.) about 18 minute. Yield: About 9 Fan-Tana,
You Q9f that ro mouth-watwring,
homtmod goodimu bcoui KHchin
Croh Flow it milhd xeuiivoy for
how baking. Got o bog foWcry.
boro last month that becamelstart after the May Day festl.
eligible for both the band and vities. . -
-iris chorus to participate
the state contest. The other
schools are Canby High school; ,orcd a food ,ie Saturday to
in Clackamas county. ihelo defray traveling expends
The girls chorus received Al'and part of an appreciation fund
(superior.) rating, and the band
mike big bltck finger marltt.
Wipe 'cm away in a jiffy with
O-Cedar No-Rubbing Crm
Polish. 1 1 CLIANS M it POLISHES
at it boticts furniture, por
celain ana all
enameled ur
facet. Get a bottle to
day where you
buy your clean
ing supplies.
H't to aaty with
Th f rawtast ha4a la Koutaha)fnni"
OIOAtCOtP'H,ChUa,in ,TK-t,CMi.
Keep your Furs looking fresh and
glossy. Place them now in our fur
storage vaults.
y Hp. ii
Vt cup aheftonlnf
1 mi. titthriy eMtta
The "Three Links" club
Untju(ry Rebokall Lodge spon-
given to the Boy scout tronp
will also be donated.
7 rr
The youngsters are grad
uating so let them know
you're proud of them. We
have Cards for Gradua
tion that will say just
what you want to say
the way you want to say
it. Select yours now from
our wide selection.
Tl.e Modrrne
305 Court St.
rawlti with any reeip. H yow don't n4
that Kitchen Croft Flour it the flnoat ovr
yo vr mt plaoio return It to your
'xtr. He wilt giodly rehtfitj the fwH
erko yov paid for m.