Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 11, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    Need of Landing Device at
McNary Field Gets Stress
Boycott of NcNary field by the Airline Pilots' association dur
ing the winter is faced by Salem unless adequate temporary
landing facilities are made operational before early winter and
successful steps are taken to insure installation of an instrument
landing system in the near future, James Matthews, Seattle,
assistant flight manager for the :
United Air Lines in this area,
declared Tuesday.
Matthews and James Rudolph,
aeronautical agent for the Seat
tle CAA office (safety agent),
came here to meet with W. M.
(Jack) Bartlett, director of the
state board of aeronautics and
the aeronautics committee of the
Chamber of Commerce, J. L.
Frantzen, city manager and
others interested in the local
Pilots In Earnest
"Airline pilots are not kidding
when they say they will refuse
to land if conditions do not meet
their personal requirements for
both safety and service and
their's is the final say in the
matter," Matthews declared.
As a result of the meeting
City Manager Franzen was re
quested to get in touch with the
regional office in Seattle to
learn if the ILS request for
Salem has been placed in the
1950 budget now being made up
In Washington, D. C, and to
make strong representation for
immediate action if it is. If it
is not to be included in the
budget it was said that "Salem
is sunk." Request has been
made for the inclusion.
Installation of the ILS re-
squires from three to six months,
and if available now it is prob
able it could not be in operation
before spring. A compass loca
tor, which is included in the
complete installation, could be
ready for use in a few weeks
and would prove sufficient until
the complete installation is
McNary field, it was pointed
out, is the only immediate alter
nate landing place when the
Portland facilities are fog.
bound, and during the early
spring was used by DC-6s which
could not land at either Port
land or Seattle. These will not
use the field under present con
ditions, because of the safety
It was pointed out that most
of the fatal accidents have oc
curred in a three-miles area
from an airport between a range
station and the field itself,
wnicn is approximately one
minute flying time for the huge
passenger liners. It was also
pointed out that between the
latter part of October and early
spring Salem does not have s
minimum ceiling of 3000 faet
deemed the necessary safety
factor by pilots, and while the
the ceiling here is between 800
and 2500 feet for hours later.
Compass location facilities with
proper range finding will per
mit landings here, whether
these are installed by the ULA
or the city, with the CCA desig
nating the frequency upon which
to operate.
importance airpssra i
The ILS is the only answer to
the problem of getting the pilot'
safely on the field after the
range station is neared. Use of
the present ULA localizer until
final installation is also prob-ble.
Minor projects for improve
ment of the field were lightly
discussed, with Hal Sweeney,
Salem manager for ULA, willing
to install a neon sign at the ad
ministration building designat
ing the stop. It is surprising
how many people land at the
field are unaware that they are
in Salem, the capital of Oregon,
though the stop here is ninth
in commerce on the system,
Sweeney said.
Also attending the meeting
were Roy Harlan, president of
the Chamber of Commerce and
Burr Miller, representing the
aeronautics committee; Wayne
Hadley, Junior Chamber of
Bee Whiskered E. D. Gill
iam wears a beard of bees at
the Dallas County Beekeepers
association picnic at Dallas,
Texas. He thought that the
bee caging contest was a lit
tle tame, so decided to try a
stunt he had read about in a
beekeepers' journal. Gilliam
took a queen bee from a hive
and placed it on his neck.
Then waited. In a few min
utes bees were swarming over
his cheeks and neck to stay
with their queen.
(AP Wirephoto)
Ribbons Given
Club Members
Stayton Stayton 4-H club
members who won awards at
the annual spring show at Sil
verton have been announced by
Mrs. Barbara Avey. Stayton
In Cook i hi I. rd ribbon wr won bv
Sandra Skinner, Edith Titti. Carol
Smith. luirnt- Champ and Freeman Da
vUr while ribbon. PhTlltj alrCarUjr, Rob
erta Skinner and Nanep Shin kit. Mr.
Reba InalU U leader.
In Cook in c II, while ribbon, .lane
Coi. U:r!im Blown. Mr. Tlielma Kin
man. lender. Camp Cookery, blut rib
oon. Bob Weddlr ; white I ibbnn. Cllen
Brck: Mr. Mery Reynold and Ur
Lucille Burn, leader.
Mack Williams won eJimptonhtp tn
bachelor aewint. Olher award were, red
ribbon. Ralph Shower; white. Darrel Ooftl
and Harrr Bur metier; Mrs. Ruth Landon '
U leaner.
Knltt Ini 1 white ribbon. Ellen Ret
and Day Leley. Kmitini II. red ribbon.
Sandra Davie. Laura Rice: white. Kathtem
Harold and Eldene Jenkina. Mra. Katimn
Weddle, leader.
Marlyn Shelton won championship tn
forestry; blue ribbon were won by Tommy
Crabtrer Georae Burkner. Terry Klnuey;
red ribbon. Dick Reynold. Ray Burn
and Rodrll Poole: white. Walter Otto.
Noel Le)ey. BUI Weddle. John Da via and
John S'even Mr. Delilah Champ ha
been in charie of the forutrr club.
Rdward Small wax awarded a whit rib
bon for hi health poMr. There were other
exhibit from Stayton In Sewing I. and 1
woodworking, with Mr. Olady Covert
and John Rock, leader, repectlvely.
Second prize winner in the
4-H parade was Stayton. The
grade school students were ta
ken to Silverton in the school 'active in journalism as a writer!
buses and had a nice day de-and feature editor of the Wirt-
less and as a special writer for
the local paper. She competed in
a writing contest held recently
at the university.
Don Scarborough, Wood burn
senior, placed among the six
seniors scoring highest in an
American Federation of Labor
scholarship contest recently
conducted over a state-wide
area. Of the six, three will re
ceive awards of $500 each to
ward college education after
final elimination interview in
Portland next week. The con
test covered labor unions, employer-employe
tactics, and re
cent labor news.
spite the downpour during the
Scholarship Given
Mary Bekebrede
Wood burn Miss Mary Beke
brede, a senior at Woodburn
high school, has been awarded a
four-year scholarship to Paci
fic university in Forest Grove.
The award, presented by the
university, was made on the ba
sis of her journalistic activities
in high school and provides $80
a year. Miss Bekebrede has been
Here is best assurance of
summer - long comfort
Screen Doors for making
indoors airily livable! Built
to stand up, year after year,
in service. Designed to ad
mit plentiful air and light
while barring the way to
winged pests! Priced low
enough to let you replace
old. warped screens, easily,
CABINETS 1Z2S Cross. Salem. Phone 3. 5953 FRAMES
Capital Journal. Salem, Or., Wednesday. May 11, 194913
Commerce; Stan Dilatush, chief naval air facility and Charles
controller of the CAA tower at Barclay, recently named airport
McNary field; Lt. Commander
Wallace Hug, until recently
manager of the airport and now
officer in charge of the Salem
manager to succeed Hug. Un
able to attend from the Chamber
of Commerce were Lee U. Eyer
ly and James Walton.
Jot fsltsi jjuiny"
Enjoy the "banj-dipptd bulk' qualify ol
this exceptionally fine ice cream the
best money can buy. Rich and deli
cious , . . there's a tantalizing (lavor to
please every taste. Buy it from your
nearest Arden dealer . . . Tortile!
i nm a siwia .41 ii i iai n. in
We Also
Golf Shoes
Your Choice
Is W
Insured Moth Proof
Dust Proof Fire Proof
It not only pays to know your
furrier, it also pays to know
your source of storage!
Whether your fine fur is stor
ed in some store's attic or in
in a frigid cold, mothproof
vault . . . it's important to
know . . . and see for yourself.
Miller's invite you to inspect
their fine fur storage any
time. It has circulating frost
cold air . . . it has demothing
process in connection.
Be safe! Be sure! Store the
modern way!
mumi) , , , .,ig
Store Your Furs Now!
Now at
Final Close Out
all remaining
(regardless of former price)
New Summer
IIS north liberty Itrttt
Just Arrived
sperklinf new
II j4J dtmng. Topi at a ehoie W oitm wnim gaMOMag gMS. J
il V Comhine co Wirt f table tap, tebk im and oSaar phohliy J
jri fyLi T f thrilbng new color tfwtt.
V . i ov1 1A9U tmrwf4) . ., 75,50 )
. .Ml i
IY f Ji;i " I I fall v i
Norn you can choose your chrome furniture
in colors that are yours and yours alone! Now
you can match or contrast your furniture
colors with your own interior decorating
scheme! Now you can achie color har
monies never before possible with stunning,
exciting new colors ranging from deep true
tones to the gayest of gay pastels.
t.TAIll Ter-Choose from the galatv of
lovely colors that you can see on our floor
in tops of durable plastic or beautiful, gleam
ing glass. Combine this with...
2. TA11I TIIM m the color of your choice.
J. CHAia UPHOlSTiar by Dvkan can he se
lected in a color to match or contrast with the
table-top and table-trim. Balboa-and ONLY
Balboa makes it possible for you to custom
eolor-Hifle your furniture to fit ny Interior
color pfan.
rxCLUllVf "CONTOIW-MttaN." Balboa chairs
are curved for natural beauty more searing
comfort, tool Table legs are formed for added
grace and extra knee-room Double legs art
spot-welded for single-unit strength Stronger
more beautiful' Balboa chrome is TRIPLE
plated to give K that sarin-hister sheen.
ITtONSi Ralhns glui
cushioned in CoroU
hfiorb ihocks Glasi
sparkle srxi brilliance
pure and paste) colors
THI lAllOa MASTia INim-leatl sii comlnrt
ahlv Brilliant glass top in colon ranging from
deep rtrh tones tn soft pajtrk Colnrrd met mm
permits Personal Color Styling.
rive Plere
Idee in contour-design. Seats mi. Plastic top in
a wide range of colon Is stain and beat resistant,
asy to keep clean and sparkling.
ayfc. 137.50
Five Piece
For a new thrill In hem t4yllrvg...SIE BALBOA CHROME TODAY A
27 North Liberty
Phone 3-461 S