Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 10, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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mm Festival
1 1
l Salem Heights Many parents
f. nd friends attended the music
i festival program at the com-
I inunity hall.
I i On the program were first
i grades directed by Mrs. Inez
I Green and Mrs. Roy Farrand,
f; three songs, accompanied by
'; Barbara Anderson. Second
f grades, directed by Mrs. Maxine
t Pierce and Mrs. Charlotte
Jones; three songs, third grade,
accompanied by Mrs. Maxine
Pierce and directed by Mrs.
wilma Hammond; two songs,
accompanied by Donald Smith;
fourth grades, directed by Mrs.
Wilma Hammond and Mrs. Ar
I villa Boyer, two songs, accom-
jpanied by Mrs. Wilma Ham'
Jmond; fifth grade, directed by
J Mrs. Nan Denhem, drama, by
Julian Thurston and accompa
j nied by Donald Smith; sixth
graae, aireciea Dy Mrs. Miiarea
Fenimore, Larry Graber at the
violin and Jo Nell McGuire
singing the second verse, accom
panied by Barbara Bacon; sev
enth grade1, directed by Mrs.
Wilma Hammond and Mrs. Iva
Anderson, song, John Peel ac-
companied by Charlotte Or-v
eighth grade, directed by Mrs.
Wilma Hammond an'
lis Atkinson, dance accompa
nied by Barbara Airl-rso'
tette and duet, Barbara Ander
son and Chariot, c
companied by Donald Smith.
Following the program par
ents went through the room at
school viewing the work done
by the children during the past
On May 13 will be play day
at the school for the children
and Mr. Marion Miller, princi
pal, extends an invitation to all
parents who wish to attend.
May 20 the Marion county
health department will hold a
health clinic for the children
who will start in first grade in
September. It is very important
Four Corners School Plans
Program, Tea for Mothers
Four Corners, May 10 Rickey school held open house on Fri
day evening. Spring flowers lent a festive air to the class rooms.
Each small desk had a bouquet in nosegay arrangement. Mrs. Car
son's first grade room displayed a farm in miniature completely
equipped with paper buildings and animals. In Mrs. Van Santen's
room the linger painting hq
Salem Girl Stewardess
Nancy Lea Montgomery, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Mont
gomery of 441 North 18th street,
who has Just been awarded her
stewardess wings by United Air
Lines. Miss Montgomery has
completed a four-weeks train
ing course at the company s
stewardess training school, at
Cheyenne, Wyo., and is now fly
ing on United Mainliners going
south out of Seattle, with occa
sional stops in Salem. She at
tended Oregon State college, is
a graduate of Willamette univer
sity and a member of Chi Omega
sorority. (United Air Lines
hand crafts showed much talent.
The soap sculptor gave promise
of the future Michelangelns. On
May 13 the children ol HicKey
school will entertain their
mothers with a program and tea
at 1:30 o'clock. All mothers of
the district are invited with a
special invitation to the mothers
of the pre-school children.
Birthday Celebrated
Mrs. Roy Thayer, 3990 E.
State St., honored her small son,
Aaron, with a lawn party cele
brating his fourth birthday an
niversary. His guests were
Susan Wing, Barry Force, Rich
ard Lee, Russell Davis, Phillip
Davis, Robbie Ferrin, Alice ai
yea, Harry Alyea, Robin Garnet
and Leta Thayer. Birthday re
freshments were served.
Osborns Card Hosts
Hosts to the Krazy Kard Klub
were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Osborn,
E. State St. Table decoration was
tulips and tapers. Guests were
Mr. and Mrs. William Fiester,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chrisman,
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Braden, Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Bales, Mrs. Jess
Mcllnay. Henry Boden, S. H.
Cable. Honors went to Mr. and
Mrs. Braden. Dessert refresh-
that every child be examined by ments were servea.
the doctor. Every mother is ask- Mrs. W. J. Sitton, 210 S. Elma
ed to accompany her child. (St., left Saturday night by train
for Kansas City, Mo., where she
was called by the serious illness
of a relative.
Lamkin and
Perry Chosen
Walter Lamkin, attorney, was
elected by the city council Mon
day night as city Judge pro tern
to serve during absences of City
Judge W. W. McKinney.
Lamkin and William H.
Crawford, who has been the
substitute judge for the last two
years, were nominated, and tied
at four votes each on the first
ballot. On the second vote Lam
kin got five votes and Crawford
Kenneth C. Perry was elected
member of the city civil ser
vice commission over Monroe
Cheek by a vote of five to three.
They had been nominated at the
previous council meeting, but
the council had failed to elect
in four ballots.
Perry will succeed Lyle J.
(Barney) Page, who resigned.
The other members of the com
mission are William J. Entress
and Richard Severin.
Iris Gardens
To Be Visited
Three Marion county iris gar
dens are on the itinerary plan
ned for next Saturday for dele
gates and visitors to the annual
convention of the American Iris
society in Portland, May 14, 15
and 16.
Bus loads of the convention-
ers are due to visit The Schrein
er gardens north of Salem and
the Cooley and Klcinsorge gar
dens in Silverton, Saturday
morning and afternoon. Some
300 are expected to make the Guests OSC Campus
trip and one-half will visit the Woodburn Mrs. Walter Sch
Schreiner gardens in the morn- ulcr, Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs
ing while the others are at the Thomas Engle and Mrs. Frank!
ooley and Klcinsorge gardens.
At noon, all will meet at Sil
ver Creek Fall lodge for lunch
eon, and in the afternoon will
reverse the morning schedule.
one-half going to Cooleys and
Kleinsorges, the other half to
Sunday morning, the conven
tion people will be going to Cor
vallis, planning to meet at
lundieon there following gar
den tours, and in the afternoon
will stop at the capitol building
in Salem en route on the re
turn to Portland.
Several iris fanciers from Sa
em are due to attend the Por
land convention.
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 10, 19499
Butterfield spent the week end
at Corvallis where they were
guests for Mother's Day of their
daughters. Miss Joan Schuler.
Miss Anita Miller, Mir Hazel
Engle and Miss Jeanne Butter-field.
Squids move backward by
sauirtlng out water.
Invades New Price Field
See the BIG BIG New Kaiser
Drastic Low Prices
24 Months to Pay
Teague Motor Co.
355 North Liberty, Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173
in Pepsi's
Six Bottles!
Why ukc Uu . . . when you
get to much mart from
Pepsi -Cola. 6 big. Bin
Pcpii's give you 12 delicious
jtlmfuli of America's
finest cola.
Buy o
Prpit-Cota Co,
"Ustn f o 'Counter-Spy, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, your ABC station1
$2 - $3 Per Acre Plus Material
(Approx. $2)
3410 Sunnyview Ave.
Ph. 21208
You Recognize the Smartest
Shoes as (Msifi&Mk Exclusives
take flicfamo
Monte exclusive double - strap, cushion-
soled wedgie in chrome-unfinished,
outsole. Marvelous wearing qual
ity. Colors: Red or White. N-M. 4
in O Cfi OK
Vista exclusive single symmetric strap, cushion-soled
and wears beautifully and
comes in White, Green, Red or Canary
Yellow. N-M, 4 to 9 $6.95
Exclusive at
We'll Gladly Charge It To Yaur Account
r v
i s
"Yes Ma'm, she's the 3j v I
newest and the best bv lyhX 111! )
to the EAST" ASSII)
Tacoma Seattle Spokane lift
Minneapolis St. Pool Chicago
1:30 PM from Tacoma, 10:15 PM from
Spokane; time-saving schedule to Chicago
over a gloriously scenic route.
Skytop Lounge glass-enclosed for track-side
to mountain-top scenic views.
Private Room Care with bedrooms, singly or
en suite, and roomettes.
Touralux Cars offering money-saving sleep
ing car service unique with the Olympian
luxuratt Coaches for comfort at lowest cost.
40-Sooi Dining Car and Tip Top Grill Car with
snack section and cocktail lounge.
for information and reservations, as
Portland Offlea
111 I W, TcnnkUJ tl. Fhra AHram lit?
Cm V. Valter. BIslstrt hHm
F. A. Iwcjm, 0MI1 AfMl
- - JdA MTV55?
."-y J
A "S-
. -if "'A ; -v -- I
y""-4 i i i - -If I .. -' IV- f
' V -r I '' f.Jt ; 4- H
This is but one of the breathtaking new
designs Miss Kessler, and the ROSE MARIE
REID Model, will display.
Note the Chevron Stripes to belittle your
hips ond the Miracle Bra. Wondrous shiny
self-stripe on dull crepe in white, blue,
butterscotch, yellow ond green. $17.95.
Sizes 10-16.
As odvertised in Vogue, Mademoiselle ond
Look. JOHNSON'S Alone.
VHVMWW Will Be Pleased to Have You Meet
Miss Nina Kessler, fashion consultant of ROSE
MARIE REID Swimsuits, Who'll be in our store
all day on Wednesday, May 11 and who will
hold a showing of these very newest styles in our
mezzanine lounge at 4:30 P.M.