Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 10, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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What to Do!
Capital A Journal
An Independent Newspaper Established 1888
GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor end Publisher
ROBERT LETTS JONES, Assistant Publishtr
Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che
meketa St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Want
Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409.
Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press ond
The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches
eredited to it or otherwise credited in this paper ond also
news published therein.
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 10, 1949
More Than a 'Gesture'
The Baldock traffic plan for Salem got a irreen light
from the city council Monday night.
The resolution, which would put Salem in position to
talk business with the state highway commission on the
plan to ease traffic congestion, survived a more than two
That in itself, is significant, in
view of the 6 to 2 vote that favored the resolution which SIPS FOR SUPPER
embodied the program the highway engineer suggested
for Salem.
AlHprmsn fiille described the council's endorsement as
, "gesture" toward solution of the traffic problem in the
T..i 1 AU- 1 unnt innnfil'a atmn wna mnr
I -lit I 3n.jn..n.. r.l PLACE WITH XBAU
'":!' tVe A
Wallace-ite Surprises GOP
By Winning Its Contest
Montgomery, Ala. The Young Republicans club of New York
staged a banquet In Manhattan the other night to announce the
winner of an essay contest. It was a distinguished and important
Some of the top leaders of the republican party, including Har
old Stassen, had Mw . ..,. th ,h
to work quietly and steadily
toward improvement of race re
lations. Two new Negro high schools
have just been finished in
Montgomery, and this writer,
who recently visited them, can
testify to the fact that they
appear more up-to-date than the
older schools for white children.
Alabamans admit that the
Negro schools were long over
due, and that it has only been
- . ,r : has begun to catch up. How-
Wizard of Odds
Judged the con
test and another
ludge, Bruce
Bromley, of the.
New York court
of appeals, was
present to an
nounce the win
ner. Judge Brom
ley made the)
announcem e n t'
with much dig
nity. He spoke of the import-
f i
l( A It J
Drear reams
rising to the front, and the im-
ever, the important thing ia that
pur ui nee 01 mc question on i l j
which the essays were written Montgomcry als0 boast, ,
"should the senate rules be 4..i, . -.n. .
MtN. roa n grutcr
cxANCts of mm
f Sit W fD
ml M ' I M sT- '
Still Here
Negroes which has a large num-
city. But, by the vote itself, the council s action was more
than a "gesture." Monday night's action amounted to
Such revolutionary proceedures as accepting the Baldock traf
fic plan with a few emendations and daylight savings, as well,
contest had been nonpartisan equipped buildjngs pius an
following which he announced athletic lield whicn ,ome Aja.
definite approval of the working out of a long-range pro- by the city council last night still seemed to leave our fair city J "",. J?
:.u u uiv,.. .nn,n;..n nut Solom'. atracta i - England,
the winner. H. Carl Market
promising young man'from Wil
liams college, one of the old and
blue-blooded colleges of
gram with the highway commission to put balem s streets in a peaceful
in position to handle a constantly increasing traffic load, condition this
Some who spoke against the Baldock plan tried to pic- morning wi t h
ture it as a vicious program to ruin the city. Those dis- 1 p"e"'
aenters failed to acknowledge the broad cooperative effort 'nV . " h
., i ,L. -:... ,;v. a. recent eartn-
tnai. win go wun wie ciljt a iicKuiiauuiis mc om.
commission. The plan is open to amendment as it pro-
quake -or last
winter's snow.
As far as we can
learn to this
writing no mem
Young Markel
tistie. the job of painting the
kitchen at home. And under pocketed the $100
nroDer suidance and direction is said:
reported to be a veritable Titian "This is indeed a nonpartisan
at swinging a mean brush. contest In fact it isn't even bi-
partisan, but bipartisan. For
Top Back Seat Driver during the last election I cam-
bamans ruefully claim is better
thtm theirs.
MnntonmeFv'i mnef huaniifiil
6W monument to Negro education,
. . however, is St. Judes school.
rose, calmly hiH h .nri .ni..
priie, and Kraped together by a Catholic
priest,' Father Pureell. It prob
ably surpasses anything built by
the state.
Detroit, Young Man's Town
Detroit VP) Auto town sidelights:
This metropolis of the motor ear has been one of the most swiftly
changing cities in America.
Another monument to North-
And the rea-fcC".
sons workmen
give for going
on strike here
have changed,
Some 05,000
New York vr) A gentleman paignea lor nenry Wallace." South -. hin """"
will no more cheat a red light Dignified Judge Bromley bv the Blu- nd Grav " ora company
or stop sign than he would cheat looked horrified. Some of the lion whicn nas built part o , workers walked
in a game of cards." Emily Post republican, acted as if a bomb- lootbaU stadium for athletic wefuk'
speaking. "A courteous lady will shell had struck.
not 'scold' raucously with her
automobile horn any more than why I worked for Wallace,
'fishwife' continued young Markel
contest between the North and
charging the
They tried to infer, in some instances, that the city
could let the rest of the state get along without Salem.
In trying to close their eyes to the position ot the city bers of the city
selected as the capital of Oregon, they also tried to ignore council have
th fart that. hiVhwavB are ioined bv cities. Highways been tarred or
.... i i i i 1 ri'l a. 1 foalhoparl n kn In ttlrt., no
can't exist as unconnectea linns 01 travel, iney must nave "w .i.u.. '"8., sn(. w0uld act like a
u vi p of huh nninta n nut rnnfinnitv to thu band of patriots disguised as In- f primiti
niLi i i, u n;fai dians have rushed down to the i-nA.inAA..e .mna;Af . . . . . ... .. ed 112 vears aso bv camenters. , . m
routes, inai leaves nu hilciiihuvc mi uciiuuiiuu , frnnt m,t in n,u""!;!" ers were lorcea xo in in silence lw0 great generals oi tne uivil .7 . 7, , , ng ireaa. iwo
u, : "1 rr;"C. 7, Denavior Denina me wneei oi an and listen to a political pep talk war Lee and Grant will stand Bv.- and gn nour and
'And I would like to tell you tne Southf and ia now ing to SSJ!lt"felln
y I worked for Wallace." ..i.. i nad instituted a
raise sufficient funds to com
plete the proiect.
irrespon- Whereupon republican lead- Eventually a monument to the
v,onperaun juai suuu, r"""" "" bor to toss tea overboard from
Some dissenters also tried to describe the Baldock plan an ancnored snip no gang has
as one being forced onto Salem by outside forces, those destroyed the city bastille and
who talked that way apparently ignored the fact that the aside from a few mild cusswords
automobile nas no place in so- by one of Wallace s ardent ad- outside this shrine to North-
ciety. . . . Tne wen bred person mirers.
will see courtesy and well-man- NOTE After Markel finish-
i ..,n W 1., tho tnitrhwov ripnnrtnient .... I...... a .a . "5r unla" u" P.rac- ed. Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon,
C VhoTr ;Jn cit v! The s ate h hchwav ennneer has been two bv somV dTsB niu dtT- rl V". L the main speaker of the evening, from the North and the South in
Detroit is a young man's town.
And it worships youth on the
way up.
Having never seen an assem
bly line that web ot standing
men and moving steel which lies
at the heart of American produc
tive genius I rode out to the
Chrysler plant to inspect one.
It wasn't as much like Charlie
Chaplin's "modern times" as I
had expected. It was quieter.
Two men picked up a metal
frame and placed it on a travel-
thousand feel
9A minutes lat.
shorter hours, more pay ef ,he completed car rolled oti
South friendship, where already :"",; ''"Z AtiZL 7 . the assembly line under its own
an annual football game is play- P'',13?, AVf .i fi? Power'
ed between two all-star teams Y"ue 01 Apru ' 1837' Io1" In between were some 700
"speed up."
But Detroit's first strike, call-
separate operations and 500 in-
some disgruntled citi- ."",,,.. ","", .tii:,toZ tne ma n speaKer oune evening, u.c u.u. ..m w.. ... ,.Yesterday our streets were "C"-"-. ."a.
. resident of Salem continually for 24 years. That is R. H. zen, everything seemed to be Z"wTm ".mV; M.nnV (L maae . ! mmen.1 on U,B "" ul Paraded by a large company of 'rj" , .
n.u-.l. ,L u ,,:..J ili.J r 4n- .nin. nn .i.n.l T lnnlc. -Yr, essay: ' U yOU naQ BSKeQ me, 1 wmraeratv. r.ahl. llHr, -
MZrT : uthe town wluVAtnstami SKS 2 S!
Thara u.-aa nfiliniam o an fin thp rniinnil a hPincr nrpss- tv-. whnsp nnmp has hppn avnnnv- .. n u : v, tw,.ia
a. i i v hihwoiii -v. o i Tin senate ruies. oecause iiiev suuinciu hiku bviiwwu "i"cu .m
iirpd" into makinir a hastv decision on such an important w . 1L . a . . ,:i mous with rules of etiquette for Mn 0aH northern school elevens to the . .. oay. ... of any of the ten.
. il.,-,.: . t!..u ..:;: J t ",usl nignorow merary ,nv VMr, ... .h. namnhlet . " ..'' -7:..--.. ...u ..j.u-.j.. ana two QOliars lor pay. I h o,,in If h. nnW
spWad ng Labor relation, were hardly job 4 by some rin ,11
"You can't legislate or force 1!! hdach,e then, day long was merely to tighten
anvone goodwiU and brotherly love," ",.. " tt:."j certain nut as the cars passed.
cue from the Blue """"," , A J single tasK. nut lor every ten
many """"" men there was a utility worker
ivited "ng . th,s PltnJ couplet: able to step in and take the place
uicu iiitu iiiorhir a h.tij -v.0.v.. Most of the hlehbrow litprarv a aL . . . can spread more comusiuu u
matter as the traffic program. Such criticism does not slw"o peck a two-fineered Tny T8?' te PPMet der the present archaic rules,
jibe with the facts. Over two years ago the city council In a typewritar or fbuted Cfr to ind'ividua! ml ' ' '
vanl1ni 4hof iU hirrhwov fnmm ntl wnrlr With RnlPTYl I. i:..: t ' :.u tribUted tree tO Individual mo- eini.,, DonrDCGG
requested that the highway commission work with Salem peck a living out with two fin- I"?"..
The grateful highway OVTH MAKES PROGRESS
lin iiguruig some kiiiu oi a uaiiic iinijiuvcnicnv iimii. oers on a typewriter, wnicnever . n oreanization of eroum A Iew year ko, u. aiiyunc - .: . -,.. 1 stnaers in tne
request originally, however, was only for bridge assist- sound, better, have some sort of ?Tver. and ?he Pdlcted that white and Negro wOump JJ ch.ef or- &Mai in 1837
ance. Thee other pnases ot tne program grew as surveys
went along.
Then the final report, based on this long-time study, wai
presented in January. That was almost four months ago.
Since then, those traffic suggestions have been the main
concern of the council.
When viewed calmly, the council's action is a sensible,
definite step toward getting the city's traffic problems
settled along the lines outlined after careful study by Sa
lem men.
That is just what the city wants and needs. Time will ever, he hasn't gone modernistic,
American Automobile Associa- teachers would soon be paid the "Z"T, .
tO en- Th Vnr-A cfrilro A im
ond to baseball ai a conversa-
"No," he laughed. "They
usually acrew on the nut as well
as tighten it."
a highbrow hobby as well
tab-M 4hait minrli rxft 4rrm IKa mamtt eolnrioa in th crnnniS Of
ZV;,iZZ", " aT".:"a :r.:i tion tendered Mr,. ro,t a lun- ' ' " " " m wn courage it"
ZiUl r!" ,l thC PU" htel h" oed at. ,The.BIue nd.Gry ha. done tional topic. Believing the buye market
mental fatigue. Right now we 11 a few years ago also, no one d h lh h t Detroit is currently the most nnasizine "custom tailorine" on
take the case of our own Ethan The Salem Senators keep right wouid have believed the predic- Tr'.dw" .l.f.u'" ,..:.. . baseball-mad city in the coun- F.. .""luw ,i , IS! ,a
But tion that Negro schools would 1Mle help lrom tnose m tne try. And the name of every- dayl ,tock cars were modified
uram, weu Known to magazine on winning oaii games, jjui t on that NeEro schools woum -, . try. And tne name of everv-
l'leu. ih! .WJ!fld. over: .W! Wh!n, L05',. ,"e ,oncev become as. P--da,te nd mod- north who sometimes criticize body's lips is Johnny Groth, the to meet eust0mer wishes.
in ..a ieii up conning iwiiuc .up? gun i wic in iiou.- ern as wniic scnoois. without takinff the trouble to rounie center neiaer r ,., . ... .
as a side issue. Yea. by gum. hearted way, they go all out like .., . .j rriirtpH W.J , J" for the Detroit Tigers. . employes at the plant remem-,
really dabbling in oils. How- a football or basketball score . ' h"u Vmon t". ".ui"" K. Fan, here reaard this wnd.r " -iT :V, lw0...f . V !
that's all one-sided. This way I"",." ' j tre i """" " """. lad a, Tv Cnhh Rah. .ni umng
prove the wisdom of the council's endorsement of the Bal- our ot landscape, .or por- they P jury which decided the fate of CHENNAIILt ON CHINA - BDiMa88io wrapped Up In tr'0 "xfSSTSaiS
dockP,Bn- I?" " "'.n! .ta..e"...U,? "r L18 L?.: ..X l05e ne game whe man where the dea h New8DaDermen were shooed one P"rce1' bar. The other was for an Okla-
sentence was involved. Be woma Qut o( tne ienate armed .ervices 'If Johnny Groth ran for homa oil heiress who wanted
have been considered revolu- committee tne other day j mayor tomorrow," said one car to match the color of her
tionary. order to find out if Gen. Claire "itizen, "he'd win in a walk." favorite hair ribbon.
thing utilitarian as well as ar- at a time doing it.
Old Age Pension Law Signed
Why Barbers Grow Old
Lincoln, Neb. (U.R) Who care, whether a young,ter has 88,000
or 140.000 hairs on hi, head?
The barber doe,, especially if he must give the boy a "crew" eut.
It means the clipper must
Governor McKay is to be commended for signing the
old age pension law passed by the legislature after pro
longed study to replace the unworkable initiative pension
bill voted by the electorate last November, which threat
ned the solvency of the state and eventual bankruptcy.
Under the law signed, qualified heneficiaries to men
reaching the age of 65 and women 60, will receive $50 a
month, if sufficient money is available and children of painstakingly snip most of those
beneficiaries are charged with aiding the state in foot- thousand-odd hair, to give hi,
ing the bill. customer the required "brushy"
Mi, inllnf .J n-lv . Ii,.n . tinnia f roi- look. And the amount of trou-
dence or be subject to a claim during his or her lifetime, ble ri" with ,ne complexion
but m the event both recipient husband and wife die and
leave an estate other than occupied home, a claim may be
filed against such estate, which may be considered a pre
ferred claim.
In his message Governor McKay warned against a
threatened referendum by pension groups, as such action
might jeopardize federal grant monies for old age assist- boy about 10,ono. The redhead
ance and lead to confusion and litigation. He called atten- sports a mere 88.000.
tion to the evolution of state policy with respect to the rive barbers queried general
administration of old age assistance in Oregon. ly agreed a crew cut is the
TV.. i .((; . 4V, r.. v,t :.. . most difficult to give. In a regu-
least two states. California and Arizona, federal funds J," n."'-."';' between Russia
were withheld because of a definition of resources enacted n. a -iin ...-- " "IV? tn . we,tern
in the state law similar to definitions outlined in the re- Th, bsrb(lr, Mirvrd ,h mod
pealed Oregon initiative law. prn ..drv.. nfW fut .,, , ,m,
Section 4 of the new law establishes the policy of the taiion f the old pre-World War
state to provide in addition to direct financial assistance I stand-up pompadour, forced
medical, dental, surgical, hospital, nursing home and other to aitention bv the liberal ao-
care necessary to restore and maintain health. Such addi
tional assistance is required to be furnished to the full
extent that funds are available to do so.
of the patron.
A blond lad, according to Dr.
D. D. Whitney of the University
of Nebraska, is likely to have
140.000 hairs, a dark brunette
102,000. and a brown-thatched
However, all of these things Chennault had anything eonfi-
have happened in Alabama. dential to say about China. He
Furthermore, there seems to In answer to a question lrom
be a healthy desire in this state. Chairman Millard Tydings of
which ha, one of the heaviest Maryland, however, Chennault
estimated it would cost one mil
lion dollar, a day to support the
nine Chinese provinces still
holding out against the commu
nists.' As for graft in China, Chen
nault snapped: "Corruption isn't
confined to China. It is found
in France and even in the
United States."
The Flying Tiger chief also
urged that U. S. volunteers be
And he probably would. For It was orchid.
Tug-of-War Really Starts
(11 rorelm Alltlra AnUMO
The hard-boiled anti-communist mayor of western Berlin JSrnst
Reuter says the New York agreement among the Big Four to
Htt the blockade of the German capital marks the "real beginning
of a tug-of-war
between the
East and West."
Reuter means.
I take it, that
we are about to
see the start of
a great struggle
Drfflll M.cktMt.
Only to End Time Confusion
Salem's city council by a vote of B to 2 has put Salem on
daylight savings time from 2:01 a.m. Monday, until 1:S9
a.m. September 11, when we will go back to standard time
The action was taken, not because all those voting for it
plication of mustache wax or
Crew cuts Increased during
wartime, they said, probably
because the teen-agers, with
whom they are most popular,
copy their soldier heroes.
Estimates of the time con
sumed In giving the crew cuts
varied from 10 to 20 minutes.
and at IraM one conscientious heavily on the
Reich for
wanted it, but to avoid the confusion caused by an hour's barber Questioned the value of necessities which it is doubtful
difference in time in various cities, forced by the action of devoting that much time to the H""a alone can provide.
Portland and many other cities and som bus linea and radio task. w re harking back to the
broadcasts v,,t economic empire which
hrhi:e.WJit,,Khil " had "ir81"1 ,he a n""" " i,h "'"'"nordtr roTr.::!
chaotic time table by passing ; a law g ving the governor h.,r oi, . bllt 0bscurinB hi, nex and enslave all Europe-
authority to establish atate-wide daylight saving time pro- ears, the barber related, and and after that only Heaven
ti.hiik uuuit-iiiiK Binirs 01 Hsuiugion, uiano ana i amor- want, a crew cut. A trvln. ilm. know, what.
ensue,, but eventually the boy ,.,Wh'n "itl"' 1unch'd wrld
,., u i . . ;, ... .. war II, he was virtually czar of
look, almost human," with his ,h. . , ., F , rM
.. . . . . . Hu, vfn y
to the Russian border, because
This strange chapter of his- allowed to help train national
tory has been discussed in our ist soldiers and plan their battle
column before, but I revert to strategy. He warned that the
it now because it', the chief ex-, communists have a geniu, for
planation of the struggle which organizing and will be able to
is boiling up over Germany. hold China once they conquer
Hitler held all eastern Europe it.
and the Balkan, in the itching
palm of his hand. Why? Be- PRUNING THE GOVERNMENT
cause industrial Germany over President Truman has told
a long period had built up an friend, that he i, dead seriou,
economic jtructure under which about chopping the deadwood
he supplied agricultural coun- out of government, and will use
trie, with manufactured articles, the Hoover commission report
and took from them in turn the a, a blueprint to do so.
agricultural product, which the First to feel the presidential
Reich didn't produce itself. paring knife will be the agencies
Most of these satellites now dealing with federal works. Dro-
bZ,,,: ZZVtZ r:Ter
..... . - - i, n.i i" mi inriii, niiu I LUIVtS,
she can go in supplying the in- These functions will be lumped
dustrial necessities. together in a general service
If Moscow could gain control agency, headed by able, amiable
of Germany through communiz- Jess Larson providing congress
ation, the problem presumably approves,
would be solved for the Soviets. (Copyright, 1B4B)
Couldn't 'Bulldog' the Pushcart
Colorado Spring, UP) A pushcart made a 10 mile lip trip
down a mountainside to involve Z7 year old Leslie Kincaid
in a strange traffic accident.
The cart a light affair used by a railroad section gang high
in the Rockies, took off on its solo spin from a spot on the
other side of Manitou Spring,.
The section hands Jumped in a oar and gave chase along a
road paralleling the track on which the cart travelled. But
before they caught up with it the cart busied through Mani
tou Springs and into the western sector of this city, smack
ing squarely into the small coupe of Kincaid, as the driver
attempted to make a grade crossing.
Kincaid said he saw the cart coming but he underestimated
its speed. His coupe took quite a beating. The cart however,
was undamaged.
allies for con
trol ot all Ger
many. It', the old
story pre-war Germany wa,
the keystone of much of con
tinental Europe's economy.
W Gallagher, A. P. chief ot
many international observers
there believe victory for the
West would shatter the Red Iron
The reason is that eastern
Europe traditionally has depend.
ma havt adopted I)ST. Attorneys declare that there is
nothing in the bill preventing cities from adopting the
a.t tini liv nrrlinntiro
Portland at niu-e defied tli. iiilnnt f th. I.u, .,. . ",r rigidly alert. Then a cou
form time table by adopting DST for the law did not go p,e of dv u"r hi" h,ir "'
Into affect until DO days after enactment, and announced ""PP"1 ,own ov his head like
that a referendum would be filed to prevent it efective- orv mop."
rs until the November election. "If, discouraging," the bar-
The advocates of standard time should settle the issue i1-
once and for all by an initiative bill banning daylight sav
ing and abide by the result of the vote.
In tht meantime we'll have to get up an hour earlier in
the morning and close shop an hour tarlier, so few can
get an axtra hour of golf or other recreation. Rut there ia
no reason why without putting the rest of the people to
Inconvenience, thos who want to should not grt up an
hour earlier and e,uit work an hour earlier.
of hi, economic strangle hold.
I toured that whole area just
before Munich, and still find it
a matter amazement that the
Nazt fuehrer should have slaked
so much on a throw of the diet.
Sound Effects by Audience
Wesiricld, Mass. UB A twe-year-eld boy stopped the show
at tht Park Street theater whan hit foot became wedgee1 be
tween tht folding seat and tht kaek-reat
The youngster wss standing on the stat te ttt better when
he slipped, caught hit tool and yowled until tht Irturt wat
stopped tad atttndanU easnt te take the tut aark
fC iiimt
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lit in I
jr I ll!'l
'ltl Mtlll
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