East Ealem Mothers Honor Guests at Tea and Dinners East Salem, May 10 Many East Salem molhera were honored over the week-end with family dinner! and teas given In their honor. At the home ol Mr. and Mr. Ralph AUman on Lancaster drive hit mother, Mrs. Stella Alsman, waa the honored guest lor a family dinner. Home for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Aliman and two children Irom- Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. Rexiand Chuckle; Patricia Swanson, Alsman from Portland; Mr. and Mn. Adam Kurber from Salem; Mr and Mra. Paul Shafer and two children from Corvallla; Mr. end Mrs. L. M. Alsman from North Santiam; Miss Patsy Kur ber and Darwin Kurber from Salem; Jack Grentz from Alba ny, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Als man and three children, Carolyn, Ronald and Jerry. Friday afternoon on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Hanson on Garden Road Swegle Brownie troop members were hostesses for their mothers and brothers and listers at a tea party. Guests were seated at small tables on the lawn and a large white cake with the words "Mothers Day1 as decoration was served with the ice cream and punch as re- freshments. The girls dressed in their uniforms with small aprons which they had made each serv ed their own mother. Girls and their guests were ' Carrol Jean Adamson, Mrs. Roy Adamson; Carolyn Alsman, Mrs. Ralph Alsman and Jerry; Nancy Bates, Mrs. David Bates, Allan and Linda; Donna Fetch, Mrs. Fred Fetch; Garry Del Lewis, Mrs. Gerald Lewis; Nancy Pain- Mrs. Lee Swanson Roselie West, Mrs. Marion West and Norman; Sandra Wilkinson and Mrs. Boyd Wilkinson; Ann Yost, Viola Yost, Mrs. Clifford Yost and Joey; Beverly Hanson, Mrs. Hil- lara nanson ana neim; janice Casey, Yvonne Ellis, Patricia Gotchell, Barbara Reams, and Marilyn Tower. Aa favors the girls had placed a card and handkerchief beside each mother's plate and these Fire Prevention Group Organized Dallas Polk county Keep Oregon Green committee organ ized for the season a fire pre vention effort Monday evening at a dinner in the Dallas Cham ber of Commerce rooms with Richard D e C a m p , chairman, presiding. Lynn Cronemiller, assistant state forester, and Albert Wies sendanger, executive secretary of the Keep Oregon Green asso ciation, addressed the group. Plans for reducing man-caus ed brush and forest fires in the county were discussed by W. M Curtis, forest warden for the Polk-Benton district. Forest fire prevention record last year was outstanding in the county with only seven man-caused fires re- the eirls had provided from the money made with the cookie I ported. s'- . Prior to the dinner, Mr. Wie- sendanger presented a fire pre- Members of Auburn Brownie troop and their leader, Mrs. S. W. Burris, were honored guests for a birthday party at the home of a troop member, Joy Feriar, the past week-end. It was the birthday of Joy and Mrs. Burris. The girls presented their leader with a gift. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hein of Swegle community were in Can by Sunday for the Mother's Day dinner in honor of her mother, Mrs. F. Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Becker of Sunnyview avenue were at the home of their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ca ther's Day dinner. - In the eve ning Mrs. Jennie Thomas was honored by all members of her family at the home of William ter, Mrs. Louie Painter, Joan ter on Sunday for a special Mo- Thomas In Salem. Dowell District Meeting Features Officer Election Officers elected for the coming year at the 32nd annual dis trict Dowell convention of the rtoyal Neighbors of America held Friday at Labish camp No. 4148. include Irene Harrison of Wood burn, as Oracle. Assisting officials are Mildred Glass of Scotts Mills, vice Oracle; Verda Beckner of Labish, past Oracle; Alice Egan, Silverton, chancellor, Mary Gibbons of Woodburn, recorder-receiver; and members of the advisory board, Wilma Wea therill, Silverton, Margaret Fry. Scotts Mills, Fannie Dean of Woodburn, Bernice Boofler of Salem, and Lavina Thompson of Labish. More than 200 were in attend ance at the open meeting in the evening following the banquet program at 8:30 with 92 dele gates representing their differ ent camps. The Keizer Grange hall was the place of the meet ing, sessions from 10 o'clock in the forenoon through the day and late in the evening. vention program at a Dallas high school assembly. Colored motion pictures and a talk on 'What It Means to You to Keep Oregon Green" were featured. Wiesendanger points out that the fire season opens May IS. After that date all persons set- ting slashing and clearing fires must first obtain permits from the local forest ranger or dis trict fire warden. Dtstlnsulshed attests attendtnt were Mrs. Mae Logan, state superintendent, of Portland; Mrs. Serah Peterson, dis trict deputy, of Salem: from tho Albany nd Kueene district, as district deputy. Mrs. Mabel Miles of Salem: the Hlllsboro district deputy, Mrs. Mabel Campbell of Hlllsboro; and the district oracles of tha camps composing Dowell district. Blanche Oaina of Salem. Irene Harrison of Wood- burn, Verda Beckner of Labish. Marie Thomas of Silverton. Mildred Glass of Scotts Mills. sN of whom were recognised by the district marshal! and escorted by the Labish escort team. Presiding officers throughout the con ference ana in ine evening program 1 the district oracle. Verda Beckner of La bish: district vice oracle. Rose Olbboni ol Woodburn: district past oracle. Mary Herr WHO Agnes Naegcil auDstnuuna. Silverton: chancellor. Fannla Dean ol Labish: receiver-recorder, Myr ' Beckner of Lablsb; marshal), wtlma weatnarlll. silverton: assistant marshall. Tecla Rue. Silverton: Inner sentinel, Adeline Thomas of 8cotts Mills: outer sentinel, Margsret Shepherd, substitute. Mildred oless, Scotts Mills; musician. Oeorala Larson, Labish; flag bearer. Hatlle Reuf, Salem: raltn. Evelyn Kennedy, Salem: courage. Ruby Butler, substitute Faracea Hoyt. Salem: modesty. Theresa Towle of silverton; tin selllshness. Lola Blmeral, silverton; en durance. Irene Harrison of Woodburn, all presented with eorsagea by tha mar shall of Lablsb camp. Mra. Beckner. district oracle, named as her committee personnel: finance. Faya Van Olesen. Silverton. Prances Hoyt, Salem, and Irene Harrison. Wood burn: by-laws. Marie Thomaa, Silverton, Blanche Gains, Salem, and Mldred Glass or Scotts Mills: resolution. Fannie Dean, Woodburn. Alice Egan. silverton. and Mary Arkerman of Salem: publicity, Mabel Robertson, Labish. Wilma Weath rrlll of Silverton and Haael Elliott of Sa lem. The address of welcome was given by Margaret Campbell of Labish, Mildred Glass of Scotts Mills giving the response. Myr tle Beckner read the report of the meeting of the advisory board held in January at Salem. The next annual Dowell dis trict convention will be at Wood burn with Scotts Mills the co hostess camp. Mrs. Mae Logan, stale super visor directed the following ex emplifications in the school of Instruction: Presentation of Flag, Salem camp; Formal Entrv, La bish; Pass Word Drill. Wood burn; Ballot March. Silverton: Class Adoption, Salem; Initia tion of four members. Salem; Welcoming Transfer Members, Woodburn; Welcoming Visitors, Draping Charter, Membership, Labish; Retiring March, Silver- ton; Question Box, Mrs. Logan answering questions. The Keizer Grange women were banquet hostesses. The open-to-the-public even ing meeting began with Mrs. Lo gan installing the new officers, assisted by Mabel Miles as cere monial marshal and Margaret Campbell as chancellor. All dis tinguished guests spoke briefly. Three members present were announced as eligible for SO-year membership pins to be sent from national headquarters, Mrs. Lot tie Morrison of Silverton, Mrs. Margaret Campbell of Labish. land Mrs. Florence Swigord of 'North Dakota, mother of the state supervisor, Mrs. Mae Lo gan. Concluding the entertainment program was a fancy drill, from the Silverton delegation, Mrs. Capilal Journal. Salem, Oregon. Tuesday, May 10, 1949 3 Edith Grace, the team captain, and the musician, Mrs, Lillian Buuer as piano-accordionist, six Stavton Sienlnff contract 1a teach in Stayton high school teen members making up thelnpxt v,ar nave been Dwan drill team. A comedy skit and "urf ,' "T" a Herbert , , . . . Booth of Stayton, making tha several vocal and instrumental lhih ,choo, ,taff pr,cticalIy numbers were also given. Icomplete. ? 'WXf" Ifir ilffl l aVJAsV J 14th Anniversary Storevide Sale Re9. 39.95 R.,. 69.95 COATS $19 $39 Reg. 49.95 Reg. 79.95 $29 $49 tg. 39.95 Reg. 49.95 SUITS $19 $39 Reg. 49.95 Reg. 79.95 $29 $49 DRESSES FORMAL! $10 $15 $19 One group Val. to 22.95 One Group Val. tr 29.95 One Group Val. to 39.95 Better Dresses f or Casual and Afternoon Wear. Famous Labels. Sizes 1 to It, 10 to 24V4. (1A 1 Group .Reg. 29.95 1 Group Reg S4.95 Others up to 49.95 1 Group Reg. 19.95 1 Group Reg. 24.95 $13 $15 $19 WEDDING GOWNS One Group $1 P Vol. to 59.95 I On Group $OA Vol. to 69.95 ACCESSORIES GLOVES! Fownes Nationally Advertised Gloves Reg. op to 1.59 HANKIES! Reg. 1.25 Acme Mother's Day Gift PURSES! On Group Fin Leather Purses Leather lined. Val. to 15.(9 (Plus tax) .... JEWELRY! Earrings Fins - Bracelets -Necklaces. 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