Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 10, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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    p : r
Await Blockade's End German railroad workers overhaul
a locomotive in Berlin's Grunewald station in anticipation of
lifting of the Berlin blockades on May 12. One mechanic,
with hammer in hand, secures in place a sign bearing United
States and British flags, to the front of engine of an inter
zonal train, (AP Wirephoto via radio from Berlin)
'Curse' on Fabulous Stone
Fails to Worry New Owner
(AP Newxftaturu Writer)
New York W) There was one awkward moment in the inter
view with Harry Winston, new owner of .the fabulous Hope
diamond. "
He was talking casually to a
reporter over a long, velvet
topped table. Between them, in
four trays, lay the famed jewel
collection of the late Evalyn
Walsh McLean. The 44 -carat
Hope and the 100-carat Star of
the East diamonds hung on a lit
tle stand.
"There's a diamond missing,"
the jeweler said, just a mite less
casually. "The little five-carat
A sickening pause followed.
The reporter, who had never
owned more than a $4.50 class
pin, shuddered. But Winston,
who has owned the 726-carat
Jonker diamond and the 726 V4
carat Vargas diamond, still was
relaxed as he hunted through
the collection. Finally the miss
ing stone was uncovered under
a large ring setting.
"Funny," the jeweler said, "1
can tell in a second when one's
missing. Works unconsciously."
Winston recalled, with a ner
vous grin, the time he was look
ing at some big stones when his
elbow brushed a $125,000 dia
mond into the waste basket.
THe stone was missing for three
days, while everybody in the
oraginzation .had themselves a
small nervous breakdown sear
ching the vaults and 1500-odd
paper packages of gems.
"Finally," he said, "three
days later, we discovered the
diamond in a trash can in
front of our building waiting to
be dumped into a city truck.
Since then, we keep all our re
fuse in the building for at feast
a week, just in case."
Harry Winston, "just past
SO," is a stucky, suave, dark
skinned man whose continental
air reflects his years of dealing
with royalty all around the
"You know," he said, "these
big stones are the glamor end of
our business. To do it, you need
great knowledge. Also courage.
Also you must enjoy looking at
a very rare diamond because
sometimes it takes 15 years to
sell one."
Winston was born in Los An
geles. His father was a small re
tail jeweler and the business
goes back in the family several
generations. Harry started work
in his father's shop at 16, stu
died, acquired a "feel" for gems,
and then moved to New York
at 21.
He started trading on his own
with $2000. After a while his
reputation grew and the banks
began to advance credit. The
banks still back him up in some
of his biggest deals.
He doesn't wear jewelry him
self and personally doesn't care
for it on men. Away from work
he likes to play tennis and golf
and read detective stories, not
necessarily about jewel thieves.
Winston is prohibited by the
terms of his insurance from
having his picture taken. He
himself has never been subject
ed to any violence although
' No Decision on
Truman Bills
I w asnuigtuu, may iu uni
i ate Majority Leader Lucas (D.,
111.) said after a White House
conference today that no deci
sion has been reached as to whe
ther the senate will take up the
administration labor bill or the
North Atlantic Pact first.
Both matters are expected to
take up considerable time. Leg
islative leaders were reported
ready to let President Truman
say which he wants first.
Lucas, House Speaker Ray
burn (D., Tex ). Vice President
Barkley and House Majority
Leader McCormack (D., Mass.)
attended the regular Monday
White House conference with
Mr. Truman.
The senate is busy now with
a bill proposing a two percent
sales tax for the District, of Co
lumbia. Lucas said a measure to ex
tend the reciprocal trade agree
ments program likely will be
taken up after the sales tax leg
islation. He has just returned
to his post after an illness.
Rayburn said the house prob
ably will pass within a few days
a bill amending the Commodity
Credit Corporation law.
The speaker said he discussed
with Mr. Truman a new measure
that would raise the minimum
wage from 40 cents to 75 cents
an hour. He said he also told
the president of house develop
ments concerning labor legislation.
Portland Air Base 1
To Be Reactivated
Portland, May 10 Cfl The air
force is planning to reactivate
the Portland air base July 1 as
a reserve training center.
Lt. Col. Jackson W. Lewis,
commander of the 2345th air
force reserve center at McChord
air base, said the 70 buildings
damaged by last June's flood
would be renovated at a cost of
There will be 50 regular air
force officers, 450 enlisted men
and 190 civilian employes.
Emperor Nero paid the equiv
alent of three million dollars for
a vessel of rare glass.
Series of Quakes
Reported in Indies
New York, May 10 W.PJ A se
ries of earthquakes were re-
hours, the Rev. Joseph Lynch
reported today.
One, described as "quitt
strong," was centered 10.200
miles from New York in The
Netherlands East Indies. A
"mild" quake at a distance of
corded on Fordham university 2400 miles in an undetermined
seismographs during the past 24 direction was also recorded.
Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 10, 11)49 15
Several other shocks were re
corded too lightly to make de
termination possible, Lynch
$100,000 Fire in Everett
Everett, Wash., May 10 (U.R)
Investigators probvd the char
red ruins of the Bayside Iron
works today in an attempt to
find the cause of a $100,000
fire that destroyed the frame,
building late Monday.
years ago, after a busy day, he
frequently would find himself
coming home with $100,000
worth of stones in his pockets.
Winston was asked about the
tradition of bad luck the 11 vi
olent deaths associated with the
Hope diamond from India to
He shrugged, "Doesn't both
er me a bit. After all, those
things would have happened
without the diamond."
He said he would put the
Hope on public exhibition for a
while before trying to sell it,
Can . ,
a blessing it is!
I mist nothing
at church or
the movies.
I never ask
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when a marvellous free book told me
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You too, should learn the full fact.
Come in for free demonstration today.
James N. Taft &
218 Oregon Bid., Salem
Postpaid, Safe Arrival Guaranteed
Order now and be assured of finest bedding: plants at
It OIANT ZINNIAS, mixed colon, rtd, rantr, white, pink, ! vender.
18 DWARF ZINNIAS, all colon, 18 inch, bearlnc loada of pompon typa
blnnm all summer.
12MAK1GOLD, GIANT, np to S feet birb. golden yellow flowers, S Inches
It MARIGOLD, DWARF, dainty border flower, blooms profuselr.
12 SNAPDRAGONS, mUcd colon, fine for euttlna.
19 ASTERS, corseons blooms 4 Inches In diameter, crimson, purple, oranre,
white, rose.
19 SALVIA, spikes of scarlet flowers t to 4 feet.
It TOMATO PLANTS, GENTINK M AUG LOBE, bears heavily. Luscious solid
fruit. These 1! plants should supply aver family all seaion.
4 MIXED Surprise COLLECTION. Our section lovely annual plants, an
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100 Well rooted plants, carefully packed and delivered postpaid, it.M.
If rou can use to plmnts. send S4.M and wo will add without eitra charse.
X beautiful deep blue delphiniums, and a heavy Uowerlnc chrysanthemum
Canterbury gardens
516 Empress Bldg.
Seattle, Wash.
lev sir I sVtXvT If y.
r nail ky the
nokars al IT pi!".'
J lama! J fl? '!
liquid pjrgS A
The stain makes the difference In DYAN
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DYANSHINE keeps brown shoes brown, keeps
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liant shine, too. Double action . . . double
value. Easy to use. And thriftyl At food, drug,
variety stores. Barton Mfg. Co, St. Louis 15.
I'm convinced! new PEET& gives me the
says Mrs. Virginia Edgar
964- 14th Street, Oakland
GRIMY GRAYS in my wwh,"My
Mrs. Edijar, "not ince 1 started
lining new Peefs Soap. My while
thing are uAifwthan ever before
and my colored things .parkl.
with new life. From now on,
there's only one aoap for me
new Peet'."
yp ft
Nfw Teet'i will prove itnelC to you. Try It. If it doen't iv you the
whitcKt, briuhtent wah you ever had, .imply rnd the unud portion of
the package to Colgate-Palmolive-PfH Co., Berkeley 10, California,
with your nam. and adnVcM and tbt price you paid. W.'U .end you
doublt what Peet'a coit you.
Phone or See
889 No. Liberty
Ph. 3-3131
Our Reputation Is
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lottri AfMf Par
Bigger zjHfcgs. . .
DODGE gives gou extra value
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WIDER on the inside . . . NARROWER outside! There's extra
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easy to thread through crowded traffic.
L i
LONGER on the inside . . . SHORTER outside! The new leg
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If you wonf extra value, you'll want DODGE!
There's extra value in I)ol:c beauty that flows from true
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There's extra value in Dodge's Get-Away engine with
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Yes, you'll want Dodge for the extra value yon get all
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Wheels, to the luxurious comfort of fuJI-cradled ride and
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Add to these the Dodge reputation for dependability
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"If you want extra value, you'll want Dodge.
(Avoilabl on Coronsf Mocti)
HIGHER on the inside. ..LOWERoutside! More
head room is another Dodge extra value you'll
appreciate. Instead of low, slanting seats that force
a cramped position, Dodge knee-level seats are
actually higher for relaxing comfort, better vision.
Prices start just a few dollars mora
than the lowest priced cars
525 Chemekera Street Salem, Oregon
57 iTM-nrt
Rust is tricky, Mr. Jones
We'll have that hinge loose and you'll be off to the party quick,
Mr. Jones . . . but rust which comes from the condensation of
vapor as your engine cools off is not so simple. It can cause up to
80 of all motor wear. That's why RPM Motor Oil is specially
compounded to rust-proof as it lubricates by coating pistons and
cylinder walls with a protective film another reason why it's
first choice in the WestI
We take better care of your car