14 Capital Journal, Salem, Peddler of Dreams By PEGGY DERN (Chanter 0) It wa in the second week of their "partnership" U.ut fjarreli formed the habit ol dl&cusMng wnn reucnj the book he was planning. He would not start it, he has tttsured her, until they were seltied in Florida. Meanwhile, the plotting and plau ninK was most lmiwrunt. It wa.s to be. of course, a modern novel; all about everyday people and. ev- erv-day things, but nis cnaracwrs, as he outlined them, didn't sounu at all like everyday people tt i-e-licity. They had queer quirks ol abnormality at least, privateiy, she called it that; and the things that hapjened to them seemed to Felic ity to be unconvincing. Once or twice Felicity protested uneasily. Oarrett had smiled at her tol erantly and waved his pipe In a little arc of amusement. -And again Felicity, humble be fore his superior knowledge of writing, was silent; but not con vinced. It was her firm conviction that literature worthy of the name simply held the mirror up to na ture: that if the people in a book didn't behave like logical human beings, then there wasn't any book. But as she worKed on her p.n In snatched hall-hours alter the children had gone to bed. she paus ed often to wonaer uneasily if per haps Garrett was right ana she was wrong. She had labored In her play to make her characters real human beings; to have them doing and say- lng the sort ol things mat real people In real life would say and do. Had she, perhaps, made a mis take in this? Would it be better If she had her characters .doing un expected things, keeping the audi ence puzzled? Would it be enough Just to strive for the audience's feeling of "Why. I know people ex actly like that that's exactly the way they would do such a thing? But after that she seldom of fered any protests to Garrett's plan for his book and only listened pa tiently when he tried to outline his plan and his ideas about it. By the time they reached Jack son vi lie, Garrett's trailer was com pletely empty of books and maga tines. As they planned to stop at Palm Beach for the rest of the win ter. It seemed pretty silly to stock up again, since the whole state was so honeycombed with fine roads that it would be difficult to find a market for their stuff. So, in a trailer camp on the out skirts of Jacksonville, they held a council, Jason and Felicity and Garrett, when the younger children had been put to bed. "So the partnership Is ended. It's been a lot of fun, Garry," said Fe licity, and tried hard to speak brightly about the plan in her heart at the thought that Garret would be leaving them now. "You're not, by any chance, try in? to get rid of me, my girl?" de manded Garrett. Felicity caught her breath. "But you said you were going down the west coast " "That was before I declared my self In as a member of this f am-, lly," said Garrett firmly. "If it's Palm Beach for you. then It's Palm Beach for me that is, if you don't mind?" Jason laughed and said, in that boyish voice that had such a dis concerting way of swooping up or dropping low, "It's a good-sized! town, I've heard. There ought to be room for two more trailers." Garret was watching Felicity and he said quietly, "If you'd rather I didn't come along. FUss " "Oh, but that's silly. Why wouldn't I want you to come along? etammered Felicity, and was thank ful that It was dark here at the eteps of the trailer and that he could nt see her suddenly hot face. "It'll be great having you along," aid Jason. "I'm awfully glad you re coming. Still Garrett waited, his eyes on Felicity's face, a pale oval in the darkness. But it was not until Felicity had echoed Jason's en thusiasm that Garrett said happily "Then that's all settled." It was noon of a bright, sunny day when at last they rolled into West Palm Beach, separated from Palm Beach by the dark beauty of Lake Worth with its faiiy-brldgcs. Driving slowly, watching for the bridge that a friendly service sta tion man had said would tnke them Oregon, Tuesday, May 10, 1949 across to Palm beach, It was Fe licity who saw It first. As Felicity turned into a lovely shining street that she was after wards to know was called Royal Palm Way, the ocean showed be fore them at the end of the street; an ocean oiuer even than the sky broken by a lew rolling break ers. The children, their small faces plastered against the trailer win dows, marveled at the beauiifu, white villas, enclosed in their stately walls, with a Imnses of scar. iet ana purpie Dougainvinea splash ing against nouse-waiis: great scar. itt. niDi.sc us ousnes tn rusting their laughing faces over the Drotectlna walls; sprays of yellow allamanda dripping from grilled iron doorways ana garage wans. The trailer turned into the boul evard facing the ocean and Felicity arove several diocks Del ore she yielded to the children's clamoring pieus lO Slop. She had driven below the sea wall. On one side there was a state ly, wide-winged white stucco house. It was surrounded ov a six-foot white stucco wall, and there were grilled iron gates that wore a heavy padlock. Father along, a drivewa sate stood open. But opposite the house there was a shelving sand dune over which one might scram ble to the beach. And the moment the trailer stopped, the children burst out of the door and swarm ed down the dune. Felicity waited until Garrett and Jason had parked the cars, and they all stood together, watching the children running about on the beach, gathering sea-shells, explor ing. ; "To Be Continued) i HAT 3857 A 'A For Casual Hours There's fresh appeal in this shirt-waist frock- you can button It up with a soft rolled collar, or button It low tol a plunging neckline! For a fine nnisn add draw-string Dug and back-adjustable hat No. 3659. No. 2507 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16. 18. 20. 36. 38. 40, 42, 44 and 46 size 18, 3 yds. 39-in. No. 3839 is cut in one size. Hat, 4 yd, 35-in.; bag, yd. 35-in. State Bize desired.. Send 25c r PATTERN With Name, Address, and Style Number I The SUMMER FASHION BOOK is Just off the press, presenting the I best in summer iasmons, au as signed with the simplicity that spells good style and easy sewing am with special attention to the use of -cottons. Over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions I Rend now for your copy, price Just! 20 cents. Aaureas Pattern uepart-I m en t. Capital Journal, 552 Mission Street, ban Francisco n. Cam. Fun In the Hun Ruffled shoul der wiims match the skirt of tht darling little pinafore. Embroider the nursery-rhyme figure In stitches that are as simple as the pinafore is to make. Skirt and top come apart ior easy ironing. Pattern Envelope No. R2812 con-) tains tissue pattern, sties, 1, 2 and! 3 Included material requirements, sewing instructions. hot-Iron trans fer for embroidery and complete rmoroidering directions. To ofttAin tma pattern send 30c I in wins, giving pattern numoer I your name, address ana sone nunv Dei to Penny Roberts Capital Jour- us. a:s Mivion street can Fran cisco 3. Calif WELL.'" COME, YOU STUPID OAF -I HAVE DONE VOUR VtOPK FOB -AT LEAST KXI CAN DRAG MB. INTO THE WORK ROOM O j ICZwy -fc w SHLr! SO LOHQf SEE THEM TWOS?! HM-MBW HE OWVEP-F?njNE HUNTER F w HQ-LO, j HEH'HEH GOJN' DAO "TO OOUHT Y AS WE'RE TH' ONLY fj FELLER WT UP KNOW BOUT TH SECRET ( JUST TELUN V0U" ' K I YPSV eeXE- WUR FOSrrUHE ftqN-H Oris? r I LIVE FOLKS WHO M THAT ROIME LAST J DOOR-JUST SOME KEEP YER EVES AND NOW THAT TH6 POOR GUV MAY NOT SO NOW THEY'RE BUYING lAW.l AlfjTEVENTRYIN'A I V. 5U6S60TA HOUSE KNOW IT BOT HE'S FURNrTURel SURE S FUNNY R0SETTA STONEONIZ , SMART SISTER-PRACTICALLY HOOKED THAT A GLTV WITH A FANCY MEAN NOTHINJ NOT MUCRSHE l T 'fVS I IN-LAW HASAMBV K ALREADY ROADSTER CAN'T COMPETE JOMElJ3?D0NfTlTHISISTHE U1 H fe 3 yOKi FOR FURNITURE fer lCTT xv. ' WITH A OL-SKIN FLIMT TJTnn(WnTTrifP'ST TIMEX3U LOST -IJ TH' FIRST, FAINT FEEBLE' n HE'S SCUTTUN I ' fMINll'l- V---- 0 ySi: RAYS O' NOKUMS MOON DONE FO' TH' HC DIUll I r7 VUFTV I 'VV C" CURDLED HIS PORE U'L BRAINS.'T WIDDER .fTLT.X KISS HtR.C VX Iff Lid i WW , HE'S GONNA CONTRARI-, BROWN f.r yCSfckfca Ss' '? . Jy 7- WISE TO MIS USUAL I THET MEASX COitTtMDl OTVt ,T Xil Wg? Wljt fGEE. IM TIRED.' VOU DON'T I EXERCISE WILL MAKE YA I NOvJ JOST PUT IN AN HOUR )SUT WHEN '--" (. , -T TlC,cri ") M I JUST DON T I ERCISE F6EL BETTER! C'MON- ON THAT ROWING MACHINE.' MUTT CAME RoWW' V HAVE ANY TS wHVl .?T,T';?. I LL BE BACK IN A LITTLE BACK... ' Mr sJif irmm umm tU JBdiJJJP1 j HApPEN TO lOH BILL.THATS WONPECFULY" 6PEAT.' LETS 4 U7"n-E "SgJ ' ' 'toU.OHW.THA r.,.... 1 THAT MP. MILES IS GOIN5 AS FA? AS l?OVAL IS CONCEKNEW &0 TElL TWEM.' VELL.YOUNSTE,ITS ALLSETM WONP6l?FUL.' B flSEV TOASKyoyTD60WITH I'LL JLST BE ON A OSE CXrl KNOW MC.MILES VOU RE LEAVIN6 FOR THE RANCH L J' "WE CHILPRENTDA JOF TOWN IT'S THE V WANTS TO 6ET "f BLAkTE IS 6CN6 &JYZiX, f Ms. Mz M c nsm l h . . was nmni I t . ) UAkiV "ullT fi-iwl J . J i("ruT"LiiiTtirtl I I M WrtOTM 1 HFCtfOMIS ! IS NAV PULLINJ.N -.IJ CAUtOA HOMt? .??5I.9,.,'.. FINALLY HIT A IWO ' J A Vj't; A r ; Sv II I zZrr rTTTTTi 1 YOU' ROPER iMfa ' 1 air i m 'r rawm I ' MJJ P E1 II IE' . '-., K 1 t.,t-M h U " ill i Caul, p 5 RADIO PROGRAMS 1 1 TUESDAY P.M. 'KSLM jy0''KGW kSIKOCO V.WKOIN m Slrilfbl Arraw Tbli U Yw Ufa 81FF 1m Kaat MaanUg t il Si'KUai Arr Tbli It Tr Ul RbftbH Rak Etoslkb :to Cl IMnlfhl AIM Vmh Sb Rins Cr..br Cbl HulUr lU T Mil Alu hw Mrt FKt Nwi 6.-44 OBbrM Ral(r Bb Hm Cndlllibl o4 MrdltatUa Tlau lit N art h watt Nawa Bob Hn SlWar Bab Ymmmg Shaw :M LI ll la Shaw Flbbtr Mffia Naws strlka It Rlcb :41 LUlla Bbaw Fibber McGaa likWHa StrUa It Rltb 7 H MfSlcla Draaa HMrw4 Thatra EdSIa Dbla Hit lb JkMl II "iir H.IItwmS Tbaatra UMar Hit tba Jakl iM Cblibala Trail rola Arc Fanar Tap Band Paaa lb Rack M CbUblai Trail Paapla Ara Paaay Taa Band ran tha Raak 4a. : Caanl at HaaU ftapar-CIb Raaaball Bndalnd. LeU Thaaiaa D la Crlai Stmt af Warld BaaabaU Bndalad. Jack laalth Shaw ffftiS JMuiic Tbla la Taar Lift f'yiaal Don Mr. Mra. Nartk T lU Wttile Tbli la Yaar Lift Mr. a Mra. Nartfc 9: IK) N Gtarta Maarad Biall I" r Plaal David Raaa Shaw sor, r,, B"b" Mrrttpr Tbaatra i SI rivarlta Starf Banda at Land Baitball Bawada 1 A rIOB t,twla H.m Kara. Baitball Von A tba Warld llfl:1 "awl Morion Downrr Newt Boiindd Otna Krua Orrh. 1 Bl": Nawi Bar Harkrlt Orrh Comb Corntr "ina Krupa Orah, ' US Mutual NrwirtH Ray lUfhMt Orch Track IIW Stmt N Official Dcttettva , Track IIM ' 11:15 Official Dataetlva Track IIM M:U Maila Track IIM iU Laonr Raaa Track IIW lt:S Stan Off Blra Off 8ln Off Stat WEDNESDAY -5 A.M. tO 4:45 P.M. 61 :0 Ntwa Farm Tlaaa ! KOIN Klack .13 Stwa Fmrni Tlmt Stwa SU March flaia Tha Old Saasa Frtd Reck IS Newa Sewa Conaawtr Ntwa IM Newa Fred Warlnt Tea Rlltar Art Raktr ,. Brtakfail Oan Fred Warlas Newa Sparta Rabert Lewla :) Breakfast Gana Rldera af Baca Top O' MorwlM Robert Lewla ;48 Top Trade Sam Harea Newa Vocal Varlellea .M Baraala Caunier Tommy Doraer Klnf'a Crnaadera Newi O i-, Vletar Undlabr Tammr Doratr Klni'a Crusader (irand tlaa I&.Jh Son at Plonttr Jack Barcb Wealerv Meladlta Roaemary f ';J8 Muile Newa Wtatera Melodic Wendy Warraa m Newa NY Honeymoon Church In Wlldw. Jtnay Katt Smith NY Honeymoon Vocal Varletie Helen Trent la Pallor CaU Science By way a Must Our Gal Sunday Wile Wall Time Vincent Lopea Mailt Bti Slater qo Nw" Tropic Echoei Coffee Cup Ma Fcrklna l-fT.'.. Goipal Blntera Hometewnera N.W. Report Vouni Dr. Malana III.,.. Lean Back Rob't McCormlck Rhapiody la Guiding Llfht J y:JJ Walti Serenade Brighter Day Rhythm Newa 0 Ladlaa Firtt " Doable ar Nothlna Glaaa Wai Coma Gat It Ladtea First Double ar Nathlni Glaia Was sforah Drake j4l Queen far a Day Newa Makes Yon Tick :,a Queen far a Pay Lltht of Warld Glaia W'n tnd Mra. Barlow -7";00 Top Tradee l Beautiful Eyerybodr'a Idea PerrT Maaa 111 6 Newa M Perklna Organ Mooda Pat O'Brien I M -SO Bsb Eberly Show Pepper Yaunf Vewa Newapaper af Air 1 ;4ft Variety Show Happlneae Ted Pala Freient Hint Hunt iii Muile Backataae WUa Hollywaod Mnla Hint Hunt 16 Jobnaoa Family Slel, "" Hollywaod Muile winner Take All :S0 Tell Nelbabar l.orenia Janea Llaira m Lelbert Newtpapar af Air ;M Bini Slma Wldder Brawn All-time Faroritea Newa af Acalmt tha Storm A Girl Marries Reeardt Off Shelf Tunefully Years Aralnst tha Blorm Portia Faees Life Records aff Shelf Mr. Infarmatloa yo Music Just Plata Bill . Records aft 5helf Meet tha Mlasaa '.itt On Parade Front Paart Farrell Records aff Shelf Meet the Mlaiaa ""Bk"i Happy Gam Road of Llfa Classlca Arthur Godfrey fl i.. Happy Gam lMT Lawloa Claailra Arthur Godfrey -ail Hones af Tlntee ABn Mary Day Dream Muile Arthur Godfrey :IA Newa 've Learn Day Drram Music Arthur Godfrey 400 pulton Lewis. Ir Woman's Secret Women's Para Herb Shrlner Tlma " Hemln.way Tod"'" Chlldrea Friendly Tha Little Shaw So Pan lot Parade Runny Side Spotllte Muile Club IB :4S Carmen Cavallero Nw Spotlight an Ed. R. Marrow lPV Tuesday' P. M- :M Keeping- I'P i L A with Sportsi 5:15, Home Edition i .1:30. Hop-along Cassldyi S:M, Music Fes tlvalt :M, Art Moaner Talent Tour; 1:00, Coanterepyt 7:S0, Town Meeting) S:M, Monitor News; :, Book Adventarei; 9:00. Richfield Reporter! In termer- a: t:M. Concert Hoari IO:M, Memo to Tomorrow I 11:M, Xtra Bean lt:M. Blcn Off. If CY Wednesday, a.m. ta : p.m. lCA :00. McCall News) S:I5. Time Tempos; ;. Robert's Almanac i :4S, Tlma Tempo i T:M, Mrrt Martet 7:15. Martin Aaranskr: 1:S0, Easy Ares; 1:15. eke Manners) S:nO, Breakfast Clubt fl:00, .tflldred Bcdrll: 9:IS, Stars af Today; S:SO. Ky Kvser Kollegei 10:00. Ted Malonei 10:1.1, Galea Draket 10: SO, My True Story; 11:00. Betty Crockeri 11.15, Newai 1I:!M. Raukbage; 11:45, Get Mare Out af Life; 12:00. Northwesternersi l:S0, Kay West;: :(W, Breawfast In Hollywood! 1:80, Talk Tour Way Out of It; t:00, Surprise Pack- I Rainbow Girls Electing Woodburn New officers will be elected by Evergreen Assem bly No. 12, Order of the Rain bow for Girls, at the regular ACROSl t Part connect Ins tool with tha handls B. Plaything S. List 12. Pagan god 13. Season 14. Wicked 16. Mil Heal ending 111. Billow 17. Fomintna nam 18. Resolves 21. Kxtrema 24. Nothing 23. Luton nattva IK. Unit of work 28. Tales of adventura 22. Rolling slock 84. Pathetic 84. Old Dutch cola 17. Form 89. Mohammedan saint's tomb 41. Rubber trea 42. Tsxtlla screw pin ii. Color 44. Deflection from a straight lino M, Redact 61. Went quickly 62. Place to alt 66. Site of the Tat Mahal 87. Wrath 68. Lamb's nora da plume II. Round end a hammer head jt isr 1- 21 22 23 34" VA'l'l'A',',- , -!lL tpp 1 ujU fe : s J' v.srA'utp" 5T J T- ''', y J I ' ' I I I I I ROOM AND BOARD WWY Of COURSE1 I REAACMBES. I HAPPEN TO E VOU' - UNCXE AOLF(3ANGi?T- W GONS THRU TOWN 1 " WELCOME TO PUFFCE TOWERS I NEPHEW, AND WANT f WE SPENT A SUMMER AT 1 TO VISIT THE GRANDPA JASPER'S FARM, A WEEK END WTTM f AND I LOOKED ON MDU WITH SLvOU- . llU'll WONDER. AT BEING MV ) tTpT UNCLE, VET ONLY 2 YEARS A1' FOR A MONTH ', l T j OLDER. THAN AAE'ORTwO J f L RIGHT I ft I RTdl I LalfOJJ lnA" Tars P.M. S:00 Oa tba Oa lWMW beat) S:50 Sports Clobi :. Tha Newat Grace Bertar at tba KOAO Organi O M. Raand the Campflrai 7:1S, Farm Hoar; S:M, Errand at Mersyt 8:15, fJalr. af Oretaa Sympaalamt 1:4s, New i S:flf Tampas Headlines; :M. Masts That Endure : 8:45, Rvcnlaa Medltatlaast 10:0. Sign Off. rA Wed. A.M. Id, News; I :1a, fAwM Especially far Waataai ll:M, Orecaa Srboal sf tha Air; ll:lfi, Tba Caw pert Halh lf:M, Newat ItilS. Trm Hoart 1:0. Rids 'em Cowaayi l:l1 Va riety TlJie; l:M. This Dayi 1:45. Malady Lane: :0Q, Especially for Women i t:Sd. Memory Book of Maslet f :h Ore sea Srhoal af tha Alrt 3:00, Newa. atet f:90, Brida 4k Greomi 1:00, Wslesaas fraftlant S:St, Art Llnkletttrt 4:04, Squirrel Cart) 4:S0, Jack Armatranr. meeting to be held Wednesday night at the Masonic Temple. AU Masons and members of the Eastern Star are invited to at tend. WsTanalPlolalTffreialTl Solution of Yetterday't Puult M. Dowrr 41. Tin DOWN L Nervous twitching t. Bu.tl t. Head llffnal 4. Cleared apaeo In A foreat L Tea leatara f S-ahaped moldlna T. Lonf 1 Rtproched abualv.lT I. Kiln 10. Becoma earr 11. U'ord of aorroar 19. Bather than 30. Marble 21. American Indians 11 Eiplorara Greenland baea IS. tpanl.h meas ure of lanctb 27. Breach 29. Spirit 30. Baked clae 31. Let It aland 33. Hardr 35. Clerarmaa 38. Aae .0. Riven Spanish 41. Punirenl 5. Attack It. Jlanreat .7. Marxta 48. Shoot 4. Ei.phanfs sar S3. Tals (4. Troubls U. UaJu lacs S.iO By Gen Ahern R A NHglo Rm lT ORY oIyHaJa lJa ny Bo r cJoinit rJacit sDhIT b K NjO TWsIa TnpUp RjEjAfRrEfpHR utsfefirSl w glvU AWeMR tUnI eIt I