Pope Talks On Economic Ills Vatican City, May 10 Oft Pope Pius XII has told Roman Hot Campaign Waged by FDR J r New York. May 10 P Man hattan's crowded west side is being treated to an old-fashioned, rip-roaring political fight ov er Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.'s bid for a place in congress. Street corner rallies, sound truck salvoes, house-to-house canvasses, campaign buttons, placards by the thousands all the trappings of a full-fledged campaign are present, although the special election May 17 in volves only the 20th congression al seat. Young Roosevelt, first of the late prestdenrs nve rnndren to seek elective office, seems by common consent of his three op ponents to be their target. The petitions filed for him bearing 25,630 signatures, prob ably would have won him the position aside from his name and background. Some observers think 25.000 votes will win the election. They realize, of course, that all who signed may not vote for Roosevelt or even vote at all. There were 124.412 votes in the 20th district in the 1948 gen eral election. But experience in the past special elections indi cates that 60.000 ballots would be a high figuce next week, At any rate, the three other candidates have taken out after Roosevelt. Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 1(1, 194913 Johnson Leaving Soon Silverton Bob Johnson, man ager of the Pacific Greyhound local bus office, has returned from an automobile trip to the daughters. He left his family there, and plans to make their residence near their former home. middle west, where he was ac- Both gold and Iron rings were compamed by his wife and twin I worn in early times Catholics that socialism cannot . ... .....rar1 One Pair Of Eyes vifip Must Lost You a Lifetime liL GUARD THEM WELL S. A. Wheat-ley LALJ ' lr. S. A. Whcilltj OPTOMETRIST Optometrist Phone 2-4469 167 S. High St. be the answer to the world s ec onomic ills. The answer must be found in contracts between employers and workers which preserve the authority of the employer while providing for the pros perity of all the members of the people," the pontiff said. The pope spoke Saturday night to delegations of Catholic employers from France, Cana da, Belgium, The Netherlands. England and Italy. The text of his speech, delivered in French, was released by the Vatican today. . Shanghai Police Wage War on Gangsterism In a de termined effort to rid Shanghai of crime, Municipal police execute five gangsters which victimized residents of various parts of the city. A total of 25 persons were executed in two days in this city facing imminent communist siege. Red advances and war jitters have prompted an increase in the city's crime. Photo by Warren Lee, NEA-Acme staff cor respondent. (Acme radio-Telephoto) ENGLISHMAN NOTES: U. S. Women Too Bossy St. Paul, Minn. U.R An English visitor told the local press what he thought about American women. Thomas Cecil Skeffington-Lodge said that, first, they are charm- ing both in dress and appear ance, but they wear too much Balloon Disaster Funds Approved Washington, May 10 W) Survivors of six persons killed in the explosion of a Japanese balloon near Bly, Ore., were nearer today to sharing in $20, 000. A bill authorizing the govern ment payment was approved by the senate judiciary committee yesterday . It already has been passed by the house. Five children attending a Sunday school picnic and Mrs. Archie Mitchell, wife of their pastor, were killed in the ex plosion. The bill provides that par ents of each of the children re ceive $3000 and that Mrs. Mit chell's husband receives $5000 Salem Model Club At Hillsboro Contest Four members of the Salem Model club are pleased with re suits won at the contest staged by the Hillsboro Starausters Sunday afternoon. Making the trip were Elmer Roth, Kenneth Sterns, Phil and Jerry Keefer They returned with two first places, four seconds, a third and a fifth and alL their planes. The weather was ideal for mo del flights and few ships were i lost. The Salem Model club at present holds the club, prize for in meets but makeup. "They wear so much cos metics you don't know whether 'points gathered you are looking at genuine j those won at Hillsboro have not charm or the kind Woolworth : vet been tallied. The club ex. sens, ne saia. Secondly, Skeffington-Lodge There is no "irreducible clash of interests" between employers and employes, the pontiff de clared. He quoted from an en cyclical on labor and capital quadregesimo anno issued in 1931 by Pope Pius XI, which recommended "a public statute founded upon the community of responsibility among all those who take part in production." "At present, this part of the encyclical seems almost to furn ish us, unhappily, with an ex ample of an occasion lost be cause it was not seized in time," Pius XII commented. said, American women are "much bossier" than British fe males. "In Britain," he said, "the husband is pretty much the head of the house. In America, at least according to my own ob servation, it is the wife who rules the roost." Skeffington-Lodge is a mem ber of parliament from Bedford, England. pects to be represented at an other meet in Eugene Sunday and possibly Roseburg the fol lowing week. Members will also return to Hillsboro for a repeat contest May 22. $$ MONEY $$ FHA H teal tstate Loans Firir o City Personal 4V Autt Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. Hitb St. I.. Thouundt now chew etcalc, laugh, talk Imott if they didat haw falae teeth I They uee state, amasinc new aream I;, in a handy tuba. STAZB aaala edgee TIOMTI Helpfl beep out food particle. Get 35r STAZE Mooey-baek f uarantee. TAZI ou rum noma, imaa SPECIAL Packard 6 and 120 Broke Reline Labor 1 2.00 Motor Tune-Up Labor 3.00 Chassis Lubrication Labor 1.00 Front Wheels Balance Labor 1.50 Front Wheel Bearings Repack Labor 1.00 STATE MOTORS, INC 340 N. High PACKARD DEALERS pi bellows mmm i Preferred 'mM M by those 'sljlj f"Mlj8g 0 p Mho are fpTJljjsp f Q Bellows SCo, New York yQ-f2sr f KJJGrsiNeutril Spirits C'-yj,Uti b"""1" r 3eb asms qgbM HE GS2T It "AcjVated Shell Premium is the most powerful gasoline your car can use! fa Activation mokts th difference Shell tpliit aioleculet: Shell Kiefirme take the ineti available crade--actuate the aioleculet by aplinina tbei and rearranging the atont according to Shell'a formula for a perfect If balanced gttolinc. The retail Shell Premium, the molt powerful aetoliat tout car caa aaaj YES, many of today's engines have been stepped-up . , , they call for more powerful gasoline! Now Shell givei you the most powerful gasoline your car can use Shell Premium it's "activated." No other fuel can top its power in your car! This is made possible by Shell's own, spe cially produced power components and by Shell's own blending methods! Actually, Shell splits molecules to get more power for today's more powerful engines. So you get i gasoline (hat's "activated" 3 ways! I . Acttvettea) for kneefclest pewerl Pulling hard in low gear or traveling at full throttle. Shell Premium delivers full, quiet powerl 3. Aethratee for fast "ftmwmy." Shell Premium delivers the cstra power you can feel no "balking," no "stuttering" you gol S. Acrlvoteal for full mileage. Shell engineers "balance" Shell Premium so Ihic every drop of fuel foes lo work for youl "Service if my buine$" 8 REBUILT MERCURY V-8 ENGINE DYNOMOMETER TESTED Every Motoi Pre-Run These engines are not just reconditioned: They are completely rebuilt to precision standards . . to give you new engine performance; USfc OUR BI KCEI PLAN 12 Mo to Fay Only 11. Per Mo. WARNER MOTOR CO. Ymu Lincoln-Mercury Dealer 430 No. Com'l Dial 2-2487 WHILE THE COAST SLEEPS Hundreds of telephone people in the West keep night patrol to help meet emergencies and keep service reliable k ' 7-f ' af 1. Darkness can't atop these telephone men as they begin an important emergency cable repair at night. Fortunately, these emergencies are not common . . . usu ally can be repaired in daylight But, up and down the Coast, other telephone people burn midnight oil regularly ...so your telephone will work for you when you want it. Ti 1 rui in I ? r JIL "TuA- LdWSaiiaBBaaBBBHBm MaaaaaaHBaaaaf a , .. " "a rTtrr BagavaWaaaSV i fi ' Trtiiliearrir-" 9 ' ' 2. One important night-time job is done by this elec tronic tester. It checks lines to make sure they're in good shape. At the same time, other telephone men are vacuum cleaning and inspecting sensitive switching equipment ... you might say it's stopping trouble before it starts. And night is the best time to do it, while most telephone users are sleeping. 4. Vou can help yourself get the most frorr your telephone... a servant that is constantly growing in value. You can do it by using the telephone in the most efficient way: being sure of the right number before you call... giving the called person plenty of time tn get to the telephone . . . spacing your calls so others may get a call through to you. 3. In the quiet hours of the night operators handle relatively few calls . . . but many of them are vitally Im portant Repairmen are on call for service on Important lines, ..doctors, hospitals and the like. Garagemen check and equip trucks for the next day's installation rounds. Building service workers make offices spic and span. .a ill a part of providing good, reliable service to you. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Your telephone is one of today '$ biggest bargain i