Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 09, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    minutes, held his own today In
People who have eaten the
meat of alligators and croco
diles report that it is compar
able to pork in taste and tender
ness when it is well cooked.
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 9, 1949 !!
Ms ngnt :or me.
The boy stopped breathing af
ter a traffic accident but a heart
stimulant and artificial respira
tion revived him. Huntinffton
hospital doctors said.
Thv pxnlalned he aooarent-
ly "died" because of extreme
chrwlr anH fat psraninc from
ithe injured bone marrow and
clogging arteries.
T.nurpnp wni vixitinB- hrp
frnm Mninv. Pnl . whpn hp ran
into the path of a car late Sat
urday night.
s such
it t
! "
i i
i i ij
Two Named to
Atom Board
Washington, May 9 VP Pres
ident Truman today named two
college professors, Gordon Dean,
and Henry Dewolf Smyth, as
members of the Atomic Energy
k commission.
He sent the nominations to the
senate after accepting the resig
nation of Robert F. Bacher as a
commission member, effective!
tomorrow. William W. Waymack
previously had resigned.
Dean is professor of law at
the University of Southern Cal
ifornia and a practicing attorney.
Smyth is a professor and
chairman of the department of
physics at Princeton university.
Smyth, wrote the famous
"Smyth Report" on the atom
bomb. It was issued shortly aft
er the first bomb was dropped
In Japan and became the subject
of a wide controversy.
Dean is 43 and a native of Se
attle. Smyth, SI, was born at
Clinton, N. Y.
Liquid Oils Can Be
Made from Oil Shale
Louisiana, Mo., May 9 U.ra
Secretary of Interior- Julius A.
Krug says that liquid fuels can
now be made from oil shale at
prices that compete with oil
from wells.
He also said that the fuels can
be made from coal at a price
only slightly above regular oil
Krug made his announcement
in a speech dedicating the na
tion's first coal-to-oil demonstra
tion plants here yesterday. The
hydrogenation and gas synthe
sis plants were built by the bu
reau of mines at a cost of $15,-000,000.
Birthday Well Observed
Fairview Complimenting
Mrs. Howard Stephens on whose
birthday her son and daughfer-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Stephens entertained with a
birthday family dinner at their
home at noon. Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Lembkie entertained at
a S o'clock birthday dinner the
same day.
Marching Scouts Draw Curbstone Spectators Troops of
Boy Scouts marching through downtown streets as a send
off to their annual circus under auspices of the Lions club
and staged Saturday evening attracting admiring spectators
along Commercial street.
Plain or iodized:
always free-running,
always uniform. Your
grocer has Leslie in
the good-looking
red package.
- x i f -
It I Qf I 1
If -r J. I
ghost as well as one bath. Later
he entered the Royal Navy as a
He served in the British air
force until injuries from a plane
crash forced him to retire. At
once he embarked on a travel
career encircling the globe.
Boy Thought Dead
Holds Own for Life
Pasadena, Cal., May 9 (U.R)
Little Lawrence Page, 4, who
doctors said was "dead" for 10
Commander Scott
Tourist Dollars
To Be Stressed
The Oregon Advertising
club's tourist week caravan
will visit Salem for a luncheon
meeting arranged by the Salem
Realty board Friday, May 13.
Featured speaker will be the
world-famous traveler, Com
mander Scott of radio fame.
This meeting will be a send-
off for the tourist season with
invitations particularly extend
ed to managers and employes
of companies which deal direct
ly with tourists. Emphasis will
be placed on the importance of
more tourist dollars in the pros
perity of Oregon conmmunlties
and in w a y to Increase this
Commander Scott is the nar
rator of the program "Romance
of the Highways sponsored by
Pacific Greyhound over ABC
each Sunday morning.
He Is a fabulous character
who stowed away on a sailing
ship at the age of 10 years. Two
years later, a salty tar of 12, he
returned to the somber atmos
phere . of the Scott ancestral
home, an 800-acre English cas
tle, complete with drawbridge,
42 bedrooms and at least one
o fr JJj mako-vp Usiani
dees wondart lor III
Does your fae live up to your clothes these days?
Or isn't your make-up co-ordinated as completely
as your costume? It's so easy to be guided to
greater loveliness, when you meet Miss Judith
Judd, well-known Beauty Consultant from the
famous Richard Hudnut Fifth Avenue Salon!
She'll be here all week to advise you on subtle
make-up, scrupulous skin-care, special hair
hints. She'll be glad to give
you an individual , , . per
sonalized , , , make-up les
son that makes the most of
your charms. Telephone for
your appointment now!
iXTHAt With every
DuBarry purchase of 1 .00
or more, there's a gift of
beauty waiting for youl
Capital Drug Store
y Start at Liberty "On the Corner"
You can't tn-i a head cold with
cosmetics. However, when the
cold Is gone your road back to
an atrractive appearance will be
a much shorter one il you've had
the fortitude, even In misery, to
do your best By your face. That
red nose won't be quite so red
and the skin on your face and
neck won't be quite so dry if
there has been a liberal nightly
creaming. Your hair will still re
semble hair Instead of dry grass
if you've brushed it reRUlarly and
possibly applied a little dressing.
The worst thing about the dam
age that a cold does to your ap
pearance is the coincidental lack
of desire on your part to do any.
thing about it. It'll pay you to
make an extra effort, though be
cause the sooner you're looking
right, the sooner you'll be feel
ing right.
PHONE 3-6800
230 N. Liberty St.
Watch Next Monday's Paper
ing tction movct every piece of a big
8 to 9-pound lo.d throughout entire tub.
Ever? gumeot gen equal washing action!
WRINGER A feather-touch of finger
on Doublc-Roll-Release Bar springs rolls
wide apart. Instant Roll-stop auto
matically atopt both rolls.
Automatic Overload Switch, Silent
Power Gear Case, electric pump, chip-
g,Q proot nnisn.
1 15 So. Commercial
Wonderful meals . . . sparkling cleanness . . . superfast cooking . . . tried-and-true
safety ... that's General Electric "speed cooking" 1
And that's what you get in the General Electric "Airliner" Range, automat'
- Ically and at a wonderfully low price 1
" Besides the automatic oven timer, you get a handy timed appliance outlet
that automatically times your small electric appliances and many, many
Mother outstanding features. You'll want the General Electric "Airliner" Ranga
for your home I
HI-SpMd CAISOD" Unit. Ov.riil. Oven. For small Automatic Oven Timer. tig, Thrift Cooker. For eco
No fatter cooking units on meala or large dinners. Hi Tuma your oven On and Orr nomlcal meal planning,
themarket.Theycleanthem- apeed Calrod unit givea automatically. Just aet It Cooks entire meal for two.
selves, spills burn away. Five even-heat baking results. thet'a all! Your dinner eoolra Forty-nv tasty, economical
sect heats. One giant-aise, Waist-high 8uper Broiler for itself, now or hours later. dishes cooked at moceyiav
two utihty-SLM units. charcoal-type broiling. Eaiy to ace, aaay to use. Ing low beat,
SPD COOKIHG" marvel todayi
Trill audi Sag. V. S. Pss. OSa
Bl,, ne"