I 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 9, 1949 OCE Offering Summer Term Oregon College of Education, Monmouth The summer seuion program at the Oregon College of Education which begins Wed nesday, June IS, and ends Wed nesday, August 9, has been ex panded to include facilities for supervised teaching, workshops in education, and advanced work In elementary education for supervisors and principals. A lower division program of liberal arts and sciences will al- so be offered for students not' preparing to be teachers. The one-term expanded program has! necessitated some increase 1 n fees. By recent action of the state board of higher education, the tuition fee for the session will be $50 for the eight weeks session. Board and room fees remain at about the same level as for the previous year. The fee for board and a single room in the dormitory will be $138. A shar ed room and board will be made available for $119. These are minimum rates established on a non-profit basis. Application for domitory housing should be mailed to the director of dormitories. replied with a chuckle that ht's been so busy all these years, he's never had time to get into mischief. Registered Jersey Sold Columbus, O . May 9 James R. Vaughn of Salem, Ore., has purchased the registered Jersey female Merry Belle Marie. The animal comes from the herd owned by Floyd Vaughn of Rt. 4, Salem, Ore. Truman Health Formula Given Washington, May 9 (U.B Pre sident Truman attributes his good health at 65 to the fact that he's had to work so hard all his life he hasn't had time to get into mischief. lie explained his formula for keeping in trim, on his birth day yesterday, while chatting with the Rev. Dr. Edward Hughes Pruden, pastor of the First Baptist church. The presi dent had gone to church by him self to attend Mother's day cere monies. Dr. Pruden said he told the president: "I hope I will be as full of vim and vigor as you are when I reach my 85lh birth day." The pastor said Mr. Truman - ---- $$ MONEY $$ FHA Refrigeration Man eiperienred In DamMtlr, Com mercial and Reveme Vyrt Heat inr and Coolinc. Wages option al. Comldrr antthini. Write 719 N. KumcII St. Portland, Oregon 10 Down - Pat Month!? VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades We al.e ib. rnip, eitel iifl rolel reei el VtntiiaB feline- ELMER, Tht Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimate Phono I-732S MM Ruse St. Weal Salem We give S&H Green Stamps f f t 4 H tral Estate Loans Farit i City Pei-aimal ti Autt Loans State Finance Co. IIS 8 Ht(h St. i.ir 121 Tirst in AMERICA! FIRST IN MOVING Mayflower Warehousemen offer the finest and moit dependable moving eer- -ice. FIRST IN STORAGE Protection and care are at- su red for your possession when you store in a May flower Warehouse. FIRST IN PACKING "Packed with Pride" Is not tust a slogan of Mayflower ut an earnest interest In the Job at hand. Capital City Transfer Co. 2.1 S. Front SI. Phone 2-241S Tit ig Fabric Twosome The American Golfer In The 1949 Manner . Here's a fri-rk in the smartest shirtwaist idea you'd want a practical outfit for active or spectator sportswear. The top is tailored in white pique striper1 chambray the skirt, with its big Hopped pockets, 'S in matching plain chambray. J 4,95 Open 7 9 o'clock Friday Night 155 N. Liberty Phen 3-3191 PAY N 0 W ! Yes, all you do Is pay 50c now and select the blankets in the colors you want. Small, interim payments make those blankets yours by October 1 st. On that date you come in and pick them up. Sale ends June 4. The regular price is 15.981 A 4Vi-lb, bound-all-around, all-wool blanket in a choice of 10 NEW DECO RATOR COLORS! Big, 72 by 90-inch size. Guaranteed against moth damage for 5 yearsl A luxury blanket equal to others selling for more than $20,001 LAYAWAY BLANKET SALE! The Regular price is 10.981 Even that's low for a 4 -lb. all-wool blanket in a 72 by 90-inch size. Binding is 6-inch rayon satin. 6 dramatic colors to choose from. If damaged by moths within 5 years, we'll replace at no costl '', f i i. 4,. ... v ' rZ" . ;m . , ls st " W ' 3 9.99 C- ' II 1 Mi -A I Compare with 17.95 woomu.cu , COMFORTERS! II ... u n woman's room, to ' 5AA S ' ' from Z of wool covet., with VV II C.lan...oc.r.a.in.R.bl..68by7o ( II R.g.U.S.Pat.Omc. j R.duc.d from 8.981 34-lb. All-Wool Blanket You'll lov. this soft, fluffy blanket in any on. of its five rich colorsl 72 by 90 inches. 6-inch rayon satin binding. Treated against all moth damage. Compare with ethers at 7.981 Wool and Rayon Blanket 25 wool and 75 rayon ... a blend that combines warmth and long wearl 72 by 90 inches. 4-inch binding. 7 colors. Specially made for Wards by Pepper ell I ice'