Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 09, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 9, 1949
Mrs. McKay
Honor Guest
For GOP Tea
Mr. Douglas McKay, wife of
Oregon's governor, will be guest
of honor for the garden silver
tea to be given by the Tigard
Metzger unit of the Republican
Women's Federation of Oregon
on May 18. The event will be
at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
H. H. Foskett, Bend road, a mile
south of Tigard, between 2 and
5 o'clock.
Other special guests will in
clude Mrs. Mae Ross Walker,
Portland, president of the Ore
gon Music federation and sec
retary of the Oregon State Re
publican association; Mrs. Wil
liam Burns, Portland, state pre
sident of the Republican Wo
men's federation and chief clerk
of the state senate; and Mrs.
Roy T. Bishop, state and Port
land unit chairman.
Several from Salem are plan
ning to attend the event.
Luncheon Given
A Mother's day luncheon was
held by Kingwood auxiliary No.
81 at the Legion home for the
members and their mothers.
Also, about 30 ladies from the
Old People's home were asked
as guests. The hall was decor
ated in spring.
At their regular meeting
Thursday evening, nominations
were made for the officers of
the coming year as follows)
President, Mrs. Bessie Folsom;
first vice president, Mrs. Alma
Knower; second vice president,
Mrs. Betty Dickson; secretary
and treasurer, Mrs. Esther
Wendt; chaplain, Mrs. Mamie
Dickson; historian, Mrs. Eliza
beth Hoffman; sergeant-at-arms,
Mrs. Elsie Long. A report on
the district convention held at
Newberg was given by Mrs. Iva
Mobley and Mrs. Hazel Hast
ings. New members initiated
for the year were Mrs. Eliza
beth Hoffman, Mrs. Betty Dick
son, Miss Dianne Miller and
Miss Sherryl Ann Boyd.
Refreshments were served by
the auxiliary for the members
and the post after the meeting.
Mrs. Hazel Hastings, president,
was In charge.
SUBLIMITY The Sublimity
Women's club met Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. Hanna net-
achel. The afternoon was spent
playing "500," high score going
to Mrs. Margaret Halfman and
low to Mrs. Philemene Schwere.
Those present were Madames
Rose Susbeaur, Margaret Half
man, Gertrude Kintz, Ros Ries
ferer, Mary Dechateau, Grace
Ditter, Martha Glover, Rose
Becker, Philomene Schrewe,
Emma Doerfler, Ida Steffes, An
gel ine Hassler, Pearl Zuber,
Theresa Hassler and Hannah
HUBBARD The Hubbard
Woman's club met at the home
of Mrs. A. F. deLespinasse. An
nounced was a corsage making
meeting to be held at Donald,
May 23, at 2 p.m.
Mrs. Elmer Nelson, president,
gave a report on the county fed
eration eonvention and a report
made by Mrs. deLespinasse as
chairman of the education com
mittee, was read.
The program was arranged by
Mrs. Levi Miller and consisted
of several recordings. Twenty
five members were present. Re
freshments were served by the
co-hostesses, Mrs. Frank Ander
son and Mrs. Walter Shrock.
ON THE McKenzie river out
of Eugene through Saturday
and Sunday were Dr. and Mrs.
Estill L. Brunk and son, Ronald.
The family annually takes a
fishing trip down the river in
the spring.
Weavers Meet
The Salem Weavers guild held
its last meeting of the season
last week at the home of Mrs.
C. A. Kells. Interesting visitors
were Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bowes
of Washougal, Wash., who pre
sented new ways of processing
linen. They had a spinning
wheel with them to spin the
raw fiber.
About 40 attended the lunch
eon and meeting.
New officers for the new
years work are: Mrs. Hugh
Morrow, president; Mrs. Robert
G. Brady, vice president; Mrs.
Roy Pelley, secretary; Mrs.
Allen Wilcox, treasurer.
Liberty Woman's
Club Entertained
Liberty Mrs. Max Hennan
was hostess to the Liberty Wo
man's club at her home on
Boone road, with Mrs. Wayne
Blaco and Mrs. C. W. Stacey as
Mrs. Wilbert Kurth was In
stalled as president, Mrs. Wayne
Sipe, as vice president, and secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Walter
Schendel. Mrs. John Dasch was
the installing officer. Each of
ficer received a corsage.
Mrs. C. W. Stacey gave a re
port of child welfare, and the
delegates reported on the Mar
ion County Federation meeting
held at Macleay. Mothers will
work on costumes next week for
the children of the musical pro
gram to be held at the school
May 13, in honor of music week.
Mrs. W. J, Hall was thanked for
the pipe she donated to the
school for the younger boys
baseball backstop. The club
voted to pay for the balance of
the material. Mrs. Harold Rose
braugh received a gift for her
new son from the club. The
club presented their retiring
president, Mrs. Don Griffith
with an azalea.
Guests were Mrs. Arlie Lar-
gent, and Mrs. M. Prine, who
lives on the Robert Hobbs place
Members present were Mrs
Wayne Sipe, Mrs. W. J. Hall,
Mrs. Lester Clark. Mrs. Carl
Bell, Mrs. Don Griffith, Mrs. C.
W. Stacey, Mrs. Wayne Blaco,
Mrs. Wilbert Kurth, Mrs. Gene
Bloom, Mrs. John Dasch, Mrs.
Roland Seeger, Mrs. Louis
Kurth, Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh
and Mrs. Paul Wishart. This
r H"mw mi ft mn . ry"-'
i r'.' ,
Betrothal Told Miss Jer
aldine Reitzenstein, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reit
zerstein, has announcer her
engagement to Melvin H.
Horst, Albany, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Horst of Curley, Neb.
(Jesten-Miller studio photo)
Recital Planned
Tuesday Evening
The Salem Federated Music
Clubs will present their regular
monthly recital at the YMCA on
Tuesday evening, May 10, at 7:45
o clock. This will be a recital
by the more advanced students
and will be the last program of
the year. The public is invited
to attend.
Students playing are; Sharon
Johnson, Arylss Zeeb, Jane
Moorefield, Lou Ann Wolf, Ethel
Blanchard, Celia Weaver. Gloria
Stolk, Roberta Graham, Marilyn
Lorenz, Joyce Martin, Bob Carl
son, Dorothy Pederson, Patricia
Fagg, Muriel Steusloff, Carroll
Johnston, Norene Wells, Joyce
Edgell, The Cecilians.
Counselors are: Mrs. Harvey
Gibbens, Mrs. Nettie Larsen
Mrs. Fred Rawlins, Mrs. Jean
Hobson Rich, Mrs. Ruth Robin
son, Mrs. Ronald Craven, Mrs.
Frederic Wilson, Victor Palma-
son, Prof. T. S. Roberts, William
Fawk, Miss Ruth Bedford, Mrs.
David Eason, Mrs. Delbert Jep-
sen, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Mrs.
Robert Schroeder, Miss Margar
et Hogg, Mrs. Jessie Bush Mi
chelson, Sacred Heart Academy.
THE WOMEN'S association of
the First Presbyterian church is
serving a May day breakfast
next Friday, May 13, from 7
a.m. to 1 p.m. at the church. The
public is invited.
was the last regular meeting of
the club.
The club will hold its annual
picnic at the home of Mrs. Har
old Rosebraugh on Route 9 on
May 27. The Girl Scout and
Brownie leaders will give a re
port of the troop's activities
during the past year.
Mrs. Swift to Head UO
Mothers; Mrs. Paulson Is
Named by OSC Mothers
Woodburn BPW
Club Is Active
Woodburn Plans for the
state convention of the Business
and Professional Women's club,
to be held at Salem May 13-15
were the main topic of discus
sion at the business meeting of
the local BPW club Thursday
evening. Delegates who will
attend the session are the pres
ident, Mrs. Henry Stange; Mrs.
Don Bell, Mrs. Walter Scarbor
ough, Mrs. Clark C. McCall,
Mrs. Ellen Swofford, Mrs.
George Barth and Mrs. Leland
The Woodburn club, in con
junction with the Dallas club,
will have charge of serving at
the reception which will follow
the program at the armory Sat
urday night. Mrs. Eugene &tol-
lers In charge of arrangements
for the club and will be assist
ed by a large group of the mem
bers. Fifteen members from
the two hostess clubs will serve.
The club voted money to the
cancer drive and elected Mrs.
Frank Weise to membership.
Miss Lorraine Gates, who was
recently elected to the office
of corresponding secretary and
Mrs. John Dickson, elected as
treasurer, declined to serve on
account of a change in plans for
the summer. Mrs. Walter Scar
borough, Sr., was elected to fill
the office of corresponding sec
retary and Mrs. Leland Plank
was elected to continue as treas
urer. Installation of the new
board of officers will be held
June 2 at which time the em
blem ceremony will be put on.
Mrs. Eugene Stollcr, chair
man of the program coordina
tion committee which is
charge of activities for the
month of May, announced that
the monthly dinner meeting will
be held May 19 at the Episcopal
hall and wjll feature fun
night." Others on the commit
tee assisting Mrs. Stoller are
Mrs. Frank Bentley, Mrs. G. C.
Foster, Mrs. Walter Schuler and
Mrs. Walter Miller. Refresh
ments were served after the
meeting by the committee.
HOSTESSES last week were
Mrs. John Foley and Mrs. Wil
liam Cheshire, the group enter
taining at the Foley home in
honor of Mrs. Libbie Philip Les
lie a Nnrth Tlnknln frifna nf
years standing and a sister of EVER PAY MORE? ty
Mrs .Till n Knits nf Salpm. Mrs B-ssrlsssssssBssBBssssaBl Y
Presidents of the state organ
izations of mothers' clubs for
both University of Oregon and
Oregon State college next year
will be Salem women, elections
having been held at the respec
tive Mother's Day Week-end
festivities this past Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. George H. Swift of Sa
lem was elected state president
of the University of Oregon
Mothers' club.
Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson of Sa
lem will be the new state presi
dent for the Oregon State Col
lege Mothers' club.
Several other Salem women
received offices in the state organizations.
For the Oregon State College
Mothers' club, Mrs. W. G. Bur
ris of Salem is to be the new
district representative; Mrs.
George Rhoten of this city is to
be corres ponding secretary;
Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, Salem
member of the state board as
hospitality chairman; Mrs.
George W. Croisan of this city,
constitution committee. Other
officers in the OSC group in
clude: Mrs. Dale Miller of Port
land as vice president; Mrs. T.
J. Starker of Corvallis as re
cording secretary; Mrs. J. W.
Jarvis of Astoria as treasurer.
Next meeting of the state board
will be late in the fall term.
In the University of Oregon
Mothers' club, Mrs. Robert M.
Fitzmaurice of Salem was nam
ed the corresponding secretary
for the new year and Mrs.
George Alexander of this city
a new state director of the
DETROIT The Detroit Wo
man's Civic club met at the
home of Mrs. Howard Dean.
This was the first meeting since
election of officers. New offi
cers are: President, Mrs. Ray
Johnson; vice president, Mrs.
Joan Cauble; secretary, Mrs.
Ruth Skidmore; treasurer, Mrs.
Eldon White.
There was a report from the
delegation who attended the
federation meeting, Mrs. John
son and Mrs. Cal Schlador, Mrs.
Joe Wright and Mrs. Gordon
There were 14 members pres
ent. Mrs. Perry Fry and Mrs.
Lillian Walter were hostesses.
The next meeting will be on
May 18 with Mrs. Jane Weis
gerber. Yearly committees will
be announced then.
Mrs. Jacobson
Will Head Club
Dallas Mrs. K. W. Jacobson
was elected president of the
Dallas Woman's club at the an
nual election Tuesday afternoon
in Library hall. Other officers
named were Mrs. Earle Richard
son, first vice president; Mrs.
Delwin Reinemer, a second vice;
president; Mrs. M. Slack, re
cording secretary; Mrs. Ray
Stewart, . corresponding secre
tary; Mrs, John R. Allgood,
treasurer; and Mrs. Howard
Fleming, director. Officers will
be installed at the June meet
ing. Mrs. E. L, McCleary demon
strated clay modeling as a fea
ture of the program which was
in charge of the fine arts com
mittee, headed by Mrs. Burton
Bell. Musical numbers includ
ed a vocal solo by Miss Maycel
Burr, accompanied by Miss Jean
Lambert, and a piano solo by
Miss Esther Stonebrook. They
were introduced by their high
school instructor, Mrs. Wesley
The club voted to donate $100
toward the city park improve
ment fund at the business ses
sion with Mrs. Fleming, presi
dent, in charge. The members
also voted to purchase a $75
savings bond.
Guests of honor attending
from other civic organizations
included Mrs. Clifford D. Hood.
Mrs. C. E. Tren, Mrs. Ira De
Witt, Mrs. R. LeFors, Mrs. Abe
Regier, Mrs. Kenneth McCrae
and Mrs. Homer Bevens.
At the tea table, which car
ried out a May motif, Mrs. Hood
and Mrs. Trent poured. Host
esses for the tea hour were Mrs.
Pearl Hughes, Mrs. J. R. All-
good, Mrs. R. G. McFarland
Mrs. Cora Hunt and Mrs. W
G. Vassall.
Roberts Twenty-one mem
bers of the G. T. club met at
the home of Mrs. J. F. Ringwald
with Mrs. L. D. Johnston and
Mrs. Henry Query assisting host
esses. Guests at the meeting
were: Mrs. John Earnest, Mrs.
J. J. Johns, Mrs. Richard Ring
wald, Mrs. Freda Degeberg, Mrs.
J. A. Harris, Portland, and Mrs.
Phillip T. Bouffleur of Salem.
A dessert luncheon was served
at 1 o'clock by the hostesses.
Mrs. A. W. Blankenship wOn
the prize from the flower ton J0 Lonor Mothers
test and Mrs. J. A. Harris an
other prize. Girl Scout Troop No. 50 is err
ertaining moinen at a lunctvw.
Mrs. Richard Ringwald, Mrs.
Freda Degeberg, Mrs. John
Earnest and Mrs. J. J. Johns ac
cepted the invitation to become
members of the club and will
be initiated at the next meet
ing along with others who have
n't been Initiated. Mrs. A. W.
Blankenship and Mrs. A. F.
Thompson were appointed on
the Initiation.
The next meeting June 2, will
be in Salem at 1280 South 14th
street with Mrs. William Meier,
Mill City Miss Rose Lelack,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Lalack of Dallas, was mar
ried Sunday to Elmer T. Culwell
in a double ring ceremony per
formed at 8 o'clock In the Mill
City Community church with
Rev. Wayne Watkins in charge.
Church decorations were of!
white and lavendar lilacs and
tulips. The bride, given in mar
riage by her brother, Andrew
Lalack, Jr., wore a blue crepe
afternoon frock fashioned with
full skirt. The yoke of the
dress was trimmed with a light
er blue lace and white acces
sories were worn. The bride's
corsage was of pink and white
carnations. Playing the wed
ding music and accompaniments
was Miss Alice Smith. Mrs.
Charles Powers, of Lyons sang.
Standing with the couple
were Mrs. Andrew Lalack, Jr.,
and A. B. Culwell, brother of
the bridegroom. Ushers were
Joe Lalack, brother of the bride,
and Howard Naue, brother-in-law.
Following was a reception
given at the home of Rev. and
Mrs. Watkins. Mrs. Hershal
Culwell cut the bride's cake.
Mrs. Adel Hutchinson served
the coffee, and Mrs. Howard
Naue and Mrs. Joe Lelack were
in charge of the gift table. After
a short wedding trip the young
couple will be at home in Lyons
on. The girls will prepare the
tod which will gue them credit
twards their hostess and cook's
bge. There wl'I be a musical
pngram presenKd by the girls
wo-king for tieir musician
bacse. Extra iiiests will in
duce Mrs. Dean Brooks, Salem
chaitman of Grl Scouts, and
Mrs. Charles La'port, president
of tht Westminser guild of the
Presbyerian chirch, sponsor of
the trooo. Mothrs assisting are
Mrs. Chester Hanblin, Mrs. Ar
thus Bom, Mrs Theron Hoover
and Mrs. John Hrtzol.
HOSTESSES lor the social
meeting of Chatwick chapter.
Order of EasternStar, Tuesday
afternoon, will e Mrs. Earl
Wiper, Mrs. Albei, T. Anderson,
Mrs. Louis du Bif, Mrs. D. G.
DeSart, Mrs. Geone E. Hanson,
Mrs. Fred W. Laii, Mrs. R. E
Wood, Mrs. Keith (weedie, Mrs.
Eldon Armstrong,! Mrs. Grant
Rogers, Mrs. John Nash, Mrs.
Wilford Wilson, (rs. Louise
Stark, Mrs. MollieBoesch.
The group meets for dessert
at 1:15 o'clock and he program
is to be presented (y the Wil
lamette university speech de
partment students.
. . .,
GIRL SCOUT trop No. 4 is
working towards ie bicycltT
badge. They have tken a trip
on South River roai taking a
"nose bag" lunch, aif a trip to
Paradise Island were they
cooked their own lunh.
Stop itching, dry
mp blisters qaick
ly, lately, svt
Leslie has left for San Fran
cisco en route to Minneapolis.
by Warron Goodrich
"Of sours I'll hang up for
your call. I know all about
omorgonclos tho hunting
saoton It ut ovor."
Most people will gladly r.
Imh the party -lme if youll
explain the emergency. The
Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph Company.
another HELENA RUBINSTEIN first!
sensational new
Complexion Colorama
pictures 55 thrilling skin-tones
personalizes powder and foundation
for your individual complexion
Color ganlui Helena Rubinstein com-plexton-tested
every skin category
and hair lypel Her Colorama pictures
at a glance which of 5S possible skin
tones Is yours . , , pictures your Indi
vidual blend of powder and founda
tlon shades by the most scientific
method ever perfected.
There Is texture-perfect affinity be
tween Helena Rubinstein's sllk
blended foundations, Silk-Tone and
tlft-FUm, ond her SHk-Screeit Fact
Powder, Together Hiey give you a
skin like silk, veil your skin with per
fection, blend your Ideal Individual
losy to wef Move Indicator to your
complexion type, frets golden leverl
Up pops your own complexion guldel
find your most Haltering complexion
COIORTONE pictured, based on
your own skin tone.
Guesswork ellmlnaledl Scientifically
accurate I Each color twatch on your
COIORTONE page It actually
patch test for your Weal skin-tones.
You tan see how the color blend will
look and stay unchanged w color
perfect on your skin.
Introductory offer
I from
i month's supply of
Silk-Screen face powder
with tvery purchase of
L silk-tone v silk-film foundation
silk-ton 1.S0 silk-film 1.25
tH f HCfl I us tit
Start t Liberty
"On the Corner"
Entire Stock of Long Summer Coats
Re-Grouped and Repriced
for Final
Every Coat a Bargiin!
One Group of Higher Priced
LONG COATS to Sell at
Unheard of values in women's all wool fabric toata ex
pertly tailored and carefully styled for tmart wearing.
Gabardines, Sharkskins. Buy yours today.
Special Priced COATS
Worth must more 100 wool gabardines sharkskins at
a huge savings. Carefully detailed for smart wearing. New
season colors.
2 88
Priced to Clear
Better quality suns
at a sarinas price.
Two tone combina
tions. A barsaln,
Pettneye full Fleer I
ttn rr
Priced to Ceir J
Summer suits ja
summer eetora Jt
rtatit for monns
ahead. Lew pried.
Feiuir'a Second Floor