16 Capital Journal. Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTIOlNGl Par Lin IX Per Una 4 time 40c Par Una tlmra 0e Per Una 1 month .13 00 OuisW of Salem 15 per Una pu dar. tlln IOci 9 time mm 60c I time mm 11.30 No Refund READERS la Ural Newe Cat Oelei Par lu Ot To Place an Ad Phune 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES FNGLEWOOD DISTRICT FAITlfTL, neat, dun home with lav unfin. upstair. 3 lee. BR. od tint fir. 10x13 din. tm., 16x13 L. rm. with frpl . match, grain oak fir. Wonderful fir plan, full dry humr.. first class 8 D. Pur., ecl. landscaping, built In J 1 You should not pas tnl one up. A food buy for 114. too. Phone 3-80. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 Norlh 14 Mi 11& MviTKLiTbyi&tyltr beautiful home on ISO Ratrllff dr. Larte landscaped ot. Bu by door. Ran ice. and refrig. in cluded at price trial U runt. Open afternoon. Ph. 3-6:i94. a 113 RANCH STYLE NEW Only $7,995 Never been lived in. ft room ranch style nnm. automatic heat. Bus toy door, paved atreet. Cement walk. Se at 1646 Lea St. Ph. 3-0483 (evening 3-3666.. Ill REAL OPPORTUNITY . New, all plaatered 3-bedroom bum alow with apace In attic for extra room. At tarried (Brave and large lot In fine lo cation, Unfinished, but hnndy man could eompl-t for mall outlay of money. Pric 15300 Call Ben Clary. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1311 Edgewalcr Phone 3-510 Eve. 3-9839 alll LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS SMALL RESTAURANT: Orade A equip ment. Only I12!0. ATTRACTIVE BUY In amall place, about S acre. Few mile out on paved road. -Close to achool. creek. Fine garden ipot. -4 room unfinished houe Larae garase ' and work shop. Price 63300. Termi or " would lake food trailer house u part payment. i HARMING NEW ft rm. home. Finest of instruction. Larae llvms rm. wltli fire " place; oak floor. KHrl.cn ha lota of built-in. Breakfa.it nook: utility room. Nicely decomtrd. Insulated: attached la rase. Ens le wood Dil Price only III) 900. Reasonable turn ATTRACTIVE ROOM English type home. Fireplace: breakfast nook: full cement basement: oil furnace. Paved meet. On bus line. McKinley School Dim. Price i3.ooo LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS S44 State St. Phone 2-3663 Even mi: 2-4O07, 3-4S10 or 3-1103 alio ftv.M FOR thtn good -room home In Em le wood School DIM. Will trade for Ti.lir home. Ha full bmt,, aw- 'dust hest. I1S,(MM, GOOD term for this 4 bdrm. and den, dbl. plumb., full taint. Cloae ""lo High and Parrlsh School. Call Harvey Huff " Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemekrla 8t. Phone 3-3371. Eve. 3-B441. alio ALL MODERN larae house with fruit At with seven city Iota, Can assume G 1. loan and pay Ilk rent. Will take reas onable price I-ot will help pay off loan. Phone 3-8366. 114 LOOKING FOR A HOME? I . 1430 N. Liberty St.- 4 bdrm.. Plu rental unit. Double aaraie. A buy for home or rental. 1035 Highland Ave. 4 bdrm., lane lot. Only (7800 Drive) bv 1840 Grant St. 3 bdrm. home. Only 0SO. Best downtown buy In Salem. Houe with five apt ml., fur. All for 111.500 Term. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate North of Greyhound Bua Depot Ph 7-7641, Re. 3-0136. 3-6146. alll 3-BOOM unfurnished, all electric house. Inquire 1173 Sixth St., Wet Salem. ailS T OWNER: You, too. will aay "quel.ty" la the word for thia prewar auburban home, built for better living. Large window, hdwrt. tlrs., roved recessed -ceiling. fireplace. 15x31 living rm.. 3 large bedroom, lovely kit. At din. rm An abundance of bull'-ln and closets Yes, a clean basement, party room, air condition furnace, fine lawn, plenty of shrubbery. Deep well, irrlg. syntem, I't arret fine land, well drained, fenc ed Bur at door. 8.1500 down. but. like rent. Move In this week. 61ft Morgan Avenua. MEREDITH Ar MASON Realtor, 176 S. Commercial alio BY OWNER, beaiilllut ft rm. house anient fine new hnmn in Rosertale add. ions ft. floor spare. Plu bmement At nn(. upstairs, for reduced price. Ph. 3-6.193. 113 $2o0 3 bedroom older home with 3 lot. Bfir Richmond achool. Hell the lota A "cut the cost of your housing. , $10,115(1 fteaullftil home, only 9 Works from "ten lor high Larue living room, dining "room, handy kitchen, oil fur time. 3 nice bedioomn, fireplace, hdw. Ilooia. "large lot, This la good, - Chas. Ihuikins & Son T TTEALTOHK 3ftfl N. Hifjh t. Phone 3-4136 all3 BOATINtirsWIMMINC. FISH INC And right In your own back Tmd We all dream nf a place like that, Whv "not have it. A 3 bcdim-m, modern, planterert home Fltenlace. Ion of "ahruba, nice lawn for pattiei. etc Yei. "boat (oe with it. no all you have to - brine witn ) on i vour min unit or fluhlnt fear. Only 3' mile from Sa lem, See Wambrre; Tueidnv at, Joe L. Ronnie, Realtor ao f. etpitot pb. 3u mMa Today's Best Buys $1000 DOWN ' I bdrm. home, part hardwood floort Paved afreet, very rloe to bua Owner eery tnxloue te sell. Reduced to tiioo : G. I. SPECIAL Almnr-t new I bedroom home tnM e1tv. Electric heat, atlathed tarai 'Lawn ahrtih Owner leaving at ate Total price IMOO. $lf00 DOWN Ha I bedroom auriurhan hme S A "im. ante far. narnwona noora, wnui ated. well worth the aionej. Total Al Isaak & Co., Realtors . Vemher of Multiple LtKtlna Bttteau JOJ Portland Rd Ph. 3-7810, 3-4M- r,e m-oi3 j-insa ana1 LOVELY NIW ranch type Large Hvlnt room, olnlni room, picture window: Fireplace. Real rontirtirtmn Lore I kitchen. I lane bedroom. Large cl apace. Cloe to Englewood achool. You will love It. Only f 10 W . -(leneral Real Estate Co. option l-3)6t Iftft Center m allW V At'RFH t blorka from city bua line. All m fruit. I went, j pedroom oioer nou. barn and chicken bouae. Price $7 00J, - 13 ooo down. T (Jeneral Real Estate Phont 3-338t 9.1ft Center St ta aiitf 1 BR.HOMt. Englewood District. Hdw " floor, fireplace, full aire dining room. auto, oil heat, lot of floaer and ahruba Outalde fireplace. Make ua an offer. I Goodwin & McMillin T REALTORS ,P. 16101 464 Court . 1-1363, I 4773 I III I Or?Kn, Monday, May 9, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSE! WONDERFUL LOCATION Pre-war conatrue'ed 3-bedrm. home. cloe to grade, Jr Hlsh and Hith School Bu by dooi. Don't mi eelng till excellent buy al 110,750, wub onl, 13000 down. WALLACE ROAD Lot 100x300 with 1 . atorr houa. Thi home i new wit h oil furnace, double arase vtuMtati blind, and immediate poaeton. t? bedrmi I 913 300. WEST SALEM VIEW HOME Located at 1004 Caacade Dr. t bedrm . tiled batn, oil furnace. Don't RiUu ee ing ihl Newly painted exterior with lovely new awnine. 113,500. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE '31 North H:ih phone 1-5631 Arrow from Senator Hotel) Eve. Phone 1-1734 or 3-7534 6110' HKAl.'TIFl.'LLY arranged 4-bedroot9home. fireplace hdw. floor, baaement, lovely vard. Enilewood. OLDKR 3-bedroom home. On one floor: larae llvlna room, dining room, kltctien. full baement. On Capital Si. Sound houit. Need painting and redecorai- inn. 17 350 GRAY-HIMMEL REALTY CO. 136' Nortn Capital St. Phone 9-6458 Eve. Phone 35397, 3-6901, 3-433 alll 3-RR. HO Ml:. S acre. Pull baaement. hardwood floor, eawdiut furnace. Biu by door. Call 3-5840 or 3-9586. al 14- HFAI TIFI'L 3 BR. buntalow, large LR , nice breakfast nook. Inaul. and weath ar tripped, rlee. heat. Lot 100x130. Bua oy door. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Ph. 3-4707 464 Court Eve. 3-7383, 3-4773 FOR KALE by owner: Hotue on N 16th. 4 oedioom and aewlnt room. Dining room Basement. Call 3-0540. all3 BY Ow"ni:R: Mod. 1 rm. platered hse" lot 60x135. Some term. Priced to el. IQ.VO Third St.. Weat Saiem. alll TOR SALE BY OWNER PH. 2-0103 Two bedroom houe, Juat flnUhed. Hard wood floor and floor furnace. at 14 BY OWNER I acre, family homa, good location, quick poealon. 1540 Lancas ter Dr alll BY OWNER Equity In lovely 3 -bedroom home wnn view. Purn. or Unturn. Bal. PHA 158 per mo. King alie cloaeu, pe can floor, auto. heat. Consider large home trader. South Com'l. to Liberty Rd. to Salem Height Ave. to 3350 Win ola Ave. al 14 FOR BALE BY OWNER Walnut Park OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Home 3la year old. Completely refin Uhed InMde Over 1600 feet. Full base ment, two fireplacea, one In baaemenl Lot 61 ft. front. Very deep. A very good home, a verv nice yard. Priced right. 549 N. 33nd St Phone 3-3734 or 3-5348 allO' eairunt'hill"" 113.500. F.H A. term, for thla beautiful 3 bedrm. home. Hwd. fir, throughout, dining rm. A nook, pa clou back yard, landscaped, a fluKMoiie patio. CALL HARVKY HUFF Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St Phone 1-9371. Fve. 3-9441. a 1 13' FOR SALE LOTS (A MM HI BiV8 a good tot In aoutheast Sa lem. We also have 3 lots In Went Sa lem at reasonable prtcea At terma. B. Isherwood, Realtor Office Pb. 2-3863 Evei. 3-3147 or 2-6816 aalia 76a7S VIEW LOT. CiTywater'. Baaement dir Fan Ooakx War, Kingwood dint.. ftA.W. Hal Maateraon, 103 N. Liberty. Ph 3-3998 day. aalll BE Al ITIF1) L' Bl": fl.n INlTVlfES. Abu. wtr Cloneoua view. Away from poaMble flood. S. end of Crowan Canyon. Bev eral acres for IBM0. Ivan Martin 3-4410 aallO 110 DOWN! will buy you a lot with water, elec tricity, filbert tree and view. Excel lent bua aervlce, near achool. Balance 115 per month Reimann for Real Estate Ph. 3-930J 301 South High St URGE LOT. I05x 133. I room modern houae & double garaae; fruit, nut, ber nea ft garden. Near good choo1a At churches. 16 mile from Salem, t ml lea from Albanv. All furnished Quick po aeaaion. fO.iOO. Some terma may be ar ranged. Addreaa P. O. Boi 131, Jeffer- Ores ni aaiov VIEW LOTS, 500 blk., VIM a Ave WOOD ED LOTS. 600 blk Ratcllff Dr, Re trirted, city water Ph 1-4784 aa FOR SALE FARMS 2 ACRE BARGAIN New home, all new furniture, chicken home. brooder house, garage, well. 3't mllea from town Owner leaving. A real bargain for 64760. Call for Mr. 1-eavena. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Multiple Dating Bureau 10.15 Portland R rt Ph. 3-7630, 2-4596. Eva. 3-9403. MM8 blla' 7 Af'REt. 3 bdrm home, brvt , furnace. la i ee harn, ft row a, 3 Irarlora. equip 88MW bua everything, and that'a a bu Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 3 Ml N. High St. Ph. 2.4139 FOR SALE ACREAGE HERE IS a good 3 bdrm. home 1 acre of good land on Lam eater Dr. These owneta really want to aell and we will be glad to tell you about thia place. R. Islierwond. Realtor 3007 N Capital St Office Ph 3-3863. Eve. 3-314T or 2-6IH6 brill J I? AI'RE4. about 3 mile rHv Itmtta. NF good so:', nice blrig apot. 6000 Ph. 3-68.15. Wall Slcolofakv. Real Fatate btM0 "I B! 6t, modern, 3 bedroom home n acre of land on biu line P.ione 3-7014 hbllV FRACTIONAL S acre" 79 3x1360 ft'." Front asa on Stale St . EmI Pen-Four Corner. Call evenini. 401ft State St. Ph. 1-4113 bbtll rHOICECRKEKACREAOE 1 ACRE with over 350 ft. of beautiful CrotAan Creek. Open for uiuhlne With eatirreo ahad tree. Rich, ereek bot tom aoit. 10 minute from eliy. ' mile from Salem Goir rourae. Price 16)00 Ptione owner a- 3 6tg hhltl REAL ESTATE FOR ft MP OR TRADE for c'ty property bv owner 76 acre 6 acres of beaver data. Buildinaa. I Rood prion 8-882 eiio ITtrK ROOKI FT on western land bar gain. Pacific Land. Hollywood 31 Cfilif (HO FR1E BOnRirToirrereiwT"ndbar taiti.v Pacific Lends, Hollywood 16 Calif. eii l' Arm P. end nice 9 BR hnme7elee In on pa.emeni. Tnete are apple, piuma pear he and waltiil Oarage 19O0 $?ftno, balance month!' Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS rh 14707 464 Court tve. 1-7961. 1-4771 CRFFR building IM Tree. Miie V S bank II6ft. Ph ek 4 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE NEED YOI'RUWTINO Our lean loan dept ran doae your deal Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 95ff N High St. Ph t-41 ea119 WE ARI In need Oi good bonsa to gel) In m near Salem If you wish I iui your pro pert for sale eee (IRARFNrtORflT BROS.. HVAI.TOR0 114 S. Liberty Pnaee 1-3411 aa FOR SALE HOUSES Non-resident owner sayf to tell this modern 3-bedroom home, which ii close to a good shopping center and schools and within walking distance of downtown Salem. Has full basement. Wall to wall carpets, drapes and curtains and range are Included in the price of $9,000. Suburban two bedroom home with bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, unfinished attic, at tached garage, chicken house. Bus every hour. Price $7,950. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 381 Chemeketa St. Phone 2-154S, S-4898 Eves. 2-4335, 2-66BB, 3-7565. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS LARGE HOUSE . 14950 ft bedroom In all, full bath, garage. Will conatder trade for amall auburban place. CUTE HOME IN WEST SALEM Drive br 761 Piedmont St.. It's a cute 3 bedroom home with a large living room and attractive fireplace, ha fall-to-wall carpeting, the upalair can be finished, nice aettlng with lot of ahrub and tree 17300. ATTRACTIVE HOME ON 'D STREET Fu'l basement and furnace, unfinished upstair. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, lot 1 35x179. plenty of room and good location for aeveral rentals on rear of lot a gucd deal for 19750. 4 ACRES MODERN HOME -NEAR KEIZFR Oood 3 bedroom home with part basement and double garage, located about I1 mil West of Keiier. also ha good barn and chicken house, walnut, fruit and betrlea, good subdivision poibilltie. Sea Henry A GOOD ARM SPECIAL 10 acre with good remodeled home, lights, water and bath. 36x33 barn and poultry house. All under cultivation. If you are looking for a good productive lit Us farm thia i It for only 17500. 30 ACRE FARM IN THE MIDDLE GROVE DISTRICT A dandv 30 acre farm, all under cultivation, level Willamette Silt soil, fenced, ha large house, barn and amall poultry house. 4 A. in clover, 7 A. In oat and vetch. Price i right at 113,000. LEE OHMART & 477 Court St. Eve. Ph. 3-6053 GRABENHORST SPECIALS TWO OF SALEM'S FINEST HOMES 1366 Court Street Home In excellent condition, hot water, aprinklina ayatem, 4 bdrm., fireplace, lae. corner lot. Ideal for conversion to apt. 360 N. 13th Street Beautiful family dwelling, '4 bdrm., plu sleeping porch, auto, oil heat, finished In excellent taile thruout, dble. garage, aprinklina aya tem. Carl Earl West. 995 TERRACE DRIVE Drive by thia 3 bdrm a., view home, It ha everything for comfortable llvlna. Drive up Olen Creek Road and turn left on Cascade Drive. Owner ha reduced price. Call Roy Perrl. GRABENHORST 134 South Liberty Street Evening ana Roy Ferris Peter 0ier Earl WeM WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE! If your property I for aale. rent or exchange, list It wltb u We have all kind of cash buyer STATE FINANCE CO. REALTOR! 151 S High St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 42 ACRES Finest river bottom land. Close to Salem on main highway. Good 8 -room home. Ful Ibalh, wood furnace, garage. Would take good Salem house as part payment. Ca.h price 631 000. Shown by appointment. Pb. 3-3369. General Real Estate 35ft Center St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAN TO SERVK'E vending machine route. (Nationally advertised product) S Pour weekly. Can make up to 160 a week. 1735 Investment secured by stock. Box 109 Capital Journal. cd113 ARE YOU looking for a business? You name It I've got it. If I haven't gol It I can get It. Grocery stores, cafes, beer tat era, apt. house, courts. See Len Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa SI h. 3-9371 Eve. 3-3983 rdll0 FURNITURE FOR SALE RMS. ot furniture practically new, val ued over 13300, will aell for 11.000 rash. 1130 Broariwav. Call after 6 pm dll'J WANTED FURNITURE Fl'RN. A Hoil.eholrLi Ph 3-5511. AUCTIONS Furniture Auction TUESDAY. MAY 10, 9:30 P.M. Consisting of lot of household turn lull ing. See Tueadav Clan I lied for Item ised list. We sell for U or pay apot cash. PHONE 9-5110 GLENN WOODRY, Auctioneer flMfl FOR SALE LIVESTOCK COWS, calves, hav, farm machinery. Af ter a p m. except Saturday and Sun dar Martin Hoe Cottages, 2 mllea norih of Brook on 9PF ell3 LIVESTOCK WANTED PETS for 1 kirtrns. Ph. RI'At'TlEI'L thoi 1650 Pearl St. CHOICE CAN ARTS. Ph. 3-438571140 Chem eel 30 YOl'R POG-6oea he obeyf I he well eared for when you leave him leOra Ketine's R's 3 Ph "--I'M ee110 FUEL Tftl-CITY FVEI Fresh eut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 97443. We give S H Green Stamps Oreen 16 In. mill wood ee GOOD ALAR, drv or green Oreen edslng US 1 load Double load 110 00. Good clean sawdust. Oregon Ful Co Ph I-MSI" West Salem Fuel Co. 1I-1N ORT OR OW Ft ft SLAB WOOD DRT PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH SLOCK WOOD, It-IR CLEAN NO BARK screened ra worst RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phooe Saiaai 9-4011 Ala aci up wood al 1616 Mgewatei St W Sales ee CALL HIGHWAY FVEI FOR Pteel and Stove Oils FRKAH CUT SAWDUST Dry Blab Wood Phone 9-6444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS all popular varieties, in cluding lee born. Hanpahiraa. Par mentera Auaira-Wtitle and others Piinn 1-3141 oe writ today for Leea Baby Chick Chat ontatnln free poul try In form at ion Leea Hatchery P O Bol 71 Sa m Oreee-n f PR0DUCE FOR VALE : 9 acres si rawberrlaa, firat bearing year. Phone 9 604. fflto ASP4R 40CE "forsale. lie Y"VRrlng eentainera. Oeerge Aaherg ea Grand talent. ft 113 IFOR SALE HOUSES RUDY CALABA LATE BUILT RESIDENTIAL COURT Located on mam arterial, I unit plus rm. owner' quarter. All unit par tially Turn Lalied. elec. heat, ge. lot, ex cellent utility facilities. Monthly Income 1646 plu owner' quarter. FOR DE TAILS CALL Coburn L. Grabenhort. BLDG. LOTS NO. 2 ZONE 50x134 ft. each, paved t . alley, bug in front, close to achool. A real buy at 1000 each. BROS., REALTORS Phone 3-3471 Sundays Call 2-8010 - 3-9961 - 3-1333 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MALE KITCHEN helper wanted. J. B. Drive-ln. 3330 Fairground Rd. No pjhone calls. 61U FXpTTerVIC'E sta. attendant. Permanent position. Alo attendant for Sat. and Sun. Box 434. Capital Journal. gal!3 MEN TO LF.ARN heating and air condi tioning aale Ac engineering with a firm who ha had the combined experience in the heating field. Above average earning with opportunity for advance ment. For personal Interview write Box No. 475, Capital Journal, statin qualification. gallS Fl'RN ACE installer. Experienced man with car and tools. Oood opportunity for rlsht man. Non-union ehop. Write Box No. 500, Capital Journal, atailng experience. aal!3' REFRIGERATION man experienced in Domestic, Commercial and Reverse Cy cle Heating Ac Cooling. Waae optional. Consider anvtlilng. Write 745 N. Riwell Street, Portland. Oregon gal 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE WUTRFSS wanted. Must be 21, at the Y Cafe on Dallaa Highway. Call in person. gbllS WAITRESS wanted. 35 to .70 yrs. Stop Ule cot lee Biiop, 9e soutn. gDiiu MIDDLE-AfiED woman for housework A cooking. 3 adults. No laundry. Waae A meals. 315 E. Lincoln. ablll RELIABLE girl wanted for housework and rare of children, Oood waae. Call at 1430 Market. gbllO OFFICE assistant to answer phone and type. Experience preferred but not necessary. Write Box No. 443. Capital Journal, atailng experience and qual ification ebl13 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for an ex perienced bookkeeper. Permanent posi tion. Automotive experience dealrable. App'.v in person. Bee Mrs. Pickett, 355 N. Liberty. gf OFFICE AN DCLFR!CAlT POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 9-188 gf WANTED SALESMAN AMRITIOI'S.Cheek this amaitng LONO NEFDED INVENTION. Time for Chanae Nowr Fast. E.y Sales. B.g Profit Mailed Weekly. Credit extended to cus tomers. No Collection Ftnanclallv sound Company. Free Sale Outfit. Sales training. No investment. Win Special Pnres. Write today. Dept 165-P. Red Comet inc . I I'tleion. Colorado aallO A NEW HA I. EH oraan.ratlon I beinr fot med bv an e.-iebll.:ird company open ins a nrw of lice lu Self 111. Op portunity for aale manager position for man who qualifies on the J ob. For appointment write Box No 436, Capital Journal, at alma qualification and ex perience. Application confident. al. ggll9 VETERANS: Easy to atart a biutlnea of your own from vour home. Full or part time. Aae no handicap. Car needed Write Rawleiah'a, Dept. ORE-U5-316I. Oakland. Caltf. ael30 RANTED: An experienced, full" time Real Eaiate salesman with car. See P. H B.ll Realtor, 161 Chemeketa St Ph 3-4N96 ft UO WANTED POSITIONS PI-AHTFRINO, PATCHWORK and Chim ney building Ph. 3-4399. Free eatlmates. hll5 STACK your aewing the Phonei-lM3 hl.14 CARPENTER 'WR.NewpalrT Ph." 2-1093 hI15 HOI'SE rAINTlNO.Phoner01l37hll CARPENTER work. Bultd remv5et"i re pair. Largo amall )ub. Ph. 1-1346 hll4 LAWN ci'TTINO, Phone 9640S. M34 LAWN START la flnUh. Light tractor n rubber doeer. 16117 hill 1ST Cl.SSCARPFNTrRr"new. remodel, repair. Large small. 1-6361 alt 8 hlS4 HHINOLINfl and gen. homt repair? Ph s-nu or 3-atM hna HAND F1 N l H E D dr a pe Vde " t "" order in our bom. Your material. Ph. 9 61 hll3 WANTED: Ironing to do In my home. Br ine nour ivc. rnon 1-1.17. hill' CARPENTER work. New" or repe1Vet' Phono 3-6373 hill" LANDSCAPING, r ardentn6. Rev lawn fre oatiasata. Pb. liltt. hilt FOR SALE FARMS Sullivan 36 ACRES 17 acres In cultivation 1 acre berries, family fruit 10 acre In crop. om timber. 4 room house, good barn fruit house, some furniture, 3 tractor, disc, plow and harrows. 3 cow, 3 calve. 50 laying pullet, r a bo; Is. Priced to aell. 16,500 take everything. 12,000 ch. Oood term. 60 ACRES Most all In cult. Very nice new 9 bedroom home, full basement, furnace heat. New chicken house, nice stream with fish pond. A real set-up for turkey or stock raisin. See thi on at 119.000. Term 200 JvURES Very good 4 Bodrm. home In excellent condit.on. Ha bath and a half, double garase. larse barn At a'so a hog houae. Willamette Silt Loam, except aOout 1 acre of Beater Dam 186 acre in crop, which hould bring at leat lit. 000. All goe for 186,000. Good term. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3S& Portland Rd. REAL ESTATE WEEK-END SPECIALS $ 6.SOO ONE ACRE with good 2 bedrm modern home and garage, about 3 year- old. Ha nice lawn, garden and shrubs. Call Ivan Siver. SI8.500 HI'Rl'RB AN rarftti style noma on acre. 3 bedrm.. large kitchen and ur.lity, fireplace, hdw, floor, double garage Call Ivan Slvers. flS.iHM KNGLErt'OOD OIST : New 3 bedrm., Ige. tie. rm., dining rm.. hardwood Mrs., fireplace, double garage, oil heat. Call Ivan Sivers. t t,3Uo ONLY I ONLY 117ft down: new 2 bedrm. home with unfinished attic, liv. rm., Lrepiart. hdw floor, oil furnace, very good. Firat check gets It Call Ray Davis, f S.SOO Cl'TE 3 bedrm. heme, laige Mir rm. wltb fireplace and hdw. floors, basement Ai furnace. This place la as clean aa a hound a tooth. Fine location. Call Ray Davis. WILL HELL OR TRADE For Salem home, beautiful 10 acre, fruit, nuts, good black soil. 3 bedrm . clean modern home. Liv. rm.. fireplace, din. rm., kitcb , basement furnace. What have you? Call Ray Davis. S 8 ..WO VERY ATTRACTIVE 2 bedrm mod. suburban home on H acre, 1 yr. old. Near school Ac bus. Beautiful lawn, plenty garden space. 11900 will haaole. Call Geo. Walters. gtt.MMi NORTH 8 I'M MLR HTRLF.T Nice 4 bedrm. home, full bamt., oil furnace. Call Geo Walters. I 9.7.10 TIIKKK LARGE nF.HRMS. ON ONE FLOOR, lge. din. rm. At nook, parly rm. in bamt., aawdust furnace. Near high achool. Call Geo. Walters. GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR 960 SOUTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 2-3849 Eve. Phonea: Ray Davis, 2-S6SI; Ivan Slvers, 3-7012; Geo. Waltera. 2-5260 cllfl WANTED POSITIONS WILL PROVIDE excellent nome or dav care for small child. Ph. 9-6395. hi 29 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 34-hr. er- tlce. Former phone pp. Ph. 3-50.2. h!26 AVARS NL'RSERY for Infant. Grad rea. nurse in charge. Ph. 33391. hl37 CHILD CARE In my home. Ph. 25102 h136 AITTO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray Etter. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101 NEW LAWNS Pruning Rototilllng, Landscaping, tree work Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110. h!33 POE'R mimeographing, typing aervice. prompt service, quality work, lower price. 669 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643 h!28 CEMENT WORK. Sidewalk, drivewar. patioi floor, etc. Ph 2-4850. hll2' LET 18 do rourcement work NOW. Drive way, sidewalk, patios, etc. Pb. 2-4413 hll7 EXPERIENCED "farmer At tractor man, single. Want lob on farm, room A board. Good references. Would be glad to hear from aom one driving to central South Dakoi a. Part expense, helD drive. John Windes. care of Roy Reed, Rt. ft. Box 64. Salem. hllO Painting & Decorating Chaplin, 20 rs. expr. Ph. 3-7552. h!19 INTERIOR painting. Exp Ph. 3-6796. hU3' BABY SITTING." PH 30580 hll! TREE WORK topping, trimming, remov ing. Injured operator Jonn Payne ( 3-6014. 346 S Church mil DRESS MA KING "and alteration Ph 3-7904 hllO LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototilllng New lawn, tree work. R:chard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110. hl33 FOR RENT ROOMS 3 RMS. for the price of one. Bitting rm. Ac bdrm. private oatn. e.mpioyeo tatiy. Garage Ph. 34563. Jk 1 12- ATTR ACTIVE rm., private home. Gentle man. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 36368. JkM2 SLEEPING RMS., dble. Ac Single. Al'O llghthskg. rm. 790 N. Church. Ph. 3-4335. JklH SLEEPING room 115 month. 355 North Capital. Phone 3-3000. JkllO BASEMENT housekeeping rm. 432 Marlon. JKI1U LIOHT housekeeping rm. for gen'leman. 617.50 per mo. Ph. 33028 or 34770. Jklll PLEASANT" BLEEPING rm. for gentleman. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jklll CARPETED."" heTted."" clean rm. Private home. 2 block from State At High. Ph. 34863 JkllO Ft RNIsHED ROOM with or without gar age Close to bus. 860 Spruce. Ph. 20348 jw lie ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 3-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS Fl'RN. 1 RM. upitalra apt. for 3 working) people, priv. em., oain, aau uu mo. vnn life washing machine. Bua by door. Ph 2-86:13 991 MillSt. pill MODERN 1 bdrm. furn apt., elec. range Ac relrlg , private bath, laundry in bamt. Adult. Close in. South. Ph. 37487. Jo112" MODERN 2 bdrm. unfurn. apt., heat. laundry tn bxmt.. private- bath At ga- rage. Close in. soutn. rn. JP112 3 RM. turn, apt., ga range, private bath. Adults. li. Winter. JPHl FURN. apt. for 1 or 2. Clean A light. 780 n. cnurcn. in. zvwi. jput NEW. MODERN 4-rm. apt. All electric Partly furnished. Ph. 3-3914. eve, jolll LAR(E, ATTR l TIVE 3 rmBptClfte In. pr. ent. Adult. 433 Winter. Jplll- I ROOM Furnished apt upstair. Ladv preferred. Phone 1-1A30. Jplll 9 RM. APT. Private bath. 841 N. Libert'. Inquire 355 N. Capital. Ph. 3-3000 JpUO apartment. Private 1595 S Commercial. JPMI SMALL furn. apt. Flee, range, $30. After ft JO pm. 714 S. 19th. jpHO RM. furn , uptalra. neat clean, am ple atorage. 137ft N. Commercial. JP133 9 RM. basement apt. Also light houae- geeptnt rm . tor rmpioyeo iaay. 1 zoe 1 Court SL Ph. JSIJ5. jp 1 10 I MODERN 3 rm. furn. small apt., priv. entprlv. bath. 443 Union. JpllO EM P. CPLE. CleanT1009 N. 5th. ' jpllO UN Fl'RN. 3 rm. got. Utiltly, eiectrle'0ve 14V0 Elm St . West Salem jpHO UNFURN. I bdrm, Apt. in very attractive court. Llr. rm , kitchen At bath. Equip with Tff. it. Al rani. Auto, laundrv. Call 907 S 13th. JP114- 9 RM. FURN. apt. Close tn Adults. No drinker. 696 N. Cottage. Ph. J94J0. jplll. RM. FURN apt. Close In Adults. No drinkers. 490 N. Cottage St. Ph. 39410 JP1U 9-RM. APT., ground floor. t tea. apt . I 0 Union. Ph. 398.18. Jplll NirEF1 RNlSHFn apt "AlTelec." A .so Iteht hkpa. apt. 107ft N. Capttol. Ph. 3-8.06 JP116 NEW Apartment. Hollywood dut. Adult 1047 Madison. JpllO 9 RMS. At bath. 93-McCor Pir9-609S" JP110 FOR RENT HOUSES SMALL unfurn 2 bdrm." hnuae95mn Inquire at 1140 N 13, after . jmllO Journal Want Ads Pay I for Sale farms Realty Co. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS Trailer Space 110 Mo. includes all modern conveni ence Rlgnt aero at reel on S. aide of Pa ul us Cannery. Telephone 38885. Win. Roth Trailer Park, 1740 Oxford J114 TRAILER SPACE. Camp Joy Motel. J134 OFFICE SPACE, 2nd floor. Elevator aerv ice. Inquire Rm. 200, Llvealey Bldg. Phone 3-S601. Jill V DRIVE truck car Pb -9109 TRUCKS and car. Smltty'a Clipper Ser vice. Ph 3-9600. Cor. Center At Church i GROl vb floor rooms," suitable for 'of fice or store. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34131 J POWER TOOL rental for home in dustriat use Bowser Broa Pb 1-1646 i BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. 1 GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. J TO DO a good )ob rent a good floor gand er. We aell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS. Ph 3-3846. J WANTED TO RENT PERMANENT employee Capital Journal needs 3 bedroom unfurnished house bv June 1. 2 children. Consider rent with option to buy. Phone 2-5486. Ja WANTED TO RENT: Permanent reli able tenant urgently need 3 bdrm. part ly furnished home. North preferred. Sa lem reference. Box 387, Capital Journal. JallS- S INGLE, 96. former poileTorricerand gardener now employed In State Houae desires living quarter on mill race In exchange for caring of flowers, lawns, etc.. regardless of alee. Mechanically inclined. Can furnish references. De sires interview, write Capital Journal. Box 433. jallO SINGLE GENTLEMAN want small fur nl.hed house or cottage. Prefer walk ing distance. Capital Journal. Ph. 9-3406. - , 3 1 10 YOUNG M.D. and family desire 2 or 3 bedroom unfurnished house. Ph. 36653. 1110" ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for pensioners. 26(1 S. Cottage Ph.3-6680 4' ROOM BOARD. 495 N. Cottage. 11110" LOST AND FOUND LOST Man' gold knife, InlttaiTEM. at Silver Creek Fall, Sunday, Call 3-6704. Reward. kll5 LOST: Royal blue, red-trlmmvd umbrella, ind fir, Roberta Broa, Return Capital .fin 1 n a 1 office. kill MISCELLANEOUS M FRAME building. Wired and plumbed. On paved alley, ,000 Block aouth. Suit able warehouse, wholesale, etc. Price 35M. Phone owner at 3-6196. mill DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 9-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EM LER DENTIST Adolph Bld. State At Commercial St SALEM Phone 3-3311 an RAVE YOl'R SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen ts"' ph 3-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on al make of ma chine. Prer estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Machine Co 110 N Com'l m BUILDING MATERIAL WILL PAY cash for used easy chair, end tab.e. floor lamp, writing desk. Write Capital Journal. Box 437. ma 113 ST EE L AN DALU M I N I'M " w tndow 'frame, residential casement, double bung and commercial type PI'MILITE - OUT EDGE WATER ST. mallO FIREPLACE MATERIAL Superior heat form and Bennett -Irelan.1 fireplace circulator. All firenlace and masonry rr a tens Is. Phone 5-SS3. PI'MILITE - WEST SALEM 2 and Better Shiplap, $4." M While It last. Wet Salem Saw Mill. Free delivery. Ph. 9-9593. 1050 Wallace Road ma 114 NEW SHIPMENT piaat board V 9 V 6 aa ft Rock latba 46 ,. 1 7ft MOHTOOMERY WARD IALEM aia NEW -ln Frtex. 4x6 aheeLs. 5c so ft. Aabestoa siding. 110 so New grade A doors at low prices. New oak flooring, standard width and thickness, random length. 1130 per M. Ph. 3-5831. C. O Long. 1 mile north of Kelrer. mglll NEW S-in. sheet roc kT947.ft0 per M.or 4 cenu per square ft. Rocb lathe. 33 cents a yard. Bargain on elec. water heaters, tot leu toll pi p CO LONG 1 mile N. of Kelter. Ph. 2-5921. mallO LUMBER ALL GR4DFS at mill price No. 4 ahlplap 135 per M Used lumber 115 per load Free delivery. West Salem Sawmill. 1050 Wallace Road Phone 3-9..3 ma 110 USED FIR "flooring.-h B:o3 or RE-ROOF NOW One, two or three years to pay. Foe free enimaiea phone 3-7177 WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. mal2 ALUM S LOCK - AI-UMINTTM LOCK SHI NOLI The modern permanent roof lag. Be rotir dealer or dist. Call 9-6401 anall6 RED CEDAR shine lea No I, tt M No I MM No. 3. 93 50 We del Philips Broa, Rt, 1, Box 119. Ph. 66F33. via NEW R 6 W WINDOWS Weather at ripped, spring cushion Win dows. Tar to tnatall. Man aire tn tot k. Orders sjulckly filled. Hundreds ei iow pri.-eo sasi on hartej c O LONQ, 1 Mil H. at Keiaer. Pb. 9 M31 all BUILDING MATERIAL USED LUMBER. Rt. . Bog 97 3T. Out Canter Bt. to Prultalnd church, tj aai N. nall SAVE ON ROOFINO Let Ward gie you com plat IN. STALLED price on voui roofing need Wide range of color Call our outside sales roao for free estimate Phone 9-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD OO. SALEM. OREOOM TILLAMOOK CEDAR SHINGLES. Wg de liver. No. 1, 1900. NO. 3. 96.00. Ted Muller. Ph. 3-U90. malM ALUMINUM ROOFING I ft width la the following -length! 6" 1174 r 212 10' 2 90 IT ... 9 48 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON NURSERY STOCK PANKIE PLANTS, reduced price, Rti. 1, Box 71 Brown Rd. off Cardan Rd. mbllO FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CABINETS Priced to Save You Money Regardless of Source Homeowners ContVactora Before you buy Cabinets (Large or Small) check these Kraftwood SELECTED WESTERN WOOD Assembled in 00a unit. ALL GLUED CONSTRUCTION Finger tip .drawer slides Free Delivery and Installing Mall Card for free plans and estimate SID HENDRICKS APT. ELECTRIC Stove. Ice box. twin bed, dining table and 4 chalra. 535 80. 15th. nll3 ALL WHITE enamel wood burning range with hot water pipe. 13S CaU 2-6637 or 1830 a. High St. sill 3 FT. FENCE PoeU 6 In. by 9 In. 45c apiece, also hop pole. Write to James Hartman, Rockaway. Ore. nllS' SALEM'S FINEST RIFLES MM MAUSER commercial aportey with K2.5 Weaver acope. Echo mount. Sling At open sight. 7MM, a above but with Pachmayr mount. 8MM, a above but with Stlht Master mount. 731 Rem. 3006 K3.5 or K4 Weaver, Rerfield Jr. mount At open eight. All new, priced right, terms Colt' Woodsman, 4" bbl. Ht Standard H. D. 93, like new. Wearer scope, alight )y used, whlaale. 4 bbl. Sharp, good shape. 30 power B At L acope. L. C. Smith dbl. bbl., shot one time, whlaale. Model 13, 16 gauae, new As used 13 g a ug e aing le ho t . Dbl . bb!. Used 23 Spi. rifle, uaed. Model 7ft Win., new. Several fine .99 new and used rifles. Check protector, like new. The Houae of Don, 366 N. Capital. nllO ZENITH square tub all aluminum washer in 1st class condition. Ph. 3-9626. See at 2037Nebraska Ave. nllO MAYTAG washer, Montag cream wood range. 1041 jenerson. Fb. 23649. nllO PEPSI-COLA cooler, uaed 30 day. Ph. 3-3336 or 2-3166. nll3 ' MODEL A roadster body. Ph. 3-4567 after 6 p.m Pair of good hockey Ice skates, sua 9. Phone 9-3684. nlll USED WASHERS, 130.00 TO 140.00. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 117 LOVE SEAT. 975.00. Ph. 33961. H112 OIL circulator heater, tubing At barrel" aw.vg. norge apt. sue range. 633.00. Boat motor. 17. 1179 Chemeketa. Ph 33837 nll2- 95 -FT. dual axle utility semi -van. Ph. Jjwia niia- RETREAD TIReT 600xlT 14.99 out-' right. Seara Farm Store, 940 8. Libert v, Ph. 3-9191. nl08 30 GALLON tank sprayer. 1 gal. per minute capacity. sriggs-Btratton mo tor. Ideal for small orchards, berries, green nouaes, etc. ii84.su ana up. SEARS. ROEBUCK At CO. Farm Store, 240 8. Liberty Ph.3-9191 DIM USED 16 H.P. WISCONSIN motor irri gation pump 1250.00. SEARS, ROEBUCK At CO. Ph. 3-9161 nl06 USED t H.P. WISCONSIN motor Irrita tion pump. 9400. SEARS. Ph. 3-9191. nl09 TAR PS At your war surplus at ore. 16-or. waterproof. Orommeta. 5x7 93.16 6x8 4 32 7x9. 9 67 9x10 9.10 All other aires In stock. CASCADE MERC. CO. Corner Fairgrounds Rd. Church St. BINOCULARS Imported. 8 power. Fine quality. Must sen. box 43s, capital Journal. nll2 CLOSING out balance ofaplumbmg atork at wholesale cash sales only, no de liveries. No pipe sales only. No returns. Buy here now and gave. W A. Skawls Co.. 1390 Madison. Pb. 3-4600. a SAVE 3e gal. en ffs! Broadway' Super service, a?a n. uoerty. nij STEEL CLOTHE SIJNE-post 313 pair Up Railing In stock to order 1141 N. Lib erty, nil GENERAL ELECTRIC Croeley. Gibson and Moatag Appliance at Oerurta nllT DON'T WAX your floors Us Pleat t-K at the cellophane Ilka flnlab for wood or linoleum Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 0117 USED TIRI BALI Due to the tremendous sale oi our Hlv. eralda Air Cushion Tires, wg hart ac cumulated a large stock of unuiuailv good trade-in tires price 91 to 99 MONTGOMERY WARD TIRE STORE 8.1. Corner, Trade and High ELECTRIC Fence Controller 114.99. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO nllT FULLER BRUSHES. 1749 OranL Ph. 38357. BIO ELECTRIC Sewing Machines Y EATER APPLIANCE CO SAVE 3e gal on gat! Broadway' Super service, aii n. uoerty M3i NEWRERG TYPE RIVFR BOTTOM TOP boil. High euallty, attractive prte. All kinds: ptt run. gravel: aand; wtix erush: concrete pipe tUe; re-rnfore-to steel OREGON GRAVEL CO 1409 N. Front Bt Ph 3-341TvUft SALEM SAND O RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Rood Os ring DttahlM Sewer Basement Equipment Rental 19 B-4 yd 19 9t per hr ! B S yd 9 06 per hr D-1 Cat Dover 10 50 per hr D-9 Cat Doger 8 49 per br D-4 Cat Dote 7.90 per hr Phono Davg 9-148 Eve 3-834 or 9-4409 feilem Oregon GARDEN SAND, graVeL crushed rock Shovel hi drag-ltn evravating. WAIL- LNO SAND O RAVEL CO. Ph. l-939 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WALLING SAND GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for road and drive a a re cement, ready aaix concrete, careen sand. Bulldosing drainage and ditching. W-rd. shovel and drag Una Ph. 1-9349. SPRAY OUN8 AND COMPRESSORS You can get the beat In spray paint ing accessor lea at Wards I Sturdy and efflelant spray runs, compressors, ores sura tank, ate Spray gun lot aa Uttle aa 8 89 MONTGOMERY WARD CO, SALEM. OR BOON FLATROCK For Datloa. rock walls, walks, gardens. and all rock const, W del. and aell hero or at pit. Sea or can lor prices, rnunpa Bros.. Rt. 6. Box 118. Pli 68F22. U" FERTILIZER. Cow. horse or chicken ma nure delivered In Salem. Well rotted or fresh, 8600 per cubic yard del Also manure by Back 91-00 per sack at place or will del. five aack orders. Phillip Broa, Rt. 6. Box 116, Salem. Ph. 66F33. WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. of fers complete service facllltlaa for all Montgomery Ward appliance. Just eall 33191. n TARPAULINS Sturdy eanva. 10 on. before trtattng. Water and mildew laalatant- Matal grommet r 1 r 9 4 Tar 1 69 iir x ir 10.9ft 19- X 14 19.78 MONTGOMERY WARD CO, SALEM. OREGON CEDAR posts, yew wood post, shingles, tew. aoo etec. poiea. rniiupa jsroa, nu 6. Boa 118. Ph. 68F23. n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT GOOD used yard swing In good condition. Ph. 3-9516. 360 1. Wilton. Mill A ANT TO trad I acre oak timber nr. Sheridan for pickup car. Write Box B, Gate. Oregon. nallO SEWING MACHINE, mus make or aond. 9 Davenport. Pb 3-7671, 1930 N. 16th. WANTED furniture to glue At repair. Leo sroa. rurn Keununtng co & 1-7001, na USED FURNITURE Phone 9-9199. PERSONAL I WILL NOT be responsible for any bill contracted for by anyone other than myself Franri M. Crawford. pill ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Box 724. 3-5234. Pl8ft AUTOMOBILES 46 DODGE BUS. CPE. $1155 In fine shape. Out 8. Com'l. past Vista Mkt, left to 670 Ratcllff Dr. Ph. 2-2063. S112 144 FOBD Coupe. 11100. Good condition. 34g h. nth St.. Apt. 6. after I p.m. gill FOR SALE 1941 Bulck Special Sedan. Look and make cash offer. 603 M. 30th St. quo '90 MODEL A. 9179. 4890 Rlckman Road Keiier). qlll '49 DODGE S ton pickup, excellent con dition, very low mileage. Ph. 2-4608. qlll '99 CHEV. coups. Made Into 5 pa. New paint, clean. 11S0 Nebraska. qllO '47 CHEV. 4 dr. Pleetmaster Bed. Good cond., new tire and tube. Ph. 2-6690. qllO 1 TON Pickup 11200. 29DS Brook Rt. Salem. qllO '42 CHEV. 4x4 8WB. 9 speeds, wrecker boom. Excellent condition. 7.50-90 M S tire. Priced for quick aale. XZ term. 366 North Capital. qllO 1940 HTI'DEBAKER 1 ton pickup for le.a man iactory price. I have one too many. W. J. Anlbal, 709 Edaewater St. alll 18 BUICK SUPER SEDANETTE. Dark maroon, pft. cond. 630 Union Si. 13395. 10.000 mile. qui BARGAIN: Clean 1938 4 Dr. Ford Sedan in good anape. Beat offer take. lRitft North latin. gin VERY CLEAN, Inside and out. 1938 ChevT Coach See after 4 p. m. 795 Breya Ave., 8alem. 1,110 193 CHEV. Cpe. RH overdrive. Beat offer around 1200. Must aell. 305ft Coral Ave., near Sunnyvlew At Lan caster Drive. quo NEW CONDITION, late model 4-door Su per buick tor aale at a big saving. Ph. 3-535S. qllj PONTIACS '47 Sdn. cpe $15BS '48 Sdn cpe 219.1 '41 Spt. cpe 99S '47 Ford D.L. spt. cpe. 1445 Herrall-Owens Co. M N. Liberty Ph. -til Thlj Tim, If, HUDSON! Service . Sale. - Peru Rome of Oood Ued Car, SHROCK UOTOR CO. Church J. Chemeketa 8u. Ph. 3-11,1 YOUR BEST BET is STATE MOTORS, INC. "Today's Special" 47 aeriea early model Packard Clipper edan. radio At heater, ovedrlve, seat covers, low mileage, one owner. You don't find any of theae cars on s.iy uaed car lots, ao hurry, we have only one. Small down payment, bal. 31 mos. 49 DELUXE P4CKARD. driven very lltM by owner. Will sell at a real saving to you. Take 34 months to pay. STATE MOTORS, INC. 340 N. High Phone 356(13 qllt iner. Call after 4:30. GOOD USED CARS 1947 Studebaker Royal Tu dor, radio and heater. . $1695 1947 Studebaker Sedan $1095 1947 Plymouth Station Wag on $1595 1941 Studebaker Coupe, radio and heater $895 1938 Buick Sedan $495 1941 Ford 5-Pa.w. Coupe $945 1941 Studebaker Landcruiner President $1095 B0NESTEELE SALES AND SERVICE, INC. 370 N. Church St. Salem. Ore. Phone S-B277 ' u. imi .-.mm .mm pieku. cl. m. FB. 1HW .... ,111 Eisner Motors Pine Cars WANTID clean M4 can. Bob Marr. 11 to fc Com I ,- Eisner Motors to Buv rut, nM rra rtrtwoRi rVMM - Part. oe f Ooot DM oar, uiiooa MoToa oo Oharrt A Owailrtl au Pft S-tlft (Continued on Pag 17) -f