Linn County Highway Needs Understood by Commission Albany, May 9 Members of the Oregon Stale highway com mission arrived in Albany Friday evening and were feted at the Hub restaurant by the Albany Chamber of Commerce, and left for Portland Saturday, without having heceived a single official plea for local road work. Road enthusiasts here ex plained that the commission had been previously approach ed and is fully cognizant of major needs of Linn county which it is fulfilling as rapidly as available funds permit. The state officials remained here overnight at their last stop on a state-wide tour which took them first to Burns, Klamath Falls, Coos Bay and Medford. They came to Albany from Med ford. ' While en route the commis sioners Inspected the progress of highway work, that which had been completed or project ed. During the meeting Commis sion Chairman T. H. Banfield of Portland gave a general resume of the road situation in Oregon. The commission found on its tour. Chairman Banfield said. that the roads of eastern Oregon had' suffered relatively slight damage from the effects of win ter weather but those in west ern Oregon had suffered se verely. The commission has earmark ed $2,850,000 for state highway repairs, Banfield reported, but aid, "We cannot tell now just what our program will be, but in a month or so we will be able to tell each county what its two year state road program will be "I can say this now, however that we just don't have enough money to give every district all the roads it wants." Speaking also were Commis sioner Ben R. Chandler, Coos Bay, Charles H. Reynolds, La Grande, State Senator Orval Thompson, Walter Kropp, Al bany chamber road committee chairman. Dr. . B. McDanields, Portland, president of the Ore gon State Motor association: Mayor Jess Savage, Albany, and R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer. In the party also were H. B. Glaisyer, commission secretary W. C. Williams, assistant state highway engineer, Salem; T. M Davis, district engineer for the public roads administration; Ray Conway, manager of the Oregon State Motor association; Ralph Watson of the Oregon Journal and Les Farnam, Salem as do two sons,' L. C Jewell, St.lthree daughters, Mrs. Phillip j a brother. Everett Jewel! I Louis, Mo., Sgt Lloyd Jewell, Jasper, Rheba Jewell and Dar- Greenway Ark. Mr. Jewell was' jr , V. S. army at Fairfield. Cal.-.llene Jewell, all of Albany, and' a veteran of World War I. 'inn Railroad Man Is Suicide Albany, May I Lloyd C Jewell, sr., 51, Southern Pacific brakeman, died from a self inflicted gunshot wound at his home at 1248 Knox street, early Saturday, it was reported by Deputy Coroner Walter Kropp after he and city police had in vestigated the death. The investigation disclosed that Jewell had shot himself through the head at about mid night with a .38 calibre pistol while lying in bed. Mrs. Jewell and two daugh ters, Darlene, 11 and Rheba, 13 were in the house at the time Mrs Jewell stated her husband had previously threatened sui cide. The deputy coroner stated no inquest would be held. Mr. Jewell was born at Green way, Ark., August 23 1898. He came to Oregon four years ago from Malone, Wash. He married Arlie Wade, February 29, 1929, at Pickett, Ark., who survives Capital Journal. Salem. Oreeon, Monday, May 9, 1949 15 Greatest Value Yet dvrtUemnt Helps You Overcome FALSE TEETH Looseness and Worry So lamer b annoyed or fctl IH-it-tae brca.iM of tooie, wobbly falM teeth FASTEETH. an Improved alkaline (non acid) powder, sprinkled on your plate bold them firmer so they feel more comfortable ftootblnt and cooling to kudu made ore by exceulvo acid mouth. Avoid emarraMment caiued by loose plater. 0t FASTEETH today at any drui store. I PLUMBING I ; CONTRACTING ;j t; Featuring Crane l j and Standard Fixture! t Call 3-8555 . : 5j Salem Heating & j; jjj Sheer Metal Co. j '; 1085 Broadway i J; FREE ESTIMATES Ij . HA EM P R ES TOM A TIC FLUID DRIVE TRANSMISSION gytoJ fM4 Drive New through and through . . . with over 50 advances first from Chrysler! Prestomattc Fluid Drive Transmission . . . softer, safer, smoother Safely-Level-Ride . . . plenty of head, shoulder, and legroom. Designed with common sense and imagination . . . wider chair-height seats, wider doors, broader windows. Flashing new pick-up and go with more horsepower from the great Chrysler high com predion Spitfire Engine with waterproof ignition. See and ride in the superb new Silver Anniversary Model, the greatest car value in our history! Salem Automobile Co., Inc. 435 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon 'II hi ?4 lew Beautiful Chrysler WITH SMOKERS WHO KNOW... ITS TOST LADY 0 THI 10 World-famous woman terialist hat awed millions with her breath-uking, triple somersault. Antoinette directs the aerialists of the Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows. Inc. FOR MILDNESS i NMH-VS) AMONG 1M ftAM Dolly Copeland was born to this daring profession, traveling as a trouper since childhood. From aerial ballets to twisting somersaults .. . Dolly makes the grade in the Big Top's biggest act! . r& r r - JTM r I CHANGED N ,m3jvJ 4f 1 ( TO CAMELS AFTER ) U ffJF . 4M f ( 30-DAY TEST! 'M T-WZi't V A CAMEL FAN J Y-H' for keeps r y riS I ,i, LIKE A CAMEL ) , I V FOR FLAVOR AND J j In a rtctnt tost of hundrtdi of ptopl wh imektd only Camtli for 30 days, noted throat specialists, making woikly examinations, reported HOT 0HE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS IT'S interesting to note th finding) of these noted throat specialisu on Camel Mildness. But to you, as smoker, it's even more interesting and more tomineing to prove Camel Mildness for make the Ctmrl )0 Dj Teilt That's exactly what thousands of smokers have been doing ever since these doctors' findings were first published. And smoker after smoker, by his own test, has changed to Camels . . . for miUtuit and for fit tor.' Start your 30-Day Test, today in your "T-Zone." Then you'll know first-hand bow mild and fUvonomt I cigarette can be! i mi Smoke Camel i and teit them in your own "T-Zone." T (or tae, T for throat. If, at any time, you art not convinced that f.ameli are the best cigarette you evei smoked, return the packifte with the unuied Camels and we will refund its full purchase price, plui pottage. tigmtJ) R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co Winston-Salem, North Carol iaa. M How orloif... HOLLYWOOD'S MAKE-UP SECRETS eady now for you is the fresh, radiant, all-American girl look that has captured the imagination of glamorous Hollywood. The dead-pan, artificial look is gone. The new, young, vibrantly alive look is here to stay .... and with it, for you, comes bet ter skintone, more natural beauty. Come in this week and meet the "private lives" secret of Holly wood beautiful ladies .... the entire beauty line of llclaine Seagcr .... and at sensible prices tool HERE ARE BEAUTY AIDS M D E TRULY FOROU PINK l" is a "must" for both younger and older skins. Instantly stimulating .... cooling .... con ditions your skin. Applied each morn ing in just two minutes, it does ihe yoh of exppmive salon facials . . . prepares your skin for the perfect Helaine Seager make-up ... a shin ing day of glorious beauty. tnovgh lor 43 iUy focfof . . . jutt $2 "MYftTIIIY SHEEN" is the new liquid make-up which spreads with shim mering sleekness ... a truly subtle skin foundation which puts an end to old-fashioned, skin clopying heavy make-up and powder. Adds )ut right color to younger skins . . . makes older skins look younger instantly. One of its eight magic shades is just right for you. A Qnrou( ivpply .... ony $2 "LUXURY SHEEN" cream make-up for the sportswoman . . . same glori ous shades as "Mystery Sheen" . . a sunproof . . . $1.50 Alss matching rouge and lipstick oup . . . !! UpificfT 11.50 AT.SO AWAITING YOU TO HELP YOU TO LOVELINESS ARE: "White Satin" Clnr, a smooth, satiny deep pore cleanser which melts instant It upon contact with your skin . . . $1.50, $2.50 "Orate Wt4w" Skin Freshener to delight, refresh your skin . . . remove every trace of cream . . . $t " t by Seager to make those little lines melt away to a whisper . . . $150 Mi ntnna Cream (Seagers extra strength), 30,000 units to a jar . . . $3.50 faager'a Dry Skin Lotlan, smooth as white sea foam, a new skin thrill . . . i IS'HY WAIT A SINGLE HOUR FOR GREATER BEAUTY? 01 ne in loclay! FRED MEYER DRUG FRED MEYER AUTO SUPPLY Repeated by Popular Demand V2 PRICE TIRE SALE Buy one RANGER TIRE of our regular low price 600x16 $13.95 plus tax Get another tire at Vi price L OC (600x16) All sizes included. ONLY (plus tax) BATTERY PRICES REDUCED! Thrifty Power 12 mo. Guarantee AC "Group I" was $8.95 NOW 30.ff 3 Standard 18 months guarantee (A )f" "Group I" was $10.45 NOW 4U Z3 Roadmast :r JO monthc guarantee Was $14.95 NOW Above prices exchange with old bottery. $13.95 FRED MEYER VARIETY Reg. $3.98 Cafex 8 Cup Polished Aluminum Percolator $1.77 Reg. $1.69 Rubber Covered Dish Dramer. Lorge Size 99 e Rep. $2.29 Wooden Folding Clothes Drier, 35' drying surface $1.88 Reg $1.00 Sponge Rubber Chair Cushions cut to fit chair 50 C Reg. 25c Household Utility or Paring Knife . . . . s 6c Reg. 39c 80 oz. Ball Jug, Easy Pouriny Bright Decoration 17e FRED MEYER APPAREL Reg. 69c Non-Run Rayon Panty Lace trim in white, pink, yellow or blue 59 C, 2 'or 99 C Springcrest Nylon Hose 51 gauge, 15 denier, 1 ! in all the pring shades I lsj Reg. $1.65 Honeymoon Hose, 50 gauge, 15 denier "Deep Dawn". . .$1.00 FRED MEYER DRUG A Home Necessity Reg. 49c Wall Type PENCIL SHARPENER Sharpens quickly and effectively In bright plastic. SAVE 30c ONLY 19c Reg. 98c Sta-Neet Hair Trimmer Be your own barber 69 C Reg. 69c Waldorf Gloss Wax the ideal aid for house cleaning . .39c qt. Reg. $2.00 Korvo, on aid to healthy scalp and hair $1 .00 Reg. $1.98 Sun Glosses first quality army surplus 49c Reg. 9c Sweetheart Soap on lc deal g ves you 4 bars 28c Reg. 12c Sweetheart Soap on lc deal gives you 4 bors 37c Reg. $1.20, 2 bottles of Wildroot Liquid Cream Shampoo 59c NO MORE PILES We now have AMBERIN, the revolutionary ntw liquid for hemorrhoids. AMBERIN is guaranteed to give vou complete cor ection, not just tem porary relief. Used externally Clean lrt Ort fuss, no mess. Money back guarantee ) IwwU tktb MEYER BAKERY FREE- One Pint Gold Label Vanilla Ice Cream Regulor 20c pint told Label Vani.l. Ice Cream FREE with purchost of Regular 45e One Pound Loal of Old English Butter Pound Cake. Regular 65c Value, Both for 45c Treat your family to a ntw and delicious dessert WATCH FOR TUESDAY MYSTERY SPECIALS Fred Meyer 148 N LIBERTY