14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Monday, May 9, 1949 RADIO PROGRAMS Peddler of Dreams ALL PROGRAMS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME By PEGGY DERN $ Counter WHAT IS WRONG WITH VOUP prf!M-I"J I ' 1 JT .11' -m - Aavyaar HAVE YOU MUSCLES MADE J""rr ' ' li'r 'ST, v 1 I altas'Baboahla OF WHIPPED CREAM 7 ll Mt O ' MONDAY P.AA. KGW 5 KOCO r KOIN 1IH MBO 1 The end of Uielr first week & partners found uarreu ana reuc ity parked In a green meadow be side a small brook. The children were playing in the twilight. Gar rett sat on the steps with Felic ity and totaled the week's pro ceeds. - "Well, that's the sum total," he told her at last, holding out three rather grubby dollar bills and some mall change. "The vast sum of three dollars and eighty -one cents apiece. Neither of us will ever get rich that way, my girl!" "Oh. but you haven't stopped to think. She thrust the money into the pocket of her soft white shirt and rested the small pad on her knee. "Neither of us had to spend anything for parking this past week that's seven nitthts' free parking Since It cost fifty cents a night for each of us, that amount to a dollar a night, or seven dollars We've saved this week. Then the gas and oil for both cars remem ber? Between us we spent eleven dollars and forty-two cents for gas and oil. Then we led ourselves out of the nroduce we traded In for the Books and magazines, and that would amount to at least tnree dol lars a day for all of us. Whatr do you mean we won't get rich this way?" "Garret looked at her with frank respect and a dawning excitement In his eyes. "Then It wasn't such crazy idea after all," he said eagerly. "We are making a little money and our expenses. What a veil little partner you are, Fliss!" "Oh, I'm nothing special," she aid herriedly. "It's just been that --well, I've had to count pennies Thd squeeze nickels for so long (Jiat I guess It comes naturally for me to De a snarp iraaer. "It hasn't been too much fun, has It. youngster?" Garrett said un expectedly. "I mean being the sup porting parent to an oddly assorted Qrood no two of you are In the least alike." "That's because most of us had different mothers,' Felicity re minded him. ""What's your father doing now, Eelicity? I've meant to ask, but never got around to it," said Gar rett with frank curiosity. She hesitated a moment, and then Iter chin went up and there was a nt of hostility In her voice when the said crisply, "Father's resting." "Resting from what?" he demand ed curiously. -"That means that well, he's riot working at all. Theatrical peo ple always say they are Testing or 'at liberty.' Father's waiting for Just exactly the right part and then he'll do a 'comeback.' " ""I see' said Garrett, and did, quite plainly. fc Felicity looked sharply at Gar rett as though the dryness of his tone aroused her suspicions. But ire met her eyes straightly, and after a moment she said awkward ly, "Father's really a perfectly Bwell person. Very good-looking and very distinguished and with a great deal of personal charm. Women have always gone quite mad about him Re doesnt look a day over forty and always manages somethow to look very smart poor old Dad!" The last three words came on a differ ent note, breaking with pity, reveal ing to Garrett far more than she realized of the actual truth behind her brave pretense that everything was perfectly splendid with her fa ther. -Garret nodded and his eyes were warm with affection and amuse ment as he said quietly, "D'you know something, Fliss? I think you are a darned smart girl and a very fine one?' A sudden terror-stricken wail rang out from the trailer. Instant ly Felicity was on her feet and Inside the trailer. Garrett follow-1 lng her. She bent over the narrow! berth on which Ellen lay and caught the writhing, screaming child clone In her arms, giving her a little ahake that awoke her. i "Oh. Fliss Fliss." she whimper-1 ed, hiding her face against Felic ity breast. "I thought you'd gone Off and left me and I had to go back to Mrs. Hudglns.' -"Don be silly, darling. Felic Jry soothed her, holding her close, rocking her a little. "You're never going to see Mrs. Hudgins again R2816 1 1 and I'm never going to leave you never, ao you near?'' "Yes, Fliss," said Ellen, and tried to smile through her tears. When Ellen's eyes closed Gar rett and Felicity stood once more on the trailer steps In the moon- suvered night and Felicity said quieny, -jjo you oegin to under stand why I hung Ellen around my neck' even though she Is not really a part of my own family?" aui mis Huagins wny is she so terrified of Mrs. Hudgins?" Her mother put her to board with Mrs. Hudgins when she was two and Mrs. Hudgins seems to have been quite a character. She seems to have had some rather original Ideas about punishment such as pouring boiling water on children who skated in front of her house " "Oh, good Lord no 1 " Garrett was shocked. "It doesn't sound possible, does it?" agreed Felicity. "I haven't dared question Eilen much about what her life there was like. When I first brought her home, any men tio nof Mrs. Hudgins sent her into hysterics. She's get'.lng better now. I am hoping that Florida will well, make her sound and health and normal." Garrett studied her for a moment and then he said gently. "Did say you were a very swell person. russr mat goes double now." Unexpectedly he caught her hand, raised It to his lips and kiss ed it. And then, without another word, he turned and went off to his own trailer, leaving Felicity to stand breathless, staring after him. to Be continued) 2578 SIZES J I Dresses for Daughter Two crisp frocks to add to daughter's cotton crop No. 3578 is a simulated bolero dress with pleat detail in front plus a matching bonnet. No. 2914 is a basque style with butterfly or puff sleeves. (Two separate pat terns). No. 2578 Li cut in sizes 2. 4. 6. and 8. Size 4 dress and bonnet, 2 yds. 35 -In. No. 2914 Is cut In sizes 2. 4, 6, and Size 4, 1 yds. 35-in. Send 2.Sc tor PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State Size desired. PATTKRN No. K2H16 Father's Day It won't be difficult i to coax father to cook either in the kitchen or out-of-doors if you make i nun this snappy chefs outfit. Use loiue aenim lor the embrotrtrrv-fitr ,ured apron and hnndy hot-mitten and fine white percale for the chef's hat. Pattern Envelope No. R3fllfl con tains hot-iron transfer for design material requirements, cutting charts and sewing and embroidering I insiruciions, To obtain this pattern send 2oc in COINS, giving pattern numbei your name, address and tone num bei to Petigy Roberts Capital Jour ntu 8:8 Mission Street San Fran cisco 3. Calif inc.. ym pj j 1 in iipn 1 WILL YOU OQIVE US CHJTV SgT LOv I (fefc- TO THE LAKE T'TRV OUT UH I f Jll Xl THE BlRCHSACS CANOE . (V i bAi ws Gf ? WE'VE MADE? ITS TOO FAR 1 . -KEhILy n f' ' - -J f vou y vou BET-Twr'N f n- was reallv V but weve got -to Rl :." O ' TH-FASM WORKieeOW-SIWir- TVCV WOMT I GOT TH6 I WAS A GREAT ) VOOR IDEA. MME THIN4 Bg AND PLAN H f. B HEW MACHreSY HIRED MAN J MISS US FOR I ' MAGIC I IDEA VOU HAD. I AHUNOREt MLLIOM BIG, TOO-HOW WO JM V " TO RUN IT-NEW FENCES- A LITTUs I L WHISTLE? J LlSSfl ) TO HEU ORPHANS- SPEND MONEV IS TK M U :S I fWUO SAID AMVA I I WELI.0 AMBV1 WEAR YOU "THAT KITTV GL0SS0P5 GOT 1 1 1 AIMT NEVER DONE rcwTl -S THIN 'SOOTA. ) AND ROSETTA STONE ARE MORE NOSE TROUBLE THAN AMYTUWG TO HURT A Li ' Z WuiilJiXiWEOOETS -ls LOOWNS FORFURNlTUReJ S-I A. ALLERGIST SOUL IN THIS TOWN ANOW C T Cf0Ji, nr S SnLtTHEVAUWANTMer3- u pFF,MR.POrrOR WHISTLE, VERV HAPPVly XpO, JO 6ET MARRIED X J I TH' FIRST FAINT FEEBLE V .r.r- ) mmmm - 1 yOWO Ot)ni - , I MOON IS A-FALLISJ RF.MIMDS . flV -tSTZTTOo .SUV,""1. .' L BUT, IT HAITsmOTO WONDER ' i.t'7 ''' oi .ktSLftn ViX$ 'WvV " ' " . 'Nurr VET, T' AFFECT XWHAR K. - KW I WIUYOKOM.'iP J, "x- I HEV WHOS IN THERE? !T JUST ME POP' f EVERVTIME I DRAW T FIVE MINUTES AGO I j WAS TRVIN' TO TELL . . I WAS JUST GONNA I'M PLAVlN'j A TUB OP WATERyoil I TOLD VOU TO GET f .iCCMlVI! B. I VOU I POP.' - I SOT r M TAKE Atg-rti- WITH MV WANT TO PLAY NAVV.' OUT WITrt THOSE I CV' J SUBMARINES IN ) f P0R6Er IT, EVA. I IlOO,EVA.I SAV PR.CASE LAST Tip VOU KNOW IL1 UemTdT TO k?e3 S, X I KNOW YOU WERE NI6MT, ANP HE TOLP ME ABOUT I THAT MUCH VOU ff IT Jtz? , fUSjl , ZV M BILL, I'VE 60T TOTALS TO ON A SPOT. COME BROTHER ANPWWROAL.WWPON MAYAS WEIL 2,E ""lLfr "Ejm R KXI ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED ) ON-TAkE A LHTLE VOU LET WE HELP VOU ? J-S KNOH THE REST.. TF?2?!J ANP ASHAMED.. yfs. "Z. ftTOi. FTT BROTHER INTO PLAVIN6 IM HERE-y I KNOW A WAV QJ s r-irxrr-- w-4f?,'f I toe hoik anp holds "-gili FOR OU.' i bx i I ii 1 1 n nn i n n I Jliill! , I ' HBF P J T SHINE . - SHINE . U kij ijm- s pgsr czrQ I 3 I I I I 2 I ... . aMaa . . ' 1 " ' --t-- , , - I YOUR MOTHER AND VOURNtW Ji-lAAiil I WHAT ARE VOU TAIKIN6V C0Mt 5E.!..VADIt HfSv Tiff "MTT : ',. PADCVHAOIOOM0FORWAR0T0 HOWE il ? A80UT,CHILDf r-r ,ANT 5I6N--DONN f 1 4l4r:air-tll Pt ITTiTMl" HAVING THE NORMAN 5IMIW F0N0T tMm, L . FIND 01D ONE THAT C J P3 M NEI6HfOR.DoNN!..THEVUM AUNT MA'Y.1 V-kTN FAU DOWN--PUT IT '- 1 1 fil ? 5 IhEV V V3L " DMPPOINTEOTOCOMEHOMtri'fuViSF VS-Vv -VJ IN VAWE'5 YARD' fT "XMtf I fll'4-R il i Tift tf- ''P KSLM 5Mt liNrBM MU1 CckUH ! Jn Emm MuiIii :1ft liHnu M !! CcklU RstrlkM ) IWalab M Cspl Hltaltkl V1m f rimttM BIbi CrMbv VM Uaallar :u ri mi vic f rif siw grt r wwi 4 Usvkrltl BMltw TlthM Bur CH4llUht lUdl Thlra ;lft New TUtaM Bmmt Bllvu Kftdl Thcstra fl i riihlai Dr. I Q Nvb Kdl Thtr J:U ruhla wlhii pr. I Q W k tm Byrtt Bdl Ttwtr 7: AsitrfoM FaniM Cutl4 Bmmt liar' I VtU Mr FrUnd IrMft :1ft ! lbs Alt CntnUd ir Cmtant lnvadtr ur mnd Irn :M CiM Ktd rilla t nM T Band Bk Hawk 8 ha iU Cl Kid ftfl.W Cblldrasi Ta Band Bab Hawk Shaw A H Lai Oaaria Da II flap par Clab Baxball Law til Thy"" tJ:lft Lai Gaaraa Da II Nawa at WarU BaadsUad j,k SaiUh Shaw JM itbarlacb Balaaa Cavalcada al Daraat Dapw Talaal ftcaaU gbtrlath Halaiaa Aurlta Baiaball Tlnt gcaata 9:tt Nawi nam Haarad Baaaball Flva Star Final ' Ew r.rt 'lFl Inaer B.e. : rar Yar Bl, St.rr Baaaball Saa Smntt9m Praal Bli Blair Baiaball Nitht Edilar J1T" . w . Masieal Madtrttl Track MM Oreha.lrft "' Ntwsrapl B.ln QB.rtrt Track IIW n:00 Under Arrest Trak I4M -:1S Under Arraal Track MM :W Mnsla Track MN Lannj Basa Track Utto Sin Off sun Off SIid Off ftllcnl TUESDAY 6 A.M. "we Ncwa KOIN Klook News Clock Watcher News March TIsm Tbe Old ni Newa 5J Newa Fred Bcek Fred Waring Tei Rtlter Consumer New Brcakfasl Ganc rred Warlat New- Spuria Art Baker Breakfast Gang Jk Barcb Top - elarnini Robert Lewis lop Irades Tommy DifHf Newa Robert Law la Bargain Canntar Tammy Darter Harenvl ftetl Fcalar 8lrf Victor Llndlahr tommy Dorsey Uaeen el Real Newa ma el rteaecre Tammr Doner Weelero Ballads Grand Slam Mnsla Ncwe Western Ballads Rosemary Northwest Ncwa Boston Symphony Chare in Wild- Wendy Warren KaW Smith Boston Symphony Vocal Varieties Aunt Jenny Paster's Can Build ra of Ore Nasi Wltbaal Helen Trent Charlie Splrak Brighter Day Wards Oar Gal Bandar Newa Daabla t Coffee Cap BirSlster Three Sena N'elhh N.W. Report Ma Perklaa Wiles OraanaL Tadar'a Children Rhapaedy Rhythm Dr. Malono Welti Serenade Ughl al WorW Rhapsody Rhythm Guiding Light Ladles First News Glass Wai Dancaa McLeeaT Ladles First 3da Perkins Glass Wax Come Get 11 Qaeen for n Dar Pepper Voang Glaas Wai Norab Drake Qaeen for a Par To Happiness Glass Wag Makes Yon Tick Top Trade Backstau i Wife Everybody' Ideas SnV Mrs. Barton, Newe Stella Dallas Organ Mood Perry Mason Northwest New Lereasa Jane New pt O'Brien Shew Boo E scrip Shew Wldder Brown Ted Dal Presents Newspaper of Air JT1 ... OIH Hollywood Hasla Hint Hat l!" " Por' Hint Heat Tell Neighbor Jm( ,.,. BIU titan t I'-hcri Winn T,kt Al, S"'" Frant Pag Faiorltr. Newspaper of Air Against the Storm Read al Ufa Off the Shelf Tnnefnlly y.-re galnsl the Storm Lara Lawton Oft the Shelf Tanefnllr Years Acres Footlights Aanl Mary Mect tng mim Across Footlights Lore Lcara Off the Shelf Mect tBB mjm,, Happy Gang Woman's Secret Classic Arthar Godfrey Happy Gang Life Beaatlfnl Classics Arthar Godfrey Sengs of Time Dardanelle Trio Day Dream Maslc Arthar Godfrer Ncwa More Oat at Life Dar Dream Masla Arthar Godfrey Pelt on Lewie. Jr. Woman' Secret Women' Pag Herb Rbrlner Hemingway Today's Children Philosopher Tbe Little Shaw Passing Farad The Sannr Sid Spotlight Masl Clab 1ft Newa Ncwa Spolllibt Masle Ed. R. Marrow DIAL LISTINGS: KEJL 1190; KOAC, tS Monday T. M. 5:0i, Keeping Vp l b A wub Spertsi S:1B, Home Edi tion! S:JO. Challenge at Taheni Ed win C. Hilli I:1S Elmer Datls; :, Mr. President; 7:00, Lone Rangeri IM, Dream Girl; 7:5, Arthar Gnethi Railroad Heart S:M, 811a Ma Morse i S;. Henry J. Taylor t t:tb, Richfield Reporter i 9:S0, Concert Hoar; lt:t. Memo to Tomor rowt 11:0, Xlra Bonn lt:00. Sign Off. ICV Taesday A. M. ta :4B P. M. IV C A ft:M, Early Blrdi K:45, Eddie Ar nold! :00, McCaU New; Tim Tem- ift BnSvrt'a Almanac i :5. Time Tcmpasi 7:00, Myrt Margei mo, mania Atroniky; 7:30. Easy Aeesi 7:15, Zeke Maatners; 8:00, Breakfast Club, 0:00, Newsi 9:15, Stars of Todari 9:0, Kay Kyser; 10:00, Ted Malonei 10:111, Galen Drake i 10:30. My Trae Story; 11:00, Betty Croekert 11:15, Newsi 11:U, Banknote Talking) 11:4.1, Clab Time; 11:00. North westerner! It: SO, Kay West; 1:00, Breakfast In Holly wood; 1:30. Musically Years; t:Q. Sarprlse The first use of glass in win dows is believed to have taken ACROSS t So. American Indiana i. Past tin 8. Came to ether It. Skill 13. Avid 14. Hum mint bird 11. Dealer In clotha IT. Consider thoughtfully 18. Kfns at th 82. Grandchild: Scotch II. Indian mu berry 84, Indefinite amount Is Alternative 86. Lcsjat aitre- menti 89. Hurry 40. Tia 41. Took n seat 42. Cushions 43. Flap 45. Gentle heal 47. Raised srolden touch 60. Steering. Zl. Greek latter device 31. Without U Rowing Im plement 14. Ar.f-.tlc country 15. Australian bird IT Twisted chart; 14. Rncora J. Snare 29. Flowed 80. Students building a Z!$:ZZ 33 a j w w f J W TS Si S1 T1 ROOM AND BOARD 7 YES, AAV DONTTGLLAAE WUEM WE ROWPED AS f GOOD AAAN-fV THIS HANDSOM6 f CHILDREN, HXI WERE 7 1 AMW-CANl H AMD DK3NIPIED M AND I WAS 9 -WWILE f'A I BE Of '( GEr4TLEM,N IS JUST Z YEARS OLDER. OU V SPRVlCE 7 V MY NEfH6w )V REGARDED ME WTTW AWE" VI 7 WMOMlUSEDTO I'M MDUR UNCL6 -ir ( . KNOW AS ) VvOLFGANKS S IT CM TO 4:45 P.M. iwnw i,!, i:Wi MirrFB0Ilt CBfc :M, Newsi :Ift, Dinner Melodies) :, Mnsla af Csee hasla akat 7:18, Ercnlnc Farm Hoar; S:00, Sports time; ft :1ft. Cam png Recital i 8:43, World In Review t P:0i, Mnsla That En da rest 8:1ft, Medltatlansi 10:H, Sign Off. IHAf raeenat am. t r VMW 0 Newsi iB:ift. to 4 ift p.m.t For Womoni 10:M, Psychology af Family i 11:00, Ore. gen School af lb Alri 11:15, Concert Halli ll;t. Newsi lt:lo. Noon Farm oar i 1:00, Rid 'em Cowboy i 1:1ft, Ore gon School af the Air; 1:. Malady Lane I 1:48, Tb World U Oar Affair; S:S0, Books 1:45, Oregon School af tb Alri I: Of, Newa. Package) t:, Bride and Groom; 8:08, Welcome Travelers; S:M, Art Llnklettert 4:00, Baalrrel Cage; 4:10, Sky King. place about the beginning of the Christian era. Solution f Saturday's Puzxib II. To piece II. Clear oroflt DOWN 1 Roan about I 8lo I. Part of a flower 4. Sow I. Conic aertlon C Kinaj of Bashaa 7. Ribbed fabric . Jok I. Dark-colored and atrona 10. Mother of mankind It. River In North Carolina 1. Denser! 1. Fpruca 30. Title of reapact 22 Prea 31. Synthetic fabric 11. One who talk suotr ficially 17. Any plant of the arum family I. Funeral pllea 10. Patriotic p-o- rfety: abbr. 31. Office hold era 1ft. Oil of rose petcta 37. Puhlie offlcar n. Feline 3. Set 42. I.reiima 44. Genu of tb beet 4. Golf itrok 47. Tier 4. Auricle 49. Small candlo M. ITncle: Scotch t2. Groova 66. Collec degTM By Gent Ahern rjlLflMf flLlAlulRlA "g""' llLj Oil C N DOW AIR CjoM A L O N Cjitl sTt e Mjp l e Qr"e a p CiMr "HBTl 5 Pik ElPpJB CiB mTCJ rT AllalAifig a Mjpl yIeIllThr c Tin peer laimjA JX iBlN T O i iv o r y a i ul1t A W SjT C C E R EE I A P t MiElRiEiaUETTiAULlelp