Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 07, 1949, Page 11, Image 9

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( Kid Prodigy, 5, Leaves
Solons, Reporters Gasping
Wiihington W.PJ The kid was shall we ny-Intormtl.
There he was n a little blue suit with the pants legs way
above the knees. White shoes and bobby sox. No tie.
Schafer Heads
Health Group
A. C. Schafer, personnel direc
tor for the Western Paper Con
verting company, was elected
president of the Marion County
Tuberculosis and Health associ
ation during Friday night's an
nual dinner meeting of the or
ganization. Others elected to office were:
Dr. Wolcott E. Buren, first vice
president; Mrs. Cletus Butsch,
Mt. Angel, second vice presi
dent; L. R. Fisher, treasurer;
Miss Betty Elof son, recording
lecretary; Rev. George H. Swift,
member of the board of direc
tors. Dr. Grover C. Bellinger, sup
erintendent of the state tubercu
losis hospital, discussed "What
lo Do Now in Tuberculosis.'
The annual report of the asso
ciation Indicates that the organ
ization Is in good financial con
dition. A bank balance as of
N April 1 of $14,691 was reported
- while $14,583 is invested in U.
S. bonds. The seal sale of last
year brought in $19,142 while
' disbursements for the fiscal year
were $18,378. The state and na
tional tuberculosis associations'
share of the seal sale amounted
lo $4,784.
During the year 7101 free
chest X-rays were taken. Of this
number 6380 negative films were
found, while 204 others required
further study. There were 96
cases of tuberculosis diagnosed
while nine deaths from the dis-
tase were reported.
Clinic Next Week
A clinic for crippled children
will be held at the First Con
gregational church from 9 a.m.
to noon and from 1 to 4 p.m..
Wednesday and Thursday ac
cording to the weekly activity
schedule of the Marion county
department of health. Attend
ance at the clinic is by appoint
ment only.
The schedule for the week in
cludes: Monday: Immunizations for
children at health department,
10 a.m.-noon and 3-5 p.m.
Wednesday: Crippled chil
dren's clinic; fluoroscopic clinic
at Salem Memorial hospital, by
appointment, 1-2 p.m.
Thursday: Well baby confer
ence at health department by
appointment; Crippled children's
Friday: Child guidance clinic
conducted by Dr. H. A. Dickel
and Dr. Robert A. Coen, by ap
pointment, 9 a.m.-noon and 1-4
p.m.; immunizations for adults
and children at health depart
ment, 10 a.m.-noon and 3-5 p.m.;
food and milk handlers tests,
8-4:30 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m.
Saturday: Immunizations for
children, adults at health de
partment, 8:30 a.m.-ll:30 a.m.
Wickens Services
In Portland
Funeral services will be held
in Portland at the Edward Hol-
man and Son chapel at 2610
S. E. Hawthorne street, Monday
afternoon at 1 o clock for Clar
ence W. Wickens, who died at a
local hospital Friday after an
illness of about a year. Inter
ment is to be ill Lincoln Mem
orial park in Portland.
wickens, a salesman and a
resident for the past three years.
coming here from Portland, is
a late resident of 1976 Fair
mont Avenue. He was born t
Frankfort, N. Y., June 1, 1891.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
V. Grace Wickens of Salem; his
b mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wickens
oi uuca, N. Y., and a stepson,
Willis C. Clark, of Salem.
At the end of 1947 more
than three million annuity con
tracts were in force with Unit
ed States life Insurance com
Jerard Jennings of Norwalk
Conn., aged live, was a child
prodigy If I ever saw one. Sure,
he plays Chopin, Bach and the
others on the piano. He beats
the dickens out of a snare drum.
He plays the xylophone and can
begin from the fourth line and
run through Abe Lincoln's
Gettysburg Address."
Jerry gives no quarter and
asks none.
There we were, all of us po
lite reporters and photogra
phers, In the district committee
room In the senate wing of the
capitol. A clerk came in, ad
justed his tie and said in a loud
voice that there had been a mis
take. An Important committee
was, about to sit down.
Our five-year-old announced
in a high squeaky voice that if
anybody was about to sit down
it would be Jerard Jennings.
The clerk caught a dropping
Jaw while the brown-haired,
brown-eyed young man sat
down and started into some
thing stirring from Mozart.
The cameras clicked and the
young man stopped.
"You got me from the wrong
side," he said. "Move over here
where you can see my right
The lensmen, who take few
orders even from the boss or
host turned their attention to
that tiny right hand as the
young man tore Into one of
Chopin's most difficult num
bers. The clerk, who had been sent
In to clear the room, looked a
little helpless, but Interested.
Leaning over the piano, get
ting their profiles recorded for
posterity for the promotion of
national Music week were
three senators. Jerry, ruffling
his crew haircut with each ges
ture, didn't pull his punches.
The first senator happened to
be from his home town Brien
McMahon of Norwalk.
"Hi, Brien," he said. "Nice to
see you."
Brien said he thought It was
nice, too.
"What's your first name," he
said, turning to Sen. Kefauver
of Tennessee.
"Estes," said the gentleman
from Tennessee.
"Hi, Estes," he said.
"And you," he asked, turning
to a mustached gentleman.
What s your front name?
"Wayne," said the man.
It was Sen. Wayne Morse of
Oregon who has three daugh
tcrs and is not used to handling
small boys.
The clerk finally managed to"
drive us out of the committee
room. (Jerry, according to the
child labor laws, can t touch
key In the district. Not for
dough, anyhow.) So the meet
ing adjourned to the Sutler ho
tel. There he played a little long
hair and a little boogie-woogie.
He also showed off by rattling
off the names of the United Na
tions, which no reporter In the
room could name. He told us
the leadings Industries of every
state In the union. He named
the presidents from Washington
on down thereby sending the
old-timers, even, to the world
almanac to check his facts.
They were correct
"What do you want to be
when you grow up?" I asked
"If I can't be a Hon tamer,"
he sold, "I want to be a cowboy.
Anything but a reporter. They're
too dumb."
Mrs, Brown Hostess
Turner Mrs. L. Brown was
hostess for the Turner Sunshine
clum. Members present were
Madames Rose, Bones, Holt,
Chesley, Brower, Hogsed, Wal
ler, Keene and Coville. Several
children were present.
Refrigeration Man
eiperirncrd In DottiMlle, Com
mercial and ReverM Cycle Heat
inf and Cllnf. Wage. tl.n.
al. Comidcr anything. Write 741
N, Roisell St. Portland, Oregon.
r fi "45
Few Changes
On Stock Mart
New York, May 7 Vfl Sup
ply and demand were in close
balance in a sleepy stock mar
ket today.
Prices changes were mostly
in minor fractions and gains
and losses well balanced.
Turnover was at the rate of
around 300,000 shares for the
two hours.
News reports scarcely grazed
the surface of the market. Even
those Issues directly affected by
current developments showed
little response.
Corporate bonds moved nar
rowly. STOCKS
.By tnt Asoclaud newt
American Can
An Pom ft U
km rei rei .
Bendia Arta'top. .,,,
Beth Sttai
Boelnt Atrjvana
GalK facfclni
Canadian Peeifll
Cut J I
Com with Bog
Com 7uita
Continents, Can
Crown ieiieroerb
Curilaa writnt
Deutles aircraft ,
Dupont dt Nm
Oenera) Error Me
General rowda
Oeneral Motor
Qoodjtar T.ri
tnt Hervaetar
tnt Paper
Llbbr Uclt fc I
lone Br II A"
Ilonuomery Ward
Naab He Ulnar or
Nat Dairy
NT Central
Northern Pacifl ,
Par Am fan
taa Ou k fit
Paa Ta) lal
IHnney J O
Madia Corp
fUyonttr .
Re router Pfd
He molds Miali
Hi ah fit Id ,
fewer More
Bara Rneburk
leathern Parlflf
tteadard on Ca
ftidebaker Co'i
wnablne Utntm
obim -Heine
Union Oil Ca
Onltod tlf.nw
B Mewl
Waraef aire t
WMtworth . .
. 46 ;
. 4 3 i
. S3
. US
, ll'i
Turner Unit Elects
Turner Mrs. Frank Scham-
pierre heads the extension unit
with Mrs. Lloyd Jarman as vice
president and Mrs. Helen Saw
yer as secretary. The next
meeting is with Mrs. Francis
Portland Grain
Portland. May 1 Wneat (uturu net
Cajb wheat bM: Soft white t il; aoft
white (oichidlnt rem 3.31; wblto club
3.21: wuteern red 3.21.
Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.31:
pf. cent 3. 31; 11 percent 3,35; 13 percent
Today 'a car receipt! : Wheat 133; barlay
; i ion r 1 ; corn s ; ni mi eeo 11.
1225 Cross
Sovt 15 to 25 on Insurance covering loss or
damage to your automobile through GENERAL
Customer parking
373 N. Church 8t.
Dallas Excavators, shown above, are at work on the new
reservoir for the city water supply. It will be an addition
to the present two small reservoirs. The work is being done by
F. B. Miller & Co. of Eugene at contract price of $117,986. A
contract for the pipe from the reservoir to the downtown
district is held by Salem Sand & Gravel company at $10,748.
High School Mothers
Are Guest for Tea
Silverton One hundred and
fifty mothers of high school stu
dents and personal friends were
entertained in a program tea at
the little theatre and the home
economic rooms of the senior
high school, with the members
of the high school Girls' League
as hostesses. Miss Joyce Polk
is Girls League president. The
Mother's Day tea Is an annual
school social affair.
Each girl hostess presented
her mother with a corsage,
Co-ops to Meet
In Salem
One of a series of "stock-tak
ing" conferences between coop
erative leaders and members,
the Agricultural Coperative
Council of Oregon, and the
Spokane Bank for Cooperatives
will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m.
in the Veterans of Foreign
Wars hall at 6:30 Hood street.
R. A. Ward, general manager of
the Pacific Wool Growers and
member of the executive com
mittee of the National Council
of Farmer Cooperatives, will act
as chairman.
A similar conference is being
held at Eugene on May 9, at
which E. A. McComack will pre
The purpose of the get-togeth
er is to pool the experience
problems and judgment of di
rectors, manager and members
of Oregon cooperatives and
their agencies, and to plan their
operations under the present
conditions of rapid change and
adjustments in the business pic
Silverton Minister
Heads Rotary Club
silverton Rev. Ben t . Brown
ing of the local Methodist pas
torate, was elected president of
the Rotary club at the week's
noon luncheon program at
Toneys. Assisting officers are
Henry Pritzlaff, vice president;
Herman Goschie, secretary; Al
fred Adams, treasurer; and Ted
Rutherford and Al Tippner, di
rectors. Sales of products and servi
ces through vending machines
in 1948 in the U. S. were esti
mated at about $750,000,000,
CI! Kit C Beautiful Oversit
riLfV.? JUMBO Prints
Roll Developed
8 Jumbo Prints aiaJC
Extra Print It reprints 4e each
Free Mailing Bags on Request
Parelte. Idaho
Windows make all the
difference in a home's ap
pearance and comfortl
Let us tell you of the many
good looking, dependably
working types we make.
Same time, let's go over
your other Mill Work
needs. We can tell you
much about Mill Work that
may help you and, perhaps,
ease the purse strain.
Ph. 3-5953
at our new location.
Phone 3-911
Grains Slump,
Lose Early Gain
Chicago, May 7 Grains
slumped toward the close on the
board of trade today, giving up
gaines scored in early dealings.
Some of the selling represented
evening-up operations by local
traders prior to the week-end.
May wheat again acted firm
er than the rest of the market,
pushing to a new high for the
week in early dealings. At that
point, however,- a large south
western commission house sold
a iair quantity of these contracts
and the price declined.
Dealings in other commodi
ties were without much feautre,
although considerable short-
covering was noted in the May
soybean delivery in early trad
Wheat closed 2 to 2H lower,
May $2.2Hi-$2.22, corn was
Hi ower, May $1.32-V. oats
were lM to 1 cent lower.
G.tfrlcd Scbl.r
OotfrlMl Schliv. at the Mjiklfne. .1
oute T, boi ISO. B.ltm. Mtr 6. Survlv.d
or wlft. Hn. Rom Schl.t of Atlem: son.
Ptul Schlat of Salem and Gen. aehlaf
with th U-8. navr: a dauxhtar. Mra. John
Bennett of Philomath: mother, Mra. Car
otin. Schlat of Salem; four brothara.
Manual Schlaa. David Bchlaa. Ban Bchlac
and John flchlai, all of Salem; aix ala.
tera. Mra. Chrlat Watnar and Mra. A. O.
Keraehner. both of Salem. Mra. Albert
Enalund of Seaalde, Mra. Lloyd Schaeffer
of Myrtle Creek, Oregon: Mra. Leonard
Banlck of Albany and Mra. Ben Wlpper
of Turner: and two grandchildren. An.
r-uineement of aervlcea later by Clouth-
Barrlck eompany.
Jmn Tuntata
Joan Tuntata, lata reaident of Ills
South 13th atreet, at a local hoepHet,
May f, at (he aae of II yeara. Survived
ly parenla, Mr. and Mra. A C. Tuntata
of Salem; brothera, Donald Tuntata of
Mlnnoapolla Minn Richard Tunaate of
Salem; alatera. Mra. a. O. Kelao of 8a
lem. Mra. S. A. Romano of Hoboken. N.
J., Mlaa Colleen runtate, Mfaa Jean Tun
tate, Mlaa Bernadette Tunaate and Mlaa
Datla Brlh Tunaate of Salem; and grand
It is time
to check
on your FIRE
Have Jon cheeked sip Um repla-utimcnt coat
of yoar dwelling end hoovehald Sjood,?
Are jom earr-rlng entnggh protection in eaee
of loss? Ores-on M alval Fire IfMaranca
Company can mtc Jon am to 20.
Scellars, Foley & Rising, Inc.
143 S. Libarty St. Phono 2-4143
Don't forget, folks, tonight ond Sunday the horsa
show out at the Fairgrounds Stadium. The Willam
ette Valley Horsemen's Association, the Oregon
Mounted Police ond the Solem Saddle Club three
big shows in one and for one price. Talking about
horse shows reminds me of that new shipment of
sterling silver western belt buckle sets, wristwatch
bands for both men and women, hot bands, sterling
western pins for ladies yes, and diamond set ster
ling spur earrings. Now folks, there is something
real clossy. In case you folks want to make a few
side bets on the show or semember her or him with a
special gift Jut think of Holly Jackson (pardon me
ogoin for using my name) and my large stock of
western jewelry.
P. S. -If you go so far cs to consider being roped
for life, we con supply tha diamond studded lasso
(engagement ring to you) for that, too.
22S No.
Just Around the
mother. Urc. tenor Tutu T Vattl
Creek, alien. Member tl at Joieph'i Cath
olic church. Announcement of aervku lat
r br 'he HowelM4warda chapel.
Claudia Bath Ledierwood
In thii city May I. Claudia Ruth Lod
ferwood, lal raaldant of Butane, at the
ae 01 one year, uauanicr 01 Mr. ana
Mro. Raymond Lode r wood of Butane, and
tatter of Danny Ledeerwood of Kuaene.
OraveJlde teretcea will be held Saturday.
May 1. at 1:30 p.m. at Belereat Memor
ial park under the d:reetlon of the W. T.
Rlidon oompany with Irt Rev. Louu
Kir by off le latins.
Mr. Bobarl L. Hert
In thu city May 4. Mrs. Robert L. Hart,
latt yealdent of 193 Bhlpplnc at. Survlred
oy a daughter Muu Deena Hart of Salem;
and a 'jrotner. A. D. Fie her of Salem.
Aemcea will be held Monday. May t, at
1:3 am. In the W. T. Rtsdon chapel
with aoncludinf aervlcec In Belcreat Mem
orial park. Rev. Dudley Strain will offi
ciate. Cbarlee C. Bophloa
Cnarlea C. Hopltiru. let retldcnt of 111
Ohemeketa atroat, May ft, at the tie of II
year. Announcement of atrvlce later by
Ciouan-Barrlck company.
Albert Owen
In thu city May I. Albert Owen, late
ft 'dent of 91 Eut Park atreet. Burvlved
b bis wife, Petri Owen of Salem; dauah
tr, Mra. Mary Hatuon of Pendleton: ion
0rry W Owen of Salem and John W.
iwen of Doiph: and eUttrt, Mra. Neat
Barbour of ScotU Bluff, Rtb.. Mra. T.
t Akera and MUa Lillian Owen, both of
Seaside. AUo aurvlvrd by elcht arandeMld
lien. Member of Chemeket lodta No. 1
IOCP, and BPO nka No. 336. Service j
wiU be held at the W. T. Rlidon chapel
Monday. May t. at 1:10 p m. with con
cluding aervleej at Btlerett Memorial
patk. Rev. Oeorg H. Swift will officiate.
Rituallatle Mrvlcaa at the travaalde no
dor tno auspices of BPO Blka No. 331.
Mra. Blva B. Bate
Mr. Klva, R btet. at th reildenrw at
.Flf State atreet. May 1. Burvlved by a
brother. Jamea H. Herren of Salem and
several niecee and nephews. Bervlces will
be held In the Clouah-Barrick chapel Mon
day, May 0, at 1:10 p.m. with Rev.
Harold Lyman officiating. Interment In
the cry yy cemetTy.
NHtla Meran NcIim
Woodburn Nttle Moras Nelson. 15, at
a Portland hospital May 4. Rwldent of
Monitor for put 1) yeara. Member of the
Seventh Day Advent Ut church at Mont
tor. Survived by huaband. Han Melaon
of Monitor; aon. Dr. Carl F. Moran of
Orcua bland. Waih.: dauthter. Er villa
Lew la of Vallelo, Calif.; a etcp-dauihw.
Ktner srennan or suverton; one atep-
, Oacle Nelson of Portland, and three
attp-aona In California: four brothera In
lewa and a auter In Mlnnetota. Bervlcea
1U be held Monday, Mar l. at 3 p.m.
at the Rlnao chapel, Woodburn, with
Ray. N. K. Ira ton officiating, Intermint
la Bella Paaal cemetery.
Clarence W. Wlekena
PortlandClarence W. Wickens. late
resident of 1010 Falrmount street, Salem.
at Salem nospltal May 0. Burvlved by
wife, Mrs. V. Orace Wlekena of Salem.
hU mother. Mrs. Elisabeth Wickens of
Utfce. M.T.: and a step-son, Willis C.
Clark of Salem. Bervlces will be held at
the Edward Hoi man and Bon chapel at
3910 BE Hawthorne street, Monday, May
0, at 1 p.m. Interment In Lincoln Memor
ial park, Portland.
No. H7
Ta tht Circuit Court of trie Btat4 of Ore
ion, for tht County of Marlon. Probate
Department. In tha matter of tha estate
of Ole T. BtoraaslL deceased.
notice is hereby atven that the under-
sltned has been appointed administrator,
sia, vi tnaj mute or. uie r. Bioraasii, ae
ceajed. by the Circuit Court of the Slate
of Oreton, for Marlon County, and has
0.1-tufted. All persons havlnt claims
atalnst said estate art hereby notified
to present the same to me at the office
Featuring Crant and
Standard Fixtures
Call 3-8555
Salem Heating &
Sheet Metal Co.
1085 Broadway
Liberty St.
Corner from Sally's
Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon,
of Dm Capital Journal, Saleaa, Ores on.
with vouoharo and duly verified, within
i months from th dat hereof.
Dei of ft rat publication May t, 119.
Dat of last publication Juno 4, llt9.
Edwin 11. Lewlj, Attorney.
May t. 14. 31. 31: June 4.
NOTICE b htrtby aivtn that tha undar
alanad hu ttl4 In tha Clreutt Court af
tn Stat Oraton lor ttii couniv a
alarton, Probata Dapaitmant, bar dub
vtr.Iltd Pinal Arunt u Bxacutrti I
tha aatat mi Julia E. Blodaatt, dtctaiad.
an1 that tat-d Court haj fltd Monday.
MUi dar of Juna, 1MB. at tha hour
of tO M o'clock A. U. of aatd day aa tha
time, and tha Otreult Court Room In tha
County Court Houaa in Saltm. Uarlon
County. Oraon aa tha nlaea for haarini
aid Final Account and alt oftjtctioiu
Datd at aUa. Oraion. thla 1th day
of May, itta.
Bxcutrlt of tha aatala f
Julia B. Blodittt. dacaaaad.
Ronald C. Olovtr, Attorney
lor nacuinx.
Balaa. Oraton.
May T 14 SI M; Juna 4
Notice hrtby ti yiven that the com
or. council of the city of Salem, Ore.
ton daema It ntceuary and expedient
and ncreoy deeiarea iu purpoae and in'
tendon to Improve West Nob Hill atreet
fiom tha north line of Hon atreet to
he .outh lino of Fawk avenue, in the
ciiy oi naiem, Marion county, oreton,
the eipenao of tha abutllni and adla
cent property, by brlnalni aald portion
oi aid atreet to the aatablUhed trade.
conitrtk-tlni cement concrete curbs, and
pavini aald portion of aatd atreet with
a 3'e Inch asphalt le concrete pavement
24 feat wide in accordance with the plant
and apeetfkattoru therefor which were
adopted by the common council April
35 lite whlco are now on file la the
office o tha city recorder and which
or tun reference thereto are made
part hereof.
The common council ' hereby declares
. purpose and Intention to make the
above described improvement by and
trtroueh the street improvement depart
By order of tha Common Council April
la mi.
City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof la
Prll II, If 19.
Capital Journal April 31, 31, 31, May
3. 4, I, I. T. t, 10th.
Notlco hereby liven that tha com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore-
deems It necssary and einediant
and hereby declares Its purpose and In
tentton to Improve North Twenty-second
street from the north lino of "D" street
to the If ortn line of Nebraska avanue, In
th city of Salem. Marlon county, Ore
con, at the eipense of tha abuttlnt and
auacen property, eicept the street In
tersections the eipense of which will be
assumed by the city of Balem, by brlnt
int said portion of said street to the
established trade, const rue tine cement
concrete curbs, end parlnt said portion
)f aatd atreet with a a I neb. uphaltlc
concrete pavement 10 feet wide In accord
tnee with the plana and specifications
$$ MONEY $$
4 It teal Estate Loans
Farrr o City
Perionul e Ante Loans
State Finance Co.
151 S. Hlib 8t iJt. R
Mollis, all shades from yellow
to dark orange Yeow Alta
Clarence Evergreen, red,
white, pink and orchid. All
Vegetable and Flower Plants
FerrilVs Nursery
Phone 2-1307 Open Sundays
13 mile east of Keizer
The "Eye Appeal" Look
tmphasize your own "eye appeal" by lpttinn us
replace your preient frames with those that spar
kle with peraonallty. You will like wearing ppr
sonallty Klooi (or you will know you have that
all important "eye appeal" look! -
Dr. Henry I. Morris
Dr. Kenneth W. Morris
Optometrists at
Morris Optical Co.
444 State
rnono S-SSIS
Dr Henry B.
Saturday, May 7, 1949 11
tntp)fnt r.len wara adopted by th
eommoa council April 35, vbleh r
nn oa file in tha offle of the city rt-
cordar and which hy thla rtfaranco there
to arc nadt a part haraof
Tha common council ntrtoy aaciaroa
lu purpojt and lnlntlon to make tha
abovo dMcrlbad improvamtnt by and
hiouib tho atract improvtment dapart-
By order of the Common Council April
City RMorder.
Data of flrat publication hereof la
.pril IS. Itt.
Capital Journal April , If. 10, May
1. 4. I. I. 7. t. loth.
tfot'ea hereby la liven that the com
mon council of the city ot Salem. Ora
ton. deems it neceuary and aipedlent
and hereby declares Its purpose and In
tention to Imorovo Attyle Drive from tha
ortn lino of Hansen avenue to tho south
na ot Candaiarla boulevard, la the city
of "alcm. Martin county, Oreton, at the
expense of the abuttlnt and adjacent
property, etcept the street Intersections
tha expense of whlcn will be assumed
- i be city of Si Urn, by brlmlnv aald
ortlon of aald atreet to the established
rade. construe tint cement concrete
curbs, and pavini said portion of said
itteet with a 14 inch asphalttc eoncreto
avement 10 feet wide In accordance with
the plana and specifications therefor
whleh were adopted by the common coun
cil April tats, whioh are now on file
n the office of the alty recorder and
which bv this rcierenca thereto are made
ft art hereof.
Tha common council hereby declares)
its purpose and inuntlon to make tha
above described improvement by and
threuth tno street improvement depart
By order of tha Common Council April
U lit.
City Recrirder.
Date of first publication hereof la
April 31 me.
Capita. Journal April 31, 3t, 10, May
3 I. 4. I I T t. 10th.
Phone or See
889 No. Liberty
Ph. 3-3131
Our Reputation la
Your Security
ucan etf 9m
Dr. Rpnne(h W.