10 Capital Journal. Salem, Peddler of Dreams ly PEGGY DERN Chapter 4 There wu a measure of excite ' ment the next mornins when they came to the first country road that swung away from the highway. It had bfn agreed before the atari - that Felicity watt to lead the way ' and that Garrett would leave the choice of roads entirely to her. The country through which they , drove was beautiful, but the two . trailers made heavy going of the narrow, winding road, and they had traveled, a considerable distance before they saw a farmhouse ahead , A woman appeared around the r corner of the house, wiping her hands on her faded gingham apron Felicity got out of her car ana went up the walk, slim and boyish in her navy-blue slacks and white , shirt. Its collar open at the throat the sunlight glinting on her bare head. "We have some books and maga , gines," she explained. "We'd like to , exchange them for farm produce, u you nave any you a line to a is pose of." The woman stared, her sun ' browned fact a picture of startled amazement. "Books? Magazines? well, i don t reckon" she began "Come down to the trailer and look at them. If you find some thing you like, we can arrange about the product, ' suggested Fe licity eagerly. "Well, now, I've always wanted to see inside one o' them things, the woman admitted frankly. Garrett was waiting with the aide door of his trailer open. The woman stepped, Inside and looked about her, as curious u a ohlld She marveled at the efficiency of the sleeping arrangements, the tiny stove, the Ice - box; and, as she caught sight of the rows of book arranged on shelves across one whole side of the trailer, her eyes origntenea and a hungry look came in them. She put out a work-rough ened hand and touched a bright cover nere and mere. Her hand lingered on a book She drew it out. glanced at it, lost herself in it for a moment or two. Then the bright colors of a maga zine Jacket caught her eye and she lingered over that. Suddenly she looked up a Felicity and Gar rett with something very like de fiance In her eyes. "It ain't as If I didn't do all the work of cannln' and preserving' and plcklin'." aha said, as though she dared them to deny U. "And 1 got a right to the eggs and but ter and milk, on account o' me raising the chickens and doln' all the milkin." . . In the end she went back up the path, her arms laden with i books and magazine: and a little later ahe and Felicity came back down the path, carrying jars of canned vegetables and fruits, a basket of apples and eggs, a Jar of milk and a pound of delicious looking butter wrapped In oiled pa per. I That afternoon, after being sharply rebuffed at a couple of; places and ordered roughly to move1 on, they came to another ancient farmhouse where the pretty, bright eyed daughter of the house wel comed them and where once more they did a good stroke of business. The farmer, pleased with his orettv daughter's eagerness, readily agreed to permit them to camp for the night In the woods-lot a quarter of a mile from the house, and there Felicity cooked supper. "It would be silly for you to do your own cooking, wnen we nave plenty here lor all of us," Felicity argued with Garrett. The children adored him, and Garrett seemed to expand In their presence. After Jason and Felicity had put the others to bed, Garrett, Jason and Felicity aat on the stops In the moonlight and talked. "See here. Felicity." Garrett said suddenly, "you folks are pretty crowded here. There are two bunk In my trailer, and obviously I can party decorations Inexpensively and easily. Pretty pink and white crepe paper parasols sre fun to make and add aest to your entertaining In structions are Included for one Israe and two small parasols si well as parasol-trimmed nut cups, csndle base end place cards! Psttern Envelope No. R3M1 eon- i'OOM AND-I0ARD ', Faaw ths exTiiaos.. TW7 rr mas bssn agss since W T: THIS IS A SOLID AND I He seen MOWER. I 3 SNUG-LOOKING MANSC PUPFLt NOW KNOWN AS I I AND I'M SURE ITS INTERIOR. 'JUDGS,--IN FACT I W-S f FH IS ONS OP HARMONY ( 9 AT THE TIMS AND Hi f Yra COM PORT AND ea 'sS ) WAS 7'" HE F6LT IN L, Ei GOOD MSM-Sf CaW O I AWE Of ME, I BEING MlS Fi., '4tt '7- i ' I UNCLE, ALTHOUGH I L Oregon, Saturday, May 7, 1949 1 use only one. If I'm going to eat with you. why can't I share my trailer? Jay, why don't you move your traps over to my place, and wen ail te a lot more comioriaDje.i And my csrs a sedan with a lot of seat-space going to waste. Let tht children ride with me In the davtime. Felicity stared at him. "You are fond of children, aren't you?" she marveled iranxiy. "Oh, I was cut out for a fam ily man,' he assured her. "Just natural born pater famillas, that's! me!" I Felicity watched him go a little later, helping Jason movi his rath er scanty belongings to the other trailer. And she admitted that It I was very nice, indeed, being part ners with Garrett Forbes. She got up finally, gave herself a little shake and went back into the trailer. She drew the curtains that shut off the sleeping space from the front of the trailer where the small dining table stood. She I sat down, brought out a battered I briefcase, drew out of it a great sheaf of manuscript, half a dozen neatly sharpened pencils and went) nappuy to work. (To Be Continued SIZES 10 20 'Kaund the Clock You can ol low the iun around In this versatile prlncssa frock! teamed with its matcmnff bolero it's a ro-every- whera ensemble; minus the bolero, a shoulder-strapped iter to catch every wnieper M a or mm. No. 3631 la cut In siaes 10, 11, 14 1, If, and 90. size 1 dreu. yds. 15-in.; bolerb, 114 jds. 35-ln Bend J6fl Mr PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State Slie desired. The 8UMMXR FASHION BOOK Is Just off the preea, presenting thr best in summer fashions, au de- sinned with the simplicity that spells rood style and easy sewlna. and with special attention to the use of cottons, over 150 Dattern designs for all ages and occasions Send now for your copy, price Just 20 cents. Address Psttern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 9 Mission street. San Frsnclsco ft, Calif. R2692 tains complete easy-to-fotlow, atep- bv-etep Instruottona for Party Para sols and material requtrementa. To obtain this pattern tend Mc in minxes, giving pattern number your name, address and tone num. bar to Peggy Roberta. Capital .lour nal Ml Mission street San Fran eisco S. Calif By Gen Ahtrn r AN IJfiLV GASH COIINTESS WaLLY 1 Y THAT DIAMOND HAIR ORNAMfNT 1 T Oh HOW A IlililllSiiln'll! f I THOlKjHT SO.'- Mr' HOW " I KAIyAARJ-BUI HOW CLEVEBOfJ-IT IS IS UNCLASPED, TOO"AU0H ME I CLUMSYOf ME 'J 1&5rSr I I FAST YOVt COME UP IN THE ) . VOU-MAKINbA BPACClfT -rNOTHINS. wt-i -H v ' f I I I WORLD " SAIOOSHKA ' J "I JTJOL JM',-DM I'll 1 yA--?r,.tP J J J IT - VxOTTO "T.: 11 . i... 1 1 1- . ' 11 11 I" - I' " I I I 0:1ft SI km 1 1 s , -n 0;;: . "TTW0' lv - itwX . -Zi" : ( r-i ulC r a kvr wiw in: v ... ot w.-r u Lrujj Kr rhn im&w mt-n i WffiiLJ rt' ' U Jk I r 1 fV1 LCO 1 Tf II 0 f in. "1 gjS W wet-U I H0P5 phoh. there's f bones broken NopesureRiH' ft -Is ( THBBefl'VfJ PLOWTO) f OH. SHORE ' CftN HANOLE THAT I DOC PM.L NOW m MCRTTLV FROM SORT OP A LOCAL COMPLAINT ( Wisg ) A COUPLE ROUNDS- ) f WHV, I BEfcTI t5-- U TRACTOR - LETTS QO 1 HOW IS HE, 1 WE 'ROUND HERE CALL JEB"S KNE6-..YEP 1 M P I THINK yOU CAN DO fit'J WORWM'CH FARMS S SEE HOW UNCLE A. OOC? fjr ) HE'LL RFEOVER H TIME FOR TH' BIS DANCE ( ZT-M E1 I . HEARTMATVOOl I IP V00 UlNTIN' I'M SO 1 1 AInT SO &IVE-INNVr0NHAT? KjMl LilSJ "rj f AND ROSETTA STONE AT MARRlASe.RLCrSAPPOWTED WUEN IT COMES ToiOO CANT ME UDV.-CAUSE 11 . T PIMAILY FOUND A GIT IT COT OP fl REALLV WAS MONEV, FANNV-.'tf TAKE IT AlKfT COIN NO fl H I, I HOUSE AMB-JT VOUftMIND- HOPING VOOTJ 6ETTIN- MARRIED 1 WITUVOO, t PLACE .1 Syr 'V" i ,. f, -VSOUNDSStPJOOS . R0SETTAS60NMAT 6IVEIN--, IS EXPENSIVE -v' , 1-T T 1 I'15 ly LIVE IN THAT 7 vf T i (7T1 If !. inlid ifejO blia diiteK r-cc uroF Fr atr.FTs THELLO. MPS. T THAT NIGHT fm VA RUNT' I WAIT YMOH:- an ONMPr.pn.iNr U .u.un,cn.. - MUTI.'MtrrT UN UH3 f .1JEFF IM COIN S WHATCHA I r mu 1 ' . ' - ST tlULTURffy S-J- I WSHELL BE JHERfcT READ , l-&y vtez2a iint - - : t at4 - f " TSKmO!ZZX ycv WERE VIMs I OH, YES. WELL, WE ALL KNEW THAT ROVAul I HE,TAi!l!.P TO "JO SOME f VTMATWROVAL WAS A BOOkMAkER.SO EVA WAS PLENTY J iOHE iMT. OUJIN EVA'S PARENT ARE PSAOANP SHE HAC WAS A PATIENT WORRCP WHEN TOM BLAKE BE6AN TO i Ii?.6, VrSjvS'iKiL " MADS ALL KINDS OF SACRIFICES TO PUT HER AT 6RI66S SP6NP A LOT OP TIME IN ROYAL'S RWM .il T?f?! A.rVLTO OU II I RffmxomM TU0OIAU MFDiCAL CTUQOL. MEUOCIAL. , f I ANP I USINQ THEMA6 A VvHIP TO r . I HE'S A NlC KIO, BUT A LOTLE WEAK. V I VtS!iXS WJCM K rt 600P M 5 l " i, i ""S., . V1! tjl 1- 4hVE PAN - '-- -r-'" - f WWN THE "OPEN fO A I V ' l.?.VJLn r.?ci?5 y;rfOPLE.MA) I'. "-5-. , INPECTI0N"l6N!ST0Py i'JV M T aniuset IT UP RADIO PROGRAMS ALL PROGRAMS PACIFIC SATURDAY Ji'o KGW IN.Wsli C.lla Hawaii Call. Htllrwtl Itir Thtr HaiVa U Vli KlMr PttMf HltPtrJ" Hit Par. Jidr Csinft JiirCiMii DniaU Dar lbw Dcnnlt Dar hw Orsnd Ola Oprr Grind Ola Oprr Via Da Man a Ihaw Via Dam ana Ihaw TinIIi ar Camtavaneaa Tr.a r r.laa es c.riiti.. s.i.... T...r..cl. Echaa Waala.aal aaaaklara T.a,. . N.aa.af i..a . naaiii V.la. .t Tr.th Vala. 91 Tr.lS Lit. Ba.laa .fS Lit. Bails. .1 M Maal lha rr.aa Maat tba rraaa Nawa Dl.k Taaj.lat.s Pl.sl.tla. p.rlr Pl.nlalla. Partr Nawa Currant Chtlea Vaai Hialuti w Hmti Eddla Canlar Rddla Cantar Ray HachMI Umr Hackatl Waat.ra Bit aa.law Nawa Ortbaafrs SUNDAY Mual National Badla Church of tha Air Matt Pulpit Church of tha Air Tana Taptitrloa Ctanrch la Hama Church of tba Ail Tana Tapaitrlta Church In How Church af tha Ail rirat-Baptlal" cT Nowa Jntcra Ncwi Plrat Baptlal Cb Morn, fftrrnada Newa Howard Rmlth Valco af Praphaay John Daa'a Pae. Blbla li.it. r.allery Ooulp Volca af Propbaty Mwala Pac. Bibla In.t Nwa tvdiapBlTta Claaaa Urlng Iw4t Fellowship Valca Invitation Badit Blbla Clam I.lvlag l4t Clark Drnnta to Learning Latbtran Hanr Ktcrnal Light Aa Maria Hour People's Platform Lnlhoran Hour Eternal tight A?aMaHa Hour People 'a Ptatfarwi News aiens 'flbclley Chureb In Wild. Salt l.aka Tabei jaf Kddlt Howard Glenn Shelley I.ctbert Halt Lake. Taber. Ncwa Chicago Roand Warn Ring Syncopation Picca Milt Hartb Trla Tahiti Warna King SvncopationPlerg TB A World Affaire Flrat Baptist Cb ?ymphoncite " TBA World Affaire First Baptist Ch Hympbonrtta Sunday Pararltea tin!?. Theatre First Baptist Cb, Mailo In Music Canary Pel Show Untr. Theatra Firal Kaplint Th. ewt Nswa Itnlr." Theatre Serenade for ens Symphony Velea af Amy I'nly Tbealrt Stringa nns Xvaaphnny Jurenlle Jury Mail's Family News CRS "iyraphway Jurenlle Jury Man's Family fiuj Lombard CRH ftymphonr Houta af Mystery' Quit Kids Words a Muslo CBS dymphnnr Homo of Mystery Quli Kids Words Muslo CBS Symphony True Oetettlte Musical Data Words Muslo Skyway to Star Mysteries Chuck Foster Words St Mmlc Skyway to Start The Shadow Robert Merrill Sammy Kave Chora I ten The Shadow Robert Merrill Sammy Kayo Chora Hera Qalck at a Ftatb James Melton Sunday Mutle Newa Quick as a Flash James Mellon Sunday Muslo My Serenade Roy Rogers Musla of Masters Warwick Theatre Family Hour Roy Rogers Musla ef Masters Warwick Theatre Family Hour Nick Carter Dick Uaymea Sunday Serenade Onto A Harriet Nick Carter Chuck Pouter Sunday Serenade Qui A Harriet Sunday Muiie Dick Powell Donald Stcrret Jack Benny Sunday Musle Dick Powell Donald Sterret Jack Benny Contacts far Harris A Fare Donald Sterret Amos Andy Christ Harris A Faya Donald Sterret Amot ft Andy Winca of' Healing Fred Allen Dallas' Ministerial Vews Wings ef Healing Fred Allen Land of Free George Flther Lea Browa Henry Morgan Sleepy Hollow Life with LuIkI News Henry Morgan Sleepy Hollow Life with Lulgi Symphony Prog. NBC Theatre News Helen Hayes Symphony Prog. NBC Theatre Saered Heart Helen Hayes Symphony Prog, Album Familiar Melody by Oar Miss Brnoks Symphony Prog. Muila Candlelight Our Miss Brook Mayor of Town Take ar" tea It Frank DeVal 1.'nrAbrirr' ' Mayer ef Town Take or Leate It Frank DeVal ' Lum 'n' Abner Medical Highlltaa Horaea Hcldt Warwick Theater Jack Benny Northwest News Horace Hcldt Warwick Theater Jack Benny Twenty Questions Martlo l,ewla Are Maria Hour It Pays to Be Twenty Question! Martin Lewis Ave Maria Hour Ignorant Walter Wlnehell Symphony Hoar Norman Clotler The Whistler Liiclla Parsons Symphony Hour Norman Clotler The Whistler News Symphony Hour Sunday Concert Five Star Final " Comedy Playhouse Symphony Hoar Sunday Conceit Sam Spade Comedy Playbeuse Catholic Hour Sunday Concert st. Francis How News Catholic Hour Sunday Concert Serenade Revival Hoar M, Downer Slnga 4iilng np Sports Univ. Eiplorer Revival Hoar M. Downey Sings' News 'nlv. ftxplorer Revival Hoar Western Caravan Sunday Review Gene Krupa Revival Hoar Western Caravan Sunday Review Netri Slia Off alga Off ' . t Sign Off Sign-Off PV Satnrday P.M. 8:M, Hera'a la fc-A Vatai ft; IS. Homo Edition News; 5:30, Camoua Headllnest 6:00. Little Her- mani S:3A, Maien Players: ?:00, Lone Rangert 7:10, Xeur tBli K-.90, Break tne 8:30, Novak for Hire: Newsi 4:16, Qnarteta en Parade, l:4lt. Dance Bandi 1:S0, Memos to Tomorrow; 11:00, Xtra Heart it. 00, Sign Off. A.M. 1:M, Morning M'U S:W. Mule Time. :4R. Nwe. t:00. Garden Talks. Concert Miniature. :, Hoar ef olth. 10:M, Con tent Invader. lft:la, Muale. 10:10, Mes ne ef liraet. 11:00. Top the Mern- a af tha mgnways. National Vespers. 11:00, Parade af Hits. It: IB. Mere Oat af Life. !:. Piano Playhouse. 1:00. Wdltor at Home. 1:11, So ciety News. 1 :M. BreeUff a Orcheitra. t:M, Maale ef Today. S:M, Opera Album. S:M, Tbla Changing World. S:IB, Honey- Riches Open Home For Social Evening Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Riches opened their McCIaine street home to memberi of the WSCS and their husbands for a special evening in compliment to members of the high school senior class who are affiliated with the Methodist church. A buffet dinner was served. Hosts were Rev. and Mrs. Ben F. Browning, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sprlck, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riches, Mrs. Nada Grinde and the student guests, Ernest Du Val, Joyce Polk, Sue Teter, ACROH L Diplomacy t. frenh-wataf ft ah I. Affirmative 1L Genua of tha St. Plutw 50. fireplace accoaaorr 11. Br birth SS. Constituent Ii. Hebrew at rin it ed Inatrumetrt 51. Diacordfa 16. City Id Turk 17. Giro 40. Sacred 1m if 41. Draper lea 41. Fisaiir 41. Old musical not 4T. Calm 4S. Small em 4. Craftr 10. Heraldle terra 11. Unit of fore It. Kind of herb 14. Obatructloa 15. Matron If. Students tl. AdoiHo ta Genii . 10. Flower SI, Market 23. Revert 14. Lin of revolution Ik Ironing on ft macnln ' M II K WtiA 17 I " I" 3 4 ;,J,4 . 3 ' ,: '7 I ia IS ,tt li 7 l Tff a IT At H ST .i3T ! 1 1 Hrn r 1 1 1 STANDARD TIME l.M. ikoco '.r'KoiN Rtnd TIom Round I'p Tia Ortal Whit Way Graat Whlta Way Gcna itr 1na mr Orrhaalra Nawa Philip- Hai-lawa PbUlp Marlawa Maile Mrmriaa Tha Promlaa Sing" It Aialn Klnt II Aiatn Hint It Aialn Aim It Aialn Vaufha Mvnraa Vauibn KtirM fiana Biatara tlani Baatara CandlPlliht and Kilvar Nawa Mtiant Drlvar'a Canrl TaaiM Tim Baarball B'dttftnd Baitbxll B dHind Raiaball Baicball Bastball Batcball Iluiout Dopt Bataball Raaaball Baicball nr Star Final ftplka Janaa Spike Jon Columbia Pcalar Baicball Karenadt Stmt Round Vr N. O Mil. Ball Orr heitra Orrhaatra Danclna Partr Danelnr Partr Dane in a Party Dancing Party Danelug Party Danclm Party "Slan' Oft dreamer. Sunday with Yob. 4:M, Danger, Dr. Dun fie id. 4:30, Greatest StnrJ Rver Told. S:00, Stop the Music. :ftn Quiet, Please. J:3D. Ted Malone. ft: 15 Guest Star. 7:00. Walter Wlnehell. 1:15 Louella Parrons. 7:30, Theatre Guild. Jimmle Fldler. S:43, Roadilde Chapel Q-00, Drew Pearnon. 0:15, Monda; reunion. n:io, monaay morn a. I:M, Walter Wlnehell. 9:il 10:00, Rlchrield Reporlif Pearson. H):30, Claremont Hi In Headlines. Inter me to. 10:15. Drew Pean tal Oreheetra, 11:00, Rooseyelt Hotel Of cheatra. 11: JO, Memos to Tomorrow. l!:i Extra Hoar. 1:00, Sign Off, KOAC Saturday P.M. 5:00, Oa ta) Vpbeatt 1:50, MO Iports elnh. C:00. Nswsi :1K. Leok at AustraHa f:M, IrfHidon Itter, :, Hollaad To day and Tomorrow; 1:AA, Grand Operl ' Tonight i S:4.1, News. 9:00, Dance Parade 10:00. Sign Off. Twin Queens to Rule Over Club Festivities Dayton The Dayton SaddU club has elected new officers. New officers are: Harry Wil Hams, president; Steve Taylor vice president; Dorothy Dundas secretary; John Jones, treasurer" Patricia and Betty Zwick, twii queens, will again rule over thl Rodeo and club festivitie. throughout the summer. Witt them will be Dorothy Dundas who will be the maid of honor Lowell Hoblitt, Theodore Rou bal, Martha Browning, Bol Howell and Sibyl Gilbert. Solution ef YtiUrdiy'l Puul iMce 1 aJmIaihh eInIe1 . fcjOllsj AIU El I SIT plpj" &amTPtJeSaUcTe "pTe FsTtTkTeO PI 1 Rj E PSaa3?tRIM(2H EN I n i e i ve i ffiTfsQ s twrn p "e i .EiaawasWhTfc A 1 8iXl RBaJ ' jS"gl"Bl p: e Aj RE RB V I Elf LLUl pj3fdroTp' EjBw; EJUlSiH aTvTdf AipmgA tie L jTi E 1 1 E V cnn 0R METSURgr46UEVVE I. Make tip 4. Handle I. Puppet t. New Zeal and tre 7. Deatre 5. Line for fateninf tha corner of awning" I. Srn of Adam 10. Manareabl 11. FormerlT 17. Chrlatma It. Ouraelvea 21. Conatrurted St Point where leaf leave the branch IS. Wtshea ii. Caution it. Mental d. r nfe ment ST. Rare jtas It. A an o Beniamin SO. Stnritne bank S.I. Animal food 34, WorahJped It. Type of Teetr1 current: abbr. ST. Putt frottlnt on S. inft mntllR . F.ntreat 4fl. tinM Island O. N". -tl 44. fjrt , 4k Cratal V Af fgwietre