BY BECK Recollections Capital A Journal An Independent Newspaper Established 1 888 GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher ROBERT LETTS JONES, Assistant Publish Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che meketa St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Wont Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409. Full Leased Wire Serrice of the Associated Press and The United Press. The Associated Press it exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all newt dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited In this paper ond also news published therein. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier: Weekly, t5e; Monthly, ll.ti: One Yew, By Mill In Oregon: Monthly, lie; C Mm., I4.S; One Tear, It.. TJ. S. Outside Oreion: Monthly, II.; t Mm., M.M; Year, tit. 4 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 7, 1949 , West Germany Nears Reality ' An Associated Press dispatch from Bonn states that the German political leaders drafting a constitution for ' western Germany have said "no" to communist pleas to halt formation of the proposed new state. All but the final formalities of adopting the constiution nave Deen compieiea. inese are scneuuieu ivr auupuuii einrCnC Bill BIT Sunday ,the fourth anniversary of Germany's surrender inc riKCOluc in World War II. Government will be placed in tne nanas of an interim organization until a regular government can be formed in July. The constitutional convention clearly was speeding its work to beat the Wednesday midnight deadline for lift ing the German blockades under the New York agreement announced Thursday by Russia and the western powers. The western occupation powers want the west German IS UP fW?&:&Zk3z3rH ANOGETOUR 1 EH. PRED fc3SSz5s7- BREAKFAST AT J &4f-:rZ-&ZZ-rZ' , ( A HOTEL .THE 2fflirtpFw ZzucSZ- -"TS'SM women folks li- WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND 'You Never Really Value A Mother, 'Til She's Gone' By DREW PEARSON (Ed. NOTE With Mother's Day tomorrow, Drew Pear son's column today takes the form el a letter to hli daugh ter about hli mother.) BY GUILD Wixard of Odds Mrs. George Arnold, Los Angeles, California, Dear Daughter: ' could hurt ,nyone. Last week on grandmothers jtnow h0W- birthday, 1 went up 10 nomaiu ville. Pa., near Swarthmore, to visit her grave. She didn't I wlih that you could have been with me. The maple trees were halt way in leaf and o delicate the way she loved them. The dog wood was pink and white, and the tree she planted in front St WEtl-EDUCATCD HUSBANDS OUTHUMMK WtU IDUCATEO WIVES ay 3 TO I. (tou vtwit. sr 10111, Hi, wun mi wait) IIS X. HOW TAIL ARE Y0U-AN0 HOW SUCCESSFUL? OF EVERY 1$ ICADfRS IN INDUSTRY1, IA&0R0R SOCIETY, & ARC ABOVE AVCRA6E HEI6HT. Advice to Fathers On Mother's Day ' saw home. expecting dinner to be if ready, the house to be In perfect She died By REV. GEORGE H. SWIFT When we celebrate Mother's Day, we may be thinking only of government to be the one for all Germany if there is an the aged mothers with gray hair and folded hands; with eyes eventual union of the Soviet zone with the American, Brit- wtn iove and a face lined by years of sacrificial care. lsh and French zones. It will do us The Hevolnnmpnts rime as Russia and western allies good to think worked at top speed to lift their blockades at midnight of them tomor Wednesday. The actual work will be done by German a"d k" transportation experts. tulmu to God The task involves complex technical problems, and the or the affection complicating threat of a rail workers' strike. Employes and love they who live in western Berlin bub work on Russian-controlled have bestowed rail lines in the eastern sector, threaten to strike unless upon us. they are paid in western marks. They now receive Soviet- But I am backed east marks, which are worthless in the western thinking now of m o t n e r i, me And I thought of all the times I was thoughtless and not much company for her when father was away. And I thought about the spring when mother died. That too was a lovely April. The rest of the world was not lovely. It was the first spring after Pearl Harbor, and the world was bloody and sad. Mother had worried over the war as if by worrying she could prevent it. I used to tell her that at the rate Hitler was going there was no possible way we could of our old house has grown so keep out of it, but she kept hop ing mai inc couiu scarcely nave ing ana praying Just the same. recognlied it but it lacks the Mother had been unhappr POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER varo n nau wncn w nvc. ana restless alter lather died. And the violets, that she loved She was torn between seeing so much, seemed even more blue her children in Washington and and tender. Your Aunt Ellen her children in Swarthmore. She and I planted some on her grave, missed her own home, yet was April to me is the year's most too lonesome to settle down by beautiful month the month herself, when the world comes to life again, and when she was born Finally in that first SDrlna and died. It seems a long after Pearl Harbor, she did find old G. time now, and yet so short a a small house near time ... so short a time as the rhllriVa.n In Suiarthmn,. years gallop by. seemingly content for the first friends believe f I 2ff' 5 I don't know how well you re- time since father left her. sud- he will some j'jTiiS member grandmother Pearson, denly she left us to loin him. tew months after a SHOPPERS, BY 6T0 1. PRtrERSElr-SttWf. THE 0 DOS ARE CMLV EVEN THEY PREFER TO SHOP ON , SATURDAY, r-J 'Soapy' in a House Divided By HAL BOYLE Lansing, Mich., W) A young democratic governor works all day at a wide desk here in a time-worn statehouse that looks across alawn loud with robins. He is 38-year- ljmm 'J"5 sne aia una ",u i""- y Z'x v" her grand- ("Soapy") Wil-? imore. And "ems. whose ! f P Jay dwell in the J I have sometimes thought that White House. For he works in a house divided. There is a broad river of dissent between the young governor and the republican dominated legislature. And the river is in flood. . . , . . . . - . ... . 4 nave auj lit-unit: s MiuuKni uiai order, and the children to be war ,Urted that she prayod the coming of the war which she Right now the clean and tidy. Me blurts out would never happens war had pi.ayed ,0 hard to prevent robins on the some impatient or unkind re- which she in her peace,ul wa, just too much and that h ,utehouse lawn mark which almost breaks tne quakerlike way, thought could was glad to die ren't making Ohti, Swill spirit of the "little woman," who has been harassed by countless problems throughout the day. Tomorrow, the father of every little family should do more than reminiscence about his own mother's love and care for tT monument. nim twnicn ne may or may noi There are those who think Williams became "the miracle man of Michigan politics" last November when, solidly backed by labor, he defeated Kim Slg ler by 163.854 votes. But there are those, too, who think his vlc- sector. . The "interim organization" to handle governmental de- mothers with little children and h appreciated when such laiiB until luriiianuii ui ure new ucimau BMfiiiiiivu. tvbd ine moiners wim words of usailed by communists. They claimed it virtually created youngtteri. have meant new guveriuiiciib fiuiwuv hi tug vn pwic vnnv. w ,.y iso snow buiuc tcni myii- was nlivr .hut riiHn' Vnt vote on it. The non-communists pointed out that it will in and affection for their children tiolf real a(fectlon and love lor "ealuT what it is not to no sense be a permanent organization-that an early step J-J the mnZZ th.e moh? f ?? Ut, l inottar. uni Vta taon? after adoption of the constitution will be the election of ' c a L0?, Thl rt wh0 " de,eri,teIJr n"d" " to and when the only thing that Is .a..m- j - ,ai i y Ull. parliament to take office in July. Maeterlinck the Mystic have been avoided. It seems a long time ago, but nearly as much I She never made headlines, ai I still mi her nH ...n't hi noise as the re did grandmother Patterson, nor thinking how much she would publican legislators inside. And tory merely reflected a decline built up a newspaper. But the have loved being a great-grand- what nese legislators are doing in the popularity of Sigler, who iove mat sua remains in tne motner to your new son. lo lne young governor s new aeenma ic-nictnuu. hearts of others may be a great- Much love from, deal program is something he The new governor has both YOUR FATHER. fee' shouldn t happen to a dem- class ana mass appeal, ne naa ( iMi) ocrat. been a political protege oi su- Tha 4Mnk- T Mm.mkip n n. nrm fmirt Justice Frank appreciation would about m mother the tningJ x lAnrveKJ7 ic'e rm IlkJkl Murphy and he is an heir to the so much to her) but wn.,ri rtn with h, .h. i LULUMN Mennen shavine soaD fortune. He had to mortgage his home in Grosse Pointe, a salad suburb of Detroit, to pay his campaign By DeWITT MocKENZIE '"Sf.lf6'- u. , u tun tmn Afftin An.iti Williams is 8 feet 3Vi inches The heroic airlift which finally has forced the raisin of the tall 'riendly and easy going. He Blessings in Disguise left is a grave and memories. I k. 1 1 1 ... fnM , U walM n. ... ..... . . . . . ih,iiiuii.i? ... - ii is a amicuii lasK unaer any m.;. k . ..n j little family is a tremenaous one. circumstance to bring up the Mtls(vin-. H,it ihpv rn h. Russian hlopkari. n B.rlin h. K-in . ik. . k. 1 "j" ,.,Z invariably wears a bow tie. an The vouna mother starts with- m.i. u i. h..K.i,ini ""siying. nut mey can aiso De nussmn oiocKaoe oi uernn nas Deen a labor of hercules and costly ""' lrtZtVlTteVZ "Vho,?. ,h. BSK?kS2 ned with regret-regret for the in many respect,, but on balance it represents blessing, in dls- "wlick of So tomorrow, dad, rather than do the trip, she wanted you to iaVm with Via (ha V 1, . -U. leave home for the day with a wanted von in rri th- r,inv. v --.iv.a a.sfc-, w . wiinnni Lilts unaersianainii. to i-: . , i ... x : vl....: vr.ti:. T,ii ,f health, education, and character on(,r.,io. ,nd .0on o the "'"'Lyu " am.w.,m your in me passing ui i.iauncc yc,,,-,,. r, ... -he - muim-r mai sne waniea you to dramatist and essayist, at tne age oi b, ine literary worm r jn lhe wond of tne next loses one OI lis mosi iamous iivures wnust irorm rc neration. Beside, being noted for mysticism, symbolism, fanciful beauty and labor of jove it mean, dow original charm. He was awarded the Nobel prue lor lit- right drudgery, too. It means minder to your wife that no one After fnThpr rfi t i. v, n erature in 1911. performing many unpleasant could cook like your saintly ? took her- downinVm" Maeterlinck was educated In a Jesuit school in Belgium, tasks It means giving up many mother didi te.i her in no luke- tur ' Calif wh j" had ..ji.j i. .rfmitt H.o K in maa Kut n social affairs. It means settling warm terms what a Driceless u n.u' ' turned his attention to letter, and in 1896 settled in Paris LmZ'm "oT di" ZX ZZc? ne"by and "u'te transportat i o n ...ti ui. ,.!. , k thr nmrtm nvering some lorm oi ais- her to church. hnto1 u ,. .h. . "uvnui. ii.n " "X.. . . I '""" c pl ne which hurts the mother it will make the day for her. 1.1 ,u . , -"j his lyric verse, his dramas and his philosophical essays. more tnan the child. It mean, and your own mother will if she Xr VuS h, His verse is imaginative but lacking in the melodic qua!- hours, sometimes week,, of anx- knows it, thank God that, at ?m f "i!,tl . k ii.. ri u: j u. i hii. niu s,,.i. ii. i... .,.. . .... ..i' Du 83 l went south and she liy. ui ii'o iimii uiuiihi m rav i"n . "., jv ic.. Bc.ii.i( u wen north We were toffethrr im.- tji... D.-.J . . ...mi..J ., t.l. I- th 4.m t . bed In nsln nr fever. knnu Knm l. .nr.r.isi. . . no"n- "e were togemer - Alii: DIIU, B BUUIllliakCU !, in v,, iviiu . . " ....... .v ine inougnuesa zainer comes motner. guise for the western allies. U. S. Secre tary of Defense Johnson Thurs day character ized the carry ing out of this task as "one of the greatest feat, ry. in hiato- stubborn dark hair. pert in Washington, puts it: . , "The Berlin lift has provided When 1 went ln to hlm' 1 the air force with a li.hnr.tnrv had a moment of wonder. The to determine lust how manv rst flash of his smile was start- movinsr picture starring Shirley Temple. "Palleas et Me- lisande," in which Mrs. Patrick Campbell starred, "Monna Vanna," "Joyselle," "Marie Magdeline" and several mir acle plays. ' The dramas are Maeterlinck's most striking work. Their eerie symbolism can hardly be explained, but must be appreciated at first hand. They inaugurated a new theatric school the "Drama Intime," and are properly reading plays and lose their subtlety, mystic qualities and impressiveness in presentation. - To many Maeterlinck's essays are his ultimate test as a force in literature, the most interesting of all his work. eBC CB ciiodcd There is a long list of them, few have been translated into Jirj FUR iUrreR English. Those best known in the United btates are The Life of the Bee," "The Life of the Ant," and "The White Ant" (termite) among the most graphic, dramatic, accurate and interesting books on insects ever written, but everything that he wrote had great charm. Look Out for Horse No. 15 Portland MB The Multnomah county sheriff has warned: "Don't try te ride a stray horse If It has No. 11 painted en Its ramp." A professional burking horse escaped from the barn of Tom A. Dolan, the sheriff said, a gelding bearing the painted number IS. only a day, but she looked so happy Ju,t for spending a little der, of the world.' time with her eldest son. There's no exaggeration planes, how much concerted ef- W reminiscent of Franklin fort of all the military force,, D- Roosevelt. Williams not only would be required to supply a fellows FDR's policies he looks large forward position cut off llke FDR's sons, from normal sea or land supply The governor is personally lines. The air force has learned, Popular with the republican leg among other things . . . how to Islators, who regard him toler fly hundreds of planes in a pa. ntly "a well-intentioned rade of closelv-followini air- young man." But he is acutely Minister Atllee, after seeing the cralt in a tight corridor where wire of the fact that in ithe airlift in operation recently, de- the weather often was too thick llve months they have Jetti- scribed it as "one of the won- toT birds to navigate." nta most oi ms new aeai pro- What a difference between . . this and the dav. nf h. r,.n session nas none prac- British Prime DeWI" those statements. in Prussian war of 1870-71, when tically nothing," he said. "About There were so many other The airlift has been an un- Pari, startled the world by ?U w've B.tten ? m' f""1 . ... . , ... .... In mnrVman workmen's unemploy- riin I oni.M h.i.a ...uu nrepprimtivri rininnn,iiinn hr-jairinc km,,. k. n improvements in her but didn't. And then sud- power, of technical skill, of vast siege with balloons! compensation and dpnlV It WAS Inn lof f rnlnn' resource nt -nnrBn nf ila.a.. Th.a kallnAn u.ktk ... - ment COmpenSatiOn. SDend them with her anvmniw mlntaion and of allied iinltv. flown when the wind u, ,iok. "The republicans have sabc- inese Dauoons. which were I have sometimes thought that Because the allied airlift ren- sometimes carried homlns Die- u.g Pr0ram ... matter if she had to go. It was better resents aU these things, there is eons which were liberated to , V ! J ' ,f gueM w" that she went before President no doubt, as I see it, that It must take back new, to Pari,. The , people. Truman threw a name at me have a huge influence in weld- besieged Parisian, also sent out Vlic tiling llllllaa 1C.U wall Go All Out By DON UPJOHN which according to common i"g together the nations of west- "5 balloon, carrying a large usage reflected on her. It would rn Europe into the Atlantic quantity of mail and 184 people. e aaopveu in time is a 'our per have hurt her terribly. Pact. That airlift has been a The biggest airlift operation ? v corPOraUo, franchise tax The funny thing is that my mighty builder of morale among prior to the Berlin show was Pre,,ed or without re- mother was something like Har- lne aemocracies. tnat operated over the "hump" ry Truman', mother, though I Bu that isn't the whole story, in the Himalaya, between south- wasn't as lucky as he in having ln, grueuing and dangerous east Asia and China. The Jour Daylight saving fanatics who crave an extra hour of daylight mln "h me so long. Both were 4ask, which even has cost lives, ney over the hump amidst the A Reaime or Development? Too many supporters of a Columbia Vallry Admlnistra- ",,"Tmu h tion are showing they are more interested in a regional J 1 w ruling board than they are in development of the river iuggest m' en. basin area. hanclng the pos- Latest Indication that the pet scheme of a three-man sibilities of this directorship is uppermost in some CVAers' minds comes great cause they from Washington in a United Press report. The recent "hove bath night Pacific Northwest peace pact between the army engineers P a matter of and the reclamation bureau has sponsors of the CVA wor- hour, and ried. They recall that the Pick-Sloan plan for the Mis- ak "jeir ba,h aouri river basin, another engineers-reclamation agree- ,.'.,'- 5" merit, was a factor in blocking a proposed Missouri Valley urdayl w-ould not onI; for gardening, play, et cetera, should really go all out on this proposition instead of Just toying with an extra hour a day which will slip by so pioneer women from neighbor- "as provided America and her lofty, cloud enshrouded peaks, ing siaies, one irom Missouri, the wun lecnnicai Knowledge was a xearsome one. other from Kansas. which could have been acquired Now. thank, t tk. d....i.. Mother was born in Hum- no other way and which blockade, the allies h.v. h.H ... Day' 22 t0 23 Per cent ot tax. suit. "The state Is going broke otherwise." he said. Michigan has a three per cent sales tax but no personal income tax. "Across the nation business ln mm 1. tkat aannl. lM,1r r.- minds us again of that lady on boldt' Kans" about th me the "'ht be invaluable In event of unparalleled experience which "l,d Wllllam- "But nere It pays h. whn.. ni.nn.ninn Santa Fe railway was laying its mother war. mlKht have txken v.r. . only 8 per cent. Four out of ritory. Her family came from long line of pioneers, begin- mlght have taken years to ae. quire otherwise. came up at a courthouse com- traek down to the Indian ter- As Elton C. Fay, AP air ex A CRITTER FROM MO. OR TENN.? Wanted: Photogenic Mule Hollywood (U.I5 Hollywood really kicked up something with talent search for a "photogenic mule." You pm.M h... .k. mission meeting here this week T, nr. alha. -Bn m.M be made for locating her when wi,An her 8at-grand- the old building comes down we t?lh!r' AJ??" , wil- wno ar- suggest she be moved down onto vcd f i,'',delph'", from Ger- State street in front of the Pi- man in l2 and hlPl to set- oneer club for Rolla Southwick ,le Lan county. Pa. a. . a , j Another grandfather wai .u icetn KainB. mvicau vi con- vhh-j w ,k . ji . , 'uviu. iiuin nere 10 len fining him to sitting on the point 5 tne Indlan' "Iong he quiet down for a minute. , i, v ......a gi, noi, men K lu 1.. 1. kl. Authority Congress enacted the Pick-Sloan plan in 1944 ,ult In'mo.t of them havlnk all pre.ent wont. The old lady id,u,yiLf.Hhe family, pu' aespue ine iaci tnat. tne mie rresiueiu nwjevea naa Saturday afternoon to play would be a lot more comfortable, P ,T " Voiced his preference for an MVA. around in but would leave Sat- we re sure, and maybe he could JT. " " my . own F"6' An agreement between the army engineers and the urday night free for painting the even curl up in her arms some- puiharf on to Kansas' reclamation bureau should be helpful toward solving dif- ownr,d and ala tlm had w!y ,0,r. -n,!p no and then. He w, Khool' teacher a ferences and conflicts on future development of the Colum- by . cou" u" h Af'er " Rollf " b"lM up firmer and , denti,t-a ui"; thin eia vaiiey. ;7.K7 ;;r . vrv. ;m .1,1 .- k.:: . v. : man w,h pard, and i sn .. .. - - nave common. in - v. . a i. ..... 1 U- Tji: vt .. i a v.. "'I'" Ior T.i." "ih. i.uiK iwiui.n. . would all come out on the dot. regional iniiiaiivj auu vy cwruuiaiiun oi vxiaiiiig agencies feel that supporters of a CVA are placing too much em- Gordon Tower official man phasis on their proposed bureaucratic regime. It is con- drawer for the county, says he's attorney, Is an Inveterate pipe cern Dy sucn supporters, na expressed in r asnington over taken a census of county em- n siren a picture of him holding us taient search for a "photogenic mule." You could hear the ruckus from here to Tennessee if the folks in Mi.,nri wih Seems Universal-Internation al, which has in the works a ..... movie about a talking mule, has CCr CM rLTING xeen dickering with the natives of Columbia, Tenn., for a talent ed critter who'd be willing to "go Hollywood." And the news sifted over to Missouri, where it didn't "set so every five tax dollars come out of consumer taxes. If we adopt the franchise tax, business will pay about 20 per cent of taxes." Right now the young governor Just laugh, at talk of any na tional ambitions in his party. "That's way in the back ground," he grinned. "I think I'll stick around here a long time." Airlift Fliers Feel They Should Stay 'Just in Case' you, his first great-granddauah- ,n mV" lvV- lney ter when vmi .. .!. m7k. wanl now wny in tarnation Ed Stadt.r, our new district J,'d' when you were ,lx '"""n' the studio didn't ask them. They By JOSEPH FLEMING (Udius Pimj suff CrreJvoDdtnt Berlin, May 6 (U P) The men who broke the back of the Soviet a counter proposal, that reflects the trouble with any huge ployea and finds them 2 to 1 ,h th aroma whlch waW v.n..r.. .k.. 7i 'outheast bureaucracy which would stick its red tape of controls agaln.t the daylight saving bus!- awa fm his pipes belles the j" ' "J 'm. ,ndna . ii uik... i ..... .i. I- blockade the air lift fliers offered tnriav in '.m fivlntr W-t .... . ' Hu vu.uiI . . . , - r Y...7 Z . . . " Dut Missouri mule In a movie nes This being the case maybe ,mu' "m " " one ..,. ': -,,,. " , " a plan suggested awhile baek ,h uy wh0 P'P t 7. 2 Pu 1 1e"h ,or the Lffi lJ.SfflSh iT. " hacking away .t It indl,?n;. S " bu,y- ' i mi mill, .nan vno i'iukioiii iwr me rrKiuu, Z . V forever H rilaraiYla hi, nln uon 1 "now now good a dentist The Pacific Northwest needs developing desperately. y court ordering county bus - fa.r He d fau rtt hto, pipe. he w, do'know that he it its development need not be sacrificed for the sake of t7. n.7 onVpCm"2 a good father because my onto every part of the region in one way or another. Soon the existence of the bureaucratic regime becomes mora important than the program for the region. But a triumvirate of Washington-appointed directors and their bureaucratic regime, No 'Welcome' Mot for Them Madras The Lester Harlgaa family weald like to expert a couple colonies ef bees. It Isn't that they don't like beet highly regarded ky clover fanners hereabouts but they object to their location. . One swarm, from undetermined location, arrived aad set ap housekeeping In the granary. The ether found a place la the wall of the house. Trouble Is, says Horlgan, that the eea la the house like to Join the family at dinner. dance Intended while the town goes the other way. At any rate, if this could be effected we'd have the county clock on our side eternal search after the right "ZXhti WV cnly a,i"ht non,n, one. But it does demonstrate "V aiea. to a certain extent what potency can be developed In a pipe even In a few weeks time. it will be a "helnmu in Pilots and mechanics were interviewed at Temnlehof airfield one of our noblest animals." while they grabbed a quick bite at a mobile canteen before return But In Tennewee, the manager ln " western Ger- tn. ,ift of the Columbia Chamber of many. He said it would be a "tragic Commerce, Lewi, Ami,, offered while they hailed the news minaKo to disperse aU over the to furnish "Brown's Sunshine." that the blockade would be lift- world the air transport fleet who despite the fact that the ed May 12 a, a victory for the collected to supply Berlin." 1, a lady wa, crowned "king" we,tern powers and air power, "Let's keep it here " he said, at their annual "Mule Day" last they all agreed it would be a "or at i.ail a Bood art . t in 1I1UII.II. ..ii...r.c aw aiaia. auiliv This brought a siullng snort Lt. Charles White of Boise. Well, those are some of the from H. C. Rethwlsch. vice pres- Ida., said: things I thought about last week (dent of the Missouri stale "If we all Gary Found He Had Learned Cleveland un six-year-old Gary Sepsl rode his wagoa to a corner fire alarm box aad turned la aa alarm. A few minutes later he told tire officials who climbed dowa from three places ef equipment that he had learned how from watching a program en his parents' new television set. The program had demonstrated the proper method for turning la aa alarm. case we need it again.' As the fliers spoke, cargoes that kept 2.S00.000 western Ber- go home, the Rus- liners alive were being unload ed from their planes by sweat ing stevedores. Four-engined C-54s were com- auxing my trip up to tne old Chamber of Commerce. He slans might blockade us again. .......... .. wncr ciaimra "Tennessee mules are Once is enough.' momer is Duneci, ana wnere tne nothin hut a ooor Imitation whii. r.rWaH . .t Z .k ! 3 . d ,h,t magnificent animal famed in flying Liberators from British ing in at three-minute intervals vnf. n. .kV w ,n ,nd ,b,e " b"' lin,t German targets ln and air officials predicted the that you wouldn t think the Now Robert Arthur, producer Europe and has spent three airlift this week would set a - K'"- oi tne movie about "rrancts." months on the airlift in winvii io live. Ihi talkina mule whim fiwt aH. Capt. new tonnage record for the Gilbert Preston. Loa third atraloM a.k I thought back to the times vice helps generals win the war Angeles, a veteran of 50 mis- Two B-17 Flying Fortresses mother used to spank me with In the Pacific, reported he was sions over the hump between started the airlift eight dsys the other side of the hairbrush, trying not very successfully India and China, said he was after the Soviets imposed their It never hurt much. She never to straddle the fence. ready to do an equal number on total blockade on June 19, 1141.'! f