. VEST day for Sojourn elub It . planned lor next Thursday after noon, dessert to be at 1:13 o'clock in the Salem Woman's club house. Mrs. Frank Ward is chairman for the committee of hostesses and is being assisted by Mrs. T. G. Wise, Mrs. Rob ert Davidson, Mrs. Ted Tibbetts, Mrs. Lee I. Thomas, Mrs. Robert Corey, Mrs. L. Lenhart and Mrs. B. C. Selberg. By Marian Lowry Fischer HSTERIA club's last dance of the season is booked for next Friday evening. May 13, at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, starting at 9 o'clock. Guy Albin's orchestra will play. This is to be an informal sports dance and members are entitled to take guests. Following the dance a midnight lu-ich is to be served by Mrs. Oscar Liudahl. On the committee for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. Evert Givens, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aschenbrenner, Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Wcndoroth, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Young, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quistad. The report of the nominating commit tee will be given and voted on. Nom inees are Carl Aschenbrenner for presi dent; Floyd Baxter, vice president; Carl Quistad, secretary-treasurer. Mother's Day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winstanley Jenks will be Mrs. Jenks' mother, Mrs. P. S. Schweizcr of Monmouth; Mr. Jenks' aunt, Mrs. J. H. Winstanley of Portland, her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Winstanley of Hood River, and Mr. Jenks' stepmother, Mrs. W. T. Jenks, who is visiting from Covina, Calif. A baby daughter was born Friday, May 6, at Salem General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bush. Also welcoming the new arrival are a sister, Mary Col leen, and a brother, Charles Lee. Grand parents are Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickclson of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan of Waukeegan, 111. Secretary of State and Mrs. Earl T. Newbry are at Waldport for the week end. Their daughter, Miss Shirlee New bry, is spending the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. John ston, at Corvallis. Guests for Mothers' Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Wade will be Mrs. Wade's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gates of Hillsboro and Mr. Wade's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wade of Portland, Delta Gamma Mothers club is to be entertained Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the sorority chapter house, Mrs. L. M. Case and Mrs. O. B. Long as the hostesses. Regular meeting for Chapter BQ, P.E.O. Sisterhood, is to be Monday eve ning at 7:48 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Hoy Harland. Play at 9 a.m. and luncheon at 1:30 p.m. will feature the weekly day for Salem Women's Golf association, Wed nesday, 1 The usual at home afternoon will he observed by Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's governor, Tuesday, Vlsllors in the capital that day are given special invitation to call. Mrs. T. A. I.ivtslry will he hostess in Town and Country eluh members nest Thursday at hrr home, luncheon to be at 1 o'clock. In Medford this week-end is Miss Ali-tie Phillips as house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Erie W. Allen, formerly of Salem. Gamma Phi Beta alumnae will meet Monday evening for a supper at 6:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Frank H. Spears. Assistant hostesses will be Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs. Mildred Angle and Mrs. George Bcane. Among rluh hostesses next week is 1n he Mrs. Harvey Quistad who will en tertain her bridKe club Thursday eve ning, late refreshments to be served. Mrs. C. K. Logan left this morning fur Taconia to spend Mother's Day with her mother, Mrs. Hans Hansen. . An event for next Wednesday will be the no-host luncheon for Sigma Kappa mothers at the Golden Pheasant at 1:1.1 o'clock. Reservations mav be made by calling Mrs. Vern McMullen. Mrs. Wallare Carson will be hostrxa to her bridge club Wednesday for lunch eon and cards. FL CLUB TO HONOR MOTHERS Among breakafst gatherings for to morrow morning honoring mothers will be the 15th annual one given by the F. L. club. The breakfast will be at 9 o'clock at the Gold Arrow. Guest speaker Is to be Mrs. Donald Madison. Special guests at the event will be Mrs. Lloyd Pepper, noble grand of the Rebrkahs, and her mother, Mrs. Jenni Chalmers. Club colors in lavendar and yellow will decorate the tables. Mrs. Victor Koop, Mrs. Colene Louns bury and Mrs. R. I,. Applegate have headed committees war king on the breakfast plana. &, my 3 Breakfast Sunday On the calendar of traditional Moth er's Day events is the annual Spinsters club breakfast Sunday morning at B o'clock in the Cave room of the Senator hotel with mothers of members as guests. Miss Margarel Lovell is general chair man for the event. Among those planning to attend the event are: Miss Patricia Viesko and her mother, Mrs. E. R. Viesko; Mrs. Roger Schnell and her mother. Mrs. John S. Beakey, Mrs. Robert Elgin and her mother, Mrs. J. M. MacGregor; Miss Evelyn Johnson and her mother, Mrs. Stuart Johnson; Mrs. George Emigh and her molher, Mrs, George A. White of Portland; Mrs. Clarence Hamilton and Mrs. C. S. Hamilton; Mrs. William R. Shinn and Mrs. Robert E. Shinn; Mrs. Stuart McElhinny and Miss Florence Duffy and their mother, Mrs. M. P. Duffy; Mrs. Frank Turner and her moth er, Mrs. Fred A. Williams: Mrs. Gale Besse and her mother, Mrs. Stanley McKay; Miss Patricia Vandeneynde and Mrs. John Steclhammer and their moth er, Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde; Mrs. Mau rice Fitzsimons and her mother, Mrs. Oliver Huston; Mrs. Roy Edgorton and her mother, Mrs. Nora M. Ball; Mrs. Vernon Drye and her mother, Mrs. Charles E. Wagner; Mrs. Peter H. Gei ter, Miss Margaret Simms and her moth V tktS4,:jit isMSmHKim 4......, " .. , A , .:. .' .-vM ... . , . '."A J V . . - f : - V; .. : v: ''4 vcv A - ' . 4. 1 m i I- . , 1 . : . - ii . J . ., '. " . , BRinr AT UFA! Tin I. wMIr the wnln, April s In (he Flr,l R.ptM ,hrr, w. Mrs. r. Illien t .1. Awrtrll. Jr.. Ih, f. lrr.lne T.lr. she I. Ih, ri.nehlee .( Mr .and Mrs. Au.Up ,-. Ts.lor - MnI.IU. Mr. V.n AnsriHI the .n M Mrl llelh Van Awdell and Ih. Uui f. D. Vaa AaU. (Jeaiea-Miltar audi, ah.) 7 -"V : . . ' 7 ' - : . ' . WW. t V .f U.aa.' i v i. . . . r vii CLAUDIA AND CLARICE WATERS Fetes Mothers er Mrs. C, D. Simms; Mrs. Francis T. Wade, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, Miss Carolyn Brady and her mother, Mrs. Robert G. Bady; Misses Jeanne and Janice Myers and their mother, Mrs. Burton A. Myers; Mrs, James H. Nicholson, Jr., and her mother, Mrs. Rue Dragcr; Miss Mar garet Lovell and her mother, Mrs. G. L. Lovell; Mrs. H. V. Compton. Mr, and Mrs. Alan A. Siewert are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a daughter, Susan Lee, Friday, May 6, at Salem General hospital. The baby is the second daughter in the family, the older sister being Carolyn Beth Siewert. Grandparents are Mrs. Albert A. Siewert, the baby arriving on her birthday, and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Craw ford, all of Salem. Salem friends will be interested to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Wil son, formerly of this city, have moved from Denver, Colo., to Raymond, Wash., to reside. They and their daughter, Stephanie, visited here briefly last week at the home of Mr. Wilson's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Jr. JUNE'S calendar is filling up with wedding dates, several Salem brides-to-be recently announcing plans for their early summer weddings. Schroeder-Nickens Miss Patricia (Patsy) Nickens has set June 26 as the date for her marriage to Robert Schroeder. The engagement of the couple was announced the past winter. The bride-to-be is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Nickens of Sa lem, Mr. Schroeder the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Schroeder of Portland. Key-Kinnane The wedding of Miss Shirlee Kinnan and David Key has been announced for the afternoon of Sunday, June 5, the cer emony to be at 3 o'clock in the Court Street Christian church. Both young people are students at the College of Puget Sound. Miss Kinnane is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Moen of Salem, Mr. Key the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Key of Seattle. Bairey-Staab Announced for June 11 is the wedding date for Miss Bette Staab and James Bairey, the ceremony to be an 11 o'clock nuptial mass in St. Joseph's church, the Rev. T. J. Bernards officiating. Miss Mary Ellen Davey is to be maid of honor. Miss Ruby Bairey, a sister of Mr. Bairey, the bridesmaid. For the music. Miss Annabelle Kropp is to sing and Wayne Meusey will be at the organ, Mr. Meusey also will sing during the mass. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Staab, Mr. Bairey the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivo J. Bairey. Christensen-Reimann Also planned for June 11 is the wed ding of Miss Mary Reimann and Oscar Christensen, Jr., the ceremony to be an evening one at 8 o'clock in the First Baptist church with the Rev. J. R. Turn bull officiating. The reception follow ing also will be in the church. The bride-elect is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reimann of Salem, Mr. Christensen the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Christensen, Salem. Both young people have been attending Oregon State college and will complete their senior year at the University of Oregon next year. Swedish Visitors Erik Boheman. Swedish ambassador to the United States, and Mrs. Boheman, Manne Lindholm, Swedish consul gen eral, and Mrs. Lindholm, all of Washing ton. D.C., Axel N. Wide, vice consul in Portland, will be in Salem next Tues day to make an official call on Gover nor Douglas McKay. Mrs. McKay is to entertain for the visiting women at luncheon. Mrs. Gerald Meindl of Portland is accompanying the party to Salem and also will be at the luncheon. Governor McKay is entertaining the ambassador and consular officials at luncheon. On Wednesday afternoon Governor and Mrs. McKay will attend a reception for the Swedish visitors at Portland. Zonta club's meeting is to be held next Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. W. L. Allen, KIngwood drive, Hiss Edna Lucker and Mrs. C. W. Stacey assisting. This Is the business meeting with election of directors. May meeting for the Salem YWCA board Is to be held next Tuesday morn ing at 9:45 o'clock in the YW, Mrs. A. A. Schramm, president, presiding. St. Joseph's Mothers club is meeting next Thursday at 8 p.m. In the St. Jos eph's hall. New officers will be elected. Mrs. Guy N. Hickok, radio chairman, reports that for the May 13 program of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs over KOAC, Dean W. A. Schoen feld of the school of agriculture at Ore gon State college and director of the ex tension experiment station, is to give the talk m "WhiU Gold t America, Mother's Day Featured Sueif for Families Tomorrow Sunday is Mother's Day and there will be many gifts for mother, pro grams laudatory to her, and other special observances honoring her. With all the honors, however, mother still Ireosures the little things done for her, the thoughtfulness in doing just the little tasks. On this page today are several junior high school girls pictured "doing little things for mother," ond for mothers they symboliie the real signifi cance of the doy. At left above are Claudia, left, ond Clarice, twin daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Waters, busy setting the dinner table. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) &J,;K0r- y" ... r- tJr - Jf$$fc 'V '"!'.''! . Jn-... ' ji !: ... ffl SIDNEY Rainbow Dance on Featured on the social calendar for the high school and college group next week is the annual spring semi-formal dance of the Chadwick assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Friday evening. The party will be in the Glenwood ball room, "Black Magic" the theme for the evening. Patrons for the dance are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O. Webber, Mrs. Carl Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. DeSart, Mr. and Mrs. Jason E. Frizzell, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Gail H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burris, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Case, H. R. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Boock, Dr. and Mrs. F. Kenneth Power, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. PedersOn and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jones. Among members of the order heading committees for the dance are Miss Leah Case, who is worthy adviser; Misses Gladys Boock, Helen Booth, Donna Phelps. Bonnie Jacobson. Dorothy Swei gert, Ida Jo Henderson. Beverly Graber, Marilyn Power, Jean Hartwell. Meeting Tuesday Regular meeting for the assembly is to be Tuesday evening in the Masonic temple There will be formal initiation, also election in the office of faith. Tickets for the Friday dance are on sale by all members of the order. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Healy and daughter. Patricia, are to be in Rich field, Wash., tomorrow to spend Mother's Day with Mrs. Hcaly's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. Ward Finley. Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church is to meet Tuesday for a no-host luncheon at 1 o'clock at the parish house. Mrs. Elmer E. Smith, Mrs. H. H. Henry. Mrs. Earl Andresen and Mrs. Louise Miller are the committee in chirge. Mrs. Carl E. Nelson is to be hostest to the Gaiety Hill Garden club on Mon day at her home, luncheon to be at 1 p.m. Prof. Ralph Dobbs of the Willamette university college of music, Is to give the program for the radio program of the state American Association of Uni versity Women over KOAC Tuesday afternoon. , "Music for You" is the pro gram theme. Professor Dobbs to play Chopin compositions, this year being the 100th anniversary of the death of the Polish composer. Marion-Polk Medical Society auxil iary is meeting on Tuesday evening for a no-host supper at the home of Mrs. William Lidbeck at (U0 o'clock. Thii will to the final neeting of Mm smsoii. 17 . KROMER Friday Evening Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary li to meet Monday afternoon at 1:30 j o'clock at the hospital. I Mrs. Paul Heath is to be guest speaker to discuss flower arrangements. Mrs. j W. E. Seamster is. to tell about the hos pital room sponsored by the auxiliary. Mrs. Ed Goeckner, Mrs. Frank Kel logg and Mrs. James Haworth are host esses for the meeting. Members of Chapter CB of P.E.O.; Sisterhood are to be entertained at th home of Mrs. Charles Greenwood in Dallas, 107 Court street, next Thursday evening, dessert to be at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs, George Rhoten1 and Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson will be hostesses at the home of the former Tuesday afternoon for the meeting of Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sisterhood, dessert to be at 1:15 o'clock. Here from San Francisco to spend the week-end is Thomas Adolphson, guest of his mother, Mrs. A. L. Adolphson. WORK TO AID SYMPHONY Workers are in the field to organize Interested Salem citizenry to assist with the maintenance fund for the PortJp Symphony orchestra. The local supporters point out if Sa lem folk wish to hear a fine orchestra here the Portland Symphony must be kept alive because such an orchestra can hot be maintained locally for many years to come. In the civic interest they point to the Portland Symphony as an asset to Salem and all Oregon as well as to Portland, that it is an attraction to new comers and an opportunity for children. Each year the Portland orchestra comes to Salem for a series of concerts, having appeared here three times this past sea son. The Portland Symphony orchestra re ceives its revenues from six sources: 32 4 per cent in ticket sales; 3.8 per cent in radio appearances: 2.4 per cent in out-of-town bookings: 0.5 per cent In society memberships; 0.9 per cent In interest from symphony endowment fund; 60 per cent in maintenance financing fund or outright gifts. j Well known artists who will appear with the orchestra next season are Jussl Bjoerling, Metropolitan tenor; Rise Stev ens. Metropolitan mezzo-soprano; Benno Moiseiwitsch. pianist; Mona Paulee. Met ropolitan mezzo-soprano: Lduls Kauf man, violinist; Jacques Abram. pianist. A S10 membership entitles the holder to a pre-sale choice of seats In Portland and In Salem concerts: a vote for direc tors of Portland orchestra at annual meeting in Portland: two complimentary tickets to pre-season members' concert in Portland: place in list of contribuf-rs given In first Portland program and also 1m Salem program. Jean and Doris Helen (right), the daughters of Mr. ond Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, are showing how useful to mother they can be at kitchen duties in the upper right picture. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Arranging flowers is the pleasant task being done by Sidney Kromer, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Sydney Kromer, in lower left picture. (Jesten Miller studio picture) Frosting a cake is the special little duty Patricia Healy, lower right pic ture, likes to do for mother. She is the daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. William E. Healy. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) All six girls in the pictures attend Leslie junior high school. PATRICIA fl-Y MOTHER'S CLUB is to have its May dessert luncheon and - meeting at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the YMCA. Mrs. Harold McMillin, Mrs. Daniel Schulze, Mrs. Wolcott Muren, and Mrs. W. C. Sodeman are the host esses. Gus Moore, Y secretary, is to intro duce the new boys' work secretary, Roth Holtz, who is to talk to the mothers. At the business meeting the mothers will elect new officers. The board of officers for the Salem branch, American Association of Uni versity Women, is to meet Tuesday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ervin Potter and assisting will be Miss Mary Ann Foley and Miss Constance Weinman. The Interior decorating group of the American Association of University Wo men is to meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Gordon Carl, King wood Heights. Mrs. Howard Sergeant is co-hostess. Mrs. Mary Thomas is to discuss interiors for the group. State BPW Event Opening Friday will be the 28th an nual convention for the Oregon Fed ' ration ' of Business and Professional rWomen's clubs with the Salem BPW women as hostesses. Between 400 and 450 delegates and visitors are expected to attend the three-day convention, the state organization now having 47 clubs. Mrs. Arthur Weddle, a past president of the Salem club, will preside as state president. Mrs. John Versteeg, the new ly elected Salem club president, is gen eral chairman for the convention. Judge Sarah T. Hughes of Dallas, Texas, first vice president of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs, will be the national rep resentative at the convention and fea tured speaker. The program for the convention is as follows: . Friday, May 13 Registration, Senator hotel, 11 i.m.; at 12 noon, executive board luncheon, Sen ator hotel; 1 p.m., pre-convention state board meeting; 4 p.m., meeting of reso lutions, rules, and credential committees; 8:30 p.m., Gypsy dinner, Chamber of Commerce, tun session following In Sa lem armory. Saturday, May 14 Meetings at First Methodist church, formal opening of the convention to be at 8:30 a.m. with Mrs. Weddle presiding. The Y-Teena of Salem wilt put on the presentation of colors. Greetings will he extended from the hostesses by Mrs. Charles Forrette, president of the Salem club, and Mrs. Charline Edwards of Phil omath, member of the Corvallis club, will give the response as first vice pres ent of the state group. Presentation o the convention program, reports of the rules committee, appointment el HEALY HOLLYWOOD Lions auxiliary will meet at the Lions Den at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 11, for the regular May meeting and election of new officers. They will be entertained with musie by Boy Scout Troop 3, and movies furn ished by Eddie Lewis. Members are requested to bring a wrapped "white elephant" for sale during the evening. Hostesses are: Mrs. C. D. Cox, chair man; Mrs. L. R. Thomas, Mrs. C. A, Gies, and Mrs. C. R. Lindstrom. Judy Fortmiller, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Fortmiller, observed her seventh birthday today and in celebra tion of the event a party was given this afternoon at the family home by her mother. The playroom was gayly deck ed with flowers and balloons. Motion pictures were shown and refreshments enjoyed. At the party were Judy, Susan Wil son, Bucky Schmidt, Bill Crandall, Carol Ramsden, Stevie Dawson, Nancy Miller, Gregory Stadter, Beverly Crane, Barton McSherry, Kathy Lanham, Diane Hen sey, Judy Foster, Billy Purvine, Joan Griffith, Dick, Jim and Karen Fortmiller. Starts Friday election committee with Mrs. Harold Jensen of Eugene as chairman, the pres ident's address and reports of state of ficers and standing committees will be given during the morning session. At 10 a.m., report of nominating com mittee, nominations from the floor, pres entation of candidates, report of creden tials committee and highlights of club activities will complete the morning ses sion. The polls open at 12 noon and the luncheon will be at the church at noon as an International relations event. The afternoon session begins at 1:30 o'clock with a report from the resolu tions committee and roundtables on leg islation, membership, program and treas urers. The formal banquet honoring Judge Hughes will be at the Marion hotel and the American Legion club, starting at 6:1S o'clock. At 8 p.m. will be the pro gram in the armory with Judge Hughes as speaker, members of the Dallas and Woodburn BPW clubs as hostesses for the reception after the program. Sunday, May IS Installation breakfast, Marion hotel, 8:43 a.m., honoring past state presidents. At this time membership citations will be given out, the Hillsboro club Is to put on the emblem ceremony, Mrs. Wed dle will install incoming officers, and other awards will be announced. The retiring and Incoming state boards will meet for luncheon at noon at Nohl gren's, the new board to held its meet ing following. A sightseeing trip to Silver Creek falls is planned for visiting delegates and others remaining until Sunday after-Boon. rEETINGS for two of Salem's major club groups are arranged for this week. Junior Woman's club is meeting Mon day evening in the club house. New of ficers are to be elected at this time. Mrs. Cedric T. Reaney has served as presi dent this past year. Mrs. Sam Campbell will preside. Saturday Event Salem Woman's club is meeting next Saturday afternoon. A Mother's Day program is to be presented, Mrs. George H. Swift as chairman. At the business meeting officers will be elected. Mrs. Harlan Judd, Mrs. Clarence Wilson, Mrs. Esther W. Little, Mrs. W. S. Levens, Mrs. William Newmyer, Mrs. E. E. Boring and Mrs. J. E. West are the tea committee. Highland Mothers club met this week. The opening number was a program by the school orchestra, directed by Don ald Jessop. A discussion was held on school elections. Plans were made for a tea for the teachers on May 24. New Officer were presented and given corsages. They include: Mrs. Russell Shipman, president; Mrs. Earl Boyle, Jr., vice president; Mrs. H. W. Scoggin, treasurer; Mrs. Harley Cor dray, secretary; Mrs. Fred Jacobson, finance chairman; Mrs. A. B. Chapman, room mothers chairmen; Mrs. Howard Roberts, publicity chairman; Mrs. Ern est Russell, bulletin chairman; Mrs. Henry A. Hazel, year book chairman; Mrs. Gibson Follis, program chairman. Pictures were shown on youth camps by Mrs. George Bagnall, Miss Jean Car- rico and Gus Moore. Mrs. Howard Jenks, Jr., was a special guest at the meeting. Refreshments were served. COTTON BALL THIS EVENING The cotton ball of the Tri-Y girls is to be an event of this evening in the big gymnasium of the YMCA. Featuring the evening's entertainment will be crowning of the king, to take place at intermission. Candidates for the honor are Dick Fuhr, Tom Paulus, Paul Jewell, Roll in Cocking and Bud Duvall. Name of the king will be kept a surprise until the crowning ceremony and the other four boys will be princes of the court. Decorations will carry out an old fashioned garden scene. Cotton ap parel is the order for the event. Committee chairmen from the Tri-Y groups arranging the dance include: Misses Katie Siegmund and Joan Barnes, co-chairmen; Miss Joan DcRoos, Miss Barbara Stagle, Miss Nancy Miller, Miss Aileen Hanan, Miss Margaret Bown. Music will be by Claude Bird's orches tra. An event attracting many from Salem next week will be the second "Annual Antiques Fair of Oregon, Inc.," May 12, 13 and 14 in the Portland Masonic tem ple, sponsored by members of the Christ church of Oswego. To be exhibited are wide selections of glassware and china, both early Ameri can and European; figurines, including a collection of 40 Toby Jugs; Pennsyl vania Dutch items; Swedish and Fin nish copper and brass; antique Jewelry; old prints, featuring antique maps dat ing back as early as 1660; furniture of many types and many other articles. Among Salemites planning to attend are Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. James W. Mott, Mrs. Eva Purvine, Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers. Miss Dorathea Steusloff, Mrs. H. C. Walling. This group and Mrs. Hazel B. Pague of Scio will be guests of Mrs. A. J. McCann and Mrs. Curtis Stewart for luncheon on Friday at the Aero club. a Mr. and Mrs. E. T Kertson were honored on the occasion of their 47th wedding anniversary. Wednesday eve ning, when a group of friends gathered at their home. The Kcrstons have lived in Salem for 25 years. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seamster, Mr. and Mrs. D. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris. Mrs. Fred Mineer. Mrs. Stella Hall, Mrs. Lummis, Mrs. Tate and Mr. and Mrs. Kertson. An Informal evening was enjoyed and refreshments served. JEAN AND DORIS HELEN SPAULDING Mu Phi Epsilon Co Major activity of the spring for mem bers of the Willamette university chap ter of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music honor society for women, will be the concert and silver tea planned for Sun day afternoon. May 15. The concert will be at 3 o'clock in Waller hall, given by members of the chapter. The tea following is to be at the home and gardens of Mrs. Frank Burlingham. Program Listed . Program for the concert is as follows: I Stars of the Night Sing Softly Edwards Shy One Clarke Miss Gloria Stone, soprano , II Go Away from My Window Nilos Geordie Nilcs Kentucky folk songs Miss Edith Fairham, soprano III Diversions Carpenter (1) B Minor (4) G Major Miss Jean Rickli, pianist IV The Dream.... Horsman Sweet o' the Year . Salter Miss Joy Bushnell, soprano $rV& f ':. ' ." p ' '' ' ' (J , -.'. f . V, :. ' s . V ' " f v .. , . 5 ; ' i ANNOI'M FD rerrntlr l the PI Brl PW sornril? at wlllamrtle nlverllr was lh rnsssemrnl nf MKs Marine Mfyer. riaiiRhtrr of Mr. and Mm. Frank I.. Mryrrt, to V.. David Rartrufr, son nf Mr. Irna Bartrulf at Halrro, The wedding te la he nnt falL IJesten-Miller studio pholo) ncert and Tea V Sonata for Violin and Piano (1943). . Copland Bennet Ludden, piano Bennett Ludden, piano Assist at Tea For tiie tea following at the Burling ham home. Mrs. Ralph Dobbs and Mrs. Frank Fisher are to pour. Mrs. David Eason and Mrs. Keith Powell from the patronesses group arcto arrange the flowers. Other patronesses assisting include Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, Mrs. Frank Burl iiiRham, Mrs. Mclvin H. Geist, Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Miss Olive M. Dahl, Mrs. Ellwood Ball. Members of the active chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon include Miss Betty Kuhlman as president, Miss Glennis Allen, Miss Lois Gottwald, Miss Sharon Currier, Miss Gloria Stone, Miss Barbara Miller, Miss Aldcne Gould, Miss Sue Stokke, Miss Bcrnice Isham, Miss Jean Rickli, Miss Pauline Brestlin, Miss Martha Ben ard, Miss Edith Fairham, Miss Thelma Curran, Miss Joy Bushnell, Miss Bea trice NagI, Miss Helen MacHirron, Mrs. Robert F. Anderson, Mrs. Denise Mur ray, who is adviser, Miss Lena Belle Tartar. . - . .. ' . ft 1 10 ! ; J HE ANNUAL spring formal for members of Eta chanter of Beta Sigma Phi will be- an event of next Friday evening, May 13, in the Paul Armstrong school of dance. Danc ing will be between 9 and 12 o'clock. On the committee are Mrs. Fred Thompson, Miss Norma Sletton, Miss Wanda Ringland, Mrs. Wilbur Pearson, Mrs Carroll Addison, Mrs, William Troth, Mrs, G. J. James, Mrs. Walter Pierce. Members of Alpha Epsilon chapter are invited as guests for the dance. Mother's club of St. Vincent de Paul school is meeting Tuesday at the school at 2:30 o'clock. New officers will be Installed. They include: Mrs. George Gruchalla, presi dent; Mrs. Ed Meier, vice president; Mrs. Cecil Manion, secretary; Mrs. Lloyd Lemmon, treasurer; and the following room mothers: Mrs. Frank Tuor, Mrs. Chris Johnson, Mrs. Earl Griepentrog, Mrs. Carl Jungblut, Mrs. Arch Warner, Mrs. Everett Fear, Mrs. Lyle Shepherd, Mrs. Ray Kerr. For the social, the eighth grade girls will serve. P.E.O. TEA ON THURSDAY Members of Chapter BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood are to be hostesses next Thursday for a tea to be given at the home of Mrs. Ralph Gordon, 500 Rose street, between the hours of 3:30 and 5:30 o'clock. All unaffiliated P.E.O. members in the city, members of the P.E.O. council and the new initiates of the other four chapters in the city are invited to attend. Circle meetings for the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of the First Methodist church will be held Wednes day, May 11, for luncheons at 1:15 o'clock as follows: No. 1, Mrs. Bertha Cook as hostess, 1444 Ferry street, Mrs. Zella James, Mrs. Milo Taylor, Mrs. Lloyd Lee as sisting. No. 2, meeting at the home of Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1515 State street, Mrs. Zero Polaire, Mrs. Etta Hall, Mrs. C. E. Bates assisting. No. 3, meeting at the home of Mrs. Clark Irwin, 1515 North 16th, Mrs. Alma Shipley and Mrs. H. W. Gardner assisting. No. 4. at the home of Mrs. O. V. Hume, 825 Belmont street. No. 5, at the home of Mrs. C. Findley, 225 North 20th, Mrs. Edna Waterman and Mrs. A. A. Schramm assisting. No. 6, at the home of Mrs. J. E. Kirk, 1026 North Fifth, Mrs. O. W. Emmons assisting. The mother and daughter banquet of the Englewood church is planned for next Thursday evening, May 12, at 6:30 o'clock in the church recreation room. Mrs. B. Koh is to be guest speaker. Mrs Harold Douris is chairman for the program. Miss Cleta Martin will give the toast to mothers, Mrs. Floyd Query the toast to daughters. A play is to be presented by the junior high school girls of the church. All women of the church and friends are invited to attend. Marion auxiliary, Veterans of For eign Wars, will hold a regular business meeting Monday evening at the VFW hall. There will be election of delegates to the state convention to be held al Coos Bay June 22-25. An invitation has been received for all members to attend a luncheon at Berg's Chalet May 12 at 12:30, also a banquet May 11 at 7 o'clock at the Crystal room, Benson hotel, when the national president will be in Portland. Reservations are to be made with Mrs. Blanche Oberg, 20 S.E. 65th avenue, Portland 16. Mrs. Arthur Bone will be hostess Monday evening to the meeting of Chapter AB of P.E.O. Sisterhood at her home at 7:45 o'clock. Rotana club Is not meeting on the regular date, Monday evening, planning its annual installation banquet for the evening of May 16 at Nohlgren's restau rant. The Royal Neighbors Sewing club Is to meet Wednesday for a no-host lunch eon at the home of Mrs. Helen Quamme, 1970 Warner, but In case of bad weather the meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Josephine Quamme at 1299 Saginaw. Mrs. A. L. Adolphson will be hostesa to her study club for a meeting Monday afternoon. Social afternoon ror women of Chad wick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will be Tuesday, dessert luncheon at 1:15 o'clock In the Masonic temple. Wil lamette university speech department students will present the program. 1 In Washington for ten days are Mr. and Mrs. Karl Beckc, visiting their daughter, Miss Marjorie Becke, student at Annie Wright seminary, Tscoma. This week-end they will take In the school's Father's Day, then go to Se attle and Victoria to return to Tacoma on May 13 for the May day event at Annie Wright. DANCE CLUB PLANS PARTY Calendared for next Wednesday eve ning will be May dance of the Mon day Night Dancing club. A sports dance is to be given at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, dancing to be between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burlingham. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Franzen, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough and Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Wysong are the committee for the evening. Claude Bird's orchestra is to Play. This is the last dance of the season for the club.