Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 07, 1949, Page 14, Image 12

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14 Capital Journal, Salem,
Oil A
111 a i r"rni nil
Missionary Convention Openi at SHverton Rev. Orville F.
Mick, Albany minister of the First Church of Christ, opens
the Willamette district missionary convention at Silverton.
Genera theme of the convention closing this afternoon was
"For This Cause," emphasizing Christian fellowship, education,
stewardship and love.
Four Corners Garden Club
Holds First Hobby Display
Four Corners, May 7 The Rickey Garden club's first hobby
show held in connection with their spring plant exchange at the
Community hall was well received. Mrs. G. M. Deen's salt and
pepper shakers was a representative collection resembling Noah's
Ark, Mother Goose rhymes, fruit, flowers and vegetables as well
as many oddities. The knitted-
lace center pieces by Mrs. A. C
Shaw of Salem were outstand
ing in design and workmanship.
Mrs. J. H. Igleheart displayed
a large collection of hand work
and oil painting on cloth. The
Textile and oil painting of Mrs
Raymond Hough was almost pro
fessional in design and detail
Other hobbles were a stamp
collection of Mrs. Floyd Green,
braided rugs; Mrs. E. M. White,
one half pic done In six and
seven strand braid. A double
three-strand braided rug. braid
ing done by Sherrill White at
four years of age.
Interest in the plant exchange
gave promise of the fall flower
show to be held in August. The
Club will serve hot lunches May
21 at the Fairgrounds in con
nection with the stock sale to
be held on that date. New mem
Skunk Wedding
Part of Circus
Something new In the world
Is set for the Cubs' part of the
Boy Scout circus program to
night at Sweetland field, a wed
ding of the skunks.
Cug officials wouldn't give
out details other than that this
act will be a part of the annl-
mat fair, featuring a three-ring
circus within the Boy Scout cir
cus. Other wild animals to be on
hand include giraffes, pandas,
Hons, tigers, elephants and other
rare denizens of the wild.
Oscar Lludahl, chairman of
the Cub presentation, said the
Scouts have spent a long hard
winter and busy spring round
ing up the wild animals for their
one and only appearance at the
circus tonight.
The cubs presentation will
follow the Eagle Scout presen
tation, an Impressive ceremony
for Scouts who have achieved
one of the highest ranks in
1800-Pound Bear
Bagged in Kodiak
Kodiak, Alaska, May T U.B
An 1800-pound kodiak bear, be
lieved to be the largest ever
bagged, was dropped with three
bullets from the guns of hunt
ers Morris Tallifson and Larry
Matfay, it was revealed today.
The hide measures 11 feet,
five inches in length and 11 feet
wide. The bear was killed near
Olga bay on Kodiak island.
Measurements of the huge ani
mal's skull have been taken by
the game agent here and sent
1o the Crockett club of New
York which determines bear rec
ords by skull sizes.
FBI Arrests Two
Officials for Theft
Richland, Wash., May T (-TV-FBI
agenta arrested two con
struction company officials at
this "atomic city" yesterday on
charges of theft and conspiracy
to defraud the government.
Both men, Guy F. Moore and
Frederick S. Jordan, were em
ployed by the Atkinson-Jones
Construction company, a sub
contractor under the General
Electric company which oper
ates the Hanford project for the
atomic energy commission.
si Antique. Fair of Oregon
Oregon, Saturday, May 7, 1949
bers are Mrs. George Bixler,
Mrs. Richard McKee and Mrs.
Earl Thulin. Hostesses were
Mrs. E. E. Walker, Mrs. Mil
dred Corning, Mrs. E. M. White,
Mrs. Oliver Rickman.
Bales Opens Store
Four Corners Clyde Bales,
owner and proprietor of the
Four Comer Sporting Goods
store has completed a new store
building and moved his stock to
the new location at 155 S. Lan
caster drive. The building is
40x32 with a 14x40 storage and
repair shop in rear. The inter
ior is finished in plaster board
painted. The exterior Is white
stucco. The entire front is glass
with two entrances facilitating
easy access to the Auto Parts de
partment Just opened with
Homer Bales In charge. Mr
Bales has been In business in
Four Corners two years.
Cub Scouts Meet
Mrs. Jess Mcllnay and Mrs.
Clifford Pierpolnt were leaders
and hostesses for Cub Scout Den
3 at the Melvln Scott home.
Gary Pierpont was elected den-
ner and Gary Pederson assistant
denner. New members are Larry
Rhoades and Donald Brunk. The
time was spent painting the cat
erpillar for the Scout circus.
Needy Families Helped
The Four Corners Baptist
Mission society met with Mrs.
S. H. Cable, 300 N. Elma avenue
as hostess for the day. Work
on clothing for indigent fami
lies occupied the afternoon. Re
freshments were served to Mrs
Eldon France, Mrs. Vernon For
rest, Mrs. W. R. Gould, Mrs. Ben
Swinford, Mrs. Harry Ham
mond, Mrs. Leon Lambert, Mrs.
Julius Herr.
Sixteen girls of Brownie troop
107 met after school at the Com
munity hall. Their project was
weaving. Hostesses for the day
were Kathleen Snook, Denise
Miller and Barbara Burns. Lead
ers were Mrs. Francis Miller,
Mrs. Robert Burns.
Mrs. James A. Taylor, who has
been visiting in the A. A. Tay
lor and Oliver Rickman homes
for several weeks has returned
to her home in Astoria. She was
accompanied home by her small
brother Teddy Rickman for an
indefinite stay.
Mrs. E. E. Walker, 200 Mahrt
avenue will go to Corvallls to
spend the Mother's day week
end with her daughter, Verlaine
Walker, who is a student at Ore-
gon State college. While there
II ll:M I'llKl
IS.nllrtl S.rvlctt
"now anoitT oi? homss?"
Sim.a br Dr. chit.r W. SJtMMIa
ImIm Wcnfclt. 1:St P. M.
-world cwacRMUNsair
S.rvlt bt IvSttitv fr OrtvM
SIAI. CalltM
Chamrketa at
Chester W. Hambltn
John L.
Assistant Pastor
rtlDAT. MAT tt . n M M
she will stay at the Alpha Xi
Delta house. Mrs. Walker was
elected vice president of the
Salem Chapter of Oregon State
Mothers' clubs at the April meet
Recent visitors in the Oliver
Rickman home on North Elma
avenue were Mrs. Mabel Wha
len and son Harold Whalen and
Mrs. Anne Collins all of Wat
sonville, Calif .
Many mothers and fathers overlook the long-range meaning
of parenthood. This beautiful mother, cuddling her little boy, may
not; realize it, but she is holding an armful of tomorrow.
This child of her heart belongs to another generation the
one that is to follow. It is her high privilege to rear him and train
him for that future life.
If she thinks merely of the happiness the little fellow has
brought into her life and home, she has missed the point entirely.
Her main thought should be of what he may mean to his own
generation and the world, and of his own future happiness.
It is a sobering thought that the next generation is being
molded like clay in the hands of the present generation of parents.
Religion is an essential element in the training of a child.
Teach him to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly before
God, and he is not likely to stray into dangerous paths.
The Church can give valuable aid to parents in fulfilling this
This Series of Ads li leinf
Prescriptions, Drugs, Sundries
Many Married Couples May
Have Overpaid State Tax
Good news for Oregon taxpayers. Many married couples have
overpaid their state income tax,
closed today.
The state tax commission meeting here Thursday amended Its
regulations to permit married couples to correct their 1948 income
tax returns in certain cases. The-
new rule is designed to make it
possible for husbands and wives
who filed Joint returns to take
advantage of the "combined sep
arate return form" where that
method results in less tax. Such
I amendments must be filed with
the commission by July 15.
The Oregon community prop
erty law made it possible for
married couples to split their
1948 Income evenly, thus saving
taxes by keeping their income in
lower tax brackets,
Fisher said a sampling of the
returns filed has led the com
mission to believe that many of
the 1948 joint returns mailed up
to April IS resulted in tax pay
ments substantially over those
required by the "combined sep
arate" return. One theory is that
taxpayers were misled by use of
the federal form in which Joint
filing resulted in lesser tax.
Fisher pointed out that the
confusion will be obviated in the
future, because the 1949 legisla -
Published' loch Week Under the
Being Sponsored by tho
f ' I 1 Q
commissioner Earl L. Fisher dia
ture provided for splitting in
come in a joint return, similar to
the federal method.
Fisher said married taxpayers
are urged to examine their cop
ies of their 1948 returns. If all
income reported was lumped to
gether, using but one column of
the return, it is probable that
a "join" return was made. The
commissioner suggests that these
taxpayers should try splitting
their income in the two columns
labeled "husband" and "wife,
dividing the sums equally, to
take advantage of the lower tax
rates this method provides. If
a lesser tax is then found due,
an amended return may be filed.
Woman Killed
Wallowa, May
7 W) While
her husband watched helplessly
from another automobile, Mrs.
Irene Patrick. 34. Walla Walla
died in a highway collision yes-
Auspices of the American Bible Society and the Salem Ministerial Association, one) h
Following Individuals and Business Establishments!
Furniture ond Paint
Air Base Offered
For Boy's Camp
The city of Tillamook has of
fered its airbase, complete in all
details even to mattresses on the
beds, as a location for the state
boys' camp, and offers it rent
This was reported here today
by Persons who attended a state
Juvenile conference Friday in
Location of the camp, which
was approved by the people at
the November election and
sanctioned by the state legisla
ture, will be decided by the
state board of control. The Til
lamook air base, though com
plete, is not used for that pur
Those from Salem attending
the state juvenile conference
were Harvey Tautfest, city juve
nile officer; Dorothy Kennedy,
police matron; Dalbert Jepsen,
assistant county probation offi
cer; Katharyn Loaiza, superin
tendent of Hillcrest School for
Girls; and Frank Doerfler,
member of the Marion county
delegation in the legislature, who
spoke to the conference about
the boys' camp.
enal support
f ....
fri"" .....
OaerirM IMS. 1 E. Ktfcur,
Deportment Store
Portland Testing
Station to Be Sold
Portland, May 7 ) Port
lands' automobile testing station
will go out of existence soon.
City officials yesterday or
dered that it be sold. .
Once all cars in the city were
tested twice a year. This test
ing was relaxed, and only com
mercial vehicles were tested aft
er the first of the year. The
tests will be conducted at com
mercial garages after July 1.
The close of 1947 saw more
than three times as many an
nuity contracts in force in the
United States as there Vere in
For Beauty training Ex
cellent opportunities are al
ways open to the skilled
beautician. Classes are now
forming at Salema oldest
and most advarred beauty
school. Call or write for our
new low rates.
Oregon School of Beauty
230 N Liberty Ph. St Sot
r'l factor
pi .1 d his BoJ
'Oiinteas i '
JCw.,lM, ' Ml
ImAtanc. Vs.
' Let Us
Your Heating
A Clean Furnace
Saves Fuel
CALL 3-3603
A dirty heating system de
posits dust and dirt on
drapes and home furnish
'ngs which ruins them.
Soot and ashes left in the
furnace and smokepipes
gathers moisture which
rusts and destroys the heat
ing system.
Eliminate dust in
your home. Preserve
your heating equip
ment. Don't forget!
Contact us today!
Borne owners pay for hav
ing their beating systems
cleaned whether they
have the work done or not.
The loss in efficiency
would pay for the cleaning
in a short time.
Our modern efficient
cleaning equipment enables
us to vacuum clean and
service your heating sys
tem at an attractive low
Is Our Business"
540 Hood St.
Men's tt Boys' Clothing
The Biggest Little Place in Town"
1S7 South Commercial
W PAMt A NO MA1H . PottlAHO.
Ph. 3-3603