CapHal Journal. Salem, Oregon. Friday, May . 1949 Ms... 4 ''-i - 3 : if . -.a ' Specialists to Meet June 2-7 An in-service training confer ence of teachers of handicapped children has been announced by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Rex Putnam. Teachers from all parts of Oregon will gather for a two day meeting on June 2 and 3 in the Bush school auditorium. Dr. Romaine Mackie, chief, schools for the physically handi capped In the United States of fice of education, Washington, D. C, will be the headline speak er for the occasion. The conference this year will center about a study of children with vision defects, speech de fects, physical handicaps, and convulsive disorders. Appearing on the program with Dr. Mackie will be Dr. Beon Lassers, former speech pathologist in the state department of education in Ore- ' gon. Dr. Kenneth Swan, head, department of ophthalmology, University of Oregon Medical school, Portland, Dr. Lewis Clark, pediatrician, and Dr. Charles Bradley, psychiatrist. On the afternoon of Wednes day, June 1, arrangements are made tohave the teachers visit various state institutions in- . eluding Fairview home, Oregon state hospital, Hillcrest school for girls, and the Oregon state training school for boys. Dayton Really Dazed By Daylight Change Dayton Dayton went Into daylignt saving time this week. The school system, after a few days, Is back again on standard time, which makes a confusing situation throughout the dis trict, as the school clocks will be on daylight time, but classes take up an hour later. Big Four Reaches Agreement on End of Blockade Repre sentatives of the Big Four (above) wind up their discussions in New York for the lifting of the Berlin blockade. May 12 was set as the date for ending the blockade and May 23 as the date for the meeting of the foreign ministers of the four powers. Left to right: Sir Alexander Cadogan, Great Britain; Jacob Malik, Soviet Russia; Dr. Philip C. Jessup, U. S., and Jean Chauvel, France. (Acme Telephoto) Roomette Car Added To Cascade Train Southern Pacific's all-Pullman Cascade between Portland and San Francisco will be im proved by the addition of a roomette car effective May 14, according to J. A. Ormandy, general passenger agent. The car will have 12 room ettes, two single bedrooms and three double bedrooms, Orman dy said. Roomettes are completely en closed, private rooms for sin gle occupancy. Features are a pre-made bed which folds into the wall, toilet, washstand, wardrobe locker and other conveniences. This will be the first time this type of equipment has been offered on the Portland-San Francisco run. Highways Not Hurt By Recent Quake In an effort to counteract any unfavorable travel rumors which may have arisen in out- of-state areas as a result of earth shocks last Wednesday noon, the Oregon state highway commis sion travel information depart ment sent short information bulletins to automobile club of fices, travel agencies, newspaper travel editors news desks that Oregon highways and vacation lands are unaffected by the temblor. One auto club In San Francis ,co reported Thursday morning it had received several calls from members seeking informa tion on earthquake effects on travel to the Beaver state. The bulletin emphasized epicenter of the quake was north of Oregon and caused no appreciable dam age in the state, and that Ore gon is now beginning a busy tourist season. Record School Budget Portland, May 6 P) - The Portland school board approved last night a record $12,113,606 budget for the coming year. A special election on a $2,520,000 tax levy is necessary June 7 to meet the budget. Shantung, a 56,000 mile-quare province of China, is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, inhabited by 26 mil lion people. LEGAL LEGAL CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received b the Board of Education of School District No. 34. Marlon Count t. Oreeon. uo to 1:00 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday. Hay 10, 104. for turn lining boo coraa or .BBweoa m mm Tan oui trhoola of the Olttrlct. Specification blanki and bl-1 forma nay he obtained from and bid ahall be filed with the District Clerk at 4H North High Street. Salem, Oregon. CON NELL C. WARD, Diitrlel Clerk April 22. 20. May I. CTftCI OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE NORTH TWENTY-SECOND STREET FROM BREYMAN STREET TO THE V) JTHERLY TERMINUS OF TWENTY tlQCOND STREET. Nbtioa hereby la given that tha com moe council of tha city of Salem, Ore--on, dee ma it neceuary and expedient nd hereby declare I La purpose and In tention to Improve North Twenty-aecond -t.tet from the aouth Una of Breyman street to the toutherly term In ua of Twen-y-acond atreet, in the city of Salem. Marlon county Oregon, at tha expense of tht abutting and adjacent property, by prlnilni -atd portion of aald atrett to tht established grade, constructing cement concrete curba, and paving aald portion of aald atreet with a J Inch aaphaltlc concrete pavement 30 feet wide In accord ance with the plana and specifications therefor which, were adopted by the com won council April 25, 1040. which are now on file In the office of the city re corder and which by this referent there to art made a, part hereof Tha common council hereby declares tU purpose and Intention to make the abort described Improvement by and through the atreet Improvement depart ment. By order of the Common Council April 34, 1040. ALFRED MTJNTJT, City Recorder. Date of firat publication hereof is April it. 1040. Capital Journal April . , M, May 3 . 4. ft 6 1. 0. 10th. The common ounett hereby declares .ug purpoat and intention to make the above described improvement br end through th atreet improvement depart ment. By order W the Common Council April 3 1040. ALFRED MTJNTJT. City Recorder. Date at? first publication hereof la tprti 31. 1040. Capital Journal April 31, 30, 30, May i. I, 4. 0. 0. 7, 0. 10th. NOTCB OF Irn-ENTIOl TO IMPROVE (ORTH TWENTY-SECOND STREET ROM "D" STREET TO NEBRASKA AVENUE. Notice) hereby m given that the com mon council of the city of Salem, Ore on, deeme It neeaaary and expedient and hereby declare lis purpose and in tention to Improve North Twenty-second atrett from the north line of "D" street to the Norto line of Nebraeka avenue, In the city of Salem, Marlon county. Ore gon, at tha txpenae of the abutting and adjacent property, except the atreet In tersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Saltm, by brlna Ing aald portion of aald atreet to the established grade, constructing eement concrete curb, and paving said portion 3f aald atreet with a a Inch MP h title evneme pavement 30 feet wide in accord ance with the plane and specifications 'treto- wfilca were adopted by the common council April 33, 1040, which err now on file in the office of the city re corder end which by this reference there to are made a part hereof The common council hereby declares It purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the atreet Improvement depart ment. By order of tht Common Council April 30. 1040. ALFRED MDNDT. City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof la April 30, 1040. Capital Journal April 31, 30, 30, May 3. 3. 4, 0. I. 7. 0, 10th. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVF AROYLE DRIVE FROM HANSEN AV ENUE TO C AND ALAR IA BOULEVARD. Notice hereby is gtren that the com mon council of the city of Salem, Ore gon, deems It necessary and expedient and herebv declares IU purpose and In tention to Imorove Argyle Drive from the 'wth line of Hansen avenue to the aouth NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE WEST NOB HILL STREET FROM HOYT STREET TO FAWK AVENUE. Notice hereby ' la givn that tha com iroc council of tht city of Salem, Ore got deems it necessary and oxpedlent And hereby declares IU purpose and In tention to Improve West Nob Hill street fiom the north line of Hoyt street to the eouth line of Fawk avenue, in the city of Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, i the expense of the ebuttlng and adja cent property, by brlnxlng said portion of ald atreet to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of aald atreet with a 3S Inch asphaltlc concrete pavement 34 feet wide In accordance with the plan and specif icat long therefor which were adopted by the common council April 35 1040 which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part h-rfr NtlTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE HICKORY 3TREET FROM VALPAK K'MD TO BROOKS STREET. Notice hereby la given that tht com mon council of the city of Salem, Ore ton, deem It neceuary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and In tention to Improve Hickory atreet from tht west lint of Valpak road to the east line of Brooks street. In the city of Salem, 4arion County. Oreion, at the expense 4 the abutting and adjacent property, T brine in. said portion of aald street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said atreet .with a 2t inch asphaltlc concrete pavement 37 feet wide In accordance with the plana and eperl ricatlon therefor which were adopted by tht common council April 35. 104S. which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the abovt described improvement by and through the street Improvement depart ment. By order of tht Common Council April .6. 1040. ALFRED MUNTJT, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is April 38. 1040. Capital Journal April 31, 30, 30, May J 3. 4. 6, 8. 7, 0. 10th. YOUR KITCHEN SINK - 6fV. is it neat AMD OR SO OBSOLETE I 1 MOOERNCS- I CSV So Men May Live Longer By J. 8. imXETT f tk, Cftvltftl Drat Ittr Recently it was announced that the medical profession and the drug manufacturers are combining their efforts in a million dollar research project to study the causes of degener ate diseases, such as high blood pressure, hardening of the ar teries, arthritis and heart ail ments. You may not consider this very important to you, feeling that its benefits will come too far in the future. Yet it if pos sible that such an important medical discovery will be made in time to prolong your life considerably . . . providing of course that you have taken care to guard your health from year to year. See your doctor regularly. Get prescriptions from a reli able pharmacist. Crr1thl Thli cdlUritt I. Ih Kith T s ferlti T KdiUrlal adv.rtl.ementt ..Bearing B this paver aeh Friday. Capital Drug Store State ft Libert Phone J-3118 1 nt ef Candaltrla boulevard, In tha elty of falem. Marlon county. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street intersections the expense of whlcn will be assume) the city of Salem, by bringing setd tort ion ol said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving aald portion ol aald street with a 3t inch asphaltlc concrete Mvemeiit 30 feet wide In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common coun cil April 3V 1940, which art now on file n the office of the city recorder and which by this rf rente thereto art made) a iart hereof. The common teunell bertby declare IU purpose and intention to make tht above described improvement by and through the street improvement depart- Stent By order of tht Common Council April 3ft 1040 ALFRED MtJNDT. City Reorder. Date of first publication hereof la April 38 104S. Capita. Journal April 31. 30, 10. May 3 3. 4, 9. 0. T 0. 10th. 860 slutining new 1949 -just arrived it fuller. I Rolls and rolls of inspirations for every room new patterns and colors galore! Decorator designed to fit your dreams priced to please your purse 1 May we show you? FULLR PfllNTS FREE DECORATING HELD SaSft." y FREE! "HOW TO PAINT iT"FOLDERS Whatever your problem, whatever you plan to paint, you will find a helpful "How to Paint It" folder here yours free for the asking. FREE COLOR PLAN FOLDERS! Fuller's exclusive color plon folders a personalized color scheme to fit your needs, selected from the Fuller Jewel Case of generous size color chips. 171 So. Liberty Just South of State PAINTS . WALLPAPER GLASS We will be f lad to recommend a reliable painting and decor ating contractor. J IP"K mm jam wr .m a UJ AMAZING SPECIAL OFFER A GENUINE HOME FREEZER ModelA4-4Cu.Fr. Regular Price $199.95 ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER AVAILABLE. OFFER GOOD ONLY WHILE THEY LAST. STOP IN TODAY. HURRY! HURRY! Every one brond new. 5-year warranty on operating mechanism. 5-year food protection plon. 4 cu. ft. capacity. Holds over 135 pounds assorted foods. BUY NOW SAVE $70.45 ffleti&0tCfo &CCf Model C10 jiU" J D,u"$4j45 nam wait tttaiWtJt HOME FREEZER Only 26.00 Down -Only 5.25 Per Mo. You Can Save More Than Your Monthly Payments A DEEPFREEZE Home Freezer Pays for Itself! VMCE'S ELECTRIC 157 South Liberty Phone 3-9239 TIRE STORE S. E. CORNER TRADE AND HIGH STREETS OPEN TIL 9 TONIGHT TOMORROW LAST DAY EVERY WARD TIRE REDUCED! Yes, during Ward Week only : : . every Ward tire and tube at cut prices! Every tire guaranteed to give complete satisfaction without regard to miles or months used. Only first quality materials highest quality workmanship go into the making of Riverside tires. Whatever your needs : : ; whatever you pay, you can be sure of getting greater safety, more mileage on Riversides. Truck tires also on sale nowl Don't miss these sensational Ward Week savings I Siie himr Riverside .Deluxe 4.404.50-21 MS 10.75 4.755.00-19 9.40 10.75 5.255.50-18 10.00 11.75 5.255.50-17 10.25 11.70 0.00-15 11.10 11.90 6.00-10 1.05 10.75 11.55 6.256.50-16 11.70 13.80 14.85 7.00-16 15.90 17.10 6.50-15 13.55 14.55 7.00-15 15.55 16.65 Exchange Prices Federal Tax Extra 1.50 A WEEK BUYS FOUR TIRES I i