SO Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 6, 1949 Army And Air Expo Coming First of Itf kind In the United States ii the outdoor army and air force exposition, which is to be held in Portland May lz-lo In Portland on the opening day will be Gen. Mark W. Clark, commander of Sixth Army, who la to formally open the exhibit, aite of which will be the Lloyd addition. It will be open daily to the public from 2 to 10 p. m. Among the exhibits will be a mobile food service class room, a F51 fighter plane, quarter master mobile exhibit, medical laboratory with X-ray equip ment, dental laboratory, bridge models by the engineers, a chem ical warare display, educational display, recreational and athletic facilities, mobile radar warning et. signal corps equipment, chaplains exhibit and trophies won by the Second Division In World War I and II. Sponsoring the exhibit Is the Portland Military Manpower committee and among those serv ing on the committee working with the manpower committee are Maj. Gen. Albert E. Brown, commanding general of the. Northern Military district; Maj. Gen. Harry J. Collins, command ing general at Fort Lewis; Maj, Gen. Thomas E. Rilea, Oregon adjutant general: and Lt. Col. Raymond M. Hay, commanding officer of the Oregon recruiting! district and former commanding ofifcer of the Salem recruiting station. Linn Pasture Tours Set May 20 and 24 Lebanon, May 6 May 20 and 24 are dates selected for pasture and livestock tours in Linn coun ty according to an announce ment made by Jack Swanson, president of the Linn County Livestock association and O. E. Mikescll, ' county extension ! agent. The May 20 tour will cover pastures and livestock in the Lebanon, Sweet Home, Foster i and Crawfordsville areas. The! May 24 tour is to be confined to Crabtree and Scio commu-1 nities. Coopcrators in the tour are the Linn County Livestock asso ciation and the extension ser vice. Many of the pastures to be viewed have been developed under the AAA program, says Mikescll. Lions At Silverton Donate Park Work Eilvcrlon. May 6 Around 40 members of the Lions club met 1 at the city park Wednesday night and donated several hours of work repairing tables and benches, cleaning the grounds and making the favorite eve ning, day and holiday free re sort for visitors and local people for the summer beginning sea son. Hammers, saws, rakes and hovels blistered numerous will- ing hands and the park showed up in splendid shape from the efforts of the members. After the work hours the members went to the Double J restaurant for a dutch lunch. Snow in Wyoming Cheyenne", Wyo., May 8 (A) Snow, sleet and rain fell over Wyoming today in an early May storm. At Rock Springs two inches of snow was reported. Big Piney ana Lander reported a trace. Snow flurries, intermingled with sleet, took turns with the rain In the Cheyenne area. FORD WAXES, POLISHES AND CLEANERS It r 1 1 1 Is n c artil tm your car Mwm air-to PP'y Ford pfodwrt.. Ttivy'r ipacldlly mod for ford An. I.h..l wrk lilt uaum ClIANII OlIIHIN. WAX aOlllH N ClIANtt CH.OMI ClIANSa IODT POIISN SOAM UFHOlSmT ClIANBI' POaO UQUIB LAt1 CLIAMM roio uquio auui tiAua A tomptft Rn of Ford "ovfy Ahh" Valley Motor Co. FOIU) SINCE 1915 mim d' . ... ni m.. . m. 99 venirr i'n. J-1147 l 'I GIVE HER A jf 4 Tomorrow! Russell-Stover Candies Nylon Stockings Lingerie ft 0&iA -m Is'- Xi?i fJ-i'" M DISTINCTIVE till ii. ,m : mm. t.i Civ f.Alf j m rrnMHiinsiiiiMw iniiiii i . . , GIFT GIFT FROM MILLERS deserves a gift as sweet and lovely as No Mother's Day gift problem here! We've an enticing collection of gifts sure to go straight to the heart of any mother, young or older! Lovely, lovely lingerie tid bits . . . gracious hostess wear . . . chic straw bonnets . . . smart glove, costume jewelry and kerchief accessories keyed to the fashion of the ''-moment. You'll find them in Mother's sievs and favorite colors! At prices -certain to be pleasing to your budget. S, V She is! N