16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 6, 1949 Peddler of Dreams By PEGGY DERN (Chapter 3) Felicity had had a good many qualms about starting off for Flor ida In a fourth-hand trailer and a luth-or fiixth-hand car. But sue had been so desperate. New York In winter, -huddled in a cheap East Side tenement with the children needing heavy clothes, good nour- ismng looa ana men juien naa come to them, under nourished, frightened half out of her baby wit by the hob-goblin tales of the old woman to whom her mother had given her, while Delorls, the mother, a burlesque star, followed her arduous profession. Only the children's need could ever have persuaded Felicity to take the step she took then. She had dressed in her best which was pretty bad and she had gone to ine isroaaway on ices 01 a ueaii of the theater. Charles Drummond ' who was nearlng seventy yet still ' actively In harness. Charles Drum- roond, who had taken a lovely girl of sixteen and moulded her into t an idol of Broadwav who. at twenty ' had all but broken Drummond's ' heart bv elonlnz with the ftood- looking Juvenile lead in her new 4 ahow. That girl had been Felicity's j mother, Hope Bannister; the good- looking juvenile had been Burton ' Home, who was, in Drummond's ' opinion, a "ham ' of very poor quality. Drummond's love for Hope had been great enough to make him forgive the blow she had dealt him. Ij For five years he helped her in her ; bitter fight to lift Burton to her t own pinnacle of success. Burton i Home had a profile, an athletic build, a delightful manner, and a ' smile; but, unfortunately for the J adoring Hope's dreams, he had f nothing else, not even stability of character. When Felicity was born a year after her marriage, Hope had ask- ed Drummond to be the child's , godfather. Drummond had done , more; he had transferred a great t deal of his love for Hope to her " smau daugntcr. That love had been great enough to be spread , lour years later to nope is son, ua ? son. Hope had died when Jason was born, and Drummond had nevei fomlven Burton Home who. the night of Hope's death, had been drunk in the tawdry apartment ol , a chorus girl. , Drummond's interest in the chil- dren had provided them with an education. As much as they would Z accept. He would have done a , great deal for them, but he could . not conceal his contempt for Bur- ton. Once this had come out In the open, Jason and Felicity had ' stiffly refused to accept any more : help from him. , But nowthe doctor said that T EUen must not spend the winter in New York; that the other chil ' dren should be out of the chill. ' dank tenement, away from the cold ; weather; that they must have good i. nourishing food. And Felicity had known there was only one thing to do. She had gone to Charles 1 Drummond. Drummond had listened to her quietly and when she had put a little shabby leather box on the table before him, his hand had shaken a little as he touched it. J Inside that box, he knew, there , was a jeweled bracelet he him , self had given Hope as a memento Of her first Broadway success. 1 I wouldn't sell it for anything in the world," Felicity told him, her voice shaken. "She loved H, and it's all I've got left of her. But I thought If well, If you'd lend me a thousand dollars and keep the bracelet as security" "And what makes you think I'd , need security for a loan to you, . Felicity?" Drummond snld grimly "You wouldn't, Uncle Charles. It's for my own self-respect," she " told him steadily. "And maybe I won't be able to pay the money back. I might not, you know. But if you had the bracelet, I wouldn't worry so much.1 I can't imagine your father - overlooking this all these years." Drummon could have bitten his tongue the next moment, but Fe licity stiffened and the color draln- J ed from her face. . "He didn't know T had It," she said, stiffly. "And anyway, it's mine Mother gave it to me the night the night Jay was born." Drummond's finger pre.vsrd the catch of the worn leather case and It snapped open. He looked down at the Jeweled bauble. Bud' deiily his eyes sharpened and he lifted it out to the light. But Quickly he controlled himself. Felicity mustn't dream that this was a clumsy Imitation, worth not more than ten or fifteen dollars. His heart burned with rage against that charming, graceless scamp, her father. And he wrote her a check for a thousand dollars. "Remember, if this Isn't enough,1 he told her when she was leaving. "the bracelet is worm a good deal more. You have only to wire me." "It will be enough it will be plenty," she assured him eagerly, against the lump in her throat. ' Thank you. Uncle Charles." She had stood on tiptoe and impulsively her lips had touched his cheek. And then she was gone. Drummon had stood in the door of his office for a long moment alter tne elevator door closed behind her; and there was a mistiness in his faded eyes as he turned at last, the case holding the cheap imitation of beauty in his hands. His hands shook a little as he opened his old-fashioned wall safe, drew a key from his Docket, and unlocked a small drawer in which he placed tne worn leatner case. The idea of buying a trailer and a car and going to Florida for the winter had occurred to Felicity as a brilliant Inspiration on a day when she and the children were returning from the park and had stopped to admire a window dis play of trailers in a Columbus Circle agency. But the purchase of even a fourth-hand trailer and an equally aged car had taken more of her money than she had planned, and she had been a little panic-stricken mai.nigni wnen Garrett Forbes nad offered her a share in his adventure. (To Be Continued) Bolero Rhythm Tills wee-waist- ed sun-dress knows the neatest trick of the season! It teams up with a matcmng ooiero for town and tra vel , , . takes it off for tanning times. Pattern also cuts the dress In an ankle length. NO, 2825 IS CUt 111 SlZl 10. 12, 14. 16. 18. 20. 36. 38. and 40. Size 16 dress and bolero, 5'i yds. 35-ln. Send 25c ror PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK is Just off the press, presenting the best in Summer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity that spells good style and easy sewing, urn! with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions Send now for your copy, price Just 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 652 Mission Street. San Francisco 6, Calif. V0x R2779 Bp PATTERN No. R257 Colorful CroM-StlUh Easy-to-do crone-Mitch tend all IU charm to th.ae Prntuylvanta Dutch mo l Its Thry make colorful and (ay drc oraUona for luncheon and tea clotha. table runnert and dinette or kitchen curtains. Pattern Envelope No. R3779 eon talna hot-Iron transfer for 0 motlft, 11 by 5 lnchea and motlfa J1, by aH incnea: color cnart, emDrowery Inatmctlon. material requirement ana complete direction!. To obtain this pattern tend 30c in ujins giving pattern numoer youi name, adrtrea and lent num oei to Peiigy Roberta Capital Jour nal 828 Mlanloo Street San Fran cisco 3, Calif 1 THOUGHT 1 KNEW AIL THE T I U JUST A HIGH'BAACKET T WU 0ONOTLOOK AT MY fKRDON ME'-l I iil JZ,4 V II . IMPORTANTAH0 HANDSOME MENIN EOV FROM OUT OP TOWN. I FACE,MR.R0PER'THAT ISAw'M SOMETHING I MSJ 111 mX ' WASHINGTON, MR.GOPER' BUT I 00 ICOUNTESS KAVYAAR-1 RUN J NEW EXPERIENCE FOR ME',OF A NUT ON laf Jt 11V T NOT RECALL SEEING YOU BEFORE ll DOWN TO THE TREASURY 1 -AND NOT A FLATTERING ONEFOLD JEWELRY iAJ ' I I I I I cni C AMDBftbOM i O P- - ' v. ( HERE COMesTlCH-TCH-fCVER Y " f . ( 0ONT STONO THERE?) A CEE. ArlE-HOW'O T GETTIN'IT V ) OUR MEW OT'EROUTO' LOOKOUT-- f GREAT 1 PHIL-SHEt-L RUN UNCLE JEO EVER GET ) OUT IS OUR V" ( HIRED MON. THERE-MIGHT ( GET BACK-1 1 GOSHWPLLODERSF III RIGHT OVER YOU 9 TH TRACTOR INTO A 11 JOB NOW" ( PW. FUMBLE-J AS WELLGNE - X mV sM42 ' f, , N ilMMAJIi Ml ,S ,TTRUE "M VES.MAy.lVE DECIDED ) I ItWATS Flr4eHOWbTUATMOU.D TUIS was RISUT v I m I it- xlA'i!. THAT VOORE HUNT I TO STAV IKl NORTMVlLLe VOL) LIKE ME TO BE SRAND1' 1HOU6HTFUL OF VOL! I 1 L XTlPJ,, T 1 I W FEB A HOUSE. JB)MHEHTX j-Wsi TAKE VOL) $ I'LL BE MAK.ME AN' ROSETTAS ABOUT r '7 IhH u ROSETTA? j i 2x f O AROUWO IM READ IM TUCKERED OUT FROM RIOlM' " H N MMUTES! Tjii ylK0ffi$$Xi X SAFEST VAV rpREVEINT THET A"J f NO -NOT T1Ll S'-lAVniGm-" 1 1 That WIGHT THE FlRrT " Jl6nfWm l rFnrSLW V9 J Qft hasrii.'TifnoPannoyin'ly S yokuks hoom come. 22 r-7lrl ?-79S,nZi!fXITJ KILLS A BOY A ALIVE. AH DCKfT OVER TME1 MOUNTAIN fvMAEt''l M?kAMv&-rIHI T- 'jL? J WIPOUTA SUKC LIVE THINGS. ( yj L " JIbU I OUIT THE SWAM I Y WHAT Nl j STAYED IN aWdiDYoiI ) I AION4 ABOUT MIOMlaW t WOKS H WELL, IMAGINE I i.uTi;i...i I IP) M BUSINESS MUTT' I HAPPENED? uniiee TMAT ( I oee awv. 1 I OUT OF A SOUND SLEEP AND Jjrt MV SURPRISE Vi niCZ-JII)' m DU3iiiEi,raui I. I HOUSE THRT I SEE ANY I SAW THIS wrtrreNESS FlAPPIN' Sw tMHEN t TURNFD A CLOSE CALL ..np-r y HAD A VERY CLOSE -23 ONE OP MY N GHOSTS? in the BWE7E - JEgg? ON THE USHrl ABUJTHAT? SUPPOSE " CALL L AST NISHT.I J V CUSTOMERS SAID STfW va,v AND.... TTTrt&lrtl 1 ?. ' FINE , OP. CASE .. .FRANKLY, I CANT BRIN6 MYSELF TO BELIEVE T 1 KNOW, OUINN. nu SEE I WAS ON THE STAFF AT , . I'M WORIflED. I THINK THAT SHE WOULD WILINSLY ASSOCIATE I IVE SEEN IT, TOO. SRlAflS MEMORIAL WHEN EVA IVAS 1 YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME Ws IN SOME SORT OF WITH WAXY ROYAL. IN FACT SHE &AID AND rrfe JUST A STUPENTNURK. A MONTH OR I " ABOUT EVA BLAKE T LETS ) TROUBLE.. SHE DETESTEP HIM . AND YET SHE POSSIBLE I CAN SO BEFORE I LEFT HER BROTHER J y SIT HERE IN THE LOBBY! ifc. gtfSgS FAIRLY JUMPS AT HIS COMMAND. J BE OF SOME ISpED HIS INTERNSHIP UCRS? A i f-w V HElR. A THIS man "WAXY" royal was ' " ja rr L lir, loiA , (f IA - T-l I i m i i ., I ' IWHAT THE PROiPECTIVE PU J"... f I I I JfWlhS? M niZSllZF h fiH V7 rMT4Kru.f,0AWATNVAw ' T7! I I T-0f RADIO PROGRAMS ALL PROGRAMS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME FRIDAr- KGW ,'KSLM un 11 UBS -P.M. ikoco 'ir K0IN 5:00 liNrmu Burns AUta 81tir It Knoi Mtuta ilft SvpcrHKM Birns AlUa Ebytha BU Banish M Cpl HIdslfbl Mutletl CMkUlIf BiM Orfc Cba HialUr :U To Mil Elmtr Prttrsan Sport Tmn Nawi 6:00 GabrUI HistUr Wrbtltr Srs Candl Lit hi A Thcatrt mt ihm All :1ft Narlhwiit News WebsUr B Strrlc Tbaatr mt tht All SO What's an K9LM IUd k)U Naws Tbaalra mt Iba All ;U What's ea KSLM Rti gkelloa rishcasUr Thaatra at lha All 7 :M Oreiory" Haasl Ufa mt Bliss- Ha fraudl? BU Playhouse lift Grcsorr Hood Bill Stsra 8a Praadly Bail Plarhaasa i80 Clscs Kid Rhythm Tims Baseball Farartta Baibaad iU CUca Kid gupaar Clab Bandstand Favartta Husband 8"" :00 Slralcbt Arpaw Nsws al World Baseball Lawall Thomas Ift Stralfbt Arrow Jlmrots DnranU Baseball Jack Smith ahaw SO Vafloty Tlmt Jlmmlo Daranta Baseball Jack Caroaa flbaw :4ft Variety Tina Ctono Maorad Baaoball Jack Carsaa Shaw 9:00 Newt Sports Pata Final Datoat Dap FIto Star Final IB T B A Bit Town Baseball Sparta Spatllthl SO State Letlslatara Bit Town Baseball B parts Spotllthl :4S uichestra Sam Hayot Baseball Nltht Editor 1 am :0 Fvltoa Lewis Jr. Band Wataa Baseball Seranadt I 111 10 ScUct LmmJ hw B' Haeketl Newt Roandua Tea tha World III -M Newt Kay Haekett Combo Corner Osna Krapa Oreh W -IA Newareel Protram Preview Track 1IM Oena Krapa Oreh !o6 The Falcon 1'e J" 16 The Falcon Track U90 :80 Orchestra "k JJ i4B Laany Boss Track UW lt'm Sltn Off Sltn Off l- ailn SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Newt Now Hear This Mk ;1S Newt Now Hear Thlt Newt SO March Tlmt The Old Sontt Newt 45 News News Con""Bcr W,w ":00 News Archie Andrews Tei Bitter Masle far Toa 7 w Breakfast Oanr Arehlo Andrews News Masle far Toa 30 Breakfast Gan Jerry Marlowe Fsrm Mkt. Bern. Colombia Featara :u Top Trades Sam Hayet Eitcatlea Serrlce Columbia Featara :00 Bargain Coanter Meet the Meekt Hsvea ef Betl News .. timm Meet tht Meekt Haven ef Betl Left Pretend M Sons at Pioneers Ed McConnell Western MeloJIot Junior Mist 48 Orchestra Ed McConnell Pop. Variety Junior Mist m Nortbwest Nswt Newt P- Variety Theatre el Today IA Eddy Duchin Public Affairs Upper Boom Theatre ef Today SO Pastor's Tall Yount Masis Wit boat Grand Central :4ft Smohcy Mt. Oresenlant Warna SI alien M ;0O News National Farm- Cycle ef Seng stars Otar 111 Ift Garden Guide Home Hoar Crete at Seas flollyweed :S0 Proudly We Hall Mary Lee Taylor Rhapsody la Give and Take W :4ft Proudly We Hall Mary Lee Taylor Rhythm QItq and Take ;00 Doc, Platter Jock The Way Satardey Serenade News ll ID Doc. Platter Jock The War Satarday Serenade Driver's Playhaasa :SA Doe, Plstter Jock News Satardey Serenade Meet the Mlstaa 1 :48 Doc, Platter Jock Report en Europe Satardoy Serenade Meet the Mlssat ajk!00 Top Trades Musle Pioneers Everybody! Ideat Mother Knows 11 '0 N'W1 Musle Pioneers Salon Concert Best A:80 Northwest Newt Musle Pioneers tws Snorts Free far All 45 Bob Eberly Show Music Pioneers led Dale Presents Free for All 766 Collets Choir Health Today Review la Newspaper ef Air 15 Collets Choir Health In Oreron Rhythm Newspaper ef Air 30 News Frank Merrlwell Kiddles Matinee Junior Stand-In :4S Bint Sin is Frank Merrlwell Klddiet Matinee Junior Stand-in -00 Guesf 'star Lassie Sat, Matinee Newt IS Here's to Vets Horse Race Sat. Matinee Rentacar Derby 30 Seattert'd Balnes Pcnn Relaya Sat. Matinee Kentucky Derby :4S Scaltcrt'd Balnes Pcnn Relays Sat. Matinee Treat. Bandstand 3 7w Over Jordan News Chln-U Carner Meet the Princess Ift Over Jordan Quest Star Chin-Hp Corner Lake Success 30 Sontt of Timet NBC Symphony Chln-Up Center Gnrden Gate ;45 News NBC Symphonr Chln-Up Corner Harry LaSaear 4:00 Drivers Flayhoate NBC Sympheny Newt Cross Seetlea Ift Hemlntway NBC Symphony Pee Wee Baal Cross Seetlen :Sfl Smoke Bints Bands ef Land Spetllte an Matle Satarday al tha :4ft Smoke Blnis Bands of Land Spetllte en Masle Chase DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190; KOAC, 6M sCY Friday P.M. 8:00, Keeplnr Up. ICA With Sports i 5:16, Home Edi tion! (1:30, Yukon Challentei6:00, Edwin C. Hllli 616, Elmer Davis; :S0, The Sher Kft 7:00. Flthts; 7:45. Sport Showt 8:00, Fat Mant 8:30, 'Neath Western Skies t 9:00, Bichfltld Reporter! 9:15, Intermessei 9:80, Concert Hour; 10:30, Memos te Tomorrow 11:00, Extra Hour, lt:M, Sltn Off IS py Saturday A.M. te 4:45 P.M. 6:00, IxtA Round-up Boys i 6:1ft, Time Tem pos) 6:45, Adventures In Research; 7:06, Deep River Boysi 1:15, Home Demonstra tion Atent: 7:30, Shopper's Special) 8:06, Toylsnd Tunes; 9:00, Stars of Tomorrow i 10:00. Girls' Corpsi 10:30, What's My Name; 11:00, Sweet and Hot Clabt 11:06, Musle Festlvali 12:30, Band Box: 1:00, ABC Symphony) 2:00, 101 Ranch Boytt 8:30, Fascinattnt Rbythmi 8:00, In qu trim 866 Saerte Clmbi .m News i 6:15, Tourist Host Woekt 6:80, Ma Research Report! 8:16, Here's la Vets; :S0, Time Oatt 6:45, News; 8:00, Mas lei 9:4ft, Eveninc Meditations! 10:06, Sin Off. tfkf "- A.M. 16:06, Newsi 16:08, IVvMVn Beavtr Co-ed Weekly 16:16, Especially for Woment 11:06, Concert Hatli 11:00, Newsi lt:15. Noon Farm Hoart 1:66, Ride 'em Cowboy i 1:80, Velee mt the Ar my) 1:45, Melody Lanei ;66, Masle ef tha Masters, Parent! I: IB, Ift te the FamUy; 8:80, Old and Newt 8:45, Borrowed and Bluet 4:66, Lei Freedom Rln 4)15, Harrr Wlsmtr; 4:86, Teen Tunes. Baby Chicks Burned And Brooder Lost Silverton Two hundred baby chicks were burned to death and the brooder a complete loss at the home of Fred Warnock near Silverton Thursday. The fire started from the wiring of the electricity that heated the brooder. The volunteer firemen re sponded to the call but arrived too late to save 'the brooder house, but were able to protect other near-by buildings of the farm home. ACROSS 1. Diplomacy S. Fresh-water fish . Affirmative It. Genus of the swan 18. Kind of herb 14. Obstruction 16. Matron 16. Students 19. Pluto 10. Fireplace accessor SI. By birth 82. Constituent) It. Hebrew stringed Instrument IS. Discord ia 36. City In Turkey 17. Give 40. Sacred lmaca 18. Apostle to tb 41. Draperies Gentiles 20. Flower 21. Markets 23, Beverage 84. Line of revolution IS. Ironing on A machine 43. Fissure 46. Old musical not 4T. Calm 48. Small ens 49. Crafty 50. Heraldic una II. Unit of force afsllTtlAlJc E D C SIT oK EHSJP i gpl 3 "iwrrj .JlOEa pHIa te SlNlIllv ClNflN Off ElaisURlelNloUeMEl Solution ef Yaitorday't Puixlo DOWN L Bush z. 1 izzzwizzzizzz ZjZ -I fe55" wr tf'p'W" 7 llll - m, WA AP Nswsfewrwres 9.4 8. llMkm np 4. Handles 5. Puppet . New Zealand tree t Desires Lines for fastsnlna; tne) corners of fcwnlnrs t. Bon of Adam 10. Manageabla 11. Formerly IT. Christmas ll. OuTselTea 21. Constructed It Point whert ft leaf leaToa tha branefc . Withes 2B. Caution ' If. MenUl da- ranffement ST. Rare gas 18. A aon of Benjamin Id. Sloping bank 11. Animal food 14. Worshiped If Type of eleetrl current I abbr. It. Puts fronting on 18. Soft tnualli It. Entreat 40. Small Itlaod 41. NerntiTe 44. Sport 41. Cravat ROOM AND BOARD By Gtna Ahcrn f ISN'T paid BY Vf W!-.-ruis,M TriSSVV f JUNE 1ST I'll ( Slfti S AN Iff AoSrSLr, TURN THE MATTER. f IMPORTANT 'L in ACLoSl Over, to my I lptter. frcwv 1 trpcwttw LAWYER-' J I MY MINING J JrcaT V "?VuS!iM- ( V 'NTESTS PUN, BUT 1 X lSSrLt ) V N CHILE ) MuavOWC- j