Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 06, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May t, 1949
Wood burn Squads
To Start League
The Wizard of Odds Rates Majors competition
If thii baseball season rum player swings at the ball, the
true to form, there'll be plenty
of if and bat before lt'i over.
Nevertheless here l the way I
see the oddi on the major league
Bravet .van odde Olanu I to 1
Dodgert to 4 Cub, 7 to 1
Cardlnala 3 to 1 Phlllla, IS to t
rtraua 1 to 1 Rtdi IS to 1
Had Box 3 to 3 Alhl.tlca J to 1
Indiana 3 to 3 Brown, 10 to 1
Yanarae 3 to I Senator, 13 to 1
Ttgtra 3 to 1 Whlio Sox 30 to t
Looking further ahead when
the two Boston teams meet In
-the World Series, this is the way
!the odds should show them:
If leedlni Ictm
U ahead:
1 im, to 0
3 lame, to 3
3 Ramee to 1
3 line! to 0
3 xam.e to 1
3 lame, to 3
The chances
Odd, favoring tht
leading team arc:
".pitching a no-hit game during
this coming season are 1 in 2,
877. Odds are 12.500 to 1
against his pitching a perfect
game (without hits or bases on
balls). There have been only
four perfect games in the 50,000
major league battles.
- Each time a major league ball
4CitfU Rtialti)
1 MERCHANT'S LEMiUE Did.non' Au-
l to quftfl pasted 2623 serlM while Meyer.
t of Mayflower Milk oored 331 umi and
i Hleltmin of the Davidson crew scored a
-.5 BO aeries.
. HotsT Brea. No. 1 (t WeAlphal 476,
I Backle 341, Clans 474, Oone 400, Luke
419. JBdion'a Plum ben (1) Jeffries 341,
Amov. 169, Little 436, Kelly 451, Osborne
i J31.
I . Carlj'a Dairy (0 Wlllird 4.10. Ho!f-
- Mtter 406, Edlund 434, Volk 413. J. Mil-
i 1r SOS. Mayflower Milk J Harrison
4fa Woodford 48, ftehols 441, Mocabee
: Ut), Meyer 4M.
Davidson's Auto Eebullders l) p.
i Smith 635, B. Smith 633, Poydock 433,
. Creasy 540, Hickman SB0. Nicholson's In
surance (0) McCull later 431, J. Cracroft
491, Merchant 409, Bulsman 403, B. Cra
croft 471.
, Salem General Jobblnr '11 Brought
JW, Hunt 407, Cressy 4D3. Pouchek 309,
Boss 499, First National Bank Ml Drlsas
.495, Marr 366. Herman 3&1, MorrU 449.
... Hufsina Ininranee (3) Schnell 397,
.C-ockett 414, Milford 409. Reevrs 463.
.CrUwell 497. Hors Bros. No. t (1) Coe
484, Johnson 3S1, Baker 35S, Lenaburt
,483. Carter 423.
.. Oreron Statesman CO) Peae 433. Farley
64. Stone 461, Scott 545, ComMocIc 488.
ttotkt Wadswortb (li Wsdsworth 450,
Anderson 463, Kaneskl 637, Ireland, 8her-
.jnin 497.
odds are 010 to 1 againit Ha ba-
Ing a home run, I
The odda againit an ordinary
mortal picking the eight teams
of either league in their proper
order are 40,320 to 1.
And re mem ber this if you
go to a baseball game, the odds
are 9 to 4 "your team" will win,
for home teams win 5 of every
8 games.
Woodburn Leanue olav will
By LEO GUILD. get under way this week at the
local golf club with 10 five-man
teams participating. Captains
are Clifford Shrock, Frank Cha
pelle, Walter Lawion, Pat De
Jardin, Tony DeJardin, Mat
thew Mochel, Clyde Smith,
Corey Eastman, Wallace Lee
and Walter Miller. Play will last
for nine weeks with one round.
of 18 holes being played each
week, based on handicaps
which will change each week.
Other events in the offing are
a Woodburn Golf club jamboree
to be held in the near future;
a best ball tournament June 18;
the third annual Woodburn In
dependent handicap tournament
July 18 and 17; and the club
championship tournament be
ginning August 20. George
Jones will be in charge of the
championship tourney, Tony
DeJardin the handicap play and
Dave Cavett the best ball tournament.
'Pop' DiMaggio Dies
Joseph Peter "Pop" DiMamrlo
(right), shown here with two
of his famous baseball playing sons, Joe (left) of the New
York . Yankees and" Dom (center) of the Boston Red Sox,
died at Franklin hospital In San Francisco. DiMaggio, 76,
had been under a physician's care for some time. (Acme
Duckpin Bowling
iComplete .salts)
Oilers posted a 1993 series and a 7S4 tame,
hut hlith score honors were shared with
the Pumi.lte Block squad. Bill Oauthier
scored a 483 series and James Oelanejr
recorded a 191 same,
Tweedle Oil (S) Frank 473. Flood 349,
elaney 430, Van Dusen 330, Rlckard 397.
Cummins' t?i Pauley 353, bye 387,
. LADIES LEAGUE The Golden Fheas-
nt team scored 3303 series while In
t .dividual acorini marks were posted by
, .Vtnlnla Oarbarlno with a &34 series and
? Marts Whitmore with a 304 is me.
Aleaanders Jewelers (3 flwanxnn 403,
. Whitfore 531, Johnson 383 Mock 379,
...rather 40B. Qnlsenberry Dross Mc
nhaney 199, Evans 191, Voos 356, Black
J37, Kennedy 464.
Monttemery Ward (1 Herman 176.
.Wacken. R , 430, Warken, L 399, XI
wood 331, Oress 330. Natlenal Batterr 3)
Hodaes 330, Msrtla Colvln 307, Loken
, J66. Mary Colvln 404, Cameron 378.
... West Halem Merchants (1) WsUon 377,
Whlttaker 304, Lemon 390, Push 338. Whlt-
worth 376. Ketlettes (3) Dawson 429,
, Xnoa 406, Bon 337, Anderson Hi, Put
, nm 439.
MeEwana Phots Bhop 01 Chambers
J)70- Wlcklander 479, ahurtletf 390, Thomp
.Son 404, Roland 344. Cupboard Caft (3)
JCllodt 43S, Elliott 397, Pease 456, Stone
Parrish Drubs
West Salems in
Dual Track Meet
Parrish Junior high track men
slapped resounding defeats on
teams from West Salem Thurs
day in dual meets held on din
ger field. The ninth graders
posted a 78-26 win, eighth grad
ers a 71-15 victory and seventh
graders a 51-8 decision.
The featured ninth grade con
test was spark plugged by Dwain
Rankins for Parrish who scored
firsts in the 50 and 100 yard
Ninth Orada raaultj:
Shot: Nelaon W8). Dwain Rankin tP
and Thleaen.
50: Dwain Rankin P, atmmoaten
rwsi, P.
a. Boycc ess.
Goad Hoii'.aeeptng fjt Duncan lug.
Oiney 467. Jonra 478. Albrlch 43fl. Poa
r 3B5.'a DrMa Bhap ll Pltt
Hlmona 172. Scott 137, Rodakowaat 3S1,
Wli.rlay 404. Adolph 41B.
Lull F1arl,ta (0 Upaton 381. Rofa.rt:
jon 378. Allen 448. Thomaa 374. Llndaay
Uoldrn Ph.aaant (31 u.v.r 4B9
Clark 413. Muellhaupl 43g, Laird 431, Oar-
i a fine GRUEN watch m
p5. Just imagine the thrill $?
f you'll give Mom when she
J opens your gift new wj
iK"$- . Ft Gruen watch! Choose from w
VrCjV ''"'yW our splendid selection , . JK
5 XTf i1 nandsomc'y gif'-ooxed- ffi
M0TKE DAY " MAV ' !p
K NO IXTRA COST priced from 9Se jK
I omplete assortment xS
S ilifi ft ! ir.1 N BaiTJ Hnlovas, Hamil- B
11 LAl'l AH wllkQ ,n'"' f 'ln. Waltham S
JLjQftSla1 JiMUt 1 nd olh'r nationally TO
S (r-l..r4IJiH CZSHuB-'1 I 'mo" watrhes as K?
llSffiJ-a. 195Q
R.25" Taxlnel. J
Low hurdles: flimmonten (WS), Catter
son WS, McClenny IP).
180: Webb IP), Nelson W8), Derosa
100: Dwain Rankin P), flimmonten
(WS), Castleman P),
330: Dwliht Rankin (P), Hoadley (P),
Catteraon (WS).
440: Hicks PI, Smith P, Smith IP),
Relnwold !WS).
Relar: Won br Parrish (Dwiiht Ran
kin, Hoadley, Smith and Dwain Ran
kin). Hlih Jump: WlkolT P, Backstrand
(P), and Webb (P). tied for third.
Broad Jump: Fisher (P), Smith (P),
Dew lit (WS).
Discus: Backstrand (P), Jaqulth (WS),
Heat on IP).
Vsult: Walker (P., Church (P) and
.faqulth fWSi, all tied for first.
New Low Pric
300 famous make Portable Gasoline-driven
tory rebuilt with 4 HP air
cooled engines. Automatic safe
ty clutch. Economical to op
erate. Ideal for contractors,
forestry use, farmers, railroads,
shipyards, etc.
20" 1 mon
24" 2 man
30" 1 man
Grossman's Dss!.un
130 Granite Street, Quincy, Mass.
PResldent 3-7100
Play the y'
of recorded music at
Enjoy the new RCA Victor system through your own RCA Victor 9JY
radio or phonograph. This inexpensive automatic player
can be quickly and easily connected to your present
radio or phonograph regardless of make. AC operation.
For the first time a record and automatic
player designed especially for each other
A new kind of record tiral to World's fastest record changer
be distortion-free over 100 plays up to 10 records
of playing surface. automatically.
7-inch non-breakahle record Surest, easiest operating sys
can play as long as ordinary tern ever.
12-inch. a, Records and albums fit into
COSTS MUCH LESS. n ordinary bookshelf.
The modern, inexpensive way
to enjoy recorded music
The new RCA Victor system of
recorded music ofters more advan
tages, more enjoyment than any
oi her lype of record or record
playing equipment ever designed
for the home.
The non-breakable vinyl plastic
records, the smaller size of record
The new RCA Victor system m a and equipment mean real savings,
complatt phonograph. Leu than S you can play exactly the music
inches high . . . complete with self- , whtn vou wanl it
. 1 .U.L Vn.a'll karHlu
VVIIiaiimj LJirtiH7l . i uu is n'"7
beliet so smalt a set could have such
volume, could play such wonderful
music, could cost so
little. AC operation.
RCA Victor 9t:Y3
KlclB 411. RobliuM 4SI, Oauthl.r AM.
Usui's n ll 1. Uillfr 314.. Covert
93S HuU . U. Ulller 331. AJher
342. Wtsl lltfc Bcdr (D Wood 394, nil
4S. Zowl 171, Oribtr 371. byt 311.
Phc'i Can fit H. Barnwell HI, Hau
D 361. P. Birowall 331, Londburs 401.
L, Barnwrll Funlllls (li Vter 330.
Ratzlotf 34B, Wlllenu 410. Hemprl 431,
Harder 333.
dio posted team acorlns honor with a
3333 eri and an 111 umi whil Nor
man Potttr recorded a 14 aame and 482
Holder Badi l Still 411, Smith 4M,
Unruh 401. Potter 413, Ky 461. Marlon
Electric U Schwarti 31. Wenier IflT.
Pawley 351, Short 371, Oauthier 43V
Dyer and Ron 111 C. Dyer 437, C.
Hick 340. L Hick J 390, by 348, bv 397.
Mortarltta Block ( 3( Meek 349, Waldlni
321, Tachauner 348, Stanton 191, bye
Blua Lake (D Brandla 400. Dlerlu IBS,
L. Miller 440. W. Miller 411. Bhaeter 350.
Amuiemret f 3) Appleiatc 43V Roblnaoa
453, Fowler 418, Wtller 404, byt 366.
Santa Clara freshmen foot
ball coach Eddie Forrest never
played on a losing team in the
annual football game against
St. Mary's.
Don't lak chancesl
Buy from an stabllshed lo
cal concern whoso prices
and services are right.
The safety of your home de
pends on your roof. That'swhy,
in considering roof repairs, or
re-roofing, it is so important to
deal only with a reliable con
cern. Ask for free estimate.
10 Year Guarantee
Nothing Down and up to
Three Years to Pay
Mathis Bros.
Roofing Co.
164 S. Com'l Ph. 3-4642
Defective Switch
Blamed for Fire
Moro, Ore., May S (U.F9A
short-circuited electric twitch
was blamed today for setting off
$330,000 blaze that destroyed
a huge grain elevator and its
store of 10,000 bushels of wheat
The' grain still was smolder
ing today. The fire broke out at
12:15 p.m. (PST) yesterday and
finally was brought under con
trol five hours later.
The stock of grain was part
of the 1048 bumper crop that
failed to reach a port for ship
ment because of lack of storage
space In Pacific northwest dock
The United States has some
20 million refrigerators,
Reflection ... of Perfection
& a
Seagram wSure
SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN. BLENDED WHISKEY. 8E.8 Proof. 6534 Grain Neutral Spirits.
Seicrim-Distillers Corporation, Chrysler Building, New York
1 mTiti l
...t.......t -,..... .
9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
So. 12th St. Junction
In Dickson's Shopping Center