Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 06, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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Senators Even Victoria Series on
5-4 Winner by Olson and Sporer
9 WIL Standings
W. L. Pet. W. I. Ptc
Ysklmft I 3 .360 spoktns ft ft .453
Salem ft 4 .067 Tacoma I .383
Bremerton f I .lift Vancouver 1 f .333
Wenatcheo ft 1 .483 Victoria 4 ft .30ft
Oamee Tharaday:
Yakima ft. Vancouver ft.
Salem ft. Victoria 4.
Bremerton 7, Spokane 3.
Wenetchea ft, Tacoma 3.
Jim Olson received credit for Thursday nlfht's Salem Senator
win over the Victoria Athletics, 5-4 to even the series at two
fames each, but the bit; right bander was in the shower room
when Bus Sporer completed the Solon pitching chores for the
Heading into the top of the
eighth with a '3-3 lead Olson
was greeted by a lusty double
from the bat of Dick Morgan
Frank Finnegan grounded out
but when Saul Israel punched
out a second two bagger, Man
ager Bill Beard Immediately
took cognizance of the storm
signals and called on Sporer.
Sporer who had won a seven in
nine tussle the night before
pitched the final two thirds of
the eighth and all of the ninth
without giving up a hit.
Jumping onto Olson for three
hits and as many runs in the
third the Victorians got off to
a good start. One of the blows
was a double by Finnegan that
drove in two tallies.
The locals evened the count
in the fifth as they got to Bill
Boemler for two hits, one by
Larry Orteig and another by
Beard. A walk to Wayne Peter
son and an error by Gill Mc-
Dougall when he muffed Bob
Cherry's high fly played a prom
inent part in the rally,
Umpire Jerry Mathiu became
involved in a violent argument
in the fifth when he called Or
teig safe at second on a fielder's
choice play, when the discus
sion finally reached a conclu
sion, Manager Ted Norbert and
second baseman Gill McDougall
were no longer present, having
talked themselves out of the
contest. From the press box it
appeared Orteig was out, al
though McDougall had engaged
in something of a dance as he
tried to find the base.
The Senators got their fourth
and fifth tallies in the seventh
after two were out, as the Ath
letics' infield pulled a pair of
costly errors. - McDougall bob
bled Wasley's grounder and Bob
Keeler threw high to first aft
er grabbing Bob Cherry's grass
cutter. Cherry had beaten the
throw for a single and went to
second on the overthrow. Al
Spaeter promptly drove Cherry
home with his second hit of the
The Senatoas left immediately
after the game for the long bus
ride to wenatchee where they
are slated to play Friday after
noon and night. A second split
doubleheader is scheduled for
From Wenatchee the club
jumps to Victoria for a three
game series beginning May 9
and then crosses over to the
mainland for four with the Van
couver Caps.
Hill Beeson, an outfielder, and
Jack Ferluga, left handed pitch
er have been optioned to the
Bisbee-Douglas team of the Ari
zona-Texas league.
Vkterla (4)
Keeler. ft 1 1 3 W.Petran.S
Buccola.1 ft 3 10 3 B.Petrsn.l
McDouil.a 3 0 13 Orteig, rf
nacK, g tins i o l
Morgsn.rf 4 3 13 Cherrr.m 3 3 3
Plnnegan.m 4 13 0 Besrd.c 3 17
Iirael, U 1110 Spaeter.1 4 3 3
Day, c 3 0 4 0 Wert. 1 I 111
Boemler.p 4 0 3 0 Olson, p 3 ft 0
Jones, rt 10 10 Sporer.p 110
15) Salem
3 113
ft 0 0 3
13 0
Totala 33 ft 34 11 Totala 33 ft 37 13
Victoria 003 000 0104 ft 4
Salem 000 030 SOX ft ft 0
Hit by pitcher: Hack by Olson. Left on
Bases: Victoria ft, Salem 10. Krrora: Hack
3. Plnneean. Keeler. Two base hlu: W.
Peterson. Plnneean, Morten, Iirael. Runs
batted In: Morgan, Flnnegsn 3, Cherry,
Beard 3, Spaeter, Isrsel. Sacrifice: Mc.
Dougall, W. Peterson. Double playa: Keeler
to McDougall to Buccola; Buccola to Keel
er to Buccola, Beard to Spaeter. Time 3:30.
Umpires: Young and Mathiu. Attendance
ift. .
Short Scores:
Veneouver 300 003 0003 10 1
Yakima 300 000 013 0 11 3
Nicholas, B. Snyder (9) and Sheely:
B. Drilling, Dickey (3), D. Drilling ) and
Spokane 003 100 0003 t 1
Bremerton 003 101 Sox 7 11 1
Howard. Bishop 17) and Parka; Hal
stead. Plrack (4) and Ronninl.
Tacoma 010 000 0001 3 1
Wenatcheo 101 300 llx ft 13 0
Kerrigan, Oleason (ft) and Warreni Or
tell and Pesut.
Coach Vern Gilmore will take
his Viking cindermen to Corval
lis Saturday for the annual Big
Six league track meet. A neck-and-neck
scoring race among Sa
lem, Springfield and Bend is
The Notre Dame football team
will face Indiana, Washington,
Purdue, Tulane, Navy, Michigan
State, North Carolina, Iowa, Sou
thern California and Southern
Methodist in 1949.
CK bine Johnaoa Sea hooi
, ?r37 outboard motor, with
Now rest can grii
net Johiwoa Sob-I
outboard motor.
Johnson's. famoaaartMi'
. .., liyiuirmeTurn.
JUH.U.H poTrnenulCorMi
Hogan Faces New
Golf Obstacles;
Views Texas PGA
Dallas, May 5 ) Ben Ho
gan, golf's little giant, said to
day there were three major ob
stacles in the way of his return
to the game as a competitor.
They are: A fractured ankle,
a cracked collar bone and a
cast of nerves. He isn't sure
which is the biggest obstacle
but said he was mighty hopeful
he could lick all three.
The 1948 National Open and
National PGA champion is at
tending his first golf meet since
a bus-auto crash three months
ago almost took his life. He is
a spectator at the Texas PGA
in which is golf buddy of years
standing, Byron Nelson, is de
fending champion.
Ben's doing all the walking
he can take these days.
Louis Ready to
Take Over Boxing
World as 'King'
New York, May 6 UJ9 Jacobs
Beach became Louis Lane today
as aged, ailing Uncle Mike step
ped down and the Brown Bom
ber prepared to step up as king
of the boxing promotion busi
The new organization sup
plants the 20th Century Club as
the boxing promotion agency
for Madison Square Garden and
the Yankee Stadium but it is
far more sweeping than 20th
Century because It also includes
the Chicago Stadium and the De
troit Olympia.
Gen. John Reed Kilpatrck,
president of Madison Square
Garden, revealed the collosal
new organization yesterday, con
firming reports which had been
whispered for weeks in the fight
clubs and gymnasiums around
New York.
Effective June 1, Jacobs 20th
Century steps out, and in its
place goes the International Box
ing club, which was formed with
Louis as its titular head when
the Bomber retired as heavy
weight champion this winter.
Louis in all probability will
be the director, probably in a
"front man" and matchmaker
capacity while someone like
Harry Markson will run the behind-the-scenes
activity. Mark
son is Jacobs' former publicity
man and now managing director
of 20th Century.
A ''ST fax
II r i :
Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 6, 1949 13
Astoria, May 6 W) Alex Pe
tersen, tall Oregon State for
ward and star of Beavers bas
ketball teams the last four years,
will be hoop coach at Astoria
high school next season.
He was hired to succeed Er
nest Stranz, who resigned.
Ducks, Cougars
Continue Race-
tar the Assoelatsd Press)
Oregon and Washington State
continued neck-and-neck today
in what has turned into a private
race for the Northern division,
Coast conference baseball title.
The Ducks bunched five runs
in the seventh inning to beat
Washington 6-1 yesterday and
hold their halt-game lead over
WSC which edged Oregon State
4 3. WSC is two and a half
games ahead of third place OSC
Oregon and Washington play
again today. OSC moves to Mos
cow this week-end for a pair of
Feller Throws Sad News
For Batters, Tops Socks
New York, May 6 (U.I9 There was sad news today for the bat
ters Bobby Feller is stellar again.
The Cleveland whiz-ball expert, perhaps not so fast as in
other years, nevertheless demonstrated that he still was quite
a pitcher yesterday when he set down the Boston Red Sox on
six hits to win nis first game of
the season, 7 to 3.
Showing no trace of the shoul
der soreness that forced him
out of Cleveland's opening day
game on April 19 and kept him
idle since then, Feller bore
down beautifully when he need
ed to, tiring a little in the eighth
when he had a 7 to 1 lead and
serving up home run pitches to
Ted Williams and Bobby Doerr.
He struck, out four and walked
six...-.-. ....,. ......
Cleveland Manager, Lou Bou
dreau, usually the "perfect gen
tleman," got riled when he
thought Boston Pitcher Harry
Dorish was throwing at his
head and a near skirmish re
sulted. Joe Gordon, Negro rook
ie Orestes Minoso, and Ken Kelt
ner hit Cleveland homers. It
was Gordon's fifth of the sea
son and his third in two games.
The White Sox management
took down the home run fence
in Comiskey park because oppos
ing batters were gettin the most
use out of it, but the torrid
Yankees got a key homer by
Tommy Henrich anyway and
went on to top the Cbicagoans,
7 to 5.
At Detroit, the alert Tigers
won their fourth straight game.
6 to 5 from the Athletics with
Aaron Robinson's homer the
deciding blow,
Johnny Mize of the Giants
picked the perfect time to hit
his 300th big league homer,
breaking up a game with the
Pirates in the 10th inning when
he drilled a ball into the upper
right field seats for a 3 to 2
The Dodgers made it three in
a row over the Cincinnati Reds,
defeating them 7 to 5 on the
margin of Billy Cox' two-run
homer in the eighth.
The Cardinals snapped a five
game Philly winning streak
when Ron Northey hit a ninth
inning route clout to provide
a 3 to 2 decision.
The St. Louis Browns went
down to their sixth straight loss
in a night game in St. Louis,
bowing to the Washington Sen
ators, 5 to 3, as the Senators
came from behind with three
runs in the eighth inning.
Chicago and Boston in the Na
tional were not scheduled.
Major Standings
By United Press)
w L Pet. W L Pet.
Boston 10 ft .023 Phlldlphla ft ft .471
New York 0 7 .363 Cincinnati T ft .4.81
Brooklyn 0 7 .363 Chicago ft ft .439
St. Louis 7 7 .300 Pittsburgh ft 10 J79
W L Pet. W L Pet.
New York 13 3 .813 Phlldlphla ft 0 .471
Cleveland 8 4 .867 Boston ft 3 .439
Detroit ft 8 .843 Waflhlngtn ft 11 .353
Chicago ft ft .800 St. Louis ft 13 .188
neiulta Thursday. ... . . ...
Cincinnati ft, Brooklyn 7.
St. Louis 3. Phlldelphla 3.
Pittsburgh 3. New York 3. (10 Innings)
(Only games scheduled.)
Boston 3, Clevelsnd 7.
New York 7, Chicago ft.
Washington ft, 8t. Loula I.
Philadelphia ft. Detroit ft.
Hint Grid Star
To Ink Baseball
Deal With Pros
Los Angeles, May 5 M")
Jackie Jensen of California
Golden Bear football fame
isn't saying anything definite,
but baseball's scouting ex
perts are convinced the Ber
keley blond will desert the
college gridiron for the pro
fessional diamond.
Jensen, the scouts are con
fident, will scratch his name
to a contract and at a fan
cy bonus when he plays his
last game of the season at
Berkeley late this month.
Floyd Caves Herman, the
one-t 1 m e fence buster at
Brooklyn, now a scout for the
Pittsburgh Pirates, put it this
"Sure, Jensen will turn
pro. He can't afford not to."
$$ MONEY $$
44 teal Estate Loam
Fanr- o. City
Personal ft Autv Loans
State Finance Co.
15S S. Hlfh St Lee. 821 "I
Suspect Firebug Work as Flames
Gut Lavish Hollywood Race Track
Inglewood, Calif., May 6 W Hollywood Park, one of Ameri--
ca s most lavish race tracks, was razed by a $5,000,000 fire early
today but some 600 thoroughbred horses were spared.
Exact cause of the blaze was not known but police arson squads
started immediate investigations because of the speed with which
the fire spread. They detained
two men and a boy for ques
tioning but released them later.
The fire started in the swank
clubhouse of the multi-million
dollar plant and leaped, within
minutes, through the grand
stand and turf club. Shortly aft
er the roof and upper walls of
the clubhouse and turf club
burned away, the walls began
to crumble. Huge chunks of ma
sonry fell, and sent firemen
running for their lives.
A Hollywood Turf club
spokesman said the loss was
covered by insurance.
One fireman, Inspector Clif
ton Freeman, 30, Inglewood,
seriously injured as all
available Inglewood equipment
plus some of Los Angeles vainly
fought the wind-swept blaze.
Some three hours after the
blaze was first reported at 11
p.m., PST, it was under control
At one time, embers and sparks
from the eight-story high grand
stand shot upwards of 1,000
feet and swirled in a gentle
wind. The spectacular flames at
tracted thousands of onlookers
and snarled traffic in the dense
ly-populated area.
" The stands' were a total loss
but the valuable horses on hand
for the coming meeting were
saved because of the stables' lo
cation a half-mile from the
main racing oval,
Abo spared was the track's
colorful flock of black and
white swans and geese. The
fowl huddled safely in the little
lakes in the infield.
The disastrous fire dealt
death blow to Hollywood park's
meeting, scheduled to start May
17, but Santa Anita park quick
ly offered its facilities for the
PCL Standings
(Br United Press)
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Hollywood 33 1ft .373 Los Angels 18 1ft .300
San Diego 31 18 .583 SnPrncsco 13 31 .463
Oakland 31 18 .338 Seattle 17 31 .447
Saeramnto 1ft 18 .814 Portland 14 33 .380
Besulta Thursday
Portland 4, Seattle 3.
Oakland 3, San Francisco 0.
S&n Diego 13. Sscramento 11. fin Inn
Los Angelas ft, Hollywood 4.
Correct for Newport
7:05 a.m.
8:15 p.m.
6:33 a.m.
9:03 p.m.
8:23 a.m.
ft: 46 p.m.
10:39 a.m.
10:33 p.m.
1:33 a m.
1:38 p.m.
3:37 a.m.
3:43 p.m.
3:33 a.m.
3:33 p.m.
4:35 a.m.
4:21 p.m.
Dr. Charles Strub, general
manager of Santa Anita race
track, was a hard-hitting second
baseman on the 1902 Santa
Clara baseball team.
Heart Ailment
Takes Promoter
Tacoma, Wash., May 6 U.R
Death has taken Joe Waterman,
61, widely-known Pacific coast
boxing promoter.
The colorful figure in boxing
circles died of a heart attack in
his hotel room here yesterday
evening. He had been in ill
health for a number of months
and it was only recently that
he had returned to the business
of actively promoting fights.
Waterman had made his head
quarters at various times in
Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles,
:San Francisco and Tacoma.
Npfk FYPrfUfK Wi'n the Kentucky Derby Just a few
bIWAI. LAWU... day, way favored oiympia gets soma
neck exercises just in case things get to the neck and neck
stage down the "stretch." Olympia won the Derby trial at
Louisville, Ky., the 12th running of the one-mile race for
Kentucky Derby eligibles. Holding baiter is exercise boy
W. J. Keating. (Acme Telephoto)
Expect 14 Ponies to See
Diamond Jubilee Derby Go
Louisville, Ky., May 6 U.R The golden gate to fame and glorj
was thrown open today when historic Churchill Downs begai
receiving official entries for the 75th running of the Kentucky
Derby. '
A total of 14 owners were ex
pected to enter their noble nags
in America's premier horse race,
a mile and a quarter dash for
the turf's most coveted prize.
It will cost each owner $1,
000 to enter a horse in the derby.
In return, he might win $91,600
if 14 go t othe post, plus a gold
cup studded with diamonds.
Beavers' Two-Run Ninth
Wins Game for Saltzman
Portland, Ore., May 6 (U.R) The Portland Beavera with
covey of ninth-inning pinch-hitters last night defeated the Seattle
Rainicrs 4 to 3, in a Pacific Coast league series opener.
Seattle hurler Charley Schanz had apparently won his own
ball game in the eighth by lining out a single which scored Al
Lyons to break a two-all tie.
The Bevos' Hal Saltzman
scored his fourth victory on the
ninth inning spree. Johnny La
zor batted for Dick Wenner, and
scratched a single. Ford Mullen
singled in Lazor. Then Roy Hel
ser stepped up for backstop Bill
Burgher and doubled to bring
Mullen around and win the
Portland scored two in the
second inning on three singles.
Seattle made two in the third
on two walks, a wild pitch and a
double by Neil Sheridan.
Tonight Herman Besse (1-5)
will fire for the Rainier with
Tommy Bridge (3-3) on deck
for Portland.
Bhrldn.rf S
Becker, lb 9
S.Whlte.c 4 3
York, 3b 4
fllrRon.u 3
Srhani.p 3
Totala 34
3 2 2 0 Bsnrtl.ab 4
4 0 O 0 4
9 2 0 0 Thorn as, itt 4
9 0 7 0 Barrett.lf 4
4 0 1 We tier, rf 3
0 Mul1en,3b 4
3 Brgherx 3
4 3
t 1 2 Sltxmen.p 3
0 fl 0 Laxor.a 1
Bmrr y 0
Heifer, X I
929 10 Total 34
3 3
One out when winning fun cored.
I LtEor initled for Wenner In tth.
X Helsor tingled for Burgher In mil.
Y Barr ran for Laior In 9th.
Hit ....
,.003 000 0103
, 111 111 1150
, 020 000 002 4
, 130 010 0040
Rune Nelll, Lyons, Br nan 1 1, Barrett,
Mullen, BurRher. Barr. Error Bherldan.
RBI Saltzman 2, Sheridan 3, Br nam,
Mullen, Helaer. JB Layne 2, Sheridan,
Hettcr. 3B Thomaa. York. BBLyona.
Sac Nelll. Lob Seattle 10. Portland ft.
Umplrea Deever. Rune ana Powell. Time
1:52. Attendance 35S2 .
Short Korea:
Sacramento 001 000 303 011 11 0
San Diezo 000 250 400 112 12 2
aillejple, Salvo . Herman 1, Frlck
t), Frelta. 9) and Plumbo; Adama,
Klpp (5, Carter (6), Thompson (7), Ru
ciano (10) and Moore.
I -as Aneelea 010 410 0006 13 3
Hollywood 400 000 0004 I
Carl&en and Maolone; Huahe, Schallock
'4), Maltrberaer 14) and Sandlock.
Ran Franc Uco ono 000 0000 3'
Oakland 000 011 OOx 2 10 2
Nan y and Partee; Oauaway and Ral'
Church League
Youth Center 330 002 9 0
Plt E. U. B 040 0004 3 2
Ire her and Breotier; HUfUer and
First Methodist 000 163 3 13 12 1
PI rat Prenbyterlan ..310 113 (10118 10 10
tm HTum 4ms, Aim Iv-mi
Also to be won and who can
place a prize on it is the emo
tional wallop a man feels when
he sees his horse draped with
roses in the winners' circle while
100.000 racing fans road acclaim
to his new champion.
Once entered, a derby candi
date may be scratched up to 45
minutes before post time. But
all of this year's 14 probables
were pretty definitely commit
ted to run, come rain, shine or
Topping the list of expected
entries was Fred Hooper's
Olympian, the favorite at 6 to
Clifford Mooer's old Rockport,
beat Olympia in California ear
lier this year, and Palestinian
almost did it again in the Wood
Memorial. Greentree farms has
a capable team in Capot and
Wine list, and Calumet form
can't be counted out with Bel
Jones saddling Ponder.
The others expected to go to
morrow are Woodvale farmi
Halt; Ky. Colonel, owned b;
John Goodwin; J. A. Kinard'i
John's Joy; Duplicator; Lextown
Jacks Town; Model Cadet, am
the 100-to-one shot Mrs. Alber
Roth's Seneca's Coin.
See tho
Nationally Advertised
Tied and Demonstrated by
Fred V. Camp
of the
Camp Tackle Co.
Why Suffer
Any Longer
Wln others tall, dm our Ohlnesa
remedies Amazing aucceas tor 6000
reara In China. No matter with what
ailments sou are afflicted disorders
sinusitis heart, lunss, liver, kldners.
nas, constipation, ulcers, dlabetea,
rheumatism, gall and bladder, fever.
sain, lemaie complaints.
Office Haara te
Tvea. and Sal. Only
tM N. Commercial
Phone tlXM
Come In for TRIAL RIDt en
Vm tin that un't bt tqaaM tr duoffcstsi
A 13"
I. I fit ' on rout
Walter H. Zosel Co.
Chemeknta and High Sts,
aalcm. Ore.
HEANS . . .
tea SAs.
Bohemian UJun
r I 81 a. u
daiem doot nouse
OOChemelKtahmOsj j?
CS Eifort'lif ifBicr
Distributed in Salem by McDonald Candy Co.
'Bill" Robbins
Free Flowers to Ladies!
Free Balloons to Kiddies!
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