Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 06, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Friday, May fi. 1949
UMT Held Best
Tfsr Defenses
All any. May 6 Universal
military training would not only
provide the United States with
far better defensive force, but
a more eeonomicnl one than it
has now, speakers at the two
district national security con
ference held here averred.
The ni(!lit ess;op was open
ed by Samuel Bowes, vice-corn
mundcr of the Oregon American
Legion department, which i
sponsoring a series of national
security meetings of which that
held here was one.
Bowe emphasized the Le
gion's national defense program,
calling for unity of command
under a secretary of defence.
Capt. Clarence Embody. Uni
versity of Oregon R.O.TC. in
structor, emphasized the neces
sity of long training for the
modern soldier.
The conference was address
ed in the afternoon by Mrs. Ed
win Fortmiller, Albany.- local
security chairman; district No
2 vice commander, Hollis Hull
and Millard Willis, Aibany.
Speakers were introduced by
Mrs. Craig Coyner, Bend, de
partment auxiliary president
who said "security for America
and peace for the world" is the
auxiliary's security program.
Birthdays Celebrated
By Lincoln Residents
Lincoln Mixed bouquets of
spring garden flowers were used
as decorations about the rooms
of the Jeff Williams home at Lin
coln when his birthday and that
of his father, A. D. Williams, 85.
was celebrated.
Additional guests were Mrs. A.
D. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Pal
mer Williams and Jacky and
Denny, Mr and Mrs. Albert Mil
ler and Alice and Anthony, Mr.
and Mrs. Clen Fischer and Tom
my, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wil
liams, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Sher
man and Dickie, Mr. and Mrs.
Andy Bishop and Roger. Wayne
Williams, Mrs. Owen Easley, Ed
die Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Williams, Alfred Williams
and his fiance Donna Krenz,
Mrs. Jeff Williams and children.
C. A., Martha, Virginia, Frank
lin and Lc Roy.
Mrs. Opsdal Honored
,0n 79ih Birthday
Silvrrtnn Mrs. Lars Oped a
wax honored on the occasion of
her 7!Mh birthday anniversary
with a surprise at her home, with
, numerous other callers during
the eveninc.
i Guests were Mrs. O. W. Olson
j who made' and presented the
u-omplimenlcd guest with a,
! "pri7e" rake; Mrs. Ed OstegaardJ
.Mrs. Halvor Holm, Mrs. George
-Walker. Mrs. Charlie Johnson,
Miss Hilda J. Olsen, Mrs. P. O.
Henderson Mrs. H. Thompson,
Mrs. L. KinriblaH, Mrs. R. O. So
lum, Miss Bertha Luc, Mrs. L.
I Krickson, Mrs. M. N. Koleon,
I Mrs. Augusta Brekke, Mrs. L.
i Ftondrberg, Mrs. Leonard Hattc
ber. Mr. John Harstaad, Mrs
I Karen Tostenson, Mrs. Nina
I Klant"n. Pev. and Mrs. S. L.
1 Almlie. Mrs. P. O. Samdahl,
i Mrs. Melissa Co berg and Mrs.
Conrad Johnson.
! An additional guest was a
daughter of the complimented
Kuest, Mrs. Operial. Mrs. O. G.
Larson (Marth OpedalJ of Portland.
'tXtm7 :..- - . ,w
if - A
i - ' ' J
f .V 1 J
Pretty and Smart Jean
Hove ruled over the May fes
tival at Woodburn high school
Friday and also has been se
lected valedictorian for the
senior class. (Kennell - Ellis
Allotments Of
Crops Proposed
Now that acreage allotments
and marketing ouotas seem like.
ly on a number of major crops
in 1B.10 thn nrnhlem im nna nf
keeping acreages taken out of al
lotment crops from piling up sur
pluses of other farm commodities.
According to E. Harvey Miller,
chairman of the Oregon State
PMA committee, this is one of
the big problems if not the big
gest facing farmers of this
country today. As surpluses of
one crop pile up there will be a
tendency if past experience can
be used as a guide to shift pro
duction to other cash crips. This,
In one year, may mean surpluses
and ruinous prices for these com
modities. Mr. Miller said that it
has been suggested that there be
a total allotment on the farm to
cover all these crops. This would
mean that in addition to the al
lotments on individual crops
there would be a total farm al
lotment that would cover all
cash crops, or crops that may
.cause marketing troubles. To be
eligible for price supports, the
i farmers would have to be within
this total allotment as well as all
the allotments for indivdual
j crops.
I On a farm where a farmer
may have a normal acreage of
60 acres or wheat, 30 acres of
corn, and 10 acres of potatoes,
he may have individual crop al
lotment of SO acres of wheat,
25 acres of corn, and 5 acres of
potatoes. But he may have 20
acres in other cash crops, which
if Increased would help to build
j up surpluses. The ideas suggest
ed would be to set up an over-all
allotment as well as allotments
for individual cash crops. He
would have to be within the in
dividual crop allotment and the
total allotment to be eligible for
price supports on any crop. 'crops both to Increase livestock
The suggested proposal would production and to conserve the
help farmers to work together soil.
instead of against each other,
the chairman said. And as to
what to do with the land taken
out of these cash crops, he sug
gested that there is room for ex
pansion of grass and legume
The Pacific Is the largest (71
million square miles) and deep
est (13,440 feet for an average)
of the five oceans.
Gervais Woman j
Listed as Suicide
Mrs. Rose Marie Prantl, 37,
was found hanging in a barn at
her home on Gervais Rt. 1
Thursday by her husband, Al
bert Prantl. with C. C. Edwards,
deputy coroner, listing the death
a., a suicide. She was reported
to have been despondent be
cause of poor health. Sheriff
Denver Young conducted the in
vestigation. Mrs. Prantl was born in Ger
many December 11, 1911, and
came to this country with her
parents when she was a little
more than a year old. Surviv
ing are her husband and four
children from five months to 11
years old and her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Bittler, all of
Recitation of the rosary at the
Unger funeral home in Mt. An
gel Friday night at 8 o'clock
with funeral services at the
Sacred Heart Catholic church in
Gervais Saturday at 9 o'clock
with burial at Gervais.
You Get Hearing
A Hearing Aid is
Not Enough
1831 State St., Salem
Your Eyes Deserve
Care and Kindness
Dr. E. E. Boring Optometrists Dr. 8
Nature hands out only one pair of eyes per person ... so
protect your sight with expertly fitted glasses . . . flatter
your eyes with modern, attractive frames. SEE THEM NOW.
am Hashes i
383 Court
Phone J 6501
At the Jewel Box
to. fWMimj v
Idi In:
Bring your watch in today
rakes only a minute
tells exactly how accurate
t is!
Now is the time to order that new roof before the
busy summei season.
Expert workmanship with the highest quality
Free estimates without obligation
McGilchrist & Sons
255 No. Commercial Street
Phone 38478
155 N. Liberty
Phone 3-3191
Mother's Day Special!
NOT a closeout, BUT all newly
arrived Summer dresses . . .
A special purchase
-jAr; 55 x 84 pure dye, pure silk
Junior and misses sizes only
Words do If ogoin! Pure dve, pure silk dresses of this unbelieveoble low!
These are the dresses you'll want for all worm dayi oheod! Only 3 days ot
this money-saving price! So be here early for yours.
maae i xsv'.jx -: Tr"vr vr'.'-''iS$i '
sell for V ' sJ3bsL "V-PW
You Get .... fe,
Both v-H-, v . k4,' NSy-
For Only... Vv r
J On Terma: 15 Down,
I I Month
Better hurry we expect nell-out on this high quality Inner
pring set. Because of the low price, this outstanding mattress and
box spring will be sold in SETS ONLY! Here's what you getl 252 carbon
iteel coil "Xachman" innerspring unit Famous Flexolator insulation
85-lbs. of soft felted new cotton Pre-built border for firmer edges Inner
roll edge for sag resistance Beautiful long-wearing cotton damask tick
ing Four sturdy side turning handles Four screened ventilators
keep interior clean Taped seams, strongly stitched 72 sturdy premier
wire coil matching box spring, with rigid frame construction. This is
your opportunity to purchase sound, relaxing sleep for many
years to come, at a cost of a few pennies a night. Compare the quality
and you will be convinced that Wards now give you
the biggest Mattress Value 1
Ward Week Ends Saturday! Open 'Til 9 Tonight!