J on Campus For President Petition! have been filed with the itudent body office on the Willamette university campus for the office of student body president, first vice president, lecond rice president, secretary and the representatives of the various classes. Candidates for student body president are: Russell Tripp, Al bany; Ray McCoy, Salem; Char les Patterson, Burlingame, Calif.; and Albert McMullen, Taft. first vice president candidates re Gerald Lawrence, Deer Is land, Or., and Bill Olson, De noe Bay. Petitions for the office of sec ond vice president are filed for Burnell Ambrose, Portland; Al Miller, Salem, ana Art Dimona, Portland. The two candidates for stu dent body secretary are Pat Howard, Burlingame, Calif., and Marjorie Quamme of Salem. Candidates for class repre sentatives are: Sophomore, Rod Beals, Salem, and Jim Anicker, Tigard; junior, Bill Ross, Port land, and Jack Gunn, Mon mouth; senior, Dick Hartley, Sil verton, and Bob O'Neill, Bucoda, j Wash. Pair Jailed for Destroying Shrubs Jail terms and a year's pro bation were ordered Wednesday in oolice court for two men found guilty of disorderly con duct as a result of destroying shrubbery. - The pair Joe Mike Tiesel of Rt. 7 and Charles Lee Harper 922 N. Commercial were ar rested on court warrants after C. M. Greenlee, 890 N. Commer cial accused them of destroying shrubbery and using profanity. Greenlee told police that the pair had argued about entering his home to deal with him. The Jail terms consisted of 20 days in the city lock-up and a year's probation was added on top of that. A third youth, usually observ ed by police in the company of the pair who were jailed, was arrested separately luesday night while driving Tiesel's car He was identified as Robert E Hoover, Rt. 7, and was held for failure to post a total of SZ5 in fines for driving with a noisy muffler and defective brakes, Vandals Toss Eggs On Several Homes A new outbreak of vandalism of homes in the north Salem area was contained in police re porta Wednesday dealing with the tossing of eggs at two resi dences in that area. Houses on Donna avenue and Myrtle avenue were both struck by eggs. The vandals were re ported to be using a car. It was in the same area sev eral days ago that houses, autos, a church and school were paint ed with red by vandals. 77 .-..,.., A" TH,,W,"C" I, i ramous uranus you Know are gooai oweei, mna i .I 1 .L .1 MI. 1 U I 1 J." I."J CTWsi CI I cure. Guaranteed tender. Averaze weiehti 6 to 8 lbs. I f iiiTJi KKHt-.f.lf lw Tiff WIHUW I I I HsaBeef Chuck Roast 1 I CSi3 y Meaty-blade cuts I J jPg,MTBJIAA famoui for their Jfaf Ill " r iraaiTionai lavorue kD. M HI ill ti i Tii in. in l. C A( 1 39c r H tfllWVW Armour aiai : Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Thursday. May 5, 1949 11 Save those dollars. Buy through Classified. WE HAVE A STAkJDACD THAT IS HIGH !, TO MEASURE UP TO THAT WE fit I "QGQ! 0332j33 10 CARLOADS OF PICNIC HAMS to CUT LIVING COST Swiff's Cref. S, RofVi. Mor rel'$, Cudahy't and efner famous brandt or Ineludtd One of the largest shipments of Picnic Hams consigned to one firm arrived last week in Portland for distribution to Safeway . Markets in the Northwest. The Picnics go on sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 5, 6 and 7, at what is considered to be an unusually low price for this class of merchandise. Chief difference between Hams and Picnics is that Hams are cut from the hind quarter, Picnics from the fore quarter of porkers. Cured sweet and tender, as these fa mous Eastern brands are, few people can tell the difference in flavor between a Picnic and a Ham. Sizes range from 6 to 8 pounds, enabling any family to enjoy a wonderful "Ham" dinner and left-overs for fu ture meals at very small cost. Sandwich Spread Blended Juke Lunch Box brand To pep up those sandwiches QT. 49 Blend-O'-GolJ P f A delightful blend of 46-OX. M 1 orange & grapefruit juice ran Ui 9Mr Lunch Meats b.49c Wieners . .,.,., lk45c Halibut Steakslb. 49c Fillet of Sole ,b.45c COFFEE h EDWARDS VACUUM PACKED tlcti eoliM com lm Mare good evipt p ptvni. 51c $101 Eviscerated Fryers, ' lb. 65c Milk Cherub, Tall Can 10c Nationally Advertised Brands, Tall can lie Shortening Crisco, Spry, Snowdrift J lb. can 87c Royal Satin 3 lb. can 85C FLOUR Gold Medal, Drifted Snow, Kitchen Craft 50 lb. bag 3.69 hill I ma 45c jSsn 2 lbs. 1 ' I 89c AIRWAY .AFEWAY'S FRESH SPRING PRODUCE So easy to Zucchini Squash '" Lemons Sunlitt lb. 15c Green Onions nun. 5c Lettuce Freik and eriia lb. 10c Red Radishes uv,i. 5c Rhnbaxb Far delicious plerl j,. 19c Tomatoes N;ci;r, ,,19: Crisp Celery ,.M ,. 8c Golden Carrots lb 8c NEW POTATOES U.S. NO. I GRADE . WHITE ROSE VARIETY A 1 0f Enjoy them now as fc 1 V often as you like. I f Mb. m 1 -va COFFEE Hills Bros., Folgers, Maxwell House, Chat & Sanborn, MJB 1 lb. can 53c Maishmallows tb. Fluff-Urt pkg. 23c PARD Dog Food AAc Can It KEN-L-RATION DOG FOOD Buy cant Get 2 cant at no cott with your coupon Puss n' Boots Prepared specially for your cat 3 Z 25c BREEZE CHEESE 2 lb. loaf 77c VELVEETA CHEESE 2 lb. loot 79c Je-We Desserts Ak 22c - Jello Desserts 4 livers -lb.pta. 37c APRICOTS Goldtn Halves Highway Innd No. 2' 'i7r can 1 KHAfT... FRESH Mayonnaise pint jar 39e Alters Oats quick cooling Alters Oats M um.i j ib.Pi9.37c Sunnybank Margarine Mb. pig. 29c Dalewood Margarine i-ib.Pi,. 25c Soda Crackers JaX21't'..39' Tea Timer Crackers i.ib.Pi9.29c DrJed Italian Prunes Mb..ti.Pi. 43c Dried Beans Sr..t Norrt,.n. Mb.. 29c Aibers Corn Meai y,n,w jirib.pi,,. 23c White Flour H.r,..,i..-i 2s-ib.aSI.85 American Cheese Dutch mhi Mb.Pig. 95c Mayonnaise fIVJ. pint jar 39c Garden Side Peas NCa2 3for29c Bisquick 4ooz Pkg. 43c Soft as Silk Cake Flour,,, pkg 37c Prem noz. can 39c, Swiftning 3ib.n 77c GROCERY FEATURES effective FRIDAY through MONDAY PRODUCF AND MEAT FEATURES effective FRIDAY and SATURDAY Nu-Made Mayonnaise ,0 Tomafo Juice $, o.w., 44h. 19e Columbia DM Pcke.r,2 oti.r 3ic Cane Sugar.rB..t 10-lb.sk. 85c DREFT (We redeem Procter 2 C ' m'' coupont) I l-oi. pig. CAMAY Toilet Soap Reg. Bart Bath Siie 3,.,25,2,w25 RINSO Granulated Soap 'X 27c tt 57e AVOCADOS 2 ... 29c