Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 05, 1949, Page 21, Image 19

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I Bf VlltJ Fuklni Company I
Woolod lambs 120.00 to 123.00
B.Minf lambs 65 to 81 lbs 123.00 to 125.00
fiprlni limbi, 05 to 100 lb. 122 00 to f'J 00
Yearllni. under 120 lit, lltt.OO to 119 00
Yearllnis, ovir 130 lb. 113 00 to 117 00
rw s? oo to i id. oi
cutttr co lio.oo to tii oo
Put dairy cowi to II .00
Dntry belfari 115 00 to tie 00
BUllJ 1 1 0U 10 I31.UD
Cilvt (Joo to 450 lbs i:o 00 to 125 on
Vial (180-300 lbi.1 cholet 13100 te 130 00
I J price paid wilt) in i5r ot Port'
and prlcaa tor oich typ. Top, 170-335 ib
rortland Eastildo Markrl
Asparagus sold for ti. SO a 30-lb pyramid
on the Portland Eastslde Farmer Whole
i.ti maraat today.
Spinach brought 11.50 to 11.75 an or
ama box.
Strawberries were 13.00 a 13-cup flat.
Part land Praam
Bullerfat Teuiatlvt, urct Immi
diatt cbangt .'rtmlum quality mail mum
to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in
Po'tland 63-66c ib.: llrtl quality l-fl4c
lb. . aecond quality B9-fl2c Valley route
and country polnti 9c Imp than first
Hotter Wholesale FOB oulk cube to
wholesaler! Oradi AA, 03 score, 62-63c;
A 92 score 81-62 'ic: B, DO core. 00c lb.;
O. SB score. 000 lb Above prices are strict
ly nominal
Cheese aelllnt price to Portland whole
sale Oregon tingles. 3B'fc 48'c Oregon 6
lb loal. aiH-BO'-fcn: iripteu w ia man
Eggs (Te Wbulcsalersi a grade luria
63' -51c; A medium, 60-51 'ic; grade B,
area. 4S'i-49'e
Eggs Purchased from (aimers Currem
receipt!, 674-C"o do., buyers J-.iVc oe
jov wholesale quotations on graded bail
fo oest hennery eggs
pnrlland Dairy Market
Bo tier Price to retailers Uradr A A
print. 07c AA cartons 68c A prin.
(7c A cartons 6Bc : B prints, 05c
Eggs PrkJ to retailers AA large
51-55c; certified A lame. 54c; A larm.
o3-54c; AA medium. 53-S3c: certified A
medium. 52c; A medium. 51 -53c; cartons 2c
Cheese Price to retailers. Portland
Oregon singles 40'j-MjVjc Oregon loal,
ib 41-63'iic; trlpleu Ilia leu than am
Live Chickens - No 1 quality FOB
plants. No. 1 broilers under a1 lbs. 37-38c
lb.; fryers 3Va to 3 lbs,, 29-30c lb.;
roasters 4 lbs and over, 31-32c lb.: fowl
Lenhorn under 4 lbs., 24-26c: over 4
lbs. 2B-20r; colored fowl, all weights, Il
iac: roosters all weights, 18-20c.
Rabbits Average u rower lot uv
white; fryers white. 4-5 lbs 27-230 lb..
ft-6 lbs.. tb-Vlt lb., colored 33-25C. Old ut
heavy does, 13- 18c oreved fryers to
butchers. o7 50c. old r.ea ones. 35-38e
Turkeys (Price quoted are not to the
producer on a dressed weight oasiti -U
8 grade A young tomi, 51 53c lb ; No
1 foung hens, nominally 00c
Dressed turkeys to retallerm Uiadf A
young bene, 70-71c New Yorr style drese
sd A grade ycung toms S8-59
Portland Miscellaneous
Caseara Barb Dry 30o lb, green Ye Ib
Wool Valley coarse and medium grades
4Sc Ib.
Mohmir 28c Ib. on 12-month growth.
Hides Calves 30o (b , according to
weight klpa. 18c lb., beef 13-13c lb., bull
l-0c lb.; country buyers pay 3c leas
Nut Quotations
Wain at Pranquettes first quallt Jura
bo. 34.7c; large. 32. 7o; medium. 27 3c, sec
end quality Jumbos, 30.3c. arga 28 2c,
medium, 36.3c: baby 23.2c, 10ft shel first
quality large. 29. 7c; medium 26 3c: sec
ond quality large. 37 2c; medium 24 ta;
baby 32.2c
Filberts - Jumbo, 30e Ib , large, lie.
medium, 10c: small, 13c
Quotations above supplied by North
west Nut Growers Quotation are on the
basis of 100-lb bag purchase fob plants.
Portland Grain
Portland, Ore.. May I W Wheat fu
t'irea not quoted.
Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.30; soft
white (excluding) rex 3.20; white club
J .'n; western red 3.20.
Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.20; 10
per cent 2.30; 11 per cent 2.23; 12 per
ernt 2.35.
Today's car receipts: Wheat 74; barley
1; flour 17; corn 0; oats 3; hay; mill
feed 10.
Portland livestock
Portland, Ore., Mar B 0J.B Livestock
Cattle salable 125: calves 25. Palrly ac
tive: generally steady; few common steers
19.00 to 23.00; load good 770 lb fed heif
ers 23.50; two average medium kinds
31.00 to 33.00; good cows absent; medi
um 17.50 to 17.75; cutter and common
15.00 to 17.00: canners 13.00 to 14.50: odd
head good beef bulls 33.00; good and choice
veater scarce; bulk common and me
dium 15.00 to 27.00.
Hoga salable 100; generally steady with
Wednesday; bulk good and choice 180
to 240 lb butchers 20.35: odd head 2S0
to 270 lbs. 18.00 to 10.00: good and choice
sows 10.00 to 17.00; few heavies over 600
lbs 15.50.
Sheep salable 150; all slaughter classe.
steady; small lot good 108 lb wooled
lambs 34.50; common out at 31.00; com
mon shorn ewes 7.50 to 0.50.
Chicago livestock
Chicago. May B V-(USD At Salable
hogs 7.000; fairly active; 25 cents higher
on butchers under 240 lb: heavier weights
unevenly strong to 25 cents higher; these
weights closed slow; sows steady to 25
cents higher: top 10 85; most good and
Choice 170-270 lb 18.25-18.75; 280-320 lb
17.50-18.35: few 330-400 lb heavies 16 75
17 50: good and choice sows undrr 400 lb
mortly 16.00-10.50: 435-500 lb 15.00-15.75:
heavier weights down to 14.00 for around
000 lb averages.
Salable cattle 4.000: salable calves 400:
uneven; medium to low-eood steers 1.050
lb up slow, steady to weak; other steers
and yearlings fairly active, mostly steady;
spots 35 cents higher on good yearlings;
heifers steady to weak; cows and bull
steady: realer utrong: tap 35.50 for three
loads good to low-choice 1.075-1,150 Ib
alters: bulk medium and good steers
1.300 lb down 33.35-25.00: heavier weights
acarce; load choice Colorado fed heifers
htld above 35.50; few loads good heifers
50 lb down 24.00-24.75; common to good
beef cows 17.00-30.50; eanhers and cutters
13.00-10.75: medium and good sausage
bulla 30.00-33.00: bulk veelers 19.00-28. 00;
practical top 20.00.
Salable sheep 1,500; very little done:
steady to 3 cents lower; heavy fat ewe
showed most decline: no choice lambs
Salem Market's
Can let ed treat reports ef ftalta deal
rs for (be gtttdanee t Capital
Jearnal Readers. (Revised dally).
elall Peed Prices
rg Mask W.1S.
Rabbit Pellets 14 41 -Dairy
Peed 14 00
Fault rv? frivin trices Orsd A eol
d hens 33c; grade A Leghorn hens.
II eenta. Grade A eolored fryers, three
Pounds and up, 30c. Orad A old roosters
18 'ent
Baying price Intra larrg AA, e:
lane AA. 47c: large A. 45-47c: medium
AA, tie, medium A, 4I-4)e. pullet. 38-IOc
Wb ale tale Prlee Bgg wholesale price
7 cents above these prices above
Grade A generally quoted At 53c; me
diums 48c.
Premium lie; Ho. 1. Me; No L Bl-tOe
(buying gtrieei)
iter Wholesale grade A, If-I7g re
tail 71-Tae
Asia, In population and square
miles, Is by far the largest of
the continents.
Why Suffer
Any Longer
When -hers fan as out Chinese
'emediej Amailni success for 5000
-ears a China Ne matter wttb what
llnents yow are afflicted- disorder
tnualtu nesn lungs liver kidneys
ts. constipation ulcere. tUabetes
-heutnatba gall and bladder, fever
gin em ale complaints.
nvn hcrb co.
nfflee Rear I to 0
faea end Hat Onty
t4 sj CwmerelaJ
Br the Aaocleied Praasl
American Can ... 02S
Am Pow dj A 9H
Am Tel Tel 1434
Anaconda WW
Bendis AviaMno Ji'i
Beth Steel 29H
Bo ins Airplane 11 .
Calif Packlni 33' j
Canadian Pacifls 12'i
Cass J 1 344
Caterpilar , 67li
Chrysler . siti
Com with Sou 3Ti
Cons Vuitea 10",
Continental Can 33l
Crown lieroacb 21'.-
Curttu Wrlgni g1,
Douglas Aircraft
upont de Nem 9
enerai Eiectrig 37H
General foods 42
Qeneral Uutora 59
Ooodyear 42'4
Int Rarvestar , 34H
mi Paper , 47H
Kinnecott 44'.
Llbby McN t Vk
Long Bell 'A" 19
Montgomery Ward 54
Hash Kelvinetor 13'4
ffat Dairy 31'i
fr Central nt
northern ('aeifle UN
Par Am rsh 12,
Pas Oas fc Pieg 33'
Pae Tel di Tel 90'i
Penney J 0 47s
Radio Corp , 12 14
Rajor er 33
Raronier Pfd 39
Remolds UiaU 31
Riehfleld 31
fateway rttores 33
ears Roeburk isn
leathern Pacific 40"4
Staaidard Oil CeJ 66
ttadebaker Co-p 19 n
luasblae Mining oh
rransa.aerca 11
Jnie 'aeifie 301
J a ; ew Oil C goii
OatMd lrtnes 13
0 Bieel 731;
Aaraei dra Pie , 1 a I i
STMlwertii ,.ti
Catherine Zlegler
in this city Hay 2. Mrs. Catherine
Ziealer, late resident of 4210 Pilbert Bt.
Survived by her husband, Alva Zlegler.
oarem; cmiaren, Mrs. cveiyn Carlson an(
Wilbur Zlegler. Choteau. Mont.. Mm Low.
ell Torlle. WUner. Neb.. Mrs. Alfred Ter.
leson, Independence, Mrs. Howard Robin
son, Dallas, and Mrs. Harold Baker
Brooks; brothers, Ralph Coleman. Omaha.
Neb., and Harley Coleman. Ashland. Neb.
sister, Mrs. Margaret Vanderman. Ash.
land, and 10 grandchildren. Services will
be held from the W. T. Rigdon chapel
i-riaay, May B at 1 p.m. Interment In Bel-
crest Memorial park, Rev. Dudley Strain
win oinciate.
William T. Van Blyk
William T. Van Slyke, late resident of
158 South 14th street, at a local hospital
Tuesday. May 3. at the ate of 85
Survived by wife. Mrs. Myrtle Van Slyke
01 aairm; orotner, M. D. Van Slyke of
Lone Rock, Wise: a foster sister, Mrs.
Alice Slewert of Salem; and several nieces,
nephews and cousins. Sedvlees will be
held at the Clough-Barrlck chanel Sat
urday. May 7, at 3 p.m. with Rev. w. Har
old Lyman officiating. Interment In Bel-c-est
Memorial park,
French Marlon Wiley
Prsncls Marlon Wiley, late resident of
Salem route 4, box 332. at a local hos
pital Tuesdey. May 3. Survived bv his
i i i i it-j
i i I I 4yi I
t -
Ak about Ward Monthly Credit Termlf
Install now, pay Wards later.
wife, Mrs. Muriel Wiley, Salem; three
cnimren. norma Rae, Loritg and Robert
Wiley, all 0' S-im; mother. Mr. M'tle
wiiey. Springfield. Colo.; liners, Mrs.
Iva DoLon, LsJunta. Colo.. Mr. Til lie
Davis. Er'.ck, Okie., and Mr. Dorothy
Hartley, Sprlmfield: and brothers. Ira
wney of Walsh. Colo., and John Wiley
of LaJunta. Member of the Plrst Baptist
church. Services will be held at the Howell-Edwards
Saturday. May 7. at 10 a.m.
with Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson officiating.
Concluding erviee will be held at the
Belcrest Memorial cemetery,
Louis Draprla
Louis Drapela, at the family residence
at route 4, Salem, May 3, at the age of
50 years, Survived by wife. Anna V. Drap
ela of Salem: two sons. Jwephp Drapela of
Salem and Norman Drapela with the U.
8. Air Force In Germany; two brothers.
Id ward Drapela and Frank Drapela of
Lebanon, and a sister. Mr.'. Mary Harper
of Grants Pass. Oregon.-Services will be
he!d Friday. May 0, at 1:30 p.m. at the
Howell-Edwards ehap"l with concluding
services nl Belcrest Memorial park.
tlbert Owen
In this city May i. Albert Owens, late
resident of 90 East Pa rk b' ret, Salem.
Announcement of services later by W.
T. Rltdon company.
ninbel C. Hart
In this city May 4. Mabel c. Hart. late
reMdent of 193 Shipping street, Announce,
merit of services later by W. T. Rigdon
Richard A. Mueller
Richard A. Mueller, late resident 01
3070 Court St., near Corvallls May 3 at
he aae of 25 years. Survived oy nis par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Mueller. Sa
lem; a Ulster, Mrs. Hazel Gatzka. Great
Palls. Mont.: two brothers, Lawrence V.
Mueller. Mishawaka. Ind.. and T. Sat.
Carl J. Mueller, in U.S. army at Tokyo,
Japan. Funeral services will be held from
it. Josephs Catholic church Saturday,
May 7, at 0 a.m. Direction "the DeMoss
Youngblood Funeral home of Corvallls.
George Elbert
Geo-se Elbert, late resident 01 Los An
ics. C)(f.. at a local hospital May 4.
Sirvlvrd by a sister. Mrs. Miry Lechelle
end a brother. Lniiih Flbrt. both of Sa
,em. Gra wilde services wilt be held Fri
day, May 0, at 10:30 a.m. at Belcrest Mem
orial park with the Rev. Louis E. White of
ficiating. Direction ol Clough-Barrlck com
pany. Edward O. Lor an
Edward O. Logan, late resident of 353
D street, Salem In Albany, May 5. sur
vived by wife, Mra. Myrl Logan of Salem;
daualiters. Mrs. Rate Hoik of Long Beach,
Calif.. Mrs. Jane Warren of Bandon and
Mrs. Res Moor or Prlnevtiie; a son. L. 8.
Louan. Jr., of Oakland. Calif.: mother,
Mrs. Maude Logan of Redmond. Oreaon,
and a sister, Mrs. Wanda A bene of Red
mond. Also survived by five grandchild
ren. Services will be held Saturday. May
7. at 1:30 p.m at the Clough-Barrlck chap
el with Rev. W. Harold Lyman officiating.
Interment In Belcrest Memorial park.
Arthur R. Ecelhoff
Arthur R. Egelhoff. late resident of 2383
Lee St., at a local hospital May 4. Sur
vived by his wife, Mrx. Mabel I. Egelhoff,
Salem: daughters, Mrs. Irene AlderinK.
Pease, Minn.. Evelyn Egelhoff. Salem: son.
Arthur Egelhoff. Jr., Salem: parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Egelhoff. Brvrnswlck,
Neb.; sister, Emma Karney. Omaha,
Neo.; brother Merle Egelhoff, Loa Angeles,
Calif., and a granddaughter. Adel Dar
ne Alderink. Services will be held Fri
day, May 0, at 3 p.m. In the Clough-Barrlck
chapel with Interment In Belcrest
Memorial park.
Carl Leslie Parker
Dallas Graveside services for Carl Les
lie Parker, who was killed while serving
In the navy In the Bouth Pacific in 1944.
155 N. Liberty
will be Saturday In the loop cemetery
under the direction of Dallas post 3303.
Veterans of Foreign Wars. Henkte and
Bollnian have charge of arrangements.
The navy veteran wan the son of Orris
Eston Parker of Newport, and Mrs.
Haiel M. Parker of Dallas. He wss born
at Veedenburg. Ind.. June 33. 1934, com
ing with his parents to Oregon when he
was 3'i years old. He received his school
ing in Tillamook county. As soon as he
was IT years 01 age, he loined the navy
on July 4, 1941. He was aboard the UBS
enterprise at int time 01 me japaneie
attack on Pearl Harbor. Through the
war, he served in both the Atlantic and
Pacific tones and met his death when
the USS Cooper was sunk near Leytg In
the Philippines on December 3. 1944. He
was 30 years of age.
Surviving are the mother. Dallas; the
tatner. Newport two sisters. Manning
Earhart of Woodson, and Imogene Park
er 01 Dallas; nine nrotners. jenie. to
ward, Robert, Merrill, James, Warren and
Ivan, all of Dallas. Lowell of Woodson
and Howard of Roseburg.
Mrs. Nettle Nelson
Monitor Mrs. Nettie Nelson. 85. resi
dent of Monitor for many years, died
Wednesday evening at a Portland hos
pital. She was born April 0. 1864. Be
sides her husband, Hans Nelson, Monitor,
she Is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Er
ville. Valleio. Calif., and a son, Dr. Carl
Moran. Orcua Island, Wash.; seven broth
ers and sisters In Iowa, and five step
children. Tone ByJIand Oualset
Silverton Mrs. Tone ByJIand. 88. died
Thursday morning at her home, 202 S.
Church. She was born in Norway March
7. 1861. Surviving are three daughters.
Titlle Aas. Fertile, Minn.; Gunhlld Ped
erson, Minneapolis; Carrie McDonald,
Corvallls; five sons. Gunder, at Peters
burg. Nebr.; Stephen, of Nebraska; Olaf,
Kelso, Wash.; Edwin. Omaha, Nebr., and
Jens Qualset. Floral Park. L. I.. New
York; brother, iver uyjiana. Aioian.
Nebr., and a sister. Bertha Needhal. Long
Brach, Calif.; also 18 grandchildren and
four great grandchildren. Announcement
later by the Ekman funeral home.
William Lynn Mitchell
Albany William Lynn Mitchell, 59, died
it his home at Albany Route 2, Tue.ay.
Funeral services were held at t!ie Fort
mi ller-Fredericlwen chapel Thursday.
Burial in the Riverside cemetery. Mr.
Mltchel' was born at. Albany, April 10,
1890, and Is survived by his mother,
Mrs. W. C. Mitchell, Albany; a brother,
B uce. of Portland; a sister, Mrs. Elba
Burnett Albany.
Roy Alton Hubcr
Lyons Roy Alton Huber died at his
home in Lyon Sunday evening following
a short Illness, at the age of 60 years.
0 months and 11 days. He was born at
Jordan. Oct. 20, 1888. His father died
when he was nine years old, after which
he with his mother spent three years
In Arliona. Returning to Mt, Pleasant, he
finished his schooling there. He also at-
end'd Oregon State College for three
j ears, returning to Jordan where he
was united In marriage to Alice Jane
McDonald. Dec. 18, 1913, moving to Lyons
t 1913, where he spent the rest of his
life. To this union were born three
children, Doris Jane, deceased. Maxlne
ray and Donald Ry)e. He worked at the
carpenter trade for many years, building
several residences and business build
nit s in Lyons, later working in the local
mills as planerman. Surviving are his
widow, Alice Huber; one daughter, Mrs.
Maxlne Keeley of Portland, and one son.
Donald Huber, and one grandson, Dennis
Allen Huber of Lyons; one step brother,
Max McCall of Chewy Chase, Md.: one
.step slstr, Madge Waggoner of Portland.
Funeral services were held Tuesday after
10m from the Weddle funeral homo in
Stayton. with Dr. David Feraerson of
Mill City Presbyterian church officiat
ing. Ralph and Kirk Wlrlk furnished
the music. Interment wax In the Fox
Valley cemetery, with Alex Bodeker, Gates
Cochran. Clyde Bressler, Phillip Pletrok,
Eidon Mulkey and Ted Preres as pall
bearers. Phone 3-3191
A Complete Job
Save time and money. Neatly . . . quickly . . . Wardi trained
men wilt install siding, roofing, wall tile and insulation for
you. Compare with other estimates you get. You'll find
Words complete installation costs you less. Remember,
Wards bodes this job all the way. Don't wait, get your free
estimate nowl
let Wards experts blow it in your attic, roof, hard to get
at places. For cooler home in summer, keeps heat outside;
warmer home in winter . . . heat stays in. Prevents heat
waste. Save up to 30 on fuel bills.
Shingles, roll roofing, installed by Wards experts gives you
the beautiful, lasting roof you want. Choose either longer
wearing Thick Tab, colorful Hexagon shingles ., or
lower cost Roll Roofing. Wide choice of colors.
Roll brick for real brick look . . . Wavy Edge or Asbestos
for natural wood-grain effect. Siding protects, beautifies
your home for years. Have Words siding specialists install
It for you for lasting beauty and protection.
Installed by Wards m.n, saves you redecorating costs lor
years. Enduring beautilul wall tile or tileboard brightens,
modernizes kitchen, ploy-room or bathroom. Sunproof
Aluminum tile, Tileboard In many attractive colors.
lS5 N. Liberty, Salem,
I would like more Informotion on Instollotion
Insulation OAspholi Roofing D Wall Coverings Siding.
Nome.. .
Sarah S. Weed
I Amity Sarah I. Wood, mother of Mrs
Jruie Wood, and Mrs. Elva McKinney of
miiy. died here May 3 at the ase of
83 years. She had been an invalid for the
past 15 years Funeral services were held
at the McMinn villa funeral home Wed
nesday. Survivors besides the two dsut ti
ters, are two sisters, Mrs, May Brotton,
San Francisco Call!., Mra. Jennie Glover,
Vancouver Wash., one brother, John Mit
er. SalMn. Interment was In the Hope
well cemetery.
Isabell Jenkins
Dsllas Mrs. Isabell Jenkins. 75, died at
her home In the Guthrie district Bun
day morning. Funeral services were Thurs
day at the Henkle and Bollman chapel.
Mrs. Jenkins was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Edvin J. Taylor, pioneers of Cor
belt. She was born in Corbett on August,
13, 1873. Mrs. Jenkins came to Dallas In
1940 and five vears later moved to the
Outhrle district. Surviving are a daugh
ter. Mrs. Eula Tiller of Bandon; one son,
Jess Robblns of Myrtle Point; and a
randdaughter. Mrs. L. Foster of Steven
son, Wash.
FOR SALE: 14-ft. Masonlte trailer.
Bella Passl Trailer Court, woodburn.
Al TRAILER house, 33-ft., all aluminum.
Interior custom built. Dec. refrig. Oa
range dt wall heater. 455 Locust St.
43 VAGABOND House Trailer, 34 ft.
Cheap. Jones. Howard's Trailer park.
I.O.Oi meets every Wed
nesday night. Vusitora Wei
come. Pacific Lodge No. 50. A. P. &
X A. M. M. M. Degree Friday,
May 6, 7 p. m. 10B
Notice hereby is given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem. Ore
gon, deems n necessary and expedient
and hereby declares its purpose and in
tention to improve Hickory street from
the west line ot Valpak road to the east
line of Brooks street, in the city of Salem,
vlarion County. Oregon, at the expense
1 the abutting and adjacent property,
y Bringing said portion of said atreet
to the establlsned grade, constructing
cement concrete curbs, and paving said
portion of aald reet with a 3'i Inch
asp ha It le concrete pavement 37 feet wide
in accordance with the plans and speel-
Icatlons therefor wnicn were soopira oy
the common council April 35. 1949. which
are now on file In the office of the city
recorder and which by this reference
ft ere to are made a part hereof.
The common council hereby declares
Its purpose and Intention to make the
t jove described Improvement by and
through the street improvement depart
ment. By order 01 the Common Council April
.5, 1940
City Recorder
Date of first publication hereof is
April 28. 1949
Capital Journal April 38, 30, 30, May
1 3. 4, 5 8, 7. 9, 10th.
NOTICE bereoy is given to all persons
particularly Interested and to the gen
eral public thai a hearing will be held
before the Common Council of tha City
of Salem Oregon, Council Chambers, City
Hall. Salem Oregon, at the hour of 8:00
p m., Monday. May 9, 1049. to consider
rhanein- from a Claw I Hesodentlal Dt-
Ore. Attn. Mr. Eirl Potter
trtct to g Class TTI-X Restricted Business
District ths following premises
Block Thirty-five ill) North Sa
lera. with Additions, Marlon County,
Oregon. Save and except the North
X feet thereof measured at ruht
anales to the North line of said
By Order of the common Council.
City Recorder
May 3 4 5
Notice hereby is given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, deems it necessary and expedient
nd hereby declares its purpose and in
tention to Improve North Twenty-second
-i.eet from the south line of Breyman
street to the southerly terminus of Twen-
y -second street. In the city of Salem.
Marion county Oregon, at the expense
ol ttie abutting and adjacent property,
by bringing tald portion of said street 10
the established grade, constructing cement
tncreta curbs, and paving said portion
o aald street with a 2i Inch asphalt ic
concrete pavement 30 feet wide In accord
ance with the plans and specifications
therefor which were adopted by the com
mon council April 25. 1949, which are
now on tile In ths office of the city re
corder arw" which by this reference there
to are made a part hereof
The common council hereby declares
it- purpose and Intention to make the
above described improvement by and
urougj the street Improvement de part
ners. By order of the Common Council Aorli
35, :?49.
City Recorder.
Data of first Publication herenf 1
April iS, 1949.
Capital Journal Aoril ai. 10 in u
3 1. 4, 5 0 7. 0, 10th.
woiioe nereoy is given that the eom-
01 council ot the city of Salem, Ore
ion deems It necessary and expedient
rind hereby declares Its purpose and In
tention to improve West Nob Hill street the north line of Hoyt strwt to
'he outh line of Fawk avenue, in the
city of Salem, Marlon county. Oregon
4. the expense of the abutting and adja
cent oroperty, by bringing said portion
ol ald street to the established grade
instructing cement concrete curbs, and
"vln Portion of said street with
2 i inch asphaitic concrete pavement
- "t wld ,n "C(;orlnce with the Plan
. . Clothes Shop
Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men
3rd Complete Sellout
Of regular $50 l-pant suits that we sold with 2 pairs of pants for only
We have just received another shipment of these super fine quality 100 wool, hard
finished worsted.
Regularly sold with (1) pair of pants for $50.00. Now again we place them on sal
while they last
For Only 50
Yes, men this is a magic low price far these top quality, new smartly styled expertly
tailored suits.
We made a great buy for you of 500 extra ordinarily fine quality
Which We Now Have on Sale
Regular $40.00 to $75.00 suits with one and 2 pairs of pants. All sizes, regulars,
shorts, longs and stouts, single and double breosled models. 100 pure wool wors
teds, smooth, hard finished, sturdy, stay pressed fabrics, in solid colors, stripes and
mixtures, ta fit all shapes and sizes. Expertly tailored, better fit and style-wise, too.
and $34.50
1 Pants Suits
A BUY, REGULAR $25 TO $27.50
100 Wool new spring super quality expertly tailored sport coots at the astonishing
law price of
ONLY 14.50 and 16.50
About 25 Pairs of Sport Coat Goods
Slacks, for only 6.95 a Pair.
Finest 100 wool worsted fabrics. Regular $12.95 to $22.50 at
695 g'S 1095 1 295
14s0 16" 18"
For the Greatest Clothing Values in Finest Quality Clothes for Men
and Young Men
Open Friday Night til 9 o'clock
J. J. Clothes Shop
2 Doors West of Liberty Next Door to Hartmen's Jewelry Store
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
and specifications therefor which were
adopted by the common council April
:b 1949 whlcn art now on file in the
office of the city recorder and which
oy this relerence thereto art made a
part hereof
The common council hereby declares
.j purpose and intention to make the
above described improvement by and
t hrough the street Improvement depart
ment. By order of the Common Council April
2b 1949.
City Recorder.
Data of first publication hereof is
April 38. 1949.
Capital Journal April 38. 29. 30, May
i 3, 4. 5. 6. 7, 0. 10th.
Notice Hereby ta given that the com
mon council ot the city of Salem, Ore
son, deems it necssary and expedient
and hereby declares its purpose and In
tention to Improve North Twenty-second
street from the north line of "D" street
to the Nortn line of Nebraska avenue, in
the city of Salem, Marlon county, Ore
con at the expense of the abutting and
adjacent property, except the street In
tersections the expense of which will be
assumed by the city of Bnlem, by bring
ing salo portion of said street to the
established trade, constructing cement
concrete curbs, and prvtng said portion
il said street with a 3' Inch asphaitic
concrete pavement 30 feet wide in accord
ance with the plans and specifications
'rcfo' whlcn were adopted by the
common council April 35, 1949, which are
now on tile in the office of the city re
corder and which by this reference there
to are made a part hereof
The common council hereby declares
Its purpose and intention to mnka the
above described improvement by and
hi ough the street improvement depart
ment. By order of the Common Council April
35. 1949.
City Recorder
Date of first publication hereof is
prtl 28. 1949.
Capital Journal April 38, 29. 30, May
2. 3. 4, 5 6. 7, 9. 10th.
Notice hereby is given that the com
mon council of the city ot Salem, Ore
gon, deems It necessary and expedient
and herebv declares its purpose and in
now 3750
And $43.50
1 & 2 Pants Suits
Thursday, May 5, 194921
tention to Improve Argyle Drive from the
"orth line of Hansen avenue to the sou lb
' ne of Candalana boulevard. In the cl'-i
of Pstem. Marion county. Oregon, at tha
expense of the abutting and adjacent
property, except the street Intersections
Wie expense of whicn will be issuim-d
- the city ot Salem, by brintlna savd
portion of aald street to the establUliud
grade, constructing cement concrete
curbs, and paving said p union o( said
Uteet with a J'j mch asphalllc concrete
tuvement 30 feet wule in accordance with
the plans and specif icat.ons therefor
which were adopted by the common coun
cil April 3V 1949, which are now on flit
n the office of the city recorder and
winch by this reierenca tnereto art made
a -art hereof.
The common council hereby declares
its purpose and intention to muke the
above described improvement by and
through the street Improvement depart-hit-nt.
By order of the Common Council April
35 1940
City Recorder.
Datt ot first publication hereof Is
April 38 1049.
Capita. Journal April 28. 30. 30. Ua
3, 3, 4, I. 0. 7. 0. 10th.
"Oldat 40,50,60?"
Man, You're Crazy
FnrEri your w. THoumdoi are peppy t 70 Try
"H'ii mi with iMrii. Con till ns turtle Tor wealt.
mnrloHti terlinii dun aoiely tu body' lack of Imo
PILES Hurt Like
Sin! Bat Ken I Grai
Thousands change groans to gring. Use
a dnrtort' formula to relieve discomfort"
of piles. Sent druggists by noted Thorn- '
ton 4 Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK
palliative relief of pain, itch, Irritation.
Tends to soften, shrink swelling. Us'
tlnrtort way. Get tube Thornton
Minor's Rectal Ointment or Rectal Sup
Jositories today. Kollow label directions.
'or sale at all drug stores every where,
ip len a' Pre" MeT Drue
now ij85
And $55.00
2 Pants Suits
Phewe 11Mb
"All ORB