10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Thursday, May 5, 1949 RADIO PROGRAMS Peddler of Dreams ALL PROGRAMS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME By PEGGY DERN THURSDAY P.M. KSLM m 'KGW .S5IK0C0 14M I KOIN (Ch&Dter 2) "HeUo,H said the young man, and gravely shook hands with Jason. "I'm Garrett Forbes. How do you do. Miss Horner "I found the kids in Mr. Forbes' trailer." Jason explained. "I thought they were swell," said Garrett. He held out a batch of miBAKlnH and said. "The one that njooks like a talking French doll- - lora. out ane a a mue iKukj . seemed to yearn to cut paper-dolls. And I don't Imagine my customers if any will miss a few fashion magazines of two years ago, so I brought these along." "It's very kind of you. Tippy will be enchanted," said Felicity, and took the magazines. "They came home raving about a man who had a million books and maga tinea In his trailer." "And of course you wondered what was the big Idea," said Uar rett a trifle drvlv. Jason made room for him on the steps and their Interest was so genuine that Garrett grinned and said lightly: "Well, the Idea was to trade the books and magazines to farmer folk for whatever they had they didn't need farm products and the like; and then, at the next town, sell the produce for whatever It would bring." Why what a perfectly swell Ideal" Felicity exclaimed. Garrett chuckled. "So I thought when I left New York but you'd be amazed how uninterested the farmer-folk are. It seems most of 'em have a book. Felicity nodded. Have you fol lowed the main highway down from New York?" she asked po litely. "Of course. Why? "Living along the main high way, with buses and cars going into town with the dairymen's as sociations and things like that buy ing up their stuff, naturally they wouldn't be Interested Just In 'bar ter." Garrett studied her with sharp ened interest. "You mean I'll have to haunt the back roads and all that?" he asked. "Naturally If you expect to make anything from your Idea." He shrugged. "Well, maybe it wasn't such a hot idea, after all." "But it was and is!" protested Felicity. "Why it's wonderful! You're you're a peddler of dreams sort of - Garrett was studying her with more Interest. "Tell you what I'll do I'll give you half interest if you'll help me carry out the idea." Felicity caught her breath. "But that hardly sounds ralr," she pro tested, "Frankly, we have Just money enough to get us to Florida and run us for about a month so we couldn't put a penny into buy ing an interest " ""I've Just told you I don't want any money from you," Garrett cut in eagerly. "look. I may as well break down and confess that the whole plan Is pretty much a wash- j out, I'm not used to the country; I'm not used to being alone 1 get as lonely as the devil I almost wept on the kids' shoulders when they blew in tonight. Felicity looked at Jason, hesi tant. And before she could an swer, Garrett added, "Of course, you'd have to get your dad and mother to agree to shift your route. Maybe they wouldn't like it" "Our mother Is dead," Felicity aid quietly. "And Dnd Is In New York er resting. Waiting for just the right part to make a comeback. He's an actor." "And you children are travel ing alone?" Felicity's head went up and her brown eyes chilled Just a little. "I'm scarcely a child. Mr. Forbes," he told him curtly. "I'll be twenty three on Christmas Eve. Jay's al most sixteen. Even Ellen, the baby Is seven." I "Fllas has been our family ever! since I can remember," said Jay.i wary of his changing voice with! Ita disconcerting upwards swoops1 and its sudden descents. "I don't: remember our mother, and the oh 11-1 dren don't remember their all ex-i ept Ellen. Her mother died only1 s coupie or years ago ;A-ljirt R2769 . PATTERN N. R27S9 K? Slip-Cow Mule New chtr s3"VY covertnm and tlrrxl old upholster)' I ii c"n " uy nd Inexpensively .Up rvr v "T-' -jrAi I covered with Uiu pattern and few JN .K t(imS " yard of fabric. Olve your llvlna V ffj JJ&Vvl room a spring tonic with colorful 1 v"' JtjiC n,w eoverlnfa, VW4M) ' . Pattern Envelope No. R27W con VvT liM I tains directions for mating slip Jy.r I - 1 covers, measuring, cutting and new ly r TiLAJ inn, color and fabric sumestlons and ' vvtkiCk,H"va. trimming Information. J f To "bum this pattern send JOc t ,n CO"8 ivm pattern number A ' ) youl name, address ana lone num. ' f r I if bel to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour- I L . ... , . IB na. SJI Mission street San Fran- "But I thought you were all brothers and sisters," protested Garrett, puzzled. Felicity smiled. "Jason and I are," she answered. "Cornelia's mother was Dad's second wife; Tip py and Denny were born of my father's third marriage, and Ellen was born after Dad's third wife had divorced him and married someone else. But when the mother died, she wanted Dad to take Ellen and so she s with us." Jason was studying Garrett's face with a faintly amused, ever so slightly embarrassed look, and sud denly ne saia aryiy, "Don t try to sort us out in your mind, Mr. Gar ret. Just think of us as Felicity's family and that'll be pretty close to the truth. She's brought us ud and well, she's done a pretty swell joo. seems to me." ' if meres any chance of your coming into a partnership with me. you nave a right to know some thing about me. I'm Garrett Forbes, twenty-five, sound in wind and limb, but I wouldn't be so certain about the mental part of It. In the last year or so I've had grave doubts. I won a Sweepstakes prize seventy - live inousana oeautnui round dollars minus, of course, taxes and the like of that. So 1 promptly went off the deep end and made a pretty thorough fool of myself. I woke ud in the hosDital with the cheering information that I'd about wrecked my nervous sys tem and would have to take it easy for the next twelve months, if I hope to keep on living. While I was stiu under the sobering in fluence of this statement, I check ed up on my financial resources and found that I had barely enough money left to get by on lor a year, by exercising extreme caution. That. of course, was when the brilliant idea or working my way south via the old books, magazines and prod uct route struck me. And I hoped to gather no end of material for that same great American novel which was gathering dust among my effects." He looked uo at Fellcitv. "Well now that you know the truth, how arui mat partnershipy rranKiy. Mr. rorDes, we a nice it a lot, only we feel we'd be sort of well, taking advantage of you," said Felicity earnestly. Garret stood up and held out his hand, grinning down at her. "Then it's agreed! That's swell! This is going to be fun. Well settle the de tails in the morning, uood-nignt. (To Be continued) Interest Drawing Dress The rront-buttoned frock takes on a new look with a pert round yoke and panel treatment plus the long pleat in back ease the skirt sil houette. No. 3004 is cut in sizes 12. 14. 10. 18. 20, 36. 38. 40, 42. 44 and 46. Size 18, 4 yds. 35-ln. Send 35c f PATTERN with Name. Address, and Style Number State Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK is Just off the press, presenting the best in Summer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity that speiis gooa styie ana easy sewing and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions Send now for your copy, price just , 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 552 Mission Street. San Francisco 5, Calif. M 3004 IU UNOCHAetie HAfffHS AND DEAL T MROON 1 f 1 AM THE COUNTESS KAVYAAR' ROPEB, MA'AM' W YOU INTEREST ME STEP INTO ) e t HIM IN OH THE STORYt-NATIONAL MEW . YOU ARE ONE CUEST I DO NOT 1STEVE ROPER" I THE IIBRARY LET US GET - S SECURITY GUWANKS A SCOOP IN fam aTT SEEM lO REMEMBER THE KIAMEyl CAME IN VIITH BETTER acqunteo-yes ) k3 T THISCASE-t JeSi 'liklrMI " IT IS W I i A WASHINGTON , m , 5 s'J I m I i&m KTW H J T TOBTLE tm w - li-fc .1.. I I I I I I O - V'--,-."-k? trcVe-BBROME, C UNClJE JEB- If THERE NOW"' "'i LEAPtf LrZARDs! 11 OW W W-x 3 oh.. M iUESS-C-C-CAU. LEAN ON US V DOC'LL BE HERE HE ) OW-W W-IT-S I ARE VUH HURT ( MY BAD KNEE I I SjEB.'l OR. PVLL OUCK ) ITS ONLV A ll RIQHT OUT I C0ME6 NOW I KlLUrl' ME 9 v'Cttxi ELrrT ( DOMTl r ITS TRUET BOT..1TOOK HER f SOTUaTS WHERE VOU WAS I S0USMCsJlJrj')KCWEgEr7E5 I BELIEVE IC VOU .RIDlN' LAST WHEN VOU SAID VOU WAS A LISTENEDCAN VOUZ, T r H6AB voun sibl 1Ti J BELIEVE ITJNISUT ANDSHe , ELKIKJG1 GITOUTA HERE TO THAT. tTHIMICVOOBlGLua H FRIENDS SOT AMBV -IT OR NOT NEVER SAID 'FORE LOSE MY TEMPER! EMMA.l KTHAT BRAIN OF " TOTOLOOklFlR) A rSLOU1 -7 .tfe'r E HOUSES WITH ujRTf, Cy? T Kit - ' f&m 7 T e a ElT lid LI it. ? 7?M yfev frJC ? SMILIW'ZACK- -, I HE'S APT TO-tf- X SKH-HSf-1 rX,DO THANKVO.r-IA'M-l f AH DON'T J THASS WHUT 1 DURIN' rOKUM1S yNATCHERCtl ANNOVCASY MAE LVOJT4 TAKE IT K AH DO GIT LONE- LIKE UVE YAH ADMIRES J I MOON.LI'L WIF PROPOSALS O J? NEED 3 v;IF VCT ) SOME VJIFOUT TT. f THINGS. AH h ABOLIT VO,' a.mjFPwnl V, t , 7 MARRIAGE. AH'Dy I MAH W AHKKOWS AH SEES SO S LIKES VEM ( SMILIN'ZACK. J I NATCHERLY GO ) p rTri 'LIKE FO' MtfTr' GL)N,g L HCM MANY LIVL THINGS ) NICE AM' fj YO' LOVES . CLEAR OUTA f 4 PROrECK-- AH LONC- v AROUND THEY DEAD. M ( THAVE THINGS ) L HIS MINDA' ) h7 J I TH'CHILE, 1 (GUESS.' SOMC ) GITS OM MY X I iR'r-QUIET.rJX DglJT U.j w tS!ii it's ALMOST -ANDSO.MAOAM. foH.SWAMI.1 I e3 W J V ffl.'o) V OUICK WHERE S m ,i I LUNCH TIME .' AS SOON AS VOU ( THANK YOU 1 i.. ?T ll , foM THE RACK DOOR? U H I'LL WAIT HERE LEAV6 MY FRWT go M0CH, L.J &&ftfi ) BACK DOOR. I T 5WAIAIJEFF FOR JEFF TO DOOR YOO WILL MEET I t MUST BE t 1 St?iiP I T J J.I CJr r I'LL 6ET MV HAT, "1 W,LL.'5" ?"EASE fXPLAIN T THANK YOU FOR j HELLO, OU'NN. I TH0U6MT OR. CASE' HELLO1 I 7 meet 6 outside 1 what eOES here Tare iou I NOr makin6 a scene 1 1 saw eva blake with ys &Z Ziswm. imp Ul LEePI minutes. S J XXI any MORE EXCEPT aw KNOWN HER QUITE AWHILE! J IJf '"SraktL I BRDSH-0?l JJT"S "MAINLY JJSjJI CAN VOU SPARE A MINUTE? t n I 'tter-i- ' I rJusT like theSI'thi..,1 MR. THOMAS HA f tRTAlNLY HA0 I .. unt tr I t llARNED THr 10N6 AG0.MY ' 1 FYTIirTrMrTTHrrAT- il Plf NTY Of VISITPRA TO Hl H0UMS H Df MR yJTH' CHIlt). Wt CAN "AW AlONft OUR OLD ' Of TMt lOOKtW TOM' NOW ' N 'I TOOAV. NANCY.' IF ONE OUT Of-TIN) i-u moving AWAY' 61AM JAM ANOCOAT MANrjERi ANt ' Wttl 60 IN AND LET OuR FAlTMfUL J a. BUYS, YOU'LL 5O0N HAVE A . A .AWAY f Roll WORN-OUT H0Ei TO THE NEXT TENANT, BUT J I uKLEWiRt RECORD TELL 11 , MUUITurE OF NEW LtFL IVtRYTHING' TVt OUR MEMORIES GO WITH U ! WE CAN V V guS" THEY 'PAiOTO' J P A NEIGHBOR' aVOC 'S ABANDON BROKEN CHAiR.BUT BROKEN ) OUR COLLECTIVt GENIlrt! tt Z . R s'fj - J "intTatu! Rt """yfV i 'yH - r a M dtrilibl Arr Ktrlai Baramstl ittpT Jot Kiioi MnnniDf f .IB Sirs It bt Arrw Slloi Btranadi Ebytba Banek BuUh JIM Cil Hldnlikl Mviloal Csktt.lU Bim Cvtbr Chvl Uuollar -y ! Tom Mil Elmtr PHtriw Byort fm tit wt 6'M Gibrltl Btklttr Al JtUtu ihtw Uia6r br BHipcnit ill N.W. Niwt AJ Jolata Bbow CttndltUcbk Buaptm i Lllllt Bbow Dorotbr Lmtr Ntwt Crlmt Phtttt, L'lt Bhtw Dtratby Ltmir Eytt Chumpu Crtu rbtt. 7:M Dbb of Mt. Scrtca OtU I'ni.Df Vlcttry Tht PIsrboiM :1ft Wlllior Mitt FUrtn Eddio LMr Tht PlarboM iM Mtrta niMtr Prcd Wirlu Bwball First Mibttr , M Mrtn Manntr mt Wtriog BadUnd flnt Mibttr :M Cbtiidi Ibt BtiBtr Clob Duioit Dopt Lowell Thomai l Maclelaa Na of WorU Baitball Jack Bmllb b :M Your Amtrlcaa Aldrlck ranllr Bairball Mr. Kfm M ""' Aldrlck r.Mlly Baitball Mr. Kttm Gttrtt Moorad Baatball Plvt Btar Final ' :" J Sptrtt Pa Final Baseball FBI, Ptaet-War :M Orcbtalrft Buds of Land Baatball FBI. Pratt Wat i Oi-chtilra Saw Hajta Baatball Mtht Editor 1 A !? f I'.lUa. Uw, ,r rtaa Dowatr Baatball Strtaado 111 Stlttl lcal Ntwt a, Hacktlt Ntwacaaft Voa Iht Wtrld IM Z'w fUr Hatktll Trarb I4M (itno Kraaa Orcb, " Ncwrtol ProtraBi Ktrltw Track H'W Otat Kraut Orch. j M Mrsttrltat Track 1490 I I : Tratrltr Track MM P T:M Orcbtslra Track 1490 ' ' Lanny Hon Track UH lt:00 Slrn Q Sim Ofl Blta Oil Tlltnl FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. m 00 Newt Farm Tlmt KOIN Kloek F lift Newt Farm Tlmt Ncwa f ):M March Tlmt Tbt Old Bean Ntwa Jl' Nwt Ntwa Fred Beck 7:00 Ntwt Ftd Waring Tti Klttcr Coniunttr Ntwa :1 Break fatt Gan Fed Warlar Ntwt A Sporta Art Bakar :S0 Orcbeatra Bldtra tf Baa Top Homiai Mualt for Tta :B Top tradtt Sam Hartt Ntwt Huile for Toa a :00 Barratn Connttr Tommy Doritr Klac't Craaadcra Voral Varlctlta U lft Victor LIndlahr Tommy Doratr Klnc't Craaadcrt Ncwa 30 Sona of Pioneer jftck Berck WtaUra Hclodtt Grand Slam T T B A Xtwa Wctttra Mclodlca Botemarr 9:00 Nortbwttt Ntwa Hot teat Htaat Chareh la Wild. Wendy Warrta :1ft Kata Smith Biota Hoattaa Htaat t'pptr Room Aant Jenny ;n Paatri CaU Carrtat Kvtnta Haalt Wltbtat Helen Treat ! Wllet Walta Vincent La pea Wtrd Oar Gal San day m :M Nw t'B Harlat Band CtHee Cap Big Slater 'J',!" Gaapel Blngtrp US Harlat Band Nortbwtat Beporti Ma Perking ,KJ:M Perry Com Robt HeCtrmlck Bbapaody la Yoang Dr. Malta Waltt Serenade Brighter Day Ebythm Galdlng Light aj aj :00 ladle Flrat Don bit or Ntlhlng Glaaa Wax Xtwu I :I6 Ladlta Flrat Doablt or Ntlhlng Glaaa Was Coma Get It 1 n :M QnerB Da Nw Waa Norah Drakt M M Qoeea for a Day Light of World Glaaa Wai Makea Voa Tick I 41 : TP Tr,a" L" Btautlfal Eyerybody't Idcaa 2nd Mrs. Bar tea " Ntw fa Ptrklna irgan Hooda Perry Maaoa I m M "hweat Newt pepKr Young Newt P.t o'Brlaa Bho da, M Bob Ebcrlr Show Happlneaa Ted Dalt Preacntt Newspaper of AU 1:0 ?rh"trB. Backitaga Wlft Claatfeo Hint Rant :IS Jannaon Pamllr su,u Dl.tB Claaatea Hint Hunt :M I, .t"r Nlfh- Lorenit Jonta Llalen to Lelbert winner Take AH ; B'"i Blngt Wlddcr Brown All-tlmt ravorltca Ntwapaptr of All 7:00 Agalnat tht Storm A Glr, MmrrlM Parrlih Jr. High Stmw Ifl Agalnat tht Storm portit Fucea Liu Parrlih Jr. High Tunefully Voara :3(1 halem High Jui pia,n B, Recordi Off Meet tht Mltaua ' Novl n Par. Front Page Farrell tht Shelf Meet tht Mliini ' 0 :?? l!app? S"nE R" 12,0 Bt r Ar.'bar Oodfrtp J :" Hp" p" Lora Lawloa 121b St Hoor trthur Godfrey T. ! 0B" Aaat Mary Itth St Hour Arthar Godfrey :4a New Loyt A Learn lh St. Hour Artbat Godfrey 4:00 Fallon Uwla. Jr. Worn an 'a Secret Women'a Page Newg 1ft Hemingway Today' Chlldrea Conatant Invader Tbt Lit tit Bbow :SA Patting Paradt On Sanay Bid Spotllta an Mailt Vlab 1ft :45 iCarmca Caeallcrt Newa Spotllta an Matle Ed. K. Marrow DIAL LISTINGS: HEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 FY Tharadar P.M S:M, Keeping VP r U with Sparta; ft:l5, Home Edl- t.oni ft:St Greta Hornet i 0:00. Matle Fet- iivait :H Jo Stafford! 7:00, Ctanltrtpy; 7 SO, Bint Croabyt R:00. Milton Be r lei S:341, Damon Hnnyon Theatret 0:00, Rich field Reporter i :lft. Interment; 0:30, Concert Hour; 10:M. Mcmoa to Tomtr rtwt 11:00. Xtra Hoari 12:00, Blca Off. K FY Fridar A.M. 5:00. Early Bird: M-A ft:4s. Farm Ncwtt 6:00, Lawton McCalli 0:15, Time Ten pott :, Robert' Almanac; t:5. Time Tcmpott 7:00, Mrrt and Marge; 7:1.1. Martin Agrontkr; 7: SO, Eaty Aceti 7:4S, Zeke Manntm B:00, Brakfait Club :00, Mildred Bedell i 0:111. Stara of Todayi 9: SO. Kay Kyter'a Kol egti 10:00 Ted Malonei 11:15, Galen 'Irakti 10:80, Mr Trat Story; 11:00, Betty Crocker) 11:11,, Newa; 1I:H, Baukbate Talking! 11:4(1, Mart Out of Lift; 11:00, Northwetternem 12:80, Kay Writ) 1:00, Breakfatt In Hollywood) 1:S0, Talk Tour Postal Figures Drop Albany Receipts at the Al bany post office for April show ed a loss over April, 1948, mark ing the first month a deficit has been shown on comparative fig ACROSS I. Expert 4. Oriental nure. a. Anglo-Saxon .lav. II. Th. heart 13. Vendltloa 14. Hilt 15. Label, 40. Knltht'a armor bearer 41. More .xpea. Iv. 45 Still 4S. Acts sullea 41. Brit Inn subjects 62. Greedy (4. Hobby 66. Grade 67. Flehlnc sp- purtensnca 68. Uniform 60. Correlative of neither 61. Minus 2. City In Nevada 63. Female sheep lieveni.. 18. Surrendrr 19. Keed a nr. 21, Kteepl. 23. Before 25. Purloined 28. Return. 22. Pump hsndl. 33. Yule 34. Suitable 36. Born 17. Flover 28 Uf i srsi 53 VMS 55 's vd-M,. & Ww4.. ''Sk. ww m f fY" n-ps msr HHnrs , A W v0,n si H"C fc I 1 1 Br" fe ROOM AND BOARD YOU SAID VOU SPErJT A SEASON WITH A CIRCUS. JUNOft. "UrWAH - IF I JOINED AS A CLOWN. VVOUCD I HAVE OTHEft. VORX TO DO BESIDES PERFORMING? il 7 Ok 7l BAGGY SUIT , kt LfOAP rbaraday p.a.t ft, Cpatati T WMm ft:M Kttrii Cl, g:M New i 0:15. Data With Oregon Slattt :. Roand tht Campflrt; 7:15, Evtalng Farm Hour; 8. Piycbology af tht Family. 8: SO, Thl la Forestry! 8:4.1, New. 0:00, Mailt Tat Endure i 0:43, Evening Medltatltaa. lAAr Friday am. to 4:4ft p.at lvnV 10:00. Tbt Ntwat lOilft. k peclaily (or Women i 11:04, Ortgoa School of tht Air: 11:1ft, Tbt Conoett Hall; 12:00. Newat Itrlft, Ntta Faraa tfoari 1:00. Ride can Cowboy. 1:1ft, Oregon School of Aln 1:80, U.S. Marts Band; 1:45, All Good Thlnga Begin at Hornet 1:00, Clubwomen' Half Hour 8: SO, Memory Book of Mulci 8:00, New, War Out of It; 8:00, Burprita Paekagti 1:80. Bride and Groom; 8:00, Waletm Trarelerai 3:80. Art Llnktelter; 4:00, Stair, rtl Cage; 4:80, Jack Armatrong. ures since January, 1946, Post master Tom Palmer reports. Despite a monthly drop of $166.71, this year's receipts arc still out in front of the same period for 1948, Palmer pointed out, by $1,614.81. Solution of Yesterdsy's Puma' DOWN 1. Book of tha Blbl. I. Lay.r I. Thtrtfora 4. Ukt . Small rug ' t. Malt liquors 7. Starka i, Lecal Instrn- ment t. Hardening 10. Grow glecn 11. Netherlands communt II. Snow runntxt variant so. am 32. Pronoun 24. Tht Greek Ion it E 2C. Fend n it weapon 17. At no tltnil contr. 28. Peru 29. Other 20. Kooil eaaentlaJi 11. Health rtaort SR. Attempt SH. ara kway 39. Ribbed fabrlf 41. Cry of a cat 42. Roman road 44. A I hi fie 47. Except 41. Dlvtalon of highway 50. Pock 51. In tMi p!ao R2. Kvfryth1n SS. Contenl K. Lair SI. Karat ! By Gent Ahern S ApnsANpfAp0D a l III i n o l. a8e g aUfTT n e slvp suim Bj an elS 8j7fU a r i 'CJ Pt-BABJL A T I EjLlNlil letBJmal I CBffljN yieBm i mi i cHpIoIrIk ItS TTelNkj S jEjT I T I L I E S .IHa s oHew t tifllio o lWTn a qdorUetn1aUtau Y5Eaagf BESIDES MY ACT OF 1 ) AS A RASSLIN' A TRAINED I BESiNNER. M BEAR, I DID EVERT- a. I iTlAtVN? THINS BUT MANICURE I A vcu.. DA TIGER'S riAvS I K PLENTY ) I VOu Duose J Is L SO MUCH HEIGHT