12 Capital Journal, Salem. Ort., Thursday. May S, 1949 South Santiam River Area Damaged by Flood Waters Albany, May .8 Damage seldom before Inflicted in so short a time by the South Santiam river was revealed as its flood waters receded from an 18.4 foot crest Tuesday, leaving some of the best farms in Oregon seamed with gulleys that had only last week been lush farm land sown to crops. A survey of the area by County Extension Agent O. E. Mikesell Tuesday disclosed that damage from washing out of sped, mint and other plantings alone will mount into many thousands of dollars, and that damage to the land is inestima ble. Although a similarly severe flood occurred last winter it lacked much of causing so much damaget farmers in the area said, mainly because the sur face of the ground was packed and grasses and stubble helped lo minimize erosion, but the flood of last week-end over spread land that had been fresh ly tilled, carrying off thousands of tons of topsoil. Appeals from land owners brought a corps of U.S. army engineers to the scene Tuesday and' they immediately started a survey preliminary to the rec ommendation of remedial meas ures. Most severely affected were the farms lying along the east bank of the river below San derson's bridge, which spans the South Santiam near Crab tree. At one point,' where the riv er skirts the Elmer Vandlver farm, the river noW turns abruptly at almost a right an gle. At that location the stream overflowed upon farm land be low, threatening to cut a new channel across land that hith erto had been spared major da mage. If this washing is repeated, residents fear, it will wipe out several entire sections of farm land as the stream carves out a new course, sending the South Santiam across the area be tween its present channel and the Renner station district northeast of Knox Butte. Should this occur, it was pointed out. many of the finest homes and most productive farms in the state would be car ried down stream. Farmers blame the revetment that was constructed in 1945 above' Sanderson's bridge for the new incursions of the river. This bulkhead, they complain, has diverted the channel to the eastward, which would account for Its recent inroads on the farms below. The Santiam had returned to its channel Wednesday and farmers were attempting to re pair the damage by healing land scars with fills preparatory to replanting, but they expressed fear that crops planted now may not mature. Otherwise flood conditions throughout the county were re- Inventors to Display Work Oregon inventors are being given an opportunity to bring new inventions to the attention of manufacturers in the show being linpd up by Gull Reazee Grotto of the Shrine for the benefit of the Portland rehabil itation center for crippled chil dren and adults to be held in the Pythian building, 918 SW Yamhill starting May 25 at 7:30 p.m. All proceeds will go to wards buying equipment for the center. The invention show has been sponsored by the Oregon State Fair here for the last ten years under the direction of J. T. An derson, coordinator of inven tions. Sponsors also hope that the ffnen it rains it -pours ported satisfactory. Both the Willamette and Calapooia riv ers were falling. free exhibit for Inventors who wish to offer his invention for display will be brought in con tact with local -manufacturers and may make arrangements through Anderson with offices in the Weatherly building. In addition to the exhibrts there will be color and sound moving pictures and an oppor tunity given to talk with inven tors. Exhibits will prove of in terest to every member of the family, Anderson states, and range from a new back washer, disappearing shoe rack for adults to a toy wheelbarrow and wagon for the youngsters. Class Is Confirmed Silv e r t o n Archbishop Ed ward D. Howard, D. D., of Port land conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on a class of SS, 42 children and 13 adults, at St. Paul's Catholic church at Silver ton, Sunday evening. Assisting Archbishop Howard was Father George John J. Walsh, pastor of St. Paul Silverton pariah. 45 more in new ilael AtORC COGENT More of thit favorite on hand I MORE fUtll New jiggle movie cutout! for the kids on every box. Crisp and delicious by every test, no wonder children love Rice Krispies! Now, by popular demand, a new package that holds 45 cn more of this nourishing energy-food. Get the new, economical large size toaayi SiM iln It ppiLtr 5 ii. till MOTHER KNOWS ;a BEST! C of C Relents On Tax Demands Portland, ' May 5 Cham ber of Commerce directors have relented on demands that the city council throw out its new high fee schedule. But they want levies on net business re ceipt and personal income re pealed. The board also asked the city commis s i o n e r s yesterday to pare the new budget to keep an anticipated deficit under $1, 000,000. Meanwhile, the Oregonian suggested editorially that if the city doubled its water charges it would gain $2,000,000 annu ally without adding to collec tion costs. Class Presents Play Sublimity The seniors of St. Boniface high 'will present the class play, a three act comedy, "Through the Keyhole," at the parish hall Friday and Sunday, May 8 and 8 at 8 o'clock. CASH TALKS and you save at Woodrow'a when you pay CASH for Willard Batteries Seiber ling tires "with full road hazard guarantee " Nason paints, auto glass and un painted furniture R. D. Wood row Co. 450 Center St. Phone 22418 Journal Want Ads Pay SUGGEST LUTTLE MARKET m TOWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND HALF Tenderized TJ)f Fine for Stewinu If V-V f Boiling or HraisinK LB. Lean, Meaty Rabbits-Fryers-Baking Chickens-Fresh Fish fir Oysters Beef Pork Loin Swiss Sliced Roasts Roasts Steak Bacon 48c - 52c ' 69c 45c Young Steer Beef Loin or Rib End Cut Thick Lean. Armour's TIUAMOO ( CHEESE 5 wr 2.84 GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRESH RIPE -jlgc rSSL "eyf,7 TOMATOES 03 10 45c 2 -25c Shafler While Fu" Pods Salad Pineapple Juice Romain Dressing Juice Oranges Lettuce 49c 35c 3 -Sir 2 25c IflA 4K-Q7.. Can f V No Waste Marshmallows Soap Powder Frozen Peas Shortening 1 5c 25c .r 7 1 c 3 " c- 85c Doynaclm IGA M 1 V WV MARGARINE I GRAHAM CRACKERS 1 " 25c 2 49c 1 29c MAYFLOWER NEW SUNSHINE NEW MAYFLOWER NEW SUNSHINE NEW . n a Store wwiwuuuvmij xnu wwu j store BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS OPEN SUNDAYS 8 A.M. TILL 6:30 P.M. RCtfER FMVOZED COFFEE It'a "party coffee". . .ao rich in Central American luxury coffees that you need lest Golden West to get the . hearty flavor you prefer. Just use the right grind. Your coffee maker whether percolator, Silex or dripmaker will extract all of Golden West's richer flavor, and the plea sure's yours! X You'H Agree... Tresh-Egcj' Mixes do make TALLRlastfer Cafes Yes, cakes like these! D- p, luscious, tender layers. Beautiful texture. And wonderful flavor . . . fresh flavor that stays frtlh! All becaus. ihnt mixes OCCIDENT "Frtih-Egg" mixes let you add your own fresh eggs. Try both kinds, and you'll never go back to old-fashioned cake baking methods! "Thai 'Frtth-Ego' mix! baat ordinary cako mlxM . . . and your bait 'p.t rodpaf, fooT tayt Vlratal. tofeortt, Diroctor OCCIDENT HOMI IAJQNO M3TITVTI ' . . . . r 1 " T- a :T'.. 'f- 't 1 C.A ., fol. a Oork end UYukvi DtiM Vartotiani with this OCCIDENT MIX Mokt Toll, Devih ' I, with this 0CCIDEIIT fr.di-lM"MIX 1 . n AVING ( 01 ENTER Stores SALEM WEST SALEM Vi Mile North of At Foot of Bridge Underpass Specials for Friday, Saturday and Sunday CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP 4 for . CRACKERS 2 lb. Box for JELL0 5 FOR IVORY SOAP Lge. on Bar O For CAMAY SOAP 3 For Bath 11 CURFEW PEAS 4 For CORN FLAKES Carnation M 8 oz. package 4 For NEW SPUDS U.S. No. 1 Creamers 1 f Our First Carload I U Ibt. TOMATOES 2 For Fancy Tubes it Fresh Strawberries Lowest Prices We have a complete line of bedding plants, flowers and Azealas for Mother's Day- Meat Department PORK PIECES Smoked Loin Ends ' Spar Ribs Shoulder Cuts 39c Hamburger Made Fresh Daily at . the Mon Ark Meat Co. 39c POLISH Sausage Rings 39c MADE FRESH THIS WEEK Minced Ham 39c OUT AT WHOLESALE PRICES Skinless Franks 39c Our self-serve counters serve you all hours. For special cuts see our butchers back of serve cases. Two Money Saying Markets Home Owned Independent avmg (Renter Stores Vi Mil North Of th Underpass SALEM At the Feat or Tho Bridge WEST SALEM