National -jf Scout Aide Visits Here Mi Teresa J. Carter of the Girl Scout national staff will be in the Santiam area from May 11 to 13, it is announced by Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Girl Scout president. While hi this area Miss Carter will meet with the board of directors, the finance committee, and the staff and office committee. She also will consult with Community Chest officials. As director of the finance and office service bureau of the na tional Girl Scout organization, Miss Carter is in close touch with Girl Scout co u n c i 1 s throughout the nation, whom she assists in budgeting and fund raising, as well as in the mechanics of office manage ment. She works closely with the Community Chests and councils, to which most Girl Scout councils belong. The San tiam area council is a member of the Salem Community Chest A former volunteer worker in Girl Scouting, Miss Carter has been associated with the movement in a professional ca pacity for many years. She was the first director of Girl Scout ing in Region II, comprising New York, New Jersey, Puerto i Rico and Canal Zone and was the first field adviser sent from the national Girl Scout organi zation to the Hawaiian Islands. Miss Carter began her career in Girl Scouting as executive director of the Girl Scout coun cil in New Rochelle, N.Y., her home city. f Widely travelled both in the United States and abroad, Miss Carter served as a lieutenant of the Red Cross ambulance corps during World War I. She is a graduate of the Urseline semi nary. New Rochelle, N.Y., and of Jenny Hunter training school in New York. Gregory Stadter Observes Birthday A birthday party was given Tuesday afternoon for Gregory Stadter on the occasion of his seventh anniversary, the party being at the rairmount Hill home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, Jr. Gregory's guests included Tommy Heltzel, Michael Fritz, Mickey Campbell, Randy de weese, Douglas Hamilton, Ron ny Potts, Darrell Nordyke, Larry McCargar, Billy Purvine, Billy Brown, Stephen Dawson, Kerry Burke, Catheryn and Car olyn Stadter, twin sisters of the little boy, BARBARA FRIETCHIE tent. Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, will meet Friday at 2 p. m. in the Salem Woman's club house. AN League's Party Tuesday About 50 attended the lunch eon and bridge afternoon for the Salem Women's Army and Navy league, Tuesday, at the Senator hotel. Many new members were greeted. Mrs. Wallace S. Wharton won the honors at bridge. Announcement was made the June 7 meeting, the last of the season, will be at Silver Creek Falls lodge. At that time new officers will be elected. Shower Given for Mrs. Paul Ryan A social event of interest to her many friends of the Mt Angel-Monitor community, was a shower for Mrs. Paul Ryan which was held at the home of Mrs. James Park on May 1. Mrs. Lloyd Reinwald of Sa lem assisted Mrs. Park as host ess and those attending were the honored guest, Mrs. Paul Ryan. Mrs. Marlin' Hammond, Mrs. Harold Hanson, Mrs. Lyle Skiller. Mrs. Lou Pfoffinger Mrs. Fred Lucht, Mrs. Dale Plummer, Mrs. Fred Lucht, Mrs. Dale Plummer, Mrs. John Stinger, Mrs. James Hammond. Mrs. Paul Simon, Mrs. Byron Ballweber, Mrs. Chris Hanson, the Misses Wilma and Lois Han son, Mrs. Floyd Linn, Mrs. Wil ma Stenger, Mrs. Carl Goff, Mrs. LaVerne Norton, Mrs. Ann See ley, Mrs. Clifford Norton, Mrs. Elmer Schneider, Mrs. Iven Twits, Mrs. Virgil Ryan, Mrs. Lars Herigstad, all of the com munity, Mrs. Norris Sells, of Eugene, Mrs. Lester Herigstad of Salem, and the hostesses. Plan Banquet The Salem Christian Business and Professional W o m e n's group's Mother and Daughter banquet is to be held at the Youth Center Tuesday, May 10. at 6:15 p.m. Talks, readings and musical numbers will be given by various mothers and daugh ters. This will be followed with a message by Miss Minnie Jane Johnson, western representative for C.B. & P.W. and youth home missions. Women from all churches are urged to attend this dinner. They should phone 35223 for reservations by Sat urday, May 7. Capital Journal. Salem. Or.. Wednesday. May 4, 1949 7 ' WOMEN WANTED For Beauty training. Ex cellent opportunities are al ways open to the skilled beautician. Classes are now forming at Salem's oldest and most advarced beauty school. Call or writ for our new low rates. Oregon School of Beauty Culture 230 N Liberty Ph. 36800 KAILES h.c.l (High Cost of Living) COAT and SUIT SALE Ladies! Here is a coat and suit event that takes a healthy swing at the HIGH COST OF LIVING. Kailes H. C. L. Sale Is your opportunity to wear the latest styles ... the finest materials at a real savings. All new Spring stocks all new designs and materials all at drastic reductions. COME! SEE FOR YOURSELF! SALE STARTS THURS DAY, MAY 5! DON'T MISS THIS SALE! Regular Value to 69.50 Women's Coats r in tit umrNow Reduced eoau to fell wool Porjtminn twtMl. Ofcn Pltldi end Wool OibtrdlnM In Huon'i new wt colon. SUM I to II. 44 ll 95 Regular Values to 69.50 WOMEN'S SUITS You'll love these genuine Paragon and Brunswick Worsted, Pacific Lorraine and Julliard m m ttl Gabardine Suits. Newest spring shades. tXlX Sizes 10 to 18. Now reduced to Value to 49.50 WOMEN'S SHORTIE COATS 8PECIAL GROUP WOMEN'S SHORTIE COAT These lovely Pacific Lorraine and Julliard Gabardine Shorties Now only Broken sizes but real values in this group.. Fine all wool shorties. Other now 16.95 to 24.95 34M 24" 1 v--Jr AflfS caasTf Mir MITAIL auHvracTMi 320 Court St Phot 2-0511 life ;4 ft Is she a madonna or a precious pixie Is her love calm as the night and deep as the sea? Then she likes gifts of quiet elegance. Choose carefully from our well thought-out selec tions . . . you can mirror her personality with just the right thing. G) i Pfy J' 5 JitSS. A VI I 4. Wjmb VMA-Sk V ll HANDBAGS 41!, Give her. fine 'f ' fr nc or plastic b fine leather, fab- bag. A PURE SILK SCARF For her every purpose wear a smartly printed silk scarf. v HANSEN GLOVES Give her the best in gloves. Hansen's are famous for style and wear. IMPORTED SWISS HANKIES A dainty imported hankie will please mother on her big day. Sr I 1 Is she an exciting, vivacious mother? Match her joy of living with a gift of glamour. She'll en joy the sheerest stockings . . . the most attractive jewelry . . . the gayest umbrella. Just a few ideas from our limitless collection. wK jiiil GIVE HER A COMPACT Elgin-American compacts are beautifully designed. Mother would love a new one. COSTUME JEWELRY Of course mother would like costume Jewelry in the new manner. Shop for her nowl w lT70 NYLON STOCKINGS Just ask our hosiery sales ladies, they know what mo ther likes when it eomes to good nylons. A TEXTRON BLOUSE She can't have too many suit blouses for the sum mer. Textron are noted for style, wear and washabll- I LIPSTICK j We have her favorite lip stick and in the color she UMBRELLA FOR HER A standby for rainy days. A fine selection of new 18-rib rayon or nylon tops. In the Heart of Downtown Salem ALSO IN POTUNDAlANYIUOINI