18 Capital Journal, Salem, Peddler of Dreams By PEGGY DERN (Chapter 1) The trailer was lona. old-fashion ad and ahabby. The car hitched to It was a coupe oi a sturdy. Inex pensive make and a model several years old. Parked beneath a tow ering oak tree whose leaves were beginning to ieei me loucn ui Au tumn, the trailer looked cheery and hospitable. Felicity lifted the slices of bam from the frying pan to a platter and spoke over her shoulder to a fifteen-year-old boy who eat hunched over a book at the end of the trailer. "Bound up the gang. Jay dear Supper's ready," she said cher lully. "Oke," said Jason, and swung himself down the trailer steps. Felicity poured up the red gravy in a bowl, added half a cup of hot coffee to the frying pan to "raise" the gravy, and poured It Into the bowl. She scooped great apoonsfuls of hominy-grits Into an other bowl, brought a pan of hot biscuits from the stove and filled Jive mugs of milk on the table. She heard the sound of excited voices and the trailer door opened to admit Jason, herding before him four children; the eldest, Cor nelia, aged thirteen: the youngest Ellen, aged seven, with the clam orous ten-year-old twins between them. There was some sort of ar gument going on, and Felicity turn ed to arbitrate it, as usual. "I betcha he's got a mllllrn books Hiss," reported Ellen, wide - eyed and breath'.ess. "And more maga- slnes gosh, how I'd like to cut Kper-dolls out of 'em. Hes good iking. too." "He Is nice, FUss," reported the serious, round-faced Cornelia, with an eagerness entirely alien to her grave thirteen-year-old sell. Felicity ushered them all to the table, before she said lightly: "It would help if I had some Idea who and what you're all talking about?" "I round em in a trailer down the line, ' Jason reported. "Some guy that's got a bright new trailer and a swell car and nes got enough books to start a second hand store, and magazines, too. His name's Oarrett Forbes." Felicity stared at the children se verely. . "Haven't I warned you folks that you musn't go around poking your noses into other people's trail ers?" she demanded. "He said he was lonesome," Cor nelia reported gravely. "And he's nice, Fliss honestly. He's he's well I" "Now, listen to me, you people!" Felicity said sternly. "If we stopped for the night in some town and stayed at a hotel, you wouldn't run down the street and dash In as people's houses, would you?" 'Tippy would," said Denny firm Felicity's brown eyes danced a lltUe, But she kept her expression stern. "Tippy would be a bad lit tle girl U she did," she said. "Hard as It may be for you to believe, there are people in this world who dont like children and some of them travel In trailers." "Like Mrs. Hudglns?" asked Ellen, Wide-eyed. "Like Mrs. Hudglns," said Fe licity. And then, seeing the ghost of terror in Ellen's eyes, she add ed soothingly, "But, of course, darl ing, Mrs. Hudglns wouldn't really have flung boiling water on the children who were skating in front of her house aha Just said that to frighten them away." "I betcha she would, too I betcha Mrs. Hndgins is a witch that burns people," Tippy was say ing cheerfully when Felicity turned on her. "Tippy!" There was a note In Felicity's voice that the children beard but seldom, and always knew Hist It must be obeyed. Tippy started, and she stam mered, "Sure I'm sorry, Fllss. I I didn't mean anything." "Eat your supper, darling." said Felicity to Ellen. "And nobody's going to bother you ever. Only- just stay close to Fllss until we get down to Florida, where you cn go swimming and get all nice nd brown and fatl Won't that be un7" R2649 Or., Wednesday, May 4, 1949 "Fishing, too?" asked Ellen and now the fear had gone from her eyes. "Oh. fishing, by all means. Jay will see to that," Felicity prom ised. Later when the others were In bed, Jason and Felicity sat on the steps, shivering a little In the tangy Autumn air. Suddenly Fe licity said: "Ellen's better. Isn't she. Jay?" "Sure I" said Jason swiftly too swiftly. "Does ana seem to you as nervous as she was when we start ed?" asked Felicity, and held her breath for the answer. "I don't think so." answered Ja son, wanting to reassure her. "Oosh, I'd like to take a buggy whip to that Hudglns dame. What an old witch she must have been!" A voice out of the darkness said pleasantly: "Good evening. .1 brought the little girl some magazines." In the faint yellow light that fell through the trailer's open door. Felicity saw him a tall blond young man, perhaps twenty-five or six: dressed In gray slacks, a blue pullover sweater, hatless, the light ashine on hair the color of ripe wheat. (To Be Continued) Falls City The Falls City Community club meets Friday evening at 8 o'clock at I.O.O.F. hall, and the grade school pupils are putting on folk dancing. The Garden club project will be dis cussed. Those coming are asked to bring a pie. Splash of Scallops Scallops add a subtle touch of detail to the can ciecces and v-neckiine or this dress; seven gores give an easy flare to me SKirti fattern memoes long ana tnree-quarter sleeve lengtns No. 3011 Is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18. 30. 36. 38. 40. 42. 44. 46 and 48. Size 18. 3 yds. 39-ln. Send 280 ror PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK Is Just off the press, presenting the best in Summer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity that spells good style and easy sewing and with special attention to thr use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs tor all ages and occasions Send now for your copv, price Just 20 cents. Address Pattern DpDnrt- ment, Capital Journal, 552 Mission street. San Francisco 5. Calif. PATTERN No, R264J Crocheted Hat Inexpensive to make and flatterlna to wear this smart hat can be msde for less than 11 Easily and quickly crocheted of straw yarn and gold thread, you'll want several in ditierrnl colors lor your summer wardrobe. Pattern Envelope No. TOM con tains nvnnlt nvktltt InilriM. iiiiuifmuoiiB ana iinuning airec-i To obtain this pattern send 30c I in uuins, giving pattern number your name, address and tone num. bei to Peggy Roberta Capital Jour nal 828 MLvlon Street San Fran cisco J. Calif " TALK ABOUT THE WALLS HAVING evfgr lamp m this House has LISTENING Device HIDDCN IN IT IVE FOUND THE PAYOFF ON THE COUNTESS KAWAA0S HIGH' POWERED HOSPITALITY! V r Wlfi I III SITE ON UNCLE SAMS BACK TO J i V nSH 177 PT CrC24 I MEDICAL I UkC b"'Q'n 0 ';-s-Si '' "T YES SREE. GIRLS OH, FINE-SO ALL NEVER H6AR0 O' 5?" V . cwrr gcrr TH'QUY A EVEN AS A BCN- TH WATER AND CONTOUR PLQWN' AND EA OH-OH - : - ? f Hers DC)' opf o- thbt shinv new W maw used to sav top soil would I doesn't aim to 7 there p-- P I AN AWFUL JOB TRACTOR HE SAYS HIS A I COULD PLOW At RUN OFF AND LEVE ' ) LEARN; I GUESS J HE GOSg! )ynh (o-PLCWW'-- KNEE NEVER FELT BETTER--J SMOTT FURROW- JUST GULLIES-) V j j DOIT BE OLD-N V I'M SURE VOLVO NEVER TiY VOUR I WUV.SURE.l'LL UELR' Oh, THANK LLii- V , I FASHIONED. LETME SPEND MV MOMEY?y YOU, ROSlE SIRI YOU, AMBROSE , ' T f ' umAMBR0SELV0OSE MONEY FOOUSULV ) I 1 rS YOO AN- METLL SO )1 OOSTKNEW ) ' lli 1 H plIwnviicosaiABw fewiWWflu linirl lookin' twccccjulo count m I YOU. BE MAKIN' ) NO. I COMES NOKUKS MOON, U'L "1 Y:CUSSSfT-AH OBoT X "I (-AU GOTTA SEE THET-QortCS ) SEVEN DOLLAHS if GRANMY ABNER WILL GO STARK,RWIN' ABOUTLPL ABMERff- HC K. !SySJlSZi'iilPMH t L AWECK.'3r-WHY--THAR'LU MAD-AN.' AS A RESULT HE'LL ONNECESSARi V ME.NCM fT-) SITS NCAR BUSY HA . 1 . CHILE -WE. IS RICH-) BE THRU A ME T'MARRrY HIM.T s IvWy SHOULD AH SPLIT S v . ALIVEf?') 1 I WIF ONLY TH' TWO O' NATCHERLY, AH'LL SAY YlVr HCJMONEWIFHIM?-J) 1 X, J i cy us r spend all) T us-ry . - , . y t-z? i M jEFEvlHATEVERMAD6MlSSB.BOpTj6FFDOVjrURE-Toi.YNOWASrTVoL) SEE &J& J ' - ON WEDNESDAY J'P !? VOU DECIDE TO BE A ;SHE HAD E ALL- t CAN SO SATE INTO SOME HOLES NIGHTS I SO ft'A U -? CRVSTA A GLASS BELIEVE -N ('.q AHEAD' MVvrTAt ,N ,T? " f H' BOWLING.', D t"s ",Vjr 5 JUST A MINUTE 1 1 TRIED TO WATI BOTH OF YOU I SlT DOWN, p3 LOOK HEBE POVAL Mic HAD A DATE! fllMyifiF M BE NICE. BLTT VOU DON'T SEEM BILL. I'M TERRIBLY SORRV, BUT " 8?E hS'; WTE'" SHESCMAN6EDHER JST A BJZ I'D BETTER 60 WITH MR.ROVAL. II MEi VVE'RE GO'NS TO V MIND,. .WHO IS THIS W f ' 6ET OUT AND LEAVE US ALONE, PLEASE TRY TO UNDERSTAND! JTX " UTTLEMAN.EVAT 'y f 1$ . P . tKow,ilw..;wi DIt,-.TM.r with . .,.iini,u,,.v"L m i isj'2yv: i' J&Mgsfilv Ite rCSsisii ; flP'5s2N p ilS i EAUSZ- "-3 THINKJ I she packs her parties FROM THE ARMED SERVICES AND THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS' THEY'RE BOUND REMARK ON A HOT SUBJECT.' S0MEB0DV EAVESDROPS AND PUTS THE PIECES BENEFIT OF SOMEBODY SITE ON UNCLE, 5AM 5 PLANT A KNIFE .aT S rTl II BENEFIT OF SOMEBODY WHOS PICKING A r V with high bbass "4 LOOK' COMES TO DROP AN OCCASIONAL FELLOW 1 TOGETHER - FOR THE WHOS PlCXING A BK.K TO HERE HE 11 RECOONIZI MIM'-HE S NOW -THE THE EDITOR OF SPOTSHOT TOLD .MAGAZINE. '"A MAN WHO YOU ABOUT' J COULD WRECK OUR ENTIRE PROGRAM'--DON'T LET HIM OUT OF YOUR SIGHT-WHILFi DFliDF WHAT STEPS TO RADIO PROGRAMS ALL PROGRAMS PACIFIC STANDARD WEDNISDAY P.M. iKSLM JS KGW 5:M SiHfBW BlondU Im Kni Manlaf M Cftuia MltaUhl Mailekl Cwklalla rhf Cbet Baslltr ; Xq Mil Klr FUriB Sr Pan Wtwt 64tlr,Bhrll BtklUf DvTfy'i Tavtra Mtld t ' CHty Fair :ll I Nw Diffr'i Tvra CMdlvllcM Cwnlr Fair :U OtehMtrm Rnl Hmwt RvotllU Tnlk !U Orchtitr RaaaU prt Monitati SpotllU m Ytmik 7:M Lynn Mirrsp Muclesl Rlrt Uit W Porgtl Holly we4 MU :U Lynm Mmrtmr MuilesI HoIrM Edtllff LHr HH M LIm K14 CrtlB TIm bll But Iht CUtk ! Cite Ktd Cnrlstn Tim BndUnd Bet lb Olacfc 8:00 Wbsil'i Ibt Nam SpprClHb Duiotil Dopt Uwell TbtoiM :1ft mt Thai oni? Nawa f tb Warid Baacball Jack 8 with Bbt M Variety Rbaw Oraat Olldanlaavt Baseball Dr. Chrlatlaa ! Variety Shaw Great Glldaraleevt Baieball Dr. Chrlillaa 9.-00 Newi Oearca Haarad Baaeball Fla Star Fiaai :1ft T B A Mparts Page rinal Baaeball Calanbla Fealara :U Family Tbratra jr. Dlalrlet Baatbsll Calambla Featara :ft FamUr Thealra Allarney Baaeball NUht IdlUr aj kv :00 Faltea Lewis, Ir Sana ffarea Baaeball Serenade 1:I5 Select Local News Band Wacaa News Baanda Taa tba WarM IllJW Maioal Newareel Rsy Beckett Track 14M Gesa Era pa Orek " 'M Mutual Newareel Pratrata Previews Track lttfO Gene Krapa Orek. n:Mjabn Steele. Track MM ' I Adveotarcr Track UN :S0 Fore Orch. Track HBO :46 La nay Bon Track lM lt:W) Ula-a OH Slga Off Slra Off Silent THURSDAY 6 AM. TO 4:45 P.M. m :00 News Farm'Tlma KOIN Klack .:IA News Farm Time News 1:80 March Time The Old lanil Newa T M News Newi Fred Back 7:00 Nrwi Fred Warln Tei Bitter Consumer News IA Breakfast Clanv Frrd Warlnf Newa Sports Art Bakar :SA Breakfast Gam Riders af Saia Top O m era la M-,k rf T.B : Top tradet Sam Hayes s,w Maatc for Tea 8:00 Bargain Counter Tommy Doreay Barsai at Baal Vocal Varieties :1ft Victor Llndlabr Tommy Doner Baiea at Beet New :S0 Sons of Pioneer Jack Bercb Wciiera Melodies Grand Slant M T B A News Western Melodies Eotcmary 9:00 Nortbweit News NY Honaymoaa Cbareb la Wild. Wendy Warns ' .IA KaU Smllb NT Honeymooa Vppcc Boom Amt j,nnj v P. .tor. ( al- pIB Amcrlea ' Wltbaal Helen Trent ;4S Charlie Splyak Vincent topet Oar Gal Sunday W:00 News School Broadcast Coffee Cap Blf Sister " :IA Bcnnl Walker School Broadcast Northwest Report M, rcrklBa Mi Wllce Onanalltlas Robert McCormlck Kbapaody In Toanr Dr. Miltao eft Welti Scrcnade Brlahter Day B1"'tb Quldlo Llfbt eaaj :00 Ladles First Double ar Nothing Glaas Wax News 1 p :1A Ladlee First Double ar Nothinv Glaas Waa Coma a Get It J I :3A Queen for a Day News GU" ff" Norab Drake ' " Queen for a Day Light of World Glass Wai Makea Yon Tlsk aja :00 Top Trades Life Beautlfal Everybody'! Ideas 2nd Mrs. Bartea "J:IA New Ma Perklna Moods PerrF Mason I .'80 Northwest News Pcpprr Vount N Pot O'Brien Shew ":4A Bob Eberly Shaw Happlncts Ted Pala Presents Newspaper af Air 1:00 Orcheatra Barkatata Wife C open art Concert Hint Hunt ;IB Jebnsoa Family Stella Dallaa Cape hart Concert Hint Hunt SO Tell Nelfhbora Lorensa Jane Capebart Concert Winner Take All :S Blna Sinss Wldder Brawn Capebart Concert Newapapar at Air ?m Aialnst the Stern A Girl Marries Rccards off Shelf News 14 Axalnst the Starm Portia Fares Life lecerds aft Shelf Tanefall tbm :M Hollywood Mel. Just Plain BUI Records off Shell Meet th. Mf... M Hollywood Mcl. Front Pate rarrell Records off Shelf Meet the Mlaias 3:00 Happy Gani Ro.d af Ufa KOCO Rapera Arthur Gadfrop Ift Happy Can. Lara Lawta. ROCO R.pere Arthur Godfr.y U Sous, f Time. Aunt Mary KOCO R.per, Arth.r GadfraJ L4 Lava A Learn ROCO Rapers Artkar Godfrey 4:00 Fnllea Lewis, Jr Woman's Secret Women's Pata News IA Hcmlncway Today's Children Dirk Shannon The Little Skaar 30 P..alni Par,d, Mt at af Life Upotltte aa Mosle Club :4B News News Upotllto an Musle Ed. R. Mirrow DIAL LISTINGS! REX. 1190; KOAC, 550 If CY Wednesday P. M S:00, Keeplnr up with gportst 5:15, Home Edi tion: 1:S0. Challenie of Yukon) 0:00, Ha llo Featlvalt :S0, Muaic Tlmei 1:00, Lone Ranter; 7:W, Amateur Hourt 8:00. Groucha Merit 0:00. Richfield Reporter; 9: IS. Intermene; 0:SO. Concert Hoart 00, Memo to Tomorrow: 11:00. Extra Houri K:00. Sltn Off. ICY Thursday A.M. 0:00. McCall fI.A N.wat 0:1A, Tlma Tempeai 0:80 Robert's Al man act 0:45. Time Tempos: 1;iiO. Mvrt and Martei 1:15. Martin Aaron akrt 7:Sfl Eaiy Area: 7:45, Zeke Man oeral S:M, Breakfast Clubi 0:00, Newst if IS. Stars of Today: 9:30, Kay Krser's Sollete; 10:00, Ted Malonet 10:18. Galen Drake; 10: SO. Mr True Storyill:00, Betty .rorker. 11:15, Newst 11:30. Baukbate rt.lklnn 11:46, Dorothy Kllrallen. Ruchman President New School District Independence The newly consolidated school districts of Independence and Monmouth has been named district 13. A new teachers' association has ACROSS 1. Plant Julca 4. Grit a. Footless animal 12. Sunken fence 13. Buckeva atata St. Ancltnt lansuOKO SI. Symbol for nickel SI. Rent 32. Kind of acM 53. Largo weight 54. Pronouo 55. Imitate 14. Allowance for the weight of 36. Kind of meat a container 37. Fundamental Death plana of 18. Rxclamattoa Augustus 19. Part of a Caeaer IT. Incite IS. Prong IS. Battle of planter of Par la SI. Lower 23. Exlots 14. Hindu garment So. Supplication printing press 41. Determine) 4'.. Hop kiln 46. Past 48. Sheep 4. Uufical In. at rumen t 60. Implement tt. Feminine nam ' r i3 w s r r w r r " 5 ; ?J3 lip us m 127 .;. 34 pf ho Ti ii f' M " ' 3S 7F 31 Uc , t it k) U I - i-n m ROOM AND BOARD HERE 5 WUAT VOuLL DO AS A ROOKIE O.CMIH LAUNCER tVUi OwM COSTUME MELP FSEO AND WATER THE ANIMALS AMD MOW VOULL WORK WHEN. TIME K0C0 TIK0IN Betty Crockert 11:15, Dorothy ClUallaati aa.sw, siarinwcaiomera. KOAC PM-0:00, Oa I bo Da. Beati 1:50, SAO Sports Clabi 00, Too News i :, Malodleai 0:00, Chemtatryi 0:48. Gaeal Slari fiOO, Farmers' tTnlon: 7:15. Farm Bean 8:00. Radla Shorthand i :, Vets Nawsi 8:45. Newi, 0:00, Mulct 0:4a, M adit alio as t 10:00. Sltn Off. If AAP Tban M Natmi IXWM ia:1B. Par Womaai II :00. Oreton Scboal af the Alrt 11:1ft, Coaaert Hall i lt:00, Newai lt:15 Farm Hoari 1:00, Rlda 'em Cowboy t 1:15, Orecoa Scboal at the Air; 1:46. All Good Tblnts Beela at Hornet X:M, Homo Garden Hourt t:M, Memory Book) 0;45, Oreton School af the Alrt 8:00, News. been organized for all schools in the new district and will meet this week to make plans for thi future. Officers elected are: President, St a n 1 e y Ruchman; vice president, Mildred Kant, and secretary-treasurer. Jessie Blackburn. Solution of Yeotefdoy'o Puule IS. Sent 64. Volcano t. Greek letter DOWN 1. Warbled L N.ullt.l tistl. log call S. Ini.ct'a f..lr 4. Com.qu.ntly ft. Excl.matloD C. Uru .ton. I. Unduly potliln 5. R.sch t. Hurt. 10. Cnartm.nl la Franc. 11. Wild animal 16. Continent 20. Oura.lv.. 22. Maaculln. nam. Ii. P.rlalnlns t. the Frank. !6. Work at 26. shelter 27. And: French 2S. Con.l.tlns of thin layer. 29. And not 20. Writlna fluid 22. Agr.emeot 23. Until 25. Ana'r 26. Top of tb. head 2T. Ac. ol clubs 28. Pronoun 21. UoraebaeS hock.f 40. Praia. 41. In a abort tlma 42. Taunt 42. Siberian rl..r 44. Son of laaa. 47. Obtained iL Not. of tb. .cat. By Gent Ahern .THE CIRCUS PULLS OUT AT NIGHT AND SETS UP IN THS NEXT town' Canvas. POLES. ROPES AND TACKLE, HeAVY PROPS, TRUNK5 BOXES. LOADING AND UNLOADING LIFT PULL. WALK, GRUNT SWEAT AND HURRV WOW i qBMgcaiHAwiT L Alul E nIIn jt o Ug NielUwOiR AIlIi T YJ IA N QjE I.M I I I 1 T I LTnEjvTDI w o nQf o oJlDi o N AVE RT SQAlsTC ANT r a s eDeJl c hds e e t aQhIu man cons e R vflP etc jARgflT I EBfiNO, pBwU3lolLiEUsTeT