Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 03, 1949, Page 11, Image 9

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    f Yankees Face Big Test
In West Against Reds
'Br the Aaaoriatrd PrtMl
The baseball spotlight was focused today on the New York
Yankees and Cincinnati Reds as the first set of lntersectional
clashes in the majors got under way.
Having demonstrated, rather amazingly, their ability to cope
with their associates in the eastern half of the American league,
the surprising Yankees now face
their big test in the west.
Although they received rough
treatment by Boston in their
11-2 defeat Sunday, Casey Sten
gel's men took 10 out of 13
from the east, and seven out of
tight In the stadium.
That showing gave them a
two-game bulge on the rest of
the field. More Important, how
ever, are their two-and-a-half
nd three-and-a-half game leads
over Cleveland and Boston, the
teams generally figured to battle
for the flag.
Whether the Yankees can do
as well on the road as they did
t horn remains to be seen. If
they can return home In first
place after a dozen tilts on for
eign fields, then you can stamp
them as definite pennant threats
The Stenglemen open today in
fft. Louis, where they face the
Browns twice.
'' The big surprise In the Na
tional league has been furnished
by Bucky Walters' Reds. A last
place choice by nearly every ex
pert in the pre-season pool, the
Reds have caused a lot of red
faces by winning seven of their
first 12 games. That put them
In second place, only a game be
hind the pace-setting Boston
The Reds, with their pitching
ace, Ewell Blackwell, still on the
sidelines, have combined good
pitching by veterans Ken Raf
fensberger and Johnny Vander
Meer and Timely hitting by
Johnny Wyrostek and Red Stall-
cup, to win a majority of their
The Ohioans Inaugurate a
three-game series in Brooklyn
today, and followed up with two
In Boston four in Philadelphia
and two in New York.
Racing Driver
Given Chance to
Live After Wreck
Indianapolis, May 3 U.R By
ron Home, a young racing driv
er from Scenery Hill, Pa., was
given only a "narrow chance"
to live today after his big racing
car roared out of control at 115
miles an hour on the Indian
apolis speedway ami smashed
head-on into a brick wall. '
Home suffered chest and head
Injuries and a leg fracture in the
crash which took place yester
day in the 38th lap of his 100-
mile drivers' test for the Me
morial day 500-mile race. He
had less than three laps to go to
(Canplcta Mlti
1. EatlM Lodia
t. Starr Fruit
I. Oood HousfkM pint
4. -Ooldlai of Silver ton
I. Mutter Brfftd
I. Lutt Florist!
Top tn Individual ivrriwea: 1W,
6r; 1M. Her. ronton; HI, W. Valdft; 1M
Ktnron; 177, XiIy; 178. Olnrr; Ktti
nlllcr; IT. Nuber; 171, Mlrieta; 171, Fr
1. Orvtll'i Cwd Car
I. Woodbum
I. Dick Mtit Lumber Co.
4 La Roche- Tavern
Hifhltnd Market
J. Barbx Sporttni Oood
To ten Individual ireraiw: lfll, Beret
HI. Wtlktraon: 178. Seller: 171. Llrd-
tT; 173. Beal; 171. Jonei; 199, Irona;
1M. Htek. Steele.
Duckpin Bowling
1 Otter Real Iftat 41 1!
-Hubh Real Butate 35 31
I Handle Oil St 3!
4 JWr-nr-Self Laundry 3t) T
I. Oeorte'a Klectrlc 37 39
o. 3
I. Dick Merer Lmbr.
7. Olson Floor Co.
I Unique Cleaner
. Taata Lea4era
Team huh three tame: 1, Oeorte
B'ectrte. 3013: 3. Randle Oil, 14; S.
Oelaer Real btate, 1J49.
Team Man ini)e iame: 1. Oeorie' Klec
trtc. 733. 3. Aerv Ur Self Laundry, 12
S D fk Meyr Lmbr. Co., 71S.
Iii4lt4nal Leaden
Individual blah three tame: 1, Alma
rnny, M9: 3, Donna Van Dell, 477;
Oauthler, 47s.
Individual tilth lnl umi: 1. Alma
Fenny, 331; 3, Donna Van Dell, 313; 3.
Di-Tla Johruon Ml.
Mich averaae: 1. Alma Fenny. 143; S,
Donna Van Dell, 131.
1-RirrilRnd Market 34 33
1 Mavflower Milk 31 33
t Muter Breao .31 34
4Hol)T Jaeluon Jeweler )A 34
I stewert Corut ruction 3t 21
Memorial Hoepttal .34 S3
T - m Linen Mill 34 33
t Rlckird Market II IS
Tea Leader
Team hub three tame: 1. Memorial
BoaelUl. 1414; 3. Hifhland Market, 1S00.
I, Mayflower Milk. 1177.
Team tilth finale fame- 1, HiaMand
Market. Tift: 1 I. Slewert Conat. Co., 701;
I MMter Bread. 700.
Indlvldaal ladera
Individual hub 'hree tmr 1. Cniinie
IVoft, ; 3. Cv Craven. M: J Iwana
Packard 6 and 120
Brakt Rt line Labor 1
Motor Tunt-Up Labor
Chassis Lubrication Labor
Front Wheals talanct Labor
Front Wheel Bearings Repack Labor
340 N. High
PCL Standings
Hollywood 20
San DleRO 19
Sacramento 18
Oakland 18
Los Angeles 18
Seattle 17
San Francisco .... 17
Portland 12
Monday's Result
San Francisco 8, San Diego 6 (IS
Seattle 3. Hollywood 3.
Los Angeles 4, Sacramento 8.
(Only games scheduled'.
West Clouts 11th Homer
As Pads Fail
San Francisco, May 3 w,b how
West down?
The big San Diego outfielder
majors and also a considerable r
tour of duty in the minors. Rightly' .
now he is finding the Pacific.
for his long-ball clouting as be
fore his recent visit to the big
top with the Pittsburgh Pirates.
He has 11 home runs in the
first 34 games and if he keeps
up that rate of production he is
going to have something like 60
circuit clouts before the season
is over. j
He hit another last night that
didn't do anything for the Pad
res except to extend them into
13 innings before losing to the
San Francisco Seals, 8-6.
The victory allowed the Hol
lywood Stars, who were beaten
by Seattle, 3-2, to remain in first
place. In the other game of the
night Los Angeles edged Sacra
mento, 4-3. Oakland and Port
land were idle, playing a twin
bill today.
Among the scoring in the San
Diego-San Francisco tilts were
home runs by Dino Restelli in
the 8th for the Seals and Dain
Clay's circle smash in the ninth
to deadlock the score. Singles
by Frank Shofner, Leroy Jarvis
and Pitcher Jack Brewer salted
the game away in the 13th.
Big Heinz Becker. Seattle first
baseman, hit one out of the park
in the third with a man on base
to provide the winning margin
over the Stars. Guy Fletcher
went the distance for the Rain
iers for his fifth victory of the
season against two losses.
A home run by First Baseman
Butch Moran in the top of the
ninth broke a tie ball game at
Sacramento and gave the Angels
their victory.
Short uoru:
Prattle 003 001 0001 C 1
Hollvwood 000 010 0013 1
Fletcher and Orao, White (4; 01n,
Oliver im and aandlork.
San FranclMo ..001 000 5.40 000 S t 11
San Ditto ....001 010 301 000 01 10 I
(IS tnninaM .
Brewer and Partee, JarvU ill: Hal-
leu. Thorn TOM (. Klpp (10 and Moor.
U An tele 013 000 0014 1
3aframent 000 103 0003 1
Keller. Maitar (6) and Ma lone; John
ion and Kerr.
Baseball Family
N.eeds Apartment
Or House in City
Baseball players are human,
believe It or not.
And being human, they are
entitled to comfortable living
quarters, something that
Johnny Bianco, Salem Sena
tor pitcher, his wife, Joan, and
year old son, Terry John,
have not been able to find In
the capital city.
The Biancos need a furnish
ed apartment or a small fur
nished residence badly. In
fact they must have It not la
ter than May IS when the
Senators return from their
next road trip. Mrs. Bianco
and son are in Portland be
cause of inability to find quar
ters here.
Persons wishing to accom
modate the Biancos (who are
fine people) should call the
Salem Baseball club, dial
Maeklln. 4M.
Individual .Intie nmi: 1, Iwtnl Uirk
tln. ISA; a. Darltn ach.rf, 11; 1, Doro
Individual Av.rat.a: 1, Iwana Maeklln,
13S 7. Cy Craven. 117.
Lumber cam pnnttd tha top .quad cor.a
lh a tain, and a 1011 jH?rl.. Cv
Cravan enunted th. top tame of 119. but
-hartd hiah ri honor, with Alma
Ppnnv al 417'1 a.attari '!-Mt!!r 114. Scharf
IIS. Davu 29. Pow.1l 114. Ppnnv 441
Olvon fl.ora '! Siory 1.9. Bfckford
;!. J.ckman 190. Stewart 171, Oaborn
Rand). Oil 'i-Crav.n 41T, Waflf
worln ,99. Wood 401. Oaulhl.r 117. aar
v.r 111 Mrv.f l..mftr '! Mulrahy
119. Thompson 114, Hannaian 147, Nolan
117. Jnn.a 117.
s.rv-1'r-SHf mi Johnann 117. Hanapn
799. LopM-hl. 117. Bhort 17. by. 191.
Hnbb'a R.all.n 141 Ivl.n 11. Curtuu
794. Wilson 141. Clark 141. Harruon 409.
n.rf.'l ELrlrlc 111 MrLauahlln 1M.
Lvona 747. kaliiaa 149 Wl.aab.rk 149, Pry
JI9. t'nl.a. ill t.lnriart 197.
All.n 141. N.lffi.ipr 140, Remold. 101,
h.v 114
Andring's .520
Leads Northern
Division Batters
Eugene, May 3 W) The Nor
thern division baseball pennant
race has taken on the appear
ance of a hitters' league, with
ten regulars batting above .371,
and Bill Andring, Washington
first baseman, topping the field
with a .920 average.
Dick Stiles, Washington State
righthander, may dispute the
dominance of the hitters, hav
ing won four straight with an
earned run average of 2.00.
Ward Rockey of WSC, Chuck
Sauvain of OSC and Sid Mills
of Oregon have all won two
mound triumphs without defeat.
Al Cohen, veteran Oregon
second baseman, trails Andring
in hitting with a .464 average,
and leads in runs batted in with
to Hit Top
you gonna keep a guy like Max
has spent his share of time in the
To Teams From
Japan, Germany
Rome, May 2 J. The re
turn of Japan and Germany to
Olympic competition was made
possible today by the interna
tional Olympic committee.
Following a lengthy discus
sion yesterday, the IOC's execu
tive committee recommended
that "the international sports
federations re-admit the nation
al federations of Japan" because
it believed that Japan can now
be considered a nation.
The group also decided that
Germany should be accorded
the same privilege once a Ger
man state Is formed.
l4its ni Scratches
BY FRED ZIMMERMAN, Copital Journal Sports Editor
Yellowtail Fishing
Fishing. Jike politics, makes
there is the recent expedition
Maple and Leo Harris. Maple is an OSC graduate, charter mem
ber of the "Buck a Month" club and a staunch supporter of
Beaver activities. Harris is none other than the athletic di
rector for the University of Oregon. They became well ac
quainted last summer when they found themselves on the shores
of the same lake in British Columbia. Returning home after
three weeks on the road the
fishing, particularly for yellowtail off the coast of Lower Cali
fornia and Mexico.
Accommodations Good
Traveling by car and trailer the pair went as far south
as Guaymas, Mexico, some 300 miles below Nogales. Tht
highway south of the border Is paved - much of the
way and the hard surfacing will be complete by mid-summer.
People are friendly and accommodations are excellent and
reasonable. An overnight fishing expedition out of San Diego
with $9.25 being the entire cost per individual, including a
berth, resulted in Harris landing three out of four yellow
tail while Maple's record was one for four.
Meet Bus Sporer
It s quite a span from American Legion Junior baseball to the
professional brand of the national pastime but that's the jump
Bus Sporer, Salem Senator pitcher made all in one leap. When
he joined the Solons in 1947
of a number of years spent in
been captured on Wake island in
suspect it now but Sporer's weight dropped to the point where he
was scarcely large enough to
day. His early schooling was
the South Fork of the Umpqua river. He attended a number of
high schools, including Roseburg and Lincoln of Portland be
fore joining a construction crew
Had Baseball Ideas
Prior to drparture for the Pacific, Sporer says he had
"ideas" concerning a profetaional baseball career but didn't
have an opportunity to commit himself until he finished a
tour of prison ramps. Including Luzon, Fusan, Korea, Shang
hai, Peking and Japan. Pestered by wildness during his first
two seasons, the big right hander had virtually decided to
hang up his glove at the close of last year. But he changed
his mind this spring, a change that pleased Business Man
ager George Emigh. During the off season Sporer kept
In condition by reason of his employment with the sawmill
division of the Oregon Pulp and Paper company. His work
there was pleasant and he speaks highly of the concern. The
feeling apparently was mutual for the company wants him
to return. The Sporers have a year-old son, Dennis Ray.
Impact of Television
Broadcasting and televising activities continue to create prob
lems for public schools and the question came in for considerable
discussion during a sectional conference of the National basket
ball committee held in Seattle. The conclusion was reached that
it will be desirable to experiment during the next year or two
with controlled television with the understanding that the right
to televise is granted on condition that the right will be limited
or rescinded if tournament admissions are reduced to the point
where they do not draw capacity crowds. It was pointed out that
broadcasting and televising have different factors than those
found In reports by newspapers. "The newspapers contain ac
counts of preliminary activities many weeks in advance of the
tournament," the conferees pointed out. "Because of this, they
tend to increase attendance. In the case of broadcasting or tele
vision, the account of the game Is simultaneous with the activity,
and there is much less benefit as far as attendance is concerned.''
It was generally agreed that there should be some fee for broad
casting or televising."
9 E9l9t W 9f,9BW 9SV 4t
fcuftr It I I J Owttf 4 Co. 4Mi9)4 tv ( 04
my Cm., to!. Wni-)t
ftmrjf !'
y f
Midget T-Bones
A pair
ford bull
1 s.
Mlnden, Treehaven ranch. Sublimity, that will be seen in
the parade next Saturday morninf which opens the two day
Western horse show at the state fairground. The show U
being; sponsored by the Willamette Valley Horsemen's asso
ciation. Mlnden recently purchased the miniatures at Glen
dale, Arix. He also has a fine herd of purebred Hereford
cattle kinf siie.
Wiley Named as
Bend Hoop Coach
Bend, Ore., May 8 Roger
Wiley, a four-year basketball let
terman at Oregon, will coach
the sport at Bend high school
Wiley, who will take over the
coaching duties next fall, paced
Northern Division scorers last
Thirty-three national soccer
teams will compete for the
World Soccer Cup in Brazil next
strange bed fellows. For instance
into Lower California of Howard
pair reported the finest sort of
Bus still retained vivid memories
a Jap prison camp after having
December of 1941. One wouldn't
make a dim shadow on a bright
at Days Creek, several miles up
for work on Wake island.
T7 (ir-w -i ,M
o 0;;
'"V- i
of prize midKets, a Here
and cow, owned by A. M,
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 3, 194911
Wet Field Idles Solons;
Await Victoria Opener
This time it was wet grounds that idled the Salem Senators
as their first game of a series of four with the Victoria Athletics
was postponed Monday night. The postponement was the fourth
of the season at the home lot.
The Athletics and the Senators will have another try at
getting the series under way all
8:15 Tuesday night while a dou
bleheader beginning at 7 o'clock
is slated for Wednesday eve
All other Western Interna
tional league clubs held to the
schedule. Yakima gained a half
game over Salem by blasting
Vancouver 12 to 5. Spokane beat
Bremerton 10-7 while Wenat
chee clouted Tacoma 17 to 2.
Tiny Ted Savarese was the
pitching and batting star of the
Yakima triumph. He picked up
three hits in four trips, Includ
ing a three-run triple In the
eighth inning, and effectively
scattered 13 hits among the Van
couver batsmen.
Spokane dumped Bremerton
with a four-run eighth-inning
rally, but it needed three early
game homers to stay in conten
tion. Two of the four-ply blows
came from tne bat ot L,arry
Barton, each with a mate
aboard. The third was by Jack
Bremerton's relief hurler.
Keith Simon, was the victim
of the Spokane uprising. Three
walks forced In a run. Tuck
Stainback, ex-major leaguer.
drove in two more with his
fourth straight hit, and a double
steal brought in the fourth.
Wenatchee collected 18 hit
in Its attack on four Tacoma
pitchers, and had Its cause aid
ed by 10 free passes. An eight
run sixth-inning, following four
run spurts In both the first and
fifth, obliterated the Tacomans'
ethort aeorea:
Vanrouver . 0011 000 111- 11 4
Yakima Ion 111 74x 11 14 1
Hedr.rork. Cnl.llo I4. Thuraton 171
and Aheeley, ftavareae and Orleia
Annkane 010 010 140-10 11 1
Bremerton Ill H3n 000 7 II 0
Kimball. Baker M. BIAhnp 171 and
trk,: Lee. Simon I7i and Ronnlnt.
Taeoma 900 0(10 Wo 1 9 I
Wenatchee 400 044 Ifla 14 IS 4
Snarra. nteason Hi. Hendereon '4).
Inhiuion Hi and Warren. Holme. 17); Cap
ilnter and Peeut
Correct for Newport
Mir 4 a it a m. It
I 34 p.m. I S 11:41 pn, t.O
Mtr I 1 11 am. ti llltim. If
I J .m. l it 44 p m. 9t
Mar t 141am. 11 1114 am. I
1 3ft p m. 11 IHl p m n J
packaghh av
t-V Of I
Durocher Exonerated by Chandler
Cincinnati, O.. May I "J")
Leo Durocher was exonerated
by Commissioner A. B. Chand
ler today of charges that he as
saulted a baseball fan and was
Immediately restored to his po
sition as manager of the New
York Giants.
Chandler gave the fiery man
ager of the Giants a clean bill
of health following two-hour
hearing at which President Ford
Frick of the National league was
a surprise witness.
Dayton High Is Barred
For Using Ineligibles
Portland, May 8 ifl) The Oregon School Activities association
has barred Dayton high school from all sports competition for
the rest of the lchool terra.
Thomas Pigott, secretary of
the O S. A. A., said Dayton had
used two ineligible players on
its baseball team one a ninth
termer, the other a 20-year-old
board of control after an in
vestigation, will mean Dayton
cannot play any member of the
O.S.A.A., which includes near
ly all schools in the state.
Any member competing with
Dayton also will be suspended
by the O.S.A.A., Pigott aaid.
He said several schools pro-
WIL Standings
W. L. Pet.
7 2 .778
Salem 6
Spokane fi
Bremerton 8
Wenatchee ft
Vancouver 2
Tncoma 3
Victoria 2
Monday Games-.
Yakima 12, Vancouver 5.
Spokane 10, Bremerton 7.
Wenatchee 17, Tacoma' 3.
Victoria at Salem, rain.
Woman Wins Free
Season Pass on
Lucky 3157 Guess
Mrs. Helen Dormer of 1127
North Church street came up
with the correct guess as to
the attendance for the open
ing game of the local West
ern International league sea
son and as a result Is entitled
to a season's pass good for two
persons to all games at Waters
park. Mrs. Dormer's guess
was 3157 which was the exact
number of cash customers.
In two or three instances In
dividuals submitted as high as
300 guesses. However, those
In charge of the contest al
lowed but one estimate re
gardless of the number sub
mitted. Last year's opener attracted
366 persons. Low tempera
tures reduced the total this
3:15 P.M.
Waters Park
25th V Mission
Durocher himself appeared
before the commissioner for on
ly 33 minutes in giving his side
of the story.
Although not due to start un
til 11:30 a m. EDT. Durocher.
President Horace Stoneham of
the Giants, and Eddie Brannick,
traveling secretary of the club,
entered Chandler's offices at 11
In the offices waiting for them
were Chandler and President
Ford Frick of the National league.
tested Dayton's use of tht two
players, and an Investigation
proved the boys ineligible.
The suspension will terminate,
he added, before the start of the
fall term, meaning Dayton will
be able to compete in football.
Willamette Net
Team Drops Meet
With Duck Squad
Willamette university tennis
players dropped their meeting
with the University of Oregon
Monday afternoon five matches
to one. Tom Warren downed
Menser for the only Bearcat win
Rain ended another match when
the contenders were tied.
Singles: Carey (O) beat Con
ner. 6-2, -4; Van Zandt (O)
beat Bristow, 8-6, 6-0; Carpen
ter (0) beat Bonningtnn, 6-0, 7-
S; Lorenz (W) and Williams (0)
Doubles: Carey-Lesser (O)
beat Bristow-Bonnington, 6-2,
6-3, Carpenter-Van Bandt (O),
beat warren-Conner, 8-6, 6-4.
Truman and Ross
In Main Mat Go
Andy Truman and Tony Ross
will provide the main event en
tertainment for Tuesday night's
mat show at the armory. The
pair met a week ago with Ross
coming out on top.
The preliminary card at 8:30
will consist of Bill Weidner vs.
Bill Sledge, Leo Karllnko vs.
Buck Davidson and Sugl Hyam-
aki vs. "Red" Lyons.
Bob Severance, senior attack
man on the Syracuse university
lacrosse squad, is serving his sec
ond season as captain.
Distinctive Men's Wear
High at Court
Senator Hotel Bldg.
Savings without Service is false econo
my. That it why wt place service ot
our first requisite towards YOUR sat
isfaction Save up to 30.
Every Mntnl Pre Run
These enginet are not just reconditioned. They
are completely rebuilt to precision standards . . .
to five you new engine performance;
( Sh III R
II Mo to Fay Only ll. Per Mo.
Your Llnroln Mercnrv Dealer
430 No. Com ! Dial 2-2487
Frick arrived unexpectedly
early this morning.
"I did not know until lata
Monday that I was going to ba
here," Frick said.
The National league president
and Chandler had conferred In
Washington Thursday night af
ter Durocher was accused of as
saulting Fred Boysen, a 22-year-old
unemployed Dodger fan fol
lowing a game at the Polo
grounds that day.
Team Sets New
Record in Bowling
Portland, Ore., May 3 HJ..
A bowling quintet from Mc
Minnville, Ore., which rolled a
record-shattering 2690 last night,
today holds a commanding lead
the Class C division of the
Northwestern Intern a t i o n a 1
Bowling Congress tournament
Their total was seven pins bet
ter than the Class C record set
1940 by the Tacoma, Wash.,
Towel Supply team.
The quintet, representing La-
von's Cafe of McMinnville, In
cluded: Martin Meyers (60S);
John Minder (534); Hew Croft
(505); William Mierotta (518);
and Ron Meier (528).
Other leaders:
CIhao A Deo Pauver. Taeotnt. S91:
T-eonard Wormwood, Lontvt.w, Waah.,
Claaa B Elmer Judr. Bend.
Ore., n1
Pomlnlo Chrutlan, Vancouver, B. C,
Claaa O Bill MeClarr. Balem. Or4.. STf:
Oala Crnoa, Hood Rlvar, Or... 199.
Claaa A - Pred Mai and John HudU
elkk. Cnoa Bar, Ore., 1119; Bill KoUor on
Dan MuMrave, Bend, ort., 1117.
claaa B Frank Phllllpa and Al Sehmtdt,
Yakima. Waah.. 1149; H. oreen and i.
Burmueria, Medford. Ore.. 1144.
Claao c Kenneih Krumonaekof and.
Jamea Jeffera Hood River, Ore., 1119:
Dan Crawford and Jim Roaa, Baletn, Or,
Claxa A Mallard Bowlinf Center, Beat
tie. 37D4.
Claaa B Al'a Tavern, WaMpori, Ore,
Claaa C Lavon'a Cife, afcMlluMlla,
ore.. 2490.
To Reschedule Game
Aumsville The Aumsville
game with Lone Elder, origin
ally scheduled for May 1, will be
played at a later date it was an
nounced today. The opener for
the Willamette Valley league en
tries was rained out.
The World's
Most Modern Motorcycles
Pay as little as $25.74 a month
after down payment.
tan tmrum tut. am -
Court St. tin.h oxko
DUt. MfT.