Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 03, 1949, Page 8, Image 6

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g Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 3, 1949
Miss Manoles President
Of Spinsters Next Year
New Dresident for the Salem Spinsters club is Miss Betty Jean
Manoles, elections having been held last evening at a meeting of
the club at the E. T. Pierce home. Miss Manoles succeeds Mrs
Peter H. Gciser in the office.
Other officers named include: Miss Margaret Lovell, vice presi
dent; Miss Evelyn Johnson, re
cording secretary; Mrs. Roy Ed
gerton, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. James Armpriest, treasurer.
Several of the new members
recently elected to this philan
thropic group were welcomed at
the meeting.
' Further plans were made for
the annual breakfast to be given
next Sunday In the Cave room
at the Senator hotel, mothers of
members and patronesses to be
guests. Miss Margaret Lovell is
general chairman.
' Hostesses for last evening's
meeting were Mrs. Geiser, Miss
Manoles and Mrs. Stuart Mc
Elhinny, the three entertaining
at the home of the parents of
Mrs. Geiser. Next meeting is to
be May 23 with Mrs. Vernon
Prye as the hostess.
For Mothers
" Forty-four attended the annual
Mother's Day breakfast of t h e
Credit Women's Breakfast club
Tuesday morning as a colorful
tfvent in Nohlgren's restaurant
Miniature May poles and other
favors decorated the tables and
t large bouquet of varied spring
flowers was arranged at the head
! Welcome to the mothers and
guests was given by Mrs. Alice
Pickett. Miss Eleanor Bailey
gave the Invocation.
Mrs. B. O. Schucking, intro
duced by Mrs. Sue Booch, was
guest speaker, giving an inter-
eating account of her recent trip
to Guatemala and other Central
American countries.
Special prizes for the morning
were won by Miss Katharine
Itempel, Mrs. Fred Freier, Mrs.
William E. Buchell. In charge of
the program was Mrs. Louise
Jones, assisted by Mrs. Blanche
Mrs. Chambers
Guild Speaker
The First Congregational
church guild is meeting Wednes
day in the church parlors at 2
P m-
Mrs. O. R. Chambers, ' co
worker with her husband, Dr.
Chambers, who is head of the
department of psychology at
Oregon State college, will speak
on the subject, "How to Be Nor
mal." Mrs. Chambers will con
duct a question and answer
period following the talk and
will be assisted by Mrs. Robert
Dann. The lecture is to be on
family relations and childhood
Hostesses for the meeting arc
Mrs. S. S. Huston, Mrs. N. S.
Ragland, Mrs. Ahrin Sander
man, Mrs. Chris Renschler, Mrs.
E. E. Owens.
All women of the guild and
friend of the church are in-
THE MEETING for Sons of
Union Veterans of the Civil War
and auxiliary will be Wednes
day at 7:30 p.m. in the Salem
Woman i club house.
HiM Wtt tU hmm 4
' Um (mtt to iMr Mlajrvi. mtm
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mafart tar Hm MaaMv arv i liM
ttaartta Acalmt flat Fm.
J JF meant Potur Foundation
B E Goodrich
Mrs. Gunn
At Auxiliary
Mrs. Charles Gunn, Portland
vice chairman of the national
American Legion auxiliary re
habilitation committee, was a
visitor at the meeting of Capi
tal unit No. 9, American Legion
auxiliary, last evening. She told
of the rehabilitation work being
done, also of the more than 6000
volunteer hospital workers from
auxiliary memb erships. The
plan is to have a paid worker
in each of the veterans hospitals
of the country, the two veteran
facilities in Oregon already hav
ing such workers.
for me musical program,
Miss Bernice Isham of Willam
ette university sang, accompa
nied by Miss Glcnnis Allen.
Mrs. James A. Garson. Mrs
John TeSclle, Mrs. Florence
Ames, Mrs. George Manning
and Mrs. Frank Marshall were
named on a nominating com
mittee. Mrs. Marshall as child wel
fare chairman reported two
children's coats and groceries
for families had been provided.
Mrs. Merle Travis announced
a national security meeting at
Albany on Wednesday of this
A sum was voted bv the aux
iliary to assist the Salem high
school band and orchestra to go
to the state competition.
The group is endorsing Mrs.
Stanley Krueger of The Dalles
for the position of department
vice president in the auxiliary
Mrs. Krueger is a former mem
ber of Capital Unit here.
Members also voted to assist
the American War Mothers with
their carnation sale on May 7
VISITORS here for the week
end was Miss Betty Wyckoff of
Baker who was house guest of
Miss Clara Belle Roth at the
home of Miss Roth's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Roth
The two girls are students at
University of Oregon and while
here took in May week-end
festivities at Willamette univers
Plan Trips
To Schools
A large number of Salem
mothers ii expecting to be fn
Eugene and CorvalHs this com'
tng week-end to take in the an
nual Mothers' day week-end at
University of Oregon and Ore
gon State college, respectively.
The event at Eugene is combin
ed with the annual Junior week
end festivities.
Among OSC mothers planning
to go to Corvallis are Mrs. Oscar
Paulson, who will visit her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr
and Mrs. Leonard Rinearson;
Mrs. Douglas McKay, who is to
be guest of her younger daugh
ter. Miss Mary Lou McKay
Mrs. Elmore Hill, who is to visit
her daughter. Miss Marilyn Hill
Mrs. R. C. Blaxall, to visit her
daughter, Miss Joan Blaxall
Mrs. Frank Burlingham, who
will be guest of her son, Don.
Visiting mothers at the uni
versity will include Mrs. George
H. Swift, who will visit her
daughter, Miss Jean Claire
Swift, and her son, George
Swift; Mrs. Charles H. Huggins,
who is to be guest of her daugh
ter, Miss Suzanne Huggins; Mrs.
Aubrey S. Tussing, who will
visit her daughter, Miss Roberta
Tussing; Mrs. George Alexander
who is to be guest of her daugh
ter, Miss Charlotte Alexander,
and of her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. George C
Alexander; Mrs. George S. Hoff
man, who will visit her daugh
ter, Miss Jeanne Hoffman; Mrs.
W. W. Baum, who is to be guest
of her daughter. Miss Frances
CHERYL JEAN Keuscher cel-i
ebrated her fourth birthday Sun-j
day. May 1, at the home of herl
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Invited to attend were Cher-1
yls grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.j
Tom Hannon, and Mr. and Mrs.:
Clarence Keuscher, great grand
mothers, Mrs. G. N. Coan, Mrs.
Susan Hannon and Mrs. Anna
Disbrow. Also, Gary Lee Long,
Kalen and Phyllis Osterberg,
Danny Cooper, Steven, Olan, and
Annetta Smith, Cherry Hennen,
Donna Jean Craven, Jan Smith,
Joy and Ric Fortune, Nancy
Marggi, Mickey and Sandy Keu
scher. David Keuscher, Karen1
and Diann Harris and Sharon
KKIZER Ladies Sewing club
is meeting Thursday, all day, at
the home of Mrs. J. E. White
head. There will be a no-host
luncheon at noon.
THE WOMEN'S fellowship of
the Knight Memorial church is
sponsoring a program and sil
ver tea on Wednesday at 2 p.m
at the church.
samgir.siiva.ra meeting regularly for Sat-
r-t f turday noon luncheons to talk
DOOtS bDUrS alViover their plan, and new ideas.
Mounted Posse banquet "was
tj The splendid Oregon Mounted Posse banquet was a
S" smashing success under the more than capable direc
tion of Chairman Tom Allen. The gleaming silver mounted saddles
and equipment, the gorgeous floral centerpieces and the beau
tiful Palomino stallion, Allamar, corraled in the center of the
quite enough to
To Present Play Salem Civic Players will present
"M'Liss (My Western Miss)" May 10 and 11 at Bush school,
sponsored by the Salem Optimist club. Proceeds will go to
the newly organized boys club of the Optimists. In the pic
ture, left to right, are: Velma Davis, Evelyn Esau, Maurice
Deckard, Jim Simpson, Mim Baer, LeRoy Krueger, Agnes
Orummond, Helen Lucas, Nate Steinbock and Dorothy Hill.
Mothers Club
Has Election
New officers for the Alpha
Chi Omega Mothers club were
named at the meeting of the
group last evening and include:
Mrs. J. W. Hutchison, president:
Mrs. Floyd Siegmund, vice pre
sident; Mrs. Glenn Hoar, secre
tary-treasurer. Retiring officers
were: Mrs. Siegmund as presi
dent: Mrs. Fred. Halvarson as
vice president; and Mrs. C. J.
Kimble as secretary-treasurer.
At the meeting a surprise
handkerchief shower was given
for Mrs. W. E. Kirk, chaperon at
the active chapter of Alpha Chi
Omega at Willamette, this being
Mrs. Kirk's last year with the
Fifteen attended the meeting.
last of the year for the group.
Mellower Mixed Drinks
: i '"ill tii '
That's why thousands
have switched
to Calvert Reserve.
Calvert Reserve Blended Whisker
-86.8 Proof-65 Oraln Neutral Spirits.
Calvert Distillers Corp., New York City
rates an original
(Moihtr's Day, Sunday, May 8)
We don't moon that Mom expect
thousand dollar creation from Paris
. . but tht thould rat something
xtra iptciall Her or pint
and earrings chosen from eur vast
tletioni at fitting tribute! to MOM I
They're fascinating original designi
In crystal, topaz, amethyst,
aqua, rose and emerald.
Jewelry Dept. Main Floor
room were
make It the most talked on ban
quet of the season. Governor
Douglas McKay, accompanied
by Mrs. McKay, was seated at
the center table along with Cap
tain Lee Eyerly and Dustv
Rhodes, Mr. Rhodes well known
and long active in mounted
posse affairs. Representing the
St. Paul Rodeo association were
President and Mrs. Roy Mana
gre of St. Paul. Also included on
the guest list were Mr. O. E.
Stevenson of Lebanon, Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Price, Rose Ross and
Cecil Edwards . . . Casting ad
miring glances at the magnifi
cent Allamer from their table
were Mr. and Mrs. Graham
Tina i Sharkey, Mrs. Tom Allen, Mr.
States of DuBois, Penn., left for
her home Thursday after visit
ing for two weeks at the C. F.
heilly home on North Liberty
street. Miss States and Mrs.
Reilly are cousins.
A She
(Mottwr's Doy, May 8)
Th new Sunbeam Mixmaster
gives you two great new Auto
matic features the Automatic
Juice Extractor and Automatic
Bowl-speed control. In addi
tion, it has all the other exclu
sive Mixmaster advantages that
make cooking, baking, getting
meals so fast and easy. Yoa
simply Dial your favorite reo
ape. Tbe Famous Mix-Finder
dial has all the every- ay mix
ing speeds plainly indicated
and right at your finger tips.
and Mrs. Jack Llndeman, Mr
Corned Beef
Hath '
Plenty of rich, whole
some meat makes Sinclair's Fidelity
Corned Beef Hash a mighty hearty
dish. Tasty, too, because it's made
the 'homemade' way. Get Sinclair's
Fidelity Corned Beef Hash today.
and Mrs. Bus Youngquist, Mr
and Mrs. Ralph Stangeby Mr
and Mrs. Ernie Henningson, Mr
and Mrs. Grant Ferris, Mr and
Mrs. George L. Arbuckle. Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Leth, Dr. and
Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, Mr
and Mrs. Van Wieder and Mr
and Mrs. Walter Zozel . . . Seen
chatting in the lounge were Mr.
and Mrs. Don MacFarlane, Mr
and Mrs. Don Hanson, Patricia
Sharkey, Tom Livesly, Mr. and
Mrs. Holly Jackson, Dr. and
Mrs. Fred Ellis, Bert Belieu and
Miss E. Summers . , . Our con
gratulations to all the chairmen
and their committees for a most
spectacular affair.
The hard working horse show
chairmen and their committees!
Plans are well formulated
for ( mammoth street parade on
the morning of May 7 begin
ning at 10 o'clock. The parade
will consist mainly of horses
and riders In their colorful re
The Idea for an English drill
team is coming to life under
the enthusiastic direction ol BU
ly Fyock, one of the club's new
est members. Mr. Fyock hopes
to see organized a group of Eng
lish riders who can after a per
iod of time present a precise
and intricate drill such as per
formed by the club's now fam
ous western drill team.
CENTRALIA Temple, Pythian
Sisters, Is meeting Wednesday at
8 p.m. in the Knights of Pythias
hall. Officers are to meet at
7 p.m.
Officers and members of the
temple are planning to attend
the district convention to be held
at Independence, Thursday. The
afternoon session convenes at 1
o'clock at the Legion hall there.
Capital Drug Store
Store & Liberty "On the Corner"
sile wholesale distributors
20 cfiRfiTs
A gift of glamour to add elegance to Mother'
Day and many a day . . . golden 20 Carat
Perfume by Dana luxuriously presented . . .
breathlessly received!
Ptrfum $2.75 to $35.00
CtliM $2.25 to $6.50
0 I
A tiny, gaily colored plastic thot in a gay,
miniature shoe box . . . with a Gift Certificate
turked inside . . . for a pair of beautiful
Come In. Cet one for Tour moth
er. Shell lore it. And she'll lore
choosing from these and other
lovely Cold (Red) Crosa Shoes.
Shot Dept.
Main Floor