L Local Paragraphs i Sf 1 Auxiliary to Elect The Ladici v Auxiliary 2081, Fraternal Order ofEaRles, will meet May 3 for lection of officers. VUitinf Chapter! Mra Sam uel L- Peters, formerly of Salem, but now of Eugene, is the re gional director of the north western zone of the American Hearing society, which .covers the states of Oregon, Washing ton, Idaho, Montana, and the three Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. Mrs. Peters is this month making a series of official visits to the Washing ' ton and Oregon chapters. Movies Are Offered Moviru pictures will be shown at the I Dollar Manager Here A cal Friday night meeting of the Her at the Chamber of Commerce Brush Creek Booster club. A no host supper will be served after the program. Police Plan Flight Four pri vate planes will take part in the second annual good-will visit of members of the Salem police department to those in Reno and Carson City, Nev., May 8 to 8. Pilots for the flight will be Clive Scott, radio oper ator: Paul Woodroff, Ernest Porter and Charles Hansen Others making the trip will be Detective Leonard Skinner and! Officers Harley Cordray, Joseph Schuetz, James Hammack and Steve Calvelage. They will take official greetings from Governor Douglas McKay, Mayor Robert Elfstrom, City Manager J. L. Franzen and Clyde A. Warren, chief of police. Television Lee Bishop, man ager of radio station KORE of Albany will speak on the sub ject of television during Wed nesday's luncheon of the Salem Rotary club. To View Plans Revised floor plans for the new courthouse building will be viewed Wednes day afternoon when the court house building com mission meets at 2 o'clock with Pietro Belluschi, Portland architect. The plans are considered very near final preparations and those to be seen include some minor changes auggestea lor convenience. File Two Names Robert D Morrow, route 9, Salem, has fil ed certificates of assumed busi ness names with the county clerk for Robert D. Morrow, general contractor, and Morrow Cabinet shop. Woodburn Firm Change Certificates of assumed business name for Woodburn Taxi com pany has been filed with the county clerk by Joe D. and Cla ra L. Ficek, 858 Gatch street, Woodburn, and retirement from the same business has been filed by Donald Crockett. Building Permits Rex W. Benton, to alter a garage at 2180 North Fifth, $200. High land Avenue Friends church, to alter church and Sunday school at 580 Highland, $3000. Perry Walters, to build a garage at 3125 Cook, $1000. Robert Young, to alter a real estate of fice at 493 Center, $1600. Neu man & Co., to build a store at 990 South Commercial, $11,000. L. E. Webber, to wreck a garage at 805 North 16th, $50. Charles Epping, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 1900 North 19th, $7800. Bertha Sick enger, to alter a garage at 1349 Mission, $75. C. A. Charnholm. to build a store and garage at $2088 North Commercial, $8000. Eugene Richter, to build a one- story dwelling and garage at 2060 South Summer, $9000. Scott , McClellan, to reroof a one-storv dwelling at 2045 South Cottage, $150. Leo W. Lepley, to repair a one-story dwelling at 1311 Saginaw, $1000. Leave Salem General Dis missed from the Salem General hospital with recently born in fants are Mrs. George Roth and son, 1105 Columbia; Mrs. Mau . rice Brennen and daughter. 2535 East Nob Hill and Mrs. William Krueger and daughter, 3441 Sun nyview. Leave Hospital Mrs. Edward Dimbat, route 2, and Mrs. Rob ert Kime, 1540 Bellevue, re turned to their homes from Sa lem Memorial hospital, both with infant sons. BORN Tht Capital Journal Welfonm tht Following New Cltlren: WSIUNCT-Trt Mr. ind MrJ. Hfnrr 3 Wtunrr. 11 Hrrtl. it tht Ailtm Oaotrtl fcorptul. boy. Hay I. LKWia Tt Mr. ftttd Mrs. ChtrlM Levi!. CM Onion, at th atalm Oenrl hoi HiftL fiii, Mtr I. now To Mr. ftTvd Mn. L I. Dow It Park Ave., at tlt Salta 0?nral hot Vital, ft tor. Mar I. SHAW To Mr. and Mr. WormiB I Mv, at. I Box II. a. at th Balen Otn ral hotpital. irl. May I WALDRON To Mr. and Mra. Uittr t Waldron, 1433 D at tna Sam Oanaral hospital. ilrl. Mar t. ADS ITT To Mr. and Mrj Ronald Ad am 13DH N. ltth. at the alm Ootral hospital, ft boy, May I. BIRKHOLZ To Mr. and Mra. Arlyn Btrkholi. Sublimity, a aon. Monday, May I at Satrm Memorial noapltal. HARMON -To Mr. and Mra. Lloyd f Par men. rojtr I. a dauthtr. Monday, kar I. at a1ra Mr-mortal noapttal. AKDatRSON To Mr. and Mra. Bnh Anderson, Rt. ft. hoi 4. at Uva halcan Memorial hospital, tlrL. May 1, MrColltatar To Mr. and Mr. Wantar MrCollutsr. Sublimity Ru 1. Sob 4. at the Salata Manorial hospital, ft tirt, May 1. aTrrrr- .T Ur. nS Un trn t. 'i . , Jffffrsos Rt. 1, at the halt a Mmor- 1 1J hospital, bey, April 10. 1 wBTTFtim To Mr. and Mrs Carll Lff- 1 W Beio Rt. t. at ths hm Mtsjiwiftl hoa- 1 Utal, ft ciri. April I. No. 4 Will Meet Townsend club No. 4 will meet Wednes day night at 7:30 o'clock at the home of E. H. Earl, 212S North Fourth. Disease Report Forty-two! cases of measles were reported in Marion county during the week April 24-30 by the health department. Of the total 24 ca es were reported from Salem Other cases of disease reported by 57 physicians included: six chickenpox, two conjunctivitis three Influenza, six German measles, four mumps, one virus pneumonia, one rheumatic fever, three gonorrhea and three syph ilis. Tuesday was G. C. Studley, man- ager of the Robert Dollar saw- mill and manufacturing plant at Glendale, Ore. He is here to make an adjustment of water rights with the state. Mr. Stud- ley is a son of the late O. L. Studley who died in Salem in 1943. Check Report A total of four arrests were made by the Salem I police department during April for fictitious check writing. The arrests cleared 17 checks. Three arrests outside the Salem area cleared five more checks ported to the Salem police de partment. Lions Book Minister Rev. George Taylorson, Spokane, Wash., one of the best - known Nazarine ministers in the north west, will speak at the Wednes day meeting of the Hollywood Lions club. Skirts Swiped A. L. Hanson of the Eisner Motor company at 610 N. High, reported that fend er skirts valued at $15 had been taken from a parked car. Oranges Taken Two cases of'18 wel1 known horticulturist, oranges valued at $6 a case were reported stolen from a box car which was in the process of un loading at the Valley Fruit com pany. Educator in Bend Clifford Robinson, director of secondary asked to label them at the YM education from the office of the' 7:30 o'clock. All members state superintendent of public"nd interested persons are in instruction. was the main soeak. vited. There will be refresh er Monday at the opening of!ment' a two-day session in Bend being attended by more than 400 high school student body officers and their advisers. Student body of ficers of the city selected for the 1950 meeting will serve as lead ers next year. Choice was to be made at the concluding meeting Tuesday. Salem entertained the conference in 1948. Salem Woman Dies Mrs. El sie M. Stuart, Salem, wife of Gai ther C. Stuart, died In Portland with services Wednesday at 1 o'clock and burial in the Rose City cemetery. She was a mem ber of the Salvation Army corps of Salem. Also surviving are a daughter, brother and sister. Auction tonight. Glenwood Furniture, Appliances. 105 Auction tonight. Glenwood Furniture, Appliances. 105 Dine and Dance at Dwyer's Lodge. Music as you like it, by Ann and Len. J05 Boy Scouts of today; men of tomorrow. See them in action at Boy Scout circus, Saturday May 7th, 7:30 p.m., Sweatland Field. Adults only 50c. 107 Something special for you at Boy Scout circus Saturday, May 7th. 7:30 p.m., Sweetland Field under lights. Only 50 cents. 107' All furnishings of 2 bedroom house must be sold immediately. Ph. 13177 or 450 Morgan Ave 105 Dine and Dance at Dwyer's Lodge. Music as you like it, by Ann and Len. 105 Perfect Mother's Day gifts! Smart blouses, skirts, dresses The Fashion Lounge, 142 S. High. 105 Fire, auto, liability, burglary. Ken Potts Insurance Agency. V29 North Liberty. 105 Dr. Carl L. Holm, physician and surgeon, announces the op ening of offices last week at 180 S. Church St. Practice limited to orthopedic surgery and frac tures. 104 Azaleas, geraniums, petunias, primroses and other bedding stock. Mother's Day specials. Potted plants. Mi-Jo Gardens. Liberty Road, Salem Heights. 108 Dr. L. B. Warnicker Dentist is now associated with the Dr Painless Parker office. 125 N. Liberty St., Salem. Ph. 38825. 108 Rummage Sale Thursday and Friday, 28 th and 29th. 2360 North Church. 120 White's Drive In closing Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday Installing more equipment. 105 For Sale blooming azaleas Wide rang of colors, red to white. Strayer Aralea fields. 5th and Locust streets. 109 Third Anniversary Special. 50 off on SO selected wallpa per papers. R. L. Elfstrom Co.. 140 Court, 105 Club Group ElecUMrs. Hor- ace Bibby was elected president of the Home Economics club of Lablsh Center at a meeting held in Salem. Other officers are Mrs. Reuben Boehm, vice pres ident, and Mrs. Harland Nelson,, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Har-I vey Aker will entertain the group at the May meeting. Reports Ga Taken R. E. Winchcomb, 438 N. 21st, report- ed to Salem police that approxi mately nine gallons of gasoline had been siphoned from his i parked auto. Firm Change Noted Certifi cate of assumed business name for Phil Schnell company, sale oi looa products, has been filed with the county clerk by Philip H. and Mollie Schnell. 280 Bellevue street. The same par ties have filed notice of retire ment from Parrish Food Distri butors. Board to Meet The countv equalization board is scheduled to meet at the courthouse to hear complaints as to assess ments starting next Monday, May 9. Members in c 1 u d e the county assessor, members of the county court and the county clerk. Takes Time to Plead Willie Edward Snell, Mill City, arrest ed by Sheriff Denver Young on a charge of rape appeared in Stayton justice court Tuesday and took 24 hours to plead, tu appear in the same court again Wednesday. Bail was fixed at $3000 and not posted. AlllA Thft rharvri Attllii. James Marastoni. Portland ha heen booked at the rnnnt tail by the state police on a charge J J " of larceny of an automobile pre ferred in Columbia county. To Meet Thursday The Sa lem branch of the American Be gonia society will meet Thurs day at 8 p. m. in the Salem YMCA. John Bocker of Port land is to be guest speaker. He having won the Johnny Apple- ments. He is to discuss fuchsias and their culture for the Thurs day meeting and will show slides. There is to be a plant sale at the meeting and those New Boy Arrive, The sher-1 iff'i office has been doing its share toward increasing the county's population this week Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Ro ger Adsit became parents of a 5 pound, 11 ounce boy born at Salem General hospital. The night before Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. Merle S. Wood became pa rents of a boy born at Willam ette hospital, Newberg. Returns Home Mrs. Margar et Simon, who has been ill with pneumonia at Salem Gen eral hospital, has returned to her home and is improving nicely. Salem's largest stock, unfin ished furniture 20 off. Wood row's, 450 Center. 105' MOTHERS DAY S P E C I A L poem book by Salem lady. Reg ular price 75c, now 50c, post paid. "Poem," P. O. box 31 105' Horse show tickets on sale at Arbuckle's shoe store, 481 State street. Mail orders filled. 105 Willamette Valley Horseman's association is presenting annual Western Horse Show this week end, May 7-8, at fairground's stadium. , 105 Ropin' and ridin' at the big show this Saturday and Sun day. Fairgrounds Stadium. 105 Dance Wed. over Western Auto. Dick Johnson Orch. 105 Are your fire, theft and col lision rates too high? See our ad. Page 12. FRED E. MAN GIS AGENCY. 105 Dine and Dance at Dwyer's Lodge. Music as you like it. by Ann and Len. 105 FARMERS If you have a good driving record we want your automobile insurance. See our ad. Page 12. FRED E. MAN- GIS AGENCY. 105 Hurry! Big clearance on top quality apparel! Save 50! Fashion Lounge, 142 s. Hign. 105 Building lot on Croisan Creek, trees, creek, cement slab 84 x30' S1850. Phone 3-8803. 109 Auction tonight. Glenwood Furniture, Appliances. 105 Male nurse to take charge of First Aid station. Large con struction lob. Good salary. Call 3-187 or 3-7145. 110 Keizer HEC holding apron and towel sale on Thursday, 1st door south of Variety Store In Keizer. 108 Insured tarings earn more than two percent at Salem Fed eral Saving! Association, (80 State itreet Federally insured Savings Current dividend 24. See MRST Federal Savings FIRST 142 a Liberty Ph. 1-4(144. Good business location for rent at 387 North High St. Con tact Secretary) Fraternal Order of Eagles, WWyTgCTny Rt - . ,T.'? ' v ; hi ; ft fx a m Flre Destroys Home and Contents at Dallas A loss esti mated at $10,000 was caused by fire that burned the Carroll Ruby home at 101 Clay street at Dallas Monday noon. -The house, owned by A. E. Thompson, had recently been reno vated at a cost of $3500 and was valued at $6500. Household furnishings of the Rubys were destroyed, also property be longing to relatives who were visiting them, valued at $1500. Honoring Mothers The annu al Mothers' day meeting of the Spring Valley home missionary society will be held at the home of Mrs. W M. Brog Thursday at 1 2 o'clock with co-hostesses Mrs, t. Burns, Mrs. T. 1,. HICKS and Mrs. Edward Schlegel. Mrs. W. B. Henry is program chairman. Flowers will be arranged and presented to mothers by Mrs. By ron Purvine and Mrs. W. W. Hen ry. Grocery Purchased Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Hamstreet and son Larry, who recently moved here from Roseburg, have pur chased the North Commercial Street Grocery from Clay W. Dykstra. Mr. Hamstreet was in the garage business in Roseburg. Mrs. Hamstreet and Larry will join him here at the close of the school year. Visitors From Canada Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bruns andl Hubbard Women Meet The daughter Sharon of Lacombe, May day meeting of the Hub ranaria hav- hnm viiitina- R S bard Woman's club will be held nrk. H familv S7S Nnrthit the home of Mrs. A. F. de- -4,h tret The Rurke children sni jjr. Bruns attended school together. SALEM COURT NEWS Circuit Court J. C. Mitchell t M. P. and Dtllfran cu Reld, portions of motion to atrlka al lowed and denied. Clara va Herman A. Sommer, divorce decree awards plaintiff custody of two children. Ulna t Olen Watklna, plaintiff files reply. Hoter ts Oladrs M. Nelson, dlvorea de cree ! vine plalntin custody ox a cnira. V. L. and Anna V. Wilkinson t Wit Ham Ha we and others, complaint aeeka to ajuiet tula to real property. Claude W. Joriensen a Pioneer Trust company and others, complaint for an ac count Ins aa to trust unda of the estate of Mlnnte Joraensen, seeking to dissolve trust and determine rtth'a. Harlev R. vs Lucy A. Walls, custody of four children riven to plaintiff temporar lly pending suit. Joseph M. Beyer vs Peck Tat Service, Inc. Jury verdict of 1975.90 for plaintiff W. J. vs Tona EdUon, default divorce decree to plalntin. Stale vs Oore Washlntton Durham. sentence of two rears In state prniteniiary after conviction on a ehane of attempt ed bur alary of a store at Parte. Verbal notice of appeal made by defendant. Vernon Relmann dolna business as Rei man Sheet Metal company, ve K:newond Canning company. Judgment of II523.M for Plaintiff by default. Svlvla P. va George Albert DeWltt. div orce decree grants plaintiff custody of a child and 125 a month for 1U support. Pearl M. va Lawrence K. Thayer, div orce decree to plaintiff. Dolores O. vs Alva O. Mverj, divorce complaint si lege cruel and Inhuman treatment, asks name Dolores G. Braun be restored to her, that she be awarded certain property and defendant be re strained from molesting plaintiff In use of auto or disposition or personal prop erty and irom further occupanry of their residence. Married August , 1S47, at Van couver, B. O. Klva B. Fiedler vs Hrten L. Bhaw and others, demurrer of defendants Bhaw and Fiedler overruled. Phyllis D. vs Roger B. Loe. order drieet- ing defendant to pay tu a month sup port money to plaintiff pending suit. The ma V. vs Bheldon L. Den.riore. divorce decree to pallntlff with custody of child, support money provision to be teserved until defendant eomea Into Juris diction f the court. Delore Bowman vs Ollte H. fonenhaver. You can't afford to miss this great money saving opportunity! Attend our great furni ture auction today, 7:30 p. m. Go to Glen wood ballroom 4 miles north of Salem on 99 E, Va mile north of Chemawa 4-corners! Here are buf a few of the many items to be sold to the highest bidder! Riectrolut varuum. 1 metal fcetla, eomp1te. -1 earlr Am'rifsn ioter serls. Bac stTinse as inner print waitresses, ftaw anJ usee ruts a.. Lamp. Oar as i on at tfe cock tail tabiea. Drop leaf deak. Lt no te um ruts as jardeee. I used ifiw Ini aaaineta. Dattna. inc rock ara. We tell m remmhelM a Ntl Rat Your rarnltar far Cask. Glen - '.. '"" "V 4 ; y J honorary fraternity. ' - " , if 'VV I'nit Members Meet The Lin- . , . - - -ev; S , V,Vi 1 : coln-Zena home extension unit , J i - S AV' j wi" meet at ,ne horr"' ' Mrs. t v h ----- it. i Fred Mullcr Friday. The dem- , 'Z.t' -V'KXryHV'VX "nstration will be salads and sal- Commie Plot 'Continued from Page 11 The radio claimed victory tor the communists in a battle on the borders of Kiangsu-Anhwei and Chekiang provinces. The ra dio said 2400 nationalists were captured. The report has not been con firmed by any other source. Efforts to telephone Hang choe, 212 miles southwest of here, brought the reply the lines were "out of order." The communist radio said al so that Tatung, 125 miles west of Peiping, had been taken. The city, last nationalist bastion north of the Yangtze except sur rounded Tsingtao, on the coast, surrendered on May 1, the ra dio said. Tsingtao is the base of the U.S. western Pacific fleet. Lesoinasse Wednesday after- noon. The program will follow a music week theme. netlsfaction of Judgment. Hllma I. Dickie va Burdetta Young, ap plication for trial. District Court Lemuel D. King tvtate. order approving final account of Audrey Davidson, admin istratrix. Jacob Srhlndler estate appraised 121, 341. 67 by Carl Heyden, Joseph Graettlnger and Jesse Johns. at Lloyd Albert Morley guardianship, or der authorizing Everett J. Morley, guar dian, to lease 37.7S acres of land for four years to Walter McBlhaney on share-crop basis. Kdwtrd L. Bnu Mtate. ftnl ordtr to M I. Hiydcn, kdmlnutritor. William Davis SDroule and Jamaa Frtd arlflc Sp'oul. annual repnrt nl Jam FrtdFrlclunn and Kathrrn Daniel, suar d'ana. Mvrta C. Tyrrell aalata appraleed at SR70.14 by Dorthle A. Lott. Dorla T. Hoff man and W J. Braun. Order aulhorlrea W. H. Gardner, executor, to aall pereonal property. Loula L Kvana eatate, Erneat Ivana named administrator and Henry E. My era. Eatrier c. UrCammon and Mabelle Court appralaera. Batate eonalau of un llauldated claim for allaed wrongful death of deceaaed and Inventory extended to 1ft daya lollowine rerelpt or any mnneya on account of claim or eauea of action. Robert Dunamoor. minor, order flxlna bond of EliKobeth H. Dunamoor aa guar dian. BeMla E Baker catate. Loula Lorenl. William t, Muyakena and Rdarard - A. Dyck named ftppraiaere. Brown E. Alaaon luardiananip. authority to William A. auiaon. euardlan, to pur chaae residential property at Lebanon where ward and hla wife contemplate maklne their home. Mvrta t. Tyrell aetata authority to W. Oardner, executor, to aall pereonal property. Police Court Disorderly conduct: W. W. Boenaler. I.oa Anaelea: E W. Bartlett. Houston. Texai: B. Bverett, TuLee, Okla.. oacn . fined III. Marriage licenses Herbert Williams. M. tarmer. Aurora, o. and Aenesa Scrtmerahell, M. houae wife, Jerome, Idaho. Robert E'laene Cooper'. 31. laborer, and Joyce Becken, II. atudent, both ailverton. Raymond W. wield. II. certified wubtlc accountant, and Phyllle Allen. 4. office worker, both Salem. Deluxt 4,011 tt la frven WMtinahou eleetrta ranae New fr rtlriierator. fiinaer treadle sew in a ai arnme. Erect r 14 wash in marmne. Lares walnut ted Suite Moria i day suite. Wi.nut flinina auita 'I a.i. Spinet desk. Table radio. WalB'il eedar trvel Telephone tsfcle Oh a I'. I dinett aeta. Taftta M floor lamp. Woodry, auctioneer C - tw'VS X VJiJ elected to membership in Pi Mu Franzen Talks Continued from Pp n were given Franzen a year or more ago that the city's needs would be taken care of. "We have not yet gone so far as to make an estimate of cost." Franzen said. "It will be quite expensive. It Is 50 miles from Salem and 30 from Stayton. That is quite a distance, but many cities go farther than that for their water sources. "The main thing now is to get the plan included in the de sign of the Big Cliff dam." The city manager and Manag er Carl Guenther of the city wa ter department have given con siderable thought to the future need of additional reservoirs. No exact locations "have been fixed In general it is. probable that one or more large reservoirs will, over the long-range, b e located in the hills east of Sa lem and back of the state insti tutions Another is contemplated west of the Willamette river in the hills back of West Salem. All of these locations have sufficient elevation. Franzen said. For additional water capacity within the city of Salem Fran zen said the present 10. nun. 000 gallon reservoir on Rural aven ue can be added to. as can also the half-million-gallon reservoir on Candalaria Heights. In the Downs addition is a quarter-million-gallon standpipe, and so others can be installed. One other can be installed. One the high level tank near the large reservoir. Get the habit read the ads. Journal Classified. Gohram-Towle-lnfernat-ional-Reed & Barton-Heirloom Smith Whiting -Wallace L V'V'J; Here you'll find the ' , '4 1 Ra&ejy.'' e " particular pallern to suit your .s jBr - SWIawK "" perfectly . . . for each nf drj&r P K 'aJV&. the fanierl Gorham Sterling pijr if lrWVi'' designs Is authrntiralty styled, 'lr WT'P' 1 g (KajS: tV fashioned to exerting slanrl. fiift' j ,atfcX-JVj . : rds by Gorham eraftsmen in ;;:, ' r .f'wJ' 1 JSL ' silver. Come in and let us help ' ' ' ' r-;X7Sfc y"ur """"" MW S ' i tVf;,.V:, -" ?i Prir0t shown arc for on 6-pterd wkW ' - J - -r. r;.jS-i' Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May S, 1949 5 Unn Group Elect a New of ficers of the Linn County School ma stern club are Rex Hun?aker. Albany high school coach, president; Bud Page, coach at Lebanon, vice president and Bud Martin, physical edu cation director at Albany, secretary-treasurer. Math Frat Elects George owm, oaicm siuaeni ai me University of Oregon, has been Motor Stolen Roy Wilcox of the Pratum warehouse has re- - ported to the office of Sheriff Mother Goes Home Mrs. Otto Denver Young theft of a ij;Ha'1- !24S Shadv Lane, and her horsepower General Flectric infant son have returned homa I motor with a built-in switch and aluminum base. Street Names OK Postmas ter Al Gregg has advised the county court of his approval of street names proposed in a pe tition from residents of Arnold's subdivision north of Salem and the court has directed that the names be ordered allowed and sPretld on the original plat the recorders office. Names asked as for east and west streets Leo, Seeburg, Bedee and Bonneville streets and north and south Arnold and Gary streets Ferry Down The Wheatland ferry is reported out of opera tion again due to high water. Scales Wrecked A scales In front of the H. L. Stiff furniture store was smashed Monday night or Tuesday morning to make the machine register weight. A coin box on the de vice was also pounded to empty me coin cnamber. At Mt. Angel Saturday The Mt. Angel Farmers Union loral win be host for the dinner for the Marion County Farmers Un ion quarterly convention to be held in the Mt. Angel Ameri can Legion Memorial building iicai oaiuroay, says an an nouncement by Marie Cornwell, secretary. To Sell Carnations Nevl Sal. urday the American War Moth ers of World Wars I and II will again place on sale in the citv the traditional red and white carnations. The proceeds of the sale will be used to aid sick and dependent war mothers Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom i.roe. the people of the city to respond generously. To Meet Thursday The ex ecutive committee of the Mar ion county chapter, Infantile Paralysis, Inc., will meet Thurs day at 7:30 p.m. in room 208. Masonic building. Wallet Found A wallet iden tified as belonging to Glenn James Ferguson, Independence, was reported found Tuesday by a Salem patrolman. Club Closing Season The Eola community club will hold its last meeting of the season at the (fhnnl hniic Frirlau niohl . a ninir Mr. Fm.it a rr Cilnm ,,,11 cV,a... ! .,.',. .Ild ,,n ,hn. u ,ri. to Norway last year. Scholar ships will be presented 4-H club members while the Ladies' club will hold a candy sale to pro vide money for postage on pack ages being sent to Norway. Mrs. Carl Hubbord is chairman of the program committee and Mrs. McNiell in charge of re freshments. Club meetings will be resumed in the fall. 'lm ,ne Salem Memorial hos- pital. Thompson Rites Set Funeral servires for Ted Lewis Thomp son, 43. of Eugene, will be held there Wednesday at 2 o'clock with final rites at the Lincoln Memorial Park mausoleum He was a brother of James H. Thompson, Salem, and Dan B. Thompson, Sweet Home. Also surviving are his widow, step son and several other brothers and sisters. Death Cause Natural Ernest W. Thompson, 80. Astoria lum ber inspector for 38 years, who was found dead behind the wheel of his automobile near Warrenton. died of natural causes. He was the father of Mrs. Dorothy Norby. of Salem. Thompson had recently been dismissed from an Astoria hos pital after treatment for a stroke and had driven the car off the road and parked It. He is also survived by another daughter and several brothers and sis- Iters. Chapman Rites Wednesday Funeral services for Mrs. Mag gie Chapman, 77, mother of Jack Chapman, Salem, will be held at Oregon City Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock with burial in the Stafford cemetery. She was killed Sunday near Six corners of Highway 99-W when the auto mobile driven by a grandson crashed into a pole. She is also survived by five other sons and four daughters. Gen. Clay Retired Washington, May S IU.fi) Pres ident Truman today announced retirement of Gen. Lucius D. Clay as head of the U. S. mili tary government In Germany. A Pacifl Pacific Lodge No. SO. A.F. & Special meeting Wednes day. May 4, 1 p.m. Funeral of Bro. Arthur H. Morre. 105 )