- M 1,1 mk jamaL . . J. . v . Leave! Shanghai's 'Battleship Row' The USS Eldorado, flagship of the U. S. Navy command in the Western Pacific, teams down the Whangpoo river after leaving Shanghai's famed "battleship row.1' She will anchor at the mouth of the Whangpoo ready to leave if the Chinese communists take Shanghai. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Shanghai) i 1 'J 4l East Salem Clubs Take Spring Show Ribbons East Salem, May 3 Two schools in East Salem were well rep resented by the work of the 4-H club members who took part In the spring show held at Silverton last week. On the award list are the names of several members of the cooking classes of Mrs. John Cage of Middle Grove and the sewing class of Mrs. Frank Lanrjen of SweEle. In cooking I, girls who were in the classes for the first time this year, exhibited were muf fins with Yvonne Miller re ceiving a first; Rosemary Slim ack a second and Lora Lee Hoi man a second; Deanna Dickey a third, Suzann Anglin a third and Marie Ann Hammer a third. In cooking II Yvonne Goode won the championship award for her sponge cake and second in the cake baking contest; Shirley Page won a first with her sponge cake and a cham pionship in the cake baking con test; Joanne Fabry a second on her sponge cake. Joyce Kuenzi, only member of cooking IV, placed first with her homemade bread for senior division. In the clothing divi sion Joanne Fabry placed first on her clothing display and first in style review; Joyce kuenzi aecond with her exhibit and style review. Mrs. Cage entered Joanne Fabry and Shirley Page as a demonstration team in a sponge baking contest and re ceived a first award there. They will represent Marion county at the state fair this fall. Joanne Fabry and Shirley Page also entered the judging of cooking exhibits and tied for third place. Joyce Kuenzi gave the $1 dinner on Thursday with her guests, the judge, Mrs. Mary Olive Maddox of Corvallis, Mrs Emory Goode and Mrs. Cage. She will also represent Marion county at the fair with this din ner. All who receive a first award may enter exhibits at the fair so Yvonne Miller will exhibit muffins. One more award went to Joyce Kuenzi, a first on her record book. Swegle girls en- fed of tot ahMlMi ' tered pillow tops and special handwork pieces and Wanda Lappen received a first. Going over for the style review and to see the exhibits from Swegle were Mrs. Frank Lappen, leader oi tne sewing group this year; Wanda Lappen, Beverly Schultz, Barker Heads State 1 Butchers and Cutters ! Herbert E. Barker, executive secretary of the Salem Trades and Labor council, was elected president of the State Federation of Butchers and Meat Cutters, which met in Salem Sunday. Herman Fahbusch of Portland was elected secretary. The main discussions of the convention centered on adequate inspection ot food animals and meat products, and matters growing out of self-service re tailing. Also there was discus sion of the 40-hour week. rapltal Journal. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday! May S, 1919 1 Beverly Straw, Lila Slocum, Phyllis Bunch, Mrs. Raymond Benson. Marilyn Benson, Mrs. Leonard Harms, Lorraine Harms. Mrs. Frank Isom, Janice Isom, Mrs. Charles Norton and Eleanor Berry. Mrs. Frank Lappen, Eleanor Berry, Marilyn Benson and Lor raine Harms were on the Satur day morning radio program of KOCO, being interviewed by the county agent. The May meeting of the Moth ers club of Middle Grove will be held at the schoolhouse Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. FLAVOR makes the meal Hoi dogi, hamburgen, cold meats... good foods like these fairly sing when you odd the tang and zest of pure, fine Ben-Hur prepared MUSTARD. Two kinds ... hot and salad . . '. keep km both on hand. makes the flavor I mm . ove -Hie flavor . you'll P" Mothers Day MUSIC ON Columbia Records INVITATION TO THE WALTZ Andre Kostelaneta and his orchestra. MM-J15 BLBS8 THIS HOUSE Christopher Lynch, tenor. Warner Bass, organ. MM-813 SONOS TO REMEMBER Peter York and orch. C-178 EVELYN and Her Magic Vio lin. Hour of charm. All-girl orch. conducted by Spltalnv. C-114 Downstairs, Ores on Rldg. Stat and High Ph. J-M3I Palmistry Readings Will tell your put present and future. Will advise on love marriage and business. A o a w e rs all ons. Are worried? f L (V oubt? Special 1 Ltjr KMnri. v. ".V - Oi.cn t an, to 10 p.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial LAWN FOOD Lifts away that tired look. Its slow steady feeding nourishes turf prop erly. It's clean, mealy no objection able odor before or after use. And of course, no weeds F.ld 2500 I, it . JJ.45 11.000 tq ft . $8.95 re, something new for her home is a sound choice! For now and years to come your gift will express, far more than words, your appreciation of her. Combination Table Lamp 13" .m 1095 a Electric Aladdin Lamp Fluted Shade Lighted Base Cosco Utility Table 1375 Red or White Enamel Chromium Legs Large free-rolling casters Other Aladdin 5.95 to 18.95 PORTER Carpet Sweepers Make Ideal Gifts American Lady $.95 Streamliner . . 8.95 7-Way Floor Lamp 9.95 Plasti-silk Shade Light in Base Bulbs 87c extra DURHAM CARD TABLE 4.95 Steel Crossbracrs Double braced lrgs Washable - Stain resistant tops Large Hassocks Pyroxglyn check effect Red Blue 93 Green . O Dunn Covered Pastels Ivory, Beige Rose 1A95 Green w Bin. Electrical Appliances for Gifts Automatic Toasters Toastmaster 21.50 General Electric .. 21.50 Handy Hot 14.95 Merit Master .... 12.95 Electric Iront Sunbeam 12.95 G. E. with Pilot lite 1 1.95 G. E. Steam Iron . . 1 7.95 Mat-ma-tie 6.95 Everhot Roaster . 48.95 G. E. Elec. Sweeper 53.25 Woffle Bakers G. E. Waffle Iron 1 1.95 Handy Hot Twin . 12.95 Gem Automatic . . 9.95 Sunbeam Waffle . 24.50 Food Miners General Elertric . . 34.95 Dormever .11)00 2 5.95 Dor. Power Chef . 38.50 Hot Plates I'nlversal I Burner 16.95 Handy Hot 14.95 Ml S mmmm DOUBLE GREEN STAMP DAY r if WEDNESDAY mffi Double Stamps double Savings on this double green Stamp Day in our modern new store Selected items, at listed, have been prepared for our many cus tomers on this super value event Shop Every Depart ment and Save! Print Bed First Quality Men's Work Percale Pillows Sheets Sox 59e Value 39C 198 Value 89C 2.50 Value 1" 29e Value 9C St Square Striped ticking 81x99 size Full seamless Famous name Chicken feathers Famous name Grey rib top Huge assortment Standard size Cellophane packaged Full length Ladies' Plastic Wits Pinking Fabrics Slips Yardage Shears Remnants 2.95 Value 1 59c Value 25c yd. I Limited Quantity I J Price Tailored and trimmed Two color florals Household size Assorted fabrics All siies 36 inch width Ravel free edge Current materials Pink and white Assorted patterns Sturdy construction Various lengths Boys' Sport Crib Boys' Tennis Ladles' Shirts Blanket Shoes Coats 1.98 Value 1.98 Value I" 3 45 Value 2" 3"5 I SSo.n.ac1oI,'or, and pr.n.s - I ."certs, Short sleeves broken Bl" 0' Pink Reinforced toe gabardines sices 36x50, second selection Naturally famous Complete size range Children's Blue Men's All Wool Mattress Shoes Deim Set slacks Pads 6.95Voluet 3" 8.50 Value 4 14.95 Value 9'' 3.98 Volue 2' V.rl.u. atyle. J p",1al" pUZ" short,, cl""n d"ub,e Broken sizes hr, bolero All wool worsted Well stitched Assorted colon Sizes 10 to I. Grey, blue or brown Limit two mMHMMBM HHMMHMHHM MMHHHIHKHMHMHiHM HHHHMnMHOTHBM Ponty Satin Men's and Ladiet' . , Girdles Boxes House Slippers Oilcloth 198V..U. 89C , 49 Value 89C 2 .98 Value 1" S9 V"'" 9C yd. I SiunCk panel H-ler, and glove Various color, '"T eight Hose supporters Assorted color, "Fuzzy" style Green and red check attached Mother's day item Special purchase Mmlt 10 yards lath Cotton Pair 100 Down Girls' Towels Blankets Pillows Coats 69c Volue 39C ' 3.98 Value 2' 7.95 Value 588 Re-IVelue, lO Cannon quality Plaid blue or pink 100 grey durk down Complete size range Dohhy and plaid Total size 10x160 Sire 20x26 Current season stylet Thick thirsty terry Whipstitched edge, Striped ticking Various color.