lUTOMOBILIS BEST BUYS IN TOWN 1616 Doda. aedan. radio, tieaur tl ' - J" Ull Hut I aedan. dual lot. A-l etiari ' "own 1611 Plymouta Mdin. new paint (try ma) - "? own 1641 Olda 76 aedan. Hrdramatlc, radio fcaaUr l6 ' on 1641 Olda M aedan, radio, heater new paint oown 1X1 eMude. Club coup., radio. Hater, parted "J ""n IM Oldi club, radio, heater Hidrametl. . I6M 56S don ion OMa 76 aedan. Hrdramatlo all ace. I owner "as down HIT Chev. xdan. lone, all acc.. low mlleaia ' do.n 1111 Olda II Club Hrdramatlo ell acc, I owner 3J66 JJJ HII Olda 6. Conv., all ace, I owner JIM ? 1111 Olda IB conv. Hrdiamitle. aU acc c'aaal '!!. ,11 Z JUT Hudam Va ton pickup. onl 11.000 telle. " Lou of cheat oof too at LODER BROS. Your Old Dealer 1414 Falnround Road iPort. Hwy Phone l-MW tlW NO! Not POTS! Just Some Honest, Good Car Values 1942 DcSOTO COUPE, CLEAN INSIDE AND OUT, GOOD MECH. SHAPE. GUARANTEED $1075 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. COME IN AND DRIVE THIS ONE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF $1295 1939 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DOOR SEDAN. RADIO, NO SQUEAKS OR RATTLES. THIS CAR HAS HAD THE BEST OF CARE. ONE, OWNER 875 1938 CLUB MASTER 4-DOOR SEDAN. A CHEAP FAMILY CAR. BODY GOOD, MECH. O. K $ 425 1938 PLYMOUTH COUPE. A LITTLE ROUGH BUT MECH. IN VERY GOOD SHAPE , ... 225 OTHBK MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 2 LOTS SALEM AND MILL CITY ACME MOTOR COMPANY Front at Center WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 7ALl7SIZ electric bench saw. IIS. No motor. 686 M. Capitol St. nlOT WANTED-Cut-ol( aaw. io-tn. table aaw and I or l-ln. jointer. Cash. Ph. WjH; NEEDED AT ONCE- Spot caah for houae hold furnlahlnf. appliance, ruaa. what have fou? Have immediate outlet lor huie ouantitr. Ho Junk Pleaaa. Will par better than ret prlcea. no obllaatlon. Ph. 35110 for our appralaal. nal06- 8FWING MACHINE, i,r make or cond. W Davenport, m. 3-7671. m H. latn. WANTED furniture to flue repair Le Broa. Finn RalUHahlni Co Ph ,. fcED rtJNlTTJBl. Phone -'"5 ff PERSONAL WU.L NOT be reaponalNB for any deou other than mj own after April 36. W E. Lytic JUL Stanley home Producu. bm ro st Ph. Mm AUTOMOBILES M DODGE aedan. PIT nwtOT. "J paint lob. 10 candlewood Dr. Ph I .... 11 -sn Til. in chev. coupe, oood ks;';?'11j-,.10V wheele. 376 Tryon Ave. .Phone 3-M06. 11 CHEV. club ooupe. New motor. Caah or tak. older oar In trade. Ph. : . TZTH IB" HI MODEL A. a-ooor. -- rim, axe. rubber. 8.B.L. 6185 cu FORD CLUB coupe. Cleaneet car In town. R&H. Phone a-llll. J" STEAL- Muat have ca.h. Oood 1131 Airflow soto art.n I1J0 Jl Blue Book price, " -.ofl Baker St,, alter I. ? BV V OWNER: Sparkllni clean "";. Fordor tid.n with new .hltew.U Blr ouahlon Urea. Haa heater and electric puah button radio. Reasonable. Phone IBM 4 dr. OhBV., 373. 1M Columbia eve- for SALE: 1116 Plymouth 4-door ee dan. Muat Bell. Heed the money. See between 11. "30 Chemeketa. QlOT 1M1 HUDSON, I paaa. Oood body, mo tor. new paint. Reasonable. Tttrnr rhnn a.wsi alter I p. m. 0105 JIM PLY. 4 dr. aedan. Very rood eond. Radio, llfht irey color. Prlv. owner 11100. Phone 3-7660, TRADE U4J Dodae pickup with low mile- ut xar -,; UThA SALE OR trade for pickup of equal lue. IBM Bulck RMdmutir. Excellent condi tion. Southwiek, Trttltr T. M H. Com- FOR SALE: 1947 Plymouth B-PtM. cotpe. Rxc. eond. R- H. White Mrwin bit Inquire tt Belllw Store, t mt. w. ol McMinnvlll on HiihwT 1 twr 4 p.m. ior ueriq moin. - t - ear - Kula PVinni 1.4S3S. iM? fXEETMASTER Ch?rol-?t 5-penfer ...,, (MillvViLa fat Uinti! Rdlo. etc. Le thmn 11.W0 mile. One owner. 11550. ?J1' 1M FONTIAC Sedin. Cheep. Cill tTt nmu. HummtU, 3311 FLriround Rwd. ThU TlOW If HUDSONl 8rTte - Skies - Part Bom of Oood Ud Can 6HROCK MOTOR CO. etioroh OheiMkeU SU. Ph. 1-M01 1M1 INTERNATIONAL Pickup. -ff Irani, twa. mmwt 14 foRD pickup '3S Pord panel. Lot of tood ohiap trannporia.ion hh ...I.. ... ph t.iaai. oioi llODERNIZE TOl'B CAR with juper Dal loon tires. Pord, Cher.. PIT. Dod- 1 akB in I.HllullFia wht! OnlT 110 down payment. Pireatone star, canter m uwrw. h. 1M FORD V-i truck for sale. Beaaonable i itAftd St. eras 4106 FORD convertible super deluxe. Radio, heater, aecsHoriei. Ph. BL Eisner Motors Fine Cars 7 CHEV. deluie J-dr.. R. H. This tood dependable ear. 1511 Court Bt. aiian ' Q105 M PONT. BVH. CP1. Em eood, R. m Tnd to sell. Call V31- ! CHEVROLET, tood meeh. condition Real buy at 1176. 1031 E Rural, s.108 TWO CHEVROLET., "47 4-door Pleat- naster, '46 club wupe Pleetmaster, both . fully equipped. Oars perfect. Cail 111. Bllfertoa, eves. 105 fTJR SALE IMS Pord foiir door sedan. '41 Mercury Motor IM. Pred BUlner. lisa Market. 10 WANTED clean nsed ears. Bob Msrr. 3160 . cotn i. 1 CHE sood cond. aiecbanically. price 6M5. Ph. I40. 10t pa PONTIAC SU vers tree k t hydrs matl. RAH, apotllsht, fosllihts, and eitras. Like Hew. 1560 Norway. q.106 EST ofrer Ukea Packard S-cyl . Rrf rood mbber. A-l eond. Must stB. 1343 Waller after I i OLDS, I -peas, club 'coupe. Beater and new radio. Ail eood rabbet. Oood Biechanlcal rood. Ph. 3411 beore t p as. Ph. Will. 1 106" 4S DODOE coupe. tllBM. Immacalate. Oond inech. thapo. Out B. Coml.. juit east Vlsu Mkt.. turn left te 7 Rat- cliff Dr after p m. qio 1m DODGE aeden, 4f Ply. netor, Be paint job. lfjo .canowwtM vr. rn 1K64 before 11:10 am. 106 41 PLTMOCTB Busoieas Coupe. Ordinal wner. Low tvtleHe. Evcelleat oodltion Ph. 1-41U Eras. 1-7656. el Eisner Motors to Buy AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT. - SELL TRAD I TERMS 131 Fatrcround R&ad Phon 16454 TUt Hme tra VUOSONt fttrrlee Sales Part Borne of Oood Osad Can SHROCS MOTOR OO Obnreb OhameKete Bu Pb 1-1101 PONTIACS 1947 Sedan Coupe $1645 1948 Sedan Coupe .... 2495 1947 Ford beluxe 5-pass. 1595 1948' Pontiac sedan . . 2195 Herrall Owens Co. 060 N. Liberty Ph. 14111. Eisner Motors to Sell IBM FORD 3-4r. RAH. Clean. New metor MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS tUM CVtfHMAN Motor Scooter $235, 1047 Cuanman 3 wheel Package Car 1350, 1047 Doodlnbuc Scoter 168. 1935 Harley-Da-vllori Motorcycle $100. Tea, term too. LODER BROS. qalOJ CURB MAN MOTOR SCOOTER, Oood COnd. 74 rranltlln, W. Seiem. qal05 INDIAN World's most modern motorcycle CUSHMAN SCOOTERS WHIZ ZER BIKES Genuine parte, aerv lea every model Shrock's Motorcycle Sales Open every evenlnr till 7, Monday throutr Friday 1007 Portland Road - Ph, S-1431 BOATS H-FT. WITCHCRAFT runabout and trail- er, in), rnone 3-0383. qq!07 II FT. OUTBOARD BOAT. Very tood con- anion, sol Oregon St. Ph. 3-0941. qqlOS FINANCIAL SUBURBAN $4,750 Siww down. $45 per month burs this srano: ii-oMroom home, mectric throush- out. uvint room, dlnlnr room and kitch en combination. Bathroom. School buses. KAWLINS REALTY HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Phone 2-46S4. Evcj. Ph. 3-W11, J-7138. a-joi rim OENKRAL PTNANCB CORP. LOANS Lie. S-138. end V-136 and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS S . Commercia St. Tel. 1-6161 r $ CASH $ $25 to $500 Ptm?fTTURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Cer loans up to 6501 Come in gr phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1661 Palnrounds Road Across street from bank No Parkins problems Phone 27033 Lie. N M366-B361 Ployd KenkOD, Mir. l REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS. CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 1)1 B. His' Bt. Lie. 8-316 M-171 f PARM AND CITY LOANS arm 6 TOCB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estste Oon tracts and Second Mortraies. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO tOl Pioneer Trust Bide Ph. 1-71W r BEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLT 4 OR INTEREST to 40 Tears and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS H4 Stite at Phone 11881 t AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 8. Church Parkloi a Plenty Ph. 11457 Lie. NO M.1S0 - PRTVATW Until- Special rates and term on larrer loans lent and short tlm payments ROT n SIMMONS 111 eVw'h Commercial it. Phoae 1-6161 AIRPLANES WILL PAT CAAH for lltftt airplane. Must w"u,l,on- uapuu journal. A0?-!1. siofl TRAILERS TRAILER hae. for rent. Ill mo. Adults It VAGABOND Houae Trailer 14 ft Cheap. Jones. Howard! Trailer park. tlOT TRANSPORTATION I Driving to Minneapolis latter part f Wk Ta Vaa ea r DIRtCTORT 4DDPIO IIACirrrlt n ajatae nWrnutitne. e.MrantMi eewirM dan U( OMrt a-e a-TTl kmiAXCt (CITlri ttirnic mom .pp! repair aenrlc . m . tr irac-inf Me.pi. ttt e- appManee. Tmere IWMrtc PbOTi -tr in s LiMrtr K T-TB roo r.rxriifn TrmiMrer aher'nlat Mart, n. Mut. reprlre DIRECTORY AUTO RADIO! Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radio Morrow Radio Co.. 151 S. Liberty. Ph. t-Wi. o MARION MOTORS NASb SERVICE Towlni service day phone lMII. 3-1801. 333 Center. At'TO WRECKERS MOTORS REBUILT. Amaslnt low prices. Eaay payment plan 11th St. Junction Auto Wreckers. Ph 38301 ollO J. P. Dougherty. 3130 Palrrround Rd. eioe BI1LDING, CARPENTRY Don't put off aprlns repair int. rebulld Inr. For Quick, expert service, luaran treO satisfaction. Ph. 1-4850. ol30a BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 39537. Bulldnslns. ievellna, road bWa clear Ini teeth for brush Vlrcll Hiukey. 1010 Falrvte ave Ph 9-3146 Salem. 0108' BUILDING CONTRACTORS Building a new home? Let Sullivan At Taylor home builder build It for you. Ph. 2-4476 Of 3-7576. o!31" But'.dlni a new home? Let Sullivan ft Tavlor home builders build It for you. Ph. 3-4476 If 3-7579. O120 BUILDING OF COURTS or home oy builder of court at nth-Rural. Labor plus 1. Satisfaction tuar. Ph. 39386 ollO Frame or maenry construction, residen tial, commercial houses raised. Now foundatlona. Alt Bros. Ph 35D06. ollS Mike Panek. 275 S. Com1. Ph. 3-5161. Brake Ac Wheel allsnlnt specialist. O1J0 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash retlster Al makes sold, rented, re paired Roen 456 Court Ph 8-6773. o CHIMNET SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned en-ley 771 S 21st Ph 3-7176 O104 Furnace chimney vacuum cleaned. En ley. 771 S. 31st. Ph. 3-7176. O130 CEMENT WORKS "An ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of eure." Pot expert fuaranteed latUfectton new or repair of founda tion, sidewalk, driveway, call 3-4850. olll DRESSMAKING Dreasmaklnf, Alt Shop, fur work, sew Ins Open May L rms. 38-27. 860 State. Ph. 1-7004. O120 ELECTROLUX Etectrolux a: leaner & Air purifier Sale, serv- supplies. 1070 Broadway. 3-4078 O107 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vines' ) Electrlo for electrical wlrtni, cootractlns. repalrlas 187 S. Liberty. Ph. S-03S8. EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth. Exterminator Service. Ph. 1-3058, Lee Oroas. 1555 Pearl. o0 Brelthaupt's for flowers. Dial 1-9178. Kendet Kylons, fuaranteed. Ph. 3-1050 0106 ROUSE MOVINO Ph. 34343 days. Ph. 31804 Kite. QUO HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklna Co. product. Free de livery 1717 Center. Ph. 3-8305. o INSULATION ABC. INSULATION CO. BLOWN ROCBWOOL 1831 BROADWAY. PS. 3-3741 LANDSCAFF NURSERY p, A. Doerfler A Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 cor. Ph. i-iiai. Q' LAWN LAWN sprlnkllnf systems. Ph. 34B37. LAWN MOWERS Sharpening fuaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 so. conri. m. J. P. Doufherty, 3110 Fairground Rd 0106 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING i.awm mnvar made to eat nerfscL 81.18. PlL 1-1407 11 At your door lawnmower sharpening Dexter the lawnmower man Ph. 16831 o Plreplaces, chimneys block laying Ph. J596I. ol MATTRESSES Capital Bcddl&i. Phone 1-4066. Smlttr'a Clipper Ben truck. ara raotad to laeoa we onw ft Chare li Mt'SIC LEH80N8 Spanuh and Rawallao Ooltar. MaDde 11b. BanJoJ. .te. 15U court Pn. i-tbbb olio NURSES' UOISTKT ornca ruawiTUBE a supplies nuk .h.iea. ruaa and flllna euppllea. aafea, duplleatore and euppllea, deak lampa. trpewrlter atands. krlei eaaea Plare. Wir. Recorder.. Roan. 48 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE CaU Cr Younaer. Ph. I-M72. PAPERHANOrxO Expert Paperhanalnk and painting. H J Woodworth. Ph. 3-3888. Free Mt. ol pAiwTlNfl. T.aorrt vork br ssaater paint er. Phon. 3-6381. olio Inelde or out O. Elfetrom'a are equipped t. do your palntlna. Phone 3-3493 PAINTINO a PAPERHANGINO CaU 33608 for rour Palntlni II Paper, hanilne. Attraetlra rate.. all' PAPER HANOTNO Jem Johnaon. Ph. 1-3731. PICTURE PBAMTNO Picture rramlnl uicdmo Paint etore Phoue 14681 PLASTEBTNO Patchlnf, Repairing Ph. 3-1101. Q106' Planer 344 S Com'. Ph. 8.3613. PBUNIXO, SPRATINO Philip W. Belike Ph. 3-1308. L. W. Caudle. Ph 8-7800. Phillip W Belike Ph 3-1308 O103 RADIATOR EEPAtB, Cleaned, repair. S C. Balr Ji Bona h 11183. By DrrM-la Theatr. Sine 1317 0133 Jonna Radio Bhop. Reaaonabl. ratea Pit. 3-8116. 3H Curt St Baaerl radio and appllane. aernc. olll Re. lloor. 837S PorUaod Rd Ph. 8-34l SAND B GRAVEL Oarden Soil, cruahed reck. Shovel and draalln. etcaratlnt. Walluvi Band . Orarel Co. phone 8-8348 trailer Band OraTel C. Slit. Bind ftlt din Eiearattnt 10B anorel ft cau Tractor aedop ft trucka for dirt aaarlaa Ph. .fflc 34003. tea. 87148 Cat Bhoeel ft Truck vork of .a kind. LLOTD II RTLL. IKC Ptl. 14)17 8HI Stat. Bt. IW Tnrk-a Ba Bbo H3 BdaeveUr. Ph 3-7371 .113 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TAKES ElMtn. Rotd-Rootw. Etelmalf. Patent RaM. ner BtMl Outttnf Blade. C1.U Haver. ta Dratae Beptt. Tank leal PB B-U77 m I- rPT1C TANRS Beetle TBnk Ul Drain Llnet CleBned Jack Somim. Pa. 3-e4il. U4 nai lit 111- -r iN A I : l$ : ' jj -if' ... Only All-Female Barber Shop Quartet in the World Mill City is the home of the only all-women barber ihop quartet in the world. They appear often as entertainers and in contests throughout western Oregon. In their latest Salem appearance they entertained the Elks last Thursday night. They are, front, from left Doris Sheythe and Rosamond Remine; and rear, from left, Belle Trask and Edna Ross. Their chosen name is "The Barberettes." West Salem City Council Considers Street Issues West Salem. May 3 Consideration of several controversial! street issues and the Imlah drainage ditch topped the business on the council agenda at Monday night's meeting. The city's easement for a drainage ditch through properties east of Wallace road, was again brought before the council by City Attorney Steve Anderson and Mn. Imlah, a protesting property owner. Anderton point ed out that according to the easement, the city was not obli gated to tile the ditch nor re sponsible tor the removal of brush growth or prevention of pollution but was responsible for retaining a 10-foot width and prevention of overflow on adjoining properties. He con ceded that the city had violated the width proviso and perhaps was morally obligated to re move the brush growth In the ditch. Although some Interpretation of the easement agreement was protested by the property own ers, it was agreed that the city should seek the services of Mr. Davis, Salem city engineer, for recommendations to alleviate the trouble, with accompanying cost estimates for the various corrective proposals. Street Project Delayed A proposal to open Seventh street between Gerth and Rose' mont avenues was reported on by Councilman Earl Burk, who stated that the cost of opening the street would be negligible with the exception of purchas ing and removing a house at the end of the street on Rosemont avenue. This property holder was reported to be cooperative according to Burk, however In ability to contact J. S. Friesen, probably the most Interested property owner, would delay any early definite recommenda tion. Councilman Sheridan sug gested the city's acquisition of a portion of this property for use as a playground. Mayor DIRECTORY K. P. Haat.1. Seotla Tank. Cleaned Electrlo tnaohln. eervlee on Mver and drain line.. Guaranteed work. 1143 Bth St., Weat Salem. Ph. 3-7404. .116 Mlke'a Septic Bervlca. Tankj cleaned. Roto Rooter Servloe on Bewere. 1076 Kim Bt4 w. Salem. Ph. S-6466, 1-6337. O130' Septic Tank and Drain Line. Cleaned Jack Boenlnl. Pb 3-6633. 1067 Elm 8t O1031 Ulke'a Septle Service Tank, cleaned Roto Rooter Service en Severe. 1073 Slu Bt.. w. Balem. Ph. 1-6463. 1-6337. 41641 TRANSFER ft STORAGE Mea! A Dtatanee Tranjfer. atsraea Burner oiu. coal ft brloueu Trucka to Portland da r. Aarnt for Beklna Haiua. hold kooda moved to anywhere In ua o. Canada. Larmer Tranal.r ft Bterac. Ph. 3-3131 e TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remlnatnn Royal. Under. vood portablra All mekea uaed machlnea Repalra and rent Roen, 466 Court. VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Pre. eat. Elmer the Blind man. Salem Venetian Bllnda made to order or reflnlahed. Relnholdt ft Levi. 3-1636 WATCH ft Cl.OCR REPAIRINO Watchea for aale, open evea. Ph. 38S38 330 Everareen. E. P. Orda. 0114 I'ELL DRILLINO WEATITERSTRIPPINO Pre. aatlmatew 1 . PULLMAN. Ph. 1-6843 0130 Prad W no ore. Rl L Boa 111 Pb 38131 013 WINDOW CLEANING Acme VTlndov Cleanera TVlndova, walla ft voodvork cleaned. Ploora cleaned, waxed and polllhed. Ph. 8.8337 347 Court. Lanadoe, Culbertaoa and Mather WINDOW SHADES Waenablo. Roller Mede to rder. I Day Del. Relnholdt ft Lrwia. Ph 11136. WOOD ft SAWDUST Weat Balem Puel Co. Ph. 3-403 L WOODSAWfNO Atklne ft Croee. ph. 36671 er 36176. .134 LODGES xff-arx I OO UIMU evprjr WJ. nraday nlf ht Visitors Wai. come. 1 A SA SALEM LODOK No. 4. AF AM., Wed.. May 4. Stated Sommunleatlon, Enoch Carlson lUMt speaker, 1:00 pm. IM A Pacific Lode No. M. AT. at r2K A.M. Special meetlnt Wednta. day. May 4. 1 DA. JAoitraJ of Bro. Arthur Morra, lot' WfSjrSSW'''?l'W!W Musgrave stressed that it was not the city s intent to push opening of the street in opposi tion to the interested property owners, but it seemed that the opening would be beneficial to both the property owners and city, as it would make possible the location of possibly 20 new homes. Curbing costs on Seventh street between Wallace road and Patterson street will be assessed against the abutting property according to the construction cost per foot, according to ar rangements completed by the council. Postal Lease Proposal Mayor Musgrave read a draft of a letter prepared for Post master Albert Gregg, in which post oince improvements are sought for West Salem. One of the city's citizens has offered to construct a building to lease for postal purposes if a better classified sub-post office can be secured, according to ' Mayor Musgrave. Other business matters con. sidered by the council Included recommendation for .the issu ance of a package store class B liquor license to White's mar ket; granting the city's gasoline contract to the Richfield Oil Co. at a price of 1 cent less than tank wagon price; setting the budget meeting for 7 o'clock on Monday evening. May 16. Trees Given Study A further study of the remov al or ine trees in front of City hall was recommended by waiter wnite, wno stated that he believed that his store and house were probably most vul nerable to damage from the trees during wind storms, but even in spite of this fact he be lieved the trees were an asset to the city and should not be removed if topping would cor rect the trouble. Fifteen-minute parking in I 40-foot strip on Edgewater street adjacent to the Saving Center win be given a 90-day trial by approval of the council. Robert Pattison, city record er, reported bo traffic cases han died during the past quarter with $244.50 collected in fines: and water revenue for the quarter grossing 16361.99. The auditor's report for the first three quar ters of the fiscal year showed JS7.083.76 expended of the $65, 067 budgeted total. Eggs Rise From One to Two Cents Some produce firms here were quoting eggs up from 1 to cents on top grades, Tuesday. Buying quotations now list tht extra large AA grade at 48 cents; large AA at 47 cents; large A at 45-4 cents; AA me diums at 44 cents; medium A at 42 cents. All other produce remained unchanged in price here for the day. 3-Year-OId Child Shot While Playing Med ford. May t M A three-year-old girl was shot In the head here last night by her four year-old cousin at plav. The wounded girl, Karen Lee Wadsworth, daughter of State Policeman frilliam Wadsworth, was hospitalized in a serious con dition. The four-ear-old girl had found Wadsworth s 38 caliber revolver, and pulled tht trig ger In play. i Slock Rally Chips Losses New York, May 3 (1 A late rally chipped away at early losses in the stock market to day. At the final bell gains and losses, mostly fractional, were thoroughly scrambled. Most stocks, though, closed above the lows of the day. Earlier in the day downward tendencies appeared off and on but selling pressure never be came severe. Trading was moderately ac tive with turnover at the rate of around 800,000 shares for the full session. Dow Chemical was one of the few slocks to change more than fractionally The shares ad vanced 1 4 at one time follow ing word of an increase in the company's dividend. Also up were Crt-neral Motors, Chrysler, Sears Roebuck, Am erican Woolen, Standard Oil of California, Texas Co., and Twen tieth Century-Fox. Marked down were Republic Steel, Montgomery Ward, Am erican Telephone, Kennecott Copper, U. S. Gypsum (at a new low for the year), Santa Fe. Southern Pacific and Pacific Western Oil. Salem's Hand Forced on DST Adoption of daylight saving by the city of Portland and some other western Oregon places is forcing Salem's hand in the opinion of Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom. The mayor said Tuesday that to get away from the present confusion there Isn't much Sa lem can do but conform with Portland. For that reason he Indicated he would support the Gille ordl nance bill that was introduced in the city council a week ago Monday nights The mayor said it is apparent tht state legislative act on day light saving will be -referended and that the people will vote on it In 1950. Two more Oregon cities pre pared to go on daylight saving time tonight and a third set June 1 as the date. Newberg. which earlier had voted against changing clocks, last night approved the switch effective tonight. Dundee was to go along at the same time, putting all Yamhill county in the fast time group. Hood River will go on day light time June 1, the council decided last night. Last week It had been unable to agree on whether to make the clock switch. STOCKS QUOTATIONS (Br the uoelawd Preaal American Can ..... . .m Pow U , Am Tel re! , Anaconda Bendia AvtaMoa Beth Steel Boeing Airplane , Calif Packing Canadian Paeifli Oaae i I Caterpilar Ohryaler Comwltn j ana Cone Yuuee ....... continental Can Crown teller each ,.144 .. 39S .. 31' Ourtlaa Wrlgni Ooutlaa jtrrraft . Dupont 4e Nm 1B1 Oenerai treetrle IT General Pnoda 41 H General Motor 5-'? Oood t tar Tire 41 H Int Bar vut er 31 'i tnt Paper 47'. Kennecott 44', LIbby Mri t 7', Long Bell "A" II. Montgomery Warrf Sl'i Naah Kelvin at or 13 Nat Dairy 39T NT Central ll'i Northern Paelfle I4- Pee Am Pun ll1. Pa Ou k Pie 31' Pa Tel rl 01 Penney J O 46'. Radio Corp 11' Rayenter 33. nayonler Pfd 30'. nernelda Metal 31 , Bleb field 3d Safeway At ore 33j ere Roeburk I"1 rat hern Paelfle 4(l'i ttaadtrd Oil Ca, 66 Slegebaker Co' 9'. Sewahlee Minim 0. TraaveajBierlea Oniew Paeifta 10, ueiaw Oil OA' 7', (Tnltod .ir'laej ta 0 a ateel , 7i", tferwer ire Pte 131, Tewtwortk 45 Salem Markets Completes from repnrt M ftaiem deal ieernal Reader a. (Re viae datty). Retail Peed Prlee Peg Mh sa il. Rahbll Pellet I . Dairy Peed 14 M Peellrei .ln ineea-Orade A nle I hne 33f : crarle A Leehnra hem II cent. Orade A colored fryer, three pounw arra up, ie. urao a old cooatcra 1 -ent tgg Bering Prkea Vxlra large AA. 4le: large AA, 47r, larae A. 4S-48c; medium . 44e. medium A. tie; pulleu. ll-soc Wbaleeale Price Reg whoieaai price t f aentJ above these erica above nrade A generally quoted at lie. ma rt 'irnji 47. RwHerfal Premium e: He. 1. lie; Nfc a. M M b):ag prlee) Better Wool a at grade A, M-1 te MU 11-71. Perl land Oram Pruand. Ore. May t Wheat tu- turva not quotes. Caah grain Oeu No I ll-lb hlM M M. Barley No. I W-lb. W. 41 W. Caah wheat -bid): Soft while im aoft hit 'eveliidln re 1 30. whlta lub 94 western red I M Hard red winder: Ordinary 134: II wt cent 1 30. 1! per cent 111. II per cent 3 33. No hard white baart: O'letea Tvlar ear receipt- Wneat : barley I, iiowr lit mtm , u li muifeed la. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May S, 1949 17 MARKET QUOTATIONS Bales Lteeetecl Market iBy Valley Packing Company i Wooled la mo (20.00 to 63100 Spline lamtu 65 10 65 lbs K3.00 to 135.00 Sprint lamtu. 86 to 100 lb. 122 .00 to 134.00 Yearnss, under 130 lbs. tlfl.00 to 610 00 Yearlinss. over 1)0 lbs. $11.00 to lll.oo Ewm 13.00 to 110.00 Cutter cows tlO.OO to 61500 Fat dslry coaa 15 no to 11 on Dairy heifers 615 00 to 11600 Bulls M 00 to 121 00 Calves (100 (o 450 lb 170 00 to 135 00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) choice 62600 to 63000 price. pato nhlt Mr or Port' tnd prices for each type. Top. 170-336 .bs Portland Catltlri Market Canbjr tdutrK't utpaiatui tola for MM) JO -lb. pyramid on the Portland East- ndt? Farmer Wholrjal Product market today. Yakima dutrtct uparasiu wu 14 to cent a pound. California itrawberrlra war II. Jl to S.M) a lit-cup (lat. Grttn onions brouiht BO to SO cents i doxrn huncnr. Radletriu old for SO cent! dozen bunchai. Pert land PrvAaM Butter fat Tntatl?t. au4ecl w immi dlata chant Premium quality maximum 36 to 1 percent aeianj aenvrea in Portland 63-66c ib.; flrl quality 01 -64c wconrl Quality B9-2c Valley route and count r oolnti te Icaa thar fir it Butter Wrioltiaia FOB Dull euoai to wholeijalera Ornde A A. US jeort, 63 -flic; 03 acore 61-63 'ie: B. 00 icore, 60c lb.: , 89 score 60s lb Above prlcea are atrlct- 1 nominal Cher Bellini price to Portland whole. ale Oreaon alnclea. a8VB'o Oregon I leal. tlvt-SP'.in: triptcu .ear man Mnalei Eggt (T Wnoleealerei A trade lari S3-43c; A medium. 50-Mw; trade B. a ne. V49lic E(a Purchaaed from farmer Curren celDta. 67-eTUa dot.: buyer S-;'We be low wholesale quotation on graded bal tor Beit hen lair? ego Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailer arade aa prlnu. 6le AA tarton. We A prima 17c. A cartons 68e; B print, 5c Cgga Prkf f retailer? A large "i4-5&c; certified A larae. 14c: A large, 53 -54c: AA medium. ftl-Sltc: certified A. medium. Sic. A medium, al-Mc; carton 9c additional Cbees Prlee to retailer: Portland Oreaon alnilea lOVSO'te Oregon loaf, i 43-S3c; triplet 14a leaf than aln Ilea Poaltrr Live Chlckena - No 1 atialHv ron plant. No. 1 broiler under 2'a lba. 3T-2lc lb.; irjera 3' to a ibx., an-ioc -oatera 4 lba and over. Sl13e lb.; fowl LrMRorru. under lba., 34-aec: over lba. 36-3Br; colored fowl, all weight,- II- Jc: roostera all welihu, II -30c. Rabblta Average to growera for live white; frvera whlta. ! lba. 5?-o lb.. 1-1 tb.. lb.; colored 3I-e; old or heavy doe, II-lie ffraaaad frjera te butcher H we., old bean onea, IS-lle TarkeybW (Prteaa quoted are not to the producer on dreaaed weight baalal U B grade A young toma 11 Me lb ; No I young heni. oominallj SOe Dreaaed larkeva te retatterai Otad A. voung hena. 10-71c New Vore atyle, dreaa eo A graoe jcung toma aa-wo Portland Mlacellaneee Caacara Barb Drt Me lb., green te Ib Weal Valley eoara and medhim grade 6e Ib Mohair lie lb. on 11-month growth. Hidca Calve lOe ib , according te welaht Klna. lie lb., beef II-13c lb., bull S-Oc lb . country buyer pay 2e leaa. Nt Quotation ffalnaia Pranquette flrat quallt Jam bo. 34 7c, large. 33 7o; medium. 31 3o; e ond quality Jumbo. 30. 2; targa, 18. 3e; medium, 96 3o: baby 13.3c; wft ehel flrat quality large. 10.7o; medium 36. 3e; aee ond quality large, 17 .3a: medium S4.1a: hahv 33 3c Fllberta Jumbo. 10a lb ; large. IBa medium, 16c: imall, 13c Quotation! above aunnlled by North west Nut Growera Quotation are on the nail ol 100-lb bag purchaeae fob planta, Chicago 14vrtock Chicago, May I (Uio Llveatock market: Hog aalable 9,000; market fairly ac live; moetly jitBdy early on butcher; lata trade alow. trdy to 31 cent low er; cloalng bid 36 cent lower, flow steady to weak; top S.Sb sparingly: few Iota 18.60 bulk good and choice 170-360 lb 18.00 10 18.50 ; 370-331 lba 17.3S to 18.00, few 300-400 lb II 35 to 17.00; aow under 400 lba 15.50: to 18.35; 435-500 lb 14.75 to 15. SO: heavier ow a low a 13.75. Sheep salable 600; alaualHer lamb 35 cent hiirher, active; top 30.00 on choice wooled akin; 38.35 on choice number two clipper, sheep steady to strong: most shorn ewe 13.50 down. Cattle salable 11.000: steer slow, most ly 35 to 75 cent lower except light year ling about steady. Helfera mostly steady; spot SO cent lower on good weighty kind. Cow scarce, fully steady; bulls steady to weak; vealer teady. Top 37.00 a four load of choice ateer; load of choice 1340 lb welahl 3S.75: moat good and choke ateers 33 76 to 38 35; medium to low good kind 33 00 to 33.50: load of choice 1100 Ib red heifers 36.50; moat good to low choice helfera 23.75 to 35.35. Pew good youne cow up to 21 AO: common and medium cowa 17.00 to 1025; canners and culter 13.00 to II 71: medium and good sausage bull 30 00 to 31.71; odd head 33 00. Vealer 36 00 down; tock steer stekdy. Portland livestock Portland, Ore.. May t (UP) Livestock Cattle salable 150: calvea 35; few early alfx Meady wtlh Monday: small lot me 11 um 850 to 110 lb ateer 32 50; late Mon day three load averae tood 1130 Ib fed eera 35.35: no action helfera: good cow. carre; early aale ranner to cutter cows 12. M to 16 00; bull absent: good and iholre vealer 31 OA to 12 OA; mediums 35 00 to 37 50: commons 15 00 to 24 50. Hoe salable 150: generally ateadv: ex treme top 26 cent lower; aow sOady: fedrrs steady: early bulk good and choice -,10 tt 730 lo b'ltrhers 30 25: odd head eood to cho:re sows 16 50 in 17 00: medium to -ond feeder. 60 fo 107 lbs 30 OA to 1.50. fllfen salable 50; no early action scant lupnltea; market quotable nominally Meadv. , OBITUARY ot Muher LyofM Funeral aervlces for Rov Huber, vho d.ed at his home here Sunday, were V'd In Start on Tuesditv with burial in Fox Valleyrtemetery. He hsd made hi 'inm hP'e for 35 year Surviving are his widow, a son. Donald H'ltaer, hnth o' I.v nna and a daughter, Mrs. Oeorge- Kelly, ?ortland. John Fuhr Sll vert on Funeral arvlee for John Fuhr 86. will be Thursday (tern oon at 2 o'clock from the Memorial Chapel o( the Ekman Fnnaral Home, final rite at "alley View. Mr. Fuhr died late Sunday st the Silvertnn h-vnltal following sev eral davs Illness lie wax horn In Nor rsy, November 36. IM2 Immlt rated to the United state 1 the aae of 11 years, seining In Iowa where he worked at. fermlnf l"tr ronvn to Orrnn re. tiring in Silver tort He had resided In tht com nun it v fir the past forty year Mollle, his widow, survive. !to two brothers and two iMr. Andrew and P H. Fuhr, both tn Wisconsin, on st 'er la Norway and en In North Dakota C Wealey Dal eVntu Mi lis-C Wesley Dale of Ban Pedro CaDf , where he has made hi home for the last 35 years, died there re cently. Mr. Dale leaves ht widow, Mane a eon fieoree in tht u n navv, a dauth. ter. Mra. Lorrlne Addler o Calif., i daughter, Mrs Delphtne Kopaark of Al vki. Hi mo'her, Mrs O E Dale and a brother, J. E Pavne of Ocean Park Wash., brother. Joseph Dale of RAnella Wash . also atg arandehi:dren and i number of niece and nephew. Marian Seller Pattv Amity-Mr. Marian S'ltley Patty, wif of the late Henry J. Patty, and mother of William Patty. Amitr. and Francis, Portland, died suddenly Sunday In Port land. Funeral servir-s ail) be he'd at Ma- ey chapel In MrM;nnllle, Wednesday et 3 0 clock, Rev T. I Varnes offlnatlnt UIIMItiMtiWIHil T houMnda now chew ateab, iauch. 1 moot as f they 6dnt hare rale teeth I Tbew use STAZR, amarinff new orm (.. in a handy tub. STACK teal edge. TtOHTI Helpe keen out food particle. Oet Mt STAZR Money -bark Kuarante. TAX t mm rum mm w DEATHS Math ft t rang Hum strong, late resident of 1177 Norti C'tmmerfiel street, at a local hospital. April 10. Survived by wife. Le!a Sirimi of Aaiem; three daughters. Sandra S'roni. Nancy Lee Strong and ChrUtina Bfroni. 11 ol &a.m' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Htrong ol Salem: and four brother. James Strong of Copal 1 Beach. Wai It, Lee Strong of LaOrande, Vern Strong of Boise. Idaho and Donald Strong ol 8a- lem. Military services will be held at the Clough-Barrlck chapel Wednesday. May 4, at 1 30 p m. with Interment in the City View cemetery. Samuel M. Jergenaoa Samuel Jurgeruion, late resident Of Mill City, at Vancouver. Wash., AprlL Services will be held Wednesday, May 4, p m. at the Clough-Barrlck chapel with the Rev. M. A. Gtter.daner officiat ing. Interment .n Belcrest Memorial park. Mr. Nina E. Adams Mr. Nina E. A tin ma. at the residence, route 1. box 195. Salem, May 1. Sur vived oy husband, Moses P. Adam or Salem: a son. Oeorae M. Adams of Lo Angelas; a sister. Uis Laura S. Elm of toclieater, N. Y.; two brother. George Kims and Amos rim of LUbon, N. H.; and two arandchlldren. Audrey Atlama and George Taylor Adam of Lew Ansels. Serv ices will be held Wtdne.Miay. May 4, at 10.30 a.m. at the Clough-Barrlck chapel w:th Rev. Srth R. Huntinitton officiat ing. Rit inltailc services by Chadwlck chap tei, OES. Private concluding service at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Arthur H. Moore In this cty May 1, Arthur H. Moor, late resident or 241 North High street, at the aae of 76 year. Survived by two daughter, Mr. Helen M. Bradley and Mis Ruth Moore, both of Salem, and several niece and nephew. Member of Pacific Lodge SO, AP & AM; Lodge 336 BPO Elks; Ohadwlck chaper. OES and Willamette Shrine 3 Wft of J. Services will be he!d Wednesday. May 4, at 1:30 p m., at tha W, T. Risdcn chapel under the auAplce or Pacific lodae No. 60, AF AM. Plea omit flowers. Mrs. Eltle M. Stuart Mr. Elsie M. Stuart, late resident of 430 Locust street, Salem. May 1. at St. Vincent hsopltal in Portland. Wife of Gather C. Stuart of Salem: duaghter of Mary E Treuter of Portland; and slater of Jennie L. Patterson and Samuel A. Oennar. both of Portland. Also survived by three nephews and four niece. Service will be held Wedneady. May 4. at 1 p m. at the Little Chapel of the Chime at 430 North Killings worth treet, Portlrgnd. with Capt. R. B. Lesher, of the Salvation Army corps. Salem, officiating. Inter ment In the Rose City cemetery, Port land. Lewie W. Elliott Lewi W. Elliott, at the residence M 1110 Lee street, April 33. Private grave- de service were held Monday, My 3, it 3 p m.. In the IOOP cemetery under he direction of Clough-Berrlck com pany. Virginia Sodra, In this city April 31, Virginia Body a, ate resident of Salem, at the age of II ear. will be held Thursday. May a, at 10 a m. In the w, T. Rigdon chapel with Rev. A. J. Oeltna official Interment la St. Barbara cemetery. Olena Bell Wheeler Boise. Idaho. Affril 1. Olena Ball Wheeler, at the age of 79 years. Survived son. c. M. Wheeler of Albanv: a daughter, Mra. Vara Chlptnan of Boise: sisters, Mrs. Harry Dunlap of New Shar- lowa. sir. Robert aoanell of nita. loose, Iowa, and Mrs. Prank Van Bor aart ot Danville, 111.; brother, John Mitchell of Salem, and I. M. Mitchell of Wltchlta, Kans. Service will be held Wednesday, May 4, at 3 p.m. In the W. Rigdon chapel with ooneludlna ser vice In the City View cemetery. Re Dudley Strain will officiate. Jon 1. Hawses In this city, May 3. John P. Rawsoa, late resident of 261 North 30th street, at the age of 68 year. Husband of Jean Rawson of Salem; father ot Mis Louise Rawsoa of Salem; and brother of Mra. Garnet Jame of Sacramento and Mr. (easle Goldner of Riverside, Calif. An nouncement of service later by W. T. Kigaon company. Catherine Zeigler In this city May 3, Catherine Zelgler. Announcement of services later by W. T Rigdon company. Mae Mt ten houae In this city May 3, Mae Rlttenhou, late resident of 2797 Pioneer drive, at the age of 65 year. Survived by her hu band, William Edson Rltten house of Sa lem; daughter, Fannie Ouadnola, Lo An el, Frede Columbus, Beatrice Ber- chem, and Vera Gillman. all of Salem. Audrey Orlando, St. Paul. Minn.: sons, Maurice Rtttcnhouae. Salem, John D. Rl Henhouse, Owen. Wis., Earl J. Rltten house and Wesley Rltten house, both of Salem. Service will be held Thursday, May I at 1:30 p.m. In Belcrest Memorial park chapel under the direction of trre W. T. Rigdon company. The Rev. Brook H. Moore will officiate. Interment I Bel c real Memorial park. (Advertisement Klamath Falls Lady Suffered with Gassy Bloated Stomach "I am a steady and grateful ti of your wonderful KAL - O - DKX" writes Klamath Fails resident: "My condition showed a vast improve ment after the very first bottle) did away with severe a ta teles of .stomach gas and bloatand I feci like my old self again. KAL-O-DEX was a real find to me. Such words ot praise cone from many who have tried this remarkable Herbal Com pound and found it to be ust what they needed lo keep bowels renular. ior when the system is clogged due to constipation, sick headnches, .swollen stomachs and sour rising in the throat are often the result. Tay KAL-O-DEX today on MONEY DrtUK tU AKANTEE. KAL-O-DEX contains !. Great Herbs; thev cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, acts on sluggish Uiteiuines and as a diuretic on kidneys. Miserable neonle soon feel different all over. !3o don't ro on MirrerttiR. Get KAL-O-DEX today. Hold bv nil uru Stores. Advertisem-nt) IkNINSCoUGHS Don't let mornlnn and nlnht couithlnir, rerurrliiff attneks of Hron' hinl Afthin. riin lep and enerirv nothtr d:iy with nut trying; MKNlMro. Thla irront in ternal mellrlne work thru tit blood, thti renrhirn the hrnnrhiat fihea arnl liinirn I 'anally starts helplrit na'ura to remove thlrk. atlfky mueuR, thua alleviating; conrhtnir and frnmotlnft freer breathlnr and mora re reahlnit sleep, MKNI'ACO from your dr.iirgiHt tn,!ay. Quick aatlsfaotlOR aw snoney back guaranteed. QUITS USING HARSH LAXATIVES I "I waa alwa-fl trouhlrd with con Btipation. until I eurtod catinit ALL Bit AM mtularly. Haven't netxlrd a laxative amcel Matlhnt J. Arf'a in, 105 W. i nter I A ttnur. Maple snaae, S. J. ThU ia just one of many unsolicited lett.ra. KKUjUCO'S ALL-BKAN may belp you too it your nnatm.tirm iadue? to lack ol bulk in the diet. Simply eat an ounce daily, and drink plenty of water. If not aatiancd after 10 daya, arnd the empty carton to KcIIokr's llattle Creek, Mich. Get DOUliHi VOL'U MO.Nti' BACKl r1"" 1 11 1 1