V tl P d c g IV e n tl tl tl a a X E a b c T V fe a to f i tc A w It U tl J. H A C el di P C di O oi m di P w D fa P" M R fr i U ar df W 14 Capital Journal, Salem, On Murder's Skirts By TERRY ADLER Uhauter 30 "Apparently on Thursday night," Rail continued, "Dr. Bray waa rum maging around in Hubbard'a oil ice. He lound the debris in or around Uio waste basket we'll never know which way that curette did lall. Anyway, he became curious when he found the cigarette stub, all water-soaked. Bray knew that Hub bard had given up smoking more than two montiis ayo, When he saw that bottle out of piace he became auspicious. Then when I called and mentioned 'phosgene' he was con vinced there had been foul play. The only thing that he didn't know was the identity of the culprit and the motive." "But he called you later, she reminded him. He nodded. "He called me later, that's true. Apparently he had gath ered together the stuff In that en velope. At that time it meant to him that two people had a motive lor killing Hubbard: namely, Fen tor or you. Remember the two let ters?" "Then he really didn't know It was Eddie?" She was horrified. "Apparently not. It certainly look ed as if Hubbard was blackmailing the two of you the same way he was Bray. Apparently Bray didn't give Worden a thought. Anyway, after he called me he put the let ters In the envelope and left them in Hubbard's office. He put the manuscript in the envelope, too. He was planning to talk to Worden about it tne next morning. "How do you know this?" Worden told us. When Bray came out of Hubbard's office he aaw a light In Worden's room and came In to have a cigarette. He told Eddie that the manuscript had come and that they could go over it in the morning. He men tioned that Hubbard had put his own name as author, and not Wor den's, but of course that would be rectified. "N&turallv Worden was elated Evervthintr was turning out as he had planned. If only Bray had shut up at that point. But he went on talking about Huooara aoout wnai a rat he had been, and that he wo. even going to be a nuisance after death because there was going to be an investigation since it appeared that Hubbard had been murdered Well, as you can imagine, Wor den's house of cards collapsed lm medlatolv. He very cautiously tried to probe Bray for informa tion, but all he got was that Bray was not quite sure who did It and that someone was coming over in the morning to Investigate Bray left Worden then and went back Into his own office to clear up some work. Worden got to thinking that if Bray were to die. and especially If it looked like sui cide, then no attention would be paid to his conjectures about Hub bard. That way there would bo no investigation of Hubbard's death, or if ttiere were then it would look as if Bray himself had done H and then committed suicide. "Very neat is right. And if It hadn't been for Verek I don't think we would have discovered that Bray had been murdered." "What did Verek have to do with it? "He was just the little man who eame around. As soon as Worden decided he had to kill Bray, he fot a syringe and filled It with dyanlde. He walked right into Bray s office and Jabbed the needle Into his back right through his ahlrt. Bray died Immediately. Wor dn typed out the suicide note and Wn arranged the cyringe to that It looked like suicide. This was bout five minutes to midnight. Hr knew that Verek would be around ashortlr to lniect hi rut pa Hi didn't dare leave then for fear he would encounter Verek. 80 he turned out all the lights and waited ure enough, Verek came and In jected his rats and then left without em pec ting a thing. After that Wor den got his things and left. He left the light off so that Verek wouldn't investigate when he came around on his next round three hours later. Worden was at the lab early yesterday morning so that he could 'discover the suicide However, I beat him to it. and what made me suspicious was that this so-called suicide had apparently rOtaaJu lil , t ...7. a Oregon. Tuesday, May 3, 1949 done a senseless thing namely, sat down In total darkness to jao a syringe of cyanide into his veins. it looked phony to me. F 'Then Eddie was the one who broke into my apartment last night and bopped me on the head?" "What he planned, really, waa to eliminate you from the picture com pletely. 1 suppose he had the idea that if vou died from a dose of cyanide in your coffee, it, too. would look like suicide." I had no Idea he hated me so much." Ellen said. Well, he was so perturbed about the thesis, he couldn't think ration ally. He was obsessed with the idea that you had typed the thesis and so you, too, were responsible for the lact that it was stolen. Of course. I did type It. But I didn't think It was unusual for a department chairman to list him- seu as author 01 research tnat a graduate student had done." Ah,' said Hail sadly, "too true. But let's forget all this morbidity.'' What will happen to Eddie now?" she asked. We re going to keep him in the psychopathic division. He's got to oe under ooservation lor a wnue. "Then they won't send him tc prison?" "I don't know. I hardly think tht he can be considered sant and responsible for his actions. Any way, its out 01 our hr.n:s now: the hospital authorities will handle it. He's a very sick boy mentally ana neeas proper treatment ramer than a prison sentence." "Gee, honey. I almost forgot we've got a lot of celebrating to do! We've got an anniversary he said. "An anniversary?" He nodded solemnly as he glanced at his watch. "It's exactly twenty-six hours since t first saw you adjusting your skirt. That 3 a long engage ment. Mrs. Rafferty-to-be." "Well, you're the doctor," she quipped as she smiled and lov ingly placed her arms around his neck. (The End) SUN-TO STRKET The so-useful all - around - the - clock ensemble, which is a street costume when you wear the matching bolero . . . and a shoulder strapped sun-dress when you don't. Note new back Interest! No. 2937 is cut in sizes 10, 12, 14 10, 18, and 20. Size 16 dress, 3S in.; bolero 1 yds. 35-in. Send 26c mr PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number State Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK is Just off the press, presenting the oes i in cummer lasnions, ail de signed with the simplicity that spells good atyle and easv sewlne and with special attention to the use 01 cottons. Over 150 pattern designs for all agea and occasions Send now for your copv, price Just JO cent. Address Pattern Oman- ment. Capital Journal, 652 Mission street. Ban rrancisco s, caltr R2814 PATTERN No. R1JU Frrn Chair 8ft ThU chair art Is a modern aa tomorrow, ytt tra dltlonnlly lowly as ytataryrar heir loom. Eaay crocheting, for there t only one simple pattern atitrh to mauler and from then on, lt'a a pe Utm complete chorhetlna Instruc ttoiw. Mttrh Illustration, material requirement, and finishing dlrec ttona. To obtain thla pattern aend 80c in loins living pattern number your name, arfdrrsa and aone num. bei to Peitiiy Roberts Capital Jour nal n.B Mission eireei Ban Iran Cisco 1. Calll j'&y.-y.- WYisf" VifjJ ntnwhii-tittiu0 ohom X7 a built-in recording machine S.V 1 ?YS 80RISMY0U, PLEASE f-lTS Jy- , room r THIS TOP COVER I AS KEAT AND EFFICIENT AS A i5Tir I 1 . j..tA lfTMT'r. ty VERY ODD SORT OF LIFTS UP . RATTLESNAKE'S FANGS' AND YTV- T IVWi T r.l " iTTl LAMP, THIS ONE' LIKE A LID 3 jt PROBABLY JUST AS DANGEROUS ) ",aV I X)l M 1 I J O S-f- - - -i.n -j -- i THERS HJ COES-WOW! "Y V THOSC DARN V S p V WHUPfoURN VSJH VOU PRETTY i. ': SORT O' FOSCtNATIN' J THE' THWX L r! LOOK m"EM WfiTCHIN" I I WOULDN'T K j THIN5 treERS Vf NECP MISSEP THOT X Js I "TO WBTCH, T THST- I 60.T22-SEE?f EVERY MOVE NE MKeS- BET A DIME W2 P I AWFUL EOSY ! f SHED THAT TME f ! I SURE HOPE UNCXE ( EITHER WdC f-5 IP YOU WANT "Si V OM NO.. I DONT WANT VJ.I A HOK?SEE, I MAVI rwELL.MEBBEl I ANOTUEB PLACE JOST A ROOM.. AMBROSE, 1 ROSETTA-WOKITYCXj) NOT BETTER BE LEAVIKKj . T I TO LIVE MERE IN WmWANT A HOME Or MY BE LONESOME ALL ALWAYS ITS SETTIN' 7AlT,AMBV H TOWM MEBBE 1 COOLD '-SJittto VERV OWM ALONE IN A HOUSE? BE SORTA LATE'ISM -J DEAR ,1 NEED " (GET YOU A ROOM WHERE 7 .. V'llm ' m 'rX'7TFTfTTTrr: 9 ALONE . r --tY VOOTO UELP E STAVATMRSTWILLYS fot fji ' 771 f J MvO'i I 'T In AMBV! IiQjBv ME WITH MV BOARDING MOUSE' f !7''V' P Mf W IlTrf lilPLANS 5T ABNERW1LL GO INSANE 'm jtyHAlT-i CCMWW.7-BETOLrr biOC DOLLAHS ) CHILE.':'- 1 , irrP DAISY tAAJCff YWZH -AH'LL WORK HIM 7 u Wit, EVRV GAL IN DOGROCH Y DriT' VMK-J I -KIN IT J I ' LIKE A DAWQ-r-AHLL BEL ABLE TDRESS Yam lYft TO' IT-MOSTLV BEOJZ J Otff FO'ONLY A BE tT I ! INTH'HteHTO'FVkSHION.'.'-OH-AH'LLrA ooViw. '. AH ISTH'ONIY CNE ,PHOW ' WEVXN I (HONEST.9 1 J 1 1 KNOCK 'EM DEAD IN THET Lll GREXN tTVW WHICH KIM PXAD AN y ajnru 9 DAYS A S Vj f y I JEFI; WHAT DOVou JweLL.FOrT FOR AN 'O "AND FOR A IS, YOO YotyD I 0H. NO! V WHY K. -"A D CHARGETOREAoYa 6REAT AVERAGE SMALL MIND V CHARGE ME-IOO j W0UL0 N0T?M 1 U MINDS?T- MlND I KAiKiril i n 1 AR6E f ?l T0,R6A'?, NOT READ TdW UKETO T rTry&f CHARGE "'"PJp :TW6NTY-F.V6 feMYMUMfT READ 70WEPEoaE lj Wlrll a lll S MiS KiNDI I PETEStI HELLO. TOOTS THgv TOLD Y-SA I SEE -OuE PINHEEATINS IF iw,WrWiyJ Vta6rVe a SfsrM&h ) I R AHATCORTOFMOOPLUMTHAT L STANPS gffi iSbS To.is J-SS SK. AND HAVE A OlP OF JAVA . THEN -wAyyRovALis.wHvco-oo SfilV ci feu" Ss l we'u.eeTs.rHAvsAPA u 6Q OUT with "WT vqjREySj rP 6"1 I . ten. ll m t mmirn &m Ssi &dm 1 rr1 I S. tiaJ I ACTUAllY. YOU DON'T TwM.-.URt' 'J WUU A THAT AaouT I I WtU -t DO WONMS ),.AT t. .UIll),f " WNT t,t "VnO-I -I CkJtSi S Ari.BCVlO-WHATlVEtoOOwUl. f""W" j OW! I THe,n W A ' ;i"4T I J 7":JrrOO0TA4Tt! J ANOTHER DECORATOR. V- r- RADIO PROGRAMS ALL PROGRAMS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME TUESDAY IKSLM aiSiKGW .SIKOCO '.T 'KOIN c'.7 M siralfbt Arrw TbU It Tovr Lift 8ttfr Jm Krk HmbIbc t -l Sirnlfhl rr ThU Ii Ynr UCt Btavlba Bb Bulab :Ui Cftl Iltfnlrbf Alan Yovnf Hh Bint Crb Cbcl HvBlItr WT i4 Tbm Mil Aim Yomiih Sh Snart Pm Stmt 6:tt 0brll Hl(l Bob-Hep Mflodj- by Medltitlon Tint 14 Nartbwtil Niwi Bob Htt CiBdUllcbl Bob Tonne no :M l-litlo Show ribbor MrOoa Ntwa Htrlk It Klcb :4a LUIU Show flbfair McGw liaik Wlltoa Httlki li Blth 7 oii Mdlcla Drmi Ilollvwood Thirt Eddlt Duebta HU lh Jackoot 15 Do Toy Rrmrmbtr Hollywood Thaotra F.ddla UHu HII Ibo Jackoat ,59 Chliholm Trail Peopla Ara Fonnr Baiaball Paaa tba Buck : CbUbolm Troll Proplt Ara Funnr Bandalan Paaa tht Back :iw CoudI of Uonta 8upper'"ciub Dnnoyt Dopo Lowall Tbomaa O 16 Criita Nawa of World Bauball Jack Imlth Bbow m-.-.lO World of loni Tbla li Your Ufa Baaaball Mr. Mra. Norlfe X- m World of Bong TMi li Your LI fa Baaaball Mr. a Mra. North 9;UU tiww Gaorro Moorad Baaaball 10 Star Pinal 14 TBA S porta Pato rinal Baaaball Mritarr Tbaalr M r.vorllo itorr " a f dilw too Ht ravorlia Btorv Banda of Land Biifball Serenade 44 :00 r1iTior"t Sara Hayta B"baJ' . l" ha "orl l l Sekcl Local Nawa Morion Downrr Newa Roundn (iena Krapa Orcb. 11 7:80 Newa Bay Hackrtt Orch Combo Corner Ciena Krupft Oreo. t4S Mutual Ntwireal Bar Hackftt Orcb Track llttO Ncwa ajoj 00 Official Detective Track ll 11:10 Official Detective Track 14H I I :M Dick Foy'e Oreh. Track MM - lift Lanny Bom Track I4 IllftO SlfB Off Sltn Off Sim Off BH'p WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. -go Ncwa Farm Time Ncwa Z -a Newa Farm Time Nw bTK-so March riaao The Old Bonn Fred Beck r-V.,., Ncwa Xewi Col"Mncr Nbwb 7 .Q0 Newt Fred Warlnc ' Tea Rllter Art Baker 16 Brcakfait fianf Fred Warln Newa a 8 porta Muilo for Toa 30 Brcakfait Gans Hldera of Sate Too O MormiBO Mwtle for Toa u Top Trades Sam Hayea Newa .Vocal Yarletlaa .pa 1 Bar tain Counter Tommy Dorsey Klna'a Craaadara Newa Cl'i- Victor Llndlahr Tommy Deraey Klnt'e Craaadera Grand ftlaai jTVail Son of Flonccra Jack Bercb Watlera Malodtea Boiemary 'lis TBA Newa Waatera Meladlea Weady Warrca " em Ncwa NY HooeymooB Cpper Room ant Jenny frl Katt Smith NY Iloaermooa Taper Room Helen Trent kJ.an Paatar'a Call Science Bywaya Mo tie nur Oal Bun lay Q Wilca Walti Time Vincent Lopei Muaio Bit Slater 00 .Newa Tropic Echoei Coffe Cap Ma Feral na tJA' Got pel Slnicrs Hometowncra N-W. Report Youna Dr. Maloaa 111 in LBB Be ob'1 MeCormlck Rbaptodr la Osldlnc Lltrhk J J'm WU B'ren-a Brlahter Day Rhythm Newa 5 Ladloa Firal " Double or Notblai Olaaa Wai Coma Get It ",5 Ladlea Firat Double or Nothing Glaae Wai l Smnh Dr. an Queen for a Day Newa C.lau Wat Makea Yoa Tick :48 Queea for a Day Light of World Glaaa Waa end Mra. Barf TB Tni" tV1""1 " P.rrr Mom. f u Ncwa M Prklna Oraaa Moo da Pal O'Brlea I jf .S Bob Eberly Bbow Pepper Yoang Newa Newapapor af Air 1 :4ji Variety Show Happlaeaa Ted Palo Preaeati Hint ajwns Twt Orrhc.tra l"UnBW'U , Claaalea Alr-flo IS Johnaon Family suu Daa I ciaialea Winner Takt All SO Tell Nelbabor Lorenta Jonea Llatea to Ulaart Newapapor at Alt :45 B1naatnia Wldder Browa All-tlma Favor! tea Ncwa 700 Aralnit the Storm A Girl Marrlea Roeorda Off Shelf Tunefully You re ,5 Atalnat too Storm Portia Faceo Life rfecorda off Sbelf Mr. Information :M Orefactlra Just Plain BUI . Records off Sbelf Meat tba Mlaaaa :4o On Parade Front Pare Farrelt Records off Shelf Meet the Mlaaat jk Bappy Gam 11014 Ll,t IStb St. Hour Arthur Godfrey V i.i Happy Gam 1a' Lawton IZtb St Hour Arthur Godfrey r .3d Sanaa af Tlmea Aunt ts"r Jtb St Hour Arthur Godfrey :4a Newa Love Learn mb It. Hour Arthur Godfrey 4:00 Fulton Lewie. Jr. 5,?! rk.CiI.V Women'a Para Newa Itv Hcminsway Today a Children D(ck shtlIinei, The Little Shaw 30 Paiaing Parade "unny I Ida Spolllle Musi Club IS :4o Carmen Cavallero Nw Spotlight an Ed. E. Marrow DIAL LISTINGS: HEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 lCV Tueaday P. H. S:M Keeping Vp lLA With Sportai ft:15. Home Edition i S:S, Hop-along Caasldyt S:M, Muile Fee tfvalt :9, Art Mooney Talent Tourt 1:00. Counterspyt 7:30. Town Meeting! ft:M, Monitor News; 8:45, Book Adventures; 9:iW. Richfield Reporter) :1S, Intermer to; 9;M, Concert Houri I0;S0, Memo to To morrow i 11:00. Xtra Hour. 12:00, Sign Off. Si C V Wednesday. a.m. to 4:46 p.m. IX LA S:00, MrCall Newat 0:16. Time Tempos t 6:30, Robert's Almanac 6:45, Time Tempos) 7:00, Mrrt A Margai 7:13, Martin Arronskr; 7:n. Easy Ares; 1:15. Zeke Mannersi 8:00, Breakfast Clubi 9:00, Mildred Bedell; 9:15, Stars of Today i S:S0, Ky Kyser Kollegei 10:00. Ted Malonei 10:15, Galen Drake i 10:80, My True Story; 11:041, Betty Crocker i It. 15, Newai 11:80, Raukhare; 11:4.1, Get More Out of Life; 11:00. Narthwestrrners! 1:80, Kay West) ':nn. Breawfaat In Hollywood) 1:80, Talk Your Way Out of It; t:0O, Surprise Park- The human body Is so consti tuted that it functions best at temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees for those who wear civilized ACROSS t. Precioua stonea L Frequent breakfaat food t. Insect It. PertalrJnt la II. Wild animal 14. Late: comb. form 15. Smooth IS. Virtue 18. Ferapb 20. Grasp tl. TIpplnR 23. Shirk t7. Gained at can.es of chance H. Simpleton 31 Vary mack 32. Wards off 34. Obliquely 36. Demolish 17. Engrava with acid 19. Perceive 40. Entreat 42. English author 44. Fiber of tha aloa 46 Relating to man 49. Sweetmeat 63. Cancel 14. Land measura (ft. Row &. Son of Seth 57. Church aittlni 6g. Bottom of tha foot W Let It aland ' r i3 r " I7 1' N9 h i" i -ZZ'iK a is if is 'f ?a " 1 , ) r:ffj 5a ST4 -"lis is 3 zr , . U2 isy .&', I I s rjss 't"te if to j 3'5Ji 5 T3S V;: si Newsroetorae ROOM AND BOARD as I said, I WAS A CRCUS COOK FOB. 7 YEARS AND i KNCW EVERY WRINKLE IN TWfi B'G 1DP--YOU THINK BEiNG A CUXVN IS ALU GREASE FAINT AND MERRIMENT, M 7 WELL, LISTEN -rO nr ) P.M. tCkC 'ea r.M.-6 Os let Ops IWMVm tMali 1:50 Sporu Clabi :. Tba Newai 6:1ft, Graea Bergor al Ihw EOAO Organ i 6:30. Bound the Camvflrai 7:15, ram Hoar; 8:00, Errand at Mereyi 6:15, I'nlr. af Oregon Symposium, lit. Newst 9:00, Campus Headlines) 9:80, Maslo That Endures) 9:4ft, Evening Medltatloaai 10:00, Sign Off. Especially for Women Oregon School of tba Air; 11:16, Tha Coa cert Haiti It: 00. Newat lt:lft, Farm Hour 1:00. Ride 'em Cowboyt lilfti Va rlcty Timet 1:30, This Dayi 1:45, All Good Things Begin at Homei 8:00, Especially for Women) Z:R0, Memory Book of Muslet 1:45, Oregon School of the Aln 8:00, Nawa.. a vat t:80, Brlda A Oraomt 8:00, Weleomo rravolerai 1:3s, Art Llnklettart 4:66, Squirrel Caret 4:80, Jack Armstrong. clothing, and at somewhat high er temperatures for unclothed people. Solution of Veiterday't Puzils DOWN 1. Pastlvai t. To ouch o decree l Grayish whit matal i. Mixed rain and snow t. Trea . Italian painter 1. Hottentot musical Instrument I. Serpent fc. Tropical cuckoo 10. Openwork fa brio U. Dally 17. Horiiontal 19. Rata 2L Mislay 14. Humiliation 15. Finished 28. HeraJdlo tana 17. Threads run- nine wnttb wise tl. Ejtf-ahaped 30. Intertwtna S3. Harvaata IS. Ruler of Persia It, Journey 41. Eats sparingly 41. Dandlaa IS. Set of thraa 47. Medicinal plant 4S. Cozy homo 4. Corer to. Metal -bear lna rock 11. Novel 12. Baforo By Gene Ahern IN A TROUPE OF CLOWNS; g UB. UOeYS A.5 TMC i K( s CALLED, THERE ARE STARS... AND THE REST Of THE 'JOEYS' WHO APPEAR IN THE WALK" AROUND ARE THE HARDEST- WORKING GUYS IN THE Circus let me tell you about their chores PlAlClAffiR I AHcAlfyP AlVAS U llwj pUo B O Bl jiNlPjl NB peb A T El rwlSIEHW A RQwltlJJI iQlAjTjE PBUAlmg Pi ainBc pip PUedI1Ra R OJMIB OBL aMeRaIl A!MARltJcBRA R V Uc ' f ETlAfA R l A TiolAipUp0NUpYiEp